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学习技术(CTCL)范式下技术促进学习研究进展(3):小学数学《中位数与众数》单元教学的实验研究 被引量:12
作者 董玉琦 王靖 +5 位作者 施智勇 张琦 毛露佳 白栋铭 乔沛昕 黄亚昇 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第11期115-123,共9页
学习技术(CTCL)范式下的研究将"基于认知发展的个性化学习"作为核心路径,探索技术如何为个性化学习赋能,以提升学习者的学业水平。该文针对小学数学《中位数与众数》学习单元,采用问卷调查法和准实验法开展实证。首先,通过测... 学习技术(CTCL)范式下的研究将"基于认知发展的个性化学习"作为核心路径,探索技术如何为个性化学习赋能,以提升学习者的学业水平。该文针对小学数学《中位数与众数》学习单元,采用问卷调查法和准实验法开展实证。首先,通过测查小学生对中位数与众数的认知起点,初步掌握认知起点的分布,并确定其测查工具;而后,基于不同的认知起点类型,设计个性化学习的资源与路径,并开发相对应的学习支持系统;最后,在四年级开展实证研究探索"基于认知发展的个性化学习"对学习者学业成绩的影响。研究发现:恰当的技术应用能够促进学习者的学业成绩提升;个性化学习是技术促进学业成绩提升的重要路径;差异化的认知发展是个性化学习的重要机理。 展开更多
关键词 学习技术(CTCL) 认知发展 个性化学习 认知起点 中位数与众
集成-与众-正俗:王季烈曲谱三编及其曲学思想历程 被引量:1
作者 鲍开恺 《苏州科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第3期63-68,共6页
王季烈是晚清民国曲学大家,在曲谱、曲论、曲社、曲作等方面均有重要贡献。王季烈编订的三部曲谱,被后人填词、制谱、度曲奉为圭臬,扩大了昆曲工尺谱的功能。《集成曲谱》系汇编型曲谱,注重校订文辞音律,保存昆曲经典剧目;《与众曲谱》... 王季烈是晚清民国曲学大家,在曲谱、曲论、曲社、曲作等方面均有重要贡献。王季烈编订的三部曲谱,被后人填词、制谱、度曲奉为圭臬,扩大了昆曲工尺谱的功能。《集成曲谱》系汇编型曲谱,注重校订文辞音律,保存昆曲经典剧目;《与众曲谱》属普及型曲谱,着力于化繁为简,便于初学者使用;《正俗曲谱》则是专题型曲谱,强调剧作的思想性和戏曲的教育功能。从“集成”到“与众”,再到“正俗”,分别体现了搜残补遗、注重实用、匡正世风的曲学观。王季烈的曲学思想历程折射出鲜明的时代色彩,体现了积极正向的文化传承理念。 展开更多
关键词 王季烈 昆曲 《集成曲谱》 与众曲谱》 《正俗曲谱》
与众传播:融媒体时代新兴主体的崛起与时空一体化塑造 被引量:3
作者 张成良 仇玲 《中国新闻传播研究》 2019年第6期25-36,共12页
融媒体传播对媒介系统产生了深远的影响,其中对传播主体的影响尤为深远。传统意义上的传受双方都成为融媒体时代的新兴主体,并在脱域形成的虚拟的时空一体化中共同参与叙事。从主体性到主体间性,传播活动经历了由"我和你"到&q... 融媒体传播对媒介系统产生了深远的影响,其中对传播主体的影响尤为深远。传统意义上的传受双方都成为融媒体时代的新兴主体,并在脱域形成的虚拟的时空一体化中共同参与叙事。从主体性到主体间性,传播活动经历了由"我和你"到"我和他",再到"我们"的调适过程。本文基于时空一体化背景,依据传播学的话语体系,提出了区别于受众和用户的传受主体概念——与众,并分析了"与众"的概念、特征及其叙事特征。 展开更多
关键词 融媒体 与众 脱域传播
山西民间信仰研究的一部力作——评《诸神与众生:清代、民国山西太谷的民间信仰与乡村社会》 被引量:1
作者 张舒 张正明 《沧桑》 2009年第5期255-255,共1页
王守恩的《诸神与众生:清代、民国山西太谷的民间信仰与乡村社会》是笔者近年来所见山西民间信仰研究领域的第一部专著。该书对清代、民国太谷县的民间信仰与乡村社会做了具有开拓性的初步探讨,不仅吸收了国内外学术界民间信仰研究的相... 王守恩的《诸神与众生:清代、民国山西太谷的民间信仰与乡村社会》是笔者近年来所见山西民间信仰研究领域的第一部专著。该书对清代、民国太谷县的民间信仰与乡村社会做了具有开拓性的初步探讨,不仅吸收了国内外学术界民间信仰研究的相关成果,而且有不少新的发现和见解。该书扩展了我们对山西社会史的认识,并为当今农村的现代化建设与和谐社会构建提供了历史借鉴,可以说是山西民间信仰研究中一部多有创新的力作和一项很有价值的成果。 展开更多
关键词 王守恩 《诸神与众生:清代、民国山西太谷的民间信仰与乡村社会》 山西民间信仰 乡村社会
作者 张艳 《辞书研究》 2018年第2期78-82,共5页
秦晓惠的《〈牛津英语词典〉与众源编纂模式》一书,在词典编纂、语料库的建立和翻译等方面都有一定启发意义,该书主要以《牛津英语词典》的编纂历史进程为主线,注重考究"众源方式"的源流,采用叙述评论相结合、纵向与横向相比... 秦晓惠的《〈牛津英语词典〉与众源编纂模式》一书,在词典编纂、语料库的建立和翻译等方面都有一定启发意义,该书主要以《牛津英语词典》的编纂历史进程为主线,注重考究"众源方式"的源流,采用叙述评论相结合、纵向与横向相比较的方法,兼顾国内外研究,详细描述了"众源方式"的发展史。该书是探讨词典编纂技术革新方式的一部较全面、深入的著作,为推动国内词典编纂方式的发展提供了有力的技术支撑平台,也填补了国内基于"众源方式"的词典编纂发展中的空白。 展开更多
关键词 《〈牛津英语词典〉与众源编纂模式》 源方式 词典编纂
北师大版八年级数学第八章 《中位数与众数》课堂实录与评析
作者 王茹 《中小学教学研究》 2005年第9期37-38,共2页
教学内容: 北师大版九年制义务教育课程标准实验教科书八年级数学第八章第二节<中位数与众数>.
关键词 北师大版 数学 第八章 《中位数与众数》 课堂实录 评析 初二
回归生活 让数学课堂“活”起来——“中位数与众数”教学片段与反思
作者 汤浩 《湖南教育(数学教师)》 2006年第8期21-22,共2页
关键词 回归生活 教学片段 课程标准 初二 数学教学 “中位数与众数” 教学反思 最近发展区 人教版
作者 冯声开 《福建教育》 2003年第11B期38-39,共2页
关键词 《数据的代表——中位数与众数》 教学设计 北师大版 初中 数学教学 教学重点
作者 唐卓 《诗刊》 北大核心 2017年第11期79-79,共1页
关键词 中国 当代文学 诗歌 《题余与众孙辈所照》
作者 张馨莉 《财富生活》 2024年第27期52-54,共3页
大数据、人工智能、云计算和物联网等数字技术的飞速发展,正在不断重塑着全球经济的格局,推动各行业迈向智能化、信息化的新阶段。在此背景下,企业的人力资源管理面临着前所未有的挑战与机遇,传统的人力资源管理模式已经难以满足数字经... 大数据、人工智能、云计算和物联网等数字技术的飞速发展,正在不断重塑着全球经济的格局,推动各行业迈向智能化、信息化的新阶段。在此背景下,企业的人力资源管理面临着前所未有的挑战与机遇,传统的人力资源管理模式已经难以满足数字经济的需求,创新人力资源管理成为企业保持竞争力的关键。因此,本文分析了数字经济对企业人力资源管理的影响,探讨了在这一新经济形态下企业应如何创新人力资源管理,进而为企业应对新的挑战并抓住发展的机遇提供理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 数字经济 人力资源管理 云计算 外包与众
Interest Coordination Mechanism of Green Open Space Development in International Metropolises:Experience from New York City
作者 LUO Yuxiang ZHANG Surong 《国际大都市发展研究(中英文)》 2024年第2期24-37,共14页
The development of green open spaces is the key component for cities built for the people and a major initiative to enhance the core competitiveness of Chinese cities.This paper summarizes the research on green open s... The development of green open spaces is the key component for cities built for the people and a major initiative to enhance the core competitiveness of Chinese cities.This paper summarizes the research on green open spaces in international metropolitan cities,focusing on public participation,funding mix,and governmental actions.It focuses on the alignment of interests between public,private,and community sectors in New York City's green open space development in a series of case studies.It draws lessons from New York's experience and applies them to Chinese cities and proposes that:private non-government organizations should be introduced to improve the mechanism of major development and governance;real estate development incentives should be optimized to guide the private capital to provide public welfare;and policy innovation in land and property development is imperative in fiscal health and sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 Green open space Coordination of interests Public participation Public-private partnership GOVERNANCE
论海口屠城与隐元大师思想演变轨迹 被引量:1
作者 林世芳 《福建师大福清分校学报》 2005年第1期102-105,共4页
关键词 爱国者 海口大屠杀 与众生不隔尘
Air Quality Legislation and Standards in the European Union: Background, Status and Public Participation 被引量:4
作者 Marco GEMMER XIAO Bo 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2013年第1期50-59,共10页
In order to improve air quality, the European Union introduced the New Air Quality Directive in 2008 and set its Member States strict targets on air pollution concentrations for the most harmful and challenging substa... In order to improve air quality, the European Union introduced the New Air Quality Directive in 2008 and set its Member States strict targets on air pollution concentrations for the most harmful and challenging substances, such as fine particles. The law enforcement relies on a monitoring and reporting system to inform the European Commission and the public, for it is the citizens' right to be informed about harmful air quality. With sectoral measures, air quality could be improved in the past 20 years, but some emissions concentrations have stagnated in recent years and emissions temporarily exceed thresholds in nearly half of the Member States. The European Emission Inventory allows the commission to identify the substances, areas, and times of exceedances, and to implement sectoral measures leading to air quality improvements, all of which have to be made available publicly. This manuscript introduces the air quality legislation and reviews the quality of European air for recent years. 展开更多
关键词 air quality European Union public participation standards
Resource and Environmental Issues in Transitional China:A Perspective from the Interaction Among Market,Government and Society 被引量:1
作者 Zhao Haixia Qu Futian +1 位作者 Zhu Peixin Shi Xiaoping 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第2期13-23,共11页
Along with the rapid growth of economy in the postreform period after 1979,China has faced severe problems of resource overusing and environmental degradation which would threaten the sustainable development of econom... Along with the rapid growth of economy in the postreform period after 1979,China has faced severe problems of resource overusing and environmental degradation which would threaten the sustainable development of economy and society.This article explores an effective mechanism of managing resource and environment in China.It examines some major resource and environmental issues,and constructs a framework of institution innovation to cover three sectors(government,market and society) . In addition,the article analyzes their experience and evaluation in resource management and environmental conservation during the transitional period.We argue that the combination of market regulation,government intervention and public participation is an effective way of allocating resource and protecting environment. Some suggestions are put forward to balance the relationship between them,including coordinating role of government and market,building platform for market operation and creating an atmosphere of public participation. 展开更多
关键词 economic transition resource and environment management institution innovation triangle balance
Public Participation Applied to the Environmental Planning
作者 Vognimary Marie Odette 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2005年第2期152-156,共5页
This paper focuses on the public participation in environmental planning. After the decade for inaccessible information related to the decision taken, actually, the program of public participation is the reference of ... This paper focuses on the public participation in environmental planning. After the decade for inaccessible information related to the decision taken, actually, the program of public participation is the reference of all the decision making process. However, there are some factors that limit this process, such as poverty, illiteracy, ignorance and often the social inequality. Therefore, this study focuses first on the benefits of public participation in environmental planning, then the involvement of the local population, and finally the decision making access using a case study of Madagascar. 展开更多
关键词 public participative local population decision making for environmentaleffects PROJECT
Prospects of Deliberative Global Governance
作者 Mikko Rask Richard K. Worthington 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第4期556-565,共10页
Global governance is often equated with international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank that were established after World War II to address problems transcending national borders. While these ... Global governance is often equated with international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank that were established after World War II to address problems transcending national borders. While these institutions incorporate norms of representative democracy that evolved in national societies, their legitimacy is often questioned on grounds of limited effectiveness and remoteness from the citizens they purportedly serve. The arguments of many democratic theorists that deliberation among ordinary citizens can legitimize policies that heed these views thus bear important implications for global governance. In this paper, the possibility and different ways that civil society enhancing public participation, transparency and accountability in global governance are addressed. The empirical focus will be on the world's first global deliberation--WWViews (world wide views on global warming) that was held in 38 countries with all inhabited continents in 2009. The social drivers that encourage innovation in global democratic governance are analysed, as the main successes and challenges of WWViews and sketch three scenarios of the future of deliberative global governance are based on the experiences and plans around global citizen participation. The authors argue that despite some challenges, such as ensuring high quality of deliberation in highly variant policy cultural contexts and building policy pathways conducive to political impact, the prospects of deliberation in helping solve global environmental and policy problems are high, and likely to see cumulative progress in the near future. 展开更多
关键词 DELIBERATION global governance participatory technology assessment social movements future.
Role of Mass Media in Facilitating Citizen’s Participation in Bangladesh Public Procurement
作者 Farhana Razzaque 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第12期691-702,共12页
Public procurement (PP) is considered as one of the key most important functions of any government across the world. Over the years, it has been argued by the scholars that third party engagement (except government... Public procurement (PP) is considered as one of the key most important functions of any government across the world. Over the years, it has been argued by the scholars that third party engagement (except government officials and bidders) in procurement system facilitates to achieve good governance in this sector. In this regard, it is generally expected that third-party monitoring (TPM) of PP, especially monitoring by citizens might earn the trust and confidence of the people in government activities. This study aims at exploring the roles of media in promoting citizen engagement (CE) in PP in order to make the procurement process impartial, efficient, effective, and accountable. The study uses a qualitative methodology in conducting the research with the data being collected through key informant interview, semi-structured interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), secondary document, and literature reviews. The findings of this study suggest that if the media can play an effective role, the procurement literacy rate will be increasing. Hence, an enabling environment could be created where people will feel at ease to talk about compliance with procurement rules and acts. Hence, media may act as a catalyst to promote citizens involvement in the PP process to hold the respective groups accountable for their activities. 展开更多
Diverse Voices and Democratic Policymaking: What Causes Japan's Nuclear Phase-Out Plan to Fail?
作者 Mikiko Eto 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第6期330-349,共20页
The nuclear disaster at Fukushima has raised questions about the nature of democratic policymaking in Japan. Focusing on nuclear policymaking post-Fukushima, this paper considers ways in which the diversity of public ... The nuclear disaster at Fukushima has raised questions about the nature of democratic policymaking in Japan. Focusing on nuclear policymaking post-Fukushima, this paper considers ways in which the diversity of public opinion can be connected with legislative processes. The disaster forced the government to rethink existing nuclear policies. To infuse public voices into government policy, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) government introduced a new method of public participation called "national debates", comprising a series of public hearings, mass public comments, and deliberative polling. The government also attached importance to anti-nuclear rallies and opinion polls conducted by the media. The national debates highlighted that the majority of Japanese people supported a nuclear-free society; as a result, the government drafted a new energy plan to phase out nuclear power by 2039. Owing to both domestic and international opposition, the plan failed to become law. Progress was also impeded by the public's contradictory demands. However, this paper posits that inefficient legislative deliberation was the main factor behind the policy failure. The Japanese case suggests that effective legislative deliberation is crucial to assessing and coordinating numerous divergent public voices. 展开更多
关键词 public debates contradictory demands DEMOCRACY nuclear policy FUKUSHIMA JAPAN
Knowledge, Understanding and Attitude Toward Civic Rights and Duties in Administrative Affairs and People's Participation in Local Administration of Mahasarakham Municipality
作者 Yupaporn Yupas 《Sociology Study》 2013年第4期269-277,共9页
This research aimed to study on the people and the local government. The samples were 395 respondents over 18 years old, selected locally of Mahasarakham Municipality, Thailand. The research found that the level of kn... This research aimed to study on the people and the local government. The samples were 395 respondents over 18 years old, selected locally of Mahasarakham Municipality, Thailand. The research found that the level of knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward civic rights and duties of administrative affairs was at a high level but participation in the local administration was rated at a low level. The relationship between knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward civic rights and duties of administrative affairs of the community was positive correlated. The relationship between knowledge and understanding toward civic rights and duties and participation in the community administration and the relationship between attitudes toward civic rights and duties in administrative affairs and participation in the local government administration were not correlated. Some recommendations were the local government organizations should promote and provide more information to build the right understandings and improve good attitudes toward civic rights and duties in administrative affairs. Local administrators and local leaders should play an important role to advocate and encourage public opinions toward a political ideology to ensure the public mind and make the vision "people-centered". Most importantly, the State shall pursue directive principles of State policies in relation to public participation. 展开更多
关键词 Administrative affairs ATTITUDES civic rights and duties PARTICIPATION
Explorations of Public Participation Approach to the Framing of Resilient Urbanism
作者 Wei-Kuang Liu Li-Wei Liu +3 位作者 Yi-Shiang Shiu Yang-Ting Shen Feng-Cheng Lin Hua-Hsuan Hsieh 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2017年第3期121-126,共6页
Under the framework of developing resilient and livable cities, this study was aimed at engaging local communities to achieve the goal of public participation. Given the prevalence of smart mobile devices, an interact... Under the framework of developing resilient and livable cities, this study was aimed at engaging local communities to achieve the goal of public participation. Given the prevalence of smart mobile devices, an interactive app called "Citizen Probe" was designed to guide users to participate in building resilient and livable urban spaces by enabling users to report the condition of their living environment. The app collects feedback from users regarding the perceived condition of the urban environment, and this information is used to further develop an open online index system. The index system serves as a guide for the public to actively transform their city into a resilient and livable urban environment. The app was designed for the reporting of flood incidents with the objective of resilient disaster prevention, which can be achieved by enabling users to identify disaster conditions in order to develop a database for basic disaster information. The database can be used in the prevention and mitigation of disasters and to provide a foundation for developing indices for assessing the resilience and livability of urban areas. Three communities in Taichung, Taiwan, participated in the study. Residents of these communities were requested to use the app and identify local environmental conditions to obtain spatial data according to four stages in disaster response: assessment, readiness, response, and recovery. A volunteered geographic information database was developed to display maps for providing users with current reports ofpredisaster risk assessment, disaster response capacity, real-time disaster conditions, and overall disaster recovery. In addition, the database can be used as a useful tool for researchers to conduct GIS analyses and initiate related discussions. The interactive appraises public awareness on disaster prevention and makes disaster prevention a daily norm. Further discussion between the public and experts will be initiated to assist in policy management pertaining to the ongoing development of cities in addition to improving disaster prevention and response measures. 展开更多
关键词 RESILIENCE disaster prevention geographic information public participation.
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