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作者 杨文英 翁永振 《河北精神卫生》 1996年第3期141-144,共4页
精神卫生专业者的生活质量,总满意度较社区居民差,主要是服务设施、工作环境、人身安全、住房问题。影响总体满意度还与性别、婚姻状况、受教育水平及分工有关。社会支持状况:27.1%的人在困境时,采取自我克服,不寻求支持、帮助;56... 精神卫生专业者的生活质量,总满意度较社区居民差,主要是服务设施、工作环境、人身安全、住房问题。影响总体满意度还与性别、婚姻状况、受教育水平及分工有关。社会支持状况:27.1%的人在困境时,采取自我克服,不寻求支持、帮助;56.7%的人在困境时只找1-2个知己者倾述且争取别人理解、帮助。17.1%的人称在困难时受到忽视。社会支持网的大小,紧密程度对生活质量有一定的预示作用。长期工作在特定环境中的精神卫生专业者生活质量受到除来自服务对象的一些不良刺激外,主要是工作环境、条件。 展开更多
关键词 精神卫生专业者 生活质量 社会支持系统
作者 占莉莉 《科教导刊》 2019年第35期76-77,共2页
关于教师这一职业是否具有专业性的争论一直在学术界有不同的声音,然而,教师这一职业应该也必须具有专业性,这是教师职业的基本性质,也是新时代教育发展对教师提出的必然要求.但事实上,许多人对教师职业的专业性有颇多的微词,因此,如何... 关于教师这一职业是否具有专业性的争论一直在学术界有不同的声音,然而,教师这一职业应该也必须具有专业性,这是教师职业的基本性质,也是新时代教育发展对教师提出的必然要求.但事实上,许多人对教师职业的专业性有颇多的微词,因此,如何让教师真正成为受人尊敬的专业者,是一个要求教师逐渐提高和自我成长的过程.本文从构建U-G-S三方协同育人新模式,把好教师培养关;完善教师招聘制度,把好教师入口关;深入了解教师,构建围绕教师个人成长档案袋的培训体系三个方面浅谈如何让教师成为受人尊敬的专业者. 展开更多
关键词 专业者 教师招聘制度 教师培养关
媒体融合面临的十大问题 被引量:7
作者 陈永东 《青年记者》 北大核心 2015年第1期17-18,共2页
关键词 媒体融合 媒体界 定位更新 潜在受众 发展规划 克里斯坦 发现能力 资源分配 专业者 智中
落地进行时:基于大数据的新闻生产系统底层设计 以浙报集团融媒体智能化传播服务平台建设为例 被引量:6
作者 潘一 李伟忠 《传媒评论》 2015年第1期8-12,共5页
“我们还没搞懂PC互联网的时候,移动互联网来了,我们还没搞懂移动互联网的时候,大数据来了”——这是马云在2013年的一次演讲中提到的。回头看近两年,大数据的确在各行各业中逐渐崭露头角,在今年的传统媒体行业技术年会中,以大数... “我们还没搞懂PC互联网的时候,移动互联网来了,我们还没搞懂移动互联网的时候,大数据来了”——这是马云在2013年的一次演讲中提到的。回头看近两年,大数据的确在各行各业中逐渐崭露头角,在今年的传统媒体行业技术年会中,以大数据相关技术和媒体行业的融合为核心讨论主题就是一次见证。 展开更多
关键词 生产内容 新闻生产 内容信息 监控系统 公共平台 专业者 物联网 信息生产
五代遼宋金元的“指斥乘輿”罪 被引量:1
作者 王曾瑜 《隋唐辽宋金元史论丛》 2016年第1期246-258,共13页
'指斥乘輿'罪,且不説一般人,就是從事中華古史專業者,只怕也有相當比例者覺得生疏。但如果换一句現代語——'駡皇帝',大家就都會懂得。明朝高拱解釋説:'乘輿,謂天子也,不敢言天子,故言乘輿也。'[1]誰要駡皇帝,... '指斥乘輿'罪,且不説一般人,就是從事中華古史專業者,只怕也有相當比例者覺得生疏。但如果换一句現代語——'駡皇帝',大家就都會懂得。明朝高拱解釋説:'乘輿,謂天子也,不敢言天子,故言乘輿也。'[1]誰要駡皇帝,就算犯了彌天大罪,但也只能稱爲'指斥乘輿',即指斥了皇帝的座車,避諱用'皇帝'一詞,以示'皇帝'一詞的神聖性。 展开更多
关键词 乘輿 生疏 聖性 中華 故言 專業者 皇帝 天子
作者 杨振华 《青海医药杂志》 1989年第2期57-58,共2页
晚期癌症等无法治愈的病人,传统的处理仍然是采取种种延长生命的措施,尽管这并不能改变死亡的命运。现在,一种新的临终照料已经开始发展起来,这就是“hospice”。hospice 原意是教会提供的一个休憩场所,而借用在此,不仅指死亡场所,也包... 晚期癌症等无法治愈的病人,传统的处理仍然是采取种种延长生命的措施,尽管这并不能改变死亡的命运。现在,一种新的临终照料已经开始发展起来,这就是“hospice”。hospice 原意是教会提供的一个休憩场所,而借用在此,不仅指死亡场所,也包括让死者安息的种种照料服务。一、hospice 概念提供生理、心理、社会(宗教)各方面的服务,不仅针对病人,也面向其亲友,这是其特点之一;其次,提供服务的不仅仅是医务专业者,而是由一个专门小组包括社会工作者、心理学家、宗教人员和志愿者共同工作;三,病人死亡后。 展开更多
关键词 临终照料 HOSPICE 宗教人员 专门小组 专业者 家庭医生 医院床位 家庭生活 社会心理 生死观念
EPT 听力部分特点与应试技巧
作者 杨平 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 1991年第3期58-62,70,共6页
笔者根据近几年的 EPT 考试及教学辅导经验发现,EPT(英语水平考试)考生(绝大多数为非英语专业者)最感困难的是听力部分。的确,这部分所占比例大(满分39分,约占总分的1/4),对考生的语言知识及能力尤其是综合能力要求高。它通过单句、对... 笔者根据近几年的 EPT 考试及教学辅导经验发现,EPT(英语水平考试)考生(绝大多数为非英语专业者)最感困难的是听力部分。的确,这部分所占比例大(满分39分,约占总分的1/4),对考生的语言知识及能力尤其是综合能力要求高。它通过单句、对活和短文三大部分,从不同角度检验考生在耳听意会、概括记忆、语法词汇和阅读等方面是否已达一定水准。本文拟将听力部分的特点与应试技巧做点滴介绍。 展开更多
关键词 应试技巧 EPT 语言知识 语法词 综合能力要求 长对话 解题步骤 专业者 语言综合能力 双重否定句
作者 夏传福 《中国公共卫生管理》 1991年第S1期226-227,共2页
群体能力是一个多因素、动态的综合体。我们按照统一方案,在1984年1月调查的基础上,于1988年10月对全区11个防疫站卫生防疫技术人员进行的调查,旨在探讨卫生防疫技术队伍群体能力的变化及其与培训、实践的关系,加强队伍的建设和培养,不... 群体能力是一个多因素、动态的综合体。我们按照统一方案,在1984年1月调查的基础上,于1988年10月对全区11个防疫站卫生防疫技术人员进行的调查,旨在探讨卫生防疫技术队伍群体能力的变化及其与培训、实践的关系,加强队伍的建设和培养,不断提高人才管理效应。通过对全区卫生防疫技术队伍群体能力的分析表明:(1)能力不断提高。防疫技术人员总结能力、组织能力、创造能力、专题调查能力、技术操作能力的一等所占比例,1988年分别依次为39.19%、39.19%、 展开更多
关键词 技术操作能力 管理效应 能力分析 总结能力 组织能力 专题调查 专业者 防疫技术 防疫人员 技术人员
《语言教育》 1998年第10期72-72,共1页
关键词 一本 前几 杨晓峰 专业者
作者 巴莫 《互联网周刊》 2017年第21期69-69,共1页
谁说碎片化的时代不能转化为深度阅读呢?偶然,从一个公众号读到几位媒体同行的访谈,其中一篇是关于媒体人、美女作家李宗陶的。访谈的中心且不谈,大概是李宗陶一边给自己加抽屉吸氧,一边为更大的写作野心埋伏笔之类。其中几个镜头是李... 谁说碎片化的时代不能转化为深度阅读呢?偶然,从一个公众号读到几位媒体同行的访谈,其中一篇是关于媒体人、美女作家李宗陶的。访谈的中心且不谈,大概是李宗陶一边给自己加抽屉吸氧,一边为更大的写作野心埋伏笔之类。其中几个镜头是李宗陶谈到曾经南艺的一位大学教授—著名画家朱新建,让我几乎眼无旁骛、呼吸紧张……对于画画出身的我,关于朱新建却不甚了解,只看过杂志上介绍过他的一些画,后来买过他一本书,名字也想不起来了。从前刚看到朱新建画的时候,觉着怎么跟《故事会》插画似的。 展开更多
关键词 朱新 美女作家 《故事会》 深度阅读 一篇 一本 碎片 一层层 专业者 情色
作者 潘欣信 《大美术》 2005年第6期86-89,126,共5页
在当下,相对于艺术修养,消费者消费艺术品的心态与目的显得更为重要。在消费中提高,在提高中消费,是艺术市场发展的必由之路。要真正成为合格的消费者,就必须跨过这一道门槛,唯一的办法也是一劳永逸的办法,就是相信自己的眼睛,相信自己... 在当下,相对于艺术修养,消费者消费艺术品的心态与目的显得更为重要。在消费中提高,在提高中消费,是艺术市场发展的必由之路。要真正成为合格的消费者,就必须跨过这一道门槛,唯一的办法也是一劳永逸的办法,就是相信自己的眼睛,相信自己的感觉。这样,即使在"专家"那里是不被看好的作品,只要符合自己的审美,就是艺术消费的最大收获。 展开更多
关键词 相信自己 艺术修养 中国艺术市场 市场购买力 美盲 艺术素养 专业者 财产价值 知识阶层 欣赏水平
作者 毛晓刚 《小康》 2015年第11期89-89,共1页
关键词 长滩河 专业力量 公共资源 违规者 专业救援 紧急救援 社会信用 专业者 法律的权威 人的生命
Implementation strategies to improve evidence-based practice for post-stroke dysphagia identification and management:A before-andafter study 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoyan Zhang Junqiang Zhao +2 位作者 Liping Zheng Xuejing Li Yufang Hao 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第3期295-302,I0001,共9页
Objectives Even though guidelines are available to guide dysphagia identification and management practice,there is still a gap between evidence and practice,which requires improvement.The purpose of this study was to ... Objectives Even though guidelines are available to guide dysphagia identification and management practice,there is still a gap between evidence and practice,which requires improvement.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using tailored,multifaceted strategies to improve evidence-based post-stroke dysphagia identification and management practice in a community hospital.Methods Guided by the Knowledge to Action framework,the tailored,multifaceted strategies were developed and implemented for 5 months in a community hospital using a before-and-after study design.These strategies consisted of training intervention,policy intervention,and audit and feedback intervention.Nurses’level of knowledge and adherence,were collected in March 2019 and again in January 2020.Patients’quality of life and satisfaction were evaluated during the pre-intervention period(between February 2019 and April 2019)and the post-intervention period(between November 2019 and January 2020).Results A total of 55 patients with post-stroke dysphagia(28 in the pre-intervention period and 27 in the post-intervention period)and 17 registered nurses were recruited.Following implementation,there were statistically significant improvements in patients’outcomes(quality of life and satisfaction)and nurses’outcomes(level of knowledge and adherence).Conclusions This study assists in closing the research-practice gap by using tailored,multifaceted strategies to increase the use of evidence-based nursing care for dysphagia identification and management practices. 展开更多
关键词 Deglutition disorders Evidence-based practice Implementation science Nurses Patient satisfaction Professional practice gaps STROKE
Non-contradiction The Main Way of Progress of Professional Interwar Magazines in Oltenia
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第8期528-531,共4页
The study finds that, for Romania, the period 1920-1939 is one without major contradictions. In "neutrosophy" of renowed American professor F. Smarandache's terms, the interwar period was, in Romania, a "neutral"... The study finds that, for Romania, the period 1920-1939 is one without major contradictions. In "neutrosophy" of renowed American professor F. Smarandache's terms, the interwar period was, in Romania, a "neutral" period. As mediating operators, professional journals reflected the atmosphere of relative tranquility and social peace. From the qualitative analysis of their media discourse, we can see three elements that: (1) the professional journals of Oltenia, as media tools for teachers, priests and folklore (folklorist), or music enthusiasts (music lovers), were loyal to their financial supporters; (2) although they served oblique and opposition interests, the communication professional operators have generally not emphasized, perpetuated or generated conflicts, disputes and misunderstandings; and (3) social attitudes promoted by professional magazines in Oltenia was a beneficial, objective one of better understanding and neutrality. The conclusion is that, despite the axiom that progress is generated by contradiction, it shows that professional journals in Oltenia, during 1920-1939, even in the absence of contradictions, namely under neutrality, there have been major advances. 展开更多
关键词 PRESS JOURNALISM NEUTRALITY professional magazines Oltenia
ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY Information for Authors
《Asian Journal of Andrology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期461-463,共3页
The Asian Journal of Andrology is the official publication of the Asian Society of Andrology, and is sponsored by the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Journal has been included in... The Asian Journal of Andrology is the official publication of the Asian Society of Andrology, and is sponsored by the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Journal has been included in 11 international indexing systems, including BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, CAB Health, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, Index Medicus, MEDLINE, PASCAL, Research Alert, and SCI Expanded. The Impact Factor is 1.096 and the Journal ranks third among international andrology journals. 展开更多
关键词 《亚洲男性学杂志》 专业期刊 作者 编辑工作
On Skills of Online Publishing Edit
《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期95-96,共2页
The research is based on the skills of online publishing edit. First, it is focused on the influence on traditional publishing ed-it from the online publishing edit. Second, from the different aspects, the requirement... The research is based on the skills of online publishing edit. First, it is focused on the influence on traditional publishing ed-it from the online publishing edit. Second, from the different aspects, the requirements of the abilities of online publishing edit are men- tioned. Finally, constantly progressing skills of online publishing edit are discussed in the two models. The research is expected to be help-ful for relevant study of both professionals and scholars. 展开更多
Delivering bad news to patients——the necessary evil
作者 Gao Zheng 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2011年第2期103-108,共6页
Delivering bad news regarding patient's health is an unavoidable task for physicians and medical students in their careers.This is especially difficult for beginners.Disclosing undesired medical information to pat... Delivering bad news regarding patient's health is an unavoidable task for physicians and medical students in their careers.This is especially difficult for beginners.Disclosing undesired medical information to patients is technically and mentally demanding.Only with proper communication skills and sufficient patient-contact practice can medical practitioners smoothly cope with this stressful mission.There are a number of common mistakes we fall into when delivering bad news,which might induce or exacerbate patients' anxiety.Sometimes we are prone to disclose medical information in a "straight-to-the-point" manner.This is often a futile attempt made on the physician's part to ease his or her own uncomfortableness when delivering bad news,but unfortunately it does no good to facilitate patients' acceptance of the actual condition.Instead of using medical jargons,physicians are obliged to use "layman's terms" that make better sense to their patients.Declaring a clinical diagnosis without corresponding explanation on the prognosis and the discussion of treatment can also bring much confusion and anxiety to patients.Another even worse situation might be that we finish the "lecture" in our own words without confirming the patient's comprehension and addressing their questions.Professionals have recommended a six-step protocol on delivering bad news to patients:"SPIKES":S-Setting up the interview;P-assessing the patient's Perception;I-obtaining the patient's Invitation;K-giving Knowledge and information to the patient;E-addressing the patient's Emotions with Empathic responses;S-Strategy and Summary. 展开更多
关键词 Physician-patient communication Delivering bad news
New Media and the Changes in the Communication Paradigm 被引量:1
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第5期324-330,共7页
With the emergence of the new digital platforms, a diversified number of approaches and providers cannot damage too much a rather crowded info sphere. What may come as a general challenge is the "performance" amateu... With the emergence of the new digital platforms, a diversified number of approaches and providers cannot damage too much a rather crowded info sphere. What may come as a general challenge is the "performance" amateurs who have the devices, the will but not the skills to become reliable communicators. Good training and an expanded concern for the accuracy of messages should distinguish between fact and fiction, and between information and opinion. The smart phone, the iPod, the lap top, or the tablet has expanded the means of communication. They have also diversified the types of messages circulated. The traditional main stream media outlets are facing a mounting competition from the social networks populated with the folk journalists, albeit, and non-professionals. Basic training of all those willing to come into the communication ring and regulations may concern not only the professionals but also the amateurs, and it may be ways to get over what seems to be a deadlock. 展开更多
关键词 produsers^1 COMMUNICATION digital platforms folk journalism
The Education of the Children of Immigrants: A Cross-Cultural Study Between New York and Rome
作者 Lucia Buttaro 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第12期1739-1747,共9页
Teachers of CLD (culturally and linguistically diverse) public school students New York and Rome, Italy were interviewed about their work with this unique, growing subset of learners. The 12 teachers' stories highl... Teachers of CLD (culturally and linguistically diverse) public school students New York and Rome, Italy were interviewed about their work with this unique, growing subset of learners. The 12 teachers' stories highlight myriad issues facing educators across the globe. Each teacher had recently participated in a research-based and government-sponsored professional development program focused on second language acquisition and culturally responsive pedagogy. Themes emerged through the analysis of individual interviews and classroom observations. These findings highlight teachers' perceptions of effective professional development, along with identification of institutional barriers impeding the delivery of best practices to CLD students. Cross-cultural comparisons are made which suggest an inconsistency in educational services for CLD students, along with an urgent need for professional development courses for teachers and administrators. The educators' voices shed light on both the challenges and rewards associated with this important work. 展开更多
关键词 achievement gap English language learners professional development second language acquisition Italy
Acknowledgments to Reviewers of World Journal of Gastroenterology
《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第7期1144-1144,共1页
Many reviewers have contributed their expertise and time to the peer review, a critical process to ensure the quality of World Journal of Gastroenterology. The editors and authors of the articles submitted to the jour... Many reviewers have contributed their expertise and time to the peer review, a critical process to ensure the quality of World Journal of Gastroenterology. The editors and authors of the articles submitted to the journal are grateful to the following reviewers for evaluating the articles (including those published in this issue and those rejected for this issue) during the last editing time period. 展开更多
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