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作者 张红飞 张丹丹 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第7期78-81,共4页
科学发展观有力彰显了中国特色社会主义道路的示范效应,为国际社会理解中国社会主义制度选择和改革路径的独特性提供了理论视角。中国发展不会威胁到其他国家的发展,中国强大了不会对他国尤其是现有大国形成威胁和挑战。科学发展观强调... 科学发展观有力彰显了中国特色社会主义道路的示范效应,为国际社会理解中国社会主义制度选择和改革路径的独特性提供了理论视角。中国发展不会威胁到其他国家的发展,中国强大了不会对他国尤其是现有大国形成威胁和挑战。科学发展观强调外交资源更多地使用于公民个人利益的保护,在外交活动中实现共存共赢。 展开更多
关键词 科学发展观 中国世界形象 塑造
江南运河世界形象的塑造与生成——基于近代域外游记的研究 被引量:1
作者 李刚 谢燕红 《档案与建设》 北大核心 2020年第9期66-73,共8页
晚清及民国前期,大批域外人士访华,受当时交通条件的限制,这些“游历中国”的外国人多有大运河的旅行经历,特别是行经水网密布的江南地区时,大运河往往是必经之路。他们围绕运河的书写主要从四个方面展开:人类历史上的伟大工程、中国农... 晚清及民国前期,大批域外人士访华,受当时交通条件的限制,这些“游历中国”的外国人多有大运河的旅行经历,特别是行经水网密布的江南地区时,大运河往往是必经之路。他们围绕运河的书写主要从四个方面展开:人类历史上的伟大工程、中国农业文明的运作核心、生态文明工程的典范、独特的运河文化系统。这些域外书写为大运河世界形象的建构提供了他者视角和全球眼光。域外游记所传播的各种运河故事、运河信息、运河知识亦呈现了一幅中西方相识相知、对话交流的历史侧影,从而推动了世界对大运河的认识与了解。 展开更多
关键词 江南运河 世界形象 来华游记 大运河
西藏地区地市党报国际新闻报道中的世界形象——以《拉萨日报》为例进行框架分析 被引量:1
作者 李冬洁 《新闻研究导刊》 2020年第10期47-49,共3页
在西藏自治区党报《西藏日报》以及7个地市与地区党委机关报中,只有《拉萨日报》有专门国际版新闻版面并保持对国际新闻连续报道。本文主要运用钟蔚文与臧国仁的"框架的高、中、低结构分析法",对《拉萨日报》国际新闻报道中... 在西藏自治区党报《西藏日报》以及7个地市与地区党委机关报中,只有《拉萨日报》有专门国际版新闻版面并保持对国际新闻连续报道。本文主要运用钟蔚文与臧国仁的"框架的高、中、低结构分析法",对《拉萨日报》国际新闻报道中的报道新闻事件主题、报道类型、报道方式进行统计分析,总结出《拉萨日报》国际新闻报道中的世界形象,并在此基础上对国际新闻报道中的"中国形象"和"美国形象"作具体分析。 展开更多
关键词 《拉萨日报》 国际新闻 世界形象
语言的本质与世界形象、人的形象——体认语言学的哲学基础系列研究之一 被引量:13
作者 李洪儒 《西安外国语大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期39-43,共5页
关键词 体认语言学 语言本质 命题态度 世界形象 形象
美华文学中的“世界公民”形象探析——以陈霆的长篇小说《漂流北美》为例 被引量:1
作者 陈涵平 《世界华文文学论坛》 2005年第2期50-52,共3页
作为中国大陆新时期改革开放的必然产物,北美新华文文学在上世纪末期出现了“世界公民”这一崭新的文学形象。陈霆的长篇小说《漂流北美》是这一形象塑造较早、较成功的作品。通过对该作品进行分析可以看出,“世界公民”形象已具有过去... 作为中国大陆新时期改革开放的必然产物,北美新华文文学在上世纪末期出现了“世界公民”这一崭新的文学形象。陈霆的长篇小说《漂流北美》是这一形象塑造较早、较成功的作品。通过对该作品进行分析可以看出,“世界公民”形象已具有过去美华文学形象所缺乏的许多新质。 展开更多
关键词 美华文学 世界公民形象 文化进程
一个世界级的动漫形象——《丁丁历险记》从漫画到动画 被引量:1
作者 刘桂华 《吉林艺术学院学报》 2005年第3期52-58,共7页
《丁丁历险记》是比利时漫画家埃尔热的一部经典之作,切合实际的主题、精确的细节、栩栩如生地人物,再加上作者丰富生动的想像力、不知疲倦的好奇心、对政治事件或科技发展的惊人的预见力,所有这些构成了《丁丁历险记》成功的必不可少... 《丁丁历险记》是比利时漫画家埃尔热的一部经典之作,切合实际的主题、精确的细节、栩栩如生地人物,再加上作者丰富生动的想像力、不知疲倦的好奇心、对政治事件或科技发展的惊人的预见力,所有这些构成了《丁丁历险记》成功的必不可少的要素,故事中的小主人公丁丁也随之成为一个世界级的动漫形象。在很多人的心里,其地位不亚于迪斯尼的米老鼠、唐老鸭。尽管改编为动画的《丁丁历险记》受到了一些人们的冷淡,但借助漫画原作的高度影响力,动画版《丁丁历险记》仍不失为一部老少皆宜的精典动画片。 展开更多
关键词 《丁丁历险记》 埃尔热 世界级的动漫形象
生命的灵动 童心的坚守——再论刘御儿歌创作艺术中的鸟兽草木形象世界
作者 刘琼 董庆保 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第10期98-99,共2页
作为中国现代儿童文学代表性作家之一的刘御,他的儿童文学创作丰富了中国儿童文学的艺术长廊。在刘御的儿歌创作中,鸟兽草木形象的刻画和塑造是最为成功的。他在其儿歌创作中倾注了自己对儿童的全部关爱和创作激情,试图构建一座大自然... 作为中国现代儿童文学代表性作家之一的刘御,他的儿童文学创作丰富了中国儿童文学的艺术长廊。在刘御的儿歌创作中,鸟兽草木形象的刻画和塑造是最为成功的。他在其儿歌创作中倾注了自己对儿童的全部关爱和创作激情,试图构建一座大自然的艺术馆,让少年儿童还有苦难中摸索的国人能掌握大自然的神秘钥匙。他的儿童诗歌是自然之歌,是乡土之诗。在平实素朴的语言和自然清新的格调中,他将儿歌的独特艺术魅力发展到了极致。 展开更多
关键词 刘御 儿歌 形象世界
新中国少数民族文学总体研究的社会期待视野 被引量:3
作者 龚举善 《甘肃社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期29-33,共5页
新中国少数民族文学的总体性研究,既受制于民族国家现代化进程中生活形态、意识形态、文学形态及其相互之间的矛盾运动,也与此间特有的社会期待视野密不可分。就新中国特别是新时期以来少数民族文学理论研究的总体态势来看,研究视域的... 新中国少数民族文学的总体性研究,既受制于民族国家现代化进程中生活形态、意识形态、文学形态及其相互之间的矛盾运动,也与此间特有的社会期待视野密不可分。就新中国特别是新时期以来少数民族文学理论研究的总体态势来看,研究视域的拓展、自觉的学理追求和世界形象的塑造成为社会期待视野的新常态。尽管现有研究离公众期待尚有差距,但日益增强的学科意识、逐渐拓展的学术眼界、不断更新的研究方法、业已启动的西部战略等,将共同牵引着全球化时代我国少数民族文学研究事业值得期许的未来。 展开更多
关键词 当代少数民族文学 总体研究 期待视野 学理意识 世界形象
当代俄罗斯心理认知视阈的“语言意识”问题研究 被引量:9
作者 赵爱国 《中国俄语教学》 2015年第2期1-7,共7页
近20余年来,俄罗斯学界对心理认知的研究已转向"语言意识"领域。该视阈的研究内容主要围绕人意识中的"世界形象"这一核心展开,学说样式分别展现为"框架结构"论、"心智语汇"论、"语言意识... 近20余年来,俄罗斯学界对心理认知的研究已转向"语言意识"领域。该视阈的研究内容主要围绕人意识中的"世界形象"这一核心展开,学说样式分别展现为"框架结构"论、"心智语汇"论、"语言意识核"论和"新本体"论等,研究方法主要为"观念分析法"和"联想实验法"。 展开更多
关键词 心理认知 语言意识 世界形象 观念分析 联想实验
A Corpus-Driven Analysis of Image Construction of BRIC Bank from Mainstream Media's Perspective-- A Case Study of China Daily
作者 GUO Gui-hang LI Dan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期565-572,共8页
Despite the fact that BRIC Bank was instituted to enhance the core competitiveness of developing countries, opponents concern it would undermine the status of the World Bank and incurred negative impact. However, as C... Despite the fact that BRIC Bank was instituted to enhance the core competitiveness of developing countries, opponents concern it would undermine the status of the World Bank and incurred negative impact. However, as China is one of initiated countries of the BRIC nations, domestic mainstream media witnessed widespread coverage to justify Bank's roles. Therefore, this paper, based on Halliday's Meta-language Function theory, intends to explore the significance of BRIC Banks from the perspective of domestic mainstream media. Meanwhile, the thesis, combining with corpus research tools and VRIN standard theory (namely Valuable, Rare, Imperfectly, Imitable, Non-Substitutable), probes into image construction and interprets roles of BRIC Bank in mainstream reports. 展开更多
关键词 BRIC bank IMAGE CORPUS management
From Sex Objects to Heroines A Tough Road for Female Characters in Video Games
作者 Adam Flamma 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第5期409-417,共9页
Female character in video games is the one of the most controversial topic in game studies and nowadays women's anthropology. From the beginning of role in games' plot to sexualized graphical representation, woman i... Female character in video games is the one of the most controversial topic in game studies and nowadays women's anthropology. From the beginning of role in games' plot to sexualized graphical representation, woman in virtual world were (and sometimes still are) a point of discussion about characters sexualisation and role of female sex in virtual industry. The main aim of this paper is to present analysis of female representation in video games and how in last 30 years it has changed. In other words, how female characters were ennobled from sex object to main protagonist status. In presented research, there were used mostly the examples of popular video games with extended plot and world which can be explored by protagonists. Video game historiography, textual analysis (which helped to treat video game character as a protagonist), and thematic analysis of video games were used as a main research method. The main conclusion of this paper is that female characters can overcome all gender or sexual stereotypes and even eventually became an icon of popular culture 展开更多
关键词 video games female characters women in video games sex object Lara Croft
Safe Space of Ideology
作者 Wojciech Barttomiej Zielifiski 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第7期486-491,共6页
Our studies about safety in society lead us to the most popular book by Karl Mannheim: Ideology and Utopia. This work envisages the discrepancies between social knowledge and the material world itself. The crucial co... Our studies about safety in society lead us to the most popular book by Karl Mannheim: Ideology and Utopia. This work envisages the discrepancies between social knowledge and the material world itself. The crucial conclusion reads as follows: Our image of reality is mostly based on our interests and desires and does not rely on thorough research. There are two types of such representations: utopia and ideology. The first of them, less interesting for us, is the type of ideas which can revolutionize a social being. The second one is a particular set of visions which can never be realized but on the other hand they act as common knowledge (general knowledge of the world)--stabilizing the social structure by presenting it with a holistic image of the world. Taking the above into consideration, how is it possible that representations, being so distant from reality (creating a completely separate "world"), basically enable efficient functioning in it? Ideology, being the foundation of the society's functioning space, should always be tautological, in the sense that for the participants of the given world's image (creation as it is), it should define the being in a comprehensive and adequate way (in Thomas Aquinas spirit). What is more, it would always be true. We should also mention that the main tools of ideology, understood this way, are specific definitions and the extrapolation of sense. The purpose of this lecture is to prove that it is possible for ideology to come to life, only when the individuals who acknowledge it will consider their image of reality proper. The above ideological system should be understood as the obviousness of description of the surrounding world which in return makes unreflective functioning in reality possible. This obviousness of the presented world will be referred to as social safety. 展开更多
Deterritorializing the Nation: Deleuzian Time, Space and Narrative in the Video Art of Lia Lapithi Shukuroglou
作者 Lisa Socrates 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第9期897-904,共8页
The purpose of this paper is to engage with Gilles Deleuze's work on time and space in cinema as a theoretical trajectory for exploring the video art of Lia Lapithi Shukuroglou. In Cinema 2: The Time-Image (1989),... The purpose of this paper is to engage with Gilles Deleuze's work on time and space in cinema as a theoretical trajectory for exploring the video art of Lia Lapithi Shukuroglou. In Cinema 2: The Time-Image (1989), Deleuze argues that post-Second World War cinema has been shaped by a historical transformation compelling it to create new signs and images. Centering on the post-war landscape of Cyprus in 1974, the moment of "historical transformation" in Deleuze is transposed to this national context; examining Lapithi's response to the crisis of historical time in its relation to physical spaces. It negotiates a contextualized reading of three videos and argues that they manifest Deleuzian "time-images". These texts react to the territorialization of real spaces by deterritorializing official national history. Using Martin Jones' study, Deleuze, cinema and national identity: Narrative time in national contexts (2006) Lapithi's time-images are interpreted as "unruly" as they resist a linear narrative and destabilize public time. Contrary to Martin Jones's view that time-images constitute a temporary deviation from flowing national time, the author argues that Lapithi excavates alternative temporalities in perpetuity; whilst proposing that in the context of Cyprus the deterritorialization of space by time postpones the nation's identity. 展开更多
关键词 DELEUZE Lapithi Shukuroglou's video-art TIME SPACE national identity
Discussion the Tourist Image Planning of the World Cultural Heritage
作者 TAO Chang-Jiang WANG Ying-Mei 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期54-57,共4页
The world' s cultural heritage is a top tourist resource when it is used for tourism development. Domestic scholars are concerned about the tourism image more than ten years. However, there is little research on tour... The world' s cultural heritage is a top tourist resource when it is used for tourism development. Domestic scholars are concerned about the tourism image more than ten years. However, there is little research on tourism image of the world cultural heritage. The tourism image of the world cultural heritage influence tourists' expectations - experience satisfaction; the recognition to the cultural heritage of the destination resident; the tourist type of the world cultural heritage Site, and the showing effect of the cultural heritage tourists. Consider the world cultural heritage tourism image connotation, it includes four parts: subject, object, body and mediator. It has the four characteristics: the main audience of the tourism image is cultural tourists, and the tourism image can be used as against marketing tool of the cultural heritage sites, and the tourism image highlight the cultural heritage of authenticity and uniqueness. 展开更多
关键词 World Cultural heritage Site Tourism Image Planning
作者 张凤香 李茜茜 《时代文学》 北大核心 2009年第7期100-102,共3页
哈代对弱者命运的人文主义关怀,对女性地位与生存状态的强烈关注,对美丽而哀愁的人间苦难的深深垂顾,使其作品中的女性形象几乎始终是被书写的中心。一幕幕美丽勇敢而又红颜薄命的悲剧,让人动容,使人泪下,更催生了作者对这世界对生命本... 哈代对弱者命运的人文主义关怀,对女性地位与生存状态的强烈关注,对美丽而哀愁的人间苦难的深深垂顾,使其作品中的女性形象几乎始终是被书写的中心。一幕幕美丽勇敢而又红颜薄命的悲剧,让人动容,使人泪下,更催生了作者对这世界对生命本身的怅怨与悲戚。 展开更多
关键词 哈代 女性形象世界 男权世界限制
作者 谢雯娟 《成才之路》 2017年第4期28-28,共1页
关键词 搭建汇报交流的方向与平台.在学生交流的过程中 教师要逐层进行点拨 让学生形成这样的认知:作者以一个普通家庭为背景 借助细腻、周密、生动的描写 烘托文本中人物的内心世界 刻画人物形象 而在写人的过程中 作者则充分关 课外阅读 语文教学 阅读兴趣 阅读能力
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