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巢湖低丘山区典型植被群落与土壤环境因子特征研究 被引量:8
作者 王晓龙 常龙飞 +1 位作者 李恒鹏 张奇 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期981-986,共6页
本文系统调查了巢湖低丘山区5种典型植被类型,即弃耕地、灌木林、人工马尾松林、草地以及次生马尾松林植被群落学特征、土壤养分状况,并分析了巢湖低丘山区典型植被群落与土壤环境因子的关系。研究结果表明:弃耕地显示了最高的植物物种... 本文系统调查了巢湖低丘山区5种典型植被类型,即弃耕地、灌木林、人工马尾松林、草地以及次生马尾松林植被群落学特征、土壤养分状况,并分析了巢湖低丘山区典型植被群落与土壤环境因子的关系。研究结果表明:弃耕地显示了最高的植物物种数,其次为人工马尾松林和灌木林,草地物种数最低,平均仅为4种。总盖度以草地最高,达到95%,其次为次生马尾松林和灌木林,人工马尾松林总盖度最低。此外,弃耕地显示了最高的生物多样性与均匀度指数,其次为灌木林,而草地多样性指数和均匀度指数均最低。弃耕地土壤养分含量最高;次生马尾松林表层土壤有机碳、总氮、总磷与有效氮高于灌木林与草地,显示了较明显的土壤养分随植被演替过程的积累效应。相关分析表明生物多样性指数和均匀度指数与土壤养分状况呈良好的正相关关系,表明这一地区植被恢复处于演替发展阶段。 展开更多
关键词 巢湖 丘山区 植被群落 土壤质量
丘山区农业科技园区发展模式与运行机制 被引量:2
作者 张鸿 何希德 +2 位作者 郑林用 龚万灼 任光俊 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2010年第20期14-18,共5页
乐山国家农业科技园区自建设以来,取得了显著成效。其重要发展模式与运行机制包括:创立了"一区多园、一园多区"的建园模式、实行"三统一、一协作"的管理模式、探索了"主导产业+龙头企业+专业协会+农户"... 乐山国家农业科技园区自建设以来,取得了显著成效。其重要发展模式与运行机制包括:创立了"一区多园、一园多区"的建园模式、实行"三统一、一协作"的管理模式、探索了"主导产业+龙头企业+专业协会+农户"经营模式、采取了"政府引导、业主开发、科技支撑、市场化运作、产业化经营"的运行机制等。最后,从突出重点产业和加工业、推进产学研结合、发展专业合作组织、建设创新服务平台等方面提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 丘山区 现代农业 农业科技园区 发展模式 运行机制
长丘山区域动物血吸虫病疫情检测网的建立及统计分析 被引量:1
作者 阳爱国 毛光琼 +2 位作者 谢智明 石谦 苏学文 《中国兽医寄生虫病》 2000年第3期36-38,共3页
长丘山区是四川省血吸虫病流行较为严重的地区 ,其特点是流行环境复杂 ,难以彻底改造 ,长期以来血吸虫病疫情未得到有效控制。通过建立检测网 ,采取“查、治、监、管、联防”等综合措施 ,使人畜血吸虫病感染率均有了大幅度下降。
关键词 动物血吸虫病 疫情检测网 丘山区 综合防治 感染率 感染强度
城镇化进程中低丘山区水系连通性的初步研究与实践 被引量:5
作者 赵思远 陈菁 +4 位作者 涂建琴 肖晨光 李金刚 毕博 夏欢 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2020年第2期34-39,共6页
针对低丘山区水系在城镇化进程中存在的一系列问题,以南昌市望城新区为例,从结构连通性、水力连通性和地貌特性3个方面出发,选取9项评价指标,充分考虑水体流动能力和输水效率的影响,改进了水流动势的公式,构建了一套全面的水系连通性评... 针对低丘山区水系在城镇化进程中存在的一系列问题,以南昌市望城新区为例,从结构连通性、水力连通性和地貌特性3个方面出发,选取9项评价指标,充分考虑水体流动能力和输水效率的影响,改进了水流动势的公式,构建了一套全面的水系连通性评价体系,并对规划前、后的河网水系格局与连通性进行了对比分析。研究得出,规划后水系各项指标均呈不同幅度的增长,水系连通性增强。望城新区的应用实例表明,构建的评价指标体系可反映低丘山区水系的连通状况。 展开更多
关键词 丘山区 水系连通性 水流动势 水系连通性评价体系 望城新区水系
眉山市长丘山区血吸虫病疫情徘徊的原因分析 被引量:1
作者 吴兴林 苏学文 +1 位作者 郑碧忠 郑建华 《中国兽医寄生虫病》 2002年第4期35-36,共2页
长丘山区是四川省的血吸虫病重疫区 ,是成都平原经济圈内血防工作一块难啃的硬骨头。多年来 ,虽经各级党委、政府、有关部门和广大疫区干部群众的艰苦努力 ,但因其防治难度大 ,经济条件差和防治经费投入不足等诸多原因的影响而致防治工... 长丘山区是四川省的血吸虫病重疫区 ,是成都平原经济圈内血防工作一块难啃的硬骨头。多年来 ,虽经各级党委、政府、有关部门和广大疫区干部群众的艰苦努力 ,但因其防治难度大 ,经济条件差和防治经费投入不足等诸多原因的影响而致防治工作进展缓慢 。 展开更多
关键词 丘山区 血吸虫病 疫情 徘徊
作者 毛光琼 《中国兽医寄生虫病》 1999年第1期49-50,共2页
1长丘山区的基本情况四川省长丘山区位于成都平原的西南边缘,由宽30公里,长100公里的两条平行、相距不足1公里的条状山脉构成,最高海拔1440m,平均海拔510m,属中低山脉。沿长丘山脉分布的血吸虫病流行区有成都市的... 1长丘山区的基本情况四川省长丘山区位于成都平原的西南边缘,由宽30公里,长100公里的两条平行、相距不足1公里的条状山脉构成,最高海拔1440m,平均海拔510m,属中低山脉。沿长丘山脉分布的血吸虫病流行区有成都市的浦江县、邛崃市、大邑县;眉山地区的... 展开更多
关键词 四川 丘山区 动物 血吸虫病 疫情调查 防治
作者 陈廷玺 《耕作与栽培》 2014年第3期42-44,共3页
关键词 丘山区 现代农业 对策
长丘山区血吸虫病传播控制地区人群血防知识现况 被引量:8
作者 曹淳力 陈琳 +7 位作者 万学祥 刘青 蔡兴平 钟波 邱东川 吴晓华 周晓农 郭家钢 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期74-77,共4页
目的了解长丘山区血吸虫病传播控制地区人群血吸虫病防治(血防)知识知晓情况。方法在四川省长丘山区采用随机整群抽样方法对居民及学生进行抽样,应用问卷调查方法进行调查。结果共调查150名居民和209名学生。各项血防知识知晓率>90%... 目的了解长丘山区血吸虫病传播控制地区人群血吸虫病防治(血防)知识知晓情况。方法在四川省长丘山区采用随机整群抽样方法对居民及学生进行抽样,应用问卷调查方法进行调查。结果共调查150名居民和209名学生。各项血防知识知晓率>90%的居民占60.00%(其中女性"血吸虫病治愈后再接触疫水是否还会感染"和"主要的血吸虫病治疗药物"知晓率均为75.40%),血防态度正确率为99.30%~100.00%,血防行为正确率均>80%。学生问卷中,除"钉螺的外形大小"和"一年之中最容易感染血吸虫的月份"外,其余血防知识知晓率均>90%,态度和行为正确率也均>80%。结论当地居民和学生血防知识知晓情况已达到国家2008年的防治目标。 展开更多
关键词 血吸虫病 传播控制 血防知识 现况调查 丘山区
基于日降雨量计算川北深丘低山区降雨侵蚀力初步研究 被引量:4
作者 孔祥东 刘武林 +2 位作者 邓玉林 李春艳 郭朝霞 《中国水土保持》 北大核心 2007年第5期29-31,共3页
川北深丘低山区系长江上游典型的暴雨区,也是长江上游重要的产沙源之一。利用四川升钟水土保持试验站15年的降雨连续观测资料,采用章文波修正的Richardson日降雨侵蚀力模型计算川北深丘低山区降雨侵蚀力,计算结果为:该区年均降雨侵... 川北深丘低山区系长江上游典型的暴雨区,也是长江上游重要的产沙源之一。利用四川升钟水土保持试验站15年的降雨连续观测资料,采用章文波修正的Richardson日降雨侵蚀力模型计算川北深丘低山区降雨侵蚀力,计算结果为:该区年均降雨侵蚀力为7380.76MJ·mm/(hm^2·h),15年中总体上呈增加趋势,每年的降雨侵蚀力主要集中分布于5~9月,占全年的84.0%,其中降雨侵蚀力最大月份发生在9月。 展开更多
关键词 日降雨量 降雨侵蚀力 山区 四川北部
作者 黄中华 罗宏成 +2 位作者 胡建军 杨波 高鹏 《四川林业科技》 2010年第3期102-105,共4页
苍溪县位于四川盆地北缘深丘低山区,2006年首次从省林科院引进巨桉优良无性系组培苗,县科技局列为重点科技项目计划给予支持。通过近4 a的研究,初步摸出了巨桉在苍溪适生区域及生长发育规律,为短周期工业原料林建设的树种选择提供了科... 苍溪县位于四川盆地北缘深丘低山区,2006年首次从省林科院引进巨桉优良无性系组培苗,县科技局列为重点科技项目计划给予支持。通过近4 a的研究,初步摸出了巨桉在苍溪适生区域及生长发育规律,为短周期工业原料林建设的树种选择提供了科学依据,为盆北丘陵及低山区栽培巨桉提供了重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 盆北深山区 巨桉 试验 初报
华北低丘山地栓皮栎人工林土壤呼吸变化特征及其与撂荒地的差异 被引量:2
作者 王平 张劲松 +4 位作者 孟平 李玉灵 陆森 高峻 吕海燕 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 2011年第3期346-349,共4页
2010年4-10月,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,研究了晴天条件下华北南部低丘山地29a生的栓皮栎人工林林地土壤呼吸变化特征及其与撂荒地的差异。结果表明:(1)撂荒地和栓皮栎林土壤呼吸速率月变化趋势均呈单峰曲线,且土壤呼吸速率最大值均出现在... 2010年4-10月,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,研究了晴天条件下华北南部低丘山地29a生的栓皮栎人工林林地土壤呼吸变化特征及其与撂荒地的差异。结果表明:(1)撂荒地和栓皮栎林土壤呼吸速率月变化趋势均呈单峰曲线,且土壤呼吸速率最大值均出现在7月份。测定时期内的栓皮栎林土壤呼吸速率平均值为601.69mg.m-2.h-1,比撂荒地的1007.96mg.m-2.h-1约低40.3%。(2)影响撂荒地和栓皮栎人工林地土壤呼吸速率的主要因子是土壤温度,与土壤湿度的相关性不明显,且撂荒地与栓皮栎林地在土壤5cm深处的Q10分别为2.702、2.573。 展开更多
关键词 华北低丘山区 栓皮栎人工林 撂荒地 生长季 土壤呼吸
作者 王平 张劲松 +3 位作者 李玉灵 孟平 高峻 吕海燕 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期88-91,108,共5页
2010年4月-2010年9月,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,研究了晴天日条件下华北南部低丘山地34年生的侧柏人工林林地土壤呼吸变化特征及其与撂荒地的差异。结果表明:撂荒地和侧柏林土壤呼吸速率月变化趋势均呈单峰曲线,且土壤呼吸速率最大值均出... 2010年4月-2010年9月,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,研究了晴天日条件下华北南部低丘山地34年生的侧柏人工林林地土壤呼吸变化特征及其与撂荒地的差异。结果表明:撂荒地和侧柏林土壤呼吸速率月变化趋势均呈单峰曲线,且土壤呼吸速率最大值均出现在7或8月份。观测日侧柏林土壤呼吸速率平均值为3.853μmol/(m2.s),比撂荒地的6.937μmol/(m2.s)约低44.5%。土壤温度和湿度是影响侧柏林地土壤呼吸的主要因子,双关因素模型R=aebTswc(a,b,c为常数)较好拟合了土壤温度和湿度对土壤呼吸的影响,二者共同解释了土壤呼吸变化的81.1%,而影响撂荒地土壤呼吸速率的主要影响因子是土壤温度,与土壤湿度相关不明显。 展开更多
关键词 华北低丘山区 侧柏人工林 撂荒地 生长季 土壤呼吸
作者 山建中 《寄生虫病与感染性疾病》 CAS 1999年第S1期8-9,共2页
关键词 血吸虫病流行 眉山县 丘山区 感染率 血吸虫病控制 男性儿童 吡喹酮治疗 儿童感染 血吸虫病防治 性别检查
Fertility Restoration of Red Soils in Low-Hilly Region of Middle Subtropical China 被引量:3
作者 SUNBO ZHANGTAOLIN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第3期205-212,共8页
There are about 1.27 million ha of upland red soils derived from Quaternary red clay facing the degradation in the low-hilly region of the middle subtropical China. From the aspects of chemistry, physics and microbiol... There are about 1.27 million ha of upland red soils derived from Quaternary red clay facing the degradation in the low-hilly region of the middle subtropical China. From the aspects of chemistry, physics and microbiology, the processes of soil fertility restoration in the surface layer (0~20 cm) under three types of land use patterns (i.e. citrus orchard, tea garden and upland) in two provinces were studied in this work. Results showed that the reclamation of eroded waste land improved most of soil properties. Soil organic matter, total N and P, available P and K, and exchangeable Ca and Mg increased, but soil total K and exchangeable Al decreased. Soil PH decreased by 0.5 unit in the pure tea plantation for 20 years. Soil reclamation increased the percentage of soil microaggregates (<0.25 mm), especially those with a diameter of 0.02~0.002 mm. Soil total porosity increased in the cultivated lands with the increase of soil aeration and capillary porosity. The number of soil microorganisms increased with reclamation caused mainly by the huge increase of the total amount of bacteria. With the cultivation, the activity of soil urease and acid phosphatase increased, but that of invertase dropped. 展开更多
关键词 FERTILITY low-hilly region red soils RESTORATION subtropical China
Changes of local agricultural landscape patterns induced by land consolidation in hilly and mountainous Southwestern China 被引量:1
作者 张贞 魏朝富 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第3期151-164,共14页
Land consolidation (LC), as a type of human disturbance, improves land production efficiency and changes landscape distribution through land parcel reallocation. The objective of this study was to comparatively analyz... Land consolidation (LC), as a type of human disturbance, improves land production efficiency and changes landscape distribution through land parcel reallocation. The objective of this study was to comparatively analyze the changes of landscape patches before and after a land consolidation project (LCP) and the effects of land levelling, irrigation and drainage work and road engineering on the landscape structure. FRAGSTAT3.3 and buffer zone analysis were used to investigate those changes. The results suggest that the heterogeneity of landscape depressed, and tended to simplification after LC. Dry land was the most highly variable land use pattern, and the change of forestland was least due to its locations at a gradient larger than 25°. LC resulted in a more rational use of land, and could be an important step in promoting rural development in depressed and fragmented agricultural areas through unused land exploitation, small-patch combination, irrigation and water conservancy, and road construction. Land levelling leveled off the gradient field surface and decreased the slope. The fragmentized patches were much more incorporated with increasing slope. On the other hand, the ridge of a field became longer so that the length of field surface and area of patch were increased. Land levelling regulated, simplified and combined patches, so that the complexity degree was reduced. It is found that the buffer distance of 35 m was a turning point of human disturbance by irrigation and drainage systems, and patches presented flaky distribution when the buffer distance was smaller than 35 m. Meanwhile, the distance range between 25 m to 50 m was an impressible area for road engineering, which was sensitive to human actions, and the changes of all landscape metrics were larger than those in other buffer zones. In general, LC not only reallocated fragmented parcels, but also improved agricultural conditions. 展开更多
关键词 land consolidation land use local agricultural landscape pattern landscape patch hilly and mountainous in Southwestern China
Identifying Scale-location Specific Control on Vegetation Distribution in Mountain-hill Region 被引量:3
作者 QIU Bing-wen ZENG Can-ying +2 位作者 TANG Zheng-hong LI Wei-jiao Aaron HIRSH 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期541-552,共12页
vegetation continuous The scale-location specific control on distribution was investigated through wavelet transforms approaches in subtropical mountain-hill region, Fujian, China. The Normalized Difference Vegetatio... vegetation continuous The scale-location specific control on distribution was investigated through wavelet transforms approaches in subtropical mountain-hill region, Fujian, China. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated as an indicator of vegetation greenness using Chinese Environmental Disaster Reduction Satellite images along latitudinal and longitudinal transects. Four scales of variations were identified from the local wavelet spectrum of NDVI, with much stronger wavelet variances observed at larger scales. The characteristic scale of vegetation distribution within mountainous and hilly regions in Southeast China was around 20 km. Significantly strong wavelet coherency was generally examined in regions with very diverse topography, typically characterized as small mountains and hills fractured by rivers and residents. The continuous wavelet based approaches provided valuable insight on the hierarchical structure and its corresponding characteristic scales of ecosystems, which might be applied in defining proper levels in multilevel models and optimal bandwidths in Geographically Weighted Regression. 展开更多
关键词 NDVI Continuous wavelet transform Characteristic scale Mountain-hill region Scale-location specific
Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Pluriactivity in Mountainous and Hilly Rural Areas of Sichuan Province,China 被引量:4
作者 LIU Shao-quan ZHANG Hai-qin +1 位作者 XIE Fang-ting GUO Shi-li 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期445-454,共10页
In this study, the current situation of pluriactivity in mountainous and hilly rural areas of Sichuan province was analyzed using representative sample survey data and natural factor data calculated based on 30 m-reso... In this study, the current situation of pluriactivity in mountainous and hilly rural areas of Sichuan province was analyzed using representative sample survey data and natural factor data calculated based on 30 m-resolution DEM and GIS. Moreover, using logistic regression model, a quantitative analysis was conducted on factors influencing pluriactivity in terms of individuals, households, communities and natural environmental conditions. The results showed that, (1) only 17.77% of rural laborers in mountainous and hilly areas of Sichuan province were engaged in pluriactivity. Geographically, pluriactivity was mainly chosen according to the "proximity principle", and was concentrated in construction and service industries; (2) the following factors have a significant influence on whether rural laborers in hilly areas engage in pluriactivity: gender, number of years of education, marriage, number of laborers and time to towns. Those with little influence include: age, health, family size, arable land per capita and per capita income, whether there are elderly people over 75 years and children less than 3 years. According to the main factors affecting pluriaetivity, the government should enhance vocational skills training for rural laborers in mountainous and hilly areas, especially for female laborers, further improve transport accessibility and encourage rural laborers, especially female laborers to move into pluriactivity to increase the income of farm households. 展开更多
关键词 Mountainous and hilly areas Rurallaborers Pluriaetivity Influencing factors
Relationship Between Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Soil Conditions in Low Mountain and Hilly Region of Northeast China 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Yubin CAO Ning +4 位作者 XU Xiaohong ZHANG Feng YAN Fei ZHANG Xinsheng TANG Xinlong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期147-162,共16页
The soil and water conservation practices of ecological restoration(ER),fish scale pit(FP),furrow and ridge tillage across the slope(FR),shrub strips(SS),and vegetation-covered ridge(VR)are characteristic of the Jixin... The soil and water conservation practices of ecological restoration(ER),fish scale pit(FP),furrow and ridge tillage across the slope(FR),shrub strips(SS),and vegetation-covered ridge(VR)are characteristic of the Jixing small watershed of the low mountain and hilly region of Jilin Province,Northeast China.This study aims to elucidate the effects of soil and water conservation practices on soil conditions after the short-term implementation of practices.Soil samples were collected from five soil and water conservation sites(ER,FP,FR,SS,and VR)and two controls(BL and CT)to investigate their properties.To evaluate the influence of soil and water conservation practices on soil quality,an integrated quantitative index,soil quality index(QI),was developed to compare the soil quality under the different soil and water conservation practices.The results show that not all soil and water conservation practices can improve the soil conditions and not all soil properties,especially soil organic carbon(SOC),can be recovered under soil and water conservation practice in short-term.Moreover,the QI in the five soil and water conservation practices and two controls was in the following order:ER>VR>BL>FR>CT>SS>FP.ER exhibited a higher soil quality value on a slope scale.In the low mountain and hilly region of Northeast China,ER is a better choice than the conversion of farmlands to planted grasslands and woodlands early in the soil and water conservation program. 展开更多
关键词 soil and water conservation practices soil property soil organic carbon low mountain and hilly region Northeast China
Demographic and Infrastructure Problems of Villages in the Hilly-Mountainous Areas of Prilep
作者 Cane Koteski Dushko Josheski Zlatko Jakovlev Snezana Bardarova Vladimir Kitanov 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第8期569-581,共13页
In this paper it has been investigated the issue of the dynamics of the rural population in villages in the mountainous areas of the municipality of Prilep height distribution of the mountainous villages, the area siz... In this paper it has been investigated the issue of the dynamics of the rural population in villages in the mountainous areas of the municipality of Prilep height distribution of the mountainous villages, the area size, absolute density and agrarian population in hilly-mountainous villages, the distance of the hill-mountain villages of the municipality center and institutional infrastructure hilly-mountainous areas in Prilep. Despite the demographic decline that was made in the past 45 years, the municipality and the country will have even more incentive in the coming years to invest in infrastructure to improve little very bad living conditions and foremost here we think of infrastructure, roads, water drinking, clinics, veterinary stations, public transportation, gas stations, stores, construction of ethnic restaurants and small hotels so that at least the older generations of the cities as the least retirement to spend at home, to create minimum conditions for living and so that villages in hilly and mountainous villages to be attractive to younger generations of the cities and migrant workers from European countries and America Australia frequently to visit home, and to be able to invest in small commercial buildings in the area of tourism. 展开更多
关键词 Demographic structure geographical location agricultural density institutional structure Prilep.
Soil Organic Carbon Pools in Particle-Size Fractions as Affected by Slope Gradient and Land Use Change in Hilly Regions,Western Iran 被引量:12
作者 Parisa Mokhtari KARCHEGANI Shamsollah AYOUBI +1 位作者 Mohammad Reza MOSADDEGHI Naser HONARJOO 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期87-95,共9页
This study was conducted to explore the effects of topography and land use changes on particulate organic carbon(POC),particulate total nitrogen(PTN),organic carbon(OC) and total nitrogen(TN) associated with different... This study was conducted to explore the effects of topography and land use changes on particulate organic carbon(POC),particulate total nitrogen(PTN),organic carbon(OC) and total nitrogen(TN) associated with different size primary particle fractions in hilly regions of western Iran.Three popular land uses in the selected site including natural forest(NF),disturbed forest(DF) and cultivated land(CL) and three slope gradients(0-10 %,S1,10-30 %,S2,and 30-50%,S3) were employed as the basis of soil sampling.A total of 99 soil samples were taken from the 0-10 cm surface layer in the whole studied hilly region studied.The results showed that the POC in the forest land use in all slope gradients was considerably more than the deforested and cultivated lands and the highest value was observed at NF-S1 treatment with 9.13%.The values of PTN were significantly higher in the forest land use and in the down slopes(0.5%) than in the deforested and cultivated counterparts and steep slopes(0.09%) except for the CL land use.The C:N ratios in POC fraction were around 17-18 in the forest land and around 23 in the cultivated land.In forest land,the silt-associated OC was highest among the primary particles.The enrichment factor of SOC,EC,was the highest for POC.For the primary particles,EC of both primary fractions of silt and clay showed following trend for selected land uses and slope gradients:CL> DF> NF and S3 > S2> S1.Slope gradient of landscape significantly affected the OC and TN contents associated with the silt and clay particles,whereas higher OC and TN contents were observed in lower positions and the lowest value was measured in the steep slopes.Overall,the results showed that native forest land improves soil organic carbon storage and can reduce the carbon emission and soil erosion especially in the mountainous regions with high rainfall in west of Iran. 展开更多
关键词 Land use change Soil organic carbon Slope gradient Physical fractionation Particulate organic carbon
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