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作者 汪云松 《当代体育》 2019年第17期20-20,共1页
本文综合运用数理统计,文献法和逻辑分析,对参加第十四届省运会高校部男子丙组竞走比赛的成绩进行统计分析,归纳男子竞走比赛运动员取得优秀成绩的对比评析,为总结经验,同时,也提供了未来的培训参考。结果表明:安徽省各高校之间的对比... 本文综合运用数理统计,文献法和逻辑分析,对参加第十四届省运会高校部男子丙组竞走比赛的成绩进行统计分析,归纳男子竞走比赛运动员取得优秀成绩的对比评析,为总结经验,同时,也提供了未来的培训参考。结果表明:安徽省各高校之间的对比还有一定的差距,需引起有关方面的重视。 展开更多
关键词 安徽省 高校部 丙组 竞走 成绩
作者 杨学东 《文体用品与科技》 2020年第16期105-106,共2页
广东省第十届大学生运动会排球比赛于2019年5月6日至5月19日在中山大学举行,排球比赛是大运会开始最早的项目,本次比赛共设甲组、乙组和丙组三个组别,丙组是由全省高职院校组成。这次大运会丙组共有15支队伍参加,本人有幸作为教练员带... 广东省第十届大学生运动会排球比赛于2019年5月6日至5月19日在中山大学举行,排球比赛是大运会开始最早的项目,本次比赛共设甲组、乙组和丙组三个组别,丙组是由全省高职院校组成。这次大运会丙组共有15支队伍参加,本人有幸作为教练员带队参加女子丙组的比赛获得了亚军,也目睹这一盛况,亲身体会到比赛竞争激烈的程度、运动员所面临的压力以及所取成绩的不易。通过这次比赛的交流和学习,运用观察法、分析法、访谈法等以及临场经验,总结在技战术、体能、心理以及队员配备等方面存在的问题,与大家一起分享,希望能在以后的训练和比赛提供一些参考意见。 展开更多
关键词 大运会 排球 女子丙组 比赛分析
丙南组的新认识 被引量:1
作者 王洪峰 纪相田 马玉孝 《成都理工学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期21-27,共7页
通过攀西地区丙南组露头及典型剖面研究 ,详细论述了丙南组的岩性组合特征及分段 ,首次提出丙南组在部分地区为海相沉积的新观点。丙南组的时代自曾繁礻乃先生 1945年于攀枝花丙南渡命名至今 ,皆因未发现化石而暂置晚三叠世。通过野外... 通过攀西地区丙南组露头及典型剖面研究 ,详细论述了丙南组的岩性组合特征及分段 ,首次提出丙南组在部分地区为海相沉积的新观点。丙南组的时代自曾繁礻乃先生 1945年于攀枝花丙南渡命名至今 ,皆因未发现化石而暂置晚三叠世。通过野外实地调查及相关资料研究 ,以古气候因素、与邻区早三叠世青天堡组对比 ,以及丙南组与上覆大荞地组的接触关系等多方面资料 ,提出丙南组的时代归属应为早三叠世。 展开更多
关键词 早三叠世 海相沉积 攀西地区 岩石 古环境
作者 谢肃 《中国历史文物》 2007年第3期49-54,共6页
关键词 小屯丙组基址 祖先 祭祀
单机双级丙烷螺杆压缩机组 被引量:1
作者 尚振国 张术学 《制冷与空调》 2003年第5期60-62,共3页
丙烷具有极好的热力学性质 ,是一种理想的环保型制冷剂 ;同时 ,丙烷又是一种重要的工艺气体 ,可作为化工原料或燃料使用 。
关键词 单机双级烷螺杆压缩机 热力学性质 制冷剂 中间压力
丙泊酚在高血压脑出血微创术后的应用 被引量:2
作者 耿怀亮 田小平 《中国药物与临床》 CAS 2018年第1期87-88,共2页
高血压脑出血是中老年人的常见脑血管病,其特点是起病急,病情重、致残率、病死率高[1]。其病死率占脑血管病的首位,占卒中患者的10%~30%[2]。及时手术终止颅内血肿的占位效应及血肿引起的一系列损害性病理变化,从而降低致残率及病死率... 高血压脑出血是中老年人的常见脑血管病,其特点是起病急,病情重、致残率、病死率高[1]。其病死率占脑血管病的首位,占卒中患者的10%~30%[2]。及时手术终止颅内血肿的占位效应及血肿引起的一系列损害性病理变化,从而降低致残率及病死率。随着微创及精准理念的不断深入人心,在局部麻醉下、CT介导下的颅内血肿钻孔引流术,使手术简单易行,达到有效地降低致残率和病死率的目的。 展开更多
关键词 泊酚 泊酚 微创术后 脑出血 高血压
作者 韩坤霖 陈先章 张煜新 《体育风尚》 2021年第4期124-125,262,共3页
本文对陕西省第39届、第40届丙组(高职高专院校)大学生田运会第一名和前三名平均成绩进行对比分析,认为丙组规模在不断扩大、比赛成绩稳中有升,运动员参赛能力、比赛水平、技术水均有显著提高。同时,与陕西省大学生田径运动会丙组成绩相... 本文对陕西省第39届、第40届丙组(高职高专院校)大学生田运会第一名和前三名平均成绩进行对比分析,认为丙组规模在不断扩大、比赛成绩稳中有升,运动员参赛能力、比赛水平、技术水均有显著提高。同时,与陕西省大学生田径运动会丙组成绩相比,陕西能源职业技术学院(以下均称我院)参赛成绩仍有较大的提升空间。通过研究分析,找到了影响我院体育比赛成绩的主要原因,提出了解决对策。 展开更多
关键词 大学生田径运动会 丙组 问题及对策
HPLC法测定仔猪小肠刷状缘膜囊孵育体系中的二肽含量 被引量:5
作者 代建国 李德发 +2 位作者 朴香淑 杨文军 武玉波 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期94-98,共5页
用高效液相色谱法测定了经仔猪小肠刷状缘膜囊水解后的甘 - L-脯、L-亮 -甘和 β-丙 -组共 3种二肽的剩余含量。分别以水 -三氟乙酸 (质量浓度分别为 0 .1 % ,0 .0 8%和 0 .1 % ,p H值分别为 2 .2 0 ,2 .30和 2 .2 0 )和乙腈 -三氟乙酸 ... 用高效液相色谱法测定了经仔猪小肠刷状缘膜囊水解后的甘 - L-脯、L-亮 -甘和 β-丙 -组共 3种二肽的剩余含量。分别以水 -三氟乙酸 (质量浓度分别为 0 .1 % ,0 .0 8%和 0 .1 % ,p H值分别为 2 .2 0 ,2 .30和 2 .2 0 )和乙腈 -三氟乙酸 (三氟乙酸质量浓度 0 .1 % )为流动相 ,经 Phenomennex ODS分析柱 (2 50 mm× 4.60 mm,5μm,C1 8)分离 ,在 2 0 0~ 40 0 nm处检测。结果表明 ,3种二肽在 0~ 30 0 μg.m L-1之间 ,其峰面积 (X)对质量浓度 (Y,μg.m L-1 )回归得方程分别为 Y=0 .0 0 0 1 X- 5.6945,(R2 =0 .9946) ;Y=0 .0 0 0 4 X- 1 .41 6 7,(R2 =0 .9999) ;Y=0 .1 842 X- 7.365 4,(R2 =0 .9948)。平均回收率依次为 1 0 0 .0 0 % ,1 0 0 .0 1 %和 99.92 % ,保留时间依次为 7.63,8.0 1和 4.1 7min,最大吸收波长依次为 2 0 1 ,2 0 0和 2 80 nm。该方法快速、简便和准确 ,结果稳定 ,重现性好 。 展开更多
关键词 HPLC法 仔猪 小肠 刷状缘膜囊 孵育体系 二肽 含量 高效液相色谱法 甘-L-脯二肽 L-亮-甘二肽 β--二肽
Sequencing of hepatitis C virus cDNA with polymerase chain reaction directed sequencing *
作者 魏来 王宇 +1 位作者 陈红松 陶其敏 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第1期18+15-17,15-17,共4页
AIM To explore a rapid and easy sequencing method for hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome, and establish a new sequencing method in China. METHODS Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was combined with DNA sequencing techn... AIM To explore a rapid and easy sequencing method for hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome, and establish a new sequencing method in China. METHODS Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was combined with DNA sequencing technique. PCR products were purified by agarose gel electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), Polyethylene glycol (PEG) respectively. Then in the presence of a 5′ labeling PCR primer, purified PCR products were directly sequenced. By this method, HCV NS5b cDNA from two HCV infected individuals (HC 42 and HC 49) were sequenced. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C virus DNA viral DNA complementary Polymerase chain reaction Sequence analysis DNA Mutation
谢谢您的 鼓励
作者 赵伊菲 《作文新天地(小学版)》 2017年第9期50-51,共2页
'哦.5秒.差了5秒.'我气急败坏地发出了愤怒的吼叫.对轮滑比赛而言,5秒的时间是多么大的差距,你根本就不能想象.你知道一天有多长吗?5秒的时长就与一天一样长. '丙组女生请到报告处签到.'广播里的声音回荡着.'伊菲加... '哦.5秒.差了5秒.'我气急败坏地发出了愤怒的吼叫.对轮滑比赛而言,5秒的时间是多么大的差距,你根本就不能想象.你知道一天有多长吗?5秒的时长就与一天一样长. '丙组女生请到报告处签到.'广播里的声音回荡着.'伊菲加油.'李教练的声音也同样重复着,我不免有点紧张. 展开更多
关键词 广播 声音 女生 多长 丙组 时长 报告
Synthesis and ceramization of polycarbosilane containing beryllium 被引量:6
作者 黄小忠 周珊 +3 位作者 程勇 杜作娟 段曦东 王超英 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期71-75,共5页
Polycarbosilane containing beryllium(BPCS) precursors was prepared by the reaction of polycarbosilane(PCS) with beryllium acetylacetone(Be(acac)2).The analysis of structures and components of BPCS demonstrates that th... Polycarbosilane containing beryllium(BPCS) precursors was prepared by the reaction of polycarbosilane(PCS) with beryllium acetylacetone(Be(acac)2).The analysis of structures and components of BPCS demonstrates that their main structures are basically the same as PCS.Ceramization of BPCS precursors shows that BPCS precursors are organic below 600 °C and inorganic at 800 °C.At 1400 °C,BPCS precursors convert into silicon carbide ceramics.The ceramization of different beryllium content precursors were studied,which show that beryllium plays an important role in the inhibition of crystalline grain growth of β-SiC at high temperature and it can adjust the dielectric constant of silicon carbide ceramics. 展开更多
Preparation and Characterization of Two-component Waterborne Polyurethane Comprised of Water-soluble Acrylic Resin and HDI Biuret 被引量:50
作者 周新华 涂伟萍 胡剑青 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第1期99-104,共6页
A two-component waterborne polyurethane(2K-WPU) was prepared by mixing water-soluble acrylic resin and hexamethylene diisocyanate biuret, and then diluted for phase inversion with water. Compared with water-soluble ac... A two-component waterborne polyurethane(2K-WPU) was prepared by mixing water-soluble acrylic resin and hexamethylene diisocyanate biuret, and then diluted for phase inversion with water. Compared with water-soluble acrylic resin, the phase inversion of 2K-WPU occurs at lower water content. It is indicated by TEM that 2K-WPU parti-cles show a core-shell structure, in which HDI biuret is encapsulated by hydrophilic acrylic resin. 2K-WPU emulsion with HDI biuret has larger particle size and narrower distribution index, while for 2K-WPU emulsion with HDI iso-cyanurate, the latex not only has large particle size, but also has two-peak distribution. FTIR shows that the reaction be-tween HDI biuret and acrylic resin can complete in 12h. In addition, studies on effect of composition of acrylic resin on performance of 2K-WPU show that narrowing the polar difference between water-soluble acrylic resin and HDI biuret and improving the miscibility of two components are the key to prepare the transparent and high gloss films with high crosslinking density. 展开更多
关键词 waterborne polyurethane TWO-COMPONENT acrylic resin phase inversion
氟比洛芬酯提高无痛人流的术后舒适度的观察 被引量:1
作者 吴悦 钱彦 +2 位作者 金彩娥 徐小红 胡四平 《全科医学临床与教育》 2018年第1期94-96,共3页
无痛人流是指在麻醉的状态下进行终止妊娠的手术,病人术中没有任何痛苦,目前为止,无痛人流手术很成熟,几乎所有的县级医院多在开展。但是有一部分行无痛人流患者在苏醒后会出现下腹痛、腹胀、肛门坠胀感、腰背部酸痛等不适,舒适度、医... 无痛人流是指在麻醉的状态下进行终止妊娠的手术,病人术中没有任何痛苦,目前为止,无痛人流手术很成熟,几乎所有的县级医院多在开展。但是有一部分行无痛人流患者在苏醒后会出现下腹痛、腹胀、肛门坠胀感、腰背部酸痛等不适,舒适度、医疗满意度受到影响。 展开更多
关键词 氟比洛芬酯 无痛人流 泊酚 舒适度
Pharmacokinetics and tissue behavior of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin in turbot Scophthalmus maximus at two water temperatures 被引量:13
作者 梁俊平 李健 +2 位作者 赵法箴 刘萍 常志强 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期644-653,共10页
Turbot Scophthalmus maximus, an important aquaculture species in China, currently suffers from epizootic diseases because of high density aquaculture. Enrofloxacin has been used to treat various systemic bacterial fis... Turbot Scophthalmus maximus, an important aquaculture species in China, currently suffers from epizootic diseases because of high density aquaculture. Enrofloxacin has been used to treat various systemic bacterial fish infections. However, studies concerning the pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin in turbot are limited. In this study, the pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin, were investigated in the turbot following intravenous and oral administration at 10 mg enrofloxacin/kg body weight, at 16℃ and 10℃ water temperatures. The concentrations of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in the main tissues (plasma, muscle, liver and kidney) were detected by HPLC. The results show that the plasma concentration-time data for enrofloxacin were best described as a two-compartment open model after intravenous and oral administration. Three pharmacokinetic equations were established between the concentrations and temperatures. The kinetic profile of enrofloxacin was temperature dependent. The absorption half-life of enrofloxacin was 1.99 h and 2.17 h after oral administration, whereas the elimination half-life of the drug was 98.63 h and 136.59 h at 16℃ and 10℃, respectively. The peak concentration of enrofloxacin in plasma and tissues was higher at 16℃ than that at 10℃, and the peak plasma concentration time in the liver was the shortest at both temperatures among those of other tissues. The plasma ℃/MIC ratio varied between 11.08 and 5 540.00 at 16℃; and between 7.92 and 3 960.00 at 10℃. The AUC/MIC ratio was 467.82-280 690.00 at 16℃, and 359.48-215 690.00 at 10℃. These ratios indicate that it is possible to obtain therapeutic efficacy. Very low levels of ciprofloxacin were detected. The AUC ratios of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin in plasma suggest that plasma ciprofloxacin might play a minor role in enrofloxacin treatment for turbot. 展开更多
麻醉药对老年患者术后认知功能的影响 被引量:7
作者 潘海波 《中国药物与临床》 CAS 2015年第12期1772-1774,共3页
老年人手术后出现中枢神经系统并发症,表现为精神错乱、焦虑、人格的改变以及记忆受损。这种手术后人格、社交能力及认知能力和技巧的变化称为手术后认知功能障碍(POCD),另有学者认为POCD表现为手术后记忆力和集中力下降的智力功能的... 老年人手术后出现中枢神经系统并发症,表现为精神错乱、焦虑、人格的改变以及记忆受损。这种手术后人格、社交能力及认知能力和技巧的变化称为手术后认知功能障碍(POCD),另有学者认为POCD表现为手术后记忆力和集中力下降的智力功能的退化。早期有学者根据发病时间及临床特征分为两类: 展开更多
关键词 麻醉手术 认知功能 智力功能 精神错乱 社交能力 中枢神经系统 泊酚 七氟烷 异氟烷 精神障碍
Preparation and characterization of poly(D,L-lactide) and its porous biomaterials 被引量:2
作者 周忠诚 阮建明 +3 位作者 黄伯云 李亚军 邹俭鹏 张海波 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2005年第1期1-4,共4页
Poly(D,L-lactide) was synthesized by indirect method from D,L-lactic acid and characterized by infrared spectrum and proton nuclear magnetic resonance. The influences of monomer purity, initiator concentration, polyme... Poly(D,L-lactide) was synthesized by indirect method from D,L-lactic acid and characterized by infrared spectrum and proton nuclear magnetic resonance. The influences of monomer purity, initiator concentration, polymerization temperature and polymerization time on the relative molecular mass of poly(D, L-lactide) were investigated. The polylactide was made into porous materials by using solvent-casting particulate-leaching method. Under the optimized conditions, polylactides with a viscosity average molecular mass up to 1.82×105 are obtained and the results are fairly reproducible. Scanning electron microscope observation indicates that the sample is highly porous and well-distributed with good interconnections between pores and the pore size of porous materials is in the range from 200 μm to 500 μm and it can be used as scaffold for bone tissue engineering. 展开更多
关键词 LACTIDE polylactic acid tissue engineering SCAFFOLD
Prognostic factors for progression of liver structural lesions in chronic hepatitis C patients
作者 Liliana SC Mendes Marcelo E Nita +4 位作者 Suzane K Ono-Nita Evandro S Mello Luiz Caetano da Silva Venancio AF Alves Flair J Carrilho 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第16期2522-2528,共7页
AIM: To evaluate the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and histological variables capable of predicting the progression of hepatic structural disturbances in chronic hepatitis C patients during the time interval b... AIM: To evaluate the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and histological variables capable of predicting the progression of hepatic structural disturbances in chronic hepatitis C patients during the time interval between two liver biopsies. METHODS: Clinical charts of 112 chronic hepatitis C patients were retrospectively analyzed, whereas liver biopsies were revised. Immunohistochemical detection of interferon receptor was based on the Envision-Peroxidase System. RESULTS: In the multivariate analysis, the variables in the age at first biopsy, ALT levels, presence of lymphoid aggregates and siderosis were the determinants of the best model for predicting the severity of the disease. The direct progression rate of hepatic structural lesions was significantly higher in untreated patients, intermediate in treated non-responders and lower in treated responders to antiviral therapy (non-treated vs responders, 0.22 ± 0.50 vs -0.15 ± 0.46, P = 0.0053). Immuno-expression of interferon receptor is not a relevant factor. CONCLUSION: The best predictors of the progression of fibrosis are age at the first liver biopsy, extent of ALT elevation, inflammation at liver histology and hepatic siderosis. Antiviral treatment is effective in preventing the progression of liver structural lesions in chronic hepatitis C patients. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C HISTOLOGY FIBROSIS Interfemns Disease progression
Chronic hepatitis C is a common associated with hepatic granulomas 被引量:2
作者 Ned Snyder Juan G Martinez Shu-Yuan Xiao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第41期6366-6369,共4页
AIM: To determine the most frequent etiologies of hepatic epithelioid granulomas, and whether there was an association with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV). METHODS: Both a retrospective review of the pathol- ogy ... AIM: To determine the most frequent etiologies of hepatic epithelioid granulomas, and whether there was an association with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV). METHODS: Both a retrospective review of the pathol- ogy database of liver biopsies at our institution from 1996 through 2006 as well as data from a prospective study of hepatic fibrosis markers and liver biopsies from 2003 to 2006 were reviewed to identify cases of hepatic epithelioid granulomas. Appropriate charts, liver biopsy slides, and laboratory data were reviewed to determine all possible associations. The diagnosis of HCV was based on a positive HCV RNA. RESULTS: There were 4578 liver biopsies and 36 (0.79%) had at least one epithelioid granuloma. HCV was the most common association. Fourteen patients had HCV, and in nine, there were no concurrent condi- tions known to be associated with hepatic granulomas. Prior interferon therapy and crystalloid substances from illicit intravenous injections did not account for the finding. There were hepatic epithelioid granulomas in 3 of 241 patients (1.24%) with known chronic HCV enrolled in the prospective study of hepatic fibrosis markers. CONCLUSION: Although uncommon, hepatic granu- Iomas may be part of the histological spectrum of chronic HCV. When epithelioid granulomas are found on the liver biopsy of someone with HCV, other clini- cally appropriate studies should be done, but if nothing else is found, the clinician can be comfortable with an HCV association. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C LIVER GRANULOMAS Liver biopsy
Zn–Ca–Al mixed oxide as efficient catalyst for synthesis of propylene carbonate from urea and 1,2-propylene glycol 被引量:4
作者 Sen Liu Suhong Sun +3 位作者 Xuehui Tian Peiyong Sun Shenghong Zhang Zhilong Yao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期609-616,共8页
A series of Zn–Ca–Al oxides with different CaO and ZnO contents have been prepared and evaluated in the synthesis of propylene carbonate(PC) from 1,2-propylene glycol(PG) and urea in a batch reactor. The effect of c... A series of Zn–Ca–Al oxides with different CaO and ZnO contents have been prepared and evaluated in the synthesis of propylene carbonate(PC) from 1,2-propylene glycol(PG) and urea in a batch reactor. The effect of catalyst composition, basicity and reaction process parameters such as temperature, catalyst dose, molar ratio of PG to urea, purge gas flow and reaction time has been studied to find suitable reaction conditions for the PC synthesis. The PC selectivity and yield under the desired conditions could reach 98.4% and 90.8%, respectively. The best performing catalyst also exhibited a good reusability without appreciable loss in the PC selectivity and yield after five consecutive reaction runs. In addition, a stepwise reaction pathway involving a 2-hydroxypropyl carbamate intermediate was proposed for the urea alcoholysis to PC in the presence of Zn–Ca–Al catalysts, according to the time dependences of reaction intermediates and products. 展开更多
关键词 Propylene carbonate 1 2-Propylene glycol Urea Catalysis Alcoholysis
Endotoxin receptor CD14 gene variants and histological features in chronic HCV infection 被引量:2
作者 Eva Askar Giuliano Ramadori Sabine Mihm 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第31期3884-3890,共7页
AIM:To analyze the correlation between CD14 rs2569190/C-159T single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and disease progression in chronic hepatitis C.METHODS: Liver biopsy specimens from a total of 137 and 349 patients wit... AIM:To analyze the correlation between CD14 rs2569190/C-159T single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and disease progression in chronic hepatitis C.METHODS: Liver biopsy specimens from a total of 137 and 349 patients with chronic hepatitis C were separately evaluated with respect to necroinflammatory activity (grading) and architectural changes (staging). In one group, further histological lesions characteristic for hepatitis C, hepatitis C virus subtypes, and biochemical parameters of liver disease were also investigated. Samples of genomic DNA were genotyped for the respective SNP by 5'-nuclease assays using fluorescent dye-labeled allele-specif ic probes.RESULTS: Genotype distribution did not deviate from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. In the first group, patients homozygous for the variant allele T were found to be younger than C allele carriers (39.6±12.5 vs 45.7±11.5, P=0.008). Among the histological lesions studied, portal lymphoid aggregates were more frequently observed among TT homozygotes than among C carriers (21/37 vs 32/100, P=0.008). The presence of portal lymphoid aggregates was closely correlated with hepatic inflammation (P=0.003) and with bile duct damage (P<0.001). The degree of fibrosis, in contrast, was not found to be related to the CD14 gene C-159T polymorphism.CONCLUSION: The data suggest a possible relationship between CD14 C-159T polymorphism and the formation of portal lymphoid aggregates, but not liver fibrosis progression in chronic hepatitis C. 展开更多
关键词 CD14 ENDOTOXINS Hepatitis C virus Inflammation LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDES Liver fibrosis Portal system Single nucleotide polymorphism
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