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机动车驾驶员培训业务会计处理问题探讨 被引量:4
作者 李晓明 《现代商贸工业》 2012年第7期140-141,共2页
近年来,机动车驾驶培训人数快速增长,专业培训机动车驾驶员的公司也相应发展起来。但对于驾培公司的会计业务处理上还有一些值得我们需要探讨的问题。阐述了驾培公司在会计核算中存在的主要问题,然后分析了问题产生的各种原因,同时提出... 近年来,机动车驾驶培训人数快速增长,专业培训机动车驾驶员的公司也相应发展起来。但对于驾培公司的会计业务处理上还有一些值得我们需要探讨的问题。阐述了驾培公司在会计核算中存在的主要问题,然后分析了问题产生的各种原因,同时提出了解决方法。 展开更多
关键词 业务 会计核算 收入确认 税务处理
《北京市人民政府公报》 2005年第20期24-28,共5页
各区县统计局、有关统计直报单位: 2005年3月8日,市统计局召开专门会议,审议通过了《基本单位名录库管理办法(修订)》及工作流程,现将具体内容印发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。
关键词 统计调查 管理办法 报表制度 统计制度 数据审核 行政区划调整 组织机构代码证 质量技术监督 业务培
Comprehensive Model for Business Training Based on B-Learning
作者 Femando Ome-Carrasco Claudia Malc6n-Cerverat Jose Luis Martinez-Flores 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第8期859-863,共5页
Training and development for staff are the best option available for companies to survive in a highly competitive global business environment, but for those companies that operate business units located in different c... Training and development for staff are the best option available for companies to survive in a highly competitive global business environment, but for those companies that operate business units located in different cities or countries, it has a high cost for the great dispersion of staff. B-learning is presented as a viable and interesting option that achieves superior results in the learning process while significantly reducing the costs associated with training. In the state of the art, B-learning has been addressed with greater emphasis in academics and the few articles that focused on addressing business training, present partial solutions to the problems exposed. This paper proposes a model that offers a comprehensive solution for managing corporate training based on B-learning, and consists of three phases: design, development and implementation. 展开更多
关键词 TRAINING COMPETITIVENESS companies with geographically dispersed operations B-learning
The present situation and policy recommendations of Shanghai family service industry
作者 XU Min 《International English Education Research》 2016年第1期1-3,共3页
To develop Shanghai family service industry urgently is for the construction of livable city. Surveys are found that there are quite a lot of problems of Shanghai family services ,such as structural imbalance between ... To develop Shanghai family service industry urgently is for the construction of livable city. Surveys are found that there are quite a lot of problems of Shanghai family services ,such as structural imbalance between supply and demand, industry market chaos, staff career development space is limited, imperfect industry standards, relevant laws and regulations is not sound and so on. To start with, Shanghai family service standard system should be made to strengthen the family service personnel vocational training and job evaluation, and for the establishment and implementation of the "family service personnel vocational level system", it also increases policy support to the "employees" enterprise and to build the linkage supervision mechanism of industry associations and government departments to promote the standardization of the Shanghai family service development. 展开更多
The present situation and policy recommendations of Shanghai family service industry
作者 XU Min 《International English Education Research》 2015年第12期65-67,共3页
To develop Shanghai family service industry urgently is for the construction of livable city. Surveys are found that there are quite a lot of problems of Shanghai family services ,such as structural imbalance between ... To develop Shanghai family service industry urgently is for the construction of livable city. Surveys are found that there are quite a lot of problems of Shanghai family services ,such as structural imbalance between supply and demand, industry market chaos, staff career development space is limited, imperfect industry standards, relevant laws and regulations is not sound and so on. To start with, Shanghai family service standard system should be made to strengthen the family service personnel vocational training and job evaluation, and for the establishment and implementation of the "family service personnel vocational level system", it also increases policy support to the "employees" enterprise and to build the linkage supervision mechanism of industry associations and government departments to promote the standardization of the Shanghai family service development. 展开更多
《中国道路运输》 2017年第8期94-94,共1页
关键词 业务 青岛市 运营管理 运输管理
Research on cultivating and constructing e-commerce industry cluster in Wuhan
作者 Degang Chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期40-42,共3页
Based on the analysis of the e-commerce industry cluster development in Wuhan, it analyzed opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses in its development by using the method of SWOT analysis and proposed. Wuhan s... Based on the analysis of the e-commerce industry cluster development in Wuhan, it analyzed opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses in its development by using the method of SWOT analysis and proposed. Wuhan should use SWO combination, make use of advantages, such as larger network operators group and better IT talent base, and renew orientation; avoid the threat of other leading cities, train multi-level e-commerce professionals, to make up for the lack of leading enterprises and the imperfect of e-commerce industry chain; establish e-commerce industrial parks by adding fiction in the entity; take advantage of the great opportunity that e-commerce is at the stage of rapid development and establish and strengthen e-commerce industry cluster in Wuhan. 展开更多
关键词 e-commerce industry clusters SWOT development strategy
Study on Cultivating the Loyalty of Knowledge Workers in Service Enterprises
作者 Liu Jingjing 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期35-37,共3页
Knowledge workers are important human resources in service enterprises.How to cultivate the loyalty of knowledge workers in service enterprises is an important problem that managers must pay attention to.Beginning fro... Knowledge workers are important human resources in service enterprises.How to cultivate the loyalty of knowledge workers in service enterprises is an important problem that managers must pay attention to.Beginning from the defines of basic concepts, the author analyzes factors influencing loyalty of knowledge workers. Finally, it puts forward effective measures including building people-oriented corporate culture; loyalty oriented recruianent and allocation; emphasis on compensation management; establishing a scientific career management system; paying attention to emotional management and so on. 展开更多
关键词 LOYALTY service enterprises knowledge workers
低焦油卷烟培育之探索 被引量:1
作者 曾剑锋 《广西烟草》 2013年第9期55-56,共2页
自2003年国家局明确提出"高香气、低焦油、低危害"的中式卷烟发展要求以来,推进卷烟减害降焦工作,培育低焦油卷烟品牌成为行业上下关注的焦点。近几年来,国家局领导多次强调要关注低焦低害产品的发展。不言而喻,当前,对于市... 自2003年国家局明确提出"高香气、低焦油、低危害"的中式卷烟发展要求以来,推进卷烟减害降焦工作,培育低焦油卷烟品牌成为行业上下关注的焦点。近几年来,国家局领导多次强调要关注低焦低害产品的发展。不言而喻,当前,对于市场经营主体地位的地市级公司而言,加大低焦油卷烟品牌的培育是一项艰巨而重要的任务。 展开更多
关键词 焦油量 市场经营主体 降焦 目标消费群体 受众面 消费理念 客观分析 深度营销 价格稳定 业务技能
《工会信息》 2011年第1期41-42,共2页
关键词 工会经审工作 杭州余杭 审计监督 工运事业 联合审计 单位工会 年度审计 专项审计 训计划 业务培
作者 戴贵奇 《广东档案》 2014年第3期17-17,共1页
今年3月,省档案局向省人民政府报送了《关于全省建设项目档案工作巡查情况的报告》,省委常委、常务副省长徐少华作出重要批示。报告提出的5条进一步做好建设项目档案工作的措施,得到了省委常委、常务副省长徐少华的肯定。省档案局将进... 今年3月,省档案局向省人民政府报送了《关于全省建设项目档案工作巡查情况的报告》,省委常委、常务副省长徐少华作出重要批示。报告提出的5条进一步做好建设项目档案工作的措施,得到了省委常委、常务副省长徐少华的肯定。省档案局将进一步完善项目档案管理机制,优化管理流程,推进全省重大建设项目档案依法管理;进一步加强与各行业主管部门的沟通配合,建立沟通机制、搭建沟通平台。 展开更多
关键词 项目档案工作 重大建设项目 项目档案管理 沟通平台 沟通机制 档案规范化 巡查工作 行政执法 业务培
《工会信息》 2012年第7期41-42,共2页
江西德兴市总工会王亮报道日前,德兴市总工会下发了《关于任命德兴市工会劳动保护监督检查员的通知》,首次设立了19名德兴市工会劳动保护监督检查员。据了解,被任命的19名工会劳动保护监督检查员主要来自各乡镇(街道)工会和部分企业工... 江西德兴市总工会王亮报道日前,德兴市总工会下发了《关于任命德兴市工会劳动保护监督检查员的通知》,首次设立了19名德兴市工会劳动保护监督检查员。据了解,被任命的19名工会劳动保护监督检查员主要来自各乡镇(街道)工会和部分企业工会的副主席、工会干事。他们多年从事劳动保护工作。 展开更多
关键词 劳动保护工作 德兴市 副主席 职工生命安全 工作实绩 通报表扬 年度考核 职业病防治 不称职 业务培
作者 郭万召 《注册税务师》 2014年第5期55-55,共1页
党的十八大明确提出"加大非公有制经济组织、社会组织党建工作力度",这是新时期巩固党的执政基础、提高党的执政能力的迫切要求。在注税行业建立党的组织机构是党中央统筹推进社会组织党建工作,促进注税行业健康发展的重要举... 党的十八大明确提出"加大非公有制经济组织、社会组织党建工作力度",这是新时期巩固党的执政基础、提高党的执政能力的迫切要求。在注税行业建立党的组织机构是党中央统筹推进社会组织党建工作,促进注税行业健康发展的重要举措。我们必须深刻认识加强注税行业党建工作的重大意义,切实把党建工作作为重要的政治任务,抓紧、抓实、抓好、抓出成效来。 展开更多
关键词 行业党建 非公有制经济 党的组织 党组织建设 战斗堡垒作用 创先 统战工作 爱人民 制度机制 业务培
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