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焦墨法对当代东北山水笔墨语言探索的价值意义 被引量:12
作者 崔昊 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期214-216,共3页
焦墨法有狭义和广义之分。狭义焦墨法专指水分极少的浓墨,下笔老辣苍劲,视觉效果极强,其古已有之。广义焦墨法主张用墨无论浓淡深浅,只要用水极少,下笔焦涩干枯即可,其是传统焦墨法语言表现力的现代拓展。东北山水也称关东山水,其历史... 焦墨法有狭义和广义之分。狭义焦墨法专指水分极少的浓墨,下笔老辣苍劲,视觉效果极强,其古已有之。广义焦墨法主张用墨无论浓淡深浅,只要用水极少,下笔焦涩干枯即可,其是传统焦墨法语言表现力的现代拓展。东北山水也称关东山水,其历史悠久但传承不盛且起步相对较晚,尚无独立的笔墨语言系统。题材的特殊性决定了东北山水笔墨语言对传统的吸收和借鉴多有困难,唯焦墨法较为适宜。焦墨法从艺术形象塑造、对景写生实践、艺术精神构建等方面对当代东北山水笔墨语言探索的贡献与其它传统笔墨语言相比较更为突出。 展开更多
关键词 中国画 艺术创作 焦墨法 东北山水 笔墨语言 审美 艺术形象 艺术精神
作者 周积寅 《美术观察》 北大核心 2008年第1期I0001-I0001,共1页
张先生作品最感人之处,即真实自然之美。真即自然,是精粹诚实的最高表现。徐悲鸿说“艺术以真为贵,真即是美。”先生从小在东北长大,特爱画家乡的一山一水,一草一木,摄取最美的真实自然形象,作写生稿无数,经过加工,创作出比大... 张先生作品最感人之处,即真实自然之美。真即自然,是精粹诚实的最高表现。徐悲鸿说“艺术以真为贵,真即是美。”先生从小在东北长大,特爱画家乡的一山一水,一草一木,摄取最美的真实自然形象,作写生稿无数,经过加工,创作出比大自然更真更美的艺术形象。他深感,若用传统固有的笔墨造型程式,诸如各种皴法、双勾点叶法, 展开更多
关键词 东北山水 艺术形象 自然之美 自然形象 笔墨造型 徐悲鸿 大自然 张葆桂
东北地域山水画艺术审美特征初探——以笔墨语言的分析为核心 被引量:1
作者 张充吕 崔昊 《大舞台》 2011年第11期134-134,共1页
东北地域山水画的发展虽仅半个多世纪,但在艺术审美上已初步形成了自身的风格。其艺术审美特征在其笔墨语言方面表现最为突出。其笔墨语言注重传统而又极具创新精神,具备极强的兼容性。具体表现为:注重现实性但对传统笔墨语言也给予充... 东北地域山水画的发展虽仅半个多世纪,但在艺术审美上已初步形成了自身的风格。其艺术审美特征在其笔墨语言方面表现最为突出。其笔墨语言注重传统而又极具创新精神,具备极强的兼容性。具体表现为:注重现实性但对传统笔墨语言也给予充分考量、注重语言的表现力而非自身独立的符号感、极强的兼容性和发展的多元性等三大特征。 展开更多
关键词 东北地域山水 艺术审美 笔墨语言 传统 创新
《美术观察》 北大核心 2008年第4期137-137,共1页
汪为胜(《中国画坛》主编、美术评论家):张葆桂的东北山水画整体风格上透露的是东北雄奇与秀丽的特质.既有北国雄阔的豪放气质,也有秀逸的幽深.在高山峻岭刻画中体现出辽远、宽广、苍茫、沉厚的同时,又不时流露出清幽抒情的本色... 汪为胜(《中国画坛》主编、美术评论家):张葆桂的东北山水画整体风格上透露的是东北雄奇与秀丽的特质.既有北国雄阔的豪放气质,也有秀逸的幽深.在高山峻岭刻画中体现出辽远、宽广、苍茫、沉厚的同时,又不时流露出清幽抒情的本色。我想.这是他对东北山水真正的体悟.也是他睿智与才情的流露。应当说,在当代东北山水画家群体中,以独特方式,把个人的睿智,情感完完全全融入到山水构思里,张葆桂无疑是比较突出的一位。 展开更多
关键词 山水画家 美术评论家 整体风格 中国画 睿智 张葆桂 东北山水
作者 赵凯 《神州》 2013年第2期199-199,共1页
学术高度的欠缺是影响当代东北地域山水画发展的主要问题所在。只关注艺术创作而忽视从整体建设的高度来对东北地域山水画在学术高度上进行提高。是阻碍当下东北地域地域山水画进一步发展的最大的掣肘。东北地域山水画学术高度的构建应... 学术高度的欠缺是影响当代东北地域山水画发展的主要问题所在。只关注艺术创作而忽视从整体建设的高度来对东北地域山水画在学术高度上进行提高。是阻碍当下东北地域地域山水画进一步发展的最大的掣肘。东北地域山水画学术高度的构建应该从注重挖掘题材表现、全面梳理相关历史、深入研究相关理论、积极组织展览活动、注重高教专业建设五大方面来展开。 展开更多
关键词 东北地域山水 学术高度 题材表现 理论研究 专业建设
写意诠释 哥特异风——崔昊东北地域山水画赏析 被引量:1
作者 魏丽芬 王艳华 《作文成功之路(中考冲刺)》 2018年第1期105-105,共1页
哈尔滨有东方莫斯科之称,俄罗斯文化对其着深远影响。哈尔滨市内的伏尔加庄园有大量俄式建筑,是中俄文化交流的缩影,令足不出境就能能领路俄罗斯艺术。圣尼古拉教堂是伏尔加庄园内最具魅力的建筑,是被摄影家画家们关注的主要焦点。... 哈尔滨有东方莫斯科之称,俄罗斯文化对其着深远影响。哈尔滨市内的伏尔加庄园有大量俄式建筑,是中俄文化交流的缩影,令足不出境就能能领路俄罗斯艺术。圣尼古拉教堂是伏尔加庄园内最具魅力的建筑,是被摄影家画家们关注的主要焦点。围绕圣尼古拉教学在油画、水彩、版画等类别的作品倍出,崔昊的东北地域山水画——《圣尼古拉教堂》是其中的翘楚。 展开更多
关键词 齐齐哈尔大学 崔昊 东北地域山水 圣尼古拉教堂 伏尔加庄园
刍议当代东北地域山水画学术高度的提升 被引量:31
作者 崔昊 《作家》 北大核心 2013年第01X期223-224,共2页
作为当代新兴中国画流派的东北地域山水画,因缺乏学术高度而在当下陷入了发展瓶颈。仅专注技法而不做全局思考的片面思维早已与时代发展要求不符。东北地域山水画学术高度的提升塑造经典艺术形象以完善艺术语言体系;探索系统研究方法以... 作为当代新兴中国画流派的东北地域山水画,因缺乏学术高度而在当下陷入了发展瓶颈。仅专注技法而不做全局思考的片面思维早已与时代发展要求不符。东北地域山水画学术高度的提升塑造经典艺术形象以完善艺术语言体系;探索系统研究方法以完善艺术思维体系;挖掘独特艺术审美以完善艺术思想体系。唯此,才能突破瓶颈实现进一步的发展,成为既有视觉魅力又有学术高度,创作实践和理论研究双丰收的山水画流派进而为中国画乃至中国视觉艺术的当代发展做出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 东北地域山水 学术高度 艺术形象 研究方法 艺术审美
浅析当代东北地域山水画艺术审美特征及其成因 被引量:9
作者 崔昊 《作家》 北大核心 2011年第24期249-250,共2页
关键词 东北地域山水 艺术审美 拿来主义 折衷主义 现实主义
Relationship Between Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Soil Conditions in Low Mountain and Hilly Region of Northeast China 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG Yubin CAO Ning +4 位作者 XU Xiaohong ZHANG Feng YAN Fei ZHANG Xinsheng TANG Xinlong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期147-162,共16页
The soil and water conservation practices of ecological restoration(ER),fish scale pit(FP),furrow and ridge tillage across the slope(FR),shrub strips(SS),and vegetation-covered ridge(VR)are characteristic of the Jixin... The soil and water conservation practices of ecological restoration(ER),fish scale pit(FP),furrow and ridge tillage across the slope(FR),shrub strips(SS),and vegetation-covered ridge(VR)are characteristic of the Jixing small watershed of the low mountain and hilly region of Jilin Province,Northeast China.This study aims to elucidate the effects of soil and water conservation practices on soil conditions after the short-term implementation of practices.Soil samples were collected from five soil and water conservation sites(ER,FP,FR,SS,and VR)and two controls(BL and CT)to investigate their properties.To evaluate the influence of soil and water conservation practices on soil quality,an integrated quantitative index,soil quality index(QI),was developed to compare the soil quality under the different soil and water conservation practices.The results show that not all soil and water conservation practices can improve the soil conditions and not all soil properties,especially soil organic carbon(SOC),can be recovered under soil and water conservation practice in short-term.Moreover,the QI in the five soil and water conservation practices and two controls was in the following order:ER>VR>BL>FR>CT>SS>FP.ER exhibited a higher soil quality value on a slope scale.In the low mountain and hilly region of Northeast China,ER is a better choice than the conversion of farmlands to planted grasslands and woodlands early in the soil and water conservation program. 展开更多
关键词 soil and water conservation practices soil property soil organic carbon low mountain and hilly region Northeast China
Internal thermal origin mechanism of Karstic collapse column with no smoothly extrinsic cycle
作者 李永军 彭苏萍 +2 位作者 李佩全 刘登宪 连会青 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2008年第2期230-234,共5页
Huainan coal field as main object,investigation of Karstic hydrogeological con- ditions were developed in Huainan structureal unit,and the basic conditions,features and rules of Karstic growth were summarized.Geology ... Huainan coal field as main object,investigation of Karstic hydrogeological con- ditions were developed in Huainan structureal unit,and the basic conditions,features and rules of Karstic growth were summarized.Geology background and causes of Karstic col- lapse columns were analyzed.Combined with ancient physiognomy,environment and li- tho-facies features.After studying synthetically Karstic collapse columns,shape of col- lapse body,filling feature,hydrodynamic condition and agglutinate material in Huainan area,considering mine hydrogeological conditions of Xuhuai coal field and referenced Karstic collapse columns characters of other mines in North China,the internal thermal origin theory is elementarily formed for Karstic collapse columns extrinsic cycle can not operate smoothly.Finaly,three aspects including distributing features of different kinds of Karstic collapse columns in north China type coal field,conditions of Karstic collapse col- umns origined from internal thermal with no smoothly extrinsic cycle,mechanics of causes were analyzed and demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 collapse column mine water disaster Huainan mine North China coal field KARST
A Potential Flood Hazard Caused by Tianchi Volcano Eruption in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China
作者 BAO Kunshan WANG Guoping +1 位作者 LU Xianguo Neil B. McLaughlin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期677-681,共5页
Geohazards appear to be increasing in frequency globally. It is of necessity to actively manage these natural hazards to minimize loss of life and property. From an early warning perspective, this paper stresses the p... Geohazards appear to be increasing in frequency globally. It is of necessity to actively manage these natural hazards to minimize loss of life and property. From an early warning perspective, this paper stresses the potential fatal flood hazard represented by the huge volume of water in Tianchi Lake, the unique geography of Changbai Mountain, and the limited flood control ability in the upstream of the Songhua River. Northeast Asian countries should keep a watchful eye on the Changbai volcano cooperatively, and Chinese government especially needs to prepare plans for fighting a flood in advance. 展开更多
关键词 Volcano eruption Natural geohazards Flood disaster Active volcano Changbai Mountain Northeast China
Subaquatic volcanic eruptions in continental facies and their influence on high quality source rocks shown by the volcanic rocks of a faulted depression in Northeast China 被引量:7
作者 SHAN XuanLong LI JiYan +3 位作者 CHEN ShuMin RAN QingChang CHEN GuiBiao LIU Chao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期1926-1933,共8页
This paper reports the analysis on cores and rock slices, data on seismic and logging activities, characteristics of core samples, and the paleogeographic background of the Yingcheng Formation of the Xujiaweizi faulte... This paper reports the analysis on cores and rock slices, data on seismic and logging activities, characteristics of core samples, and the paleogeographic background of the Yingcheng Formation of the Xujiaweizi faulted depression in the Songliao Basin. The results show that some of the volcanic rocks were formed during subaquatic eruptions. These subaqueous volcanic rocks are further characterized by the interbedded black mudstone and tuffite, the presence of double-layer perlite enclosing aphyric or sparsely phyric rhyolite, the presence of a bentonite layer, and the coefficient of oxidation (Fe203/FeO). The types of rocks are volcanic breccia, lava breccias, perlite, rhyolite, tuff and sedimentary tuff. The subaquatic eruptions are distributed mainly in Wangjiatun, Shengping, Xuxi, Xuzhong, and Xudong. The XS-I area is the most typical. The organic abundance of over- burden mud rocks within the volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation indicates that these rocks represent high-quality source rocks. The analysis also shows that continental subaquatic volcanic eruptions provide a rich supply of minerals and en- ergies for the lake basin and increase the organic matter content in the water. Moreover, the water differentiation provides a good reducing environment for the conservation of organic matter, and is beneficial for the formation of high-quality source rocks. Finally, we propose a hypothesis to describe the mode of subaquatic eruptions and the formation of high-quality source rocks. 展开更多
关键词 subaquatic volcanic rocks in continental facies recognition marks high-quality source rocks Yingcheng Formation Xujiaweizi faulted depression
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