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“灿鸿”台风造成浙江东北部大暴雨成因分析 被引量:19
作者 周福 钱燕珍 +2 位作者 方艳莹 顾小丽 王毅 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期305-313,共9页
本文利用常规观测和自动站加密资料、卫星云图资料及NCEP再分析资料,分析了2015年7月10—11日1509号台风灿鸿造成其西侧浙江东北部异常强暴雨事件,得到本次大暴雨过程是由于"灿鸿"强度强、范围大、直接影响时间长,长时间东北气流下,... 本文利用常规观测和自动站加密资料、卫星云图资料及NCEP再分析资料,分析了2015年7月10—11日1509号台风灿鸿造成其西侧浙江东北部异常强暴雨事件,得到本次大暴雨过程是由于"灿鸿"强度强、范围大、直接影响时间长,长时间东北气流下,在浙东北特殊地形作用下,形成地面辐合带造成的。台风影响前期该区域处在对流不稳定状态,水汽含量丰沛,低层辐合,高层辐散且气温低,有利于上升运动,上层水汽冷凝造成强降雨。暴雨区低层MPV1由负值转变为正值,导致垂直涡度加强,925 hPaθse的高能区的长期存在,有利于上升气流增强,水汽长时间大量输送有利于台风的发展和维持,也有利于强降雨的形成。这些物理量的变化与雨量增大和减小有612 h的提前。呈喇叭口状的杭州湾及南面四明山、狭长东北一西南走向的象山港以及南岸的山脉等地形有迎风坡作用和地形辐合,对东北气流参与造成的降雨有增幅作用。 展开更多
关键词 台风灿鸿 大暴雨 对流不稳定 东北气流 地形
黄河中游一次大暴雨的观测分析与数值模拟 被引量:17
作者 赵桂香 薄燕青 +1 位作者 邱贵强 朱煜 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期436-454,共19页
利用常规观测资料、FY-2E TBB资料、地面加密自动气象站资料等,对2013年7月9日黄河中游地区(山西)暴雨过程进行了观测分析,利用WRF中尺度模式输出结果分析了低层切变线及其附近中尺度扰动的演变特征、动热力结构及水汽特征,以及低层偏... 利用常规观测资料、FY-2E TBB资料、地面加密自动气象站资料等,对2013年7月9日黄河中游地区(山西)暴雨过程进行了观测分析,利用WRF中尺度模式输出结果分析了低层切变线及其附近中尺度扰动的演变特征、动热力结构及水汽特征,以及低层偏东北气流的性质和作用等。结果表明:暴雨大暴雨是由700 h Pa切变线附近激发的4个中尺度对流云团直接造成的;低层稳定的切变线附近形成的中尺度扰动低涡,与地面中尺度露点锋和中尺度辐合线共同作用,触发了中尺度对流云团的发生、发展。受来自低层西路和东北路两支冷空气夹挤,暴雨区暖湿空气沿东南—西北向被迫抬升,形成一个狭窄的沿西路冷空气爬升的倾斜上升气流区,在其两侧形成两个方向相反的次级环流圈。水汽辐合中心在边界层附近,但这不是造成暴雨大暴雨的主要原因。低层辐合上升运动持续增强,偏南风入流将水汽向暴雨区集中,而次级环流的上升支将水汽向高层输送,使得暴雨区上空局地整层可降水量持续增加,以及对流不稳定和对称不稳定共存,加强了涡层不稳定,水汽在强不稳定的环境中沿倾斜上升气流抬升凝结,并高效率下降,可能是此次暴雨大暴雨的重要原因。低层偏东北气流为干冷与暖湿的一个倾斜交界面,该面上各种气象要素并不均匀,但在其中心区域低层为温度的零平流区,以及垂直速度、涡度和散度等物理量的零线区;围绕该支气流形成一个反气旋式的次级环流圈;该支气流两侧均存在较大垂直风切变,随着该支气流的南压和向河套地区的深入,低层暖湿气流的上升辐合作用不断加强,下沉支也逐渐活跃,是中尺度对流系统发生发展的重要触发机制之一。 展开更多
关键词 暴雨 中尺度对流系统 次级环流 涡层不稳定 东北气流
作者 周发琇 H.-L.Pan 《山东海洋学院学报》 1987年第2期27-36,共10页
本文采用一种复经验正交函数分析方法和滤波技术,对1978—79年冬季全球冬季风实验资料系列FGGE-Ⅲb进行分析,尤其对东亚地区时间尺度10—20天的主要行星尺度环流分量进行分解,结果表明影响气压和厚度场的决定性因子是冷季风潮,受季风潮... 本文采用一种复经验正交函数分析方法和滤波技术,对1978—79年冬季全球冬季风实验资料系列FGGE-Ⅲb进行分析,尤其对东亚地区时间尺度10—20天的主要行星尺度环流分量进行分解,结果表明影响气压和厚度场的决定性因子是冷季风潮,受季风潮影响200百帕上无辐散风u_φ第一模态以1—2天滞后沿经向和纬向有类似于季风潮的传播;季风潮振动导致局地经向环流相应变化,以无旋风V_X第一模态表示的Hadley环流几乎无经向传播但有明显的纬向传播,并在传播过程中加强;热带对于副热带存在反馈并通过u_φ第二模态实现。在急流入口处u_X第二模态表示次级环流的存在,其水平尺度约20个纬距。 展开更多
关键词 冬季 东亚地区 行星尺度环流分量 时空特征 东北气流
2008年河南持续低温、冻雨和暴雪成因 被引量:17
作者 吴蓁 赵培娟 +3 位作者 苏爱芳 王蕊 范学峰 徐文明 《气象与环境科学》 2009年第1期9-15,共7页
应用常规气象观测和1°×1°NCEP资料,分析了2008年1月中下旬河南持续低温、冻雨、暴雪的成因,结果表明:1月中下旬500 hPa极涡较历史同期明显偏东偏南,咸里海和孟加拉湾地区的高度明显偏低;冻雨出现时大气的温度垂直分布呈... 应用常规气象观测和1°×1°NCEP资料,分析了2008年1月中下旬河南持续低温、冻雨、暴雪的成因,结果表明:1月中下旬500 hPa极涡较历史同期明显偏东偏南,咸里海和孟加拉湾地区的高度明显偏低;冻雨出现时大气的温度垂直分布呈现中暖下冷的特征,存在明显的逆温层和>0℃的暖层;暴雪产生时底层东北风明显加大。极涡位置偏东,有利于极地冷空气不断沿贝加尔湖脊前西北气流南下,中纬环流东高西低,有利于孟加拉湾水汽持续向东北方向输送,两者是导致河南出现持续低温雨雪天气的主因。冻雨发生时上空需存在厚度超过500 m的暖层(t>0℃),暖层下有近2000 m的t<0℃的冷层,且950-750 hPa大气相对湿度>90%。近地面东北急流的出现或东北风的加强,促进了低层的辐合或抬升,有助于垂直风切变加强和上升运动发展,对降水的加强有指示意义。 展开更多
关键词 持续低温 冻雨 暴雪 暖层 东北气流 垂直风切变
Influences of tropical circulation and sea surface temperature anomalies on extreme heat over Northeast Asia in the midsummer of 2018 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Ruidan WEN Zhiping LU Riyu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2019年第4期238-245,共8页
A destructive extreme heat attacked Northeast Asia(NEA)in the midsummer of 2018,characterized by the average midsummer Tmax(daily maximum air temperature at 2 m)ranking first during the study period.The current study ... A destructive extreme heat attacked Northeast Asia(NEA)in the midsummer of 2018,characterized by the average midsummer Tmax(daily maximum air temperature at 2 m)ranking first during the study period.The current study indicates that the cyclonic anomaly over the western North Pacific(WNP)was an important cause,which presents an anomaly of two standard deviations.The cyclonic anomaly over the WNP was accompanied by anomalous convection,which favored descending and anticyclonic anomalies over NEA through a local meridional cell.The anticyclonic anomaly over NEA corresponds to the northwestward extension of the WNP subtropical high and facilitated the occurrence of extreme heat.The tropical sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA)presents a La Ni?a decaying episode,but the SSTA over the tropical Pacific and North Indian Ocean was weak in the summer.In contrast,the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean(SETIO)was obviously cool,which was the coolest after detrending.The SETIO cooling triggered a low-level southeasterly anomaly,which turned into a southwesterly after crossing the equator,due to the Coriolis force.The southwesterly anomaly extended eastwards and favored the cyclonic anomaly over the WNP.Meanwhile,the circulation anomalies over the SETIO and WNP were connected via a local meridional cell,with the ascending branch over the WNP.Moreover,the above mechanism also operates for the climate statistics,verifying the robust in?uence of the SETIO SSTA.Considering the consistency of the SETIO SSTA,it could be a potential predictor for the climate over the WNP and NEA. 展开更多
关键词 Extreme heat Northeast Asia tropical circulation southeastern tropical Indian Ocean
Sea surface temperature anomalies in the South China Sea during mature phase of ENSO 被引量:1
作者 丘福文 潘爱军 +2 位作者 张善武 查晶 孙豪为 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期577-584,共8页
Based on the 18-year (1993-2010) National Centers for Environmental Prediction optimum interpolation sea surface temperature (SST) and simple ocean data assimilation datasets, this study investigated the patterns ... Based on the 18-year (1993-2010) National Centers for Environmental Prediction optimum interpolation sea surface temperature (SST) and simple ocean data assimilation datasets, this study investigated the patterns of the SST anomalies (SSTAs) that occurred in the South China Sea (SCS) during the mature phase of the E1 Nifio/Southem Oscillation. The most dominant characteristic was that of the out- of-phase variation between southwestern and northeastern parts of the SCS, which was influenced primarily by the net surface heat flux and by horizontal thermal advection. The negative SSTA in the northeastern SCS was caused mainly by the loss of heat to the atmosphere and because of the cold-water advection from the western Pacific through the Luzon Strait during E1 Nifio episodes. Conversely, it was found that the anomalous large-scale atmospheric circulation and weakened western boundary current during E1 Nifio episodes led to the development of the positive SSTA in the southwestern SCS. 展开更多
关键词 sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies E1 Nifio/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) South China Sea (SCS)
Impact of El Nio on atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall in China: Role of the anomalous western North Pacific anticyclone 被引量:32
作者 ZHANG RenHe MIN QingYe SU JingZhi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1124-1132,共9页
This paper presents a review on the impact of El Nio on the interannual variability of atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall in China through the anomalous anticyclone over western North Pacific(WNPAC).... This paper presents a review on the impact of El Nio on the interannual variability of atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall in China through the anomalous anticyclone over western North Pacific(WNPAC). It explains the formation mechanisms of the WNPAC and physical processes by which the WNPAC affects the rainfall in China. During the mature phase of El Nio, the convective cooling anomalies over western tropical Pacific caused by the weakened convections trigger up an atmospheric Rossby wave response, resulting in the generation of the WNPAC. The WNPAC can persist from the winter when the El Nio is in its peak to subsequent summer, which is maintained by multiple factors including the sustained presence of convective cooling anomalies and the local air-sea interaction over western tropical Pacific, and the persistence of sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) in tropical Indian and tropical North Atlantic. The WNPAC can influence the atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall in China not only simultaneously, but also in the subsequent summer after an El Nio year, leading to more rainfall over southern China. The current paper also points out that significant anomalies of atmospheric circulations over East Asia and rainfall over southern China occur in El Nio winter but not in La Nio winter, suggesting that El Nio and La Nio have an asymmetric effect. Other issues, including the impact of El Nio diversity and its impact as well as the relations of the factors affecting the persistence of the WNPAC with summer rainfall anomalies in China, are also discussed. At the end of this paper some issues calling for further investigation are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Atmospheric circulations over East Asia Rainfall in China E1 Nifio Anomalous western North Pacific anticyclone
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