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作者 王铁军 《日本研究》 2013年第1期48-57,共10页
本文以日俄战争日本在辽东半岛租借地设立的关东都督府为研究对象,以档案文献资料中记录的关东都督府对东北调查文献为研究中心,探讨了关东都督府对中国东北军事、农业、工业、矿山、森林资源、交通、货币金融等方面的调查规模、范围及... 本文以日俄战争日本在辽东半岛租借地设立的关东都督府为研究对象,以档案文献资料中记录的关东都督府对东北调查文献为研究中心,探讨了关东都督府对中国东北军事、农业、工业、矿山、森林资源、交通、货币金融等方面的调查规模、范围及东北调查背景。 展开更多
关键词 关东都督府 东北调查 刊行物
张闻天东北调查述论 被引量:1
作者 周敏之 张妍萍 《党的文献》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期65-72,共8页
大致以1948年东北全境解放为界,张闻天东北调查可分为两个时期:第一个时期(1945—1948),调查的立足点在于放手发动群众,建立巩固的东北根据地。为此,张闻天进行了土地改革调查,着眼于最大限度地解决农民的土地问题;进行了知识分子调查,... 大致以1948年东北全境解放为界,张闻天东北调查可分为两个时期:第一个时期(1945—1948),调查的立足点在于放手发动群众,建立巩固的东北根据地。为此,张闻天进行了土地改革调查,着眼于最大限度地解决农民的土地问题;进行了知识分子调查,确立了团结教育知识分子的方针;进行了阶级调查,纠正了土改运动中的偏差,坚持了依靠贫雇农、紧密团结中农的阶级路线。第二个时期(1948—1950),调查主要围绕党的工作重心的转移而进行,内容包括城市工商业调查、农业合作化调查和经济调查等。通过这些调查,张闻天揭示了东北经济成分的构成,提出了东北经济建设的基本方针,促进了农业合作化运动和工农业经济的发展。张闻天的东北调查还以新鲜的经验,丰富了党的调查研究的理论宝库。 展开更多
关键词 张闻天 东北调查 土地改革 经济成分构成 经济建设
东北调查委员会相关史料一组 被引量:1
作者 周文子 吴娇 《民国档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期32-49,共18页
抗战胜利前后,中央设计局为制定东北复员计划,对东北地区状况进行调查,设立了东北调查委员会,它的成立为制定东北复员计划、促进东北地区的恢复和发展做出了贡献。本组史料即是关于东北调查委员会的筹备、运行和结束等相关内容,对于研... 抗战胜利前后,中央设计局为制定东北复员计划,对东北地区状况进行调查,设立了东北调查委员会,它的成立为制定东北复员计划、促进东北地区的恢复和发展做出了贡献。本组史料即是关于东北调查委员会的筹备、运行和结束等相关内容,对于研究抗战后期的国民党内部组织运行有十分重要的价值。 展开更多
关键词 沈鸿烈 熊式辉 东北调查委员会
作者 王广义 张宽 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期56-59,共4页
王箬渔所撰《调查东北移民日记初稿》(一、二、三册),系未付梓之民国时期调查日记。此日记记录了作者"九·一八"之前对中国东北移民的调查日程,生动地还原当时东北移民的生活,对近代东北社会史、国际关系等的研究具有重... 王箬渔所撰《调查东北移民日记初稿》(一、二、三册),系未付梓之民国时期调查日记。此日记记录了作者"九·一八"之前对中国东北移民的调查日程,生动地还原当时东北移民的生活,对近代东北社会史、国际关系等的研究具有重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 王箬渔 调查东北移民日记》 史料价值 编纂特点
作者 范国平 《兰台世界》 2021年第9期16-17,共2页
在国联调查团到达东北调查日本占领中国东北三省、扶植伪满洲国真相之际,很多不畏强暴、视死如归的东北民众,无惧日军的屠刀,冲破重重阻碍,将反映心声的信函呈递给国联调查团。本期遴选的是《东北民众救国同盟会敬告国联调查团书》,全... 在国联调查团到达东北调查日本占领中国东北三省、扶植伪满洲国真相之际,很多不畏强暴、视死如归的东北民众,无惧日军的屠刀,冲破重重阻碍,将反映心声的信函呈递给国联调查团。本期遴选的是《东北民众救国同盟会敬告国联调查团书》,全文照录如下,以为史学界之参考。 展开更多
关键词 国联调查 伪满洲国 东北调查 中国东北三省 同盟会 救国 信函
作者 常修泽 《北方经济》 2023年第11期4-5,共2页
2023年暑期东北调查:发现新关注点2023年暑期7、8、9三个月,我对东北三省分别作了重点调查。首先考察辽宁,重点瞄准“沈抚新区”。在此考察后萌生了一个想法,东北三省加上内蒙古的东五盟市(呼伦贝尔市、通辽市、赤峰市、兴安盟、锡林郭... 2023年暑期东北调查:发现新关注点2023年暑期7、8、9三个月,我对东北三省分别作了重点调查。首先考察辽宁,重点瞄准“沈抚新区”。在此考察后萌生了一个想法,东北三省加上内蒙古的东五盟市(呼伦贝尔市、通辽市、赤峰市、兴安盟、锡林郭勒盟),这么大的面积,振兴能不能在“小块区”或称“小区块”上率先取得突破?调查后觉得,点上突破是有可能的。 展开更多
关键词 东北三省 呼伦贝尔市 锡林郭勒盟 东北调查 兴安盟 赤峰市 通辽市 内蒙古
关于杨干隐喙象发生危害及防治的调查研究 被引量:3
作者 高瑞桐 秦锡祥 杨秀元 《林业实用技术》 1989年第12期20-22,共3页
此虫为杨树主要蛀干害虫,过去仅在东北局部地区发生,现已蔓延至11省、自治区的49个地区、市县,发生面积135万多亩,危害多种杨树及柳树。防治实践表明,加强检疫、因地制宜合理选择造林树种、保护天敌和在发生区用辛硫磷、杀螟松、氧化乐... 此虫为杨树主要蛀干害虫,过去仅在东北局部地区发生,现已蔓延至11省、自治区的49个地区、市县,发生面积135万多亩,危害多种杨树及柳树。防治实践表明,加强检疫、因地制宜合理选择造林树种、保护天敌和在发生区用辛硫磷、杀螟松、氧化乐果、2.5%溴氰菊酯等喷干、喷雾、涂干和堵孔,均可收到较好的防治效果。 展开更多
关键词 蛀干害虫—杨干象—综合防治 森林害虫—调查报告—东北地区
作者 王卓杰 《图书馆学刊》 2015年第11期121-123,共3页
关键词 《满铁调查月报》东北地方文献 整理开发
作者 范国平 《兰台世界》 2021年第10期18-19,共2页
在国联调查团到东北调查九一八事变及伪满洲国成立真相之时,很多英勇无畏的中国民众,不惧日军的刺刀和枪弹,冒着生命危险,将控诉日本侵略罪行的请愿书和信函呈递给国联调查团。本期专栏选取的是化名“辽宁全省民众”的爱国义士呈递给国... 在国联调查团到东北调查九一八事变及伪满洲国成立真相之时,很多英勇无畏的中国民众,不惧日军的刺刀和枪弹,冒着生命危险,将控诉日本侵略罪行的请愿书和信函呈递给国联调查团。本期专栏选取的是化名“辽宁全省民众”的爱国义士呈递给国联调查团的请愿书,他对日本发动九一八事变、炮制伪满洲国的战争暴行,进行了深刻的揭露。全文照录如下,以为学界之参考。 展开更多
关键词 生命危险 伪满洲国 国联调查 九一八事变 东北调查 信函 辽宁 民众
Variation in Principal Modes of Midsummer Precipitation over Northeast China and Its Associated Atmospheric Circulation 被引量:4
作者 Tingting HAN Shengping HE +1 位作者 Huijun WANG Xin HAO 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期55-64,共10页
This study documents the first two principal modes of interannual variability of midsummer precipitation over Northeast China (NEC) and their associated atmospheric circulation anomalies. It is shown that the first ... This study documents the first two principal modes of interannual variability of midsummer precipitation over Northeast China (NEC) and their associated atmospheric circulation anomalies. It is shown that the first principal mode exhibits the largest amount of variability in precipitation over the south of NEC (referred to as the south mode), whereas the second principal mode behaves with the greatest precipitation anomaly over the north of NEC (referred to as the north mode). Further findings reveal that, through modulating moisture transportation and upper- and lower-troposphere divergence circulation as well as vertical movement over NEC, the anomalous northwestern Pacific anticyclone and the anticyclone centered over northern NEC exert the dominant influence on the south and north modes, respectively. Additionally, it is quantitatively estimated that water vapor across the southern boundary of NEC dominates the moisture budget for the south mode, while the north mode has a close connection with moisture through NEC's northern and western boundal'ies. Furthermore, the north (south) mode is strongly related to the intensity (meridional shift) of the East Asian westerly jet. 展开更多
关键词 Northeast China PRECIPITATION northwestern Pacific anticyclone Northeast China anticyclone
Knowledge, attitude and practice related to liver fluke infection in northeast Thailand 被引量:3
作者 Natthawut Kaewpitoon Soraya J Kaewpitoon +1 位作者 Prasit Pengsaa Chutigan Pilasri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第12期1837-1840,共4页
AIM: To investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) in prevention and control of liver fluke infection in northeast Thailand. METHODS: A descriptive KAP survey pertaining to liver fluke infection was ca... AIM: To investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) in prevention and control of liver fluke infection in northeast Thailand. METHODS: A descriptive KAP survey pertaining to liver fluke infection was carried out in June 2005 to October 2006 using structured questionnaires. Data were collected by questionnaires consisting of general parameters, knowledge, attitude, practice, and a history of participation in the prevention and control of liver fluke infection. RESULTS: A total of 1077 persons who were interviewed and completed the questionnaires were enrolled in the study. The majority were females (69.5%) and many of them were 15-20 years of age (37.26%). The questionnaires revealed that information resources on liver fluke infection included local public health volunteers (31.37%), public health officers (18.72%), televisions (14.38%), local heads of sub-districts (12.31%), doctors and nurses (9.18%), newspaper (5.72), intemets (5.37%), and others (12.95%). Fiftyfive point eleven percent of the population had a good level of liver fluke knowledge concerning the mode of disease transmission and 79.72% of the population had a good level of prevention and control knowledge with regards to defecation and consumption. The attitude and practice in liver fluke prevention and control were also at a good level with a positive awareness, participation, and satisfaction of 72.1% and 60.83% of the persons studied. However, good health behavior was found in 39.26% and 41.42% of the persons studied who had unhygienic defecation and ate raw cyprinoid's fish. The result also showed that 41.25% of the persons studied previously joined prevention and control campaigns. CONCLUSION: The persons studied have a high level of liver fluke knowledge and positive attitude. However, improvement is required regarding personal hygiene specifically with hygienic defecation and consumption of undercooked fish. 展开更多
关键词 KNOWLEDGE ATTITUDE PRACTICE Liver fluke Northeast Thailand
Is Moss Stoichiometry Influenced by Microtopography in a Boreal Peatland of Northeast China?
作者 ZHANG Xinhou MAO Rong +2 位作者 SONG Changchun LIU Yan REN Zhaojie 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期1038-1047,共10页
To examine the effects of microtopography on the stoichiometry of carbon(C), nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) in mosses along the hummock-hollow gradient in boreal peatlands, we investigated species-level C?N, C?P and N?... To examine the effects of microtopography on the stoichiometry of carbon(C), nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) in mosses along the hummock-hollow gradient in boreal peatlands, we investigated species-level C?N, C?P and N?P ratios of five mosses(Sphagnum magellanicum, S. perichaetiale, S. palustre, S. girgensohnii and Aulacomnium palustre) in the hummocks, hollows and their intermediate zones, and then assessed community-level spatial patterns in a boreal ombrotrophic peatland of north of the Great Xing'an Mountain, Northeast China. The results show that at the species level, C?N, C?P and N?P ratios of the selected Sphagnum mosses remained stable in the hummock-hollow complexes due to unchanged C, N and P concentrations, whereas the non-Sphagnum moss(A. palustre) in the hummocks and intermediate zones had lower P concentrations and thus greater C?P ratios than that in the hollows. At the community level, moss N concentration and C?N ratio remained constant along the hummock-hollow gradient, whereas hummocks and intermediate zones had higher community-level moss C?P and N?P ratios than hollows because of greater C and lower P concentrations. These findings imply that the effects of microtopography on moss C?N?P stoichiometry are scale-dependent and reveal spatial heterogeneity in C and nutrient dynamics. These results provide a more comprehensive understanding of biogeochemical cycles in boreal peatlands. 展开更多
关键词 hummock-hollow complex MICROTOPOGRAPHY scale-dependent SPHAGNUM stoichiometric homeostasis
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