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情绪的体验 智性的思考——沈东子小说叙述风格浅析 被引量:1
作者 张文杰 《当代文坛》 北大核心 2002年第1期23-26,共4页
关键词 作家 东子 叙述风格 心灵状态 阿城 余华 西方现代主义 期中 体验 读者
花东子卜辞所见(它攵)祭材料的整理与研究 被引量:2
作者 王建军 《中原文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期54-59,共6页
祭祀在殷商社会生活中占有极其重要的地位。花东子卜辞中记载(它攵)祭的共43版,71条。卜辞所涉及的内容主要有以下几个方面:(它攵)祭的用牲种类及数量;致祭的对象;(它攵)祭的时间;(它攵)祭的地点或祭所;(它攵)祭与其他祭仪及用牲法之间... 祭祀在殷商社会生活中占有极其重要的地位。花东子卜辞中记载(它攵)祭的共43版,71条。卜辞所涉及的内容主要有以下几个方面:(它攵)祭的用牲种类及数量;致祭的对象;(它攵)祭的时间;(它攵)祭的地点或祭所;(它攵)祭与其他祭仪及用牲法之间的关系等。 展开更多
关键词 东子卜辞 放祭 殷商 甲骨文
作者 章秀霞 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期146-151,共6页
殷礼中隐含着多重社会关系,并有明显的等级色彩。从花东子卜辞的占卜主体"子"所行祭礼、贡纳礼等仪式内容看,其地位在目前发现的几种非王卜辞占卜主体中"子"应最高,与商王的关系也最为密切。文献记载中"民不... 殷礼中隐含着多重社会关系,并有明显的等级色彩。从花东子卜辞的占卜主体"子"所行祭礼、贡纳礼等仪式内容看,其地位在目前发现的几种非王卜辞占卜主体中"子"应最高,与商王的关系也最为密切。文献记载中"民不祀非族"的情况不完全符合商代祭礼实际,但"神不歆非类"应是合乎事实的。殷墟甲骨文中为禳除灾祸向祖先神行禦祭时,受祭的祖先神与被禳者无论是否为同族,都应理解为祖先神对同族的降福。经过商王选将之后,花东"子"受王命率领其武装力量参与了当时针对召方的协同作战。殷礼中的等级观念已经较为显著,有下级向上级的隔级献礼,却鲜见上级向下级的隔级赏赐。 展开更多
关键词 殷礼 商后期社会关系 东子卜辞 非王贵族
作者 李志艳 《南方文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期86-89,共4页
20世纪80年代末90年代初以来,文学新桂军的崛起已是事实,“桂军势不可挡,迟早要拿下中国文坛的半壁江山”①。张利群认为:“伴随着文学桂军的崛起,桂林作家群已成为文学桂军的重要支柱”,以鬼子、沈东子等为代表的实力派作家“形... 20世纪80年代末90年代初以来,文学新桂军的崛起已是事实,“桂军势不可挡,迟早要拿下中国文坛的半壁江山”①。张利群认为:“伴随着文学桂军的崛起,桂林作家群已成为文学桂军的重要支柱”,以鬼子、沈东子等为代表的实力派作家“形成桂林作家群不断冲击文坛之势,也构成承前启后、开拓创新的文学基础和环境”。 展开更多
关键词 东子 小说研究 人性叙事 20世纪80年代末 文学桂军 中国文坛 作家群 90年代
作者 黄伟林 《东方丛刊》 2001年第3期144-156,共13页
新时期中国文学基本形成了一个共识,即承认文学是人学。许多优秀的文学作品表现了作者对人的关怀和理解、反省与思考。舒婷、刘心武、王蒙、张承志、史铁生、韩少功、王安忆、余华、方方、池莉、东西、鬼子、李冯等一大批杰出作家的作... 新时期中国文学基本形成了一个共识,即承认文学是人学。许多优秀的文学作品表现了作者对人的关怀和理解、反省与思考。舒婷、刘心武、王蒙、张承志、史铁生、韩少功、王安忆、余华、方方、池莉、东西、鬼子、李冯等一大批杰出作家的作品都提供了他们关于人的思考。他们的思考成果基本可以表述为“人道主义”和“民族性”。 展开更多
关键词 全球化时代 中国 心灵反映 东子 文化体验小说
试论花东子卜辞的“子”当为武丁之子 被引量:5
作者 姚萱 《故宫博物院院刊》 北大核心 2005年第6期42-50,共9页
殷墟花园庄东地甲骨卜辞属于非王卜辞,其中出现最多的男性祖先称谓是“祖乙”和“祖甲”。整理者认为“祖乙”即同期王卜辞中的“祖乙”(中丁之子、祖辛之父)“,祖甲”则是祖乙之子沃甲(羌甲),从而推断花东子卜辞的主人“子”很可能是... 殷墟花园庄东地甲骨卜辞属于非王卜辞,其中出现最多的男性祖先称谓是“祖乙”和“祖甲”。整理者认为“祖乙”即同期王卜辞中的“祖乙”(中丁之子、祖辛之父)“,祖甲”则是祖乙之子沃甲(羌甲),从而推断花东子卜辞的主人“子”很可能是沃甲的后人。但不少研究者已经指出,这个推断与花东子卜辞中所见对祖甲和祖乙的致祭顺序有矛盾,并对“子”的身份提出了几种与整理者不同的意见。本文通过分析花东子卜辞的称谓系统,尤其是通过对称“祖乙”为“毓祖”的分析,结合花东子卜辞所反映出的“子”与武丁的特殊亲密关系,考定“子”是时王武丁的子辈,而且当是亲子。 展开更多
关键词 花园庄东地甲骨 非王卜辞 东子卜辞 称谓 “子” 武丁
“走神”的沈东子:“寻找”与“溯游”的感伤行旅 被引量:2
作者 丁帆 李玫 《南方文坛》 2000年第1期36-37,,61,,共3页
多年的专业性的阅读训练,事实上使我们产生一种阅读障碍:我们其实已很难放弃一种探究的眼光,而仅仅对放在面前的印刷品作一种纯粹的感性注视。这样,在我们的阅读中,大量关于作者姓名及姓名之外的信息常常倍受我们关注,比如年龄、居所、... 多年的专业性的阅读训练,事实上使我们产生一种阅读障碍:我们其实已很难放弃一种探究的眼光,而仅仅对放在面前的印刷品作一种纯粹的感性注视。这样,在我们的阅读中,大量关于作者姓名及姓名之外的信息常常倍受我们关注,比如年龄、居所、学历,比如情感经历。婚姻状况、社会地位。我常常试图弄清楚一个似乎与学术无关的问题:我们对于创作者上述有关信息的关注,说到底,是源于研究需要的学术兴致,还是世俗的好奇心乃至猎奇心理的驱使。或者说,更重要的是,这种信息的获得对于研究的意义,是透视,还是障碍? 展开更多
关键词 文学评论 小说 东子 当代 叙事方式
精神碎片的串结——沈东子小说读解 被引量:1
作者 阎晶明 《南方文坛》 2000年第1期38-40,共3页
我始终觉得,应当有一种小说,它和流派无关,和文学史无关,和文学宣言无关,总之,它和所谓的“文坛”无关。它是一种心灵的独白,是一种自我精神内力的释放,是一种附着于形象之中的冥想。但它不是私人化的小说,不以个人隐私为卖点,它的独白... 我始终觉得,应当有一种小说,它和流派无关,和文学史无关,和文学宣言无关,总之,它和所谓的“文坛”无关。它是一种心灵的独白,是一种自我精神内力的释放,是一种附着于形象之中的冥想。但它不是私人化的小说,不以个人隐私为卖点,它的独白和冥想清纯而明亮,忧伤而浪漫,它从我们的心灵上掠过,虽不是强烈的震撼,却是一种无法释然的骚动。当我读到沈东子的一系列中短篇小说时,我突然意识到,这样的小说正在向我走来。 展开更多
关键词 文学评论 小说 东子 当代 人物形象
Seed Shadow of Quercus liaotungensis in a Broad-leaved Forest in Dongling Mountain 被引量:20
作者 王巍 马克平 刘灿然 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第2期195-202,共8页
The seed shadow of oak ( Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.) was investigated in a broad_leaved deciduous forest in Dongling Mountain in 1997. The seed rain patterns under oak tree crown for three out of four oak trees fit... The seed shadow of oak ( Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.) was investigated in a broad_leaved deciduous forest in Dongling Mountain in 1997. The seed rain patterns under oak tree crown for three out of four oak trees fit quadratic distribution, with high coefficients of determination. For each of the four trees selected in this study the seed rain size estimated from the viable acorns collected from the traps deployed under the crown was low, ranging from 26 to 259. For each of the four oak trees, the average density of the seed rain under oak tree crown ranged from 0.76 to 7.26 seeds/m 2. The average seed rain density estimated from the acorns in the traps deployed randomly in the field was 1.57 seeds/m 2. After all viable acorns fell, the acorn ground density estimated from the acorns in the quadrats was 0.13 seeds/m 2, but no viable acorns were found on the ground under the tree crown of the four oak trees, although the area under the crown was over 5 folds than the area of the combined quadrats. These results indicated that a large number of acorns was removed or predated by vertebrates once the acorns fell on the ground and acorns predation was more intensive in the sites directly under the parent trees than the sites away from the parent trees; this supports the distance_dependent hypothesis. Of the total acorns of all four oak trees, the viable acorns only accounted for 18.1%, and 17.8% for acorns infected by insect larvae, 12.1% for immature acorns, 3.6% for decayed acorns, and the acorns predated by rodent directly in the crown was the highest, accounting for 48.4%. The proportion of acorns predated by animals including vertebrates and invertebrates amounts up to 78.3%, indicating that acorn predation by animals is a limiting factor affecting acorn survival before seed dispersal. The sustained time of viable acorn fall ranged from September 8 to October 3 for the four oak trees, with the peak between 16th and 26th September. The number of acorns was not significantly different among the four directions around the trunk base. 展开更多
关键词 seed shadow Quercus liaotungensis seed fate
看《收获》 被引量:1
作者 过桥 《中文自学指导》 2004年第4期7-8,共2页
位于的头条中篇小说《扎刀令》,是红柯缝制出的一件大衣裳。说它“大”,既是大叙事的“大”,也是尺寸的“大”。我们知道,衣服的大小其实取决于人,谁穿的,量体才能论衣。《扎刀令》是关于花儿与少年的,是关于一个少数民族的血性... 位于的头条中篇小说《扎刀令》,是红柯缝制出的一件大衣裳。说它“大”,既是大叙事的“大”,也是尺寸的“大”。我们知道,衣服的大小其实取决于人,谁穿的,量体才能论衣。《扎刀令》是关于花儿与少年的,是关于一个少数民族的血性和虔诚的,大叙事在红柯早已习以为常,他把一个民族的传奇故事引进小说。 展开更多
关键词 《扎刀令》 小说 红柯 东子 《光裸的向日葵》
作者 浅滩 《互联网周刊》 2019年第17期68-68,共1页
五百年前,他生长的地方,每个人都和他一样,自由和爱,是生活的全部。五百年后,他回到这里,却成了一只奇珍异兽。——东子《借山而居》泥巴童年童年,没有太多自由和爱的概念。可能彼时它正是生活的全部,和五百年前的'他'一样。似... 五百年前,他生长的地方,每个人都和他一样,自由和爱,是生活的全部。五百年后,他回到这里,却成了一只奇珍异兽。——东子《借山而居》泥巴童年童年,没有太多自由和爱的概念。可能彼时它正是生活的全部,和五百年前的'他'一样。似乎就是当下的季节,炎炎烈日下,此前村边涨过水的小河逐渐断流,在某片土质优良区域,松软沙土之下,黏土变成了韧性十足的泥巴,方言名曰“胶泥”。 展开更多
关键词 土质 沙土 借山 黏土 炎炎 东子 区域 异兽
《世界儿童(童话版)》 2007年第Z1期80-85,共6页
提问:上小学的主要任务是什么?我想很多小读者会回答——是学习……No!正确答案应该是玩耍,是游戏,是童趣。是该还童年本来面目的时候了,虽然这样做真的需要勇气。嘻嘻姐姐可不是教你放弃学习,嘻嘻哲学是"在玩中——学",在游... 提问:上小学的主要任务是什么?我想很多小读者会回答——是学习……No!正确答案应该是玩耍,是游戏,是童趣。是该还童年本来面目的时候了,虽然这样做真的需要勇气。嘻嘻姐姐可不是教你放弃学习,嘻嘻哲学是"在玩中——学",在游戏里得到知识。今天,"饭没了秀"介绍你认识一对快乐父女。女儿是开开心心的小玩家,父亲是鼓励女儿玩耍的教育家。他们说:"有益的玩是学习,科学的学习就是玩!" 展开更多
关键词 东子 女儿 长大
作者 东子 《成才之路》 2010年第36期I0001-I0001,共1页
关键词 《有梦才会有远方》 当代作品 文学 东子
《网络与信息》 2003年第12期88-88,共1页
关键词 《在大理的星空下接吻》 东子 旅游彩绘本 大理市
Characteristics of Soil Seed Bank and Natural Regenerations in Pinus densata Natural Forest of Southeast Tibet 被引量:6
作者 卢杰 李照青 +1 位作者 唐晓琴 薛敬丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第7期1248-1254,共7页
Pinusdensata is one of the main constructive species for coniferous forests in southeast Tibet. P. densata forests are important water conservation forests in the drainage basins of the middle and lower reaches of Yal... Pinusdensata is one of the main constructive species for coniferous forests in southeast Tibet. P. densata forests are important water conservation forests in the drainage basins of the middle and lower reaches of Yalu Tsangpo River, Nyang River and Parlung Zangbo River. In this study, with P. densata forest distributed in southeast Tibet as research object, the seed rain, soil seed bank, seed germination and natural regeneration of P. densata were monitored and ana- lyzed by field investigation, located monitoring and indoor experimental analysis. The results showed that the average intensity of the seed rain of P. densata was 249.30±78.42 seeds/m2, in which the intensity of full seeds was 168.09±56.36 seeds/m2, the intensity of seeds damaged by worms was 41.11±20.25 seeds/m2, and the intensity of empty seeds was 40.10±21.04 seeds/m2. The intensity of the seed rain exhibited a single-peak trend of increasing at first and decreasing then over time. The spatial distribution patterns in the whole seed falling process and at different seed falling time all exhibited clumping distribution, and within in certain range, with the distance from the seed tree increasing, the diffusion intensity of the seed rain was weakened, exhibiting approximately normal distribution. In average density of P. densata seeds in the soil seed bank of P. densata was 231 seeds/m2, in which 62.77% of seeds were distributed in the litter layer, and 37.23% of seeds were distributed in the soil layer, and about 8% of seeds were lost during the pro- cess from seed rain to soil seed bank. Field sowing observation showed that the accumulated germination rate curve of P. densata fitted with Logistics equation y= 91.404/(1+e66194.449). The height structure, basal diameter structure and age structure of seedlings and young trees of P. densata were all of reverse "J" type, indicating good natural regeneration of P. densata. This study would provide a science basis for protection and resource management of P. densata, and further enrich the eval- uation content of national ecological safety curtain of the Tibet plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus densata natural foresti Seed rain Soil seed bank Seed germi-nation Natural regeneration Southeast Tibet
Phytoplankton diversity in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea measured by PCR-DGGE and its relationships with environmental factors 被引量:7
作者 孙静 于志刚 +6 位作者 高亚辉 周茜茜 甄毓 陈洪涛 赵丽媛 姚庆祯 米铁柱 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期315-322,共8页
Relationships between phytoplankton community composition and environmental variables in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea (YS) were investigated using geochemical and molecular microbiology methods. The diversi... Relationships between phytoplankton community composition and environmental variables in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea (YS) were investigated using geochemical and molecular microbiology methods. The diversity of phytoplankton was characterized using cultivation-independent PCR-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Groups resulting from unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages clustering of the DGGE profiles showed good consistency with the eco-environmental characteristics of the sea area they belonged to. Additionally, the clustering results based on DGGE fingerprinting and those based on morphological compositions were practically identical. The relationship of phytoplankton diversity to environmental factors was statistically analyzed. Temperature, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and silicate-Si were found significantly related to the phytoplankton community composition. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was performed to reveal the relationship between community composition and these three environmental factors. Generally, values of the ECS are clearly separated from those of the YS in the CCA biplot, due to mainly the effect of temperature and DIN. 展开更多
关键词 canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) PHYTOPLANKTON East China Sea Yellow Sea
Variations in the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool and its relation to the dipole in the tropical Indian Ocean 被引量:3
作者 张启龙 侯一筠 +1 位作者 齐庆华 白学志 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期640-649,共10页
Based on the monthly average SST and 850 hPa monthly average wind data,the seasonal,interannual and long-term variations in the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool(EIWP) and its relationship to the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD)... Based on the monthly average SST and 850 hPa monthly average wind data,the seasonal,interannual and long-term variations in the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool(EIWP) and its relationship to the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD),and its response to the wind over the Indian Ocean are analyzed in this study.The results show that the distribution range,boundary and area of the EIWP exhibited obviously seasonal and interannual variations associated with the ENSO cycles.Further analysis suggests that the EIWP had obvious long-term trend in its bound edge and area,which indicated the EIWP migrated westwards by about 14 longitudes for its west edge,southwards by about 5 latitudes for its south edge and increased by 3.52×106 km2 for its area,respectively,from 1950 to 2002.The correlation and composite analyses show that the anomalous westward and northward displacements of the EIWP caused by the easterly wind anomaly and the southerly wind anomaly over the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean played an important and direct role in the formation of the IOD. 展开更多
关键词 the Indian Ocean warm pool ENSO DIPOLE
Screening and application of microsatellite markers for genetic diversity analysis of Oriental White Stork (Ciconia boyciana)
作者 黄赟 周立志 《Chinese Birds》 2011年第1期33-38,共6页
The Oriental White Stork (Ciconia boyciana) is a large and endangered waterbird in East Asia.Research on conservation genetics of this species is urgently needed.In this study,microsatellite marking technology was use... The Oriental White Stork (Ciconia boyciana) is a large and endangered waterbird in East Asia.Research on conservation genetics of this species is urgently needed.In this study,microsatellite marking technology was used for screening and analysis of genetic diversity of microsatellite markers in Oriental White Storks.A total of 36 pairs of microsatellite primers were used,of which 7 pairs came from Ciconia ciconia,12 pairs from Nipponia nippon and 17 pairs from Ardea herodias.Microsatellite loci were screened from 23 individuals of the Oriental White Stork and 11 microsatellite loci were found with high polymorphism.The number of population alleles ranged from 3 to 11,averaging 7.09.The average expected heterozygosity (H e) was 0.7816 and the average polymorphism information content (PIC) 0.7172,suggesting a relatively high genetic diversity in the population. 展开更多
关键词 microsatellite molecular marker Ciconia boyciana genetic diversity
Diagenesis and reservoir quality of the fourth member sandstones of Shahejie formation in Huimin depression,eastern China 被引量:4
作者 张金亮 李德勇 江志强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第1期169-179,共11页
Petrographic analysis combined with various techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, was used to assess the timing of growth and original mineral cements, the controls on reservoir and r... Petrographic analysis combined with various techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, was used to assess the timing of growth and original mineral cements, the controls on reservoir and reservoir quality of the fourth member sandstones of Shahejie formation (Es4). The Es4 sandstones are mostly arkose and lithic arkose, rarely feldspathic litharenite, with an average mass fraction of quartz 51.6%, feldspar 33.8% and rock fragments 14.6% (Q51.6F33.8R14.6). They have an average framework composition (mass fraction) of quartz 57.10%, K-feldspar 5.76%, sodium-calcium feldspar 13.00%, calcite 5.77%, dolomite 5.63%, siderite 0.95%, pyrite 0.30%, anhydrite 0.04%, and clay mineral 11.46%. The diagenentic minerals typically include kaolinite, illite-smectite (I/S), illite, chlorite, authigenetic quartz and feldspar, and carbonate and pyrite. Es4 sandstone has undergone stages A and B of eodiagenesis, and now, it is experiencing stage A of mesodiagenesis. Reservoir quality is predominantly controlled by the mechanical compaction, for example, 45.65% of the original porosity loss is related to compaction. The original porosity loss related with cementation is only 26.00%. The reservoir quality is improved as a result of dissolution of feldspar, rock fragment and so forth. The porosity evolved from dissolution varies from 3% to 4%. 展开更多
关键词 sandstone diagenesis KAOLINITE reservoir quality compaction Huimin depression
A Preliminary Study on Allelopathy of Pogonatum inflexum Aqueous Extract
作者 王倩倩 李敏 刘俊华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2168-2170,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to study the effects of Pogonatum inflexum aqueous extract on wheat seed germination and seedling growth to cladfy the possible allelopathic effects. [Method] With distilled water as control, w... [Objective] The aim was to study the effects of Pogonatum inflexum aqueous extract on wheat seed germination and seedling growth to cladfy the possible allelopathic effects. [Method] With distilled water as control, wheat seeds were cultivated with the aqueous extract of P. inflexum gametophytes. After 7 days, the germination rate, root length, bud length, biomass and vigor index were determined. [Result] Middle and low concentration of P. inflexum aqueous extract significantly promoted the seed germination and seedling growth of wheat (P〈0.05). With the in- creased concentration of the aqueous extract, the indexes all increased first and then decreased. The effect intensity of P. inflexum aqueous extract on root growth and biomass of wheat was stronger than that on bud growth. [Conclusion] Low-concentration P. inflexum aqueous extract promoted, while high-concentration Po inflexum aqueous extract inhibited the seed germination and seedling growth wheat.P, inflexum has a certain allelopathic potential, but the specific mechanism needs to be revealed and clarified by further research. 展开更多
关键词 Seed germination Seedling growth Pogonatum inflexum WHEAT ALLELOPATHY
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