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作者 卢荣 《建筑装饰材料世界》 2004年第5期34-34,共1页
关键词 民工教育 东易日盛公司 陈辉 家庭装修
《轻工标准与质量》 2022年第5期124-126,共3页
中国家装行业基数大,市场空间广阔增速平稳,行业标准化趋势明显,随着互联网时代的到来,互联网家装企业进行营销端创新,不断打开流量入口。整装趋势下行业持续通过标准化、产业化、智能化等方式实现产业升级。东易日盛在激烈的市场竞争... 中国家装行业基数大,市场空间广阔增速平稳,行业标准化趋势明显,随着互联网时代的到来,互联网家装企业进行营销端创新,不断打开流量入口。整装趋势下行业持续通过标准化、产业化、智能化等方式实现产业升级。东易日盛在激烈的市场竞争中凭借对质量的坚守、对数字化的追求、对大众的共鸣,把握趋势,明辨方向,正视挑战,勇于创新,成为中国家装品牌向新时代新征程进发的典范与代表。本文以东易日盛企业作为家装领域代表,通过分析东易日盛成功经验,挖掘家装品牌为国人筑好安心家的方法与途径,以此为鉴,共同推动家装行业行稳致远。 展开更多
关键词 家装行业 东易日盛 品质保障 创新科技
作者 陈小龙 《数字财富》 2002年第11期56-57,共2页
东易日盛董事长陈辉天性“好赌”,最大的一次赌博是辞去北京的公职,南下深圳。现今距离那次“致命的冲动”已经10年,陈辉口袋里的1000元路费也已变成了一家年销售额超过2亿元的大型装饰装修企业。他拥有这家企业100%的所有权,但波诡云... 东易日盛董事长陈辉天性“好赌”,最大的一次赌博是辞去北京的公职,南下深圳。现今距离那次“致命的冲动”已经10年,陈辉口袋里的1000元路费也已变成了一家年销售额超过2亿元的大型装饰装修企业。他拥有这家企业100%的所有权,但波诡云谲的市场和变幻莫测的产业政策仍然在考验他。 在他宽大的办公桌后,整面墙壁涂成绛红色——东易日盛商标的标准色。“绛红是红色和黑色混合而成的,红色代表激情、黑色代表理智。”陈辉说,“成功的企业需要糅合这两种气质。” 展开更多
关键词 东易日盛公司 董事长 陈辉 标准化服务 品牌经营 规模化扩张 装修行业
作者 任刚 《企业导报(购房指南)》 2005年第8期70-70,共1页
关键词 2005年 中国 武汉市 “别墅装饰论坛” 行业发展 家居环境 东易日盛装饰公司
《英才》 2004年第10期118-118,共1页
关键词 东易日盛装饰有限责任公司 北京 品牌形象 建筑装饰行业 核心竞争力
作者 张效萍 《菏泽医学专科学校学报》 2005年第2期49-49,共1页
关键词 东易 脑血血 上消化道出血/并发症
作者 石缠荣 《中国乡镇企业》 北大核心 1995年第8期45-46,共2页
总理与俺是“老朋友”──采访山西朔州市平鲁区东易煤矿矿长尹厚石缠荣在4月18日山西省召开的全省劳模大会期间,省特级劳模朔州市平鲁区东易煤矿矿长尹厚,非常兴奋地向记者介绍了李鹏总理视察山西先后三次看望他的情景,并谈了他... 总理与俺是“老朋友”──采访山西朔州市平鲁区东易煤矿矿长尹厚石缠荣在4月18日山西省召开的全省劳模大会期间,省特级劳模朔州市平鲁区东易煤矿矿长尹厚,非常兴奋地向记者介绍了李鹏总理视察山西先后三次看望他的情景,并谈了他的感受。尹厚说,第一次是1983年... 展开更多
关键词 东易煤矿 平鲁区 朔州市 乡镇企业发展 山西 乡镇煤矿 安全措施 办公楼 固定资产 露天煤矿
作者 郭珍 《当代经理人》 2003年第5期16-23,共8页
1997年,当大多数中国人还没有装修概念时,几位年轻人把东易日盛的牌子挂出来。几年过去,2002年东易日盛的销售额达2.4亿元,比第二名约多一倍,成为当之无愧的家庭装饰第一品牌。“北京的家装行业实际是从1997年开始发展,东易日盛赶上了... 1997年,当大多数中国人还没有装修概念时,几位年轻人把东易日盛的牌子挂出来。几年过去,2002年东易日盛的销售额达2.4亿元,比第二名约多一倍,成为当之无愧的家庭装饰第一品牌。“北京的家装行业实际是从1997年开始发展,东易日盛赶上了好时候。”董事长陈辉很庆幸当初的选择。当年敢于投资家装的人却不多。行业门槛低,单个工程金额小,要想规模化,产业化,谈何容易。陈辉外表憨实,毫无霸气,这一次是“明知山有虎,偏向虎山行”。1997年至2001年,四年间东易日盛以100%的速度增长。“很多时候我们都是引入国外的做法,但中国有自己的国情,因此更多时候需要原创。”说起东易日盛的原创,陈辉有些得意:最早提出家装品牌建设,最早采用电子报价系统,最早实行设计师收费,最早成立家装设计研究机构。“总有一些追求高品质的客户,他们更在意家居的品位和文化。”满足高端用户的需求,东易日盛必须有更高的起点。2003年3月7日,陈辉到芬兰、挪威等北欧国家考察,准备引进国际顶级的装饰材料,并以内部直销的方式建立国内销售渠道。据说,这又是国内首创。 展开更多
关键词 陈辉 东易日盛公司 品牌价值 家装行业 企业文化 企业管理 竞争优势 核心价值观
作者 肖鸿扬 宽地宏伟 《英才》 2004年第7期52-55,共4页
关键词 家居装饰 产业链 东易日盛装饰公司 杨劲 经营管理
作者 徐亮 《巴蜀质量跟踪》 2003年第21期10-19,共10页
成都是外来家装企业战略扩张的主要战场.短短几年间.北京的东易日盛、业之峰.广东的星艺及深圳满堂红等南北家装企业迅速挺进成都。成都已形成了以广东星艺、深圳满堂红等为代表的南派.以北京东易日盛、业之峰等为代表的北派和以新... 成都是外来家装企业战略扩张的主要战场.短短几年间.北京的东易日盛、业之峰.广东的星艺及深圳满堂红等南北家装企业迅速挺进成都。成都已形成了以广东星艺、深圳满堂红等为代表的南派.以北京东易日盛、业之峰等为代表的北派和以新空间为代表的本土派混战的格局。新一轮的家装争夺战将“燃“遍全川。本刊记者通过深入采访各大装饰公司高层.全面分析和总结南。北和本地三派家装企业的市场格局和竞争谋略。 展开更多
关键词 成都 家庭装饰企业 业之峰公司 东易日盛公司
《中国建设信息》 2004年第1期49-49,共1页
关键词 家装业 “电子报价系统” 北京东易日盛装饰集团无锡分公司 家居装潢 人工费
The Impact of Macroeconomic Fluctuations on Stock Exchange Markets: A Comparative Analysis on CEECs
作者 Imre Ersoy 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第1期1-13,共13页
Stock exchange market responses to macroeconomic fluctuations show deviations between countries in terms of direction, magnitude and duration due to the idiosyncratic characteristics of the countries. The paper empiri... Stock exchange market responses to macroeconomic fluctuations show deviations between countries in terms of direction, magnitude and duration due to the idiosyncratic characteristics of the countries. The paper empirically searches for the identification of these variations for CEECs, namely Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic and also Turkey for the period of December, 1999 to December, 2009. The empirical analyses demonstrate that for each CEEC, stock exchange market responds positively to industrial production and to appreciation of local currency. Czech Republic and Hungary display negative and the rest display positive response to M1, whereas the response of stock market to CB policy rate shows mixed results for each country. Besides, foreign exchange market returns are found to be the variable with the highest significance in explaining the stock exchange market returns. These findings point out to arbitrage opportunities for investors and give insight to Monetary Policy Authorities about the Monetary Transmission Mechanisms of the countries. 展开更多
关键词 macroeconomic fluctuations stock exchange returns ARDL bounds test vector autoregressive (VAR) model CEECS
Research on the exports trade of Shandong agricultural products
作者 LI Bing 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第1期46-48,66,共4页
This paper analyses the internal problems and external constraints against the further development of exports trade of Shandong agricultural products. The countermeasures in solving those problems and constraints are ... This paper analyses the internal problems and external constraints against the further development of exports trade of Shandong agricultural products. The countermeasures in solving those problems and constraints are recommended to ensure a sustainable development of Shandong regional agricultural products exports. 展开更多
关键词 export trade Shandong agricultural products sustainable development
From Regional to Intercontinental Trade: The Successive European Trade Empires From the 16th to the 18thCentury in Asia
作者 Sami Bensassi 《History Research》 2012年第6期355-367,共13页
For a very long time, the areas available for continuous long-distance trade were limited to territories of Braudel's Mediterrande (1949). Whatever the commercial organizations (merchants in the Roman or the Fatim... For a very long time, the areas available for continuous long-distance trade were limited to territories of Braudel's Mediterrande (1949). Whatever the commercial organizations (merchants in the Roman or the Fatimid Empires, the Hanseatic League, the Florentine Companies) were, their trade was not able to directly handle branches more than a month's sailing from their main base (in the best conditions). During the three centuries after Vasco de Gama had reached India, European trading areas dramatically expanded to the shores of Asia, and a long period of harsh competition set the East India Companies of the main European powers of the time against one another. What were the elements that allowed these companies to maintain transactions over such vast areas? And why were some of these companies far more successful than the others? A large set of secondary sources focusing on one company or on a particular aspect of trade (Chauduri, 1978; Israel, 1989; Subrahmanyan, 1993; Ames, 1996) exist, however, none of them treat their successive successes and failures. The aim of this paper is to briefly review these sources, to extract information from them and to compare the economic adaptations and innovations that allowed these companies to be the greatest of their time. 展开更多
关键词 European Trade Empires Estado da India Dutch East India Company English East India Company
Changes of Terrestrial Water Storage in River Basins of China Projected by RegCM4 被引量:2
作者 ZOU Jing XIE Zheng-Huix +3 位作者 XIE Zheng-Hui QIN Pei-Hua MA Qian SUN Qin 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第3期154-160,共7页
In this study, a historic simulation covering the period from 1951 to 2000 and three projected scenario simulations covering 2001-2050 were conducted em- ploying the regional climate model RegCM4 to detect the changes... In this study, a historic simulation covering the period from 1951 to 2000 and three projected scenario simulations covering 2001-2050 were conducted em- ploying the regional climate model RegCM4 to detect the changes of terrestrial water storage (TWS) in major river basins of China, using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES): A1B, A2, and B1. The historic simula- tion revealed that the variations of TWS, which are dominated by precipitation in the basins, rely highly on their climatic features. Compared with the historic simu- lation, the changes of TWS in the scenario simulations showed strong regional differences. However, for all sce- narios, TWS was found to increase most in Northeast China and surrounding mountains around the Tibetan Plateau, and decrease most in eastern regions of China. Unlike the low seasonal variations of TWS in arid areas, the TWS showed strong seasonal variations in eastern monsoon areas, with the maximum changes usually oc- curring in summer, when TWS increases most in a year. Among the three scenario simulations, TWS increased most in Songhua River Basin of B1 scenario, and de- creased most in Pearl River Basin of A2 scenario and Hal River Basin of A1B scenario, accompanied by different annual trends and seasonal variations. 展开更多
关键词 terrestrial water storage RegCM4 river basin climate scenario
Environmental Effects of Foreign Trade and Its Spatial Variations in Mid-eastern Provinces and Cities of China
作者 JIN Xianfeng DONG Suocheng +4 位作者 LUO Lingjun LI Yu YUAN Chao SHU Kesheng CHEN Jiaquan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期626-636,共11页
The studies on environmental effects of foreign trade and its spatial variations are helpful to design and implement environmental protection countermeasures.In order to eliminate the adverse effects of insufficient o... The studies on environmental effects of foreign trade and its spatial variations are helpful to design and implement environmental protection countermeasures.In order to eliminate the adverse effects of insufficient observation values on the accuracy of regression results and dynamic information quantity of fitting equation during empirical study,panel data of the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China from 1985 to 2007 were selected based on the adjustment of classical regression model in this paper.Panel unit root test and panel cointegration analysis method were applied to investigating the environmental effects of foreign trade and its spatial variations in the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China and its three groups divided by foreign trade dependence.The results show that all scale effects are positive,while all technical effects are negative and unable to counteract positive scale effects.Foreign trade development is regarded as an important cause for outstanding eco-environmental problems in the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China.Total effects and structural effects are significantly different among different groups because of spatial variations in environmental policies,export destinations,source of FDI,etc.Following the principle of′coordinating generality and considering differences comprehensively′,it is essential to issue a series of policies and countermeasures corresponding to differences in regional environmental effect of foreign trade,in order to coordinate the relationship between foreign trade development and eco-environment in each region. 展开更多
关键词 mid-eastern provinces and cities of China foreign trade environmental effect spatial variation cointegra-tion analysis
Trends and Features of China's Inter-Provincial Trade:1987-2007
作者 张少军 李善同 《China Economist》 2014年第2期90-99,共10页
With today's economic globalization,inter-provincial trade plays an important role in a country's economy.This paper is the first to adopt the input-output tables of 30 Chinese provinces and to summarize the e... With today's economic globalization,inter-provincial trade plays an important role in a country's economy.This paper is the first to adopt the input-output tables of 30 Chinese provinces and to summarize the evolution of China's inter-provincial trade from1987 to 2007.This paper reaches the following conclusions.First,China's inter-provincial trade has sustained a period of rapid growth.In 2007,the total volume of inter-provincial trade was twice the amount of international trade,with the eastern region accounting for the majority of the inter-provincial trade volume.GDP may have a greater effect on interprovincial trade than geographic distance does.Second,inter-provincial trade maintains a high level of concentration and overlaps with the high concentration of GDP.Third,the inter-provincial trade dependence of Chinese provinces tends to increase,an indication of the growing domestic market integration.Moreover,the eastern region's dependence on inter-provincial trade is higher than the central and western regions'.Fourth,the share of inter-provincial trade in the overall external trade of Chinese provinces has a declining tendency,which indicates a slower process of China's domestic market integration compared with international market integration.However,in terms of proportion,the external trade of most Chinese provinces is still dominated by inter-provincial trade.Fifth,most provinces with longstanding inter-provincial trade deficits are in the central and western regions. 展开更多
关键词 inter-provincial trade provincial input-output tables trade inflows andoutflows market integration gravity model of trade.
Analysis on the Level of Intra-industry Trade for ASEAN's Economy
作者 Thanet Wattanakul 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第5期215-223,共9页
This paper aims to examine and analyse the level of intra-industry trade on economy of ASEAN. These data obtained from the accurate and reliable source of ASEAN Trade Statistics databases. The importance of intra-indu... This paper aims to examine and analyse the level of intra-industry trade on economy of ASEAN. These data obtained from the accurate and reliable source of ASEAN Trade Statistics databases. The importance of intra-industry and measurement is also described. Moreover, the linkage of intra-industry trade and investment liberalization under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is also explained. The effective enhancement schemed to increase the competitiveness of specific industries had been proposed to enhance ASEAN to be efficient production hub and network of region that lead to the ultimate goal of single market. The further studies can be applied to construct and estimate the econometric model and forecasting technique to confirm the empirical results. 展开更多
关键词 intra-industry trade ASEAN AEC trade and investment liberalisation
A study of virtual land trade between China and ASEAN based on material flow analysis model
作者 Zhao Jinling Liu Chuang +1 位作者 Yang Aqiang Yu Bohua 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第4期386-393,共8页
In this paper,based on the material flux analysis model(MFA) and its corresponding theories and algorithms of "virtual land" virtual land contents of five primary agricultural products are calculated and"Virtual ... In this paper,based on the material flux analysis model(MFA) and its corresponding theories and algorithms of "virtual land" virtual land contents of five primary agricultural products are calculated and"Virtual land trade"hidden in those imported and exported products are also obtained through analyzing the primary agricultural product trade between China and ASEAN. In the process of calculationl following the thought of Changing agricultural products to "Virtual land trade"land content, trade condition and spatiai distribution of agricultural products Were integratedly considered. indicate that China exported 73;057 km^2 of virtual land area to ASEAN by tea, vegetables; maize and grain, ASEAN exported: 57.332 km^2 to China by natural rubber from 2002 to 2005. It obvious; that china has lost 15,725 km^2 arable land through agricultural product trade, Additionally, in order to process: of calculation Virtual land trade, Thailand taker as an example to analyze its international trade of rice and Wheat from 1991 to 2005 and Calculate their "Virtual land trade" 2001 through 2005. According to and calculation, it is not difficult to conclude that "Virtual land trade" very important and could be used for China to guide agricultural export or import Structure and maintain Sustainable use of land resources. 展开更多
关键词 Land resources Virtual land Virtual land trade ASEAN
Characterization of Placic Horizons in Ironstone Soils of Louisiana, USA
作者 D. C. WEINDORF N. BAKR +3 位作者 Y. ZHU B. HAGGARD S. JOHNSON J. DAIGLE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期409-418,共10页
Placic horizons, defined as thin, wavy, hardened layers of iron and organic matter, are rare within the United States, occurring only in Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii. While ironstone is common in many soils of the s... Placic horizons, defined as thin, wavy, hardened layers of iron and organic matter, are rare within the United States, occurring only in Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii. While ironstone is common in many soils of the southeastern United States, it is not known to contain appreciable organic matter. As a pilot study evaluating the justification for a larger study on ironstone in Louisiana, a 40 m lateral exposure with suspected placic horizons was evaluated in Vernon Parish, Louisiana. Results of laboratory analysis show elevated levels of iron and organic matter in the suspect horizons that meet the criteria of placic horizons as defined by the Soil Survey Staff. Based on the results of this study, additional evaluation of multiple pedons with similar features is warranted. Should additional pedons demonstrate similar properties, a new great group of 'Petrudepts' would be needed to describe both the placic horizons in the pedon and the udic moisture regime in which they occur. 展开更多
关键词 ortstein pedon petroferric contact Petrudepts
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