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作者 种梦卓 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期95-100,共6页
《东池诗集》现存版本是中国国家图书馆馆藏清抄善本,收录了东池诗社五次集会交游唱和所作之诗,分为《东池初集》《东池再集》《东池三集》《东池四集》《东池五集》五卷,集前有叙或小引,记述每次集会的时间、缘由等,呈现了一幅生动的... 《东池诗集》现存版本是中国国家图书馆馆藏清抄善本,收录了东池诗社五次集会交游唱和所作之诗,分为《东池初集》《东池再集》《东池三集》《东池四集》《东池五集》五卷,集前有叙或小引,记述每次集会的时间、缘由等,呈现了一幅生动的明代遗民诗人雅集赋诗的画卷。清初的遗民结社普遍带有政治色彩,因此清廷实行了严厉高压的社禁政策来打压此消彼长的反清运动。东池诗社初集的时间去清廷社禁不久,使得东池诗人作为一个纯粹的文人群体,不仅没有发起或参加现实反清运动,甚至在诗作中也不敢直抒国破之恨,几乎全然隐居草莽,展现着心念故国却无力改变现实、苟活于世的复杂心态。 展开更多
关键词 东池诗集》 东池诗社 东池诗人 明代遗民
作者 张帅 《华中建筑》 2011年第2期42-44,共3页
该文从周边环境、选址立基、人物、植物四个方面对柳宗元《潭州杨中丞作东池戴氏堂记》进行了建筑学意义上的分析,通过汉字含意的深入解读,以及与今日建筑设计过程的比较,指向一种充满高尚情怀的人生境界的建筑学,以期对当代社会的营造... 该文从周边环境、选址立基、人物、植物四个方面对柳宗元《潭州杨中丞作东池戴氏堂记》进行了建筑学意义上的分析,通过汉字含意的深入解读,以及与今日建筑设计过程的比较,指向一种充满高尚情怀的人生境界的建筑学,以期对当代社会的营造活动有所启迪。 展开更多
关键词 柳宗元 东池 戴氏堂 离世乐道者 人生境界
做优做强产业链提升传统蚕桑产业——桐乡市石门镇东池村蚕桑产业发展的启示 被引量:3
作者 费洪标 潘新平 +2 位作者 吴志勇 钱炳荣 钟国新 《中国蚕业》 2013年第1期78-80,共3页
在简述浙江省桐乡市石门镇东池村蚕桑生产情况以及面临困难和挑战的基础上,总结了东池村通过建设高产优质桑园园区、建立小蚕饲育中心、加强蚕桑生产实用技术的普及和推广、创新蚕桑生产经营模式、延长蚕桑产业链等措施,提高了蚕农兴桑... 在简述浙江省桐乡市石门镇东池村蚕桑生产情况以及面临困难和挑战的基础上,总结了东池村通过建设高产优质桑园园区、建立小蚕饲育中心、加强蚕桑生产实用技术的普及和推广、创新蚕桑生产经营模式、延长蚕桑产业链等措施,提高了蚕农兴桑养蚕的积极性,促进了蚕桑产业发展的良性循环。 展开更多
关键词 东池 蚕桑产业 技术推广 经营模式 产业链 仪评计价
《东池诗集》与陈忱的生平事迹 被引量:6
作者 陈会明 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第6期135-138,共4页
关键词 东池诗集》 陈忱 生平事迹 《水浒后传》 遗民诗人 中国 文学研究
東池詩集 被引量:1
作者 陳忱 《中国典籍与文化论丛》 2011年第1期188-199,共12页
《東池詩集》是清初陳忱(字遐心,號雁蕩),吳楚(原名心一,字敬夫,號西溪),張肩(字甭就,號弁樵)等人自著的一本詩集,現藏於中國國家圖書館善本室,爲清代抄本。《東池詩集》共分爲五集,是陳忱等遺民在明朝滅亡十幾年後的庚子三月(西元1660... 《東池詩集》是清初陳忱(字遐心,號雁蕩),吳楚(原名心一,字敬夫,號西溪),張肩(字甭就,號弁樵)等人自著的一本詩集,現藏於中國國家圖書館善本室,爲清代抄本。《東池詩集》共分爲五集,是陳忱等遺民在明朝滅亡十幾年後的庚子三月(西元1660年3月)到壬寅七月(西元1662年7月)這兩年多時間裹,五次雅集東池時所寫的詩文。每集均有“小叙”或“小引”,以說明每次雅集的時間,事由和招集人,其後録詩歌。凡第一次出現的詩人均寫明其字,號。所録詩人達二十三位,共録詩歌近百首。最後有栗山楊文熺寫的《東池雅集後序》一文。《東池詩集》中的許多作者都是著名的明代遺民,詩作也充滿了對前朝的懷念,這些情况筆者將另文介紹。 展开更多
关键词 清初抄本 東池詩集 校點
作者 趙紅娟 《古典文献研究》 CSSCI 2013年第1期290-298,共9页
《水浒后传》作者陈忱的生平资料极为缺乏,笔者数年前曾在国家图书馆阅读到清抄本《东池诗集》五卷。它是陈忱、汤有亮、张非仲、吴楚等人东池聚会的唱和集。他们较大规模的游宴雅会有五次,每次集有诗一卷,故全集共五卷,每卷前有叙或小... 《水浒后传》作者陈忱的生平资料极为缺乏,笔者数年前曾在国家图书馆阅读到清抄本《东池诗集》五卷。它是陈忱、汤有亮、张非仲、吴楚等人东池聚会的唱和集。他们较大规模的游宴雅会有五次,每次集有诗一卷,故全集共五卷,每卷前有叙或小引。每次诗酒唱和。 展开更多
关键词 陈忱 东池 水浒后传 生平资料 国家图书馆 九首 吴楚 五言 《九歌》 先自
作者 蔣信 《宋代文化研究》 2011年第1期298-304,共7页
关键词 误辑 春游 问题 东池 全书 三苏 乐城 诗属 重辑
作者 郑泽珍 《诗词月刊》 2016年第12期21-21,共1页
关键词 中国 当代文学 诗词 东池
退役不褪色 舍家为村民--记古县东池村党支部书记孙伟
作者 吴景明 《支部建设》 2021年第10期48-49,共2页
2020年11月,临汾市退役军人事务局将一块金色奖牌颁发给古县南垣乡东池村党支部书记孙伟,上面写着这样几个大字:临汾市首届退伍军人创业创新大赛一等奖。这是一份沉甸甸的荣誉。东池村是省级贫困村,有305户917口人,耕地面积4700余亩,全... 2020年11月,临汾市退役军人事务局将一块金色奖牌颁发给古县南垣乡东池村党支部书记孙伟,上面写着这样几个大字:临汾市首届退伍军人创业创新大赛一等奖。这是一份沉甸甸的荣誉。东池村是省级贫困村,有305户917口人,耕地面积4700余亩,全部为高原旱地。 展开更多
关键词 创新大赛 退役军人 孙伟 不褪色 事务局 东池 村党支部书记 临汾市
《水浒后传》作者事迹新证 被引量:2
作者 陈会明 《福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第4期53-58,共6页
关于《水浒后传》的作者———陈忱的生平事迹历来都存在着一些模糊和错误的认识,现根据《东池诗集》和有关资料,对其进行了澄清和辨正。其实陈忱不仅是“惊隐诗社”的成员,同时还是“东池诗人”中的核心人物,依据《东池诗集.初集叙》... 关于《水浒后传》的作者———陈忱的生平事迹历来都存在着一些模糊和错误的认识,现根据《东池诗集》和有关资料,对其进行了澄清和辨正。其实陈忱不仅是“惊隐诗社”的成员,同时还是“东池诗人”中的核心人物,依据《东池诗集.初集叙》可证实陈忱生于明万历乙卯仲春,即公元1615年3月,且自号“默容居士”。另外,《东池诗集》中有陈忱的八首诗为前人所未发现。这些都为研究陈忱的生平事迹和诗歌提供了新的材料。 展开更多
关键词 东池诗集》 陈忱 《水浒后传》 默容居士
作者 陈会明 《文教资料》 2004年第19期84-86,共3页
陈忱,字遐心,号雁荡山樵,自号默容居士,生于明万历乙卯仲春,即公元1615 年3月,浙江乌程南浔镇(今浙江湖州市) 人。他是明末清初最重要的遗民诗人和著名的通俗文学作家之一。其一生创作颇丰,据清人杨凤苞所著的(秋室集)卷一中的《书南山... 陈忱,字遐心,号雁荡山樵,自号默容居士,生于明万历乙卯仲春,即公元1615 年3月,浙江乌程南浔镇(今浙江湖州市) 人。他是明末清初最重要的遗民诗人和著名的通俗文学作家之一。其一生创作颇丰,据清人杨凤苞所著的(秋室集)卷一中的《书南山草堂遗集后》记载,陈忱的创作有;《雁宕诗集》(二卷)、《雁宕杂著》、《续二十一史弹词》、《痴世界》(曲本)等等,但是都已散佚不存了。今存者除有, 展开更多
关键词 陈忱 九首 遗民诗人 二十一史弹词 南山草堂 遐心 曲本 东池 杨凤苞 秋室集
作者 戴明 小卿 温俊 《老区建设》 1991年第2期37-37,共1页
关键词 肖田 在路上 里老 太远 钢筋水泥 在山 周游世界 东池 架线 低压线路
作者 柴继光 《运城学院学报》 1983年第1期65-67,共3页
运城盐池在古代,被称为“盐贩之泽”。它的幅员包含较广,是由几个大小不等的盐池组成的,不单指今天的运城盐池。当时,概称为“两池”。史书记载:“唐有盐池十八,河东居其五,而有东西两池之称。在安邑者为东池,在解州者为西池。迄今池庙... 运城盐池在古代,被称为“盐贩之泽”。它的幅员包含较广,是由几个大小不等的盐池组成的,不单指今天的运城盐池。当时,概称为“两池”。史书记载:“唐有盐池十八,河东居其五,而有东西两池之称。在安邑者为东池,在解州者为西池。迄今池庙内犹奉东西二池神”。 展开更多
关键词 东池 池神 安邑 《水经注》 五厘 崇宁 三亩 西又 康熙年间 环池
苍鹰护翼千载盛 “四宝”励人百代兴 浙江永嘉宋代古村落苍坡村风水赏析
作者 明廷和 《中华建设》 2016年第9期48-49,共2页
在风景秀丽的浙江永嘉楠溪江畔有一个远近闻名的宋代风水古村落——苍坡。苍坡历史悠久、古韵悠扬。始祖李岑为避战乱从福建长溪迁居于此,五代后周显德二年(955)开始营建苍坡村落,至今已1000余年。现存村落基本保持南宋时期的规划原... 在风景秀丽的浙江永嘉楠溪江畔有一个远近闻名的宋代风水古村落——苍坡。苍坡历史悠久、古韵悠扬。始祖李岑为避战乱从福建长溪迁居于此,五代后周显德二年(955)开始营建苍坡村落,至今已1000余年。现存村落基本保持南宋时期的规划原状与建筑风貌,其寨墙、路道、水池、古柏犹见当年风韵;至今完好地保存着苍坡溪门、鼎香桥、李氏宗祠、望兄亭、仁济庙、水月堂、笔街、墨锭石、东西砚池等几十处文物古迹。 展开更多
关键词 苍坡村 古村落 月堂 南宋时期 楠溪 长溪 李岑 建筑风貌 东池 文运
Variation in joint mode of the tropical Indian-Pacific Ocean thermodynamic anomaly 被引量:1
作者 郑冬梅 张启龙 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期619-625,共7页
Previous research has defined the index of the Indian-Pacific thermodynamic anomaly joint mode (IPTAJM) and suggested that the winter IPTAJM has an important impact on summer rainfall over China. However, the possible... Previous research has defined the index of the Indian-Pacific thermodynamic anomaly joint mode (IPTAJM) and suggested that the winter IPTAJM has an important impact on summer rainfall over China. However, the possible causes for the interannual and decadal variability of the IPTAJM are still unclear. Therefore, this work investigates zonal displacements of both the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) and the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool (EIOWP). The relationships between the WPWP and the EIOWP and the IPTAJM are each examined, and then the impacts of the zonal wind anomalies over the equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans on the IPTAJM are studied. The WPWP eastern edge anomaly displays significant interannual and decadal variability and experienced a regime shift in about 1976 and 1998, whereas the EIOWP western edge exhibits only distinct interannual variability. The decadal variability of the IPTAJM may be mainly caused by both the zonal migration of the WPWP and the 850 hPa zonal wind anomaly over the central equatorial Pacific. On the other hand, the zonal migrations of both the WPWP and the EIOWP and the zonal wind anomalies over the central equatorial Pacific and the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean may be all responsible for the interannual variability of the IPTAJM. 展开更多
关键词 tropical Indian Ocean tropical Pacific thermodynamic anomaly joint mode ENSO dipole
Variations in the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool and its relation to the dipole in the tropical Indian Ocean 被引量:3
作者 张启龙 侯一筠 +1 位作者 齐庆华 白学志 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期640-649,共10页
Based on the monthly average SST and 850 hPa monthly average wind data,the seasonal,interannual and long-term variations in the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool(EIWP) and its relationship to the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD)... Based on the monthly average SST and 850 hPa monthly average wind data,the seasonal,interannual and long-term variations in the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool(EIWP) and its relationship to the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD),and its response to the wind over the Indian Ocean are analyzed in this study.The results show that the distribution range,boundary and area of the EIWP exhibited obviously seasonal and interannual variations associated with the ENSO cycles.Further analysis suggests that the EIWP had obvious long-term trend in its bound edge and area,which indicated the EIWP migrated westwards by about 14 longitudes for its west edge,southwards by about 5 latitudes for its south edge and increased by 3.52×106 km2 for its area,respectively,from 1950 to 2002.The correlation and composite analyses show that the anomalous westward and northward displacements of the EIWP caused by the easterly wind anomaly and the southerly wind anomaly over the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean played an important and direct role in the formation of the IOD. 展开更多
关键词 the Indian Ocean warm pool ENSO DIPOLE
A Potential Flood Hazard Caused by Tianchi Volcano Eruption in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China
作者 BAO Kunshan WANG Guoping +1 位作者 LU Xianguo Neil B. McLaughlin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期677-681,共5页
Geohazards appear to be increasing in frequency globally. It is of necessity to actively manage these natural hazards to minimize loss of life and property. From an early warning perspective, this paper stresses the p... Geohazards appear to be increasing in frequency globally. It is of necessity to actively manage these natural hazards to minimize loss of life and property. From an early warning perspective, this paper stresses the potential fatal flood hazard represented by the huge volume of water in Tianchi Lake, the unique geography of Changbai Mountain, and the limited flood control ability in the upstream of the Songhua River. Northeast Asian countries should keep a watchful eye on the Changbai volcano cooperatively, and Chinese government especially needs to prepare plans for fighting a flood in advance. 展开更多
关键词 Volcano eruption Natural geohazards Flood disaster Active volcano Changbai Mountain Northeast China
Monsoon-Ocean Coupled Modes in the South China Sea and Their Linkage with the Eastern Indian Ocean-Western Pacific Warm Pool
作者 HUANG Fei YANG Yuxing HUANG Jian 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第1期35-42,共8页
Monsoon-ocean coupled modes in the South China Sea (SCS) were investigated by a combined singular value decomposition (CSVD) analysis based on sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface wind stress (SWS) fi... Monsoon-ocean coupled modes in the South China Sea (SCS) were investigated by a combined singular value decomposition (CSVD) analysis based on sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface wind stress (SWS) fields from SODA (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation) data spanning the period of 1950-1999. The coupled fields achieved the maximum correlation when the SST lagged SWS by one month, indicating that the SCS coupled system mainly reflected the response of the SST to monsoon forcing. Three significant coupled modes were found in the SCS, accounting for more than 80% of the cumulative squared covariance fraction. The first three SST spatial patterns from CSVD were: (Ⅰ) the monopole pattern along the isobaths in the SCS central basin; (Ⅱ) the north-south dipole pattern; and (Ⅲ) the west-east seesaw pattern. The expansion coefficient of the SST leading mode showed interdecadal and interannual variability and correlation with the Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP), suggesting that the SCS belongs to part of the IPWP at interannual and interdecadal time scales. The second mode had a lower correlation coefficient with the warm pool index because its main period was at intra-annual time scales instead of the interannual and interdecadal scales with the warm pools. The third mode had similar periods to those of the leading mode, but lagged the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool (EIWP) and western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) by five months and one year respectively, implying that the SCS response to the warm pool variation occurred from the western Pacific to the eastern Indian Ocean, which might have been related to the variation of Indonesian throughflow. All three modes in the SCS had more significant correlations with the EIWP, which means the SCS SST varied much more coherently with the EIWP than the WPWP, suggesting that the SCS belongs mostly to part of the EIWP. The expansion coefficients of the SCS SST modes all had negative correlations with the Nino3 index, which they lag by several months, indicating a remote response of SCS SST variability to the El Nifio events. 展开更多
关键词 air-sea coupled modes SCS warm pool
Economic Viability Analysis of Investment Alternatives for the Use of Biogas in a Pig Farming in the Middle East Area of Brazil
作者 Elder Geraldo Domingues1 Tauler Teixeira Borges +3 位作者 Wilson Bueno Garces Junio~ Aylton Jose Alves Wesley Pacheco Calixto Jose Luis Domingos 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第8期1433-1439,共7页
This paper presents an economic viability analysis of two investment alternatives for a pig farming located in the city of Jatai, Goias State, Brazil. The first investment alternative consists of the implementation of... This paper presents an economic viability analysis of two investment alternatives for a pig farming located in the city of Jatai, Goias State, Brazil. The first investment alternative consists of the implementation of a biodigester, being the biogas burned in a flare. The second alternative also consists of a biodigester, nevertheless the produced biogas is used to generate electricity. The methodologies to estimate the methane production in anaerobic reactors are presented, as well as those for the quantification of the baseline and project emissions and of the electricity that can be generated. The results showed that the use of biogas for the electricity generation is the alternative more economically viable. 展开更多
关键词 Renewable energy BIOGAS pig farming carbon credits economic viability.
作者 岳彩军 陆维松 李小凡 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2010年第4期355-362,共8页
In this study, sensitivity experiments were conducted with the Zebiak-Cane ocean-atmosphere coupled model forced by the wind stress anomaly from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center f... In this study, sensitivity experiments were conducted with the Zebiak-Cane ocean-atmosphere coupled model forced by the wind stress anomaly from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data to study the impacts of eastern Pacific warm pool on the formation and development of ENSO events. The effects of climatological mean sea surface temperature of the warm pool on forecast skill during the ENSO events of 1982-1999 are more considerable that those of climatological mean meridional winds and ocean currents. The forecast skill for the 1997/1998 E1 Nifio event is characterized by sensitivity to climatological mean sea surface temperature and anomalies of northerly winds and currents. The forecast skill is found insensitive to climatological mean northerly meridional winds and currents. 展开更多
关键词 eastern Pacific warm pool ENSO event Zebiak-Cane ocean-atmosphere coupled model sensitivity experiments
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