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微核试验对东湖水中有机物遗传毒性的评价 被引量:8
作者 运珞珈 汪亚洲 +1 位作者 唐非 张金荣 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第11期1293-1294,共2页
目的 了解武汉东湖水源水及自来水中非挥发性有机物遗传毒性状况。方法 采用小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验。结果 无论是自来水还是水源水均可不同程度地诱导小鼠骨髓细胞微核率升高 ,并且有剂量反应关系。平水期、丰水期的有机提取... 目的 了解武汉东湖水源水及自来水中非挥发性有机物遗传毒性状况。方法 采用小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验。结果 无论是自来水还是水源水均可不同程度地诱导小鼠骨髓细胞微核率升高 ,并且有剂量反应关系。平水期、丰水期的有机提取物细胞微核率高于枯水期。 展开更多
关键词 东湖水 遗传毒性 自来 微核试验 非挥发性有机物 武汉市 环境毒理学
作者 郑振华 周培疆 吴振斌 《农业环境保护》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期218-220,224,共4页
研究比较了汕优63和金优77两种不同基因型水稻在幼苗期于武昌东湖水中生长时体内磷含量及其变化速率。结果表明,金优77较汕优63能更有效地利用天然水中的磷。将湖水中的磷划分为总磷(TP)、总溶解反应磷(TSP)、总反应磷(TRP)、溶解性反应... 研究比较了汕优63和金优77两种不同基因型水稻在幼苗期于武昌东湖水中生长时体内磷含量及其变化速率。结果表明,金优77较汕优63能更有效地利用天然水中的磷。将湖水中的磷划分为总磷(TP)、总溶解反应磷(TSP)、总反应磷(TRP)、溶解性反应磷(SRP)4种不同的磷形态,研究比较了两种不同基因型水稻幼苗期对天然水体中各磷形态的摄取动力学行为,结果表明金优77较汕优63能更快速而有效地利用各磷形态。 展开更多
关键词 基因型 幼苗 东湖水 磷形态 动力学
作者 郑振华 周培疆 吴振斌 《农业环境保护》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期429-431,共3页
关键词 东湖水 磷形态摄形 季节 基因型 幼苗 作物监测
作者 杨海 吴霜 《高等函授学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第12期8-10,13,共4页
本文提出通过产业结构调整来保护大东湖水环境,并运用AHP方法,对产业结构调整方案和已有的两种方案进行了比较分析,最终得出产业结构调整是实现大东湖水环境保护和经济发展相平衡的最优方案。同时,本文还提出了对大东湖区域内产业结构... 本文提出通过产业结构调整来保护大东湖水环境,并运用AHP方法,对产业结构调整方案和已有的两种方案进行了比较分析,最终得出产业结构调整是实现大东湖水环境保护和经济发展相平衡的最优方案。同时,本文还提出了对大东湖区域内产业结构进行调整的基本思路。 展开更多
关键词 武汉市 产业结构调整 东湖水环境 AHP分析
作者 蔡华东 《湖北文史》 2017年第2期33-39,共7页
东湖风光日日好,难忘当年拆声急。丙申冬末丁酉初春,全长28.7公里的武汉东湖绿道建成,成为国内首条城区内5A级景区绿道。它串联起东湖磨山、听涛、落雁、渔光、喻家湖五大景区,目前由湖中道、湖山道、磨山道、郊野道4段主题绿道组成。... 东湖风光日日好,难忘当年拆声急。丙申冬末丁酉初春,全长28.7公里的武汉东湖绿道建成,成为国内首条城区内5A级景区绿道。它串联起东湖磨山、听涛、落雁、渔光、喻家湖五大景区,目前由湖中道、湖山道、磨山道、郊野道4段主题绿道组成。鸟瞰全景,蜿蜒绿径徐徐展开;身入其中,秀美山水引人入胜,其4处门户景观、8大景观节点,令人流连忘返。 展开更多
关键词 东湖风景区 东湖水 都市报 死鱼事件
作者 张宝林 《风景名胜》 1996年第9期26-27,共2页
关键词 马鞍山 大洪山 东湖水 伏虎 湖居 大小 湖面 西湖 排列 起伏
作者 刘建康 《世纪行》 2003年第10期12-13,共2页
水华由生活污水和工业废水引起。生活污水其实质就是液体生活垃圾。湖北省政协第七届副主席、中科院资深院士、世界知名水生生物学专家刘建康先生,长期以来关注环境问题,包括城市生活垃圾问题。他结合自己的专业,对流入江河湖泊的生活... 水华由生活污水和工业废水引起。生活污水其实质就是液体生活垃圾。湖北省政协第七届副主席、中科院资深院士、世界知名水生生物学专家刘建康先生,长期以来关注环境问题,包括城市生活垃圾问题。他结合自己的专业,对流入江河湖泊的生活污水造成的水体富营养问题,提出了独到的见解。 展开更多
关键词 生活污 富营养化 蓝藻 工业废 湖泊 微囊藻 东湖水 藻类 中科院 控制
作者 田秋霖 周勤 +1 位作者 李习俊 涂志文 《中国公共卫生学报》 1999年第1期53-53,共1页
金属铝在人体内负荷量过剩引起神经行为功能障碍和肾脏疾病,不断地被国内外学者的研究所证实〔1,2〕。然而由人为活动带给环境的污染,随着经济建设的发展,正在逐渐加剧。因此,监测生活环境水源金属铝的含量,在城市环境质量评价... 金属铝在人体内负荷量过剩引起神经行为功能障碍和肾脏疾病,不断地被国内外学者的研究所证实〔1,2〕。然而由人为活动带给环境的污染,随着经济建设的发展,正在逐渐加剧。因此,监测生活环境水源金属铝的含量,在城市环境质量评价、污染防治及环境规划中均有不可忽略... 展开更多
关键词 铝含量 生活环境 武汉市 国家卫生标准 天然 污染防治 自来 抗坏血酸 东湖水 长江
武汉地貌资源变迁与城市化进程之关系 被引量:2
作者 赵静 《学习月刊》 2007年第22期47-48,共2页
关键词 地貌资源 武汉 湖北 地貌环境 武汉市 东湖水 城市地貌 城市化进程 汉江 长江两岸
作者 黄德明 《技术与市场(园林工程)》 2005年第9期12-15,共4页
"中心湖"景观特征 1、独特的地理位置 (1)"中心湖"地处校园内珞珈山、狮子山两大山麓交汇的谷底处,山水流入此处,形成湖.利用自然地形、地势,掇山理水,"虽由人作,宛自天开",中国传统造园手法的继承.
关键词 武汉大学 景观特色 校园景观 景观建设 标志性景观 东湖水 景观效果 珞珈山
作者 叶汉雄 《政策》 1997年第10期59-60,共2页
郁郁苍苍珞珈山,坦坦荡荡东湖水。湖光山色交相辉映的武汉大学,秉承荆楚大地的钟灵秀气,聚集五湖四海的硕学鸿儒,培育敏慧贤达的天下英才。一批批佼佼学子,慕名而来,负箧以求,朝夕得灵山秀水的沐浴,日夜有良师益友的教助,宛如株株幼苗... 郁郁苍苍珞珈山,坦坦荡荡东湖水。湖光山色交相辉映的武汉大学,秉承荆楚大地的钟灵秀气,聚集五湖四海的硕学鸿儒,培育敏慧贤达的天下英才。一批批佼佼学子,慕名而来,负箧以求,朝夕得灵山秀水的沐浴,日夜有良师益友的教助,宛如株株幼苗脱颖而出,茁壮成长。 展开更多
关键词 中国科学院院士 武汉大学 植物胚胎学 教学科研工作 东湖水 交相辉映 青年人 培育 脱颖而出 研究成果
作者 王舍 《青年探索》 北大核心 1995年第4期38-38,共1页
“你今年多大了?” “二十八。” “谈好朋友了吧?” “没呢!” “要求不要太高嘛!”
关键词 女孩 朋友 游移不定 东湖水 背影 公园 南昌 刀架 向岸 太和
《体育科技文献通报》 2004年第8期48-48,共1页
G861.42 论女子赛艇运动的训练问题=On female rowing train- ing [刊,中,I]/刘卫平(湖北省体育局东湖水上运动培 训中心)//体育成人教育学刊.-2003,19(2).-77-78参 2(SJ)
关键词 体育成人教育学刊 女子赛艇运动员 力量训练 东湖水 生理和心理特点 经期训练 思想工作 女运动员 专项训练 体育局
作者 田中牛 《时代汽车》 2011年第8期74-74,共1页
关键词 ETC 响声 武汉 东湖水 过桥费
作者 吕玉麟 《武汉文史资料》 2019年第5期14-16,共3页
岁月悠悠,江水滔滔。回想起我们从母校毕业,离别美丽的珞珈山校园,已经60多年。漫长的岁月不知不觉,就这么快从身边流逝了。但在我心中,当年在武大学习和生活的美好情景,珞珈山的樱花,东湖水的浩荡,无一不留下深情的回忆。那是1950年初... 岁月悠悠,江水滔滔。回想起我们从母校毕业,离别美丽的珞珈山校园,已经60多年。漫长的岁月不知不觉,就这么快从身边流逝了。但在我心中,当年在武大学习和生活的美好情景,珞珈山的樱花,东湖水的浩荡,无一不留下深情的回忆。那是1950年初秋的一天清晨,我们三个长沙雅礼中学的伢子,刚下火车,便来到武昌大东门车站外,雇了一辆人力车拉着行李,我们三个学生跟在车后面,踏着带有露水的晓雾,怀着充满激情的心境. 展开更多
关键词 珞珈山 校友会 大连市民政局 一流学科 徐懋庸 英语课 东湖水 武汉大学
东湖,水碧波清待何时 湖北环保世纪行系列报道之五
作者 赵华斌 《楚天主人》 1995年第9期24-26,共3页
关键词 东湖水 八十年代 富营养化 武汉东湖 六十年代 江南地区 武汉市 人大常委会 国家重点风景名胜区
Water quality, nutrient budget, and pollutant loads in Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) farms around East Taihu Lake 被引量:11
作者 蔡春芳 谷孝鸿 +3 位作者 黄鹤忠 戴修赢 叶元土 施陈江 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期29-36,共8页
To understand the factors causing frequent outbreaks of harmful algae blooms in the Taihu Lake, China, we studied water quality and nutrient budget in Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) farm ponds in the eastern... To understand the factors causing frequent outbreaks of harmful algae blooms in the Taihu Lake, China, we studied water quality and nutrient budget in Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) farm ponds in the eastern part of the lake from November 2007 to December 2009. We estimated the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) loads. Materials input and output ponds, water exchange, and applied management practices of 838.5-hm2 crab ponds were surveyed using questionnaires. Water quality of 12 ponds, which were located no more than 2 km from East Taihu Lake, were monitored. The results show that water quality in the crab ponds was better than reference data. Feeds, including corn seed, commercial feed, trash fish, and gastropod, were the major sources of N and P input in the crab ponds, contributing 88.7% and 94.9%, respectively. In total, 60.5% of N and 37.3% of P were sequestered by macrophytes, and only 15.7% and 8.5% of them were discharged as effluent. The net loads of N and P in effluent were 16.43 kg/hm2/cycle and 2.16 kg/hm2/cycle, respectively, while the COD load was -17.88 kg/hm2/cycle. This indicated that crab farming caused minor negative impact on the trophic status of the lake area, which was attenuated by macrophytes. However, wastewater purification is still necessary in crab faming. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) water quality mass budget pollutant load Taihu Lake
Spatially Different Nutrient Histories Recorded by Multiple Cores and Implications for Management in Taihu Lake, Eastern China 被引量:4
作者 CAO Yanmin ZHANG Enlou +2 位作者 Peter LANGDON LIU Enfeng SHEN Ji 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期537-549,共13页
The Taihu Lake,a large shallow lake in the floodplain of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River in the eastern China,is faced with challenging ecological problems resulting from eutrophication,which has affected the regional f... The Taihu Lake,a large shallow lake in the floodplain of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River in the eastern China,is faced with challenging ecological problems resulting from eutrophication,which has affected the regional freshwater supply of a large population.Although efforts have been made to assess the nutrient evolution histories in the northern bays,little is known regarding nutrient histories in different parts across the entire lake basin.In this paper,we present nutrient histories for different parts of the lake based on chironomid transfer functions applied to four short cores obtained from the northern,western and eastern regions of the lake.The chironomid-inferred total phosphorus(CI-TP) concentrations were compared with the phosphorus concentrations obtained by using instrumental and sedimentary data.The results suggest that trophic evolution histories were asynchronous throughout the lake during the past decades in response to different ecological regimes controlled by the nutrient input,wind direction and shoreline topography.The restoration of aquatic plants may be an effective option for the management of lake rehabilitation to ′natural′ conditions.Given the multiple factors controlling the biotic communities in such a large and complex lake,combined analyses among the multi-proxies encountered in the sediments are necessary for comprehensive insight into paleolimnological studies.The spatial heterogeneity in the ecological trajectories within this complicated ecosystem suggests that different management practices should be undertaken for specific lake zones in the Taihu Lake. 展开更多
关键词 nutrient history CHIRONOMID multiple cores transfer function Taihu Lake
Characterization of Water Constituents Spectra Absorption in Chagan Lake of Jilin Province, Northeast China 被引量:1
作者 WANG Yuandong LIU Dianwei +6 位作者 SONG Kaishan DU Jia WANG Zongming ZHANG Bai TANG Xuguang LEI Xiaochun WU Yanqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第3期334-345,共12页
Research on the optical characteristics of water color constituents in Chagan Lake of Jilin Province,Northeast China was carried out in order to investigate the variability of the spectra absorption parameters as inpu... Research on the optical characteristics of water color constituents in Chagan Lake of Jilin Province,Northeast China was carried out in order to investigate the variability of the spectra absorption parameters as inputs to bio-optical models and remote sensing algorithms for converting observed spectral signals into water quality information.Samples of total particulates,non-algal particles and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were first prepared by quantitative filter technique (QFT) and then absorption coefficients of these color producing agents were determined by spectrophotometry.Spectral characteristics of absorption coefficients by total particulate matter,spectral specific absorption dependency on chlorophyll concentration (Chl-a) of phytoplankton,spectral absorption slopes variation for CDOM and non-algal particles and their corresponding reasons were examined and clarified over five months of 2009 and 2010 in this study.Results suggest that total particulate spectral absorption in Chagan Lake is mainly dominated by non-algal particles in most cases,but phytoplankton could be the dominant contributor when chlorophyll concentration is high (up to 84.48 mg/m3 in autumn 2010).The specific absorption coefficients of phytoplankton particulate (a*ph(λ)) dependency on Chl-a is significantly variable due to relative contributions of package effect and accessory pigments,and the parameters of power function are clearly biased on a long time span.The sources of variability in spectral absorption slopes of CDOM and non-algal particles are mainly attributed to the changing proportions of high molecular weight humic acids and mineral suspended sediments in waters,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 colored dissolved organic matter spectra absorption water constituents spectral slope Chagan Lake
Spatiotemporal Variation of Riverine Nutrients in a Typical Hilly Watershed in Southeast China Using Multivariate Statistics Tools 被引量:2
作者 NIE Xiao-fei LI Heng-peng +2 位作者 JIANG Jia-hu DIAO Ya-qin LI Peng-cheng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期983-998,共16页
The water quality of lakes can be degraded by excessive riverine nutrients.Riverine water quality generally varies depending on region and season because of the spatiotemporal variations in natural factors and anthrop... The water quality of lakes can be degraded by excessive riverine nutrients.Riverine water quality generally varies depending on region and season because of the spatiotemporal variations in natural factors and anthropogenic activities.Monthly water quality measurements of eight water quality variables were analyzed for two years at 16 sites of the Tianmuhu watershed.The variables were examined using hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA) and factor analysis/principal component analysis(FA/PCA) to reveal the spatiotemporal variations in riverine nutrients and to identify their potential sources.HCA revealed three geographical groups and three periods.Two drainages comprising towns and large villages were the most polluted, six drainages comprising widely distributed tea plantations and orchards were moderately polluted, and eight drainages without the factors were the least polluted.The river was most polluted in June when the first heavy rain(daily rainfall > 50 mm) occurs after fertilization and the number of rainy days is most(monthly number of rainy days > 20 days).Moderate pollution was observed from October to May, during which morethan 60% of the total nitrogen fertilizer and all of the phosphorus fertilizer are applied to the cropland, the total manure is applied to tea plantations and orchards, and a monthly rainfall ranging from 0 mm to 164 mm occurs.The remaining months were characterized by frequent raining(i.e., number of rainy days per month ranged from 5 to 24) and little use of fertilizers, and were thus least polluted.FA/PCA identified that the greatest pollution sources were the runoff from tea plantations and orchards,domestic pollution and the surface runoff from towns and villages, and rural sewage, which had extremely high contributions of riverine nitrogen, phosphorus,and chemical oxygen demand, respectively.The tea plantations and orchards promoted by the agricultural comprehensive development(ACD) were not environmentally friendly.Riverine nitrogen is a major water pollution parameter in hilly watersheds affected by ACD, and this parameter would not be reduced unless its loss load through the runoff from tea plantations and orchards is effectively controlled. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen Phosphorus Chemical oxygen demand Spatial variation Temporal variation Water quality FERTILIZATION Tianmuhu watershed
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