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作者 横滨矶子(译) 《舰载武器》 2024年第5期2-8,共7页
本文编译自美国中国海事研究所(China Maritime Studies Institute,CMSI)中国海事报告第36号(China Maritime Report No.36),原标题《中国的T-AGOS:——“东监”级海洋监视船》。作者德文.索恩认为,建造和使用“东监”级海洋监视船是为... 本文编译自美国中国海事研究所(China Maritime Studies Institute,CMSI)中国海事报告第36号(China Maritime Report No.36),原标题《中国的T-AGOS:——“东监”级海洋监视船》。作者德文.索恩认为,建造和使用“东监”级海洋监视船是为了弥补中国海军在反潜作战方面长期存在的弱点。本刊刊登此文仅供读者参考,并不代表本刊证实或同意其观点。 展开更多
关键词 海洋监视 中国海事 AGO 海事报告 东监 反潜作战
Monitoring Soil Salt Content Using HJ-1A Hyperspectral Data: A Case Study of Coastal Areas in Rudong County, Eastern China 被引量:5
作者 LI Jianguo PU Lijie +5 位作者 ZHU Ming DAI Xiaoqing XU Yan CHEN Xinjian ZHANG Lifang ZHANG Runsen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期213-223,共11页
Hyperspectral data are an important source for monitoring soil salt content on a large scale. However, in previous studies, barriers such as interference due to the presence of vegetation restricted the precision of m... Hyperspectral data are an important source for monitoring soil salt content on a large scale. However, in previous studies, barriers such as interference due to the presence of vegetation restricted the precision of mapping soil salt content. This study tested a new method for predicting soil salt content with improved precision by using Chinese hyperspectral data, Huan Jing-Hyper Spectral Imager(HJ-HSI), in the coastal area of Rudong County, Eastern China. The vegetation-covered area and coastal bare flat area were distinguished by using the normalized differential vegetation index at the band length of 705 nm(NDVI705). The soil salt content of each area was predicted by various algorithms. A Normal Soil Salt Content Response Index(NSSRI) was constructed from continuum-removed reflectance(CR-reflectance) at wavelengths of 908.95 nm and 687.41 nm to predict the soil salt content in the coastal bare flat area(NDVI705 < 0.2). The soil adjusted salinity index(SAVI) was applied to predict the soil salt content in the vegetation-covered area(NDVI705 ≥ 0.2). The results demonstrate that 1) the new method significantly improves the accuracy of soil salt content mapping(R2 = 0.6396, RMSE = 0.3591), and 2) HJ-HSI data can be used to map soil salt content precisely and are suitable for monitoring soil salt content on a large scale. 展开更多
关键词 soil salt content normalized differential vegetation index(NDVI) hyperspectral data Huan Jing-Hyper Spectral Imager(HJ-HSI) coastal area eastern China
作者 曹璐 孙丞虎 +2 位作者 任福民 袁媛 江静 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2015年第2期153-160,共8页
Some recent studies presented two existing types of ENSO events, one is the Eastern-Pacific(EP) type and the other the Central-Pacific(CP) type. This study examined the monitoring ability of several current operationa... Some recent studies presented two existing types of ENSO events, one is the Eastern-Pacific(EP) type and the other the Central-Pacific(CP) type. This study examined the monitoring ability of several current operational ENSO indices. The results indicated that a single index could not distinguish the EP and CP in the historical ENSO events during 1950-2009. The Nio 3 index may only be suitable for monitoring the EP-type ENSO, while the Nio 4 index works only for the CP-type ENSO. In order to capture the occurrence of ENSO events and distinguish the type, we considered a new monitoring index group using Nio 3 and Nio 4 indices. Further analysis confirmed that this index group can monitor different types of historical ENSO events with different spatial distribution of sea surface temperature. It has a good performance in determining the characteristics of the ENSO events, including peak intensity, onset,decay, and mature phase. 展开更多
关键词 ENSO events Eastern-Pacific (EP) type Central-Pacific (CP) type ENSO index index group
Aerosol absorption optical depth of fine-mode mineral dust in eastern China
作者 ZHANG Tian-Hang LIAO Hong 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第1期7-14,共8页
The fine-mode aerosol absorption optical depth(AAOD)retrieved from the Aerosol Robotic Network(AERONET)has been used in previous studies to calculate the radiative forcing of black carbon(BC)aerosol,assuming tha... The fine-mode aerosol absorption optical depth(AAOD)retrieved from the Aerosol Robotic Network(AERONET)has been used in previous studies to calculate the radiative forcing of black carbon(BC)aerosol,assuming that the absorption by fine-mode aerosols(diameter ≤ 1 μm)is primarily from BC while the absorption by larger particles(diameter 1 μm)is principally from dust.In the present study,the Community Earth System Model was used to simulate and quantify the contribution of fine-mode dust to fine-mode AAOD in eastern China(29–41°N,104–122°E)—an area where concentrations of BC are high.The simulated fine-mode dust concentrations were constrained by observations from nine sites belonging to the Chinese Meteorological Administration Atmosphere Watch Network.Averaged over eastern China,the simulated annual mean fine-mode dust AAOD was 3.6 × 10-3,with the maximum AAOD in spring and the minimum value in winter.The contribution of fine-mode dust to the total fine-mode AAOD(sum of fine-mode dust,BC,and organic carbon)in winter,spring,summer,and autumn was 3.4%,25.2%,12.5%,and 14.9%,respectively,with an annual mean value of 15.1%.The results indicate the importance of removing fine dust AAOD when the AERONET fine-mode AAOD is used for calculating the radiative forcing of BC in eastern China. 展开更多
关键词 Fine-mode mineral dust AAod eastern china
Aerosol Distribution of ASEAN Area Base on LIDAR Monitoring Data at Hanoi and Trajectory Statistics Simulation
作者 Nguyen Thanh Binh Natallia Miatselskaya +4 位作者 Anatoli Chaikovsky Nguyen Dai Hung Vu Thi Bich Din VanTrung Vitaly Kabashnikov 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2016年第3期20-24,共5页
Averaged fractional composition of aerosol in Vietnam and Belarus was obtained and the maps of the column on near-ground aerosol content were built on the basics of model calculations. The results show the complexity ... Averaged fractional composition of aerosol in Vietnam and Belarus was obtained and the maps of the column on near-ground aerosol content were built on the basics of model calculations. The results show the complexity of the geographic ASEAN areas. It may cause variable of climate in local. 展开更多
关键词 AEROSOL concentration composition spatial distribution model calculation.
作者 胡迎建 《词学》 CSSCI 2012年第1期364-368,共5页
胡雪抱(一八八二—一九二七),名元轸,字孟舆,号穆庐,又号雪抱,以号行。都昌人。师从同光体闽派著名诗人沈瑜庆。光绪间优贡,往京师考进士未中,授广东监经历不就。民国初年寓居南昌,与王浩、汪辟疆等交往密切。应胡思敬之约参加刊刻《豫... 胡雪抱(一八八二—一九二七),名元轸,字孟舆,号穆庐,又号雪抱,以号行。都昌人。师从同光体闽派著名诗人沈瑜庆。光绪间优贡,往京师考进士未中,授广东监经历不就。民国初年寓居南昌,与王浩、汪辟疆等交往密切。应胡思敬之约参加刊刻《豫章丛书》,后往景德镇珠山书馆教读。著有《昭琴馆诗文小录》、《昭琴馆诗存》。刘未林诗云:‘我喜压装有佳句,鄱湖仰视秋星横。’雪抱‘曩好填小令。原集存百余阕,汇成《锦瑟词》一卷,顷亦飘零海上,任天演之淘汰矣。’集中《菩萨蛮·回文小令二阕》云:‘翠奁春锁花痕碎,碎痕花锁春奁翠。眉黛画教谁,谁教画黛眉?浥香寒处立,立处寒香浥。鸦鬓侧身斜,斜身侧鸦鬓’;‘媚人如意花时戏,戏时花意如人媚。欢笑共来看,看来共笑欢。钿头钗落徧,徧落钗头钿。衣彩化云飞,飞云化彩衣。’此因见桂君伯华香奁体小令二阕,缘情绮靡,萦纡回抱,因傚而作。原作:‘月斜迷梦春城隔,寒烛画楼残。许时同密语,老尽费疑猜。’画黛眉用东汉张敞为夫人画眉故事。末句化自晏几道《临江仙》:‘当时明月在,曾照彩云归。’ 展开更多
关键词 缘情绮靡 香奁体 彩云归 晏几道 钿头 同光体 临江仙 东监 闽派 衣彩
作者 毛昭胜 高福喜 《小哥白尼(军事科学)》 2014年第4期22-24,共3页
2013年12月7日天气:晴虽说是寒假,可今儿个一大早,叽叽喳喳的闹钟刚扯开嗓子,我就"奇迹"般地爬下了床。在匆匆忙忙穿好衣服,扒拉了几口早饭后,我便飞一般地出门了。寒冬腊月的黄浦江上,来往船只依旧络绎不绝。冷风嗖嗖地从江... 2013年12月7日天气:晴虽说是寒假,可今儿个一大早,叽叽喳喳的闹钟刚扯开嗓子,我就"奇迹"般地爬下了床。在匆匆忙忙穿好衣服,扒拉了几口早饭后,我便飞一般地出门了。寒冬腊月的黄浦江上,来往船只依旧络绎不绝。冷风嗖嗖地从江面吹来,拍打在我的脸上,灌进我的脖子里,却丝毫没有影响我的热情。和早早等着我们的大兵叔叔碰头后,没过一会儿,其他小伙伴们也陆续到齐了。全员准备完毕,我们要出发啦! 展开更多
关键词 去哪儿 伙伴们 面吹 东监 船上 江中 固体垃圾 环境监测站 油水分离器 排污管道
作者 罗丽 《武汉文博》 2011年第2期61-61,共1页
关键词 武汉博物馆 东监 汉南区 宣教工作 未成年犯管教所 省慈善总会 省图书馆 律师协会 少儿馆 共建单位
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