The year of 2011 is considered the first year of big data market in China.Compared with the global scale,China's big data growth will be faster than the global average growth rate,and China will usher in the rapid...The year of 2011 is considered the first year of big data market in China.Compared with the global scale,China's big data growth will be faster than the global average growth rate,and China will usher in the rapid expansion of big data market in the next few years.This paper presents the overall big data development in China in terms of market scale and development stages,enterprise development in the industry chain,the technology standards,and industrial applications.The paper points out the issues and challenges facing big data development in China and proposes to make polices and create support approaches for big data transactions and personal privacy protection.展开更多
文摘The year of 2011 is considered the first year of big data market in China.Compared with the global scale,China's big data growth will be faster than the global average growth rate,and China will usher in the rapid expansion of big data market in the next few years.This paper presents the overall big data development in China in terms of market scale and development stages,enterprise development in the industry chain,the technology standards,and industrial applications.The paper points out the issues and challenges facing big data development in China and proposes to make polices and create support approaches for big data transactions and personal privacy protection.