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21世纪中国老年心理学研究:现状与未来 被引量:16
作者 彭华茂 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期496-503,共8页
本文回顾了近40年中国老年心理学的研究成果,并从研究主题角度与美国老年心理学研究进行了比较。发现中国老年心理学主要聚焦于老年人心理健康研究,同时也在老年人家庭人际关系和社会支持领域研究有较为丰富的研究成果。但国内对老年人... 本文回顾了近40年中国老年心理学的研究成果,并从研究主题角度与美国老年心理学研究进行了比较。发现中国老年心理学主要聚焦于老年人心理健康研究,同时也在老年人家庭人际关系和社会支持领域研究有较为丰富的研究成果。但国内对老年人的认知能力、人格、情绪情感探讨较少,既缺少前沿的基础研究,也缺少对复杂能力、复杂情感等的系统研究。结合中国人口老龄化现实,本文提出了21世纪中国老年心理学的未来研究取向:基础研究和应用服务研究的双向结合,中国文化特色取向,个体—环境交互作用取向和个体差异取向。 展开更多
关键词 老年心理学 文献分析 研究主题 个体—环境 个体差异
ICT产业技术转移对区域二元创新能力的影响 被引量:1
作者 周勇 陈金月 鲁硕 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期55-63,共9页
基于个体—环境匹配理论,运用空间计量方法,以ICT产业为对象,研究我国内地30个省市2011-2016年技术转移对区域二元创新能力的影响。结果表明:1)区域内企业的技术转移类型和区域创新类型的创新方式匹配度越高,会产生正向的协同作用,越有... 基于个体—环境匹配理论,运用空间计量方法,以ICT产业为对象,研究我国内地30个省市2011-2016年技术转移对区域二元创新能力的影响。结果表明:1)区域内企业的技术转移类型和区域创新类型的创新方式匹配度越高,会产生正向的协同作用,越有利于区域的探索式创新或利用式创新;2)企业和区域的创新方式匹配度越高,区域间的技术转入量越有助于促进区域利用式创新能力的提升;3)区域之间二元创新所产生的空间溢出效应会随着地理距离的增加而衰减;4)随着技术转移关系强度的增加,技术转出区域的二元创新能力会影响技术转入区域的二元创新能力。 展开更多
关键词 技术转移 区域创新 个体—环境匹配理论 空间溢出效应
作者 李晶晶 张飞涟 +1 位作者 刘建军 王靖 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期139-144,共6页
基于匹配性理论,采用施工项目经理个体能力与施工环境能力需求之间的不匹配程度量测能力不足风险,构建了施工项目经理能力不足风险质量屋。建立施工项目经理能力、施工环境评价指标体系,以及二元语义转换的标准化复合标度值的综合评价模... 基于匹配性理论,采用施工项目经理个体能力与施工环境能力需求之间的不匹配程度量测能力不足风险,构建了施工项目经理能力不足风险质量屋。建立施工项目经理能力、施工环境评价指标体系,以及二元语义转换的标准化复合标度值的综合评价模型,通过项目经理能力对不利环境的支持程度分析,确定能力需求。在此基础上,分析人—职、人—组织、人—职业环境三个层次的不匹配程度,依据木桶理论量测施工项目经理能力不足风险。以某轨道施工项目为例开展方法实证验证。 展开更多
关键词 能力不足风险 个体—环境匹配 施工项目经理
志愿常态化:对“个体——环境”交互机制的探索 被引量:18
作者 罗婧 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第8期128-142,206,227,共17页
志愿服务发展既依托于国家推动下的制度化建设,也需要广大社会成员对其发自内心的认可和主动而持续的参与,即走向常态化。围绕此,本文着力对志愿常态化的内涵和机制进行深入探讨,在常态化过程理论的启发下重新定位了志愿常态化。志愿常... 志愿服务发展既依托于国家推动下的制度化建设,也需要广大社会成员对其发自内心的认可和主动而持续的参与,即走向常态化。围绕此,本文着力对志愿常态化的内涵和机制进行深入探讨,在常态化过程理论的启发下重新定位了志愿常态化。志愿常态化是志愿者在环境的影响下通过行动和认知判断志愿服务各方面的元素是否自洽的过程,即个体与环境在交互中对一致性的持续塑造。基于随机森林模型结果的引导,本文对志愿者访谈资料进行编码,归纳了"个体—环境"交互的四重机制,即情境关联、成员嵌入、圈子连带和能力适应。这四重机制的交互方式和时机不同、方向多维,从不同的角度展现了志愿常态化中个体与环境的相互建构。志愿常态化需要合理地激发和释放志愿者的主体性,引导其在"求同"的意图下建构志愿体系。 展开更多
关键词 志愿常态化 个体—环境 交互机制 随机森林模型
Personal Types of Physical Students and Their EFL
作者 Hongxiao Wang Ruifang Wang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第4期73-76,共4页
Individual learner's differences, such as sex, age, aptitude, motivation, personality and strategies, are important factors in English learning as foreign language (EFL). Among these, personal types should be paid ... Individual learner's differences, such as sex, age, aptitude, motivation, personality and strategies, are important factors in English learning as foreign language (EFL). Among these, personal types should be paid more attention to since different personalities mean different learning styles, and different learning styles lead to different levels of proficiency. The present study tries to explore the personal types in terms of extroversion and introversion of the students majoring in physical culture. Based on the investigation in personality types, the implications are discussed and some suggestions are put forward. 展开更多
关键词 personality types extroversion physical students
The Impact of English Immersion on Children
作者 Xiaohua Liang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第4期30-34,共5页
This article does some researches on the impact of English Immersion on children. Through the practice and observation of children in the immersion program, we find that English Immersion has the following impacts on ... This article does some researches on the impact of English Immersion on children. Through the practice and observation of children in the immersion program, we find that English Immersion has the following impacts on children: 1) The English language learning is immersed into the process of thematic activities, Children in the Immersion learn English naturally, joyfully and systematically. They tend to cooperate well. 2) The language immersion is an integrated model in which children feel no cultural barriers. 3) English learning enhances the learning of Pingying, and vice versa. 4) There is little gap between genders. 5) Social and economic difference does not influence their learning. 6) English rhyming, chanting and songs arouse great interest in them. 7) Drama makes children very confident in their performance. They learn to think and settle problems through the performance. English immersion gives children cognitive development and enforces the language they are learning. 展开更多
关键词 English Immersion thematic activities gender difference social and economic background
群智能自组织劳动分工研究进展 被引量:12
作者 肖人彬 王英聪 《信息与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期129-139,148,共12页
群智能是指众多行为简单的个体在相互作用过程中涌现产生的整体智能行为,劳动分工是其最重要特征之一.本文首先根据个体与个体、个体与环境的交互模式,给出群智能劳动分工的一个框架描述,分析其个体专职化、角色可塑性和自组织等特性.... 群智能是指众多行为简单的个体在相互作用过程中涌现产生的整体智能行为,劳动分工是其最重要特征之一.本文首先根据个体与个体、个体与环境的交互模式,给出群智能劳动分工的一个框架描述,分析其个体专职化、角色可塑性和自组织等特性.然后从自组织的角度对激发—抑制、刺激—响应、个体排序和寻觅工作等四类劳动分工模型进行对比分析,旨在归纳提炼群智能自组织劳动分工模型的构建规律.进而结合群智能自组织劳动分工的应用情况,针对其适用范围和求解思路进行了评述和讨论.最后从劳动分工机制、劳动分工模型、分配问题求解和优化问题求解四个方面展望了群智能自组织劳动分工的发展前景. 展开更多
关键词 群智能 劳动分工 自组织 个体—个体交互 个体—环境交互
健康中国建设的战略思考 被引量:5
作者 曹明倩 周业勤 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2020年第9期616-619,共4页
健康的本质内涵是指个人和其所处环境之间处于相互支持、相互促进的和谐关系,健康的基本属性是社会建构性,健康是对个体-环境关系的肯定性价值评价。健康中国建设的根本任务是建立个人和社会之间的相互促进、协调发展关系,基本路径包括... 健康的本质内涵是指个人和其所处环境之间处于相互支持、相互促进的和谐关系,健康的基本属性是社会建构性,健康是对个体-环境关系的肯定性价值评价。健康中国建设的根本任务是建立个人和社会之间的相互促进、协调发展关系,基本路径包括健康个人建设、健康社会建设、个体-环境和谐的价值观建设;需要注意三个基本问题:健康不意味着完全无病、物理化学生物等致病因素背后的社会因素、健康社会建设应该优于健康个人建设。 展开更多
关键词 健康中国 健康客观论 健康建构论 健康个人 健康社会 个体—环境和谐
基于FsQCA的社会化问答社区知识隐藏行为组态研究 被引量:1
作者 卢新元 许小庆 王雪霖 《知识管理论坛》 2022年第1期37-48,共12页
[目的/意义]知识隐藏行为不仅不利于个体知识的产生,也会对社会化问答社区的健康发展造成影响。探究社会化问答社区中用户知识隐藏行为产生的原因,对丰富社会化问答社区用户行为相关理论、引导平台进行优化具有重要意义。[方法/过程]从... [目的/意义]知识隐藏行为不仅不利于个体知识的产生,也会对社会化问答社区的健康发展造成影响。探究社会化问答社区中用户知识隐藏行为产生的原因,对丰富社会化问答社区用户行为相关理论、引导平台进行优化具有重要意义。[方法/过程]从组态视角出发,基于个人—环境匹配理论,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法(fsQCA)对问卷采集的157个有效样本进行分析,探究价值观一致性、人际相似性、外部需求匹配、内部需求匹配以及能力匹配共5个变量对知识隐藏行为的组合影响。[结果/结论]获得高、非高程度的知识隐藏行为产生的组合路径,发现需求匹配对知识隐藏行为起到关键影响作用,并通过对比分析发现用户更倾向于知识隐藏,而想要降低知识隐藏行为,则需要加强多方面条件的匹配。 展开更多
关键词 知识隐藏行为 社会化问答社区 fsQCA 个体—环境匹配理论
Natal dispersal in a social landscape: Considering individual behavioral phenotypes and social environment in dispersal ecology 被引量:3
作者 Tina W. WEY Orr SPIEGEL +1 位作者 Pierre-Olivier MONTIGLIO Karen E. MABRY 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期543-556,共14页
Natal dispersal, the movement of an organism from its birthplace to the site of first reproduction, is fundamental to many ecological and evolutionary processes. Mechanistically, individual dispersal decisions can dep... Natal dispersal, the movement of an organism from its birthplace to the site of first reproduction, is fundamental to many ecological and evolutionary processes. Mechanistically, individual dispersal decisions can depend on both individual phe- notype and environmental cues. In particular, many established evolutionary theories of dispersal highlight the importance of the social environment. More recent research in behavioral ecology has focused on the importance of individual behavioral pheno- types. We reviewed the literature on individual behavioral phenotypes and dispersal and suggest that how individual behavioral phenotypes interact with the immediate social environment experienced by individuals in influencing dispersal is still poorly un- derstood, despite growing interest. We found that very few studies had examined the interaction of individual behavioral pheno- types and social factors, and behavioral phenotypes related to social tendencies were less commonly measured than were beha- vioral phenotypes related to exploration or response to risk. Further, and unsurprisingly, studies on social behavioral phenotypes and dispersal behaviors during the transience stage of dispersal were underrepresented compared to the departure or settlement stages. Future studies in this area should aim to" a) make explicit links between behavioral traits and their proposed effects on dispersal decisions throughout multiple stages of dispersal, b) integrate more continuous dispersal variables, and c) consider the effects of the spatial distribution and phenotypes of conspecifics (i.e., the social landscape) encountered by individual dispersers 展开更多
关键词 Animal dispersal Animal personality Behavioral syndromes Individual differences Social landscape
Individual variation in ballooning dispersal by black widow spiderlings: The effects of family and social rearing
作者 J. Chadwick JOHNSON Rebecca HALPIN Dale STEVENS II Annika VANNAN Jesse LAM Katie BRATSCH 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期520-528,共9页
Individual behavioral variation is ubiquitous across taxa and important to understand if we wish to fully use beha- vioral data to understand the ecology and evolution of organisms. Only recently have studies of indiv... Individual behavioral variation is ubiquitous across taxa and important to understand if we wish to fully use beha- vioral data to understand the ecology and evolution of organisms. Only recently have studies of individual variation in dispersal behavior become a focus of research. A better understanding of individual variation in dispersal behavior is likely to improve our understanding of population dynamics. In particular, the dynamics of critically small populations (endangered species) and large populations (pest species) may be driven by unique dispersal variants. Here we documented individual variation in the ballooning dispersal behavior of Western black widow spiderlings Latrodectus hesperus, an urban pest species found in superabundant in- festations throughout cities of the desert Southwest USA. We found a great deal of family-level variation in ballooning dispersal, and this variation was highly consistent (repeatable) across time. Maternal egg investment was a poor predictor of this ballooning dispersal. Instead, we show that spiderlings reared in isolation are significantly slower to disperse than spiderlings raised in a more natural setting surrounded by full siblings. Thus, our study examines a widespread but poorly understood dispersal behavior (ballooning), and suggests urban pest population dynamics are likely driven by the interaction of variation in individuals, families and social environments 展开更多
关键词 Individual variation Dispersal Spiders BALLOONING Social rearing
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