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基于景区品牌传播的景区品牌建设——以中三角地区抽样统计为例 被引量:2
作者 饶鉴 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期112-116,共5页
文章以中三角地区三大城市为抽样对象,以问卷调查的方式分析了景区品牌传播的内容和渠道对景区品牌认知的影响。结果表明,景区品牌的传播内容和传播途径是景区品牌认知的直接影响要素。其中,传播内容中具有显著性影响的要素是景区内容... 文章以中三角地区三大城市为抽样对象,以问卷调查的方式分析了景区品牌传播的内容和渠道对景区品牌认知的影响。结果表明,景区品牌的传播内容和传播途径是景区品牌认知的直接影响要素。其中,传播内容中具有显著性影响的要素是景区内容和景区景观。景区品牌传播途径对景区品牌认知的影响力大于景区品牌传播内容。网络传播的使用频率成为最具影响力的要素。 展开更多
关键词 景区品牌 景区传播 传播途径 中三角地区
基于因子分析的中三角地区经济环境综合评价 被引量:1
作者 杜燕萍 《金融经济(下半月)》 2013年第6期99-101,共3页
关键词 因子分析 中三角地区 经济环境 综合评价
作者 杨宓 《武汉职业技术学院学报》 2016年第3期53-57,共5页
在目前东部沿海地区产业转移已经产生的大背景下,通过新经济地理学的分析框架,以地区生产总值占比、工业增加值占比以及产业的行业集中度和区位商等指标来测度中三角地区是否正在形成新一轮的产业集聚以及不同生产要素投入类型的产业之... 在目前东部沿海地区产业转移已经产生的大背景下,通过新经济地理学的分析框架,以地区生产总值占比、工业增加值占比以及产业的行业集中度和区位商等指标来测度中三角地区是否正在形成新一轮的产业集聚以及不同生产要素投入类型的产业之间的集聚状况是否存在区别。结果表明:中三角地区正在形成新一轮的产业集聚;以食品制造业为代表的劳动密集型产业在中三角地区自2003年便呈加速的趋势进行集聚,而以交通运输设备制造业为代表的资本密集型产业并未产生集聚;劳动密集型产业为湖南、湖北两省的专业化生产部门,而资本密集型产业在湖北省的专业化生产地位正在丧失。 展开更多
关键词 产业集聚 中三角地区 劳动密集型产业 资本密集型产业
中三角地区柑橘生产的空间布局变迁及影响因素分析 被引量:20
作者 张有望 章胜勇 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期687-693,共7页
本文运用生产集中度指数和生产重心模型,系统分析了1990-2013年中三角地区柑橘生产空间布局的变迁特征,并通过定性分析的方法揭示了影响生产布局的主要因素。研究表明:中三角地区柑橘生产空间布局的变迁,从变迁类型上看,主要表现为稳定... 本文运用生产集中度指数和生产重心模型,系统分析了1990-2013年中三角地区柑橘生产空间布局的变迁特征,并通过定性分析的方法揭示了影响生产布局的主要因素。研究表明:中三角地区柑橘生产空间布局的变迁,从变迁类型上看,主要表现为稳定型、收缩性、波动型和扩张型四种类型;从区域比较上看,呈现出"东南增"、"西南减"、"西北稳定"的变化趋势;从重心轨迹上看,柑橘生产重心一直位于湖南省境内,但近年来向东南方向移动的势头强劲;从影响因素上看,以自然禀赋为主的内在因素是柑橘生产空间布局形成的初始条件,但市场因素、科技因素和政策因素为主的外在因素对柑橘生产空间布局变迁的推动作用日渐增强。 展开更多
关键词 中三角地区 柑橘生产 空间布局 重心模型 影响因素
区域合作视角下中三角地区主要农作物生产比较优势格局研究 被引量:9
作者 张有望 宋长鸣 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期502-509,共8页
利用2000-2014年的相关数据,采用综合比较优势指数法和资源禀赋系数法,考察中三角地区主要农作物水稻、柑橘和油菜的比较优势格局。结果表明:1)湖南、江西和湖北三省的综合比较优势存在差异。江西省水稻和柑橘生产的综合比较优势明显,... 利用2000-2014年的相关数据,采用综合比较优势指数法和资源禀赋系数法,考察中三角地区主要农作物水稻、柑橘和油菜的比较优势格局。结果表明:1)湖南、江西和湖北三省的综合比较优势存在差异。江西省水稻和柑橘生产的综合比较优势明显,湖北省油菜生产的综合比较优势明显;2)三种农作物在市州层面的比较优势分布格局存在差异。大部分市州的水稻生产具有一定比较优势,张家界、湘西、怀化、赣州和宜昌的柑橘生产具有较强比较优势,张家界、常德、九江和仙桃的油菜生产具有较强比较优势;3)三种农作物比较优势格局的变迁特征存在差异。水稻生产具有比较优势的区域范围扩大,柑橘生产具有比较优势的区域由"零星分散"向"集中连片"演变,油菜生产具有比较优势的区域呈相对集中趋势。在此基础上,提出充分发挥各自的比较优势,实现优势互补;进一步打破行政区划的束缚,构建农业协同发展机制;建立健全相关的法律制度,完善法律保障体系等对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 区域合作 农作物 比较优势 中三角地区 综合比较优势指数 资源禀赋系数
基于卫星观测的中三角地区吸收性气溶胶的时空演化解析 被引量:1
作者 米佳乐 刘旻霞 +2 位作者 王思远 肖仕锐 李乐 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期328-340,共13页
基于臭氧检测仪(Ozone Monitoring Instrument,OMI)的遥感数据,利用Arc GIS10.2对2005—2020年中三角地区(湖北省、湖南省、江西省)紫外吸收性气溶胶指数(Ultraviolet Aerosol Index,UVAI)的时空变化进行分析,结合气溶胶颗粒物(PM_(2.5)... 基于臭氧检测仪(Ozone Monitoring Instrument,OMI)的遥感数据,利用Arc GIS10.2对2005—2020年中三角地区(湖北省、湖南省、江西省)紫外吸收性气溶胶指数(Ultraviolet Aerosol Index,UVAI)的时空变化进行分析,结合气溶胶颗粒物(PM_(2.5)、PM_(10))和气态污染物(CO)数据,利用HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectorymodel)方法研究主要污染城市气溶胶颗粒物的来源与传输路径,通过核密度估计法、相关性分析、聚类分析,研究其影响因素.结果表明:①在空间分布上,中三角地区吸收性气溶胶的高值区集中在襄阳市北部、孝感市东部、武汉市西部;在时间分布上,2008年UVAI最低,2014年达到最大值;季节分布具有明显变化,2005—2020年吸收性气溶胶指数季均值为冬季>春季>秋季>夏季.②UVAI与人口增长率、第二产业产值占总产值的比重呈正相关性,与节能环保预算支出呈显著负相关(p<0.05).不同的土地利用方式也是影响吸收性气溶胶空间分布的原因:UVAI低值分布地区的林地密度较高,而城乡、工矿、居民用地密度高的地区吸收性气溶胶指数均较高.③结合气流输送情况与PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、CO数据可知,来自湖北省武汉市与麻城市交界的近距离气流携带的气溶胶颗粒物(PM_(2.5)、PM_(10))及远距离气流所携带的碳质污染物(CO),会对中三角地区吸收性气溶胶产生影响.④以襄阳市、武汉市为受点城市,对其进行潜在源贡献因子分析(PSCF):2020年襄阳市冬季UVAI的潜在源区主要集中在河南省南部与湖北省东北部地区;2020年武汉市冬季UVAI的潜在源贡献因子(WPSCF)高值区主要分布在湖北省东部、江西省西北部、湖南省东北部. 展开更多
关键词 中三角地区 吸收性气溶胶 P_(2.5) PM_(10) CO HYSPLIT模型
Estimation of Ecological Water Requirements Based on Habitat Response to Water Level in Huanghe River Delta,China 被引量:7
作者 CUI Baoshan HUA Yanyan +3 位作者 WANG Chongfang LIAO Xiaolin TAN Xuejie TAO Wendong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期318-329,共12页
In recent years,wetland ecological water requirements (EWRs) have been estimated by using hydrological and functional approaches,but those approaches have not yet been integrated for a whole ecosystem.This paper prese... In recent years,wetland ecological water requirements (EWRs) have been estimated by using hydrological and functional approaches,but those approaches have not yet been integrated for a whole ecosystem.This paper presents a new method for calculating wetland EWRs,which is based on the response of habitats to water level,and determines water level threshold through the functional integrity of habitats.Results show that in the Huanghe (Yellow) River Delta water levels between 5.0 m and 5.5 m are required to maintain the functional integrity of the wetland at a value higher than 0.7.One of the dominant plants in the delta,Phragmites australis,tolerates water level fluctuation of about ± 0.25 m without the change in wetland functional integrity.The minimum,optimum and maximum EWRs for the Huanghe River Delta are 9.42×106 m3,15.56×106 m3 and 24.12×106 m3 with water levels of 5.0 m,5.2 m and 5.5 m,corresponding to functional integrity indices of 0.70,0.84 and 0.72,respectively.A wetland restoration program has been performed,which aims to meet these EWRs in attempt to recover from losses of up to 98% in the delta's former wetland area. 展开更多
关键词 water level-habitat response functional integrity ecological water requirements WETLAND Huanghe River Delta
Peripheral Challenge in Container Port System:A Case Study of Pearl River Delta 被引量:2
作者 WANG Chengjin WANG Jiao'e Cesar DUCRUET 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期97-108,共12页
The growth of peripheral ports to dominant hubs has been well documented in North America and Europe,and has led to the elaboration of several theoretical models.However,although changes in containerization growth hav... The growth of peripheral ports to dominant hubs has been well documented in North America and Europe,and has led to the elaboration of several theoretical models.However,although changes in containerization growth have been taking place in the South and East Asia in recent years,particularly in China,only a few studies have fo-cused on this region.The Pearl(Zhujiang) River Delta(PRD) has a typical port system with hub and peripheral ports,and provides an excellent case for studying the Peripheral Challenge.This paper introduces the theoretical evidence of the Hayuth model and analyzes the evolution of the container port system in the PRD with five phases:1) phase I:preconditions for change and phase II:initial container port development in the 1970s and early 1980s;2) phase III:diffusion,consolidation,and port concentration in the middle and late 1980s;3) phase IV:the load center in the 1990s;and(4) phase V:the Peripheral Challenge since the late 1990s.The results illustrate that the Shenzhen port presents mounting challenges to the Hong Kong port,descending from a transshipment hub of China to a regional load center of Southeast China.Furthermore,this paper explores five points that have led to the evolution of the port system in the PRD:1) competition in the regional port systems;2) different interested parties;3) shift of investment strategies of in-ternational terminal operators;4) integration of shipping networks and reorganization of carriers;and 5) cost-based competition. 展开更多
关键词 Hayuth model peripheral challenge Pearl River Delta (PRD) container shipping
Empirical Analysis of City Contact in Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta, China 被引量:7
作者 TONG De LIU Tao +1 位作者 LI Guicai YU Lei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期384-392,共9页
In traditional urban geography, city contact research is a classic study element in city research. In general, researchers use the traditional gravity model to characterize the contacts that exist between two cities. ... In traditional urban geography, city contact research is a classic study element in city research. In general, researchers use the traditional gravity model to characterize the contacts that exist between two cities. The traditional gravity model assumes ideal conditions, but these preconditions and their results often do not exist in realistic conditions. Thus, we used a modified gravity model to characterize the city contacts within a specific region. This model considers factors such as intercity complementarities, government intervention, and the diversity of the transportation infrastructure which is characterized as the transportation distance instead of the traditional Euclidean distance. We applied this model to an empirical study of city contact in the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta(PRD) of China. The regression results indicated that the modified gravity model could measure city contact more accurately and comprehensively than the traditional gravity model, i.e., it yielded a higher adjusted R2 value(0.379) than the traditional gravity model result(0.259). Our study also suggests that, in addition to urban-regional and metropolitan development, the complementarities of the basic functions of cities at the administrative and market levels, as well as the corporeal and immaterial levels, play very significant roles in the characterization of city contact. Given the complexity of city contact, it will be necessary to consider more relevant influential factors in the modified gravity model to characterize the features of city contact in the future. 展开更多
关键词 city contact function complementarities government intervention gravity model Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta (PRD) China
Research on the human resource development of the Three Gorges Region,China
作者 Zhou Yinzhen Sun Dalin 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第3期319-327,共9页
The Three Gorgers' Region (TGR) is an economic region of China, and lies in the western part of Yangtze economic belt. It takes the Three Gorges Project as leading. Chongqing and Yichang City as main body, the Thre... The Three Gorgers' Region (TGR) is an economic region of China, and lies in the western part of Yangtze economic belt. It takes the Three Gorges Project as leading. Chongqing and Yichang City as main body, the Three Gorges Reservoir as ligament. It covers about 700 km of the Yangtze River valley from Chongqing to Yichang, including Chongqing City, Yichang City and Enshi District of Hubei Province. Since the construction of Three Gorges Project and establishment of Chongqing as municipality directly under the Central Government. the regional economy, culture, education, technology, etc., all developed harmoniously and rapidly, and the diathesis of the rgional human resources also got an exaltation. While compared with the eastern region of China. the economy, science and technology in this region still fall behind, and the current situation is of no optimism. Based on the theory of human resources development, this paper analyzes current situation and problems in the human resources development oJ the TGR, and puts forward the countermeasures such as planning human resources development program based on "anaphase support"policy,developing echucation and training husiness,reasonably organizing labor export,etc. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Region (TGR) Human resource DEVELOPMENT
Benzo[a]pyrene and Phenanthrene in Municipal Sludge from the Yangtze River Delta, China
作者 SHEN Rong-Yan LUO Yong-Ming +5 位作者 FENG Sheng ZHANG Gang-Ya WU Long-Hua LI Zhen-Gao TENG Ying P. CHRISTIE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期523-531,共9页
To evaluate the contaminated conditions of benzo[alpyrene (B[a]P) and phenanthrene (PA) in sludge and to ascertain whether B[a]P limit for land application of sludge exists, the contents of B[a]P and PA in 46 slud... To evaluate the contaminated conditions of benzo[alpyrene (B[a]P) and phenanthrene (PA) in sludge and to ascertain whether B[a]P limit for land application of sludge exists, the contents of B[a]P and PA in 46 sludge samples from 15 cities in the Yangtze River Delta area of China were determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a fluorescence detector after ultrasonic extraction and silica gel cleanup. B[a]P contents ranged from non-detectable to 1.693 mg kg^-1 dry weight (DW), averaged 0.402 mg kg^-1 DW, and were 〈 1.0 mg kg^-1 DW in most of the sludge samples. PA was found in all the sludge samples analyzed; its contents ranged between 0.028 and 1.355 mg kg^-1 DW, with an average value of 0.298 mg kg^-1 DW. Most of the sludge samples contained 〈 0.5 mg kg^-1 DW PA. All 46 municipal sludge samples analyzed in this study showed B[a]P contents 〈 3.0 mg kg^-1 DW, which is the limit value for sludge applied to agricultural lands in China. The contents and distributions of B[a]P and PA in municipal sludge were related to sludge types, sources and treatment technologies, along with the physical and chemical properties of these pollutants. 展开更多
关键词 BENZO[A]PYRENE municipal sludge organic pollutants PHENANTHRENE Yangtze River Delta
Why the Yangzi Delta Did Not Become Industrialized: A Comparative Analysis of Economic Developments in China's Yangzi Delta Region and Great Britain
作者 Fang Zhou 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第1期73-78,共6页
The development of the family-based handicraft industry in the Yangzi delta provided supplementary income and employment opportunities to auxiliary family members. But it did not replace subsistence farming as the pri... The development of the family-based handicraft industry in the Yangzi delta provided supplementary income and employment opportunities to auxiliary family members. But it did not replace subsistence farming as the primary method in which peasants made their living, and more importantly, it did not allow China to close the gap in the great divergence with the West. So why didn't the cotton-based handicraft industry catapult the Yangzi delta region into the modem era of industrialization? Why did the handicraft industry merely serve as a supplementary rather than an alternative means of livelihood? To understand the reasons why the handicraft industry did not transform China into an industrial and urban nation, it is important to examine the constraints in which population growth and land intensification had imposed on the peasants of the delta. These factors combined with the favorable geographical environment and commercial opportunities for trade in other regions, forced peasants to adopt the family-based handicraft industry as a supplementary source of income for survival. While the impact-response model may have suggested that it was the inability of the handicraft spinners and weavers to compete against British machines and the subsequent drop in cotton prices, a China-centered approach advocated by Paul Cohen would suggest domestic factors such as rapid population growth due to changes in taxation policies and the diminishing rate of return in labor, and the insufficient production office and grain may have been the real reasons that prevented the handicraft industry from developing into an alternative for farming. 展开更多
Holocene delta evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the Pearl River Delta in South China 被引量:13
作者 WEI Xing WU ChaoYu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第10期1523-1541,共19页
We analyzed the sedimentary characteristics and chronostratigraphy of the Pearl River Delta in South China, and discussed the Holocene stratigraphic characteristics and the filling process since the Holocene, based on... We analyzed the sedimentary characteristics and chronostratigraphy of the Pearl River Delta in South China, and discussed the Holocene stratigraphic characteristics and the filling process since the Holocene, based on 90 boreholes. Our results showed that the maximum transgressive surface of the Pearl River Delta was located in the soft marine silt horizons, whereas it was shown as an erosion surface in areas with tidal scour. From bottom to top, Holocene sedimentary sequences were fluvial facies, floodplain-estuary facies, and estuary-delta facies in the paleo-valley, while the paleo-interfluve sequences were described as littoral facies, estuary facies, and delta facies. Vertical accumulation sequences of Holocene sediments were shown primarily as positive tapering-shaped sequences with no typical foreset, topset, or other sedimentary sequences of the Gilbert Delta. The paleo-Pearl River estuary had different evolution models in the highstand systems tract (HST) compared with other large deltas worldwide, in that it is dominated by a unique and complex geomorphologic boundary, and that it is a multi-sourced delta compounded by the independent and parallel development of fluvial sedimentary bodies with different scales. A huge estuary was formed in the present Pearl River Delta area when the post-glacial transgression reached maximum at about 6 ka BP. The estuary was divided into two parts by obstruction of a series of islands, an upper part composed of the semi-enclosed inner paleo-bay connected to rivers and a lower part consisting of the outer paleo-bay connected to the ocean. Both of these areas were interlinked by only a few narrows, in which the fluvial sediments are accumulated primarily in the inner paleo-bay. During 6-2 ka BP, the sedimentation in various regions of the inner paleo-bay occurred simultaneously with independent development under the remodeling and transformation effect of complex boundaries on river and ocean dynamics. After 2 ka BP, the evolution of the delta is no longer a simple natural process, but rather a common remodeling process accomplished by nature and humans. 展开更多
关键词 Pearl River Delta HOLOCENE stratigraphic framework delta evolution
Significant downward trend of SO_2 observed from 2005 to 2010 at a background station in the Yangtze Delta region,China 被引量:7
作者 QI HuangXiong LIN WeiLi +2 位作者 XU XiaoBin YU XiangMing MA QianLi 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1451-1458,共8页
SO2 is an important gas in atmosphere with great environmental and climate implications.SO2 emission in China has been receiving great attention as the economy grows and the amount of coal consumption has increased in... SO2 is an important gas in atmosphere with great environmental and climate implications.SO2 emission in China has been receiving great attention as the economy grows and the amount of coal consumption has increased in the past few decades.SO2 has been observed from July 2005 to June 2010 at Linan WMO GAW regional station(30.3 °N,119.73 °E,138 m a.s.l.) located in the Yangtze Delta region in eastern China.These observation data are analyzed to understand the trend of regional SO2 background concentration.Strict quality controls are conducted to ensure the temporal comparability of the data.Significant downward trend with ?2.4 ppb/yr(P < 0.0001) of surface SO2 is observed from 2005 to 2010,especially after 2008.The average concentration of SO2 from July 2005 to June 2008 is 14.2±3.1 ppb,which is slightly higher than the mean values of 13.5±5.1 ppb during 1999?2000 and is two folds of the average value(7.1±3.1 ppb) from July 2008 to June 2010.More than 50% of the SO2 has been cut down after 2008 in the Yangtze Delta region due to the implementation of stricter emission control measures.The peak SO2 concentration appears around 10 o'clock in the morning after 2009 while appears at night before 2009.These diurnal variations of SO2 might indicate that after 2009,more SO2 is from the vertical exchange process than from the local accumulation. 展开更多
关键词 SO2 background level TREND Yangtz Delta Region
Spatial expansion and potential of construction land use in the Yangtze River Delta 被引量:6
作者 王振波 方创琳 张晓瑞 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第7期851-864,共14页
Based on remote sensing data of the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) in the years of 1991, 2001 and 2008, the paper built an index system of land use potential restraint factors in YRD, according to geological condition, terr... Based on remote sensing data of the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) in the years of 1991, 2001 and 2008, the paper built an index system of land use potential restraint factors in YRD, according to geological condition, terrain condition, water area, natural reserve area and basic farmland, and evaluated construction land potential based on the platform of GIS spatial analysis model. The results showed that:(1) the construction land increased rapidly since 1991 and reached 24,951.21 km2 in 2008, or 21.27% of the total area. Among all the cities in the YRD, Shanghai took the greatest percentage, followed by Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Spatially, areas where government departments are located became the growth center of construction land. Prefecture-level cities were the fastest growth region and the changing trend showed circle layered characteristics and significant increase with Shanghai and Suzhou as the core.(2) The higher the quality of construction land potentials(CLP), the smaller the number of CLP units. High sensitive area accounted for the largest percentage(40.14%) among all types of constraint regions and this was followed by medium sensitive region(31.53%) of the whole region.(3) The comprehensive CLP in the YRD was 24,989.65 km2, or 21.76% of the total YRD. The land use potential showed spatial distribution imbalance. CLP of Zhejiang was obviously larger than that of Jiangsu. CLP was insufficient in regional central city. Moreover, CLP in the YRD formed a circle layered spatial pattern that increasingly expanded centered in prefecture-level cities. Low potential area expanded from north to south. High potential area was mainly located in south YRD. Areas with zero potential in the YRD formed a northwest-southeast "Y-shaped" spatial pattern in north Hangzhou Bay.(4) CLP per capita in YRD was 0.045 ha/person and also unevenly distributed. Some 25.57% of the study units at county level nearly had no construction land and 8.24% of the units had CLP per capita below the national average level. CLP per capita in less than 25% of the county-level units was larger than the YRD average level, which were mainly located in Zhejiang. Therefore, research on the construction potential area in YRD was favorable for analysis of the development status and potential space of this region under the background of rapid urbanization and industrialization. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze River Delta construction land use potential zoning spatial expansion
Transition and Transplantation in China's Local Development: The Case of the Yangtze River Delta Region
作者 Wang Zhi-kai 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2010年第3期70-90,共21页
In the past nearly 30 years, the emergence of the market economies in China was characterised by geographical concentration of economic activities. The particularly successful cases happened in the Yangtze River Delta... In the past nearly 30 years, the emergence of the market economies in China was characterised by geographical concentration of economic activities. The particularly successful cases happened in the Yangtze River Delta, namely, the two most famous models for local developments in China's economic transformation and market development: the " South Jiangsu Model" in south Jiangsu and the "Wenzhou model" in southeast Zhejiang. Although there have been debates upon the two development models for a considerably long time, both models keep being open in and compatible to local development and globalization. The two models influence each other, keep being in institutional transition through bilateral paths transplantation, i.e. learning from each other and employing cooperation in their developments. Transition and transplantation are adaptation mechanisms for local developments of the two models to participate in global economies with industrial division and labour division, and also for the two models to continuously further contribute to China's nationwide market transition and economic development. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSITION TRANSPLANTATION "South Jiangsu Model" "WenzhouModel" local development
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