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试析石油美元对中东金融发展的作用 被引量:2
作者 姜英梅 《亚非纵横》 2011年第5期36-41,60+62,共6页
中东金融发展与石油美元息息相关,表现在石油美元促进了阿拉伯金融机构和资本市场迅速发展,增加了银行流动性导致信贷膨胀、催生了金融中心梦想,并实现了从石油资本到金融资本的转变。但是,中东金融发展同样离不开健全的制度建设和良好... 中东金融发展与石油美元息息相关,表现在石油美元促进了阿拉伯金融机构和资本市场迅速发展,增加了银行流动性导致信贷膨胀、催生了金融中心梦想,并实现了从石油资本到金融资本的转变。但是,中东金融发展同样离不开健全的制度建设和良好的外部环境。 展开更多
关键词 石油美元 石油资本 金融资本 中东金融
作者 黄莉 赵奕 《华人时刊》 2023年第1期20-21,共2页
成富强:现为阿联酋富春集团总裁、阿联酋中国和平统--促进会副会长、阿联酋.上海总商会暨同乡会会长、启东市海外联谊会顾问。“售卖打火机让我意识到阿联酋的巨大商机”成富强1964年出生于江苏启东一个沿海小渔村,11岁时,父亲便离开了... 成富强:现为阿联酋富春集团总裁、阿联酋中国和平统--促进会副会长、阿联酋.上海总商会暨同乡会会长、启东市海外联谊会顾问。“售卖打火机让我意识到阿联酋的巨大商机”成富强1964年出生于江苏启东一个沿海小渔村,11岁时,父亲便离开了他,他成为家里唯一的男子汉,生活迫使他学会坚强。高中毕业后,他到上海打拼。1993年,朋友给他指了一条出路,“正好有个出国的机会,你又能吃苦,不妨试一试”。 展开更多
关键词 上海总商会 海外联谊会 渔村 阿联酋 中东金融 同乡会 启东市 打火机
中东金融国际化对中国的机遇 被引量:1
作者 杨力 梁庆 《国际观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期107-121,共15页
金融机构、金融业务与金融市场的现代化与国际化并行发展,是中东经济的显著特点之一。中东地区金融发展存在二元格局,金融国际化与国家战略愿景承接,伊斯兰金融与世俗金融竞合发展,全球投资活跃、资产布局多元。在中东外交"向东看&... 金融机构、金融业务与金融市场的现代化与国际化并行发展,是中东经济的显著特点之一。中东地区金融发展存在二元格局,金融国际化与国家战略愿景承接,伊斯兰金融与世俗金融竞合发展,全球投资活跃、资产布局多元。在中东外交"向东看"与中国"一带一路"倡议发展的契机下,中国与中东的金融合作存在普遍性、战略性、技术性与意向性机遇。双方应重视发展战略对接、促进金融合作与产能合作互动,加强金融监管合作。 展开更多
关键词 中东金融 金融国际化 金融合作
中东主权财富基金发展的原因、影响及其对策 被引量:4
作者 杨力 《阿拉伯世界研究》 北大核心 2015年第3期4-16,共13页
主权财富基金设立的基本目标是追求经济发展的稳定性和可持续性,中东地区是世界上最早设立主权财富基金的地区,属于典型的资源型主权财富基金,设立目标多为消除石油价格波动对本国财政及货币政策的潜在影响,平滑外汇收入。中东主权财富... 主权财富基金设立的基本目标是追求经济发展的稳定性和可持续性,中东地区是世界上最早设立主权财富基金的地区,属于典型的资源型主权财富基金,设立目标多为消除石油价格波动对本国财政及货币政策的潜在影响,平滑外汇收入。中东主权财富基金近年来发展迅猛,其对地区经济发展与宏观经济政策都有相应影响。但事实上,中东地区主权财富基金的运作未能与各国国内财政政策融合起来,没有发挥平滑国内经济波动的积极作用。因此,中东地区主权财富基金需要从投资配置、运作规则及目标匹配等方面进行相应改善,以期发挥更加重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 主权财富基金 中东金融 主权财富基金管理
中东地区主权财富基金的透明度 被引量:2
作者 张瑾 《阿拉伯世界研究》 北大核心 2015年第1期92-105,共14页
作为全球资本市场重要力量之一的中东主权财富基金的透明度一直为外界所诟病。文章通过分析该地区此类基金信息披露状况,解析其透明度不甚理想的原因,认为各国政治经济发展状况和企业文化特点导致透明度发展不一。虽然为有效治理应提高... 作为全球资本市场重要力量之一的中东主权财富基金的透明度一直为外界所诟病。文章通过分析该地区此类基金信息披露状况,解析其透明度不甚理想的原因,认为各国政治经济发展状况和企业文化特点导致透明度发展不一。虽然为有效治理应提高透明度,但其标准应是适度的。基金设立的政治动机并不影响其市场属性,也不应对其提出特别要求,而应依靠国际机制通过国际治理规范主权财富基金透明度标准。 展开更多
关键词 主权财富基金 中东金融 透明度 国际治理
Threshold Effects in the Capital Account Liberalization and Foreign Direct Investment Relationship 被引量:1
作者 Gammoudi Mouna Cherif Mondher 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第9期562-577,共16页
This paper examines how capital account liberalization (CAL) affects foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. Authors use a dynamic panel model encompassing 14 Middle East countries over the period from 1985 to 20... This paper examines how capital account liberalization (CAL) affects foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. Authors use a dynamic panel model encompassing 14 Middle East countries over the period from 1985 to 2009. The findings suggest that countries that are able to reap the benefits of the capital openness policy satisfy certain threshold conditions regarding the level of financial development and institutional quality. Thus to promote FDI, governments in this region should develop a set of policies that not only focus on financial openness, but also on the improvement of the financial system and legal institutions. 展开更多
关键词 capital account liberalization (CAL) foreign direct investment (FDI) institutional quality system GMM estimator
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Oil Exporters After the Global Crisis
作者 Naci Yllmaz Bora Selcuk 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第7期627-638,共12页
Our research topic is about the economic situation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) oil exporters after the global crisis in 2008. The authors tried to find the answers to the questions such as "How bad o... Our research topic is about the economic situation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) oil exporters after the global crisis in 2008. The authors tried to find the answers to the questions such as "How bad or good is the situation there?" and "what is the expectation about the future of the region?" Like other countries around the world, the MENA oil exporters, comprised of Algeria, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen were adversely affected by the global crisis. The MENA oil exporters are recently recovering from their recession in 2009 when the global crisis was felt intensively there. GDP in the region has grown by 3.5 percent in 2010 after a low growth of 0.7 percent in 2009. The average real GDP growth excluding Libya is projected to reach 4.9 percent in 2011. Two developments mark the outlook: the unrest in the region and the surge in global fuel and food prices. For most oil exporters, the expected increase in oil prices and production volumes will lead to higher growth in 2011 and stronger fiscal and external balances, notwithstanding recent increases in government spending. The oil exporters' combined external current account surplus is estimated to increase. The effects of the political events in Tunisia and Egypt have spread in varying degrees to the MENA oil exporters in the region, and many of these countries are responding with public spending and job-creation measures to alleviate social tensions. The social unrest also highlights the need to pursue fundamental economic reforms--social policy, fiscal management, governance, business environment, labor markets, and financial sector access to facilitate more inclusive economic growth. While the MENA countries are generally divided into two sub-regions such as "oil exporters" and "oil importers" in the economic literature, the authors will deal with only the MENA oil exporters in this work. The negative effects of the global crisis in these countries on growth, inflation, current account balance, budget balance, and finally financial sector will be reviewed in this work and the expectations and the developments which occurred after the crisis in these countries will be dealt with especially in the context of the IMF reports. 展开更多
关键词 global crisis the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) MENA oil exporters
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