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汉语国际推广中亚基地发展及对策研究 被引量:8
作者 范晓玲 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第2期132-134,共3页
文章从国家在新疆建立汉语国际推广中亚基地的重要性、中亚基地的定位和职能、中亚基地的未来发展三个方面论述了汉语国际传播在国家及自治区"软实力"建设中的作用及可持续发展战略。同时,也从转变对外汉语教学观念,加强建设... 文章从国家在新疆建立汉语国际推广中亚基地的重要性、中亚基地的定位和职能、中亚基地的未来发展三个方面论述了汉语国际传播在国家及自治区"软实力"建设中的作用及可持续发展战略。同时,也从转变对外汉语教学观念,加强建设孔子学院及对外汉语教师队伍建设等方面提出了更快更好发展新疆与中亚区域汉语国际传播事业的相关对策。 展开更多
关键词 汉语中亚推广 中亚基地发展及对策
“一带一路”高质量发展背景下建立中国—中亚能源发展伙伴关系的法治路径 被引量:10
作者 杨泽伟 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期15-25,共11页
建立中国—中亚能源发展伙伴关系是推动“一带一路”高质量发展的重要一环,也有助于进一步深化中国与中亚国家间的能源合作、保障新形势下中国的能源安全。建立中国—中亚能源发展伙伴关系的法律依据,主要有双边协定、区域安排和以《能... 建立中国—中亚能源发展伙伴关系是推动“一带一路”高质量发展的重要一环,也有助于进一步深化中国与中亚国家间的能源合作、保障新形势下中国的能源安全。建立中国—中亚能源发展伙伴关系的法律依据,主要有双边协定、区域安排和以《能源宪章条约》为核心的多边条约。建立中国—中亚能源发展伙伴关系,还应遵守共商共建共享原则以及和平解决国际争端原则等国际法基本原则。中国—中亚能源发展伙伴关系合作的重点领域,主要包括保障中国—中亚油气管道稳定运行、加快推进中国—中亚天然气管道D线建设,开展可再生能源领域合作和推动中国—中亚国家能源合作政策的对接等。进一步推动建设中国—中亚命运共同体、加强机制建设以及增强合作法律文件的“硬”性因素,是建立中国—中亚能源发展伙伴关系的重要路径。 展开更多
关键词 中国—中亚能源发展伙伴关系 中国—中亚命运共同体 “一带一路”高质量发展 共商共建共享原则
作者 成贤 《欧亚观察》 2002年第1期48-48,F003,共2页
关键词 9.11事件 上海合作组织 学术研讨会 美国 中亚局势 中亚发展 反恐怖主义战争 发展 性质
理论·资料·方法——读《经济合作与发展——中亚五国与中国新疆》 被引量:1
作者 向祖文 《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》 北大核心 2005年第1期91-92,共2页
关键词 《经济合作与发展——中亚五国与中国新疆》 西部大开发 产业结构 新疆 中亚
作者 杜旭东 《科教文汇》 2015年第3期223-224,共2页
十二五规划期间,新丝绸之路的发展迎来了新的机遇,随着中国和中亚各国经济的迅速发展,新丝绸之路交通走廊初步建成,"中国-中亚"经济发展带的资源、产业和城市等支撑条件已初具规模。合作共赢建设新丝绸之路,将为中国和中亚各... 十二五规划期间,新丝绸之路的发展迎来了新的机遇,随着中国和中亚各国经济的迅速发展,新丝绸之路交通走廊初步建成,"中国-中亚"经济发展带的资源、产业和城市等支撑条件已初具规模。合作共赢建设新丝绸之路,将为中国和中亚各国更好地参与经济全球化,最大程度地实现互利共赢提供机遇,有利于促进各方经济增长和社会的全面进步。 展开更多
关键词 新丝绸之路 “中国-中亚”经济发展 深度西部大开发 区域经济发展
Discussion on Irrigation Development and Its Investment Focus in Tanzania
作者 Q.F. Shuai J.Z. Xu +2 位作者 X.P. Liang G.M. Kalinga J. Kayumbe 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第9期24-31,共8页
This paper describes the significance of irrigation on economy development and the status of irrigation development in Tanzania, analyzing the potential and advantages of irrigation development in this country, combin... This paper describes the significance of irrigation on economy development and the status of irrigation development in Tanzania, analyzing the potential and advantages of irrigation development in this country, combined with the major initiatives and experiences which can learn from in the recent 30 years of rural water conservancy in China. Then it discusses the next investment focus on irrigation development for Tanzanian. 展开更多
关键词 Tanzania IRRIGATION development potential investment focus.
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in Kenya
作者 Patrick Mwendwa Richard A.Giliba 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第4期22-29,共8页
To determine the climate changes that are due to natural variability and those due to human activities is quite challenging,just like delineating the impacts.Moreover,it is equally difficult to ascertain the adaptive ... To determine the climate changes that are due to natural variability and those due to human activities is quite challenging,just like delineating the impacts.Moreover,it is equally difficult to ascertain the adaptive strategies for coping with the climate changes and in particular for developing countries like Kenya.While climate change is a global phenomenon,the impacts are more or less specific to local areas such as observed in Kenyan case.Therefore climate change impacts adaptation strategies are appropriately applicable to a given local perspective.The study investigated the main indicators of climate change and effective adaptive strategies that can be employed in Kenya.Based on online questionnaire survey,the study established unpredictable rainfall patterns as the major indicator of climate change in the country,while water harvesting and change of cropping methods are the best adaptive strategies. 展开更多
关键词 daptations CLIMATE coping strategies INDICATORS
作者 李旭雯 《商场现代化》 2017年第3期131-132,共2页
近年来,由于受到世界经济水平的影响,中亚国家的经济发展受到限制。尤其是矿产业与农业的进出口业务受到阻碍,随之引起的货币贬值及通货膨胀使中亚国家的贸易出现下滑的趋势。为了改变原料出口贸易导向,改善中亚经济现状,中亚国家逐渐... 近年来,由于受到世界经济水平的影响,中亚国家的经济发展受到限制。尤其是矿产业与农业的进出口业务受到阻碍,随之引起的货币贬值及通货膨胀使中亚国家的贸易出现下滑的趋势。为了改变原料出口贸易导向,改善中亚经济现状,中亚国家逐渐出台了未来20年至50年间的长期发展战略。战略包括对接中国丝绸之路经济带项目,发展基础设施建设,实现制造业的工业化与现代化。为了中亚经济发展与丝绸之路经济带间更好的合作,本文对如何对接问题进行探究。 展开更多
关键词 中亚经济发展 丝绸之路经济带 合作与对接 研究
Politics of Rail Transport Development in Developing Countries: Case of Nigeria
作者 Joshua A. Odeleye 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第12期1695-1702,共8页
Rail transport in most developing countries, is usually the least developed mode. For instance, in Nigeria the vibrant fortune of rail transport operations and development has been on decline since mid 1970s.The devel... Rail transport in most developing countries, is usually the least developed mode. For instance, in Nigeria the vibrant fortune of rail transport operations and development has been on decline since mid 1970s.The developmental gap in rail transport in Nigeria is responsible for a significant level of access denial to a safer, affordable and environmentally-friendly mode of transport, to the younger generation of Nigerians. Through a critique of past railways developmental projects and policies, this paper was able to identify the principal factors responsible for its intangible contributions to the socio-economic development of Nigeria. It further highlighted the role(s) politics of policies inconsistency and somersault plays, to the detriment of realization of a vibrant railway system in Nigeria. The findings revealed that discontinuity and incoherence in policy implementation by successful governments, policy reversal as well as uncoordinated national transport policy goal and objectives as clogs in the wheel of progress of railways development in Nigeria. In conclusion, the paper hinged the rapid development of the rail industry in Nigeria on institutional paradigm shift, whereby the rail authority will enjoy a reasonable level of autonomy in decision making, finance and investment in rail operations, infrastructure supply and technological advancement in Nigeria. 展开更多
关键词 Rail transport transport policy institutional framework public-private participation Nigeria.
Readiness of a Developing Nation in Implementing Automation and Robotics Technologies in Construction: A Case Study of Malaysia
作者 Rohana Mahbub 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第7期858-866,共9页
The Malaysian government's vision to be a developed nation by 2020 has pushed forward the use of innovative technologies in most sectors and industries, including the construction industry. Through the ETP (Economic... The Malaysian government's vision to be a developed nation by 2020 has pushed forward the use of innovative technologies in most sectors and industries, including the construction industry. Through the ETP (Economic Transformation Programme), major projects launched are expected to provide a great catalyst for the economy, and may become the platform for increasing the use of automation and highly enhanced plants and machineries in the construction industry. Innovations in most countries are mostly driven by the need to find revolutionary solutions to problems, such as a shortage of skilled labor, decreasing quality of product and processes, inferior working conditions, declining productivity and increasing costs of labor and materials. Automation and robotics technologies encompass a wide range of innovative technologies using technologically advanced machineries to improve the speed and efficiency of a given process. This paper discusses the readiness of a developing country in embracing construction automation and robotics, by exploring industry perception, suggested practices and barriers to its implementation using a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews directed at Malaysian construction finns of contractors, specialist sub-contractors, developers and consultants. The findings show that the Malaysian construction industry is ready, to a certain extent, for implementing the technologies in limited areas such as prefabrication and assembly and in the design, planning and costing phases. 展开更多
关键词 Automation and robotics innovative technologies construction industry.
The Potentials of Locally Available Fruits Rich in Iron to Mitigate Iron Deficiency Anemia in Least Developing Countries (LSD)
作者 Abdulkadir A. Egal Wilna H. Oldewage-Theron 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第1期61-67,共7页
The objective of this study was to compare effects of natal plum fruits (Carissa grandiflora) on hemoglobin (HB) levels in comparison to ferrous sulfate tablets to 201 anemic children aging from 5 to 12 years in r... The objective of this study was to compare effects of natal plum fruits (Carissa grandiflora) on hemoglobin (HB) levels in comparison to ferrous sulfate tablets to 201 anemic children aging from 5 to 12 years in rural area in Somalia. The study was designed as randomized clinical intervention to explore the potentials of natal plum to combat against IDA (iron deficiency anemia)/anemia using mean HB gains as a parameter. The research was carried out in rural setting near Somalia capital where local NGOs (non governmental organizations) work in the absence of local/central authorities. Only HB levels of the subject children were measured as other confirmatory analyses were not available due to the civil wars at the time of the intervention. The baseline HB levels of both groups were similar. However, after the intervention the cumulative HB levels of the natal fruits group was higher than the control group of ferrous sulfate by at least 31% (P 〈 0.008, equal variances not assumed). Dietary interventions to mitigate IDA/anemia using locally available foods rich in iron, vitamins C and A seem to promise in the developing countries where chronic inadequate resources seem to affect the public health nutrition especially vulnerable groups like growing children. 展开更多
关键词 ANEMIA IDA HEMOGLOBIN diet sustainability.
The Relationship Between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Four Asian Countries 被引量:1
作者 Mahdi Safdari Javad Keramati Majid Mahmoodi 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第2期112-118,共7页
In this study, we use the ARDL bounds testing procedure suggested by Pesaran (2001) and modified version of the Granger causality test proposed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995) to test the robustness of the causality e... In this study, we use the ARDL bounds testing procedure suggested by Pesaran (2001) and modified version of the Granger causality test proposed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995) to test the robustness of the causality effect between military expenditure and economic growth in 4 Asian countries, two industrial countries (South Korea and Malaysia), and others are developing countries (Iran and Saudi Arabia), from 1988 to 2006 years, data series obtained from word development indicator (WDI). With respect to that military expenditure can affect economic growth so increase in GDP can increase or decrease military expenditure, too. We investigate the causality relationship between military expenditure and economic growth because the purpose of military expenditures is to provide national security. The results show that Iran and Saudi Arabia don't have any causality relationship between military expenditure and economic growth. The results of South Korea show a unidirectional relationship from LGDP (Logarithm of real GDP) and LGDPK (logarithm of real GDP per capita) to military expenditure, and in Malaysia there is unidirectional relationship from LGDPK to military expenditure. The comparison of these results, we can say that developing countries don't have meaningful relationship between military expenditure and economic growth, but we can find unidirectional or bidirectional relationship between military expenditure and economic growth in industrial countries. 展开更多
关键词 economic growth military expenditure ARDL bound test
Teachers' Concerns and Solutions Towards The Implementation of Digital Storytelling in Teaching English in ESL Classroom in Asian Countries
作者 Khanh Nguyen Bui 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第9期454-462,共9页
We are living in the era of Information Technology where students have a lot exposure to the state-of-the-art devices and softwares. The remarkable revolutions in interactivity and multimedia materials together with c... We are living in the era of Information Technology where students have a lot exposure to the state-of-the-art devices and softwares. The remarkable revolutions in interactivity and multimedia materials together with countless emerging technologies have also enabled the conception of digital storytelling. However, it has not been widely used in many developing countries such as Vietnam. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to conduct an investigation into the history of digital storytelling, the necessary facilities and how it is being used educationally in the classroom so that teachers in developing countries can widely apply digital storytelling in teaching. This paper also raises students' awareness towards using technology in their study, which will make an important breakthrough in teaching and learning English in Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 digital storytelling educationally-used technology Asian countries
NGO Accountability and Sustainable Development in Nigeria
作者 OwolabiAkintola 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第1期67-75,共9页
This paper empirically investigates the type of and for whom NGO Accountability is practised in Nigeria with a view to enhancing sustainable development in the country. In-depth interviews on accountability related is... This paper empirically investigates the type of and for whom NGO Accountability is practised in Nigeria with a view to enhancing sustainable development in the country. In-depth interviews on accountability related issues were conducted with managers of an international and a national NGO from Lagos State of Nigeria. The interview was supported by content review of accounts and reports of the selected NGOs. The findings of this study represent a hierarchical conception of accountability privileging a narrow range of stakeholders, which is short-term in focus and not strategic. The findings are situated in the context of what the literature says about NGO Accountability. This work could enhance the frontier of knowledge in NGO Accountability especially in a developing country like Nigeria. 展开更多
关键词 ACCOUNTABILITY sustainable development NGOS STAKEHOLDERS social accounting
Management Development Trends of Nowadays in Albania
作者 Sonela Stillo Eleni Vangjeli Enton Stillo 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第7期559-568,共10页
Albanian business environment is defined by complexity, dynamism, uncertainty. In Albania, there are small and medium enterprises (businesses). Although we have a high degree of business bankrupt, many businesses ar... Albanian business environment is defined by complexity, dynamism, uncertainty. In Albania, there are small and medium enterprises (businesses). Although we have a high degree of business bankrupt, many businesses are reinforcing their competitive positions in market. In these conditions, a new appropriate organizational structure often plays a crucial role in managing the challenges. While the finn grows, at the same time grows the need for organization, involvement and leadership. In today's changing times, effective leadership is a key component of organizational success. Even if management is the key of operation and the standard operating procedures, our study shows that the manager always need leader's power. In today's global marketplace, organizations that strategically focus on building leadership capacity for the future will reap the benefits in the years to come. New trends in business development, of course have increased requirements for local managers. The organizations are under pressure to show return on investment for training and development. Although positive trends, problems which management is faced are more challenging than the degree of preparation and performance that they offer, so their qualitative qualification remains the continuous preoccupation as the role of our school is in this direction. From this point of view, education in distance can be considered as complementary approach and in some conditions as a worthy replacement of direct education, which still dominates educative systems in Albania. 展开更多
The Study on Improving the Health Condition through Sports
作者 Senlin LU Yi HUAI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期113-115,共3页
In the 1990s, China began to develop mass sports, it is committed to improving the health condition, and it will improve the sport as an important form of universal health. While national sports development, China' s... In the 1990s, China began to develop mass sports, it is committed to improving the health condition, and it will improve the sport as an important form of universal health. While national sports development, China' s sports begin to flourish and have achieved remarkable record. For example, in the just-concluded 2014, in the Incheon Asian Games, China has made a total score first. This shows that sports have become an important part of national development to be reckoned with. With economic development, the accelerated pace of life is by the people neglect their own physical exercise, so that declining physical fitness, health groups continues to grow. So how in the development of sports at the same time, ensure the health sciences to improve the health condition. This paper discusses this correlation. 展开更多
Participatory Action Research for Catalyzing Adaptive Management: Analysis of a "Fits and Starts" Process
作者 C.J.P. Colfer E. Andriamampandry +4 位作者 S. Asaha E. Lyimo E. Martini J.L. Pfund J. Watts 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第1期28-43,共16页
This paper argues that contextual constraints can significantly interfere with the conduct of research and development, and accordingly should be analyzed more honestly. It describes a five country research project, L... This paper argues that contextual constraints can significantly interfere with the conduct of research and development, and accordingly should be analyzed more honestly. It describes a five country research project, Landscape Mosaics, in which participatory action research (PAR) was intended as one of two central approaches in the original research design (the other approach being more conventional research). The five sites, in Cameroon, Indonesia, Laos, Madagascar, and Tanzania, are described, with an emphasis on their implementation of PAR. The fact that personnel and partners on three of the five sites failed to implement PAR is analyzed, to determine the constraints to such action. These findings are then compared with our experience with two other similar projects in which PAR was more widely implemented. We conclude by identifying the most important constraints to be overcome in implementing a PAR process, something we consider important in efforts to deal with change processes in developing countries. 展开更多
关键词 Participatory action research research approach LANDSCAPE BIODIVERSITY community
Development of Competitive Advantage in Apparel Industry in Kenya
作者 Anne Mastamet-Mason Michael Ogembo-Kachienga 《Sociology Study》 2012年第5期337-350,共14页
The Kenyan apparel industry has played a major role in the country's economic development; however the sector's competitiveness has decreased due to inadequate industrial strategy and loss of global markets resultin... The Kenyan apparel industry has played a major role in the country's economic development; however the sector's competitiveness has decreased due to inadequate industrial strategy and loss of global markets resulting from elimination of quotas in 2005. China and other Asian countries' ability to produce quality products efficiently at lower comparative costs has been threatening apparel manufacturers in most developing countries in Africa. The purpose of this study is to analyse Kenya's apparel industry's current situation and to recommend some strategies for regaining business competitiveness in the apparel sector. This paper examines how apparel firms could develop competitive advantages in both local and global markets. It uses Porter's diamond and business value chain models as a basis of analysis for interpreting competitive factors within Kenya's apparel industry. In addition to extensive literature reviews, the paper provides in-depth overview of Kenya's apparel sector business dynamics and its relationships with local and global markets. Conclusions are drawn based on the analyses of Porter's theoretical models in relationship to Kenya's apparel industry business dynamics. Taking into account the global apparel business factors, recommendations are made on how the Kenya's apparel industry can regain business competitiveness. 展开更多
关键词 Competitive advantage apparel industry Kenya
Modeling the impacts of policy interventions from REDD+ in Southeast Asia: A case study in Indonesia
作者 LU HeLi LIU GuiFang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第10期2374-2385,共12页
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation(REDD+) and enhancing "removals of greenhouse gas emissions by forests" in developing countries through positive incentives is regarded as an essen... Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation(REDD+) and enhancing "removals of greenhouse gas emissions by forests" in developing countries through positive incentives is regarded as an essential component of the post-2012 climate regime for stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions and an important way of engaging developing countries in global mitigation efforts. We aimed to evaluate the potential effectiveness of REDD+ by integrating it into a land use option framework. One of our goals was to develop scenarios for evaluating the impacts of land use changes on carbon and environmental processes. In addition, we aimed to quantify the potential economic benefits to society of compensated reductions and to identify hotspots for applying REDD+. Three land use change scenarios were examined:(I) business as usual(BAU),(II) economic development, and(III) REDD+. A case study in Indonesia was examined using these land use scenarios and policy interventions, evaluating their effects on carbon emissions, socioeconomics, and environmental features of a spatial system using land use models. Significant emissions and water erosion reductions were predicted to be achieved under the REDD+ scenario, due to reduced deforestation of <6% over the next decade; >0.14 Mt CO2 e reduction was predicted relative to the BAU scenario. Furthermore, the spatial land use model indicated that REDD+ payments of forest carbon credits in the compliance market would play a key role in compensating rural communities and plantation companies for their opportunity cost in ending deforestation. This study provides an example of integrating land use modeling with a scenario analysis framework to evaluate plausible future forecasts and to evaluate the potential impacts of REDD+. 展开更多
关键词 deforestation and forest degradation greenhouse gas emissions land use Southeast Asia policy intervention
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