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中亚热带原生性森林生态系统土壤生态化学计量学特征——以武夷山为例 被引量:1
作者 张巧颖 刘雪华 《亚热带水土保持》 2016年第2期19-21,50,共4页
生态化学计量学为研究土壤-植物相互作用与C、N和P循环提供了新的思路。利用生态化学计量比相关理论对武夷山41个土壤样品进行研究,发现:1土壤C、N和P平均值分别为25.35±12.59g/kg、2.95±2.12g/kg和0.29±0.11g/kg,变化... 生态化学计量学为研究土壤-植物相互作用与C、N和P循环提供了新的思路。利用生态化学计量比相关理论对武夷山41个土壤样品进行研究,发现:1土壤C、N和P平均值分别为25.35±12.59g/kg、2.95±2.12g/kg和0.29±0.11g/kg,变化范围分别为6.07~56.54 g/kg、0.67~9.68g/kg和0.06~0.49g/kg;2土壤C/N、C/P和N/P平均值分别为9.50±2.89、102.27±65.78和12.67±13.90,变化范围分别为3.92~13.27、20.54~303.53和3.24~62.58;3土壤C、N、P、C/N、C/P和N/P变异系数分别为0.50、0.72、0.39、0.30、0.64和1.10,表明:研究区土壤C和N含量丰富,微生物活动活跃,土壤较为肥沃,可为我国森林生态系统的恢复提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 土壤 生态化学计量学 中亚热带原生性森林系统 武夷山
《电力系统装备》 2004年第2期30-30,共1页
关键词 中亚联合电力系统 输电线路 电力资源 供电可靠性 电力调度
作者 焦丽君 《中亚信息》 2003年第7期11-11,共1页
俄罗斯天然气工业股份有限公司董事会主席阿列克谢·米尔列尔与哈萨克斯坦政府总理伊曼加利·塔斯马加姆别托夫于2003年5月18日在阿斯塔纳举行了会晤。会晤期间,双方谈到了关于自2004年开始执行“中亚-中心”天然气输送系统改... 俄罗斯天然气工业股份有限公司董事会主席阿列克谢·米尔列尔与哈萨克斯坦政府总理伊曼加利·塔斯马加姆别托夫于2003年5月18日在阿斯塔纳举行了会晤。会晤期间,双方谈到了关于自2004年开始执行“中亚-中心”天然气输送系统改造计划的问题。 展开更多
关键词 中亚--中心”天然气输送系统 2004年 天然气输送管道 俄罗斯 哈萨克斯坦 技术改造
吐蕃时期的织锦纹样初探 被引量:6
作者 格桑多吉 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第2期80-89,共10页
吐蕃使用织锦现象在汉藏文献中多有体现,仅见于文献的品种有绫、绢、锦、帛、缣、缯等,吐蕃人使用的丝织品可谓种类丰富。然而文献所记载的仅仅是个概念,未能涉及纹样风格内容,近年来的考古新发现为我们进一步了解吐蕃时期的织锦纹样提... 吐蕃使用织锦现象在汉藏文献中多有体现,仅见于文献的品种有绫、绢、锦、帛、缣、缯等,吐蕃人使用的丝织品可谓种类丰富。然而文献所记载的仅仅是个概念,未能涉及纹样风格内容,近年来的考古新发现为我们进一步了解吐蕃时期的织锦纹样提供了重要的材料。文章以青海都兰吐蕃墓出土文物和部分流失海外的吐蕃织锦为线索,结合文献资料,在前人的研究成果基础上,进一步探讨了流入吐蕃的织锦纹样,认为虽然吐蕃织锦遗存实物数量有限,但基本包括了所有当时流行的纹样。 展开更多
关键词 吐蕃 织锦纹样 中亚系统 中原系统 历史
Cladistic Analysis of the Cyprinid Subgenus Cyprinus (Mesocyprinus) Fang (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) 被引量:8
作者 陈小勇 杨君兴 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期185-194,共10页
Phylogeny of the cyprinid subgenus Cyprinus (Mesocyprinus ) is elucidated based on both external and osteological features. All five species of Cyprinus (Mesocyprinus ) are including in the ingroup in addition t... Phylogeny of the cyprinid subgenus Cyprinus (Mesocyprinus ) is elucidated based on both external and osteological features. All five species of Cyprinus (Mesocyprinus ) are including in the ingroup in addition to two Cyprinus (Cyprinus ) species. Procypris merus was treated as outgroup in comparison. A total of 48 characters were identified as variable among ingroup and outgroup. Phylogenetic analysis was accomplished using Parsimony and Bootstrap methods with Branch and Bound search of PAUP *. There are 28 characters remaining useful after excluding unpolarized characters and autapomorphies of terminal taxa. Analysis of the characters resulted in one tree with a length of 69 steps, Consistency Index (CI) of 0 7246, CI excluding uninformative characters of 0 6122, and Retention Index (RI) of 0 6346. It is apparent that the Mesocyprinus group consisting of five species is a polyphyletic group. This result suggests that subgenus Cyprinus (Mesocyprinus ) should be suspended. 展开更多
关键词 Cyprinus (Mesocyprinus ) CLADISTICS Taxonomy
新疆南疆极端干旱区典型暴雨的水汽特征及触发机制分析 被引量:2
作者 莫绍青 李耀辉 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期82-97,共16页
为加强对南疆暴雨过程的水汽特征和触发机理的认识,利用FNL和ERA5再分析资料、地面自动气象站观测资料、 FY-2G静止卫星的黑体亮温(TBB)资料,对2019年6月24-28日南疆极端干旱区暴雨过程进行了分析。结果表明,此次南疆地区持续性强降水... 为加强对南疆暴雨过程的水汽特征和触发机理的认识,利用FNL和ERA5再分析资料、地面自动气象站观测资料、 FY-2G静止卫星的黑体亮温(TBB)资料,对2019年6月24-28日南疆极端干旱区暴雨过程进行了分析。结果表明,此次南疆地区持续性强降水天气发生在"两槽两脊"的纬向环流形势下,巴湖低涡、伊朗高压脊和辐合线是导致此次强降水过程的主要天气系统。暴雨的水汽主要来自于大西洋、黑海、里/咸海、阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾沿着西北路径、偏西路径和西南路径到达南疆盆地。低空急流引导着偏西北和偏西路径的水汽输送到南疆盆地,西南路径的水汽则在南疆西部500 hPa气旋性风场、 200 hPa高空西南急流的引导下翻越青藏高原输送到南疆地区。水汽收支计算表明:水汽的输入主要集中在南边界对流层高层和北边界对流层低层和高层;水汽的输出集中在东边界对流层低层和高层。南疆盆地南侧高大陡峭地形(昆仑山脉)的阻挡,使得从北部侵入的主导气流在山前辐合生成的中尺度辐合线,是此次强降水的主要触发系统。辐合线以北的偏西北气流带来的水汽在山前堆积,在地形抬升作用下不断辐合并抬升,不稳定能量释放,对流系统在山前不断生成发展,造成和田等地区持续的强降水天气。 展开更多
关键词 极端干旱区 暴雨 中亚低涡系统 水汽特征 地形辐合
Ice Surface-Elevation Change and Velocity of Qingbingtan Glacier No.72 in the Tomor Region,Tianshan Mountains,Central Asia 被引量:9
作者 WANG Puyu LI Zhongqin +2 位作者 LI Huilin WANG Wenbin WANG Feiteng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期855-864,共10页
Glaciers in the Tomor region of Tianshan Mountains preserve vital water resources. However, these glaciers suffer from strong mass losses in the recent years because of global warming. From 2008 to 2009, a large-scale... Glaciers in the Tomor region of Tianshan Mountains preserve vital water resources. However, these glaciers suffer from strong mass losses in the recent years because of global warming. From 2008 to 2009, a large-scale scientific expedition has been carried out in this region. As an individual reference glacier, the tongue area of Qingbingtan glacier No. 72 was measured by the high precise Real Time Kinematic-Global Position System (RTK-GPS). In this paper, changes of the tongue area of Qingbingtan glacier No.72 has been studied based on topographic map, remote sensing image and the survey during 2008-2009 field campaign. Results indicated that the ice surface-elevation of the tongue area changed - 0.22~0.14 m a-1 from 1964 to 2008. The estimated loss in ice volume was 0.0144-0.009 km3, which represented a ~20 % decrease from the 1964 volume and was equivalent to average annual mass balance of -0.204-0.12 m water equivalent for the tongue area during 1964-2oo8. Terminus retreated by 1852 m, approximately 41 m a-1, with the area reduction of 1.533 km2 (0.034 km2 a-0 from 1964 to 2009. Furthermore, the annual velocity reached to -70 m a-1. Comparing with the other monitored glaciers in the eastern Tianshan Mountains, Qingbingtan glacier No.72 experienced more intensive in shrinkage, which resulted from the combined effects of climate change and glacier dynamic, providing evidence of the response to climatic warming. 展开更多
关键词 Ice surface-elevation change Ice velocity Qingbingtan glacier No70 Tomor region TianshanMountains
Field Modeling Method for Identifying Urban Sphere of Influence:A Case Study on Central China 被引量:7
作者 DENG Yu LIU Shenghe +2 位作者 WANG Li MA Hanqing WANG Jianghao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期353-362,共10页
With rapid development of urbanization and regional interaction and interdependence, regional urban agglomeration planning becomes more and more important in China, in order to promote integrated development of variou... With rapid development of urbanization and regional interaction and interdependence, regional urban agglomeration planning becomes more and more important in China, in order to promote integrated development of various cities with close interrelationship. However, it is still arguable academically on how to define the boundary or which cities to be included for the urban agglomeration of a region. This paper aims to shed lights on how to identify urban spheres of influence scientifically by introducing field modeling method and by practicing a case study on 168 cities in Central China. In our field modeling method, the influence intensities of cities were measured by a compre-ensive index and urban spheres of influence were represented spatially by field intensity. Then, their classification and spatial distribution characteristics of study area in 2007 were identified and explored by using GIS and statistical methods. The result showed that: 1) Wuhan is the absolute dominant city in Central China; 2) the provincial capital cities dominate their own provinces and there are no other lower grade agglomeration centers; and 3) the basic types of organization form of urban sphere of influence are single-polar type, agglomeration type, close-related group type and loose-related group type. 展开更多
关键词 Central China urban sphere of influence urban influence index field intensity urban influence intensity
The Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) over East Asia in Warm Seasons 被引量:5
作者 Li Jun Wang Bin Wang Dong-Hai 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第2期102-107,共6页
Mesoscale convective system (MCS) cloud clusters,defined using an objective recognition analysis based on hourly geostationary infrared satellite data over East Asia during the warm seasons of 1996-2008 (except 2004),... Mesoscale convective system (MCS) cloud clusters,defined using an objective recognition analysis based on hourly geostationary infrared satellite data over East Asia during the warm seasons of 1996-2008 (except 2004),were investigated in this study.The geographical pattern of MCS distribution over East Asia shows several high-frequency centers at low latitudes,including the Indo-China peninsula,the Bay of Bengal,the Andaman Sea,the Brahmaputra river delta,the south China coastal region,and the Philippine Islands.There are several middle-frequency centers in the middle latitudes,e.g.,the central-east of the Tibet Plateau,the Plateau of west Sichuan,Mount Wuyi,and the Sayan Mountains in Russia;whereas in Lake Baikal,the Tarim Basin,the Taklimakan Desert,the Sea of Japan,and the Sea of Okhotsk,rare MCS distributions are observed.MCSs are most intensely active in summer,with the highest monthly frequency in July,which is partly associated with the breaking out and prevailing of the summer monsoon in East Asia.An obvious diurnal cycle feature is also found in MCS activities,which shows that MCSs are triggered in the afternoon,mature in the evening,and dissipate at night.MCS patterns over East Asia can be characterized as small,short-lived,or elongated,which move slowly and usually lead to heavy rains or floods. 展开更多
关键词 Mesoscale Convective System infrared satellite data DISTRIBUTION monthly variation diurnal cycle
An overview of the influence of atmospheric circulation on the climate in arid and semi-arid region of Central and East Asia 被引量:9
作者 Yuzhi LIU Chuqiao WU +1 位作者 Rui JIA Jianping HUANG 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1183-1194,共12页
The arid and semi-arid(ASA) region of Asia occupies a large area in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, of which the main body is the ASA region of Central and East Asia(CEA). In this region, the climate ... The arid and semi-arid(ASA) region of Asia occupies a large area in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, of which the main body is the ASA region of Central and East Asia(CEA). In this region, the climate is fragile and the environment is sensitive. The eastern part of the ASA region of CEA is located in the marginal zone of the East Asian monsoon and is jointly influenced by westerly circulation and the monsoon system, while in the western part of the ASA of CEA,the climate is mainly controlled by westerly circulation. To understand and predict the climate over this region, it is necessary to investigate the influence of general circulation on the climate system over the ASA region of CEA. In this paper, recent progress in understanding the relationship between the general circulation and climate change over the ASA region is systematically reviewed. Previous studies have demonstrated that atmospheric circulation represents a significant factor in climate change over the ASA region of CEA. In the years with a strong East Asian summer monsoon, the water vapor flux increases and precipitation is abundant in the southeastern part of Northwest China. The opposite situation occurs in years when the East Asian summer monsoon is weak. With the weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon, the climate tends to dry over the semi-arid region located in the monsoon marginal zone. Recently, owing to the strengthening of the South Asian monsoon, more water vapor has been transported to the ASA region of Asia. The Plateau summer monsoon intensity and the precipitation in summer exhibit a significant positive correlation in Central Asia but a negative correlation in North China and Mongolia. A significant positive correlation also exists between the westerly index and the temperature over the arid region of CEA. The change in the westerly circulation may be the main factor affecting precipitation over the arid region of Central Asia. 展开更多
关键词 General circulation MONSOON WESTERLY Central and East Asia (CEA) Arid and semi-arid (ASA)
A systematic review of herbal medicines for the treatment of cancer cachexia in animal models 被引量:10
作者 Bongki PARK Sooseong YOU +2 位作者 William C.S.CHO Jun-Yong CHOI Myeong Soo LEE 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期9-22,共14页
Objective: The aim of this study is to summarize preclinical studies on herbal medicines used to treat cancer cachexia and its underlying mechanisms. Methods: We searched four representing databases, including Pub Med... Objective: The aim of this study is to summarize preclinical studies on herbal medicines used to treat cancer cachexia and its underlying mechanisms. Methods: We searched four representing databases, including Pub Med, EMBASE, the Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, and the Web of Science up to December 2016. Randomized animal studies were included if the effects of any herbal medicine were tested on cancer cachexia. The methodological quality was evaluated by the Collaborative Approach to Meta-Analysis and Review of Animal Data from Experimental Studies(CAMARADE) checklist. Results: A total of fourteen herbal medicines and their compounds were identified, including Coptidis Rhizoma, berberine, Bing De Ling, curcumin, Qing-Shu-Yi-Qi-Tang, Scutellaria baicalensis, Hochuekkito, Rikkunshito, hesperidin, atractylodin, Sipjeondaebo-tang, Sosiho-tang, Anemarrhena Rhizoma, and Phellodendri Cortex. All the herbal medicines, except curcumin, have been shown to ameliorate the symptoms of cancer cachexia through anti-inflammation, regulation of the neuroendocrine pathway, and modulation of the ubiquitin proteasome system or protein synthesis. Conclusions: This study showed that herbal medicines might be a useful approach for treating cancer cachexia. However, more detailed experimental studies on the molecular mechanisms and active compounds are needed. 展开更多
关键词 CANCER CACHEXIA Herbal medicine Traditional East Asian medicine systematic review
Chinese herbal medicine for subacute thyroiditis:a systematic review of randomized controlled trials 被引量:16
作者 Hui Luo Meng Lü +1 位作者 Xiaohua Pei Zhongyuan Xia 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期243-253,共11页
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Chinese herbal medicine(CHM) in the treatmentofsubacutethyroiditis.METHODS: Randomized controlled trials found in PubMed, Cochrane Library, and three Chinese datab... OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Chinese herbal medicine(CHM) in the treatmentofsubacutethyroiditis.METHODS: Randomized controlled trials found in PubMed, Cochrane Library, and three Chinese databases were selected. RevMan 5.2 software was used to analyze the data with relative risk or mean difference, expressed with 95% of confidence interval. The quality of trials was assessed and gradedthe quality of evidence with GRADE profiler software.RESULTS: Twenty one studies were included. CHM was superior to Western Medicine(include prednisone and NSAIDs) in abating fever, relieving thyroid pain, recovering blood sedimentation, improving thyroid function, and preventing hypothyroidism(P<0.05), while no statistical differences were found in eliminating goiter and reducing relapse rate.CHM plusWestern Medicine were superior toWestern Medicine in abating fever, relieving thyroid pain, eliminating goiter, and reducing relapse rate,while no statistical differences(P>0.05) were found in recovering blood sedimentation and improving thyroid function. The incidence of adverse reactions in treatment group was lower than that in control group(relative risk was 0.12 and 95% confidence interval was 0.03-0.51). The methodological quality of trials is generally poor with a high risk of bias.CONCLUSION: CHM(particularly CHM combined withWestern Medicine) used to treat subacute thyroiditis may improve clinical symptoms and signs,reduce relapse rate, and alleviate the side effects of hormones. Due to poor methodological quality of included trials, further more high-quality studies are warranted to confirm the effectiveness and safety of CHM. 展开更多
关键词 Drugs Chinese herbal Thyroiditis sub-acute Randomized controlled trial Review system-atic
Links between Western Pacific Subtropical High and vegetation growth in China 被引量:2
作者 黄玫 郝曼 +4 位作者 王绍强 丹利 顾峰雪 王昭生 巩贺 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期3-14,共12页
There is a lack of simple ways to predict the vegetation responses to the East Asian Monsoon(EAM) variability in China due to the complexity of the monsoon system. In this study, we found the variation of the Western ... There is a lack of simple ways to predict the vegetation responses to the East Asian Monsoon(EAM) variability in China due to the complexity of the monsoon system. In this study, we found the variation of the Western Pacific Subtropical High(WPSH), which is one of the major components of the EAM, has a profound influence on the vegetation growth in China. When the WPSH is located more to the west of its climate average, the eastern and northwestern parts experience increased yearly-averaged normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and gross primary productivity(GPP) by 0.3%–2.2%, and 0.2%–2.2%, respectively. In contrast, when the WPSH is located more to the east of its climate average, the above areas experience decreased yearly-averaged NDVI and GPP by 0.4% to 1.6%, and 1.3% to 4.5%, respectively. The WPSH serves as a major circulation index to predict the response of vegetation to monsoon. 展开更多
关键词 East Asia monsoon Western Pacific Subtropical High normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) gross primary productivity (GPP) China
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