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论西周“中刑”观 被引量:4
作者 徐难于 《中华文化论坛》 2003年第2期59-63,共5页
“中刑”观是西周刑罚制的核心观念 ,以刑罚的中正、合理为主要内涵。本文通过对武王、成王、穆王时刑罚观主要内容的分析 ,以及对其成因的探索 ,全面考察了西周“中刑”观的产生。
关键词 西周 罚制 中刑”观 成因 发展 演变 法制史
作者 冯红 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期137-140,共4页
西周时期在"明德慎罚"思想的指导下,确立了中刑、中罚原则,主张在刑罚运行中坚持罪刑相适应。其主要体现在,它规定了自首从轻、疑罪从赦、宽恤刑罚的处罚原则,区分了故意与非故意、偶犯与惯犯(初犯与再犯),将犯罪动机作为定... 西周时期在"明德慎罚"思想的指导下,确立了中刑、中罚原则,主张在刑罚运行中坚持罪刑相适应。其主要体现在,它规定了自首从轻、疑罪从赦、宽恤刑罚的处罚原则,区分了故意与非故意、偶犯与惯犯(初犯与再犯),将犯罪动机作为定罪量刑的标准。中刑、中罚原则的"中"指轻重适中,恰到好处,反映了"明德慎罚"思想在西周不同时期的发展与变化,是对周初轻刑思想的修正,开创了中华法系罪刑相适应原则的先河,是日后诸多刑法适用原则的源头,从中也能体察到现代刑法理论的踪迹,对考察中国古代刑法史的发展演变具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 西周 明德慎罚 中刑 罚适用原则
《中华人民共和国最高人民法院公报》 1993年第4期150-152,共3页
法发[1993]28号 一、怎样理解《中华人民共和国铁路法》第六十条第一款的有关规定? 《中华人民共和国铁路法》(以下简称《铁路法》)第六十条第一款规定:“违反本法规定,携带危险品进站上车或者以非危险品品名托运危险品,导致发生重大事... 法发[1993]28号 一、怎样理解《中华人民共和国铁路法》第六十条第一款的有关规定? 《中华人民共和国铁路法》(以下简称《铁路法》)第六十条第一款规定:“违反本法规定,携带危险品进站上车或者以非危险品品名托运危险品,导致发生重大事故的,依照刑法第一百一十五条的规定追究刑事责任。企业事业单位、国家机关、社会团体犯本款罪的,处以罚金。 展开更多
关键词 铁路法 追究事责任 中刑 直接责任人员 主管人员 犯本 罚则 从重处罚 首要分子 犯罪分子
“中罪中刑”的刑法结构之提倡——对“严而不厉”的一点质疑 被引量:16
作者 卢勤忠 《当代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期38-49,共12页
"严而不厉"的刑事政策是我国著名刑法学家储槐植教授在20世纪80年代末综合世界上主要国家对罪刑配置深入比较的基础上提出的一种刑法结构。该刑法结构从入罪和刑罚的角度上提出了我国刑法应当向"严而不厉"的刑事政... "严而不厉"的刑事政策是我国著名刑法学家储槐植教授在20世纪80年代末综合世界上主要国家对罪刑配置深入比较的基础上提出的一种刑法结构。该刑法结构从入罪和刑罚的角度上提出了我国刑法应当向"严而不厉"的刑事政策靠拢。但是,在进入新世纪,特别是"宽严相济"刑事政策背景下,"严而不厉"需要反思和进一步发展。"中罪中刑"的刑法结构值得提倡。 展开更多
关键词 严而不厉 犯罪圈 轻缓化 中刑
刑法结构优化论——与“严而不厉”和“中罪中刑”两种刑法结构论商榷 被引量:5
作者 王志祥 韩雪 《人民检察》 北大核心 2016年第23期14-19,共6页
从宏观角度来看,刑法结构是犯罪圈与刑罚投入量的搭配组合形式。在我国刑法学界,围绕刑法结构的最优化模式,有"严而不厉"刑法结构论和"中罪中刑"刑法结构论两种观点。受研究所处的时代和研究视角的限制,上述两种理... 从宏观角度来看,刑法结构是犯罪圈与刑罚投入量的搭配组合形式。在我国刑法学界,围绕刑法结构的最优化模式,有"严而不厉"刑法结构论和"中罪中刑"刑法结构论两种观点。受研究所处的时代和研究视角的限制,上述两种理论均存在不够完善之处。应吸收借鉴其中的合理要素,对我国刑法结构进行优化,科学划定犯罪圈、科学确定刑罚投入量,确保二者之间的组合形式合理、配置均衡。 展开更多
关键词 法结构 严而不厉 中刑 犯罪圈 罚投入量
无讼与刑中:孔子的法律思想 被引量:2
作者 陈科华 《益阳师专学报》 2002年第4期76-78,共3页
孔子的法律思想包括两个方面 ,一是法哲学方面的“无讼”主义 ;另一是司法实践层面的“刑中”思想。
关键词 孔子 法律思想 "无讼"主义 德治 法哲学 司法实践 政治哲学 ""思想
作者 史乃兴 《人民司法》 2024年第7期95-99,共5页
作为加大商业秘密保护力度的重要手段,商业秘密刑事保护受到越来越多的关注,刑法修正案(十一)关于侵犯商业秘密罪的修改更加促使该问题成为人们关注的焦点之一。商业秘密刑事保护无疑具有积极的一面,但如果忽视其内在特点和中国国情,片... 作为加大商业秘密保护力度的重要手段,商业秘密刑事保护受到越来越多的关注,刑法修正案(十一)关于侵犯商业秘密罪的修改更加促使该问题成为人们关注的焦点之一。商业秘密刑事保护无疑具有积极的一面,但如果忽视其内在特点和中国国情,片面追求刑事保护则会过犹不及。在这一过程中,中华优秀传统文化的中庸思想对于我们科学认识和正确把握商业秘密刑事保护具有重要的指导意义。必须遵循中刑中罚,在实体上恪守商业秘密刑事保护的适度性;坚持不偏不倚,在程序上平衡惩罚犯罪与保障人权的关系;秉持和合的理念,在目标上致力于恢复被侵害的法益。具体路径的引入方面,应坚持民刑司法保护的统一与衔接,严格遵循刑事证据裁判原则,有序引入刑事和解制度。 展开更多
关键词 侵犯商业秘密罪 商业秘密保护 法修正案 证据裁判原则 司法保护 华优秀传统文化 中刑 事保护
周代金文中的刑法思想研究 被引量:4
作者 崔永东 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第2期118-126,共9页
本文根据周代金文中的法律史料,系统探讨了"明德慎罚"思想的起源与体现这一思想的刑法诸原则,即所谓"中刑"的原则,区分初犯与再犯的原则,减免的原则和教育感化的原则等等。指出这些刑法原则对后世的立法与司法产生... 本文根据周代金文中的法律史料,系统探讨了"明德慎罚"思想的起源与体现这一思想的刑法诸原则,即所谓"中刑"的原则,区分初犯与再犯的原则,减免的原则和教育感化的原则等等。指出这些刑法原则对后世的立法与司法产生了深刻而持久的影响,成为"中华法系"的有机组成部分。 展开更多
关键词 金文 法思想 明德慎罚 中刑 减免
Study on the Escape of the Portuguese Leasing in Macao from Chinese Criminal Law and the Governance by the Government of the Qing Dynasty
作者 Yuanmeng SHI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第11期93-95,共3页
After the Portuguese leased in Macao in the mid-period of Ming Dynasty, the Portuguese officials here were asked to comply with the law of China more than once. To the Qing dynasty, the Portuguese still stubbornly ref... After the Portuguese leased in Macao in the mid-period of Ming Dynasty, the Portuguese officials here were asked to comply with the law of China more than once. To the Qing dynasty, the Portuguese still stubbornly refused to obey the law of China and often escaped from Chinese criminal law using briberies. In the case about Huiqian CHEN and the processing in the end of 1743, the fact that the Portuguese often escaped from the law of China was changed, and the principle of the Chinese judicial officials about processing the murders about Chinese killed by foreigners was explicitly defined. In this principle, Chinese significant compromises and concessions to the Portuguese were also included, but the criminal jurisdiction was ultimately controlled by the Government of the Qing Dynasty. Thus, the foreign-related criminal procedures conforming to foreign conditions were revised by the government of the Qing Dynasty according to the actual circumstances of Macao. However, the foreign-related criminal procedures revised by the government of the Qing Dynasty were not honestly observed by the Portuguese. After several major cases occurred in Macao, security rules and regulations were further issued by the government of the Qing Dynasty, in which the judicial control power of the government of the Qing Dynasty in Macao was unequivocally stated. 展开更多
关键词 MACAO the Portuguese the Government of the Qing Dynasty Criminal Procedures Judicial Control Power
Chinese Procuratorialsupervision of the Implementation of Criminal Profile
作者 Jing CHEN Juan LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期99-101,共3页
In the criminal justice system, the criminal execution though is the last part, but with the conviction and sentencing of the system have the same importance. Criminal conviction and sentencing execution is guaranteed... In the criminal justice system, the criminal execution though is the last part, but with the conviction and sentencing of the system have the same importance. Criminal conviction and sentencing execution is guaranteed to achieve, but also fairness and justice contained in the Criminal Code. In criminal law enforcement issues related to research more deeply refined today, supervision of Criminal changes have also been made to perform individually and have a very important significance. A direct result of the implementation of the activities of Criminal debtor prison of term prison sentences and the way to change the location, and the status of implementation as well as criminal penalties for the personal interests are closely related, and therefore it is a very, important enforcement regime. Under our current legal environment, the high amount of crime, large numbers of people in custody are restdting in criminal arduous tasks. It is coupled with the existing legal provisions for change-flawed execution of supervision that is extremely prone to change in the course of execution carried favoritism, money corruption. Meanwhile, the new introduction of the "Criminal Law Amendment eight," is for which the commutation, parole perform content changes made adjustments and changes.But for the first time, it provides for community corrections system officially to be incorporated into China' s Criminal Law among but the corresponding lack of prosecutorial oversight and other content specific legal provisions, changes are related to the implementation of community Corrections supervision given probation, parole, probation and other penalties to bring the practical operation of the nroblerns. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Criminal IMPLEMENTATION Prosecutorial Supervision
The Difficulties and Outlets of the Theory of Action Liberal in Cause An Additional Discussion about the Improvement of Article 18 and Article 133(1) in China's Criminal Law
作者 Junjie Liu Wenfang Lu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期28-30,共3页
The theory of action liberal in cause has a long history. But this concept originally did not exist in our country's traditional crinainal law. It has caused widespread controversy and discussion after being introduc... The theory of action liberal in cause has a long history. But this concept originally did not exist in our country's traditional crinainal law. It has caused widespread controversy and discussion after being introduced into Chinese academy of criminal law. From researches on various viewpoints about the theory of action liberal in cause in German and Japanese theories of criminal law, this paper discusses problems such as recognition of the form of a crime of action liberal in cause, the basis of straPoarkeit and how to coordinate with criminal law principles like "capacity for responsibility coexists with capacity for act". In the end, it puts forward the scheme of modification for relevant legislation of action liberal in cause. 展开更多
关键词 Action liberal in cause Straibarkeit Capacity for responsibility Capacity for act
Analysis on the Significance of Ancient Chinese Corporal Punishment Reform to the Progress of the Penalty System
作者 Junjie LIU Mengshu XU Lan FENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期95-97,共3页
Since the "five -punishment" system was established from the period of the slavery society of the Western Zhou Dynasty, corporal punishment has been always in existence as a tool used by the rulers to punish people ... Since the "five -punishment" system was established from the period of the slavery society of the Western Zhou Dynasty, corporal punishment has been always in existence as a tool used by the rulers to punish people in ancient China. Although corporal punishment was abolished in the punishment sentencing reform of Emperor Wen of Han, it was further developed and improved in the penalty system of the Sui and Tang dynasties. However, it was restored in the Song, Liao, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, etc. From the studies of the corporal punishment change, the reform law of the penal system in ancient China can be found, and also the significance of ancient Chinese corporal punishment reform to the progress of criminal penalty can be sought. Meanwhile, it is of vital significance to knowing well the development of China's legal history and improving the current penal system. 展开更多
关键词 Corporal Punishment Criminal Penalty Five Punishments REFORM
Reflection of the supplemem and correction of the defective evidences
作者 Gong Hanbing 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期66-69,共4页
Since the implementation of the rules of the supplement and correction of the defective evidences, there are many problems in the practice. The actual investigations and researches also feedback that the judges also h... Since the implementation of the rules of the supplement and correction of the defective evidences, there are many problems in the practice. The actual investigations and researches also feedback that the judges also have a lot of problems in the face of the definition of the meaning of the defective evidences, the correction application, and the degree restrictions. Behind this reflects the contradiction between the stress of the prosecution organs in the criminal detection and the deepening of the resisting mechanism in the court. And the litigation structure of the "division of responsibilities among three authorities" and the trial mode of "the centralism of the book records of the cases" exacerbated this opposition. On the basis of clarifying the origin and the meanings of the defective evidences, the author of this paper analyzes the essence and its harm of the rule. Through the reflections of the problems existing in the practice, the author further defines the two types of the "defects" that shall not be allowed to correct. 展开更多
关键词 Defective evidence supplement and correction rules illegal evidence
Analysis of the concept of the negligence abettor
作者 Zhang Jiangbo 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期115-118,共4页
In Germany, Japan and in the Taiwan Region of our country, there is the long-standing debate about the joint negligence crime, and in the mainland of China, there are many scholars having discussed, but because the pr... In Germany, Japan and in the Taiwan Region of our country, there is the long-standing debate about the joint negligence crime, and in the mainland of China, there are many scholars having discussed, but because the provisions on the joint crimes in the criminal law of our country exclude the joint negligence, the relevant discussions are not very sufficient. This paper talks about the views on the relevant issues of the joint negligence crimes, with the provisions on the traffic accident accomplice in the "Explanation of several issues concerning the specific application of law in the trial of criminal cases of traffic accidents" by the Supreme People's Court in 2000 as the starting point, in recognition of the negligent offender, the author further analyzes the constitution of the concept, in order to more clearly define the instigator of the negligent offender. 展开更多
关键词 Offense of joint negligence the joint negligence crime NEGLIGENCE negligent abettor abettor
Perfection of the legislation of the crimes by the Chinese elderly
作者 Chen Jing 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期61-64,共4页
The nineteenth session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress in February 25, 2011 approved the "PRC Criminal Law Amendment (eight)", which for the first time added the provision of ... The nineteenth session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress in February 25, 2011 approved the "PRC Criminal Law Amendment (eight)", which for the first time added the provision of the lenient punishment for the elderly crimes. The provision filled the legislative blank of the criminal responsibility of this special group of the old people in the criminal law of our country. But at the same time, we should also clearly see the deficiencies of the amendment (eight). This paper attempts to sort out the rationality of the lenient application of the punishment on the older people from the aspect of the criminal policy oftemperingjustice with mercy and other aspects, and to construct and perfect the specific legislative proposals that the amendment (eight) puts forward. 展开更多
关键词 Tempering justice with mercy the elderly crime criminal policy
作者 周文荣 《财务与会计》 CSSCI 1992年第6期61-61,共1页
把国营大中型企业推向市场,是搞活国营大中型企业的必由之路。在1992年4月13日《金融时报》的"转换企业机制"讨论栏目中,程松彬、张林同志就"如何把国营大中型企业推向市场"提出了以下建议: 1.把国营大中型企业推... 把国营大中型企业推向市场,是搞活国营大中型企业的必由之路。在1992年4月13日《金融时报》的"转换企业机制"讨论栏目中,程松彬、张林同志就"如何把国营大中型企业推向市场"提出了以下建议: 1.把国营大中型企业推向市场,政府部门的首要任务是"转换职能",真正做到政企分开,为不同所有制和不同规模的企业建立平等竞争的外部环境。 2.把国营大中型企业推向市场,要着力转换企业经营机制。当务之急是从企业劳动用工、人事制度。 展开更多
关键词 张林 外部环境 人事制度 程松 金融时报 价格体制 国家财政 分类推进 中刑
作者 邓树刚 吴加明 《中国检察官》 2014年第2期15-17,共3页
本文案例启示:在买卖合同的送货人非法占有货物的案件中,判断货物归属,也即认定交付完成与占有转移的时间点,是区分此罪与彼罪的关键。刑法上判断交付完成与占有转移更注重实质控制;而民法较多承认观念上的交付完成与占有转移。这种差... 本文案例启示:在买卖合同的送货人非法占有货物的案件中,判断货物归属,也即认定交付完成与占有转移的时间点,是区分此罪与彼罪的关键。刑法上判断交付完成与占有转移更注重实质控制;而民法较多承认观念上的交付完成与占有转移。这种差异将导致实践中刑民认定的表面冲突,但二者的价值内涵是一致的。 展开更多
关键词 买卖合同 职务侵占罪 中刑 定罪处罚 民事领域 被代理人 民事责任承担 内外勾结 货物损失 法上
作者 聊公 《公民与法(综合版)》 2011年第5期64-64,共1页
一神判法:天要你死你不得不死(6)刑起于兵,法起于律刑是什么?砍头,断手断脚,拿鞭子抽,脸上刺字,千刀万剐?都算,不过境界小了点儿。春秋时候,大约比孔子早上一百年的样子,鲁国有位大夫臧文仲。当时晋文公派医生拿鸩酒去毒死战俘卫成公(... 一神判法:天要你死你不得不死(6)刑起于兵,法起于律刑是什么?砍头,断手断脚,拿鞭子抽,脸上刺字,千刀万剐?都算,不过境界小了点儿。春秋时候,大约比孔子早上一百年的样子,鲁国有位大夫臧文仲。当时晋文公派医生拿鸩酒去毒死战俘卫成公(结果是没毒死,可能医生做了手脚)。臧文仲就对此表示了不满。他的理由是鸩杀是私刑,习惯法和成文法上都没有规定。刑罚一共只有五种:"大刑用甲兵,其次用斧钺,中刑用刀锯,其次用钻笮(音则,刺面的意思),薄刑用鞭扑,以威民也。" 展开更多
关键词 国法律史 神判法 刺面 钻笮 臧文仲 不知道 成公 中刑 去毒 法条文
《月读》 2015年第10期13-,共1页
人治与法治有人说中国古代是"人治"传统,与我们今天倡导的"以法治国"理念格格不入。对此,西南政法大学博士生导师俞荣根教授认为,悠久的礼法文化孕育了中华法系,中华法系固化了礼法文化。诸如"德主刑辅"... 人治与法治有人说中国古代是"人治"传统,与我们今天倡导的"以法治国"理念格格不入。对此,西南政法大学博士生导师俞荣根教授认为,悠久的礼法文化孕育了中华法系,中华法系固化了礼法文化。诸如"德主刑辅"和"为政以德"、重义轻利、基于"中道"的中刑与慎刑、"无讼"和调处息讼等等礼法传统,蕴含着丰富的"良法善治"智慧。"法治中国" 展开更多
关键词 现代解读 华法系 法治 “以法治国” 无讼 俞荣根 为政以德 德主 中刑
A Brief Review of the Second Revision of China's Criminal Procedure Law
作者 刘玫 《Social Sciences in China》 2012年第4期133-148,共16页
Since the enactment of China's Criminal Procedure Law in 1979, China's criminal procedure system has undergone a process of refinement and elaboration. A relatively complete framework for the criminal procedure syst... Since the enactment of China's Criminal Procedure Law in 1979, China's criminal procedure system has undergone a process of refinement and elaboration. A relatively complete framework for the criminal procedure system has been constructed that fits in well with contemporary international thinking on criminal procedure. The Decision on Amending the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China passed by the National People's Congress on March 14, 2012 highlights China's strenuous efforts in protecting human rights and promoting the modernization of the legal system. It also demonstrates the consolidation and absorption of the achievements of China's continuing reforms. A review of the main content of the Amendment to Criminal Procedure Law is highly significant for the further improvement of the system. 展开更多
关键词 amendment to China's Criminal Procedure Law framework system criminal procedure system criminal procedure
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