Hilary Glasman-Deal 在 Science Research Writing (科研写作 ) 一书中: “ Many more people will read the title than the abstract, and many more will read the abstract than the whole oaper.”(论文的题名和摘要相比更多...Hilary Glasman-Deal 在 Science Research Writing (科研写作 ) 一书中: “ Many more people will read the title than the abstract, and many more will read the abstract than the whole oaper.”(论文的题名和摘要相比更多人愿意看题名,论文的摘要和全文相比更多人愿意看摘要)一语道出了论文摘要的重要性。在网络信息检索中,英文摘要仿佛一扇窗户向世界展现中医药及中国传统文化,引领中医走向世界和吸引世界走进中医。展开更多
文摘Hilary Glasman-Deal 在 Science Research Writing (科研写作 ) 一书中: “ Many more people will read the title than the abstract, and many more will read the abstract than the whole oaper.”(论文的题名和摘要相比更多人愿意看题名,论文的摘要和全文相比更多人愿意看摘要)一语道出了论文摘要的重要性。在网络信息检索中,英文摘要仿佛一扇窗户向世界展现中医药及中国传统文化,引领中医走向世界和吸引世界走进中医。