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中原北方地区宋金墓葬中仿木构门窗的形制流变及设计意匠 被引量:1
作者 俞莉娜 《新建筑》 2023年第4期32-38,共7页
以宋金墓葬中的仿木构门窗为主要研究对象,通过形制分类(即排比分期),将仿木构门窗的发展过程分为3期,主要表现为一门二窗的组合模式向格子门转变,整体呈现出从简练到复杂的演变路径;进而将墓葬仿木构门窗与《营造法式》《梓人遗制》两... 以宋金墓葬中的仿木构门窗为主要研究对象,通过形制分类(即排比分期),将仿木构门窗的发展过程分为3期,主要表现为一门二窗的组合模式向格子门转变,整体呈现出从简练到复杂的演变路径;进而将墓葬仿木构门窗与《营造法式》《梓人遗制》两部古代文献进行对照研究,认为仿木构门窗的发展过程大致与地面木构建筑的演变过程相符,可对文献记载起到印证作用;同时,尝试探讨了几种地区性典型门窗布局的空间含义。门窗因其通过属性和对建筑立面的示意作用,在墓葬中起到映射家居场景、提供魂魄出入口的作用,门窗的屏障属性也使得其在部分地区墓葬中起到烘托祭祀氛围的作用,是墓葬供养空间塑造中重要的元素之一。 展开更多
关键词 中原北方 宋金时期 仿木构墓葬 门窗
作者 林航 《美育学刊》 2021年第4期I0008-I0008,共1页
20世纪50年代以来,我国中原北方地区相继发现了众多宋金砖雕壁画墓,这些墓建筑元素丰富、墓内装饰多样,既是历史和文化的遗存,也是空间与图像的集合,为“图像证史”提供了诸多新的可能。《中原北方地区宋金墓葬艺术研究》即是第一部以... 20世纪50年代以来,我国中原北方地区相继发现了众多宋金砖雕壁画墓,这些墓建筑元素丰富、墓内装饰多样,既是历史和文化的遗存,也是空间与图像的集合,为“图像证史”提供了诸多新的可能。《中原北方地区宋金墓葬艺术研究》即是第一部以宋金墓葬艺术为主体的区域美术史专著。该书以宋金时期中原北方仿木构砖室墓为考察对象,在“礼俗与信仰空间”的视角下对墓室中的建筑结构、家具陈设、壁画装饰、随葬器物等所含的艺术元素加以解读,分析墓内图像及其内涵,进而探讨解读历史社会信息的方法和路径。 展开更多
关键词 随葬器物 宋金墓葬 宋金时期 墓葬艺术 建筑元素 信仰空间 砖雕壁画 中原北方
中原北方宋辽金时期涅槃图像考察 被引量:29
作者 李静杰 《故宫博物院院刊》 北大核心 2008年第3期6-46,共41页
中原北方宋辽金时期涅槃图像,具有时代共通性的一面,同时呈现东部地区与西部地区的地域差异。在图像表现方面,两地区涅槃图像不同程度地继承了唐代因素,相对来说,东部地区沿用的唐代因素较多;西部地区在唐代基础上又部分地吸收了东部地... 中原北方宋辽金时期涅槃图像,具有时代共通性的一面,同时呈现东部地区与西部地区的地域差异。在图像表现方面,两地区涅槃图像不同程度地继承了唐代因素,相对来说,东部地区沿用的唐代因素较多;西部地区在唐代基础上又部分地吸收了东部地区宋代因素,并获得新发展。在图像内涵方面,东部地区表现为涅槃与弥勒佛组合,延续了传统图像的做法,着意表述佛法传承的意图。涅檗与三身佛组合是这一时期的新现象,反映了大乘佛教权道、化现思想。西部地区表现为涅槃、罗汉、横三世佛(释迦·弥勒·阿弥陀)组合,一方面强调了罗汉守护和传承佛法的作用,另一方面凸显信徒向往并期望将来往生净土世界的心态。东西两地区有关摩耶夫人画面的流行,与当时社会大力倡导孝行的情况密切关联。涅槃升仙图像则是佛教进一步世俗化的表现。 展开更多
关键词 中原北方 宋辽金 涅槃图像 孝行 升仙
河西走廊与中原北方北朝隋代石窟天井图样考察 被引量:7
作者 李静 《故宫博物院院刊》 北大核心 2008年第4期89-137,共49页
北朝、隋代石窟天井图样,作为一个丰富而复杂的系统存在,它既承载着建筑装饰功用,又反映出当时频繁的文化交流信息,且具有一定的审美和思想内涵。作者认为,北朝、隋代石窟天井图样呈现一体化发展过程,在地域上可以分为河西走廊和中原北... 北朝、隋代石窟天井图样,作为一个丰富而复杂的系统存在,它既承载着建筑装饰功用,又反映出当时频繁的文化交流信息,且具有一定的审美和思想内涵。作者认为,北朝、隋代石窟天井图样呈现一体化发展过程,在地域上可以分为河西走廊和中原北方两个系统。河西走廊地区天井图样以敦煌莫高窟最完整最丰富,故作为该样式的考察核心。敦煌莫高窟天井以四角叠涩图样为主要特征,兼受来自西域和中原北方文化因素的影响,西域因素尤其显著;中原北方石窟天井图样以莲花与飞天组合为主要特征,偏早时间尚可见到西域因素,其后,中原文化因素日趋占据主导位置。 展开更多
关键词 中原北方 敦煌 北朝 隋代 石窟天井图样
略谈中原北方五代墓葬 被引量:1
作者 林思雨 《华夏考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期92-97,共6页
中原北方五代墓葬可分为多室墓、单室砖(石)墓、单室土洞墓三类。代表了等级和身份的差别。大型墓葬的重要变化是增加了伎乐舞蹈等生活场景的分量,尤其是雕砖的出现,改变了唐代以来传统的平面绘画装饰方式。洛阳地区的五代圆形墓可能源... 中原北方五代墓葬可分为多室墓、单室砖(石)墓、单室土洞墓三类。代表了等级和身份的差别。大型墓葬的重要变化是增加了伎乐舞蹈等生活场景的分量,尤其是雕砖的出现,改变了唐代以来传统的平面绘画装饰方式。洛阳地区的五代圆形墓可能源自朝阳地区,且装饰已与北宋早中期圆形墓近同。中原北方五代墓葬具有承上启下的作用,为宋代仿木构砖雕壁画墓的繁荣做了准备。 展开更多
关键词 中原北方 五代墓葬 唐墓 装饰
作者 贾朋 《天工》 2020年第3期12-13,共2页
关键词 中原北方 菩萨造像 特征
作者 孙帅杰 《河南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期76-83,共8页
自20世纪50年代以来,在广大的中原北方地区相继发现了大批宋代仿木建筑雕砖壁画墓。21世纪以来,随着艺术学、哲学等学科理论方法的引入,有关砖雕壁画墓的研究涌现出了大量优秀成果,呈现出深化和细化的特点,通过从砖雕壁画墓的分期、壁... 自20世纪50年代以来,在广大的中原北方地区相继发现了大批宋代仿木建筑雕砖壁画墓。21世纪以来,随着艺术学、哲学等学科理论方法的引入,有关砖雕壁画墓的研究涌现出了大量优秀成果,呈现出深化和细化的特点,通过从砖雕壁画墓的分期、壁画题材寓意、丧葬习俗等三个角度出发,梳理国内近二十年来有关宋代砖雕壁画墓相关论著,以期助力于学界的进一步认识和研究,并为宋代砖雕壁画墓的后续探讨提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 中原北方地区 砖雕壁画墓
作者 王克芬 《艺术传播研究》 CSSCI 2021年第4期106-106,共1页
项目负责人王克芬(中国艺术研究院)项目类别“十五”国家自筹经费项目结项通知书号艺规结字[2006]053号最终成果形式及名称专著《中国石窟寺乐舞艺术》(人民音乐出版社2009年版)《中国石窟寺乐舞艺术》对包括中原北方、南方及新疆、西... 项目负责人王克芬(中国艺术研究院)项目类别“十五”国家自筹经费项目结项通知书号艺规结字[2006]053号最终成果形式及名称专著《中国石窟寺乐舞艺术》(人民音乐出版社2009年版)《中国石窟寺乐舞艺术》对包括中原北方、南方及新疆、西藏等区域在内的中国石窟寺乐舞艺术图像遗存概况进行了考察和论述。 展开更多
关键词 人民音乐出版社 中国艺术研究院 石窟寺 自筹经费 乐舞艺术 项目类别 中原北方 乐舞图像
夏商西周时期北方中原融合型青铜器初步研究——以太行山东麓和燕山南北考古发现为例 被引量:1
作者 孙晓鹏 韦姗杉 《中原文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期68-75,99,共9页
太行山东麓和燕山南北地区在夏商西周时期是北方青铜文化和中原文化交往的前沿地带,随着两种不同类型文化交往程度的加深,相互影响,产生了融合两种文化的器物,如北方中原融合型青铜器。本文将以夏商西周时期北方中原融合型青铜器在研究... 太行山东麓和燕山南北地区在夏商西周时期是北方青铜文化和中原文化交往的前沿地带,随着两种不同类型文化交往程度的加深,相互影响,产生了融合两种文化的器物,如北方中原融合型青铜器。本文将以夏商西周时期北方中原融合型青铜器在研究区域内的分布和传播为主线,以求对隐藏在这类器物背后的北方青铜文化和中原文化的关系进行合理的揣测。 展开更多
关键词 北方中原融合型青铜器 北方青铜文化 中原文化 文化传播交流
Evapotranspiration, Yield and Crop Coefficient of Irrigated Maize Under Straw Mulch 被引量:12
作者 ZHANG Xi-Ying CHEN Su-Ying PEI Dong LIU Meng-Yu SUN Hong-Yong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5期576-584,共9页
Maize (Zea mays L.), a staple crop grown from June to September during the rainy season on the North China Plain,is usually inter-planted in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fields about one week before harvesting ... Maize (Zea mays L.), a staple crop grown from June to September during the rainy season on the North China Plain,is usually inter-planted in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fields about one week before harvesting of the winterwheat. In order to improve irrigation efficiency in this region of serious water shortage, field studies in 1999 and 2001, twodry seasons with less than average seasonal rainfall, were conducted with up to five irrigation applications to determineevapotranspiration, calculate the crop coefficient, and optimize the irrigation schedule with maize under mulch, as well asto establish the effects of irrigation timing and the number of applications on grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE)of maize. Results showed that with grain production at about 8 000 kg ha-1 the total evapotranspiration and WUE ofirrigated maize under mulch were about 380-400 mm and 2.0-2.2 kg m-3, respectively. Also in 2001 WUE of maizewith mulch for the treatment with three irrigations was 11.8% better than that without mulch. In the 1999 and 2001seasons, maize yield significantly improved (P = 0.05) with four irrigation applications, however, further increases werenot significant. At the same time there were no significant differences for WUE with two to four irrigation applications.In the 2001 season mulch lead to a decrease of 50 mm in the total soil evaporation, and the maize crop coefficient undermulch varied between 0.3-1.3 with a seasonal average of 1.0. 展开更多
关键词 crop coefficient MAIZE MULCH water use efficiency
Groundwater Contamination with NO_3-N in a Wheat-Corn Cropping System in the North China Plain 被引量:20
作者 ZHAO Bing-Zi ZHANG Jia-Bao +3 位作者 M. FLURY ZHU An-Ning JIANG Qi-Ao BI Jin-Wei 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第6期721-731,共11页
The North China Plain,where summer corn(Zea mays L.)and winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)are the major crops grown,is a major agricultural area in China.Permeable soils make the region susceptible to groundwater poll... The North China Plain,where summer corn(Zea mays L.)and winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)are the major crops grown,is a major agricultural area in China.Permeable soils make the region susceptible to groundwater pollution by NO_3-N,which is applied to fields in large amounts of more than 400 kg NO_3-N ha^(-1)as fertilizer.A field experiment was established in 2002 to examine the relationship among N fertilization rate,soil NO_3-N,and NO_3-N groundwater contamination.Two adjacent fields were fertilized with local farmers' N fertilization rate(LN)and double the normal application rate(HN),respectively,and managed under otherwise identical conditions.The fields were under a traditional summer corn/winter wheat rotation.Over a 22-month period,we monitored NO_3-N concentrations in both bulk soil and soil pore water in 20-40 cm increments up to 180 cm depth.We also monitored NO_3-N concentrations in groundwater and the depth of the groundwater table.No significant differences in soil NO_3-N were observed between the LN and HN treatment.We identified NO_3-N plumes moving downward through the soil profile.The HN treatment resulted in significantly higher groundwater NO_3-N,relative to the LN treatment,with groundwater NO_3-N consistently exceeding the maximum safe level of 10 mg L^(-1),but groundwater NO_3-N above the maximum safe level was also observed in the LN treatment after heavy rain.Heavy rain in June,July,and August 2003 caused increased NO_3-N leaching through the soil and elevated NO_3-N concentrations in the groundwater.Concurrent rise of the groundwater table into NO_3-N- rich soil layers also contributed to the increased NO_3-N concentrations in the groundwater.Our results indicate that under conditions of average rainfall,soil NO_3-N was accumulated in the soil profile.The subsequent significantly higher- than-average rainfalls continuously flushed the soil NO_3-N into deeper layers and raised the groundwater table,which caused continuous groundwater contamination with NO_3-N.The results suggest that under common farming practices in the North China Plain,groundwater contamination with NO_3-N was likely,especially during heavy rainfalls,and the degree of groundwater contamination appeared to be proportional to the N application rates.Decreasing fertilization rates, splitting fertilizer inputs,and optimizing irrigation scheduling had potential to reduce groundwater NO_3-N contamination. 展开更多
关键词 field experiment groundwater contamination NO3-N wheat-corn cropping system
Evaluation of nitrate source in groundwater of southern part of North China Plain based on multi-isotope 被引量:1
作者 方晶晶 周爱国 +4 位作者 马传明 刘存富 蔡鹤生 甘义群 刘运德 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期610-618,共9页
Nitrate pollution in groundwater is a serious water quality problem that increases the risk of developing various cancers.Groundwater is the most important water resource and supports a population of 5 million in Anya... Nitrate pollution in groundwater is a serious water quality problem that increases the risk of developing various cancers.Groundwater is the most important water resource and supports a population of 5 million in Anyang area of the southern part of the North China Plain. Determining the source of nitrate pollution is the challenge in hydrology area due to the complex processes of migration and transformation. A new method is presented to determine the source of nitrogen pollution by combining the composition characteristics of stable carbon isotope in dissolved organic carbon in groundwater. The source of groundwater nitrate is dominated by agricultural fertilizers, as well as manure and wastewater. Mineralization, nitrification and mixing processes occur in the groundwater recharge area, whereas the confined groundwater area is dominated by denitrification processes. 展开更多
关键词 δ^12NNO3 δ^18ONO3 δ^13CDOC esophageal cancer GROUNDWATER
Effects of Aerosols on Fogs Observed in the North China Plain
作者 ZHANG Jia-Wei XUE Hui-Wen +2 位作者 DENG Zhao-Ze ZHAO Chun-Sheng ZHANG Qing-Hong 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第2期79-83,共5页
Fog simulation and prediction are becoming increasingly important in China because of the great impact of fog on traffic and other human activities. More studies are needed to have a better understanding of the format... Fog simulation and prediction are becoming increasingly important in China because of the great impact of fog on traffic and other human activities. More studies are needed to have a better understanding of the formation mechanisms and life cycles of fogs. This work uses data from two fog cases observed in Wuqing, Tianjin, in 2009. The data include aerosol size distribution, fog droplet size distribution, fog liquid water content, and meteorological properties. The results show that increasing aerosols can increase the number concentration of fog droplets and decrease fog droplet size, which is consistent with the first aerosol indirect effect found in clouds. It is also shown that increased aerosols can lead to lower visibility in fogs. This work demonstrates that the first aerosol indirect effect plays an important role in fogs. 展开更多
关键词 FOG microphysical properties aerosol indi-rect effect VISIBILITY
宋金时期砖雕壁画墓的图像题材探析 被引量:14
作者 邓菲 《美术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期70-82,共13页
中原北方地区发现了许多宋金时期的仿木结构砖室墓,墓内饰有题材丰富的壁画或砖雕。对壁面装饰的考察,可为了解当时的社会文化以及丧葬习俗,提供重要的信息。本文将分析河南、山西地区的几组仿木结构砖雕壁画墓,讨论该时期墓葬中装饰题... 中原北方地区发现了许多宋金时期的仿木结构砖室墓,墓内饰有题材丰富的壁画或砖雕。对壁面装饰的考察,可为了解当时的社会文化以及丧葬习俗,提供重要的信息。本文将分析河南、山西地区的几组仿木结构砖雕壁画墓,讨论该时期墓葬中装饰题材的特征与内涵,并通过联系民间寺庙等地上建筑遗存,深入探寻时人选择、设置特定图像题材的原因,理解墓葬装饰如何与当时的丧祭文化相关联。 展开更多
关键词 宋金时期 中原北方地区 墓葬装饰 丧祭文化
多重祈愿——宋金墓葬中的宗教类图像组合 被引量:3
作者 邓菲 《民族艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期103-116,共14页
宋金时期的仿木构砖室墓中常饰有与宗教信仰有关的图像,通过不同的题材组合描绘出仙人接引墓主、亡者飞升天界的想象图景。这些组合一方面明显受到了唐宋以来佛教观念与文化的影响,另一方面也呈现出道释混杂、三教合一的情形。墓中的宗... 宋金时期的仿木构砖室墓中常饰有与宗教信仰有关的图像,通过不同的题材组合描绘出仙人接引墓主、亡者飞升天界的想象图景。这些组合一方面明显受到了唐宋以来佛教观念与文化的影响,另一方面也呈现出道释混杂、三教合一的情形。墓中的宗教类图像流露出对于往生天国、飞升仙境的祈盼,象征了一种广义上的神仙世界,展现出有关该时期冥世观以及死后世界的多种可能。 展开更多
关键词 宋金墓葬 中原北方 宗教题材 接引升天 冥世观念
作者 冉万里 《西部考古》 2022年第1期347-406,共60页
本文通过对东汉时期洛阳的佛经翻译、修建寺院、佛教造像等方面的论述,结合咸阳成任东汉晚期家族墓出土的金铜佛教造像,认为东汉时期的洛阳不仅是佛经翻译的中心,而且在佛教造像艺术、佛教寺院修建等方面都对全国各地起到了引领和范式... 本文通过对东汉时期洛阳的佛经翻译、修建寺院、佛教造像等方面的论述,结合咸阳成任东汉晚期家族墓出土的金铜佛教造像,认为东汉时期的洛阳不仅是佛经翻译的中心,而且在佛教造像艺术、佛教寺院修建等方面都对全国各地起到了引领和范式作用。同时认为,必须在大一统局面的前提下来看待长江流域发现的各种载体上的佛像,而不能局限于某个区域来看待这一现象,它们明显受到了以洛阳为中心的中原北方地区的影响,而这一影响与大一统局面、都城洛阳作为全国中心产生的辐射与影响作用,以及东汉时期的楚王英的活动有着密切关系。 展开更多
关键词 东汉 洛阳 佛经翻译 佛教造像 白马寺 中原北方地区 长江流域
Soil Microbial Responses to Experimental Warming and Nitrogen Addition in a Temperate Steppe of Northern China 被引量:11
作者 SHEN Rui-Chang XU Ming +2 位作者 CHI Yong-Gang YU Shen WAN Shi-Qiang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期427-436,共10页
The responses of soil microbes to global warming and nitrogen enrichment can profoundly affect terrestrial ecosystem functions and the ecosystem feedbacks to climate change.However,the interactive effect of warming an... The responses of soil microbes to global warming and nitrogen enrichment can profoundly affect terrestrial ecosystem functions and the ecosystem feedbacks to climate change.However,the interactive effect of warming and nitrogen enrichment on soil microbial community is unclear.In this study,individual and interactive effects of experimental warming and nitrogen addition on the soil microbial community were investigated in a long-term field experiment in a temperate steppe of northern China.The field experiment started in 2006 and soils were sampled in 2010 and analyzed for phospholipid fatty acids to characterize the soil microbial communities.Some soil chemical properties were also determined.Five-year experimental warming significantly increased soil total microbial biomass and the proportion of Gram-negative bacteria in the soils.Long-term nitrogen addition decreased soil microbial biomass at the 0-10 cm soil depth and the relative abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the soils.Little interactive effect on soil microbes was detected when experimental warming and nitrogen addition were combined.Soil microbial biomass positively correlated with soil total C and N,but basically did not relate to the soil C/N ratio and pH.Our results suggest that future global warming or nitrogen enrichment may significantly change the soil microbial communities in the temperate steppes in northern China. 展开更多
关键词 arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi global warming Gram-negative bacteria nitrogen enrichment microbial biomass microbial community
Long-term trends of precipitation in the North China Plain 被引量:6
作者 范兰 吕昌河 +1 位作者 杨彪 陈朝 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期989-1001,共13页
The North China Plain (NCP) is the most important food grain producing area in China and has suffered from serious water shortages. To capture variation water availability, it is necessary to have an analysis of chang... The North China Plain (NCP) is the most important food grain producing area in China and has suffered from serious water shortages. To capture variation water availability, it is necessary to have an analysis of changing trends in precipitation. This study, based on daily precipitation data from 47 representative stations in NCP records passed the homogeneity test, analyzed the trend and amplitude of variation in monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation, annual maximum continuous no-rain days, annual rain days, rainfall intensity, and rainfall extremes from 1960 to 2007, using the MannKendall (M-K) test and Sen's slope estimator. It was found that monthly precipitation in winter had a significant increasing trend in most parts, while monthly precipitation in July to September showed a decreasing trend in some parts of NCP. No significant changing trend was found for the annual, dry and wet season precipitation and rainfall extremes in the majority of NCP.A significant decreasing trend was detected for the maximum no-rain duration and annual rain days in the major part of NCP. It was concluded that the changing trend of precipitation in NCP had an apparent seasonal and regional pattern, i.e., precipitation showed an obvious increasing trend in winter, but a decreasing trend in the rainy season (July to September), and the changing trend was more apparent in the northern part than in the southern and middle parts. This implies that with global warming, seasonal variation of precipitation in NCP tends to decline with an increasing of precipitation in winter season, and a decreasing in rainy season, particularly in the sub-humid northern part. 展开更多
关键词 PRECIPITATION TREND changing rate North China Plain
Effect of Long-Term Fertilization on Soil Productivity on the North China Plain 被引量:19
作者 WANG Jing-Yan YAN Xiao-Yuan GONG Wei 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期450-458,共9页
Soil productivity is the ability of a soil, in its normal environment, to support plant growth and can be evaluated with respect to crop production in unfertilized soil within the agricultural ecosystem. Both soil pro... Soil productivity is the ability of a soil, in its normal environment, to support plant growth and can be evaluated with respect to crop production in unfertilized soil within the agricultural ecosystem. Both soil productivity and fertilizer applications affect crop yields. A long-term experiment with a winter wheat-summer maize rotation was established in 1989 in a field of the Fengqiu State Key Agro-Ecological Experimental Station, a region typical of the North China Plain, including seven treatments: 1) a balanced application of NPK chemical fertilizers (NPK); 2) application of organic fertilizer (OM); 3) application of 50% organic fertilizer and 50% NPK chemical fertilizers (1/2OMN); 4) application of NP chemical fertilizers (NP); 5) application of PK chemical fertilizer (PK); 6) application of NK chemical fertilizers (NK); and 7) unfertilized control (CK). To investigate the effects of fertilization practices on soil productivity, further pot tests were conducted in 2007-2008 using soil samples from the different fertilization treatments of the long-term field experiment. The soil sample of each treatment of the long-term experiment was divided into three pots to grow wheat: with no fertilization (Potunf), with balanced NPK fertilization (POtNPK), and with the same fertilizer(s) of the long-term field experiment (Potori). The fertilized soils of the field experiment used in all the pot tests showed a higher wheat grain yield and higher nutrient uptake levels than the unfertilized soil. Soil productivity of the treatments of the field experiment after 18 years of continuous fertilizer applications were ranked in the order of OM 〉 1/2OMN 〉 NPK 〉 NP 〉 PK 〉 NK 〉 CK. The contribution of soil productivity of the different treatments of the field experiment to the wheat grain yield of Potori was 36.0%-76.7%, with the PK and NK treatments being higher than the OM, 1/2OMN, NPK, and NP treatments since the soil in this area was deficient in N and P and rich in K. Wheat grain yields of PotNPK were higher than those of Potori and Potunf. The N, P, and K use efficiencies were higher in POtNPK than Potori and significantly positively correlated with wheat grain yield. Soil organic matter could be a better predictor of soil productivity because it correlated more strongly than other nutrients with the wheat grain yield of Potuf. Wheat yields of POtNPK showed a similar trend to those of Potunf, indicating that soil productivity improvement was essential for a further increase in crop yield. The long-term applications of both organic and chemical fertilizers were capable of increasing soil productivity on the North China Plain, but the former was more effective than the latter. The balanced application of NPK chemical fertilizers not only increased soil productivity, but also largely increased crop yields, especially in soils with lower productivity. Thus, such an approach should be a feasible practice for the sustainable use of agricultural soils on the North China Plain, particularly when taking into account crop yields, labor costs, and the limited availability of organic fertilizers. 展开更多
关键词 balanced fertilization chemical fertilizer crop yield soil fertility nutrient use efficiency organic fertilizer soil organic matter
Social impacts of the climatic shift around the turn of the 19th century on the North China Plain 被引量:19
作者 FANG XiuQi XIAO LingBo WEI ZhuDeng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第6期1044-1058,共15页
Historical case studies of climate change impacts and the resulting social responses can provide analogies for better under- standing the impacts of current and future climate changes. Around the turn of the 19th cent... Historical case studies of climate change impacts and the resulting social responses can provide analogies for better under- standing the impacts of current and future climate changes. Around the turn of the 19th century, the climate of the North China Plain experienced a shift from a relatively warm stage in the 18th century to a colder stage in the 19th century, which was characterised by a much colder climate and more frequent and severe floods and droughts. Historical information about refu- gees, social disorder, grain transportation, and disaster relief on the North China Plain in 1780-1819 is collected from the Ver- itable Records of the Qing Dynasty (a collection of official records). The mechanism of climate change affecting the food se- curity of the society, as indicated by the development of a refugee problem around the turn of the 19th century, is analyzed by examining the social vulnerability. There are four basic findings: (1) In the 40 years from 1780-1819, the society on the North China Plain was unstable and characterised by a significant deterioration of the refugee situation. The number of refugees in- creased markedly, and their behaviour became increasingly violent. In the 1780s, most of the disaster victims chose to stay at their residences waiting for relief. From 1790 to 1800, hundreds of thousands of refugees migrated to northeast China. In the 1810s, the frequency of farmer rebellions increased sharply. (2) The increase in instability corresponded to the climatic cooling over the same time period. The increased instability was a result of the negative impacts of climate change accumulating and transmitting to the social level. (3) For food security, a precondition for the negative impacts of climate change on human soci- ety was the vulnerability of the regional socioeconomic system, which had a high sensitivity and low capacity to respond. This vulnerability could be described by the following three observations: O The regional balance of supply and demand for food was in a critical state, which led to a high sensitivity and dramatic reduction in yield that was caused by climate change; (~ the capacity for disaster relief efforts by the government was too low to meet the needs of crisis management; (~ the capacity for refugees' resettlement in eastern Inner Mongolia and northeast China, which both border the North China Plain, was se- verely restricted by climatic conditions or the quarantine policy. (4) It is estimated that climate change caused the social vul- nerability to reach a critical level approximately 20 years earlier on the North China Plain. 展开更多
关键词 climate refugees impact of climate change Little Ice Age North China Plain
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