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俄汉反义词的语义中和现象探究 被引量:1
作者 李勤 刘照玉 《中国俄语教学》 CSSCI 2017年第1期33-38,共6页
反义词的语义中和是一种跨语言现象,在俄汉语中均存在。有些反义词的语义中和现象在俄汉语中具有相通性,有些则只存在于一种语言中。反义词发生语义中和受内部机制和外部机制的制约。外部机制主要体现为中性化语境的影响,内部机制包括... 反义词的语义中和是一种跨语言现象,在俄汉语中均存在。有些反义词的语义中和现象在俄汉语中具有相通性,有些则只存在于一种语言中。反义词发生语义中和受内部机制和外部机制的制约。外部机制主要体现为中性化语境的影响,内部机制包括视点、语义包孕、预设、语义配价等。 展开更多
关键词 语义中和 反义词 中和机制 中性化语境
作者 程正 严景华 韩晓楠 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期4311-4323,共13页
登革热是一种蚊媒传播的疾病,在热带及亚热带地区流行,由于全球人员流动的增加,其流行范围逐年扩大。登革病毒是登革热的病原体,通常4种血清型病毒共同流行,第一次病毒感染产生的交叉反应性抗体会给其他血清型继发性感染带来很大风险,... 登革热是一种蚊媒传播的疾病,在热带及亚热带地区流行,由于全球人员流动的增加,其流行范围逐年扩大。登革病毒是登革热的病原体,通常4种血清型病毒共同流行,第一次病毒感染产生的交叉反应性抗体会给其他血清型继发性感染带来很大风险,目前还没有能提供完全保护的疫苗和抗病毒药物。近年来随着抗体技术的不断发展,研究者已分离出大量针对登革病毒的单克隆抗体,并通过基于结构的分析阐明了其中和表位。本文重点介绍了与登革病毒中和活性相关的关键表位,并对这些表位在疫苗设计和治疗性抗体药物开发中的应用前景进行了展望,有助于系统梳理登革病毒中和抗体的研究进展,为推动新型疫苗和抗体药物的研发提供了理论基础与技术指导。 展开更多
关键词 登革热 登革病毒 抗体依赖增强 中和抗体 中和机制
作者 洪俊平 钟玲 +5 位作者 张琬琳 郑清炳 徐淼 陈毅歆 夏宁邵 张晓 《中国科学:生命科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期2385-2398,共14页
EB病毒(Epstein-Barr virus,EBV)属于人类疱疹病毒γ亚科,是首个被鉴定的人类致瘤病毒.EBV感染与人传染性单核细胞增多症、多种淋巴瘤及上皮细胞肿瘤的发生发展密切相关,每年全球因EBV相关肿瘤新增病例超过20万,死亡病例超14万,造成巨... EB病毒(Epstein-Barr virus,EBV)属于人类疱疹病毒γ亚科,是首个被鉴定的人类致瘤病毒.EBV感染与人传染性单核细胞增多症、多种淋巴瘤及上皮细胞肿瘤的发生发展密切相关,每年全球因EBV相关肿瘤新增病例超过20万,死亡病例超14万,造成巨大的公共卫生和经济负担.然而,目前尚无有效药物和疫苗获批上市.靶向病毒的特异性抗体是病毒学研究的重要工具.EBV中和抗体主要针对病毒包膜表面的糖蛋白,这些糖蛋白在感染过程中发挥关键作用.对中和抗体的特性和功能研究,不仅有助于深入理解病毒感染机制,还为疫苗的理性设计提供了指导.此外,因其优异的体内外中和活性,这些抗体有望应用于EBV感染及相关疾病的治疗和预防.本文系统综述了靶向EBV不同包膜糖蛋白的中和抗体,归纳其功能活性、结合表位及中和机制,为EBV治疗性药物和疫苗的研发提供理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 EB病毒 糖蛋白 中和抗体 优势表位 中和机制
作者 黄志杰 欧阳松应 甄向凯 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1247-1256,共10页
毒素-抗毒素(toxin-antitoxin,TA)系统是一种广泛存在于细菌、古细菌和原噬菌体染色体和质粒的遗传元件。TA通常包含一个能够抑制细菌生长的毒素和一个能够中和其毒性的抗毒素。自20世纪80年代发现首个TA系统(Ccd B/Ccd A)以来,TA被证... 毒素-抗毒素(toxin-antitoxin,TA)系统是一种广泛存在于细菌、古细菌和原噬菌体染色体和质粒的遗传元件。TA通常包含一个能够抑制细菌生长的毒素和一个能够中和其毒性的抗毒素。自20世纪80年代发现首个TA系统(Ccd B/Ccd A)以来,TA被证明几乎存在于所有已经测序的微生物,在维持质粒稳定性和抗噬菌体等方面具有重要作用。目前,TA被分为Ⅰ-Ⅷ型,其中Ⅱ型TA的研究最为广泛。HipBA是一个典型的Ⅱ型TA,大肠杆菌HipBA中毒素HipA是一种丝/苏氨酸激酶,通过磷酸化细菌的谷氨酰tRNA合成酶GltX,抑制蛋白质翻译过程,其毒性可以被抗毒素HipB特异性中和。最近研究发现,与大肠杆菌HipA同源的蛋白质广泛存在于微生物,它们与同一操纵子的基因共同组成潜在的新颖的TA,其中HipBST已被实验证实。HipBST中毒素HipT和抗毒素HipS分别与大肠杆菌HipA的C端和N端具有相似性,但其中和机制以及毒素的底物不同于大肠杆菌毒素HipA。本文总结了最近发现的特殊的TA,特别是对广泛存在于原核生物的HipBST的中和机制进行概述。 展开更多
关键词 毒素-抗毒素 HipBA HipBST 中和机制
人乳头瘤病毒中和表位及抗体中和作用机制的研究进展 被引量:6
作者 杨与柔 柳欣林 +2 位作者 王大宁 夏宁邵 李少伟 《病毒学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期168-174,共7页
人乳头瘤病毒(Human papillomavirus,HPV)是一类无包膜的小DNA病毒,其衣壳蛋白由主要衣壳蛋白L1和次要衣壳蛋白L2组成,持续感染HPV将引起宫颈癌和尖锐湿疣等多种疾病。HPV衣壳蛋白L1和L2中分布着大量中和表位,并具有较强的免疫原性,HPV... 人乳头瘤病毒(Human papillomavirus,HPV)是一类无包膜的小DNA病毒,其衣壳蛋白由主要衣壳蛋白L1和次要衣壳蛋白L2组成,持续感染HPV将引起宫颈癌和尖锐湿疣等多种疾病。HPV衣壳蛋白L1和L2中分布着大量中和表位,并具有较强的免疫原性,HPV疫苗可诱导机体产生高滴度的中和抗体并阻碍病毒感染,进而预防宫颈癌等疾病的发生。分析阐述HPV衣壳蛋白中和表位及抗体的中和作用机理,有助于阐明HPV疫苗预防病毒感染的作用机制,为今后设计新一代保护范围更广的HPV疫苗奠定良好的基础。本文就HPV衣壳蛋白中和表位及抗体的中和作用机制进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 人乳头瘤病毒(HPV) 衣壳蛋白 中和表位 中和作用机制
Effects of Slow-Mixing on the Coagulation Performance of Polyaluminum Chloride (PACI) 被引量:3
作者 张忠国 刘丹 +4 位作者 胡丹丹 李多 任晓晶 程言君 栾兆坤 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期318-323,共6页
Conventional jar tests and on-line size monitoring were used to investigate the effects of slow-mixing intensity and duration on residual turbidity and floc size during charge neutralization coagulation and sweep floc... Conventional jar tests and on-line size monitoring were used to investigate the effects of slow-mixing intensity and duration on residual turbidity and floc size during charge neutralization coagulation and sweep floc- culation with polyaluminum chloride. The compensatory effect of slow-mixing on coagulation performance fol- low!ng inadequate_or excessive rapid-mi_xing was also examined. It is found that slowTmixing intensity has a more marked positive ettect on charge neutralization coas;ulatlon tlaan on sweep tlocculatlon. llle optimal root-mean- square velocity gradient, G, for slow-mixing is 15 s-' for both coagulation mechanisms, and charge neutralization coagulation requires a longer slow-mixing duration. The optimal slow-mixing duration, based on residual turbidity,is longer than the time to tbrm the largest mean Ilocs. The optimal product of G and mixing duration, GT, lbr slow-mixing during charge neutralization coagulation (13500) are higher than that during sweep flocculation (4500) and both are less than the range of values recommended by the American Water Works Association (24000-84000).The optimal GT value under various slow-mixing conditions increases with G. Appropriate extension'of slow-mixing duration during charge neutralization coagulation can improve coagulation performance after an inadequate or excessive rapid-mixing duration, but during sweep flocculation, appropriate shortening of slow-mixing duration after an excessive rapid-mixing or appropriate extension of slow-mixing duration after an inadequate rapid-mixing is favorable. 展开更多
关键词 slow-mixing polyaluminum chloride charge neutralization coagulation -sweep-flocculati-on GT value
Formation mechanisms and distribution of high quality reservoirs in deep strata in Palaeogene in northern steep slope zone of Bonan sag, Jiyang depression, China
作者 马奔奔 操应长 +1 位作者 贾艳聪 王艳忠 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2665-2680,共16页
Petrographic analysis combined with various techniques, such as thin section identification, petro-physical property testing, mercury penetration, oil testing results, was used to assess basic reservoir characteristic... Petrographic analysis combined with various techniques, such as thin section identification, petro-physical property testing, mercury penetration, oil testing results, was used to assess basic reservoir characteristics of deep strata in Palaeogene in the northern steep slope zone of the Bonan sag, China. The formation mechanisms of high quality reservoirs in deep strata were discussed according to evolution characteristics of paleopressures and paleofluids in geological period. The deep reservoirs have poor physical properties and mainly develop extra-low porosity, extra-low and ultra-low permeability reservoirs. Reservoir spaces mainly consist of secondary pores and overpressure fractures. Early overpressure, early hydrocarbon filling and dissolution by early organic acids are the major formation mechanisms of high quality reservoirs. The conglomerate in inner fan which had a poor primary physical property mainly experienced strong compaction and calcareous matrix recrystallization. The physical properties of the inner fan were poor with weak dissolution because of poor mobility of fluid. The reservoirs mainly are type IV reservoirs and the distribution extends with the burial depth. The braided channel reservoirs in the middle fan had relative good primary physical properties and strong ability to resist compaction which favored the preservation of primary pores. Large amounts of the secondary porosities were created due to dissolution by early organic acids. A series of micro-fractures generated by early overpressures would be important migration pathways for hydrocarbon and organic acids. Furthermore, early overpressures had retarded maturation of organic matters and organic acids which had flowed into reservoirs already and could keep in acid environment for a long time. This process would contribute significantly to reinforcing the dissolution and enhancing the reservoir quality. The braided channel reservoirs were charged with high oil saturation preferentially by early hydrocarbon filling which could inhibit later cementation. Therefore, the braided channel reservoirs develop a great quantity of reservoir spaces with type I, type II and type III reservoirs in the majority in the deep strata. With the burial depth, distributions of type I and type II reservoirs are narrowed and distribution of type III reservoirs decreases first and then extends. The reservoirs both in outer fan and in interdistributary of the middle fan have extremely poor physical properties because of extensive carbonate cementation. The type of the reservoirs mainly is type IV. 展开更多
关键词 deep strata high quality reservoirs formation mechanism Palaeogene Bonan sag
An Empirical Study of Risk Factors of the Gaming Industry in Macao
作者 Xing Wenxiang Koo, L. C. Khong, Eva Y. W. 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第7期928-952,共25页
Beyond doubt, the gaming industry is the most important to the sustained success for Macao. While the industry has been growing spectacularly well since its liberalization in 2004, now, it is time to critically review... Beyond doubt, the gaming industry is the most important to the sustained success for Macao. While the industry has been growing spectacularly well since its liberalization in 2004, now, it is time to critically review the risk factors that may adversely affect its long-term, healthy, and harmonious development. People and organizations need to be vigilant in peace time. Being able to think of possible crises while living in a safe environment has been our traditional wisdom. There is an obvious need to develop and maintain a risk management mechanism for the gaming industry in Macao. Appropriate precautionary measures developed through rigorous study can help mitigate the damage brought by crises and in turn will ensure the sustained development of Macao. Risks and crises, if handled properly, can possibly be transformed into opportunities. This research adopts an integrative approach through systematic and comprehensive investigation to establish an approach to monitor and predict risks and crises for the gaming industry in Macao. This would provide a useful reference for the society and government of Macao in handling them. 展开更多
关键词 hierarchical holographic modeling (HHM) Delphi questionnaires multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) risks interconnection map (RIM)
Frontier Research in Hand, National Demands in Mind——An Interview with XIONG Ke, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures-
作者 XIONG Ke 《Aerospace China》 2016年第3期44-47,共4页
·Prof.XIONG,could you please give us a brief introduction to SKLMCMS?Director XIONG Ke:The State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures(SKLMCMS)was established with the approval of t... ·Prof.XIONG,could you please give us a brief introduction to SKLMCMS?Director XIONG Ke:The State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures(SKLMCMS)was established with the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China in October 2011.The laboratory is located at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(NUAA). 展开更多
关键词 Director Frontier please approval aircraft Nanjing brief innovative disciplines astronautics
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