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《纺织商业周刊》 2008年第36期5-5,共1页
9月11日,美国消费品安全委员会与JLA Home公司联合宣布对中国产斑马条纹地毯实施自愿性召回。
关键词 中国产地 召回 美国 安全委员会 消费品
基于生态自然观的中国世界遗产地保护和旅游开发模式 被引量:3
作者 杨效忠 张捷 《资源开发与市场》 CAS 2007年第3期263-265,共3页
从生态自然观的角度,剖析了世界遗产地保护与旅游开发的辩证关系,提出世界遗产地保护和旅游开发的两种模式:人工自然化模式和生态自然化模式。分析认为,人工自然化仍是目前中国世界遗产旅游开发和保护的主导模式,而以生态自然观为指导,... 从生态自然观的角度,剖析了世界遗产地保护与旅游开发的辩证关系,提出世界遗产地保护和旅游开发的两种模式:人工自然化模式和生态自然化模式。分析认为,人工自然化仍是目前中国世界遗产旅游开发和保护的主导模式,而以生态自然观为指导,采取生态自然化开发模式才是实现中国世界遗产地保护和旅游开发协调的最佳途径和发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 生态自然观 中国世界遗产地 保护与开发
对构建中国自然文化遗产地整合保护网络的思考 被引量:30
作者 刘海龙 杨锐 《中国园林》 北大核心 2009年第1期24-28,共5页
在当前世界遗产保护、自然保护等领域,日益强调建立连续、完整的保护空间网络和合作机制对于缓解遗产地破碎化和破坏趋势的重要意义。目前我国的自然文化遗产地也面临着孤岛化、破碎化等问题,而目前从遗产资源出发的宏观空间格局指导和... 在当前世界遗产保护、自然保护等领域,日益强调建立连续、完整的保护空间网络和合作机制对于缓解遗产地破碎化和破坏趋势的重要意义。目前我国的自然文化遗产地也面临着孤岛化、破碎化等问题,而目前从遗产资源出发的宏观空间格局指导和依据相对薄弱,对遗产地分布合理性的空间评价也不足,遗产保护与利用的空间与管理协调平台尚未完善。在借鉴国际发展趋势并反思我国遗产地保护中存在问题的基础上,认为应展开我国遗产地体系的宏观空间格局及管理体系的研究,进而提出构建中国自然文化遗产地整合保护空间网络的构想,以期对我国未来的遗产地保护和管理提供新的视角。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 中国自然文化遗产地 整合保护 空间网络 管理网络
中国世界遗产地门票价格管理问题研究 被引量:2
作者 林龙飞 杨斌 刘卿 《广东财经职业学院学报》 2008年第2期50-54,共5页
建设性破坏和过度开发是中国世界遗产旅游开发存在的主要问题,也是遗产保护与发展所争论的焦点。2004年北京六大世遗门票上涨事件引发了全国各遗产景区的连锁反应,门票价格管理问题成为人们关注的重点问题。本文在全面分析世界遗产地门... 建设性破坏和过度开发是中国世界遗产旅游开发存在的主要问题,也是遗产保护与发展所争论的焦点。2004年北京六大世遗门票上涨事件引发了全国各遗产景区的连锁反应,门票价格管理问题成为人们关注的重点问题。本文在全面分析世界遗产地门票价格及其管理现状的基础上,重点探究了当前世界遗产地门票价格管理存在的问题,并提出了若干改进与完善思路。 展开更多
关键词 中国世界遗产地 门票价格 价格管理
作者 赵建强 张亚男 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第3期78-87,共10页
文章以网络大数据为数据源,对我国世界遗产地与网络关注度的空间分布进行研究。结果表明:中国世界遗产地在空间上形成了一条“L”状集聚带、两个一级集聚中心、两个二级集聚中心和三个三级集聚中心,共有一条高关注带、两个一级关注中心... 文章以网络大数据为数据源,对我国世界遗产地与网络关注度的空间分布进行研究。结果表明:中国世界遗产地在空间上形成了一条“L”状集聚带、两个一级集聚中心、两个二级集聚中心和三个三级集聚中心,共有一条高关注带、两个一级关注中心、两个二级关注中心;二者既有耦合特征,又存在一定程度的空间错位;世界遗产地网络关注度的影响机制较复杂,是诸多合力综合影响的结果,世界遗产数量只是其中一个影响因素,这也是空间错位现象产生的原因。 展开更多
关键词 网络关注度 空间错位 模糊集定性分析方法 中国世界遗产地
中国世界遗产地边缘特征及其思考 被引量:14
作者 厉以猷 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期23-32,共10页
我国世界遗产地受其边缘诸多因素的影响,在政治体制改革不断加速和市场经济迅猛发展的情况下,边缘问题已经制约了遗产地的可持续发展。本文通过对世界遗产地和潜在的世界遗产地边缘关系构成及其边缘特征的分析,揭示遗产地与边缘系统的... 我国世界遗产地受其边缘诸多因素的影响,在政治体制改革不断加速和市场经济迅猛发展的情况下,边缘问题已经制约了遗产地的可持续发展。本文通过对世界遗产地和潜在的世界遗产地边缘关系构成及其边缘特征的分析,揭示遗产地与边缘系统的内在联系、互动规律和制约因素,提出需要关注、思考和研究的问题。 展开更多
关键词 中国产地 边缘构成 边缘特征
《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期39-39,共1页
2013年5月17一19日,由敦煌研究院、美国盖蒂保护研究所、中国古遗址保护协会主办,美国敦煌基金会、中国敦煌石窟保护研究基金会资助的“中国世界遗产地游客承载量研究与游客管理国际研讨会”在敦煌研究院国家古代壁画保护工程技术研... 2013年5月17一19日,由敦煌研究院、美国盖蒂保护研究所、中国古遗址保护协会主办,美国敦煌基金会、中国敦煌石窟保护研究基金会资助的“中国世界遗产地游客承载量研究与游客管理国际研讨会”在敦煌研究院国家古代壁画保护工程技术研究中心报告厅隆重开幕。 展开更多
关键词 中国世界遗产地 国际研讨会 游客管理 承载量 莫高窟 敦煌研究院 工程技术研究中心 遗址保护
中国世界遗产类旅游产品的感知度研究 被引量:36
作者 朱竑 李鹏 吴旗涛 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期21-25,共5页
中国世界遗产地开发旅游已经成为一种热潮。事实也说明遗产地确实具有开发旅游的先天优势。但是,通过在北京、广州、珠海三地的问卷调查发现,国内各世界遗产地在国内游客的感知中并未处于相同的地位,而存在较大的差异。成为世界遗产地... 中国世界遗产地开发旅游已经成为一种热潮。事实也说明遗产地确实具有开发旅游的先天优势。但是,通过在北京、广州、珠海三地的问卷调查发现,国内各世界遗产地在国内游客的感知中并未处于相同的地位,而存在较大的差异。成为世界遗产地并不就意味着绝对的旅游吸引力。世界遗产地名誉的获得是影响游客感知、促进旅游发展的一个重要因素,而非唯一因素。决定旅游地发展的往往是多方面因素共同作用的结果。因此,世界遗产地开发旅游不能仅仅依靠遗产地名誉的获得,而要结合实际、合理规划、恰当宣传,进而促进其旅游的全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 中国世界遗产地 旅游感知 知名度 旅游发展
中国花生全要素生产率分析 被引量:14
作者 苗欣 吴一平 《河南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期526-533,共8页
运用数据包络分析法(DEA)和莫氏指数法(Malmquist Index),基于2007—2016年中国10个花生主产地成本收益数据,分析了花生全要素生产率的变化情况。结果表明,2007—2016年花生全要素生产率变化指数平均增长1.1%,综合效率变化指数平均增长1... 运用数据包络分析法(DEA)和莫氏指数法(Malmquist Index),基于2007—2016年中国10个花生主产地成本收益数据,分析了花生全要素生产率的变化情况。结果表明,2007—2016年花生全要素生产率变化指数平均增长1.1%,综合效率变化指数平均增长1.1%,全要素生产率变化趋势主要受技术进步变化影响;花生生产处于规模递增阶段,研究期内规模效率增幅大于纯技术效率增幅约0.9%;北方花生主产区全要素生产率上升幅度大于南方上升幅度约2%,其主要差距产生于技术进步变化指数差异;花生生产要素投入存在不同程度松弛,配置不合理。未来应该促进花生生产技术研发、示范和推广,调整花生主产区区域结构布局和改善科学经营管理。 展开更多
关键词 中国花生主产地 全要素生产率 技术进步 规模递增
《有机硅氟资讯》 2003年第7期16-16,共1页
关键词 印度 中国产地 钛白粉 征收 临时反倾销税
盘点中国土地上孕育的世界名犬 被引量:1
作者 李涛 《畜牧与饲料科学》 2010年第3期194-195,共2页
在中国辽阔的土地上孕育出了许多优秀的犬种,其中有10个品种已经通过了两大养犬权威机构的认证并注册。它们是:京巴犬、松狮犬、藏獒、沙皮犬、冠毛犬、八哥犬、西施犬、拉萨犬、西藏狮子犬、西藏梗。此外,还有许多目前没有被认证的优... 在中国辽阔的土地上孕育出了许多优秀的犬种,其中有10个品种已经通过了两大养犬权威机构的认证并注册。它们是:京巴犬、松狮犬、藏獒、沙皮犬、冠毛犬、八哥犬、西施犬、拉萨犬、西藏狮子犬、西藏梗。此外,还有许多目前没有被认证的优秀犬种,如中华田园犬、中国福犬等,这些更是值得我们开发和保护的珍贵犬种。介绍了起源于中国的犬与读者分享。 展开更多
关键词 品种 中国产地 工作犬 观赏犬
Analysis on Chemical Compositions in Chinese Wolfberry from Different Producing Areas 被引量:4
作者 董海峰 任永丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1870-1872,共3页
[Objective] This study aimed to conduct correspondence cluster analysis of the trace elements in Chinese wolfberry from Qinghai and Ningxia regions, and to investigate the relationship among the quality of the wolfber... [Objective] This study aimed to conduct correspondence cluster analysis of the trace elements in Chinese wolfberry from Qinghai and Ningxia regions, and to investigate the relationship among the quality of the wolfberry samples, the composition of trace elements and the sample sources. [Method] The determined contents of trace elements and ratios of zinc to copper (Zn/Cu) of wolfberry from 11 different producing areas of Qinghai and Ningxia regions were adopted to construct the raw measurement data matrix, to analyze the distribution characteristics of the trace ele- ments in wolfberry from Qinghai and Ningxia by using the corresponding cluster analysis method. [Result] The quality of wolfberry samples in 7hongning County, Zhongwei City, Pingluo County, Shizuishan City, Heicheng Town of Ningxia Hui Au-tonomous Region and Hehuang Valley, Golmud City of Qinghai Province is mainly related to the contents of Zn and Mn; Zn/Cu greatly affects the quality of Chinese wolfberry in Dulan County of Qinghai Province; Fe has great effect on the quality of Chinese wolfberry in Yinchuan City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region; Cu greatly affects the quality of Chinese wolfberry in Nuomuhong Village of Qinghai Province and a wolfberry research institute in Ningxia. [Conclusion] The relationship between the quality of wolfberry from different producing areas and the trace elements was investigated, which provides theoretical and practical basis for the cultivation, har- vesting, processing, and further development and utilization of Chinese wolfberry resources from different producing areas. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese wolfberry Correspondence cluster analysis Trace elements
中国世界遗产地旅游活动中的外部不经济性及其解决途径 被引量:5
作者 陈向红 《经济体制改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期152-155,共4页
本文从经济学角度探讨了中国世界遗产地的旅游活动问题,指出遗产地旅游活动中的外部不经济性的实质是私人成本社会化,这必将导致遗产地旅游环境的破坏及遗产地资源的耗竭,从而阻碍了世界遗产地旅游的可持续发展。作者强调,世界遗产地是... 本文从经济学角度探讨了中国世界遗产地的旅游活动问题,指出遗产地旅游活动中的外部不经济性的实质是私人成本社会化,这必将导致遗产地旅游环境的破坏及遗产地资源的耗竭,从而阻碍了世界遗产地旅游的可持续发展。作者强调,世界遗产地是一种特殊的稀有公共资源,市场不能有效地配置世界遗产这种特殊资源,市场干预不能解决遗产地旅游活动中的外部不经济性,因此,政府干预及其他非市场行为才是解决遗产地旅游活动中外部不经济性的最优选择。 展开更多
关键词 中国世界遗产地 旅游活动 外部不经济性 社会成本
China’s Potential of Grain Production Due to Changes in Agricultural Land Utilization in Recent Years 被引量:19
作者 XIN Liangjie LI Xiubin +1 位作者 ZHU Huiyi TAN Minghong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期97-103,共7页
The changes in utilization of agricultural land have gradually grown into one of the major factors impacting grain output in China. This study explores the various components of agricultural production in China from t... The changes in utilization of agricultural land have gradually grown into one of the major factors impacting grain output in China. This study explores the various components of agricultural production in China from the land utilization perspective, involving changes in grain production per unit area, multi-cropping index, and adjustment of agricultural structure. Compared with the record values, different research methodologies are used to analyze the po- tential of above three components. The results indicate that grain production potential of 65.68×109kg was unexploited in 2006, in which 45.8×109kg came from the restructuring in agriculture. So we can infer that the reduction of grain production in China could be primarily attributed to agricultural restructuring in recent years. So the productive poten- tial can be fully restored by increasing agricultural investment, or recovering agricultural structure in favorable condi- tions. So we can say that China’s current condition of food security is good. 展开更多
关键词 grain production potential of grain production agricultural land utilization changes multi-cropping index reduction of grain product food security
Crop Yield Response to Water and Fertilizer in Loess Tableland of China:A Field Research 被引量:7
作者 LIU WEN-ZHAO and LI YU-SHAN(State Key Laboratory of Soil Erusion and Dryland Farming on Loess Plateau, Northwest Institute of Soiland Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yangling 712100 (China) ) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第3期259-266,共8页
This paper describes a field research on crop yield response to water and fertilizer in Changwu tablelandof the Loess Plateau. Under the current level of land management in this areai low fertility of soil is thefirst... This paper describes a field research on crop yield response to water and fertilizer in Changwu tablelandof the Loess Plateau. Under the current level of land management in this areai low fertility of soil is thefirst yield-limiting factor and water deficit is the second. At a given fertility level, the relationship betweencrop yield and its water consumption is parabolic. Within a certain range of soil moisture, the soil wateravailability to crop is not sharply decreased with its markedly decreasing content. Because of this relativelyhigh availability and the high reserve of soil water at the early stage of crop growth, drought due to inadequateor poorly distributed rainfall becomes less serious. High fertilizer input, improved crop variety and optimumcnltivation techniqne can give a 50-100% yield increment of dryland crops in the loess tableland. 展开更多
关键词 grain yield Loess Plateau soil fertility soil moisture
Variation Character of Grain Yield per Unit Area in Main Grain-producing Area of Northeast China 被引量:8
作者 CHENG Yeqing ZHANG Pingyu ZHANG Huimin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第2期110-116,共7页
Based on the surveys and the statistic data during 1980-2003, the variation character of grain yield per unit area in Northeast China and its main factors have been discussed by the methods of statistics and grey corr... Based on the surveys and the statistic data during 1980-2003, the variation character of grain yield per unit area in Northeast China and its main factors have been discussed by the methods of statistics and grey correlation analysis. The results show that: 1) the grain yield per unit area has been taking on an increasing trend in the recent 20 years. It increased from 2519.80kg/ha in 1980 to 4216.11kg/ha in 2003, with an increasing rate of 67.32%; 2) the variation of grain yield per unit area is considerably prominent and its range is also very great, with the maximal increase rate of 42.59% and maximal decrease rate of 21.13%, respectively, which are far above the whole Chinese average level; 3) the variation of main crops' yield per unit area is remarkable, which takes on the character that the yield of corn is much higher than that of soybean and rice; and 4) the grey correlation analysis shows that the most important factors impacting the variation of grain yield per unit area are the total power of agricultural machinery, the consumption of chemical fertilizer and effective irrigated area. However, the influence of natural disaster and income level should not be ignored. Effective ways to improve grain yield per unit area are to construct farmland improvement groundwork, reclaim the middle- and low-yield farmland, etc. 展开更多
关键词 grain yield per unit area grey correlation analysis Northeast China main grain-producing area
Hedonic price analysis of urban housing:An empirical research on Hangzhou,China 被引量:2
作者 温海珍 贾生华 郭晓宇 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第8期907-914,共8页
The hedonic price model is widely applied to study the urban housing market because of the heterogeneity of housing products. Literature indicated that the hedonic price theory mainly includes two parts: Lancaster’s ... The hedonic price model is widely applied to study the urban housing market because of the heterogeneity of housing products. Literature indicated that the hedonic price theory mainly includes two parts: Lancaster’s partiality theory and Rosen’s characteristic market equilibrium analysis. This paper chose 18 characteristics as independent variables and set up a linear hedonic price model for Hangzhou City. The model was tested with 2473 housing samples and field survey data of 290 housing commu-nities. This research found that 14 out of 18 characteristics had significant influence on housing price. They were classified into 5 groups according to their impact degree. 展开更多
关键词 Housing price Housing characteristics Hedonic price model
Relationship Between Social Economic Agglomeration and Labor Productivity of Core Cities in Northeast China 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Peng YANG Qingshan ZHAO Yichun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期221-231,共11页
Dalian, Shenyang, Changchun and Harbin are the four core cities which play an essential role in terms of promoting the economic development in Northeast China. In this paper, the impact of urban agglomeration on labor... Dalian, Shenyang, Changchun and Harbin are the four core cities which play an essential role in terms of promoting the economic development in Northeast China. In this paper, the impact of urban agglomeration on labor productivity is explored by making comparisons among these four cities. The model used for analysis is a classical model derived from previous studies. Some indicators, such as population density and economic density, were selected to examine the impact of urban agglomeration on the labor productivity based on the time-series data for the four cities from 1990 to 2007. The four main conclusions are: l) The promotion from the growth rate of population density on the growth rate of labor productivity is limited. 2) The negative relationship exists between the growth rate of employment density and the growth rate of labor productivity. 3) Agglomeration effect exists in the four cities, the highest one is Dalian, Shenyang takes the second place, followed by Changchun and Harbin, and the predominant promotion exerted on the labor productivity is the output density. 展开更多
关键词 social economic agglomeration labor productivity population density economic density Northeast China
Changes and Effecting Factors of Grain Production in China 被引量:6
作者 CHEN Yuqi LI Xiubin WANG Jing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期676-684,共9页
Based on the data from the Cost-benefit Data of Farm Produce and the China Agricultural Yearbook, this paper aims to examine the spatial and temporal change characteristics of total grain production and its affecting ... Based on the data from the Cost-benefit Data of Farm Produce and the China Agricultural Yearbook, this paper aims to examine the spatial and temporal change characteristics of total grain production and its affecting factors. The results show that: 1) During 1980 to 2007, total grain production increased from 3.20 ~ 108 t to 5.02 x 108 t in China, with annual increasing rate of 1.68%. From the regional disparities, most of the regions present increasing trend of total grain production except for several regions with higher level of economic development; 2) Grain sown area decreased from 1.17 × 108 ha in 1980 to 1.06 x 108 ha in 2007, which has negative effect on total grain production; 3) The increase of grain yield per unit area caused by land use intensity changes contributed to the increase of total grain yield greatly. However, as the land use intensity showed that farmers pay more attention to labor-saving input but not yield-increasing input, the less enthusiasm of farmers in grain production may become an important constraint on fu- ture grain production increase in China; 4) Based on the results, this paper proposed different land management poli- cies in different regions, for example, the government should protect cultivated land, promote large scale production. As to the less developed regions, the government should pay more attention to agricultural subsidies to promote farm- ers' enthusiasm in grain production. 展开更多
关键词 grain production grain yield per unit area grain sown area land use intensity
Variation of land use structure in Chuzhou City, China:1996-2005 被引量:3
作者 Zhang Jian 《Ecological Economy》 2007年第2期159-167,共9页
Nowadays the fast economic development has brought about serious conflicts between the limited land resources and the increasing land demand in Chuzhou City. The changes of land use structure also restrict economic de... Nowadays the fast economic development has brought about serious conflicts between the limited land resources and the increasing land demand in Chuzhou City. The changes of land use structure also restrict economic development and society progress in this area. Because different cities have different functional localization, the city area and each county (city) have formed characteristic land utilization structure. It is of great significance to make rational use of land resources and ensure the sustainable use of land resources by analyzing the variation of land use structure in the city area and each county (city) in Chuzhou City. Based on the data of land use modification of Chuzhou City from 1996 to 2005 and adopting the quantitative analysis of landscape ecology, this paper studies quantitatively the temporal division of regional land use structure and its dynamic changes. The results indicate that: (1) this method can reveal the law of the variation; (2) the variation of land use structure in Chuzhou City: increasing diversification, evenness and heterogeneity; (3) the intensity of change in land use from 1996 to 2005 in the city appeared in the sequence: grass land > traffic land > garden land > virgin land > forest land > industrial and residential land > cultivated land > other agricultural land > water facility land; (4) there were remarkable differences between the city area and each county (city) in the relative change and the land use structure change from 1996 to 2005. This paper analyzes the variation of land use structure in Chuzhou City, and finally proposes related countermeasures and suggestions. 展开更多
关键词 Land use structure Landscape ecology Chuzhou City Countermeasure and suggestion
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