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大学生道德教育囧境突围:中国梦宣传教育反思 被引量:1
作者 陆平平 沈洪科 《长春教育学院学报》 2016年第4期9-11,共3页
让学生认识到道德问题的存在并严谨地思考推理道德问题是大学义不容辞的责任。然而当今大学生道德教育既不能教人懂得道德知识,也不能培养道德推理能力,更不可能引导道德实践,囧境重重。在高校开展中国梦宣传教育为大学生道德教育提供... 让学生认识到道德问题的存在并严谨地思考推理道德问题是大学义不容辞的责任。然而当今大学生道德教育既不能教人懂得道德知识,也不能培养道德推理能力,更不可能引导道德实践,囧境重重。在高校开展中国梦宣传教育为大学生道德教育提供了囧境突围的启示:将教育目的从塑造"知识人"向培养"德性人"转变;教育内容从意识形态向生活世界转变;教育方法从灌输规范向实践引导转变。 展开更多
关键词 大学生道德教育 德育创业 中国梦宣传教
从《中国丛报》看晚清传教士对中国典籍的译介 被引量:3
作者 赖文斌 《兰台世界(上旬)》 2015年第8期87-88,共2页
关键词 中国丛报》传教 典籍 译介
作者 王胜迎 《商情》 2013年第32期273-273,共1页
中国特色社会主义宣传教育活动关系到全面建设小康社会目标的实现,当前,中国特色社会主义宣传教育活动的第一位任务就是学习宣传十八大精神,在宣传的过程中必须做到常抓不懈,既要广泛,还有深入。本文即从应用性、对策性研究入手,... 中国特色社会主义宣传教育活动关系到全面建设小康社会目标的实现,当前,中国特色社会主义宣传教育活动的第一位任务就是学习宣传十八大精神,在宣传的过程中必须做到常抓不懈,既要广泛,还有深入。本文即从应用性、对策性研究入手,辅之以理论性、基础性研究来探讨新形势下中国特色社会主义宣传教育工作,以期所研究的内容为更好地开展中国特色社会主义宣传教育工作提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 中国特色社会主义宣传教育工作 十八大 创新
作者 祝静若 《办公室业务》 2022年第8期63-65,109,共4页
新中国史宣传教育做得好,有利于增强青年大学生的政治认同感。但新中国史宣传教育不是历史教育的“单线工程”,做好新中国史宣传教育工作应有所侧重,联动历史、理论和实践这三重维度,把握宣传教育的政治理路,把大学生新中国史宣传教育... 新中国史宣传教育做得好,有利于增强青年大学生的政治认同感。但新中国史宣传教育不是历史教育的“单线工程”,做好新中国史宣传教育工作应有所侧重,联动历史、理论和实践这三重维度,把握宣传教育的政治理路,把大学生新中国史宣传教育落到实处。 展开更多
关键词 中国史宣传教 大学生 政治认同
作者 曾萍 《广州广播电视大学学报》 2019年第2期31-36,108,共7页
高校"中国梦"宣传教育是大学生对"中国梦"认知、认同并付之实践的重要途径。全球化、多元化、信息化境遇下,高校"中国梦"宣传教育呈现出远大理想与个体梦想张力中的消解与强化、思想主导与多元文化张力... 高校"中国梦"宣传教育是大学生对"中国梦"认知、认同并付之实践的重要途径。全球化、多元化、信息化境遇下,高校"中国梦"宣传教育呈现出远大理想与个体梦想张力中的消解与强化、思想主导与多元文化张力中的困惑与觉醒,传统媒介与新媒体张力中的乏力与提升等现代紧张。基于本土视野与全球资源的交互性、比较明辨与对话沟通的双向性、现实物理空间与网络虚拟领域的互融性的教育原则,高校应从"国家意识"教育、意识形态指引和促进人的全面发展三个维度对大学生开展"中国梦"宣传教育。 展开更多
关键词 中国梦”宣传教 时代 审视
作者 杨军 《区域治理》 2020年第28期23-23,共1页
习总书记在党的十八大以来提出的中国梦是重要的指导思想以及执政理念。中华民族实现伟大复兴,这也是中华民族在近代来说的最 大的梦想,习总书记表示这个梦“一定能实现”,这也是习总书记对中国梦的定义。让中国梦实现的很重要的一个途... 习总书记在党的十八大以来提出的中国梦是重要的指导思想以及执政理念。中华民族实现伟大复兴,这也是中华民族在近代来说的最 大的梦想,习总书记表示这个梦“一定能实现”,这也是习总书记对中国梦的定义。让中国梦实现的很重要的一个途径就是组织中国梦宣传 教育,并广泛深入地开展这项活动,学习并宣传中国梦的重大意义,学习宣传中国梦的实质精神,并且用这样行的战略思想吧头脑武装,以 此来指导我们的工作并推动实践,也是宣传思想文化战线义不容辞的使命和责任。 展开更多
关键词 乐亭县 “五位一体” 中国梦宣传教育活动
晚清传教士中国助手的身份认同问题——以王韬、管嗣复、蒋敦复为中心 被引量:6
作者 姚达兑 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期35-47,共13页
本文意在揭示汉语基督教文献写作的过程中,中国文人作为文学的动能,其身份认同的复杂性。以王韬为主轴,本文讨论了管小异、蒋敦复和王韬三位传教士助手,在1850—1860年间的身份认同危机问题。管小异助裨治文译《大美联邦志略》,但却毅... 本文意在揭示汉语基督教文献写作的过程中,中国文人作为文学的动能,其身份认同的复杂性。以王韬为主轴,本文讨论了管小异、蒋敦复和王韬三位传教士助手,在1850—1860年间的身份认同危机问题。管小异助裨治文译《大美联邦志略》,但却毅然拒绝助译《圣经》。蒋敦复助慕维廉译《大英国志》,但又暗自增删成另一版本,借之以攻驳西方政制及其背后的基督教。王韬则采取调适的策略,希求汇通儒耶。王韬在助译汉语基督教文献时,渗入了许多儒教的元素。三位作者认同的复杂性也影响了基督教文学的写作和解读。 展开更多
关键词 传教中国助手 身份认同 王韬 蒋敦复 管小异
“番鬼屋”就是利玛窦的仙花寺 被引量:5
作者 刘明强 《韶关学院学报》 2012年第9期20-23,共4页
建于明万历十一年(1583)两广总督府所在地肇庆的仙花寺,被认定是中国内陆的第一座天主教教堂。它记载了16世纪天主教再次进入中国的历史,是天主教中国传教史上的标志性建筑。然而,从仙花寺建成的那天起,在明朝肇庆官府及民间眼里,它就是... 建于明万历十一年(1583)两广总督府所在地肇庆的仙花寺,被认定是中国内陆的第一座天主教教堂。它记载了16世纪天主教再次进入中国的历史,是天主教中国传教史上的标志性建筑。然而,从仙花寺建成的那天起,在明朝肇庆官府及民间眼里,它就是"番鬼屋"(外国人居住);仙花寺至今仍然矗立于肇庆西江岸边。 展开更多
关键词 天主教 中国传教 “番鬼屋” 仙花寺 明朝 广东肇庆
将“中国梦”的宣传教育融入大学思想政治教育 被引量:7
作者 谭来兴 《教育探索》 北大核心 2015年第1期88-91,共4页
将"中国梦"的宣传教育融入大学思想政治教育体系,能够充实大学的理想信念教育体系,能够创新大学思想政治教育的话语体系。"中国梦"宣传教育融入大学思想政治教育体系的基本路径:一是依托"中国梦"主题教... 将"中国梦"的宣传教育融入大学思想政治教育体系,能够充实大学的理想信念教育体系,能够创新大学思想政治教育的话语体系。"中国梦"宣传教育融入大学思想政治教育体系的基本路径:一是依托"中国梦"主题教育活动,帮助师生把握"中国梦"的内涵;二是宣传教育要注意资源整合,发挥合力作用。 展开更多
关键词 中国梦”宣传教 大学思想政治教育 融入路径
“他者”的映像——读《19世纪德国新教传教士的中国观》 被引量:3
作者 蒋锐 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期131-136,共6页
关键词 《19世纪德国新教传教士的中国观》 萨义德 中国文化 西方文化
Olympic torch relay abroad and its reflection on English teaching at home
作者 陈玉玲 殷超 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第12期9-12,46,共5页
What happened to the Olympic torch relay abroad reveals how little and superficially the western countries, in particular, know of china. Meanwhile there also exists a lack or vacancy of English teaching in English te... What happened to the Olympic torch relay abroad reveals how little and superficially the western countries, in particular, know of china. Meanwhile there also exists a lack or vacancy of English teaching in English teaching at home. The failure of expressing Chinese culture and conditions correctly and fluently among the English learners has already resulted in negative impact on our international image, which is related to our teaching policy of strengthening western culture and neglecting the export of our own culture. Therefore, in the English teaching at all levels, great attention should be paid to the cross-cultural communication between home culture and the culture of target language, the promotion of expressing mother culture in foreign languages, and exporting and broadcasting Chinese culture. 展开更多
关键词 the Olympic torch relay abroad English teaching
作者 丁国军 《教育探索》 北大核心 2014年第5期125-126,共2页
宣传"中国梦"是高校大学生思想政治教育工作的新课题。高校应找准"中国梦"宣传教育工作的着力点,即:以此为契机,提升辅导员的科学文化水平和政治理论素养;依托政治理论课,围绕"中国特色社会主义"这一主题... 宣传"中国梦"是高校大学生思想政治教育工作的新课题。高校应找准"中国梦"宣传教育工作的着力点,即:以此为契机,提升辅导员的科学文化水平和政治理论素养;依托政治理论课,围绕"中国特色社会主义"这一主题,展开理论宣传;围绕"中国梦",组织学生开展社会实践活动。从方法论层面看,"中国梦"的宣传教育工作应从以下几方面进行落实:应将历史与现实相联系;应将理论与社会实践相结合;应将课堂专题讲授和第二课堂良性互动相结合。 展开更多
关键词 中国梦”宣传教育工作 着力点 落实
作者 魏战刚 《石油教育》 2016年第5期79-80,共2页
"中国梦"宣传教育是高职高专院校思想政治工作的新课题。高职大学生有其自身特点,对其进行"中国梦"宣传教育,要统筹推进。从高职大学生思想政治素质现状出发,从长效运行机制角度研究"中国梦"教育落实问题... "中国梦"宣传教育是高职高专院校思想政治工作的新课题。高职大学生有其自身特点,对其进行"中国梦"宣传教育,要统筹推进。从高职大学生思想政治素质现状出发,从长效运行机制角度研究"中国梦"教育落实问题,构建高职大学生"中国梦"宣传教育长效运行的理论模型,丰富和深化高职高专院校"中国梦"教育研究工作。 展开更多
关键词 高职大学生 中国梦”宣传教 长效运行
Unfaithfulness or Expressiveness? On KU Hung-ming's Translation of Chinese Classics From the Perspective of Translation Norms
作者 CHE Huan-huan ZOU Xiao-ling 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第6期1253-1257,共5页
As a beak with the traditional "prescriptive" approach and an important complement to translation theories, translation norms thus open up a descriptive and target-oriented perspective for the translation practice a... As a beak with the traditional "prescriptive" approach and an important complement to translation theories, translation norms thus open up a descriptive and target-oriented perspective for the translation practice and study. For the successful access of the translation text into the target culture, the translator has to make choices between two languages, texts and cultures, etc.. Thus the translation norms are revealed. This paper shows the operation of translation norms as seen from the English version of Chinese classics by KU Hung-ming and analyzes why KU Hung-ming's translation of Confucian classics such as Lun Yu and Zhong Yong enjoyed greater popularity among Western readers than the translation of Western missionaries. The paper also holds that the unfaithful translations regarded by a source text-oriented approach were actually where KU was most successful in implementing his translation strategies to achieve expressiveness. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese classics KU Hung-ming translation norms target culture
Study on "China Dream" Educational Propaganda Integrating into Education of Ideological and Political Education
作者 Tian XlA 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期22-24,共3页
"China Dream", not only is the national dream, but also is the dream of all the Chinese people, and highly fits the educational purpose of university education, "China Dream" leads the university ideal faith educa... "China Dream", not only is the national dream, but also is the dream of all the Chinese people, and highly fits the educational purpose of university education, "China Dream" leads the university ideal faith education to a higher standard, and embodied in the "China Dream", and enriched the connotation of the socialist core value system, is the organic unity of national spirit and the spirit of the age; "China Dream" represents a blue view for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is the organic unity of ideal and great practice being together; Also, the ideological and political education had also established in the underdevelopment contemporary youth growing up; the value of coordination shaped college student's right of personal value and social value. "China Dream", was the sublimation of university ideological and political education, ever advancing with the time, the "China Dream" tightly integrated into the university ideological and political education, strives to cultivate the endeavor of having both ability and political integrity, and having the national feelings of dedication. Therefore, college ideological and political education work is to "China Dream" as the guider, actively promotes the educational model innovation. 展开更多
关键词 "China Dream" University Ideological and Political Education Propaganda.
Compassion in Buddhism and Guanxi: Can There Be a Synergy for Westem Companies in China
作者 Tashi Gelek Gration David 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第4期287-297,共11页
Compassion is one of the core fundamental elements of Buddhism. The compassionate virtues are the precious qualities essential in the practice of Buddhism. On the other hand, guanxi plays a dominant role in any succes... Compassion is one of the core fundamental elements of Buddhism. The compassionate virtues are the precious qualities essential in the practice of Buddhism. On the other hand, guanxi plays a dominant role in any successful business venture in Chinese market. This paper develops the understanding of the two ancient bodies of knowledge of Buddhism and Confucianism. The attempt will be made in this paper to understand the deeper meaning of compassion in Buddhism in terms of compassionate virtues such as generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, humility, and wisdom. In guanxi, it will delve into different aspects of guanxi in terms of its background, meaning, significance, different types, intermediary, comparison with networking and ethics and success factors. This paper is based on the literature review on compassion--guanxi. The compassion literature focuses on books on Buddhism and commentaries by great Tibetan Buddhist sages. The guanxi literatures are predominately based on business research papers related to guanxi and business culture in China. The paper provides deeper meaning of compassion in Buddhism. The application of compassion to manage guanxi in China is the topic of this paper. This research is about optimizing the art of guanxi through the application of compassion which will help many non-Chinese business managers to effectively manage it. This paper is considered the first of its kind to study compassion in Buddhism and guanxi practice in China and seeks to provide the necessary framework to conduct the further research on applying compassion to build and manage better guanxi in China. 展开更多
关键词 GUANXI BUDDHISM COMPASSION Chinese business culture China business strategy CONFUCIUS
The application of situational teaching method based on the Chinese linguistic literature
作者 Zhang Xiaolei 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期194-196,共3页
The teaching properties and the teaching modes of the Chinese linguistic literature compared with the other courses have certain particularity, and in the course teaching, we should give full play to the subjectivity ... The teaching properties and the teaching modes of the Chinese linguistic literature compared with the other courses have certain particularity, and in the course teaching, we should give full play to the subjectivity of the students, but also play the practicability of the course teaching through the construction of students' knowledge slructures and the shape of their ideology. The author thinks that contemporary Chinese language and literature teaching should break the limitation of the traditional teaching mode, and we should guide the students to play the subjective consciousness and the consciousness of the emotional experience of the course learning in the cross-national literature and artistic context with various forms and rich contents, and help the students easily and autonomously integrated into the Chinese language and literature teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese language literature situational teaching METHOD
Singapore Pie in Global Chinese Education: Inheritance and Innovation in Chinese Literature Education in Singapore
作者 LI Jia QU Jing-yi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第9期744-753,共10页
Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual ... Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual policy, the Singapore government has been committed to creating a pool of bicultural talents, by supplementing the teaching of Chinese language with classes on Chinese literature and culture. This thesis seeks to understand the pros and cons of Chinese literature education in Singapore by analysing its development over the years. The teaching of Chinese literature began with the first wave of Chinese migration to Nanyang in the 19th century, and from there, it went through three phases of development: relocation, adjustment, and burgeoning. 展开更多
关键词 teaching Chinese literature in Singapore Chinese literature Nanyang characteristics teaching Chinese as secondary language
Study on the Involvement of Chinese Traditional Culture in College Graphic Design Teaching
作者 FeiCHANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第5期32-34,共3页
By analyzing the courses of graphic design major, the author points out that it is necessary to put Chinese traditional culture into courses of graphic design, which can open up students' design ideas, optimize their... By analyzing the courses of graphic design major, the author points out that it is necessary to put Chinese traditional culture into courses of graphic design, which can open up students' design ideas, optimize their design styles and awareness, as well as improve their moral cultivation. The paper elaborates the influences and realistic significance of Chinese traditional culture on graphic design from perspectives of national cultural development, design communication and teaching application. It emphasizes the specific impacts and penetration of the traditional culture in the teaching of graphic design, including teaching content, teaching concepts, and basic teaching practices, etc. With multi- level elaboration, multi-angle exposition and multi-instance citation, it shows the methods to involve Chinese traditional culture in graphic design 展开更多
关键词 graphic design Chinese traditional culture involvement methods
Research on Developing Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Culture and Effectively Penetrating Moral Education
作者 Fengxiang Zhou 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期8-10,共3页
In order to implement the requirement of Minislry of Education, "further deepen the reform of moral education courses, and play a role in the classroom main channel", with literature analysis, case studies and other... In order to implement the requirement of Minislry of Education, "further deepen the reform of moral education courses, and play a role in the classroom main channel", with literature analysis, case studies and other methods, we make an objective analysis of the real issues of "sports disciplines teaching moral education ". The results show that physical teachers should effectively improve the penetration ideology and moral education wisdom and teaching skills; they should grasp the connection between moral and discipline and integrate "moral goals" organically into a three-dimensional target subjects, and implemented it in accordance with the corresponding dimension specific content; in the implementation process, we should focus on using a variety of learning styles, making clever use of resources and make the best use; we need to persevere, to strengthen the sports discipline of moral norms infiltration operations, and better protect the effective penetration of Physical Education in Moral Education. 展开更多
关键词 Physical Education Moral Education Chinese Traditional Martial Arts CULTURE
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