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谈西方当代表现性绘画同中国写意绘画表达方式的契合 被引量:4
作者 梁智龙 《北京印刷学院学报》 2011年第5期81-82,86,共3页
在东方历代美术论著中,我们可以看到艺术家一如既往的对于表现性的追求,这些理解同西方当代表现性绘画的某些观点不谋而合。东方写意绘画同西方当代表现性绘画在实现过程、表现语言和情感体验等方面的近似之处。作者通过对比分析,试图... 在东方历代美术论著中,我们可以看到艺术家一如既往的对于表现性的追求,这些理解同西方当代表现性绘画的某些观点不谋而合。东方写意绘画同西方当代表现性绘画在实现过程、表现语言和情感体验等方面的近似之处。作者通过对比分析,试图找到超越地域性的人类审美的共通追求。 展开更多
关键词 西方当代表现性绘画 中国写意绘画 直接书写 形式语言 情感体验
作者 欧鸿君 《南昌教育学院学报》 2011年第4期34-34,36,共2页
油画作为一个外来画种在中国被逐渐接收,并出现了油画民族化。将表现主义绘画、新表现主义和中国写意绘画在形式和精神上找到了自我的契合点,使自己的作品既具备油画的厚重和色彩表现力,同时又具有中国写意精神的表达方式。从而创作出... 油画作为一个外来画种在中国被逐渐接收,并出现了油画民族化。将表现主义绘画、新表现主义和中国写意绘画在形式和精神上找到了自我的契合点,使自己的作品既具备油画的厚重和色彩表现力,同时又具有中国写意精神的表达方式。从而创作出个人风格突出的绘画,客观上形成了油画民族化中一种新的形式。本文就重点探讨油画民族化的一种当代形式,表现主义绘画与中国写意绘画的结合问题。 展开更多
关键词 油画民族化 表现主义绘画 中国写意绘画 结合
作者 尹雁华 《美术教育研究》 2018年第21期50-50,共1页
早在远古时期,先民就已经开始有意识地绘画,虽然这些绘画和现代绘画相比较为稚拙,但其对我国绘画历史的研究具有较大的帮助。在人类社会的不断发展过程中,中西方绘画的差别逐渐展现出来,这是中西方地域、民族历史、文化差异导致的,中西... 早在远古时期,先民就已经开始有意识地绘画,虽然这些绘画和现代绘画相比较为稚拙,但其对我国绘画历史的研究具有较大的帮助。在人类社会的不断发展过程中,中西方绘画的差别逐渐展现出来,这是中西方地域、民族历史、文化差异导致的,中西方绘画具有不同的内涵与特质。基于此,该文对中国写意绘画和西方表现主义绘画进行对比研究。 展开更多
关键词 中国写意绘画 表现主义绘画 对比
作者 汤宗霖 《美与时代(美术学刊)(中)》 2018年第9期62-63,共2页
20世纪初随着林风眠、徐悲鸿等一批青年画家关于油画本土化创作的尝试,中国的油画发展开始了新的探索。而油画作为西方文化背景下所产生的绘画形式,在中国进行的重塑和改造不可避免地与中国本土绘画产生了激烈的碰撞和交融。中国写意风... 20世纪初随着林风眠、徐悲鸿等一批青年画家关于油画本土化创作的尝试,中国的油画发展开始了新的探索。而油画作为西方文化背景下所产生的绘画形式,在中国进行的重塑和改造不可避免地与中国本土绘画产生了激烈的碰撞和交融。中国写意风景油画虽然作为西方油画的本土化转变而产生的新的绘画形式,但是中国传统写意绘画作为以"六法"为根本审美标准的绘画形式,从根本上不应脱离物象而空谈意象。而作为写意绘画常用以借喻的象征事物,如梅兰竹菊等,对于中国写意风景油画的发展而言,同样应予以关注和探索。 展开更多
关键词 中国传统写意绘画 写意油画 中国写意风景油画
Study on Chinese painting freehand brushwork
作者 Rong Zhuang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第9期17-20,共4页
In art of the canvas, the brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy is one of the important behavior means of the canvas, have independent aesthetic value at the same time, contemporary, one that is with plural... In art of the canvas, the brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy is one of the important behavior means of the canvas, have independent aesthetic value at the same time, contemporary, one that is with pluralism, varied painting idea and painting skill and technique of art is great and abundant, traditional in the canvas works " The brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy " Already not merely can be spoken to the limit by the simple scribbling and wiping of pen, and Chinese comfortable brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy, technique of writing incorporate visual language and spiritual intension created that can enrich the picture greatly in the canvas is created. This text attempts to canvass the canvas and create the feasibility that incorporated into comfortable brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy and expansionary from two respect factors of cultural idea and skill and technique and tool material. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese canvas FREEHAND BRUSHWORK
Appreciation and Analysis of Traditional Chinese Painting's Freehand Brushwork Aesthetic Characteristics
作者 Jingnan CHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期119-121,共3页
Traditional Chinese painting possesses its own unique artistic style in the world' s art circle. Compared with the western painting, the freehand brushwork characteristics are very significant in traditional Chinese ... Traditional Chinese painting possesses its own unique artistic style in the world' s art circle. Compared with the western painting, the freehand brushwork characteristics are very significant in traditional Chinese painting. In traditional Chinese painting, top priority is given to the expression of the creator's subjective interests, but not to the external colors and similar appearances. The masters in the world of traditional Chinese painting have always attached high importance to expressing the spirits with forms or appearance since the ancient times. In traditional Chinese painting, "similarity in form or appearance" and "similarity in spirit" are always dialectically unified with consciousness and unconsciousness, so that the art form with the "freehand brushwork" aesthetic characteristics is produced and significantly features Chinese spirit and oriental style. Also, the realm of art to express spirit with appearance is always pursued in traditional Chinese painting, and this is totally different from the "express appearance with appearance" in the western paintings. Moreover, expression is always stressed in traditional Chinese painting so as to express the feeling world of human using the "freehand brnshwork" aesthetics as the creation method. The "freehand brushwork" aesthetic characteristics of traditional Chinese painting are branded with a profound Zhuangzi philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese Painting Freehand Brushwork AESTHETICS
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