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迪士尼系列动画片《花木兰》的中国化元素移植与美国式改造 被引量:1
作者 冯莉颖 《郑州轻工业学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第4期65-68,共4页
动画片《花木兰》在从中国历史故事中汲取素材、保留蓝本传统思想和传统意象的基础上,采用一系列好莱坞的故事勾兑方法,对人物形象与价值观进行了美国式改造:按照美国人眼中对中国美女形象的标准对花木兰重新进行打造,女性主义、个人英... 动画片《花木兰》在从中国历史故事中汲取素材、保留蓝本传统思想和传统意象的基础上,采用一系列好莱坞的故事勾兑方法,对人物形象与价值观进行了美国式改造:按照美国人眼中对中国美女形象的标准对花木兰重新进行打造,女性主义、个人英雄主义、男女平等的思想在花木兰身上彰显得淋漓尽致。同时,对故事人物与情节也进行了美国式改造:添加了几个贯穿始终的关键人物和动物;在尊重花木兰原故事基本情节的基础上,将封建忠孝故事变成了女性实现自我的故事。另外,迪士尼制造商为迎合西方大众的猎奇心理,将一系列中国意象通过复制、拼贴与戏拟手法,用后现代改写方式拼凑成一个具有东方异国情调和狂欢化色彩的迪士尼喜剧。通过分析影片的外在表征和拆解影片的精神内核发现,好莱坞惯用的嫁接影片的故事构成方法是:嫁接影片=蓝本的基本外在表达+好莱坞固有价值观念+成熟的商业营销模式。正是基于这种相对成熟、固定的操作模式,好莱坞影片才让观众感到既熟悉又总有新鲜的文化与情感体验。 展开更多
关键词 迪士尼系列动画片《花木兰》 中国化元素 后现代主义
作者 汪婷婷 《记者摇篮》 2018年第12期76-77,共2页
早在几年前,迪士尼就把我国一个流传甚广的民间故事花木兰,在进行了一定的改编后,成功地制作了一部叫作《花木兰》的动画片,该动画片里面有着浓郁的中国元素,而在去年,红遍了全球的动画《功夫熊猫》,则是把我国的国宝大熊猫作为原创动... 早在几年前,迪士尼就把我国一个流传甚广的民间故事花木兰,在进行了一定的改编后,成功地制作了一部叫作《花木兰》的动画片,该动画片里面有着浓郁的中国元素,而在去年,红遍了全球的动画《功夫熊猫》,则是把我国的国宝大熊猫作为原创动画对象的一个原型,这几乎就是一部在中国的文化背景下的动画片,由此也可以看出,迪士尼的这几次把中国的文化作为创作背景的尝试,基本都成功了。 展开更多
关键词 迪士尼 花木兰 中国化元素
中国化元素在钢琴作品创作中的运用——以《“落水天”主题变奏曲》为例 被引量:1
作者 吴涵 黄雅雯 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 2019年第9期140-142,共3页
中国传统音乐博大精深,源远流长,具有极高的历史文化价值和审美价值。随着的社会发展,中国传统音乐一定程度上受到西方音乐及文化的影响,一大批国内作曲家将中国元素与西方音乐技法相融合,创作出大量优秀的作品。20世纪以来,大批中国作... 中国传统音乐博大精深,源远流长,具有极高的历史文化价值和审美价值。随着的社会发展,中国传统音乐一定程度上受到西方音乐及文化的影响,一大批国内作曲家将中国元素与西方音乐技法相融合,创作出大量优秀的作品。20世纪以来,大批中国作曲家创作了大量的具有中国风格特点的钢琴作品,李村的钢琴作品《“落水天”主题变奏曲》就是其中之一。本文通过对作品主题的来源与变奏的手法进行分析,探析了中国化元素在钢琴作品创作中运用。 展开更多
关键词 钢琴音乐 中国化元素 落水天 主题与变奏
作者 郭欣 《新闻研究导刊》 2019年第24期111-112,共2页
华裔美国文学在美国的开始与传播经历了一个萌芽到繁盛的周期,其中汤亭亭的处女作《女勇士》是值得探讨的一部作品,她在华裔美国文学中占据着举足轻重的地位。华裔女性的背景决定了她在创作中必然会涉及中国文化。通过《女勇士》这部作... 华裔美国文学在美国的开始与传播经历了一个萌芽到繁盛的周期,其中汤亭亭的处女作《女勇士》是值得探讨的一部作品,她在华裔美国文学中占据着举足轻重的地位。华裔女性的背景决定了她在创作中必然会涉及中国文化。通过《女勇士》这部作品可以发现,中国文化元素对美国华裔文学的深刻影响。 展开更多
关键词 汤亭亭 《女勇士》 中国化元素
作者 徐若琳 《当代体育科技》 2017年第11期252-254,共3页
运动服装作为体育运动的一种载体,具有多重效应,与体育运动之间存在着特殊关联,对提高竞技水平,彰显国家形象及民族精神,增强比赛观赏性等方面发挥着至关重要的作用。随着社会经济与科学技术的蓬勃发展,运动服装顺应时代潮流发生了巨大... 运动服装作为体育运动的一种载体,具有多重效应,与体育运动之间存在着特殊关联,对提高竞技水平,彰显国家形象及民族精神,增强比赛观赏性等方面发挥着至关重要的作用。随着社会经济与科学技术的蓬勃发展,运动服装顺应时代潮流发生了巨大变化。而我国女子乒乓球比赛服装面临中性化特质浓郁、时尚感不足、科技含量和推广程度较低等诸多问题。因此加速改革创新迫在眉睫。该文认为,改革创新应该把握"中国化元素盛行、运动科技增加"两大契机,并于"形、质、色"三方面进行设计,同时汲取网球运动服装改革的经验,克服球迷流失以及来自运动员自身的阻力,从而促进乒乓球比赛服装的改良。 展开更多
关键词 女子乒乓球比赛服装 中国化元素 运动科技 网球运动 改革创新
作者 袁腊雪 《戏剧之家》 2020年第35期6-7,共2页
作为一门舶来艺术,中国话剧以传统戏剧为依托迅速发展,直至20世纪90年代,在西方实验戏剧的影响下,标志着对中国传统戏剧之反叛的中国先锋戏剧诞生。从当代中国最初引进先锋戏剧概念时主要介绍荒诞派这一史实来看,荒诞派戏剧对中国先锋... 作为一门舶来艺术,中国话剧以传统戏剧为依托迅速发展,直至20世纪90年代,在西方实验戏剧的影响下,标志着对中国传统戏剧之反叛的中国先锋戏剧诞生。从当代中国最初引进先锋戏剧概念时主要介绍荒诞派这一史实来看,荒诞派戏剧对中国先锋派戏剧的影响最甚。在新时期戏剧史上,《恋爱的犀牛》无疑是当代戏剧实验运动中最具影响力的作品之一。就人物塑造方面而言,以孟京辉、廖一梅为代表的中国先锋派戏剧创作者对于西方荒诞派戏剧既有再现也有内省。一方面,中国先锋派戏剧和西方荒诞派戏剧都展现了变形的人物——生成动物的异常者;另一方面,中国先锋戏剧中的“先锋”人物有自己的特色,在不同的语境下增添了中国化元素,体现出了一种文化自觉。 展开更多
关键词 中国先锋派戏剧 西方荒诞派戏剧 《恋爱的犀牛》 生成动物 中国化元素
《心花路放》:宁式黑色幽默在路上 被引量:1
作者 王慧 《视听》 2015年第1期47-48,共2页
继《无人区》之后,宁浩导演的又一大作《心花路放》登上荧幕,主演依然是徐峥与黄渤这对"铁搭档"。《心花路放》延续了宁浩导演一贯的"黑色幽默"的风格,票房也创历史新高,成为国庆档黄金周的票房冠军。本片无论是在... 继《无人区》之后,宁浩导演的又一大作《心花路放》登上荧幕,主演依然是徐峥与黄渤这对"铁搭档"。《心花路放》延续了宁浩导演一贯的"黑色幽默"的风格,票房也创历史新高,成为国庆档黄金周的票房冠军。本片无论是在叙事结构还是在人物角色塑造上都有很突出的特色,这也是这部电影能够登上票房冠军的重要原因。 展开更多
关键词 公路喜剧 中国化元素 平行蒙太奇
Chemical characterization and sources of PM2.5 at 12-h resolution in Guiyang, China 被引量:5
作者 Longchao Liang Na Liu +5 位作者 Matthew S. Landis Xiaohang Xu Xinbin Feng Zhuo Chen Lihai Shang Guangle Qiu 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期334-345,共12页
The increasing emission of primary and gaseous precursors of secondarily formed atmospheric particulate matter due to continuing industrial development and urbanization are leading to an increased public awareness of ... The increasing emission of primary and gaseous precursors of secondarily formed atmospheric particulate matter due to continuing industrial development and urbanization are leading to an increased public awareness of environmental issues and human health risks in China. As part of a pilot study, 12-h integrated fine fraction particulate matter (PM2.5) filter samples were collected to chemically characterize and investigate the sources of ambient particulate matter in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, southwestern China. Results showed that the 12-h integrated PM2.5 concentrations exhibited a daytime average of 51 ± 22 μg m^-3 (mean -4- standard deviation) with a range of 17-128 μg m^-3 and a nighttime average of 55 ± 32 μg m^-3 with a range of 4-186 μg m^-3. The 24-h integrated PM2.5 concentrations varied from 15 to 157 μg m^-3, with amean value of 53 ± 25 μg m^-3, which exceeded the 24-h PM2.5 standard of 35μg m^-3 set by USEPA, but was below the standard of 75 μg m^-3, set by China Ministry of Environmental Protection. Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) was applied to determine PM2.5 chemical element concentrations. The order of concentrations of heavy metals in PM2.5 were iron (Fe) 〉 zinc (Zn) 〉 manganese (Mn) 〉 lead (Pb) 〉 arsenic (As)〉 chromium (Cr). The total concentration of 18 chemical elements was 13 ± 2 μg m^-3, accounting for 25% in PM2.5, which is comparable to other major cities in China, but much higher than cities outside of China. 展开更多
关键词 Trace elements PM2.5 Source apportionment
Distribution of Chemical Forms for Co, Cr, Ni and V in Typical Soils of China 被引量:2
作者 SHAOXIAO-HOU XINGGUANG-XI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第4期289-298,共10页
Co, Ni, Cr and V in 25 typical soils of China were fractionated into exchangeable, carbonate bound (calcareous soils), Mn oxide bound, organically bound, amorphous Fe oxide bound, crystalline Fe oxide bound and residu... Co, Ni, Cr and V in 25 typical soils of China were fractionated into exchangeable, carbonate bound (calcareous soils), Mn oxide bound, organically bound, amorphous Fe oxide bound, crystalline Fe oxide bound and residual forms using a seven-step sequential extraction procedure, so as to study the distribution of chemical forms of these metals as well as the effects of soil properties on the distribution. The results showed that most of soil Co, Ni, Cr and V were present in residual forms, and the distribution ratio averaged 48.2% for Co, 53.0% for Ni, 81.5% for Cr and 68.7% for V. The speciation of heavy metals was greatly influenced by soil physico-chemical properties and the chemistry of elements. The results also indicated that the recovery of metal elements by the sequential extraction procedure was satisfactory, with the relative difference between the sum of seven forms and the total content in soils averaging 9.5% for Co, 12.8% for Ni, 6.6% for Cr and 7.2% for V. 展开更多
关键词 distribution ratio metal element forms sequential extraction SOILS
Geochemistry of rare earth elements in groundwater from deep seated limestone aquifer in Renlou Coal Mine,Anhui Province,China 被引量:6
作者 孙林华 桂和荣 +1 位作者 陈陆望 陈松 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1646-1653,共8页
Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were measured by ICP-MS for groundwater collected from deep seated Taiyuan Fm limestone aquifer (from -400 to -530 m) in Renlou Coal Mine, northern Anhui Province, China. It... Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were measured by ICP-MS for groundwater collected from deep seated Taiyuan Fm limestone aquifer (from -400 to -530 m) in Renlou Coal Mine, northern Anhui Province, China. It can be concluded that the groundwater is warm (34.0-37.2 ℃) C1-Ca, Na type water with circum-neutral pH (7.35-8.28) and high total dissolved solids (TDS, 1 746-2 849 mg/L). The groundwater exhibits heavy REEs enrichment relative to light REEs compared with Post Archean Average Shale (PAAS), as well as their aquifer rocks (limestone). The enrichment of REEs is considered to be controlled by terrigeneous materials (e.g. zircon) in aquifer rocks, whereas the fractionation of REEs is controlled by marine derived materials (e.g. calcite), to a less extent, terrigeneous materials and inorganic complexation. The Ce anomalies normalized to PAAS and aquifer rocks are weak, which probably reflects the signature of the aquifer rock rather than redox conditions or pH. The similarities of REE patterns between groundwater and aquifer rocks imply that aquifer rocks play important roles in controlling the REE characteristics of groundwater, and then provide a probability for discrimination of groundwater sources by using REEs. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth elements GEOCHEMISTRY water-rock interaction limestone aquifer GROUNDWATER
Rare earth element chemistry indicates chemical alteration of zircons during the evolution of weathering profile 被引量:1
作者 Ni Su Shouye Yang Wei Yue 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期433-436,共4页
Although rare earth elements(REEs)in magmatic zircons have been widely used to identify the type and compositional evolution of host rocks,REE distribution patterns during the chemical alteration of zircons need clari... Although rare earth elements(REEs)in magmatic zircons have been widely used to identify the type and compositional evolution of host rocks,REE distribution patterns during the chemical alteration of zircons need clarification.We investigated REE characteristics in zircons with different degrees of chemical weathering through systematic observation of a granodiorite-weathering profile in southeast China.Despite the relatively stable provenance of the studied profile(zircon U–Pb ages are95.2±4.8 Ma),the zircon REEs exhibited systematic differences in abundance and fractionation patterns from the bedrock to upper layers,e.g.∑PREE,(LREE/HREE)_(CN),and Ce/Ce*.This evidence suggests chemical alteration of zircons during intensive chemical weathering and an expected influence on REE variability in the weathered products due to the presence of REE-bearing minerals. 展开更多
关键词 Weathering profile Rare earth elements ZIRCON
Behavior of rare earth elements in granitic profiles, eastern Tibetan Plateau, China 被引量:2
作者 Lifeng Cui Zhiqi Zhao +4 位作者 Congqiang Liu Sheng Xu Taoze Liu Chenglong Tu Hu Ding 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期552-555,共4页
Rare earth elements(REEs) can record geologic and geochemical processes. We studied two granitic regolith profiles from different climatic zones in eastern Tibetan Plateau and found that(1)∑ RREEs ranged from119.65 t... Rare earth elements(REEs) can record geologic and geochemical processes. We studied two granitic regolith profiles from different climatic zones in eastern Tibetan Plateau and found that(1)∑ RREEs ranged from119.65 to 275.33 mg/kg in profile ND and5.11–474.55 mg/kg in profile GTC, with average values of205.79 and 161 mg/kg, respectively. ∑RREEs was higher in accumulation horizon and semi-regolith;(2) Influenced by climate, the fractionation of light and heavy REEs(LREEs and HREEs) varied during weathering. The ratio of LREEs/HREEs in pedosphere was higher than semi-regolith in tropical profile;(3) A negative Eu anomaly in both profiles was the result of bedrock weathering. A positive Ce anomaly was observed in all layers of profile ND, and only in the upper 100 cm of profile GTC. This indicates that redox conditions along the regolith profile varied considerably with climate.(4) Normalized by chondrite,LREEs accumulated much more than HREEs; REE distribution curves were right-leaning with a V-type Eu anomaly in both profiles. 展开更多
关键词 Chemical weathering Eu anomaly Critical zone Soil weathering
Cultural Introduction in English Vocabulary Teaching in China
作者 Chao Lei 《Sociology Study》 2018年第4期180-187,共8页
Every language possesses three cardinal elements: phonetic element, lexical element, and grammatical structure, of which lexis is the fundamental pillar that supports the huge system of a language. The close relation... Every language possesses three cardinal elements: phonetic element, lexical element, and grammatical structure, of which lexis is the fundamental pillar that supports the huge system of a language. The close relationship between language and culture is most readily seen in words. In fact, being the most active and elastic element of a language, vocabulary has the greatest culture-loading capacity. Vocabulary teaching is an integral part of foreign language teaching. Its efficiency has a direct relation with the development of the learners' communicative competence. Vocabulary is culture-bound, so it is self-evident that culture introduction is indispensable in teaching. The author attempts to make a comparison between English and Chinese cultures, to make clear how cultural disparities exist in English and Chinese vocabulary, and to put forward some constructive suggestions on how to integrate culture into vocabulary teaching in Chinese schools, so as to promote the efficiency of vocabulary teaching and improve learners' competence in intercultural communication. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural differences English vocabulary teaching PRINCIPLES APPROACHES
An Analysis of Cultural Elements in Paul Yee's Ghost Train
作者 GE Mengmeng 《International English Education Research》 2018年第3期88-92,共5页
Ghost Train is a short story composed for the Chinese railway laborers. This essay will analyze the cultural elements in Paul Yee' s Ghost Train. The first part will introduce the writing background of Ghost Train, a... Ghost Train is a short story composed for the Chinese railway laborers. This essay will analyze the cultural elements in Paul Yee' s Ghost Train. The first part will introduce the writing background of Ghost Train, and the history of Chinese railway laborers in Canada. The second part analyzes a series of cultural elements, such as railway, train, ghost, metaphysics, burning.joss sticks and other elements. The last part is the significance of using these cultural elements. By using these cultural elements, Paul Yee conveys his attitudes to Chinese Canadian laborers. He hopes Canadian government could envisage the contribution of Chinese Canadian laborers. Without Chinese Canadian laborers, the Pacific Railway cannot be completed so quickly. Chinese Canadian laborers are an important part of the history of Canada, so they should not be ignored. Paul Yee also expresses his feminist thoughts in the story. He thinks women can as brave and intelligent as man. Literature writing always reflects political requirements. In 2006, alter Chinese community struggled for a long time, the Canadian government finally held rehabilitating ceremony for "poll tax", which officially recognized Chinese laborers' contribution to the history of Canada. And in 2018, Vancouver officially apologized for its exclusion history of Chinese. 展开更多
关键词 Ghost Train Cultural elements Chinese Canadian laborers SIGNIFICANCE
Biotic evolution and its relation with geological events in the Proterozoic Yanshan Basin, North China 被引量:4
作者 SHI Min FENG QingLai ZHU ShiXing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期903-918,共16页
The Yanshan Basin,located in northern North China,underwent three primary stages in the Mesoproterozoic,and corresponding biotas have been summarized for each stage in the present study.The three stages are stage A(th... The Yanshan Basin,located in northern North China,underwent three primary stages in the Mesoproterozoic,and corresponding biotas have been summarized for each stage in the present study.The three stages are stage A(the lower part of the Changcheng Group which dominated by clastic sediments),stage B(the upper part of the Changcheng Group to the Jixian Group which characterized by carbonate sediments),and stage C(the upper part of the Jixian Group which dominated by clastic sediments).This paper will focus on the evolution of biota during stage B.Microbiota of the stage B exhibits a high level of diversity and abundance.Planktonic microfossils have various forms and complex decorations.Most microfossils are small.In stage B,there was great variation in the biotic abundance and diversity,the average diameter of spherical benthic microfossils,and the maximum diameter of the spherical microfossils.We analyzed these parameters and identified two typical biotic events,and both biotic events were corresponded with geological events.The first event occurred in the third member of the Dahongyu Formation.In this era,the maximum diameter of the silicified microfossils significantly increased,and large,spherical planktonic specimens are abundant.The flourishing of large organisms in the strata is presumably related to volcanic activity.The second event occurred in the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation.During this era,the microfossil assemblage changed significantly.The changes correspond with a decline in stromatolites as well as the transformations of the carbon isotope ratios and the elemental geochemistry. 展开更多
关键词 MESOPROTEROZOIC Yanshan Basin biota evolution geological event
Neoproterozoic basic magmatism in the southeast margin of North China Craton:Evidence from whole-rock geochemistry,U-Pb and Hf isotopic study of zircons from diabase swarms in the Xuzhou-Huaibei area of China 被引量:26
作者 WANG QingHai YANG DeBin XU WenLiang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第9期1461-1479,共19页
This paper presents a synthetic U-Pb and Hf isotopic study of zircons and a whole-rock geochemical study on diabase swarms that were emplaced into the Proterozoic formations in the Xuzhou-Huaibei area,the southeast ma... This paper presents a synthetic U-Pb and Hf isotopic study of zircons and a whole-rock geochemical study on diabase swarms that were emplaced into the Proterozoic formations in the Xuzhou-Huaibei area,the southeast margin of North China Craton.Zircons from the diabase dykes display weak oscillatory zoning in the cathodoluminescence(CL) images and show high Th/U ratios(0.91-6.90),both of which are typical of a magmatic origin.The SHRIMP and Q-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating results indicate that the diabase swarms were emplaced at ca.890 Ma.Hf isotopic analysis on these zircons gives Hf(t) values ranging from 2.26 to 14.74 and Hf model age t DM1 and t DM2 ranging from 843 to 1321 Ma and from 808 to 1779 Ma,respectively.Geochemically,the diabase swarms are characterized by a relative enrichment in LREE and LILE(Rb,Ba and La),a comparative enrichment in Cr and Ni,but a slight depletement in HFSE(Th,Nb,Ta,Zr and Hf).They are plotted in the within-plate tholeiite series on the tectonic discrimination diagrams.Taken together,these geochemical and isotopic data suggest that the primary magmas to form the diabase dykes in the Xuzhou-Huaibei area could have been derived from a transitional mantle in the Mesoproterozoic,and were most probably emplaced under a continental margin extensional setting at ca.890 Ma.The results of this study demonstrate that the Neoproterozoic(800-900 Ma)magmatism was not restricted to the Yangtze Block,but also occurred at the southeast margin of the North China Craton. 展开更多
关键词 DIABASE geochemistry zircon U-Pb dating Hf isotope NEOPROTEROZOIC Xuzhou-Huaibei area
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