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中国原文化基本精神研究 被引量:1
作者 李西堂 《今古文创》 2022年第26期121-128,共8页
中国原文化是一个有特定含义的科学概念,主要指夏代之前的“古国时代”至战国末期中国文化源头产生的本源文化。它产生于中国最适宜农业生产的独特地理环境和传统农业经济基础上,和平、安宁是中国原文化的核心要义,也是原文化追求的最... 中国原文化是一个有特定含义的科学概念,主要指夏代之前的“古国时代”至战国末期中国文化源头产生的本源文化。它产生于中国最适宜农业生产的独特地理环境和传统农业经济基础上,和平、安宁是中国原文化的核心要义,也是原文化追求的最高和终极价值目标。围绕和平、安宁这一最高和终极价值目标,形成一系列富有积极意义的一般原文化精神。大力倡导和弘扬中国原文化精神,具有重大的现实意义和当代价值。 展开更多
关键词 中国原文化 一般文化精神 终极问题 最高价值目标
关于中国文论外译与当代中国文论原创问题的几点思考 被引量:6
作者 黄晞耘 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期126-129,共4页
目前有不少学者感叹,中国的当代文论如果离开了外国文论的思想资源,几乎会陷入失语症的窘境,故而有必要考虑中国文论的外译问题。中国文论的外译以及中国文论之走向世界,目前能够提上议事日程的主要是已经非常成熟、称得上博大精深的古... 目前有不少学者感叹,中国的当代文论如果离开了外国文论的思想资源,几乎会陷入失语症的窘境,故而有必要考虑中国文论的外译问题。中国文论的外译以及中国文论之走向世界,目前能够提上议事日程的主要是已经非常成熟、称得上博大精深的古代文论;而古代文论的外译并不能代替当代中国文论本身的创新,因为每个时代都有属于每个时代的文学创作现象、文学批评现象和文学理论问题,因此每个时代都应该有属于自己的文论。具体说来,每个时代文论的创新或贡献主要在于是否能提出自己原创性的关键概念、关键命题以及建立在这些概念、命题之上的思想体系。 展开更多
关键词 中国文论外译 当代中国文论创问题 中国古代文论 哲学思维
作者 吕亚持 严丽丽 《轻纺工业与技术》 2021年第5期37-39,共3页
关键词 中国台湾住民 赛德克人编织 传承
科技兴林 绿色乐章中耀眼的智慧之光——访原中国林业科学研究院院长黄枢
作者 朱永 《国土绿化》 2009年第10期18-20,共3页
今年8月的一天午后,记者来到北京和平里黄枢老人的家,黄老亲自出门迎接,大大出乎记者意料的是,88岁高龄的黄老精神矍铄,耳聪目明,身板笔直,行走自如。落座之后,黄老打开记忆的闸门,从伴随着战火硝烟的求学经历到解放前后在风... 今年8月的一天午后,记者来到北京和平里黄枢老人的家,黄老亲自出门迎接,大大出乎记者意料的是,88岁高龄的黄老精神矍铄,耳聪目明,身板笔直,行走自如。落座之后,黄老打开记忆的闸门,从伴随着战火硝烟的求学经历到解放前后在风沙区创造造林奇迹,从倡导速生丰产林建设到带领科研人员攻克一个个技术难关,一条烙下黄老深深足迹的绿色征途在记者面前徐徐铺开,祖国林业六十年绘就的科技画卷也在眼前慢慢展开。 展开更多
关键词 中国林业科学研究院 院长 黄枢 植树造林 林业
作者 柳汶 朱鉴 《纪检与监察》 2003年第11期18-20,共3页
关键词 中国工商银行驻马店分行行长 孟凤岭 孟体峰 朱翠英 贪污受贿案
《造纸信息》 2011年第10期73-73,共1页
中国造纸协会报道中国造纸协会箱纸板和瓦楞原纸分会成立大会于2011年8月23日在天津召开。玖龙纸业(控股)有限公司、理文造纸有限公司、荣成纸业(中国)控股有限公司、浙江景兴纸业股份有限公司、福建省青山纸业股份有限公司、山东... 中国造纸协会报道中国造纸协会箱纸板和瓦楞原纸分会成立大会于2011年8月23日在天津召开。玖龙纸业(控股)有限公司、理文造纸有限公司、荣成纸业(中国)控股有限公司、浙江景兴纸业股份有限公司、福建省青山纸业股份有限公司、山东晨鸣纸业集团齐河板纸有限责任公司、山东世纪阳光纸业集团有限公司、吉安集团股份有限公司、东莞金洲纸业有限公司、上海中隆纸业有限公司、安徽山鹰纸业股份有限公司、正业国际控股有限公司、山东贵和显星纸业有限公司、嘉兴市大洋纸业有限公司、青岛海王纸业股份有限公司、江苏长丰造纸有限公司和中国造纸协会共33名代表出席了会议。中国造纸协会副理事长兼秘书长赵伟主持了会议。 展开更多
关键词 中国造纸协会 箱纸板 瓦楞 天津 中国造纸协会箱纸板和瓦楞纸分会
作者 韩晓东 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期129-134,共6页
中国与原苏丹地区①石油合作关系的建立与发展迄今仅十余年,却经历几多跌宕曲折。正是由于这一关系的存在以及美国等西方发达国家对该地区石油资源的觊觎,达尔富尔危机的爆发及其国际化、南苏丹问题的变动才触发了中国外交理念新一轮的... 中国与原苏丹地区①石油合作关系的建立与发展迄今仅十余年,却经历几多跌宕曲折。正是由于这一关系的存在以及美国等西方发达国家对该地区石油资源的觊觎,达尔富尔危机的爆发及其国际化、南苏丹问题的变动才触发了中国外交理念新一轮的整合进程:一方面主要着眼于与发展中国家关系,体现为和平共处五项原则与主动参与友好国家地方治理之理念整合;另一方面则主要针对与西方发达国家关系,体现为"韬光养晦"策略与相对进取性策略之理念整合。中国应当继续致力于促进不同国家间、不同国家集团间的沟通和发展中国家群体内部之间更加密切务实的合作关系;应当坚持运用中国与西方发达国家和发展中国家间的多向多边关系机制发挥独特作用,以期更加充分地实践、发展和完善和平共处五项原则的深刻内涵。 展开更多
关键词 中国苏丹地区石油合作 中国外交理念 双重整合 现实逻辑
中国西部壳幔结构与动力学过程及其对资源环境的制约:“羚羊计划”研究进展 被引量:6
作者 赵俊猛 张培震 +17 位作者 张先康 Xiaohui YUAN Rainer KIND Robert van der HILST 甘卫军 孙继敏 邓涛 刘红兵 裴顺平 徐强 张衡 嘉世旭 颜茂都 郭晓玉 卢占武 杨小平 邓攻 琚长辉 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期230-259,共30页
为系统、深入地研究中国西部盆(盆地)、山(山脉)、原(高原)的壳幔结构与深部动力学过程,2003年我们提出并领导实施了“羚羊计划”(ANTILOPE-Array Network of Tibetan International Lithospheric Observation and Probe Experiments),... 为系统、深入地研究中国西部盆(盆地)、山(山脉)、原(高原)的壳幔结构与深部动力学过程,2003年我们提出并领导实施了“羚羊计划”(ANTILOPE-Array Network of Tibetan International Lithospheric Observation and Probe Experiments),在青藏高原先后完成了羚羊-I(ANTILOPE-I)到羚羊-IV(ANTILOPE-IV)4条二维宽频带台阵剖面,而在青藏高原东西构造结则实施了羚羊-V和羚羊-VI两个三维宽频带台阵探测。另外,我们将前期在准噶尔盆地、天山造山带、塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地开展的九条综合地球物理观测剖面也纳入羚羊计划的总体框架中来。通过“羚羊计划”的实施,我们在中国西部(包括西北部的环青藏高原盆山体系以及西南部的青藏高原)取得了大量的、高质量的、综合的第一手观测数据,获得了中国西部盆、山、原精细的壳幔结构,系统地揭示了中国西部盆山原的深部地球动力学过程。主要结论总结如下:确定了准噶尔盆地基底的结构与属性,优化了盆地的基底构造格架;建立了天山造山带“层间插入削减”新的陆内造山模式,揭示了印欧碰撞在天山岩石圈缩短44%的去向以及由洋陆俯冲到陆陆碰撞俯冲的转换机制;揭示了塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地的盆山接触关系;获得了塔里木盆地顺时针旋转的深部几何学、运动学和动力学证据;确定了青藏高原之下印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞边界;发现目前的青藏高原由南部的印度板块、北部的欧亚板块和夹持于二者之间的巨型破碎区——西藏“板块”构成,首次确定了各自的岩石圈底边界;修正了高原变形的两个端员模型;建立了深部构造对地表地形的制约关系;系统地揭示了印度板块沿喜马拉雅造山带俯冲的水平距离与俯冲角度的变化规律与控制因素。“羚羊计划”以其巨大的观测网络与综合地球物理探测技术,采用地球物理学、地质学、地球化学等不同学科相结合的分析方法,揭示了印度板块俯冲、西藏巨型破碎区发育、塔里木板块顺时针旋转、西部水汽通道提前关闭、中国西北部干旱、沙漠化提前这一深部结构、动力学过程及其对地表地形、油气资源和环境变化的制约关系,推动了青藏高原地球系统科学理论的发展。 展开更多
关键词 “羚羊计划” 中国西部盆山 准噶尔盆地 天山造山带 塔里木盆地 阿尔金造山带 柴达木盆地 青藏高 帕米尔高 壳幔结构 深部动力学过程 综合地球物理学 地球系统科学
双歧杆菌对Treg/Th17细胞平衡及中国对虾蛋白致敏性的影响 被引量:4
作者 彭吉祥 王翀 +1 位作者 王彦波 傅玲琳 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 2017年第4期1146-1153,共8页
目的通过体内实验研究婴儿双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium infantis 13.085)和雷帕霉素对中国对虾原肌球蛋白致敏BALB/c小鼠过敏反应的治疗作用,从Treg/Th17细胞平衡及相关细胞因子角度探讨其缓解过敏的免疫调节作用机制。方法将中国对虾原... 目的通过体内实验研究婴儿双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium infantis 13.085)和雷帕霉素对中国对虾原肌球蛋白致敏BALB/c小鼠过敏反应的治疗作用,从Treg/Th17细胞平衡及相关细胞因子角度探讨其缓解过敏的免疫调节作用机制。方法将中国对虾原肌球蛋白和弗氏佐剂混合液腹腔注射诱发BALB/c小鼠致敏,建立动物过敏模型。将实验小鼠随机分为正常对照组、致敏对照组、双歧杆菌治疗组、雷帕霉素治疗组。观察分析小鼠过敏症状,采用ELISA测定小鼠血清中特异性IgE、IgG2a的含量,采用流式细胞术测定脾脏T淋巴细胞亚群(Treg、Th17)数量,采用荧光定量PCR测定脾脏中Treg型和Th17型细胞因子和转录因子的表达量。结果第56天实验周期结束后结果发现,相比于致敏对照组,双歧杆菌和雷帕霉素治疗组小鼠过敏症状有明显的缓解,血清中特异性IgE显著降低(P<0.05),脾脏Treg/Th17比值显著升高(P<0.05),Th17型细胞因子IL-17A m RNA表达水平显著降低,Treg型细胞因子Foxp3 m RNA表达水平显著升高。此外,不同剂量的雷帕霉素治疗组缓解过敏反应存在剂量差异性。结论双歧杆菌13.085和雷帕霉素能有效缓解小鼠过敏症状,其作用可能通过平衡Treg/Th17细胞亚群数量,促进Treg型细胞因子表达而抑制Th17型细胞因子分泌有关。 展开更多
关键词 中国对虾肌球蛋白 双歧杆菌 雷帕霉素 过敏 Treg/Th17比例
作者 宋冬生 《安徽教育学院学报》 2003年第2期132-132,共1页
关键词 书评 义务教育 中国 理论价值 教育实践 教育发展 《千秋伟业-中国义务教育实践与未来》
Vegetation landscape structure and dynamics in sandy forest-steppe ecotone
作者 邹春静 韩士杰 +1 位作者 徐文铎 李道棠 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期303-306,共4页
Sandy forest-steppe ecotone in Baiyinaobao Natural Reserve of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China is one of the special landscape types in forest-steppe vegetation zone in China. Vegetation landscape types, land... Sandy forest-steppe ecotone in Baiyinaobao Natural Reserve of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China is one of the special landscape types in forest-steppe vegetation zone in China. Vegetation landscape types, landscape patches, and patch size were measured by the field investigation, forest photograph, and airscape. The structure of landscape patches in sandy forest-steppe ecotone, including composition structure, and size structure, was studied and the dynamics and transformation of landscape patches were analyzed. The data obtained in this study could provide theoretical basis for the research on vegetation landscape in forest-steppe ecotones and other vegetation types. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetation landscape STRUCTURE DYNAMICS Sandy forest STEPPE ECOTONE
双歧杆菌对中国对虾原肌球蛋白致敏小鼠的免疫调控作用 被引量:4
作者 彭吉祥 王彦波 傅玲琳 《微生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期1026-1037,共12页
【目的】比较研究婴儿双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium infantis 13.085)对中国对虾原肌球蛋白致敏BALB/c小鼠预防与治疗过敏反应的差异,探究其对致敏小鼠Treg/Th17细胞平衡及相关细胞因子的影响。【方法】采用硫酸铵盐析及等电点沉淀法纯化... 【目的】比较研究婴儿双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium infantis 13.085)对中国对虾原肌球蛋白致敏BALB/c小鼠预防与治疗过敏反应的差异,探究其对致敏小鼠Treg/Th17细胞平衡及相关细胞因子的影响。【方法】采用硫酸铵盐析及等电点沉淀法纯化中国对虾原肌球蛋白(TM),将中国对虾TM和弗氏佐剂混合液腹腔注射诱发BALB/c小鼠致敏,建立动物过敏模型。将实验小鼠随机分为正常对照组、治疗对照组、双歧杆菌治疗组、预防对照组和双歧杆菌预防组。观察分析小鼠过敏症状(腹泻、肺组织HE染色比较、称重法测定小鼠体重和脾脏脏器系数变化),采用ELISA测定小鼠血清中特异性IgE、IgG2a和组胺的含量,采用流式细胞术测定脾脏T淋巴细胞亚群(Treg、Th17)数量,采用荧光定量PCR测定脾脏中Treg型和Th17型细胞因子和转录因子的表达量。【结果】纯化得到中国对虾原肌球蛋白纯度为84.93%,得率为60.88%。体内试验表明,双歧杆菌治疗组和预防组相比于对照组,腹泻和过敏症状均有明显的缓解;不同时期的双歧杆菌干预均对过敏小鼠肺组织症状有明显的改善作用,且可降低过敏小鼠的脾脏脏器系数。第56天实验周期结束后发现,相比预防对照组和治疗对照组,双歧杆菌预防组和治疗组小鼠血清中特异性IgE和组胺含量显著降低(P<0.05),脾脏Treg/Th17比值显著升高(P<0.05),Th17型细胞因子IL-17A mRNA表达水平显著降低(P<0.01);双歧杆菌治疗组相对于治疗对照组,Treg型细胞因子CD25mRNA表达水平显著升高(P<0.01)。此外,双歧杆菌治疗组血清特异性IgE及IL-17A mRNA转录水平显著低于双歧杆菌预防组(P<0.05),而Treg/Th17比值及CD25 mRNA转录水平显著高于预防组(P<0.05)。【结论】双歧杆菌13.085能有效缓解小鼠过敏症状,且治疗免疫调控效果优于预防效果,其作用可能通过平衡Treg/Th17细胞亚群数量,促进Treg型细胞因子表达而抑制Th17型细胞因子分泌,从而阻断炎性抗体及组胺释放。 展开更多
关键词 中国对虾肌球蛋白 双歧杆菌 过敏 免疫调控
Fate of ^(15)N-Labeled Urea Under a Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation on the North China Plain 被引量:44
作者 JU Xiao-Tang LIU Xue-Jun +1 位作者 PAN Jia-Rong ZHANG Fu-Suo 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期52-61,共10页
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the fate of ^15N-labeled urea and its residual effect under the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) rotation system on the North China... A field experiment was conducted to investigate the fate of ^15N-labeled urea and its residual effect under the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) rotation system on the North China Plain. Compared to a conventional application rate of 360 kg N ha^-1 (N360), a reduced rate of 120 kg N ha^-1 (N120) led to a significant increase (P 〈 0.05) in wheat yield and no significant differences were found for maize. However, in the 0-100 cm soil profile at harvest, compared with N360, N120 led to significant decreases (P 〈 0.05) of percent residual N and percent unaccounted-for N, which possibly reflected losses from the managed system. Of the residual fertilizer N in the soil profile, 25.6%-44.7% and 20.7%-38.2% for N120 and N360, respectively, were in the organic N pool, whereas 0.3%-3.0% and 11.2%-24.4%, correspondingly, were in the nitrate pool, indicating a higher potential for leaching loss associated with application at the conventional rate. Recovery of residual N in the soil profile by succeeding crops was less than 7.5% of the applied N. For N120, total soil N balance was negative; however, there was still considerable mineral N (NH4^+-N and NO3^--N) in the soil profile after harvest. Therefore, N120 could be considered ngronomically acceptable in the short run, but for long-term sustainability, the N rate should be recommended based on a soil mineral N test and a plant tissue nitrate test to maintain the soil fertility. 展开更多
关键词 ^15N-labeled urea nitrogen recovery nitrogen residual effect North China Plain winter wheat-summer maize rotation
Evapotranspiration, Yield and Crop Coefficient of Irrigated Maize Under Straw Mulch 被引量:12
作者 ZHANG Xi-Ying CHEN Su-Ying PEI Dong LIU Meng-Yu SUN Hong-Yong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5期576-584,共9页
Maize (Zea mays L.), a staple crop grown from June to September during the rainy season on the North China Plain,is usually inter-planted in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fields about one week before harvesting ... Maize (Zea mays L.), a staple crop grown from June to September during the rainy season on the North China Plain,is usually inter-planted in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fields about one week before harvesting of the winterwheat. In order to improve irrigation efficiency in this region of serious water shortage, field studies in 1999 and 2001, twodry seasons with less than average seasonal rainfall, were conducted with up to five irrigation applications to determineevapotranspiration, calculate the crop coefficient, and optimize the irrigation schedule with maize under mulch, as well asto establish the effects of irrigation timing and the number of applications on grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE)of maize. Results showed that with grain production at about 8 000 kg ha-1 the total evapotranspiration and WUE ofirrigated maize under mulch were about 380-400 mm and 2.0-2.2 kg m-3, respectively. Also in 2001 WUE of maizewith mulch for the treatment with three irrigations was 11.8% better than that without mulch. In the 1999 and 2001seasons, maize yield significantly improved (P = 0.05) with four irrigation applications, however, further increases werenot significant. At the same time there were no significant differences for WUE with two to four irrigation applications.In the 2001 season mulch lead to a decrease of 50 mm in the total soil evaporation, and the maize crop coefficient undermulch varied between 0.3-1.3 with a seasonal average of 1.0. 展开更多
关键词 crop coefficient MAIZE MULCH water use efficiency
Comparison of pore characteristics in the coal and shale reservoirs of Taiyuan Formation, Qinshui Basin, China 被引量:30
作者 Yu Liu Yanming Zhu 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第3期330-338,共9页
Coal and shale are both unconventional gas reservoirs. Comparison of pore characteristics in shale and coal would help understand organic pore structure in shale and investigate co-exploration of shale gas and coalbed... Coal and shale are both unconventional gas reservoirs. Comparison of pore characteristics in shale and coal would help understand organic pore structure in shale and investigate co-exploration of shale gas and coalbed methane in coal bearing strata. In this study, five shale samples and three coal samples of Taiyuan Formation were collected from Qinshui Basin, China. High pressure mercury injection, scanning electronic microscopy, and fractal theory have been used to compare pore characteristics in shale and coal. The results show that pore volumes in coal are much larger than that in shale, especially pores 3-100 nm. In coal, there are many semi-closed pores in micro pores (〈10 nm) and transition pores (10-100 nm). On the contrary, micro pores and transition pores are mainly with open pores in shale. The fractal curves show that pores larger than 65 nm in coal and shale reservoir both have obvious self-similarity and the fractal dimension values in shale and coal are similar. But the fractal characteristics of pores smaller than 65 nm in shale reservoir are quite different from that in coal. 展开更多
作者 Yan Zhao Jian Kang +4 位作者 Wen-jie Zheng Wei Zhou Xiao-ping Guo Yan Gao Yi Dong 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2005年第3期190-193,共4页
Objective To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of international classification criteria (2002) for primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS) and the role of lower lip biopsy in diagnosis of pSS in Chinese patients.... Objective To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of international classification criteria (2002) for primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS) and the role of lower lip biopsy in diagnosis of pSS in Chinese patients. Mothoda Patients who were diagnosed by the experts/rheumatologists as pSS during 1990-2002 from the Department of Rheumatology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital were retrospectively collected as experimental group. Patients who were diagnosed as non-pSS connective tissue diseases or non-connective tissue diseases served as control group. Those with a history of head-neck radiation, hepatitis C virus infection, AIDS, lymphoma, sarcoidosis, graft versus host disease (GVHD), and anti-acetylcholine drug use were exempted. Both groups were required to complete questionnaires about symptoms such as dry eyes and dry mouth, and complete the objective tests of keratoconjunctivitis and xerostomia including Schirmer test, corneal staining, unstimulated salivary flow, sialography, lower lip biopsy, and antinuclear antibodies (including anti-SSA/SSB antibodies) test. Results A total of 330 pSS patients were included in experimental group and 185 non-pSS patients in control group. The mean age of both groups matched (47.8 ± 10.9 years vs. 46.2±13.6 years, P 〉 0.05). The sensitivities of the criteria in pSS patients with lower lip biopsy and in pSS patients without lower lip biopsy were 89.2% and 87.2%, respectively; the overall sensitivity was 88.5%. The specificity was 97.3%. A total of 11.3% pSS patients with negative anti-SSA/SSB antibodies were diagnosed as pSS by lower lip biopsy. Coadwion The international classification criteria (2002) for pSS is feasible in Chinese patients. It has high sensitivity and specificity, and may serve as diagnosis criteria in routine clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 primary Sjogren's syndrome CRITERIA CLASSIFICATION
Glacier Extent and Volume Change(1966~2000) on the Su-lo Mountain in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau,China 被引量:10
作者 WANG Yetang HOU Shugui +2 位作者 HONG Sungmin HUR Soon Do LIU Yaping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第4期299-309,共11页
The topographic maps of 1:50,000 scales,aerial photographs taken in 1966,one Landsat image taken in 1999,and SRTM data from 2000 were used to quantify the losses in area and volume of the glaciers on the Su-lo Mountai... The topographic maps of 1:50,000 scales,aerial photographs taken in 1966,one Landsat image taken in 1999,and SRTM data from 2000 were used to quantify the losses in area and volume of the glaciers on the Su-lo Mountain,in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau,China in the past 30 years.The total glacier area decreased from 492.9km2 in 1966 to 458.2km2 in 1999.The volume loss of the studied glaciers reached 1.4 km3 from 1966 to 2000.This agrees with documented changes in other mountain glaciers of the whole Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Glacier change Su-lo Mountain ETM +image Tibetan Plateau China
Roles of HIV-1 auxiliary proteins in viral pathogenesis and host-pathogen interactions 被引量:5
作者 Lin LI Hai Shan LI +2 位作者 C. David PAUZA Michael BUKRINSKY Richard Y ZHAO 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第11期923-934,共12页
Active host-pathogen interactions take place during infection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Outcomes of these interactions determine the efficiency of viral infection and subsequent disease progressi... Active host-pathogen interactions take place during infection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Outcomes of these interactions determine the efficiency of viral infection and subsequent disease progression. HIV- infected cells respond to viral invasion with various defensive strategies such as innate, cellular and humoral immune antiviral mechanisms. On the other hand, the virus has also developed various offensive tactics to suppress these host cellular responses. Among many of the viral offensive strategies, HIV-1 viral auxiliary proteins (Tat, Rev, Nef, Vif, Vpr and Vpu) play important roles in the host-pathogen interaction and thus have significant impacts on the outcome of HIV infection. One of the best examples is the interaction of Vif with a host cytidine deaminase APOBEC3G. Although specific roles of other auxiliary proteins are not as well described as Vif-APOBEC3G interaction, it is the goal of this brief review to summarize some of the preliminary findings with the hope to stimulate further discussion and investiga- tion in this exhilarating area of research. 展开更多
关键词 HIV-1 auxiliary proteins viral pathogenesis host-pathogen interactions
Studies on frozen ground of China 被引量:29
作者 赵林 程国栋 丁永建 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第4期411-416,共6页
Permafrost in China includes high latitude permafrost in northeastern China, alpine permafrost in northwestern China and high plateau permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau. The high altitude permafrost is about 92% of the... Permafrost in China includes high latitude permafrost in northeastern China, alpine permafrost in northwestern China and high plateau permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau. The high altitude permafrost is about 92% of the total permafrost area in China. The south boundary or lower limit of the seasonally frozen ground is defined in accordance with the 0 ℃ isothermal line of mean air temperature in January, which is roughly corresponding to the line extending from the Qinling Mountains to the Huaihe River in the east and to the southeast boundary of the Tibetan Plateau in the west. Seasonal frozen ground occurs in large parts of the territory in northern China, including Northeast, North, Northwest China and the Tibetan Plateau except for permafrost regions, and accounting for about 55% of the land area of China. The southern limit of short-term frozen ground generally swings south and north along the 25° northern latitude line, occurring in the wet and warm subtropic monsoon climatic zone. Its area is less than 20% of the land area of China. 展开更多
关键词 PERMAFROST frozen ground China
Groundwater Contamination with NO_3-N in a Wheat-Corn Cropping System in the North China Plain 被引量:20
作者 ZHAO Bing-Zi ZHANG Jia-Bao +3 位作者 M. FLURY ZHU An-Ning JIANG Qi-Ao BI Jin-Wei 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第6期721-731,共11页
The North China Plain,where summer corn(Zea mays L.)and winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)are the major crops grown,is a major agricultural area in China.Permeable soils make the region susceptible to groundwater poll... The North China Plain,where summer corn(Zea mays L.)and winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)are the major crops grown,is a major agricultural area in China.Permeable soils make the region susceptible to groundwater pollution by NO_3-N,which is applied to fields in large amounts of more than 400 kg NO_3-N ha^(-1)as fertilizer.A field experiment was established in 2002 to examine the relationship among N fertilization rate,soil NO_3-N,and NO_3-N groundwater contamination.Two adjacent fields were fertilized with local farmers' N fertilization rate(LN)and double the normal application rate(HN),respectively,and managed under otherwise identical conditions.The fields were under a traditional summer corn/winter wheat rotation.Over a 22-month period,we monitored NO_3-N concentrations in both bulk soil and soil pore water in 20-40 cm increments up to 180 cm depth.We also monitored NO_3-N concentrations in groundwater and the depth of the groundwater table.No significant differences in soil NO_3-N were observed between the LN and HN treatment.We identified NO_3-N plumes moving downward through the soil profile.The HN treatment resulted in significantly higher groundwater NO_3-N,relative to the LN treatment,with groundwater NO_3-N consistently exceeding the maximum safe level of 10 mg L^(-1),but groundwater NO_3-N above the maximum safe level was also observed in the LN treatment after heavy rain.Heavy rain in June,July,and August 2003 caused increased NO_3-N leaching through the soil and elevated NO_3-N concentrations in the groundwater.Concurrent rise of the groundwater table into NO_3-N- rich soil layers also contributed to the increased NO_3-N concentrations in the groundwater.Our results indicate that under conditions of average rainfall,soil NO_3-N was accumulated in the soil profile.The subsequent significantly higher- than-average rainfalls continuously flushed the soil NO_3-N into deeper layers and raised the groundwater table,which caused continuous groundwater contamination with NO_3-N.The results suggest that under common farming practices in the North China Plain,groundwater contamination with NO_3-N was likely,especially during heavy rainfalls,and the degree of groundwater contamination appeared to be proportional to the N application rates.Decreasing fertilization rates, splitting fertilizer inputs,and optimizing irrigation scheduling had potential to reduce groundwater NO_3-N contamination. 展开更多
关键词 field experiment groundwater contamination NO3-N wheat-corn cropping system
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