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《世界热带农业信息》 2005年第8期14-14,共1页
关键词 最高限量 最高残留限量 番荔枝 三氟氯氰菊酯 莲雾 拟生效日期 双胍辛胺 多杀菌素 通报咨询 中国台
台阵地震学方法及在中国IMS台阵的应用研究 被引量:10
作者 郝春月 贺冬梅 +2 位作者 张爽 郑重 张伯明 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期668-673,共6页
中国的地震台阵建设与发展比国外晚了几十年.目前国内地震台阵正在不断地建设,而缺少的就是台阵技术,如能够把已有的台阵技术应用到我国的台阵中,就可以让台阵发挥它们应有的价值.作者根据国外的参考文献主要讨论了台阵地震学的主要技... 中国的地震台阵建设与发展比国外晚了几十年.目前国内地震台阵正在不断地建设,而缺少的就是台阵技术,如能够把已有的台阵技术应用到我国的台阵中,就可以让台阵发挥它们应有的价值.作者根据国外的参考文献主要讨论了台阵地震学的主要技术方法并把这些方法应用到中国的IMS台阵,并给出了应用实例.结果表明,地震台阵使我们对地下结构的研究更加精细,使我们对微弱信号的识别更加轻松.如果我国现有台阵都能应用台阵地震学技术将对我国地震学和地球物理学的发展起到很大的推动作用. 展开更多
关键词 阵地震学方法 中国IMS 应用研究
利用中国地震科学台阵研究青藏高原东南缘地壳各向异性:第一期观测资料的剪切波分裂特征 被引量:39
作者 太龄雪 高原 +1 位作者 刘庚 肖卓 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期4079-4091,共13页
中国地震科学台阵第一期(2011—2013年)布设在南北地震带南段,本研究利用中国地震科学台阵布设在云南及相邻地区的部分流动台站记录到的2011年6月至2013年3月的数字地震波形资料,开展地壳各向异性分析.本文使用剪切波分裂系统分析方法(... 中国地震科学台阵第一期(2011—2013年)布设在南北地震带南段,本研究利用中国地震科学台阵布设在云南及相邻地区的部分流动台站记录到的2011年6月至2013年3月的数字地震波形资料,开展地壳各向异性分析.本文使用剪切波分裂系统分析方法(SAM方法),获得了研究区内67个台站的剪切波分裂参数.研究结果表明,受到云南及周边地区复杂的构造、应力环境和纵横交错的断裂分布的影响,该地区快剪切波偏振方向(PAZ)整体上显示出NNE向和NE向的优势取向,但在空间分布上比较复杂,虽然大部分台站的PAZ与构造应力场方向一致,但部分断裂附近台站的PAZ受到断裂的影响.结果显示,本研究区内不同区域的PAZ有一定差异性.本研究划分了5个子区,西部3个不同区域的PAZ从北到南分别为NNW向、近N-S向和NE向,有顺时针旋转的趋势,而东部的2个区域PAZ分别为NEE向和NNW向.研究证实,青藏东南缘地区的地壳各向异性空间分布虽然非常复杂,但大体上与区域内的主压应力的方向和断裂分布相关. 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原东南缘 地壳各向异性 剪切波分裂 快剪切波偏振方向(PAZ) 慢剪切波时间延迟(δt) 主压应力 中国地震科学
中国地震科学台阵流动观测现状及进展 被引量:14
作者 宋丽莉 杨微 +2 位作者 葛洪魁 袁松湧 欧阳飚 《国际地震动态》 2012年第3期16-21,共6页
地震科学台阵是由一定数量的地震仪组成,并根据具体研究目的布设成一定几何形状的地震观测系统。随着地震观测技术的发展与进步,探测能力的提高,大规模流动地震科学台阵观测将成为高分辨率深部结构成像的重要手段和发展方向。本文主要... 地震科学台阵是由一定数量的地震仪组成,并根据具体研究目的布设成一定几何形状的地震观测系统。随着地震观测技术的发展与进步,探测能力的提高,大规模流动地震科学台阵观测将成为高分辨率深部结构成像的重要手段和发展方向。本文主要阐述了开展流动地震科学台阵观测的重要性,介绍了国内外流动地震科学台阵观测现状以及差距,并针对我国目前流动地震观测技术,提出了要加强我国流动地震科学台阵观测平台和人才队伍建设,提高深部结构探测成像的精度,增强对深部孕震环境和地震发生机理的认识水平,为社会防震减灾事业服务。 展开更多
关键词 中国地震科学 流动地震观测 深部结构探测 高分辨率
试说中国后海西地台的存在和其地质意义 被引量:5
作者 赵重远 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期16-22,共7页
晚二叠世至古近纪,在昆仑-秦岭山脉以北的中国北方可能存在过一个后海西地台。它原是晚古生代冈瓦纳与西伯利亚大陆碰撞后形成的一个复杂褶皱区。后经准平原化而成为接受中、新生代沉积盖层的年轻地台。与此同时,劳亚大陆东部也有数个... 晚二叠世至古近纪,在昆仑-秦岭山脉以北的中国北方可能存在过一个后海西地台。它原是晚古生代冈瓦纳与西伯利亚大陆碰撞后形成的一个复杂褶皱区。后经准平原化而成为接受中、新生代沉积盖层的年轻地台。与此同时,劳亚大陆东部也有数个后海西地台形成。俄罗斯中亚古生代褶皱区也遭受过长期剥蚀,曾一度经历过后海西地台的发展。这一事件在中国北方的许多沉积盆地也多有发现,在中国古地理图上也有显示。但是,中国后海西地台遭到了后继构造运动,特别是喜马拉雅运动的破坏。中国后海西地台的确认有助于重新审视中生代以来的中国地质历史和中、新生代沉积盆地的形成和演化,以及从不同视角重新思考对某些地质问题的认识。 展开更多
关键词 中国后海西地 再生克拉通 中国地质史 中国古地理 中、新生代沉积盆地
作者 谭世宝 谭学超 《海交史研究》 CSSCI 2022年第2期69-85,共17页
关键词 粤海关 中国澳门关部行 中西贸易史
中国南北地震带北段及其周缘地壳厚度与泊松比研究 被引量:30
作者 王兴臣 丁志峰 +1 位作者 武岩 朱露培 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期2080-2090,共11页
本文利用中国地震科学探测台阵2013-2015年在南北地震带北段及其周缘架设的673个台站所记录到的远震波形所提取到的接收函数并应用H-κ扫描方法获取了南北地震带北段及其周缘的地壳厚度和泊松比,结果显示研究区地壳厚度从青藏高原东北... 本文利用中国地震科学探测台阵2013-2015年在南北地震带北段及其周缘架设的673个台站所记录到的远震波形所提取到的接收函数并应用H-κ扫描方法获取了南北地震带北段及其周缘的地壳厚度和泊松比,结果显示研究区地壳厚度从青藏高原东北缘向鄂尔多斯块体逐渐减小,从65 km逐渐减薄至40 km,不同块体之间地壳厚度存在明显差异.祁连造山带西部地壳厚度超过60 km,而东部地壳厚度仅为约50 km左右,表明祁连造山带东、西部地壳增厚变形存在着明显差异.西秦岭造山带地壳厚度从60 km减薄到40 km,其东部具有较薄的地壳厚度可能经历了拆沉.阿拉善块体作为华北克拉通西部块体的一部分,西部地壳厚度约50 km,而东部约45 km,表明阿拉善块体西部由于印度一欧亚板块碰撞也受到了活化改造,其克拉通性质只在其中东部残留.研究区泊松比变化范围为0.20~0.31,平均泊松比约0.25,表明地壳主要由长英质矿物组成,较高的泊松比主要分布在六盘山断裂带和银川一河套地堑.研究结果显示地壳厚度与高程之间具有较好的相关性,表明地壳整体上处于相对均衡的状态,而西秦岭造山带和祁连造山带东部的部分区域地壳可能处于不均衡状态. 展开更多
关键词 中国地震科学阵观测 南北地震带 地壳结构 接收函数 泊松比
那曲、和田台阵对汶川地震序列的定位误差校正 被引量:3
作者 郝春月 郑重 张爽 《中国地震》 北大核心 2013年第4期472-479,共8页
针对汶川地震序列,利用慢度-方位角台站校正(SASC)法来提高那曲、和田2个台阵的定位精度。结果显示,那曲台阵对汶川地震序列定位后,其后方位角和慢度残差的标准偏差在校正后分别降低了32%和58%;和田台阵的分别降低了38%和71%。校正后,... 针对汶川地震序列,利用慢度-方位角台站校正(SASC)法来提高那曲、和田2个台阵的定位精度。结果显示,那曲台阵对汶川地震序列定位后,其后方位角和慢度残差的标准偏差在校正后分别降低了32%和58%;和田台阵的分别降低了38%和71%。校正后,那曲台阵记录的汶川地震序列中100%的地震都提高了定位精度;和田台阵记录的所有地震的后方位角精度均得到提高,78%的地震其慢度精度得到了提高。 展开更多
关键词 SASC 汶川地震序列 中国西部
塔里木地台开合构造简述 被引量:11
作者 姜春发 《新疆地质》 CAS CSCD 1997年第3期193-202,共10页
从开合构造看,塔里木是经一期裂解两期克拉通化而形成的地台。古元古代末,第一期克拉通化,形成塔里木原地台。中─新元古代,在塔南和塔北地区发育稳定型盖层沉积。中元古代,在塔西和塔北地区,原地台裂解形成裂陷槽,发育活动型沉... 从开合构造看,塔里木是经一期裂解两期克拉通化而形成的地台。古元古代末,第一期克拉通化,形成塔里木原地台。中─新元古代,在塔南和塔北地区发育稳定型盖层沉积。中元古代,在塔西和塔北地区,原地台裂解形成裂陷槽,发育活动型沉积。蓟县纪末─青白口纪初,第二期克拉通化,裂陷槽沉积产生褶皱和变质,形成塔里木地台。塔里木地台形成后并未完全稳定下来,震旦纪─泥盆纪时在塔北又裂解形成裂陷槽。石炭纪初,第三期克拉通化,裂陷槽封闭形成塔里木新地台。 展开更多
关键词 塔里木地 开合构造 中国原地
全球大震和中国及邻区中强震地震活动(2003年4~5月) 被引量:1
作者 陈培善 《地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期560-561,共2页
关键词 地震目录 中国地震临时报告 2003年4-5月 中国地震局地球物理研究所
印度洋9.0级大地震激发的基频地球球型振荡 被引量:5
作者 宋秀青 于海英 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2005年第4期13-17,共5页
分析了中国数字地震台网(CDSN)改造后的佘山台(SSE)甚长周期地震仪(STS-1,瑞士生产)观测到的大地震后3天的VHZ波形资料,利用功率谱密度估计方法,在没有对资料进行去固体潮处理的情况下,准确获得了2004年12月26日印度洋地震激发的基频球... 分析了中国数字地震台网(CDSN)改造后的佘山台(SSE)甚长周期地震仪(STS-1,瑞士生产)观测到的大地震后3天的VHZ波形资料,利用功率谱密度估计方法,在没有对资料进行去固体潮处理的情况下,准确获得了2004年12月26日印度洋地震激发的基频球型振荡,并与地球初步参考模型(PREM)的理论自由振荡周期进行了对比,发现实测振荡周期与PREM预测的振荡周期其本符合。其细微差异可以用来研究和解释地球介质的横向不均匀性和各向异性等现象。 展开更多
关键词 印度洋9.0级大地震 中国数字地震(CDSN) 功率谱密度估计 地球自由振荡
Clinical correlation of gallstone disease in a Chinese population in Taiwan:Experience at Cheng Hsin General Hospital 被引量:11
作者 Chi-Ming Liu Tao-Hsin Tung +7 位作者 Pesus Chou Victor Tze-Kai Chen Chung-Te Hsu Wu-Shyong Chien Yeu-Tyng Lin Hsu-Feng Lu Hui-Chuan Shih Jorn-Hon Liu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第8期1281-1286,共6页
AIM: TO explore the prevalence of gallstone disease (GSD) in Taiwan and condition-associated factors related to it. METHODS: We studied a total of 2386 healthy adults (1235 males and 1151 females) voluntarily ad... AIM: TO explore the prevalence of gallstone disease (GSD) in Taiwan and condition-associated factors related to it. METHODS: We studied a total of 2386 healthy adults (1235 males and 1151 females) voluntarily admitted to Cheng Hsin General Hospital for a paid physical check-up between January 2002 and December 2002. Blood samples and ultrasound sonography results were collected. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of GSD among this study-population was 5.3%, including 1.7% (n=40) having a single stone, 2.3% (n = 55) having multiple stones, and 1.3% (n = 31) having cholecystectomy. The prevalence revealed a statistically significant increase with increasing age (P〈 0.0001). Females exhibited a greater prevalence of multiple stones than did males (3.0% vs 1.7%, P= 0.04). Using multiple logistic regression analysis, the following appeared to be significantly related to the prevalence of GSD: older age (40-49 years vs 〈40 years, OR= 1.63 [95% CI: 0.76-3.48], 50-59 years vs 〈40 years, OR=4.93 [95% CI: 2.43-9.99], 60-69 years vs 〈40 years, OR = 6.82 [95% CI: 3.19-14.60], ≥70 years vs 〈40 years, OR= 10.65 [95% CI: 4.78-23.73]), higher BMI (≥27 kg/m^2 vs 〈24 kg/m^2, adjusted OR= 1.74 [95% CI: 1.04-2.88]), and higher FPG (≥ 126 mg/dL vs 〈110 mg/dL, OR= 1.71, 95% CI: 1.01-2.96). CONCLUSION: Older age (≥50 years), obesity (BMI ≥ 27 kg/m^2), and type 2 diabetes (FPG ≥126 mg/dL) are associated with the prevalence of GSD. 展开更多
关键词 Cross-sectional study Gallstone disease PREVALENCE Risk factors
A Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary model of the Tainan Basin, the South China Sea: evidence from a multi-channel seismic profile 被引量:5
作者 Wei-wei DING Jia-biao LI +3 位作者 Ming-bi LI Xue-lin QIU Yin-xia FANG Yong TANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期702-713,共12页
The Tainan Basin is one of the set of Cenozoic extensional basins along northern margin of the South China Sea that experienced extension and subsequently thermal subsidence. The Tainan Basin is close to the Taiwan Ar... The Tainan Basin is one of the set of Cenozoic extensional basins along northern margin of the South China Sea that experienced extension and subsequently thermal subsidence. The Tainan Basin is close to the Taiwan Arc-Trench System and straddles a transition zone between oceanic and continental crust. A new regional multi-channel seismic profile (973-01) across the region of NE South China Sea is introduced in this paper. In seismic stratigraphy and structural geology, a model of Cenozoic tectono-sedimentation of the Tainan Basin is established. The results show that three stages can be suggested in Tainan Basin; In Stage A (Oligocene (?)-Lower Miocene) the stratigraphy shows restricted rifting, indicating crustal extension. Terrestrial sedi- ments mostly filled the faulted sags of the North Depression on the continental shelf. Structural highs, including the Central Uplift, blocked material transportation to the South Depression in abyssal basin. In Stage B the Tainan Basin (Middle-Upper Miocene) exhibits a broad subsidence resulting from the post-rifting thermal cooling. The faulted-sags in North Depression had been filled up. Terrestrial materials were transported over the structural highs and deposited directly in the South Depression through sub- marine gullies or canyons. This sedimentation resulted in a crucial change in the slope to a modem shape. In Stage C (Latest Miocene-Recent) a phase change from extension to compression took place due to the orogeny caused by the overthrusting of the Luzon volcanic arc. Many inverse structures, such as thrusts, fault bend folds, and a regional unconformity were formed. Forland basin began developing. 展开更多
关键词 Southwest Tainan Basin Dual-layered structure Fault bend fold Tectono-sedimentary evolution
作者 王咏梅 李维京 +1 位作者 任福民 王小玲 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2008年第1期24-27,共4页
Climatic characteristics of China-influencing typhoons (CIT) were analyzed in this paper. Main characteristics include:(1) CIT season is May-November, especially from July to September. (2) Frequency of the CIT shows ... Climatic characteristics of China-influencing typhoons (CIT) were analyzed in this paper. Main characteristics include:(1) CIT season is May-November, especially from July to September. (2) Frequency of the CIT shows a decreasing trend during 1951-2004, especially after the late period of the 1960s. (3) Strong CIT also shows an obvious decreasing trend. Meanwhile, there exist obvious interdecadal variations in the CIT genesis, being more southward and eastward than normal in 1960s-1970s, and more northward and westward than normal in the 1980s. In addition, the interrelations between CIT and its environmental factors show that CIT has close relationships with sea surface temperature and East Asian summer monsoon;the structure of the circulations in frequent CIT years is much different from that in infrequent CIT years. 展开更多
关键词 China-influencing typhoons climatic characteristics interdecadal variations environmental factors
Nutrient Structure of the Taiwan Warm Current and Estimation of Vertical Nutrient Fluxes in Upwelling Areas in the East China Sea in Summer 被引量:5
作者 SHI Xiaoyong LI Hongmei WANG Hao 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第4期613-620,共8页
Based on field data for nutrients collected on the continental shelf of the East China Sea(ECS) during summer 2006, the structure and variations of nutrients in every water mass related to the Taiwan Warm Current(TWC)... Based on field data for nutrients collected on the continental shelf of the East China Sea(ECS) during summer 2006, the structure and variations of nutrients in every water mass related to the Taiwan Warm Current(TWC) were analyzed. The supplementary effect of nutrient of upwelling on harmful algal blooms(HABs) in the ECS was also estimated, based on upwelling data. Then the maintenance contribution of nutrient of upwelling to HABs was assessed. The results showed that N/P ratio is fairly low in both surface and deep layers of the TWC, which possibly controls nutrient structure of the HABs-frequently-occuring areas. In upwelling areas, the rate of phosphate(PO4-P) uptake exceeds that of nitrate(NO3-N) of the TWC. The TWC may relieve PO4-P limitation during the process of HABs. Furthermore, upwelling plays an important role in providing nutrients to HABs. After estimating nutrient fluxes(NO3-N, PO4-P, Si O3-Si) in the upwelling areas along a typical section(S07), the results showed that the nutrient uptake rate is the greatest at 10-20 m below euphotic zone, sustaining the ongoing presence of HABs. The uptake rate of PO4-P is the highest among dissolved inorganic nutrients. Therefore, upwelling is most likely the main source of PO4-P supply to HABs. 展开更多
关键词 nutrient structure FLUX Taiwan Warm Current UPWELLING East China Sea
Polymorphisms of uridine-diphosphoglucuronosyltransferase 1A7 gene in Taiwan Chinese 被引量:2
作者 May-Jen Huang Sien-Sing Yang +1 位作者 Min-Shung Lin Ching-Shan Huang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第6期797-802,共6页
AIM: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of uridinediphosphoglucuro -nosyltransferase 1A7 (UGT1A7) gene are associated with the development of orolaryngeal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, and colorectal cancer. W... AIM: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of uridinediphosphoglucuro -nosyltransferase 1A7 (UGT1A7) gene are associated with the development of orolaryngeal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, and colorectal cancer. We performed this research to establish the techniques for determining UGT1A7 gene and basic data of this gene for Taiwan Chinese. METHODS: We collected blood samples from 112 healthy adults and 505 subjects carrying different genotypes of UGT1A1, and determined the promoter area and the entire sequence of UGT1A7 exon 1 by polymerase chain reaction. We designed appropriate primers and restriction enzymes to detect variant UGT1A7 genotypes found in the study subjects. RESULTS: Six SNPs at nucleotides 33, 387, 391, 392, 622, and 756 within the coding region of UGT1A7 exon 1 were found. The incidence of UGT1A7*l/*2 (N129R131W208/ K129K131W208) was predominant (35.7%) while that of UGT1A7 *3/*3 (K129K131R208/K129K131R208) was the least (2.7%). The allele frequency of UGT1A7*3, which exists in a considerable proportion of Caucasians (0.361) and Japanese (0.255), was identified only to be 0.152 in our study subjects. A novel variation at nucleotide -57 in the upstream was found, which was associated with SNPs at nucleotides 33, 387, 391, 392, and 622 in one of the variant haplotypes. The nucleotide changes at positions 387, 391, 392 and 756 were in linkage in another variant haplotype. The allele frequency of UGT1A7*3 was 0.018, 0.158, 0.242, 0.433, and 0.920 in subjects carrying wild, A(TA)6TAA/A(TA)7TAA, A(TA)7TAA/A(TA)7TAA, 211G/211A, and 211A/211A variants of UGT1A1 gene, respectively. By using natural or mutagenesis primers, we successfully detected the variations at nucleotides -57, 33, 387, and 622 with the restriction enzymes HpyCH4 Ⅳ, TaqⅠ, AflⅡ, and Rsa Ⅰ, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that the allele frequencies of UGT1A7 gene in Taiwan Chinese are different from those in Caucasians and Japanese. Carriage of the nucleotide 211- variant UGT1A gene is highly associated with UGT1A7*3. The restriction-enzymedigestion method for the determination of nucleotides-57 (or 33, or 622) and 387 can rapidly identify genotypes of UGT1A7 in an individual. 展开更多
关键词 UGT1A7 gene Single nudeotide polymorphisms GENOTYPE Taiwan Chinese
Nitrogen Mineralization Potentials of Upland Soils inCentral China 被引量:4
作者 CHENJIA-ZHOU QINHUA-CHANG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第2期127-133,共7页
Nitrogen mineralization potentials of 15 soil samples were studied by the methods of soil asrobic incuba-tion, and the correlation between the potentials and the amounts of nitrogen taken up by rye grass (Lolium.multi... Nitrogen mineralization potentials of 15 soil samples were studied by the methods of soil asrobic incuba-tion, and the correlation between the potentials and the amounts of nitrogen taken up by rye grass (Lolium.multifiorum Lam.) in pot culture was calculated. The soils were collected from Hubei Province in Cen-tral China. Soil nitrogen mineralization potentials (N_O) were calculated and optimized by a quick-BASICprogram. N_O ranged from 60 mg kg ̄(-1) to 340 mg kg ̄(-1), which accounted for 9.1% to 34.6% of the totalnitrogen content. Among the examined soils, yellow-brown soil collected from Wuhan had the largest N_Oand brown-red soil from Xianning had the smallest one. The mineralization rate constants (k) ranged from0.00556 d ̄(-1) to 0.01280 d ̄(-1) , in average 0.00882 d ̄(-1) . Chao soil from Wuhan had the greatest k while yellow-cinnamon soil from Zhaoyang had the smallest one. There were apparent differences between mineralizationparameters (N_O and k) optimized and non-optimized ones. Optimized N_O had a better correlation thannon-optimized N_O with the amount of nitrogen accumulated in the aerial parts of rye grass. N_O , N_O × k andN_t(accumulated mineralized nitrogen within time t) could be used as indexes of soil nitrogen supply. Amongthem N_t was the best, which was significantly correlated with the amounts of nitrogen accumulated in theaerial parts of rye grass harvested at three different times. 展开更多
关键词 aerobic incubation nitrogen mineralization potential parameter optimization upland soil
Response of Internal Waves to 2005 Typhoon Damrey over the Northwestern Shelf of the South China Sea 被引量:2
作者 WANG Gang QIAO Fangli +5 位作者 HOU Yijun DAI Dejun LIN Min ZHANG Qilong WANG Gang YIN Baoshu 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第3期251-257,共7页
Continuous observation of sea water temperature and current was made at Wenchang Station(19°35′N,112°E) in 2005. The data collected indicate vigorous internal waves of both short periods and tidal and near-... Continuous observation of sea water temperature and current was made at Wenchang Station(19°35′N,112°E) in 2005. The data collected indicate vigorous internal waves of both short periods and tidal and near-inertial periods. The temperature and current time series during 18-30 September were examined to describe the upper ocean internal wave field response to Typhoon Damrey(0518) . The strong wind associated with the typhoon,which passed over the sea area about 45 km south of Wenchang Station on 25 September,deepened the mixed layer depth remarkably. It decreased the mixed layer temperature while increasing the deep layer temperature,and intensified the near-inertial and high-frequency fluctuations of temperature and current. Power spectra of temperature and current time series indicate significant deviations from those obtained by using the deep ocean internal wave models characterized by a power law. The frequency spectra were dominated by three energetic bands:around the inertial frequency(7.75× 10-6 Hz) ,tidal frequencies(1.0×10-5 to 2.4×10-5 Hz) ,and between 1.4×10-4 and 8.3×10-4 Hz. Dividing the field data into three phases(before,during and after the typhoon) ,we found that the typhoon enhanced the kinetic energy in nearly all the frequency bands,especially in the surface water. The passage of Damrey made a major contribution to the horizontal kinetic energy of the total surface current variances. The vertical energy density distribution,with its peak value at the surface,was an indication that the energy injected by the strong wind into the surface current could penetrate downward to the thermocline. 展开更多
关键词 South China Sea internal waves near-inertial oscillation Typhoon Damrey
作者 何洁琳 管兆勇 农孟松 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2008年第1期69-72,共4页
Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the structure of a wintertime typhoon named Nanmadol that landed on Taiwan 4 December, 2004 has been examined in this paper. It is found that Nanmadol looks similar in structure and time ev... Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the structure of a wintertime typhoon named Nanmadol that landed on Taiwan 4 December, 2004 has been examined in this paper. It is found that Nanmadol looks similar in structure and time evolution to summer typhoons;the central part of it is warm and humid, and the convergence is observed in the lower troposphere while there is divergence in the upper troposphere. The differences between wintertime and summertime typhoons are found. The southwest stream flow in the lower troposphere and cyclonic disturbance in the upper troposphere seem significantly weaker in Nanmadol than in summertime typhoons. The EOF analysis performed for sea level pressure (SLP) of Nanmadol shows that about 90% of the total variance of temporal changes in typhoon circulation can be explained by two leading EOF modes of EOF1 and EOF2. EOF1 shows the structure and intensity variations of Nanmadol while EOF2 shows the changes in environmental SLP distributions that influences the moving direction of Nanmadol. 展开更多
Clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of splenic abscess:A review of 67 cases in a single medical center of Taiwan 被引量:16
作者 Kuo-Chin Chang Seng-Kee Chuah +8 位作者 Chi-Sin Changchien Tung-Lung Tsai Sheng-Nan Lu Yi-Chun Chiu Yaw-Sen Chen Chih-Chi Wang Jui-Wei Lin Chuan-Mo Lee Tsung-Hui Hu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期460-464,共5页
AIM: To analyze 67 cases of splenic abscess in a medica center of Taiwan during a period of 19 years. METHODS: From January 1986 to December 2004, a total of 67 patients with splenic abscess were enrolled for the re... AIM: To analyze 67 cases of splenic abscess in a medica center of Taiwan during a period of 19 years. METHODS: From January 1986 to December 2004, a total of 67 patients with splenic abscess were enrolled for the retrospective study. The clinical characteristics, underlying diseases, organism spectra, therapeutic methods, APACHE Ⅱ scores, and mortality rates were analyzed. RESULTS: There were 41 males and 26 females with the mean age of 54.14-14.1 years. Multiple splenic abscesses (MSA) account for 28.4% and solitary splenic abscess in 71.6% of the patients. Twenty-six of sixtyseven patients (35.8%) had extrasplenic abscesses, with leading site of liver (34.6%), Microbiological cultures were positive in 58 patients (86.6%), with 71.8% in blood culture and 93.5% in abscess culture. Gram negative bacillus (GNB) infection predominated (55.2%), with leading pathogen of Klebslella pneumoniae (22.4%), followed by gram positive coccus (GPC) infection (31%). Splenectomy was performed in 26 patients (38.8%), percutaneous drainage or aspiration in 21 (31.3%), and antibiotic therapy alone in 20 patients (29.9%). Eventually, 12 of 67 patients expired (17.9 %). By statistics, spleen infected with GNB was likely to develop multiple abscesses compared with infection with GPC (P=0.036). Patients with GNB infection (P=0.009) and multiple abscesses (P=0.011) experienced a higher mortality rate than patients with GPC infection and solitary abscess. The mean APACHE Ⅱ score of 12 ex- pired patients (16.3±3.2) was significantly higher than that of the 55 survivals (7.2 ± 3.8) (P〈 0.001). CONCLUSION: MSA, GNB infection, and high APACHE Ⅱ scores are poor prognostic factors. Early surgical intervention should be encouraged when these risk factors are present. 展开更多
关键词 Splenic abscess PROGNOSIS Gram negative bacillus infection APACHE scores
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