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作者 陈虹 《青年与社会(中)》 2014年第3期289-289,共1页
2011年11月和12月,奥巴马总统赴亚太先后参加了二十国集团、亚太经济合作组织和东亚峰会,被称为“奥巴马的亚洲月”,美国以此为契机全面推动新亚洲战略--亚太再平衡战略。至今,亚太再平衡战略已实施近两年了。笔者从亚太再平衡战略... 2011年11月和12月,奥巴马总统赴亚太先后参加了二十国集团、亚太经济合作组织和东亚峰会,被称为“奥巴马的亚洲月”,美国以此为契机全面推动新亚洲战略--亚太再平衡战略。至今,亚太再平衡战略已实施近两年了。笔者从亚太再平衡战略实施的目的切入,论述了该战略的主要表现,着重从周边环境、亚太地区环境和全球环境三个层面分析了该战略对中国地缘政治的影响。 展开更多
关键词 亚太再平衡战略 目的 中国地缘政治 影响
中国的地缘政治环境与战略选择 被引量:4
作者 孟祥军 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第5期8-10,共3页
中国地缘政治环境有三个相互影响与关联的战略圈,即:第一,中、美、俄、日四方互动的大国关系;第二,东南亚和以印巴问题为核心的南亚次大陆问题;第三,西部边疆省区与邻近的西亚与中东国家的次区域性经济与政治的问题。面对恶劣的地缘环... 中国地缘政治环境有三个相互影响与关联的战略圈,即:第一,中、美、俄、日四方互动的大国关系;第二,东南亚和以印巴问题为核心的南亚次大陆问题;第三,西部边疆省区与邻近的西亚与中东国家的次区域性经济与政治的问题。面对恶劣的地缘环境和复杂的国际局势,我们应制定自己的战略选择以谋求和创造有利的战略态势,以取得较为主动的战略地位。 展开更多
关键词 地缘政治 中国地缘政治环境 中国地缘战略目标
新世纪世界地缘政治形势特点与中国的地缘战略选择 被引量:2
作者 姚全 《襄樊学院学报》 2011年第7期37-41,共5页
冷战结束后,地缘政治因素正逐渐取代意识形态,成为一国对外交往所考虑的重要因素。进入新世纪以后,世界地缘政治状况既表现出与冷战结束以后的形势有若干联系,又显现出了一些新变化。在全球政治舞台上,各主要大国在世界地缘政治体开始... 冷战结束后,地缘政治因素正逐渐取代意识形态,成为一国对外交往所考虑的重要因素。进入新世纪以后,世界地缘政治状况既表现出与冷战结束以后的形势有若干联系,又显现出了一些新变化。在全球政治舞台上,各主要大国在世界地缘政治体开始了新一轮的分化重组,以便在新世纪的国际竞争中居于有利的战略地位。文章分析了新世纪世界地缘政治的特点以及在世界背景下中国自身的地缘政治形势,并依此对中国的地缘战略选择提出几点建议:海陆兼顾,海权是重点;立足东亚;优先解决台湾问题与南海问题。 展开更多
关键词 世界地缘政治 中国地缘政治形势 战略选择
“中等强国”在全球体系中生存策略的理论分析--兼论中澳战略伙伴关系 被引量:8
作者 于镭 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 2014年第1期49-60,共12页
在全球和次全球(区域)体系中,中国作为全球性经济和地缘政治新兴大国,其上升态势有力地推动了与包括澳大利亚在内的大周边邻国的经济融合,以及政治和战略合作。在全球"复合依存"架构下,这种日益增强的经济融合与多领域的合作... 在全球和次全球(区域)体系中,中国作为全球性经济和地缘政治新兴大国,其上升态势有力地推动了与包括澳大利亚在内的大周边邻国的经济融合,以及政治和战略合作。在全球"复合依存"架构下,这种日益增强的经济融合与多领域的合作反映了中国地缘政治新趋势,即将自20个世纪90年代末开始实施的经济外交和针对中国大周边邻国的"外交魅力攻势"紧密结合。这种新的地缘政治战略推动中国和澳大利亚采取"和解"策略,增进经济合作和政治磋商,并最终促使双方构建战略伙伴关系。中澳战略伙伴关系的建立不仅有利于推动双边贸易和经济合作的进一步扩大,而且也有利于双方构筑政治和战略互信。中澳战略伙伴关系还有助于确保当中国凭借其新增的财富和力量获取相应的全球性大国地位时,澳大利亚和美国的其他盟友不要视中国的"和平崛起"为威胁,并进行自我约束,避免卷入美国遏制中国的任何企图。 展开更多
关键词 战略伙伴关系 中国地缘政治新战略 经济外交 外交魅力攻势 中等强国 平衡战略
Developing Secondary Industry to Drive China's Future Growth
作者 金碚 《China Economist》 2012年第4期4-19,共16页
Since the second half of the 20th century and especially during the 21st century, world industrialization has experienced a series of historic changes. Although geopolitical changes triggered by political incidents su... Since the second half of the 20th century and especially during the 21st century, world industrialization has experienced a series of historic changes. Although geopolitical changes triggered by political incidents such as the USSR's disintegration have played a significant role, the geographical shift of world industrialization has first and foremost been caused by the tipping of the balance of international economic and industrial development. China's rise has become a massive engine driving this Eastward transition. Due to its impressive rapidity, China's industrialization is often referred to as "compressed industrialization ": completion of a long journey in a very short period of time. Chinese industrialization also features many distinctive characteristics that contrast with those of many other countries. Currently, China is in a critical stage of industrial development, moving towards world-class advanced manufacturing. Industrialization is a historic period of economic and social restructuring that is often accompanied by various structural imbalances. It is essentially a process of civilization's progress. China's industrialization is in many ways consistent with Western industrial and technological development, but remains subject to the profound influence of Chinese civilization. China's industrialization features unique differences that are deeply rooted in its institutional systems. After 30years of brilliant achievements, reform of China's economic andpolitical systems has once again come into the spotlight of public attention. 展开更多
关键词 INDUSTRIALIZATION GLOBALIZATION global competition pattern China'sindustrial development.
The China Model
作者 William H. Overholt 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2011年第2期1-18,共18页
The China Model for development of a modem society adapts the lessons of previous Asian "miracle economies" to Chinese conditions. The core Asian Model is pragmatic adoption of best international practices regardles... The China Model for development of a modem society adapts the lessons of previous Asian "miracle economies" to Chinese conditions. The core Asian Model is pragmatic adoption of best international practices regardless of origin, organized around the central less of Asian successes and gives priority to economic growth at the expense of geopolitical, political and ideological goals. Given the economic imperative, the model establishes priority rankings: agriculture first, then light industry, heavy industry, domestic politics, and international politics. The Asian Model's economic strategy includes critical components: international opening; domestic economic marketization; rapid incrementalism rather than shock therapy in pursuing those goals; and competition. In all the Asian miracles including China, successfill economic reform has been accompanied by parallel incremental political reforms. In addition to emulating the Asian model, China has added distinctive strategies, including most notably the use of a " One, Two" approach -- one country, two systems; one sector, two systems; one company, two systems; and so forth. China has refined the art of managing a country on an efficient business organizational model, and of using "social globalization" to expose its government, business and student elites to best practices all over the world. 展开更多
The Troubled Russia-China Partnership as a Challenge to the East Asian Peace
作者 Pavel K. Baev Stein Tonnesson 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2017年第2期209-225,共17页
With the annexation of the Crimea and the engagement in confrontation with the West, Russia has embarked on a course of making the military force into a useful instrument of policy. Moscow has effectively sacrificed t... With the annexation of the Crimea and the engagement in confrontation with the West, Russia has embarked on a course of making the military force into a useful instrument of policy. Moscow has effectively sacrificed the goals of modernization and development for the sake of geopolitical ambitions. The question about the price of Russia's revisionist enterprise is relevant for many states that are not satisfied with the unfair and often discriminating rules of the world order, first of all China. Russia hopes to inspire other states dissatisfied with the "unipolar" world order to challenge the West more boldly, but the result of its assault on the prin- ciples of nonintervention and territorial integrity might work in the opposite way. The states of East Asia could take a good measure of the risk inherent to embarking on the course of projecting power at the expense of modernization and become even more committed than before to upholding their unique prosperity-producing peace. China has a vested interest in Russian internal stability and must be worried by the prospect of a post-Putin crisis. 展开更多
关键词 East Asia Peace Russia - China Conflict - Partnership
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