Amy Tan is one of the prominent Chinese American writers that have emerged since the 1980s. Her first novel The Joy Luck Club, which was published in 1989, brought her instant success. The story explores conflicts bet...Amy Tan is one of the prominent Chinese American writers that have emerged since the 1980s. Her first novel The Joy Luck Club, which was published in 1989, brought her instant success. The story explores conflicts between two generations and two different cultures. Set in China and in the United States, the novel is woven by stories of four Chinese mothers and their four daughters. Though short in form, it is really worth detailed interpretation and appreciation. This paper will mainly discuss the cultural and generational differences reflected in the story with the conflict of one pair of the mother and daughter--Suyuan Woo and Jing-mei Woo as the main examples. The author of this paper believes that with the realization of the globalization, different cultures are fusing now展开更多
Chinese culture puts much emphasis upon ethics, by which people are bound to pay respect to their superiors, fathers or husbands, hence a realization of social harmony and the utmost of the moral unification of heaven...Chinese culture puts much emphasis upon ethics, by which people are bound to pay respect to their superiors, fathers or husbands, hence a realization of social harmony and the utmost of the moral unification of heavens and human beings. The story as a means of significance in transmission of traditional culture explains vividly the connotation of traditional morals and plays a role of importance in moral education of ancient times as well. This thesis shall analyze the essence of moral ideas in those stories, through which to be aware of and taste the ethical tenderness in traditional moralities, thus a perfection of the application of traditional stories to modern moral education.展开更多
Through comparison, this paper finds out that William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the most popular and wide respected writer in all English literatures and a great dramatist and humanist in the English Renaissance peri...Through comparison, this paper finds out that William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the most popular and wide respected writer in all English literatures and a great dramatist and humanist in the English Renaissance perio ly d, coincides in speaking highly of love, loyalty, intelligence, harmony, integrity, righteousness, friendship, and so on with Chinese Confucian values--the most precious treasure of Chinese traditional culture reflected in the Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues used by Chinese people in maintaining the stability and harmony of the whole nation and society--through vivid interpretation of human ethical relations in many of his works. At present, the world comparative literature studies have entered the third stage in the circumstance of globalization and internationalization, this finding is with paramount significance in construction of the mechanism of mutual recognition, mutual justification, mutual supplementation and mutual appreciation of heterogeneous cultures. This study, taking The Winter's Tale (1623) as a case, is about universality, unity, and shared values of the Confucianism and Shakespeare's plays in the perspective of the coexistence of multiple cultures. This paper is with four parts: (1) mechanism of mutual understanding, mutual justification, mutual supplementation, and mutual appreciation introduced in the first part; (2) the Confucian values addressed in details in the second part; (3) the third part is a case study; and (4) the last part shows how the Chinese and Western literatures and cultures can be understood, assisted, communicated, and appreciated with each other by the way of comparing the great works of Shakespeare and the Confucian values featured with universalism to a certain extent展开更多
文摘Amy Tan is one of the prominent Chinese American writers that have emerged since the 1980s. Her first novel The Joy Luck Club, which was published in 1989, brought her instant success. The story explores conflicts between two generations and two different cultures. Set in China and in the United States, the novel is woven by stories of four Chinese mothers and their four daughters. Though short in form, it is really worth detailed interpretation and appreciation. This paper will mainly discuss the cultural and generational differences reflected in the story with the conflict of one pair of the mother and daughter--Suyuan Woo and Jing-mei Woo as the main examples. The author of this paper believes that with the realization of the globalization, different cultures are fusing now
文摘Chinese culture puts much emphasis upon ethics, by which people are bound to pay respect to their superiors, fathers or husbands, hence a realization of social harmony and the utmost of the moral unification of heavens and human beings. The story as a means of significance in transmission of traditional culture explains vividly the connotation of traditional morals and plays a role of importance in moral education of ancient times as well. This thesis shall analyze the essence of moral ideas in those stories, through which to be aware of and taste the ethical tenderness in traditional moralities, thus a perfection of the application of traditional stories to modern moral education.
文摘Through comparison, this paper finds out that William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the most popular and wide respected writer in all English literatures and a great dramatist and humanist in the English Renaissance perio ly d, coincides in speaking highly of love, loyalty, intelligence, harmony, integrity, righteousness, friendship, and so on with Chinese Confucian values--the most precious treasure of Chinese traditional culture reflected in the Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues used by Chinese people in maintaining the stability and harmony of the whole nation and society--through vivid interpretation of human ethical relations in many of his works. At present, the world comparative literature studies have entered the third stage in the circumstance of globalization and internationalization, this finding is with paramount significance in construction of the mechanism of mutual recognition, mutual justification, mutual supplementation and mutual appreciation of heterogeneous cultures. This study, taking The Winter's Tale (1623) as a case, is about universality, unity, and shared values of the Confucianism and Shakespeare's plays in the perspective of the coexistence of multiple cultures. This paper is with four parts: (1) mechanism of mutual understanding, mutual justification, mutual supplementation, and mutual appreciation introduced in the first part; (2) the Confucian values addressed in details in the second part; (3) the third part is a case study; and (4) the last part shows how the Chinese and Western literatures and cultures can be understood, assisted, communicated, and appreciated with each other by the way of comparing the great works of Shakespeare and the Confucian values featured with universalism to a certain extent