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中国文学教育制度的现代转变及其难题——以清末民初“文学科”设立为中心 被引量:2
作者 孟登迎 《中国青年政治学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期102-107,共6页
“文学科”和“中国文学门(系)”的设立既是西方现代学科体制中国化的结果,也是中国文学学科现代化的开端。对中文系课程设置的分析表明:建立一套融中西文论话语为一炉,既具有理论普遍性又能以中国文学自身特征为立论基础的文学话语,同... “文学科”和“中国文学门(系)”的设立既是西方现代学科体制中国化的结果,也是中国文学学科现代化的开端。对中文系课程设置的分析表明:建立一套融中西文论话语为一炉,既具有理论普遍性又能以中国文学自身特征为立论基础的文学话语,同时又能克服现代学科体制的封闭性,是中国文学教育制度现代化的核心难题。 展开更多
关键词 中国文学教育制度 学科体制 现代转变
关于高校中国文学教育的几点思考 被引量:1
作者 李继凯 《陕西师范大学继续教育学报》 2003年第2期61-65,共5页
近年来,我国内地高校中国文学教育与内地高等教育的发展相一致,其整体形势较好.面对内地高等教育中的文学教育,我们既要适度地加以肯定,同时也要坚持改革;既要充分看到其取得的成绩,也要正视其存在的不足.从而坚持平稳改进,渐入佳境,避... 近年来,我国内地高校中国文学教育与内地高等教育的发展相一致,其整体形势较好.面对内地高等教育中的文学教育,我们既要适度地加以肯定,同时也要坚持改革;既要充分看到其取得的成绩,也要正视其存在的不足.从而坚持平稳改进,渐入佳境,避免整体否定,操之过急.针对内地高校中国文学教育存在的问题,笔者认为应从以下几个方面予以改革,致力于中国文学的教育创新:(一)文学教育的激活;(二)文学教育的开拓;(三)文学教育的求实;(四)文学教育的育人;(五)教学手段的改进. 展开更多
关键词 高校 中国文学教育 教学改革 教学创新
作者 田蓉 《中国科技期刊数据库 科研》 2024年第7期0097-0100,共4页
随着全球化的推进,文化素养的培养显得愈发重要。中国语言文学教育作为培养学生文化素养的重要途径之一,肩负着传承和弘扬中华文化、提高学生综合素质的使命。本文通过分析中国语言文学教育的现状与挑战,探讨其提升学生文化素养的作用,... 随着全球化的推进,文化素养的培养显得愈发重要。中国语言文学教育作为培养学生文化素养的重要途径之一,肩负着传承和弘扬中华文化、提高学生综合素质的使命。本文通过分析中国语言文学教育的现状与挑战,探讨其提升学生文化素养的作用,并提出相应的策略,包括深入挖掘文学作品的文化内涵、创新教学方法与手段、加强跨学科融合、营造浓厚的文化氛围,以期通过中国语言文学教育有效提升学生的文化素养。 展开更多
关键词 中国语言文学教育 文化素养 教育策略
中国古代文学教育中知识品格的建立 被引量:1
作者 李翠叶 《文教资料》 2012年第23期39-41,共3页
通过高等学府中的人文教育培育国人一种集体的、核心的文化精神,是一个国家知识品格确立的主要渠道。今天,要逐渐拥有足以和现在的体制相匹配的文化精神,作为教育工作者,必须对中国固有的知识体系做一个梳理选择,从而通过古代文学教育... 通过高等学府中的人文教育培育国人一种集体的、核心的文化精神,是一个国家知识品格确立的主要渠道。今天,要逐渐拥有足以和现在的体制相匹配的文化精神,作为教育工作者,必须对中国固有的知识体系做一个梳理选择,从而通过古代文学教育的新内容、新体制以建立国人的知识品格。 展开更多
关键词 中国古代文学教育 知识品格 知识选择 认知维度
论中国现代文学教育中的茶文化 被引量:3
作者 袁敏 《福建茶叶》 2018年第2期420-421,共2页
从根本上看,文化发展离不开具体的文化环境和语言氛围。尤其是对于成熟而完善的文化体系来说,在进行具体的教育活动时,其想要实现理想的教育效果,就需要充分注重文化内涵的集中融入和深度诠释。本文拟从中国现代文学教育活动中存在的问... 从根本上看,文化发展离不开具体的文化环境和语言氛围。尤其是对于成熟而完善的文化体系来说,在进行具体的教育活动时,其想要实现理想的教育效果,就需要充分注重文化内涵的集中融入和深度诠释。本文拟从中国现代文学教育活动中存在的问题及不足认知入手,结合中国现代文学教育活动的推进诉求分析,并从文化融入、情感诠释的视角来理解茶文化体系内涵,从而全面分析中国现代文学教育活动中茶文化资源的具体应用思路。 展开更多
关键词 中国现代文学教育 茶文化 教育思维 教学理念 教学层次性
创新型教育在《中国古代文学》课程中的应用 被引量:2
作者 龙灿宇 《大学教育》 2013年第15期94-96,共3页
关键词 创新型教育中国古代文学》应用
作者 罗岗 《当代作家评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第1期68-68,共1页
本文力图重新讨论一个人们熟知却未必重视的问题 ,即现代中国文学是如何在晚清以来中国社会、历史、文化和知识的现代化过程中被“创制”出来的。现代意义上的“文学”既不是自然的产物 ,也不仅仅限于观念的领域。通过对中西方文学历史... 本文力图重新讨论一个人们熟知却未必重视的问题 ,即现代中国文学是如何在晚清以来中国社会、历史、文化和知识的现代化过程中被“创制”出来的。现代意义上的“文学”既不是自然的产物 ,也不仅仅限于观念的领域。通过对中西方文学历史的考察 ,可以清楚地看到 ,现代“文学”有着非常显赫的历史建构过程。在这一过程中 ,随着一个名叫“现代”的幽灵的神秘介入 ,各种力量 (传统的与现代的 ,社会的与个人的 ,政治的与文化的 ,观念的与制度的…… )开始簇拥着“文学”,并透过不同的途径和手段塑造了“文学”。因此 ,将“文学”作为“现代建制”的有机组成部分 ,进而检视、分析它的历史构成与现实构造 ,应该是文学理论研究和文学史研究自觉承担的任务。就像论文的副标题“以文学教育为线索的考察”所显示的 ,我没有把问题的讨论局限在“文本”(理论的和创作的 )层面 ,也要求自己突破“传统 /现代”的简单的二元对立的论述框架 ,更多地关注制度层面的因素 ,为了有力地回答“文学是如何被历史地建构起来的”“人们如何通过社会来理解文学”和“文学透过何种渠道来完成自我的生产和再生产 ,以及在生产的过程中如何维持自我的同一性”等一系列相关的问题 ,我把知识分化、学科形成和课程结构这些知识与教育的制度? 展开更多
关键词 《现代“文学”在中国的确立——以文学教育为线索的考察》 博士学位论文 内容提要 中国文学
作者 朱德发 《中国现代文学论丛》 2022年第2期322-329,共8页
李宗刚的《民国教育体制与中国现代文学》一书,全方位、整体性地聚焦于民国教育体制与中国现代文学错综复杂关系的切实而深入的探究。从纵向上简略而精到地揭示了民国教育体制与中国现代文学发生关系的动因、态势及其所完成的既定学术目... 李宗刚的《民国教育体制与中国现代文学》一书,全方位、整体性地聚焦于民国教育体制与中国现代文学错综复杂关系的切实而深入的探究。从纵向上简略而精到地揭示了民国教育体制与中国现代文学发生关系的动因、态势及其所完成的既定学术目标,史论结合,论从史出,主体思维的超越性与史实的牢固性相融合迸发出耀目的思想火花;然后从横向上如同扇面展开,多维度多侧面地探察并论析民国教育体制与中国现代文学的综复深微关系,从而建立起一套认知并表述民国教育体制与中国现代文学复杂关系的新颖独到而又丰实别致的话语体系。这对于同类研究课题已问世的学术成果来说,则是带有整体性的突破与创新,这也是本书重要的学术价值所在。 展开更多
关键词 民国教育 新式教育 《民国教育体制与中国现代文学 “五四”文学
当今中国现代文学与中学语文教育的调查报告 被引量:2
作者 吴福辉 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期1-20,共20页
在"中学语文与中国现代文学"的总课题之下,设计了七种问卷进行社会调查。调查结果是丰富、鲜活的。结合鲁迅既是中学生最热爱的作家,又受部分学生冷淡的情况,分析学术界和社会上对鲁迅"经典化"的复杂反应。根据中... 在"中学语文与中国现代文学"的总课题之下,设计了七种问卷进行社会调查。调查结果是丰富、鲜活的。结合鲁迅既是中学生最热爱的作家,又受部分学生冷淡的情况,分析学术界和社会上对鲁迅"经典化"的复杂反应。根据中学教育和学术界对老舍、徐志摩、沈从文和郭沫若、胡适等现代作家评价的反差,指出冰心、朱自清最能体现从语文教育出发,对现代文学进行良性选择的功能。顺便谈及诗歌教材的特殊性及如何听取学生极端和宽容的两类意见。 展开更多
关键词 中国现代文学中学语文教育
中国的韩国文学教育现状与文学教育体系的重建 被引量:1
作者 南燕 《当代韩国》 2022年第1期104-116,共13页
目前韩国语教育中的文学教育的研究与实践仍局限于传统模式,没有新的突破。究其根源,主要是因为没有文学教育理论的支撑。本文依据最新的文学教育理论,积极倡导加强对韩国文学教育理论的构建,从文学教育概念的整理、文学教育目标的设定... 目前韩国语教育中的文学教育的研究与实践仍局限于传统模式,没有新的突破。究其根源,主要是因为没有文学教育理论的支撑。本文依据最新的文学教育理论,积极倡导加强对韩国文学教育理论的构建,从文学教育概念的整理、文学教育目标的设定与教育内容的选定和编排等方面进行理论探索。本文虽以韩国文学教育为主题,但相信相关研究内容对于整个外语学科的外国文学教育都有一定借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国的韩国文学教育 文学教育理论 课程标准
WU Mi's Education and Thoughts
作者 LI Min-yan CUI Yan-qiang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第2期117-122,共6页
In China, WU Mi is a well-known poet, educator, and classical scholar. Honored as the father of the study on China's comparative literature, he was one of the earliest scholars who systematically applied the theories... In China, WU Mi is a well-known poet, educator, and classical scholar. Honored as the father of the study on China's comparative literature, he was one of the earliest scholars who systematically applied the theories of Western literature and the method of comparative literature to research A Dream in Red Mansions. In his early life, he was enlightened by the Guan school (a school of Neo-Confucianism), and later he studied in the U.S. where he was deeply influenced by Irving Babbitt's new humanistic thought. Throughout his lifetime, he advocated the thought of having a thorough knowledge of both China and the West, and devoted himself to the cultivation of "well-informed and refined" qualities. In fact, WU Mi's thoughts owes greatly to the education he received in his childhood. This paper focuses on the investigation of the study life of WU Mi so as to find out the reasons behind his achievement of having a thorough knowledge of both China and the West. 展开更多
Singapore Pie in Global Chinese Education: Inheritance and Innovation in Chinese Literature Education in Singapore
作者 LI Jia QU Jing-yi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第9期744-753,共10页
Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual ... Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual policy, the Singapore government has been committed to creating a pool of bicultural talents, by supplementing the teaching of Chinese language with classes on Chinese literature and culture. This thesis seeks to understand the pros and cons of Chinese literature education in Singapore by analysing its development over the years. The teaching of Chinese literature began with the first wave of Chinese migration to Nanyang in the 19th century, and from there, it went through three phases of development: relocation, adjustment, and burgeoning. 展开更多
关键词 teaching Chinese literature in Singapore Chinese literature Nanyang characteristics teaching Chinese as secondary language
Graduates' gratitude: The generic structure of dissertation acknowledgements--A revisit
作者 PENG Kang-zhou 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第9期5-10,共6页
This paper examines the generic structure of dissertation acknowledgements accompanying 168 M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations written by native speakers of Chinese in a variety of majors of two disciplines (humanity and s... This paper examines the generic structure of dissertation acknowledgements accompanying 168 M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations written by native speakers of Chinese in a variety of majors of two disciplines (humanity and social science) at Chinese universities. It attempts to find out the relationship between the variables, such as gender, seniority, publishing experience, the length and the generic structure of dissertation acknowledgements. 展开更多
关键词 generic structure dissertation acknowledgements MOVE
Research on the Challenges and Countermeasures of Chinese Language and Literature Education under Teaching Reform Background
作者 Juan Gao Ling Yu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期26-28,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the challenges and the countermeasures of Chinese language and literature education underteaching reform background. Chinese literature professional training objectives, it is for... In this paper, we conduct research on the challenges and the countermeasures of Chinese language and literature education underteaching reform background. Chinese literature professional training objectives, it is for the country to create high literary accomplishment of thestudents. Make students in carrying forward the Chinese culture at the same time, to fi nd beauty, appreciate beauty and create beauty, and improvetheir personality and taste. Society for Chinese language and literature talent is looking forward to more and more high, therefore, the Chineselanguage and the literature professional teachers need to focus on the employment situation, based on fundamental professional knowledge,strengthen students on the basis of this, the application of Chinese language and literature teaching, let the students application ability graduallyimprove, to adapt to the demand in today’s society. Under this basis, this paper proposes the new idea that is innovative. 展开更多
关键词 Challenges and Countermeasures Teaching Reform EDUCATION Background.
The Construction of"New Woman" in Chen Hengzhe's Autobiography
作者 Tieniu Cheng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第12期739-756,共18页
This essay examines the autobiography of Chen Hengzhe (1890-1976) (see Appendix), a relatively less studied woman writer, historian, and critic in modem China. Through the study in four aspects, namely, the pursui... This essay examines the autobiography of Chen Hengzhe (1890-1976) (see Appendix), a relatively less studied woman writer, historian, and critic in modem China. Through the study in four aspects, namely, the pursuit of modem education, simple appearance, great leaders, and the ambassadors of culture, the author's research indicates that Chen's construction of"new woman" has been influenced by complex historical and cultural forces such as the Chinese traditional culture, Western culture, and the iconoclastic spirit of "the New Culture Movement". Meanwhile, Chen's gender consciousness is also an important element. Moreover, Chen's pioneering standing and her own experiences of studying abroad makes her take the lead in conceiving women's leadership and their roles in global culture communications. In the late Qing and the early Republic, traditional values and norms of womanhood were severely challenged. Chen's construction of"new woman" is her conscious effort to define a new womanhood and is an integral part of the ongoing exploration of Chinese women for modem womanhood. Through the examination of Chen's "new woman", this paper seeks to enrich our understanding of the complexity of modem Chinese women's exploration of modem womanhood. 展开更多
关键词 new woman culture and politics modem China womanhood AUTOBIOGRAPHY Chen Hengzhe
A Literature Review about Demonstrating Whether China's Stock Market Has Reached Weak-form Efficiency
作者 XU YiLun ZHAN Chang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期5-6,共2页
The efficient Market Hypothesis divided the stock market into three parts: weak-form efficiency, semi-strong-form efficiency, and strong-form efficiency. There are so many scholars have conducted researches on whethe... The efficient Market Hypothesis divided the stock market into three parts: weak-form efficiency, semi-strong-form efficiency, and strong-form efficiency. There are so many scholars have conducted researches on whether China' s stock market has reached weak-form efficiency. The author of this literature review summaries the results of these researches and makes a systematic induction. This article attempts to show the achievements of these researches and ~ive readers new ideas about how to improve China' s stock market efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 market efficiency China' s stock market weak-form efficiency
Mining the Essence of Chinese Traditional Culture; To Strengthen College Students' Ideological and Moral Education
作者 Liguo,Li Jinglei, Zhang Hongxia,Yu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期1-2,共2页
This paper discusses how to excavate the essence of Chinese traditional culture, In contemporary college moral education make some discussion from the historical and cultural educational ideas and way of education, Fo... This paper discusses how to excavate the essence of Chinese traditional culture, In contemporary college moral education make some discussion from the historical and cultural educational ideas and way of education, For higher education worker puts forward several ideas. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Culture ESSENCE College Students EDUCATION
The study of effects of tai chi chuan on physical health and mental health of college students
作者 Yongxiang Liao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期122-124,共3页
Tai chi chuan as a compulsory course of college sports elective courses, having a strong sense of Chinese traditional culture, is one kind of boxing which is most affected by Chinese traditional philosophy. In additio... Tai chi chuan as a compulsory course of college sports elective courses, having a strong sense of Chinese traditional culture, is one kind of boxing which is most affected by Chinese traditional philosophy. In addition to having offensive and defensive skills, it also absorbs the Chinese classical philosophy, traditional Chinese meridian theory and theory of health keeping. Cultural connotation of Tai chi chuan helps harmonious campus culture and mental health education. After years of research, the theory and practice shows that : health effects of tai chi chuan on college students have positive significance, including the physical health and mental health. 展开更多
关键词 tai chi cbuan physical health mental health college students
Fostering Intercultural Awareness in a Chinese English Reading Class 被引量:1
作者 于群 Jan VANMAELE 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2018年第3期357-375,398,共20页
Since the turn of the century, higher education policy in China has highlighted the importance of cultivating students' intercultural competences, particularly in the context of English language teaching. In spite of... Since the turn of the century, higher education policy in China has highlighted the importance of cultivating students' intercultural competences, particularly in the context of English language teaching. In spite of this, studies show that to this day Chinese ELT classrooms in higher education have rarely taken a cultural turn and teachers' understanding of interculturalism remains insufficient. This paper reports an action research study on how intercultural awareness was developed in the context of an English reading course at an independent college of a major Chinese university. The study followed a teaching flow that integrates intercultural learning with critical thinking by challenging students to select, analyze, and raise questions about English texts on aspects of Chinese culture. Mapping the outputs of a cohort of 77 second-year undergraduate students onto Baker's (2012; 2015) model of intercultural awareness, the study shows that a majority of participants demonstrated a level beyond basic awareness. The paper concludes that reading courses can be used to help foster intercultural awareness among Chinese students, and it offers some pedagogical and theoretical reflections on integrating intercultural learning with ELT, and formulates a number of suggestions for further studies. 展开更多
关键词 intercultural awareness intercultural learning English language teaching (ELT) Chinese students READING
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