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中国法书对日本书法的影响 被引量:3
作者 陈华 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期81-85,共5页
日本书法艺术的形成和发展与中国法书的传入有相当直接的渊源关系。盛唐时,王羲之等的法帖传入日本,受此影响,日本书法开始确立,及至日本奈良时期,全面模仿唐朝,崇拜晋唐的书体在日本盛行。王羲之等的书体由那些来唐朝学习的遣唐使带回... 日本书法艺术的形成和发展与中国法书的传入有相当直接的渊源关系。盛唐时,王羲之等的法帖传入日本,受此影响,日本书法开始确立,及至日本奈良时期,全面模仿唐朝,崇拜晋唐的书体在日本盛行。王羲之等的书体由那些来唐朝学习的遣唐使带回日本,当时最著名的有最澄、空海、橘逸势等。晚唐以后,追随和模仿中国的倾向衰弱下来,与此同时,日本自己的民族文化也萌出了新芽。南宋时候的日本书法界,宋朝的书体开始向以王羲之书体为基础的唐朝书体挑战了。明清以来,中国众多书法家的法帖流入日本,使得日本书法界异彩纷呈。 展开更多
关键词 中国法书 日本书法 影响
叶恭绰《遐庵谈艺录》所见中国法书名画的流传 被引量:1
作者 弓野隆之 范丽雅(译) 《美术大观》 2022年第2期71-75,共5页
清末民初是以古典书画为核心的中国文物大流动时代,诸多书画名迹在短时期内频繁改变其所有者,纷纷流往香港、台湾,甚至海外的日本和欧美各国。本文以20世纪著名书画家兼收藏家叶恭绰的《遐庵谈艺录》为线索,考察苏东坡的《黄州寒食诗帖... 清末民初是以古典书画为核心的中国文物大流动时代,诸多书画名迹在短时期内频繁改变其所有者,纷纷流往香港、台湾,甚至海外的日本和欧美各国。本文以20世纪著名书画家兼收藏家叶恭绰的《遐庵谈艺录》为线索,考察苏东坡的《黄州寒食诗帖》和黄庭坚的《经伏波神祠诗》卷等这些堪称中国艺术史上的珍品是如何从中国流失海外的历史事实。 展开更多
关键词 中日收藏家 《遐庵谈艺录》 中国法书名画 海外流传
关于博文堂影印出版中国法书 被引量:1
作者 菅野智明 范丽雅(译) 《艺术工作》 2022年第3期63-82,共20页
本文对博文堂20世纪初期中国法书影印出版活动,以及在出版活动中起了主导作用的内藤湖南和罗振玉两人不同的志趣及互相之间的关系做了详细探讨,同时也对博文堂在出版史上的历史定位做了考察。通过考察,本文阐明了以下重要一点,即内藤虽... 本文对博文堂20世纪初期中国法书影印出版活动,以及在出版活动中起了主导作用的内藤湖南和罗振玉两人不同的志趣及互相之间的关系做了详细探讨,同时也对博文堂在出版史上的历史定位做了考察。通过考察,本文阐明了以下重要一点,即内藤虽然对流入日本的多样法书给予高度评价并积极支持出版,但他却有意识地区别自己与罗振玉的活动,并强化自己对王羲之礼赞的姿态;而罗振玉似乎是挑战内藤的这种姿态般地,积极致力于影印出版各个时代的碑帖墨迹。正因为内藤和罗振玉在法书影印和出版活动上不同的趣向,而且他们彼此也理解对方诉求,所以两个人才在上述的活动中起了相辅相成的作用。 展开更多
关键词 内藤湖南 罗振玉 博文堂 中国法书 珂罗版 保护和传承
《艺术品》 2018年第10期117-117,共1页
2018年9月21日。为了响应国家“一带一路”倡议,在“一带一路文化遗产国际学术研讨会”的框架下,由中国艺术研究院、敦煌文化学会主办,中国艺术研究院文化发展战略研究中心、中国艺术研究院中国书法院联合承办,中书协楷书委员会作... 2018年9月21日。为了响应国家“一带一路”倡议,在“一带一路文化遗产国际学术研讨会”的框架下,由中国艺术研究院、敦煌文化学会主办,中国艺术研究院文化发展战略研究中心、中国艺术研究院中国书法院联合承办,中书协楷书委员会作为学术支持单位的“行歌一中国法书经典临创展”在甘肃省敦煌市展出。 展开更多
关键词 中国法书 敦煌文化 甘肃省 中国艺术研究院 国际学术研讨会 文化发展战略 文化遗产 敦煌市
物有本末 事有终始——再论日本书法形成中的中国之影响 被引量:2
作者 陈华 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第5期130-136,共7页
日本书法艺术的形成和发展离不开中国法书的传入和影响,可以分为早期和以后的三个时期加以说明。早期始于文字和汉文化的传入。第一期(初期):平安时代到奈良时代(710-1185),在这一时期,日本开始主动、大规模且长期推行吸收大陆文化,即... 日本书法艺术的形成和发展离不开中国法书的传入和影响,可以分为早期和以后的三个时期加以说明。早期始于文字和汉文化的传入。第一期(初期):平安时代到奈良时代(710-1185),在这一时期,日本开始主动、大规模且长期推行吸收大陆文化,即史称为遣唐使的活动。晚唐以后,全面追随和模仿的倾向走弱,受此影响,与“唐样”即中国风格书法继续大行其道的同时,所谓“和样”即日本风格的书法也开始出现、确立,书法的变迁从一个方面展示,日本的民族文化萌出新芽。从载体来看,书法和书法交流仅属于少数社会上层即贵族阶级。第二时期(中期):镰仓时代到江户时代(1185-1868),这一时期,宋代书法向唐朝书体挑战的风潮影响到日本,到江户时代,“唐样”与“和样”终成两分天下的局面。第三时期(后期),明治维新以后(1868-),第三时期为期很短,但是冲击力极大。中国众多书法家的法帖流入日本,不仅使得日本书法界异彩纷呈,也深刻推动了书法理论的研究,更重要的是书法开始走向一般民众。 展开更多
关键词 中国法书 日本书法 影响
Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy Between Tradition and Innovation 被引量:2
作者 Adriana Iezzi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第3期158-179,共22页
Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. A vivid debate on CCC (Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy) (Zhongguo xiandai shufa) is involving a... Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. A vivid debate on CCC (Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy) (Zhongguo xiandai shufa) is involving art critics in China nowadays. WANG Dongling and the modernists think that, despite many changes and influences, we can still refer to the traditional calligraphic lexicon to describe the calligraphic production of contemporary Chinese art. They still remain deeply rooted in the signified system of Chinese writing, even if they break with the strict rules of Chinese classical aesthetic (contamination of Western elements and focus on the stylistic exploration). WANG Nanming and the Avant-garde think that "contemporary calligraphy is not calligraphy yet": It is "anti-calligraphy", annihilates Chinese tradition, rejects the use of legible characters, experiments with new languages and new media within the idiom of international contemporary art. The result is the creation of works of art that could be assimilated to Abstract art, Abstract expressionism, Conceptual art, Performance art, Contemporary dance, Multimedia art, and even Street art. This paper aims at showing how still valid and extremely productive are both these two theoretical and creative/practical approaches to Chinese calligraphy in China nowadays. They turned the art of calligraphy into a medium for global comprehension and communication. 展开更多
关键词 CCC (Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy) MODERNISM AVANT-GARDE WANG Dongling WANG Nanming
Current Regulatory Status and Development Trend of Drug Inserts in China
作者 高崧 杨学敏 +1 位作者 孙源 史录文 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第1期69-71,共3页
Regulatory status of drug inserts in China is described in terms of its legalsystem, administrative ramifications and existing problems. Lack of government regulatoryenforcement, industry self-control mechanisms and a... Regulatory status of drug inserts in China is described in terms of its legalsystem, administrative ramifications and existing problems. Lack of government regulatoryenforcement, industry self-control mechanisms and academic research are blamed to be the root ofthese problems. The trend of regulatory policies on the issue is outlined and suggestions on severalimportant issues are made. 展开更多
关键词 drug insert drug administration
Robust visual servoing based Chinese calligraphy on a humanoid robot 被引量:2
作者 马哲 Xiang Zhenzhen Su Jianbo 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2016年第1期30-37,共8页
A robust visual servoing system is investigated on a humanoid robot which grasps a brush in Chinese calligraphy task.The system is implemented based on uncalibrated visual servoing controller utilizing Kalman-Bucy fil... A robust visual servoing system is investigated on a humanoid robot which grasps a brush in Chinese calligraphy task.The system is implemented based on uncalibrated visual servoing controller utilizing Kalman-Bucy filter,with the help of an object detector by continuously adaptive MeanShift(CAMShift) algorithm.Under this control scheme,a humanoid robot can satisfactorily grasp a brush without system modeling.The proposed method is shown to be robust and effective through a Chinese calligraphy task on a NAO robot. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese calligraphy robust visual servoing Kalman-Bucy filter continuously adaptive MeanShift (CAMShift) algorithm.
The Application of Chinese Calligraphy Fonts to the Modem Art Design
作者 Guohua ZUO Ge XIE 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期71-73,共3页
Chinese calligraphy font design is based on Chinese characters as the carrier, and provides the modem people, the modem market, and the modem society with a font design by applying the modem technology conditions, com... Chinese calligraphy font design is based on Chinese characters as the carrier, and provides the modem people, the modem market, and the modem society with a font design by applying the modem technology conditions, combining with the modem design concept, and absorbing the traditional calligraphy form languages such as the midcourt line and structure. Along with the development of Chinese character information processing technology, the modem computer techology has been penetrated into every field of society, it has been very important in the field of the design to implement font design and application using the computer directly. In this paper, the application of Chinese calligraphy fonts to the modem design art is discussed from computer font design and the components of Chinese characters, development trend, and modem decoration design. Calligraphy font design will be applied to more design areas, and also will be penetrated into all aspects of people' s daily life. 展开更多
关键词 Calligraphy Font Font Design Chinese Characters Modem Decoration
Study on Chinese painting freehand brushwork
作者 Rong Zhuang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第9期17-20,共4页
In art of the canvas, the brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy is one of the important behavior means of the canvas, have independent aesthetic value at the same time, contemporary, one that is with plural... In art of the canvas, the brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy is one of the important behavior means of the canvas, have independent aesthetic value at the same time, contemporary, one that is with pluralism, varied painting idea and painting skill and technique of art is great and abundant, traditional in the canvas works " The brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy " Already not merely can be spoken to the limit by the simple scribbling and wiping of pen, and Chinese comfortable brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy, technique of writing incorporate visual language and spiritual intension created that can enrich the picture greatly in the canvas is created. This text attempts to canvass the canvas and create the feasibility that incorporated into comfortable brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy and expansionary from two respect factors of cultural idea and skill and technique and tool material. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese canvas FREEHAND BRUSHWORK
Present re-recognition of the significance of the aesthetic value of the traditional literati paintings
《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期21-23,共3页
The literati paintings are a special art nourished by the philosophy, religion, poetry and calligraphy and many other cultural forms in ancient China, which can be regarded as the oriental comprehensive symphony. In t... The literati paintings are a special art nourished by the philosophy, religion, poetry and calligraphy and many other cultural forms in ancient China, which can be regarded as the oriental comprehensive symphony. In terms of the depth of the art, it is the tower accumulated by various Chinese cultures, rich solid. It contains the "morality", "elegant banter", "super shape", and "fun" of the literati, which can be regarded as the representative of the high difficulty and deep degree of the Chinese traditional arts, and it is the spirit of the Chinese national paintings. 展开更多
关键词 Literati painting Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism WRITING
Beauty of Western Abstract Painting and Chinese Cursive Calligraphy A Comparison
作者 YING Yi-wen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第10期951-959,共9页
The Western Abstract Painting has a dynamic, constantly-changing, and non-entity beauty. It focuses on the visual process, artistic feelings, and beauty of form as its creative core. The Chinese Cursive Calligraphy ... The Western Abstract Painting has a dynamic, constantly-changing, and non-entity beauty. It focuses on the visual process, artistic feelings, and beauty of form as its creative core. The Chinese Cursive Calligraphy (草书), on the other hand, aims to create a vibrant beauty resulting from sweeping wrap-around and continuous changes. It also pays attention to the personality stretch, the lyrical and expressive, and the abstract beauty within images. In both arts, there is a rhythmic beauty running through the works, allowing the charm of lines to fully express the artist's creative thoughts and feelings, making them stand out impressively. 展开更多
关键词 abstract form intuitive beauty inner world spiritual pursuits
What is "Chinese Modem Calligraphy"? An Exploration of the Critical Debate on Modem Calligraphy in Contemporary China
作者 Adriana lezzi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第3期206-216,共11页
Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. Nowadays in China this artistic revolution has sparked a vivid debate among the art critics on three... Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. Nowadays in China this artistic revolution has sparked a vivid debate among the art critics on three main topics: (1) definition of the phenomenon; (2) analysis of its nature; and (3) classification of the artistic production. In this article, all these aspects are analysed in order to give a comprehensive view of the present theoretical discussion and of its future development. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Modem Calligraphy (CMC) contemporary China art critic critical debate modernity contemporary art modem art
Calligraphy and Modern Chinese Writers
作者 Li Jikai 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第1期110-126,共17页
Research on modern Chinese literature has achieved results that have attracted wide attention. However, its state of near "saturation" has placed it in a dilemma with no clear way forward. Finding new academic growt... Research on modern Chinese literature has achieved results that have attracted wide attention. However, its state of near "saturation" has placed it in a dilemma with no clear way forward. Finding new academic growth points has become exceptionally important and urgent. The relationship between the "culture of calligraphy" and "modem Chinese writers" is virtually a research blank and has so Ihr attracted regrettably little attention. In fact, many modem Chinese writers have had close ties with calligraphy, making important contributions to its collection, creation and scholarly exploration. Conversely, the culture of calligraphy has exerted a profound influence on such things as the mode of existence, textual forms, emotional expression, ways of thought and aesthetic tastes of modem literature. Moreover, an examination of this relationship may stimulate us to reflect more deeply on literature, calligraphy, culture, education and related issues, which may help us gain a larger space for the development of Chinese culture and literature in the new century. 展开更多
关键词 culture of calligraphy modem Chinese writers academic innovation third text study of calligraphy
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