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作者 王淑芳 《社会科学辑刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期180-181,共2页
中国目前的当务之急是要在坚持以经济建设为中心的前提下 ,注重制度的创新和精神战线的整合 ,抑制并缩小贫富差距 ,实现经济能力和效率的协调发展。实现社会自身基本需要和资源的内生自发发展 ,社会生活全面综合的整体发展 。
关键词 发展 中国社会发展 中国深度发展
中国-东盟深度合作视角下岭南-北部湾地区城市软实力研究 被引量:2
作者 程皓 阳国亮 阳瑾瑜 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第4期68-75,共8页
中国-东盟作为重要的国际区域合作区,双方的合作深度正不断提升。随着我国城镇化进程的加快,城市实力尤其是城市软实力正成为区域合作的重要参考指标。岭南-北部湾地区作为中国与东盟地缘关系最为紧密的区域,考察其城市软实力十分必要... 中国-东盟作为重要的国际区域合作区,双方的合作深度正不断提升。随着我国城镇化进程的加快,城市实力尤其是城市软实力正成为区域合作的重要参考指标。岭南-北部湾地区作为中国与东盟地缘关系最为紧密的区域,考察其城市软实力十分必要。通过构建包括文化与教育发展、社会生活与公共服务、商业活动与技术发展3个一级指标、16个二级指标和42个三级指标的指标体系对城市软实力水平进行了综合分析。运用多层因子分析法,对岭南-北部湾地区城市软实力的综合水平和空间形态进行了实证分析,研究发现,区域整体城市软实力水平有待提升,内部极化现象严重但各具特点。针对性提出政策建议,以期能够提升岭南-北部湾地区城市软实力,推进中国-东盟深度合作。 展开更多
关键词 中国-东盟深度合作 岭南-北部湾地区 城市软实力 多层因子分析
作者 王淑芳 梁文宏 《长白学刊》 2004年第6期50-51,共2页
树立并落实"科学发展观",要坚持全面、协调、可持续的社会发展,注重制度创新和精神战线的整合,抑制并缩小贫富差距,实现经济能力和效率的协调发展,社会自身基本需要和资源的内生自发发展,社会生活全面综合的整体发展,最终达... 树立并落实"科学发展观",要坚持全面、协调、可持续的社会发展,注重制度创新和精神战线的整合,抑制并缩小贫富差距,实现经济能力和效率的协调发展,社会自身基本需要和资源的内生自发发展,社会生活全面综合的整体发展,最终达到以人为目的的真正社会发展。 展开更多
关键词 科学发展观 中国社会发展 中国深度发展
试析马克思主义哲学深度中国化的必然性 被引量:1
作者 朱荣英 《赣南师范学院学报》 2004年第1期12-15,共4页
中国哲学传统中所蕴含的许多重要的哲学要素,都已被现代科学和现代实践及其结果证实具有现代性价值,但它只有经过马克思主义的创造性转化才能走向现代化;而马克思主义哲学的世界性理念抽象性程度极强,不可能以原典的形式而只能以有中国... 中国哲学传统中所蕴含的许多重要的哲学要素,都已被现代科学和现代实践及其结果证实具有现代性价值,但它只有经过马克思主义的创造性转化才能走向现代化;而马克思主义哲学的世界性理念抽象性程度极强,不可能以原典的形式而只能以有中国特色的民族化的形式发挥作用。这表明,中国哲学现代化与马克思主义哲学中国化具有内在的一致性,在当代中国社会实践中,将二者彼此打通并实现视界交融,从而建构中国化的马克思主义哲学新形态势所必然。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义哲学 深度中国 中国哲学
教学场所的重构——对H大学公选课《深度中国》的深度解析 被引量:1
作者 王璐婵 《兰州教育学院学报》 2019年第9期119-122,共4页
笔者通过"场所"研究视角,对H大学现象级公选课《深度中国》课堂予以追踪,并辅之以对十三位任课教师的深度访谈。研究发现,《深度中国》作为一门公选性质的"特色思政课",其成功在于继承了传统思政课价值学习、意义... 笔者通过"场所"研究视角,对H大学现象级公选课《深度中国》课堂予以追踪,并辅之以对十三位任课教师的深度访谈。研究发现,《深度中国》作为一门公选性质的"特色思政课",其成功在于继承了传统思政课价值学习、意义学习和整体学习的课程定位,并依据现有主客体条件对教学的非实体因素进行了有效重构,营造了一个在传播核心价值、抒发家国情怀的同时,师生又可以在其中确认自我、传递知识和寄托人生的"教学场所"。《深度中国》课堂是发散着多重引力的"关系场""知识场"和"心理场",体现了思政课教学"价值性和知识性""主导性和主体性""统一性和多样性""灌输性和启发性""显性教育和隐性教育"以及"理论性和实践性"的统一。 展开更多
关键词 深度中国 教学场所 关系场 知识场 心理场
作者 金萍 《社科纵横》 2020年第8期116-122,共7页
当代如何超越西方话语表征体系所出现的困境和局限,探索中国本土的故事叙述路径,形塑中华文化软实力的话语能力业已成为官方、学界和媒体共同关注的现实性议题。本文用“以古为新”的视阈,基于跨文化和历史话语的分析视角,将1897年国人... 当代如何超越西方话语表征体系所出现的困境和局限,探索中国本土的故事叙述路径,形塑中华文化软实力的话语能力业已成为官方、学界和媒体共同关注的现实性议题。本文用“以古为新”的视阈,基于跨文化和历史话语的分析视角,将1897年国人编纂的第一部国文教科书《蒙学课本》与1906年编纂的《蒙学修身教科书》作为历史文本进行考察,追踪文本中国家故事叙述的话语实践方式及其背后所承载的历史意识,以及这一案例的当下意义与借鉴启示。晚清蒙学教科书提出激活“儒经话语”这一贯穿中华文化源流的本土话语资源,即通过借鉴“依经立义,借事明义”的话语叙述格局、“微言大义”的意义建构方式、在“行事”中“深切著明”的话语批评形态和“成一家之言”的意义创新方式,在中国故事的叙述深度中形塑文化软实力的话语能力。 展开更多
关键词 中国故事的深度叙述 中华文化软实力 话语形塑 历史意识 “儒经话语”视角
作者 屠江川 《高教论坛》 2020年第4期28-31,共4页
“深度中国”是华中科技大学马克思主义学院开设的一门思政公选课,在该课程授课期间,不止一位学生表示“深度中国”改变了其对思政类课程的印象和态度。本文以“深度中国”为研究对象,以溢出效应为研究视角,通过对168位上课学生进行有... “深度中国”是华中科技大学马克思主义学院开设的一门思政公选课,在该课程授课期间,不止一位学生表示“深度中国”改变了其对思政类课程的印象和态度。本文以“深度中国”为研究对象,以溢出效应为研究视角,通过对168位上课学生进行有效问卷调查,发现特定思政公选课“深度中国”不仅在提供学生知识和信息、影响学生态度与看法上实现了良好的课程效果,而且对思想政治理论课具有明显的溢出效应,即学生对思想政治理论课的印象和态度明显变好了。 展开更多
关键词 思政课 溢出效应 思想政治教育 深度中国
作者 蔡海 林淼 +1 位作者 张新 胡林 《公路与汽运》 2024年第1期1-10,16,共11页
为优化智能车辆感知视场,以中国交通事故深度调查(CIDAS)数据库中的事故案例为基础提取22种交叉口乘用车典型事故场景,在交叉口典型乘用车事故仿真场景中提取来车相对于主车的极限相对位置并将其转换为车辆安全通行下最小感知区域;为实... 为优化智能车辆感知视场,以中国交通事故深度调查(CIDAS)数据库中的事故案例为基础提取22种交叉口乘用车典型事故场景,在交叉口典型乘用车事故仿真场景中提取来车相对于主车的极限相对位置并将其转换为车辆安全通行下最小感知区域;为实现基于场景安全通行的智能车辆感知视场配置,建立场景安全通行需求的智能车辆感知视场配置框架并提出感知视场配置求解方法;在对感知元件进行功能建模后,使用视场配置方法求解场景安全通行下感知元件组合方案;最后使用感知区域覆盖率、目标有效感知率对该感知元件组合方案进行评价,结果表明搭载该感知元件组合方案的智能车辆在事故场景中可满足安全通行要求。 展开更多
关键词 汽车 智能车辆 事故场景 视场配置 中国交通事故深度调查(CIDAS)数据库
新时代“交通强国”战略的理论探析 被引量:13
作者 邱铁鑫 《北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第4期58-62,92,共6页
党的十九大报告将建设“交通强国”作为强国战略目标之一,开启了中国交通建设事业现代化的新征程。交通强国战略的提出,具有十分重要的现实意义、深厚的思想源流以及丰富的科学内涵。在新时代,面对社会主要矛盾的变化,建设交通强国应该... 党的十九大报告将建设“交通强国”作为强国战略目标之一,开启了中国交通建设事业现代化的新征程。交通强国战略的提出,具有十分重要的现实意义、深厚的思想源流以及丰富的科学内涵。在新时代,面对社会主要矛盾的变化,建设交通强国应该注意思考诸如中国交通建设事业的主要矛盾变化、“中国速度”与“中国深度”如何兼顾、交通治理体系和治理能力如何现代化等问题。 展开更多
关键词 交通强国战略 运能和运量 中国速度 中国深度 交通治理体系 交通治理能力
社会学本土化的引入、构建与想象 被引量:2
作者 黄晓星 《济南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第1期17-23,157,共8页
社会学本土化的争论反映了中国社会学恢复重建30多年来社会学的发展,不同阶段争论的议题正是社会学作为一个专业体系构建过程中的重点体现。从研究对象的转换、本土社会学理论的建构到认识论、方法论的提升,不同部分的专业构建出现了研... 社会学本土化的争论反映了中国社会学恢复重建30多年来社会学的发展,不同阶段争论的议题正是社会学作为一个专业体系构建过程中的重点体现。从研究对象的转换、本土社会学理论的建构到认识论、方法论的提升,不同部分的专业构建出现了研究议题、理论普遍性和方法论上的本土化争论。中国社会学本土化是从引入西方社会学理论,到构建中国本土学术共同体的过程,"引进来"和"走出去"是本土化的两个方面。社会学面临的问题是对中国社会的"深层结构"的把握,这是现阶段本土化所回应的根本性议题。 展开更多
关键词 社会学本土化 专业发展 研究者角色 中国社会的深度结构
Changes in Climatic Factors and Extreme Climate Events in Northeast China during 1961-2010 被引量:11
作者 ZHAO Chun-Yu WANG Ying +5 位作者 ZHOU Xiao-Yu CUI Yan LIU Yu-Lian SHI Da-Ming YU Hong-Min LIU Yu-Ying 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2013年第2期92-102,共11页
This study focuses on examining the characteristics of climate factors and extreme climate events in Northeast China during 1961- 2010 by using daily data from 104 stations, including surface air temperature, precipit... This study focuses on examining the characteristics of climate factors and extreme climate events in Northeast China during 1961- 2010 by using daily data from 104 stations, including surface air temperature, precipitation, wind speed, sunshine duration, and snow depth. Results show that annual mean temperature increased at a significant rate of 0.35℃ per decade, most notably in the Lesser Khingan Mountains and in winter. Annual rainfall had no obvious linear trend, while rainy days had a significant decreasing trend. So, the rain intensity increased. High-temperature days had a weak increasing trend, and low-temperature days and cold wave showed significant decreasing trends with rates of 3.9 d per decade and -0.64 times per decade, respectively. Frequency and spatial scope of low-temperature hazard reduced significantly. Warm days and warm nights significantly increased at 1.0 and 2.4 d per decade, while cold days and cold nights decreased significantly at -1.8 and -4.1 d per decade, respectively. The nighttime warming rate was much higher than that for daytime, indicating that nighttime warming had a greater contribution to the overall warming trend than daytime warming. The annual mean wind speed, gale days, and sunshine duration had significant decreasing trends at rates of-0.21 m s-1 per decade, -4.0 d per decade and -43.3 h per decade, respectively. The snow cover onset dates postponed at a rate of 1.2 d per decade, and the snow cover end date advanced at 1.5 d per decade, which leads to shorter snow cover duration by -2.7 d per decade. Meanwhile, the maximum snow depth decreased at -0.52 cm per decade. In addition, the snow cover duration shows a higher correlation with precipitation than with temperature, which suggests that precipitation plays a more important role in maintaining snow cover duration than temperature. 展开更多
关键词 climatic factors extreme climate events climate change Northeast China
专业分类主题词表性能测评——以医学和教育分类主题词表为例 被引量:1
作者 张丽莎 刘锦绣 《图书馆学刊》 2009年第4期80-82,共3页
《中国分类主题词表》(简称中分表)是我国规模最大的一部同时用于分类主题标引的分类主题一体化词表。选取医学和教育大类,从类目与主题两个方面,分别统计和比较研究了二者的规模和词汇性能,包括标引深度、等同率、参照度、关联比等,并... 《中国分类主题词表》(简称中分表)是我国规模最大的一部同时用于分类主题标引的分类主题一体化词表。选取医学和教育大类,从类目与主题两个方面,分别统计和比较研究了二者的规模和词汇性能,包括标引深度、等同率、参照度、关联比等,并提出了一些改进建议。 展开更多
关键词 中国分类主题词表》标引深度 等同率 参照度 关联比 词表评价
Prediction of Scour Depth around Offshore Pipelines in the South China Sea 被引量:2
作者 Yonggang Cao Yuchuan Bai +2 位作者 Junqin Wang Shizhi Liao Dong Xu 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第1期83-92,共10页
Scour depth prediction of offshore pipelines is of great significance to the design and construction of the submarine pipeline projects. In this paper, based on the CFD software package FLUENT and User Defined Functi... Scour depth prediction of offshore pipelines is of great significance to the design and construction of the submarine pipeline projects. In this paper, based on the CFD software package FLUENT and User Defined Function (UDF), an Eulerian two-phase model, which includes an Euler-Euler coupled model for water and sediment phases, and a turbulent model for the fluid phase, is adopted to predict the scour depth around pipelines. The model is verified by observation data obtained from laboratory experiments. On the basis of the simulations, the factors affecting the scour depth, including the effects of incipient velocity, pipe diameter and sediment particle size and so on, were investigated. Meanwhile, according to formulas of incipient velocity of various sediments, approximate calculation on theoretical scour depths is developed for pipelines of seven stations in the South China Sea, where engineering application information is available. 展开更多
关键词 PIPELINE offshore pipelines SEDIMENT scour depth numerical simulation theoretical calculation South China Sea
Observation of interactions between internal tides and near-inertial waves after typhoon passage in the northern South China Sea 被引量:4
作者 蔺飞龙 梁楚进 +3 位作者 侯一筠 刘亚豪 刘泽 胡珀 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1279-1285,共7页
During the observational period of our study, Typhoon Hagupit passed over the mooring site and induced strong near-inertial waves (NIWs), which provided an opportunity to investigate the interactions between interna... During the observational period of our study, Typhoon Hagupit passed over the mooring site and induced strong near-inertial waves (NIWs), which provided an opportunity to investigate the interactions between internal tides (ITs) and NIWs. Based on the mooring data, we compared the current spectra during the typhoon period and non-typhoon period in the northern South China Sea, and found that the high- frequency waves (fD1 and fD2) were evident during the former. Moreover, the observations of the current revealed that fD1 and fD2 occurred near the depth of strong vertical shear in the NlWs. In order to confirm the generation mechanism of fD1 and fD2, we compared the positions of strong vertical shear in the NIWs and strong vertical velocity in the ITs. It was established that the vertical shear of the horizontal current of the NIWs and the vertical current of the ITs contributed to the generation of fDt and fD2. 展开更多
关键词 internal tides near-inertial waves TYPHOON nonlinear interaction South China Sea
Composition and Distribution of Planktonic Ciliates in the Southern South China Sea During Late Summer: Comparison Between Surface and 75 m Deep Layer 被引量:3
作者 LIU Huaxue SHEN Pingping +3 位作者 LI Chunhou CHEN Zuozhi QI Zhanhui HUANG Honghui 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第1期171-176,共6页
Ciliates are very important components in most marine ecosystem. They are trophic link between the microbial food web and grazing food chain. In this study, ciliates were collected from 11 sites in the southern South ... Ciliates are very important components in most marine ecosystem. They are trophic link between the microbial food web and grazing food chain. In this study, ciliates were collected from 11 sites in the southern South China Sea (SCS) during August 25 to September 28, 2011. Their composition and distribution at the surface and 75m deep depth of the ocean were studied. A total of 30 species belonging to 22 genera were identified, and 22 species of 15 genera were Tintinnids. Eutintinnusfraknoii and E. stramentus were the most common species. The other dominants were strombidiids ciliates including Strombidium conicum and S. globosaneum, which were followed by the tide form, Mesodinium pulex. Ciliates abundance ranged from 46 indL-1 to 368 indL-1 in the open sites, 46-368indL-1 at surface and 73-198indL-1 at 75m deep layer. In the Yongshu reef, ciliates abundance ranged from 167indL-1 to 365 ind L-1 in the water colunm, similar to that in Sanya coral reef waters. Ciliates composition showed obvious difference between surface and 75m deep layer at station S2 (P〈0.05), while no similar result was observed at other sites. At 75m deep layer, salinity was negatively related to mixed layer depth (P〈 0.05), but positively to chlorophyll a concentration (P〈 0.05), indicating that the change of vertical mixing in water column influenced vertical distribution of ciliates in the southern SCS. 展开更多
关键词 South China Sea Yongshu Reef CILIATES COMPOSITION
Soil Nutrient Variance by Slope Position in a Mollisol Farmland Area of Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Shaoliang JIANG Lili +3 位作者 LIU Xiaobing ZHANG Xingyi FU Shicong DAI Lin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期508-517,共10页
In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nut... In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nutrient contents including soil organic matter(SOM), total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), available phosphorus(AP), and available potassium(AK) among different slope positions in a Mollisol farmland area of Northeast China. The contents of SOM and TN typically decreased with increased soil depth at back and bottom slope. Soil loss and deposition tended to decrease SOM and TN at the 0–20 cm soil depth on both the back slope and the slope bottom. The TP firstly decreased from 0–20 cm to 30–40 cm, and then not constantly increased at the back slope and the bottom slope. Due to the characteristics of soil nutrients and crop absorption, the contents of both AP and AK were typically the highest at the summit, followed by the slope bottom and the back slope in the 0–20 cm layer. Generally, in order to sustain the high soil productivity and protect the environment, attention should be paid to soil conservation on back slope; in addition, additional N and P fertilizer is necessary on the back slope. 展开更多
关键词 soil organic matter soil nitrogen soil phosphorus soil potassium slope position MOLLISOLS China
Recovery of Bathymetry from Altimeter Data
作者 HUANG Motao ZHAI Guojun OUYANG Yongzhong BIAN Shaofeng 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第1期28-33,共6页
At present,there exist two methods used to recover the bathymetry from altimeter data,i.e.the deterministic method and the stochastic method.In this paper,the principles of the two methods are introduced first.Then ac... At present,there exist two methods used to recover the bathymetry from altimeter data,i.e.the deterministic method and the stochastic method.In this paper,the principles of the two methods are introduced first.Then according to the theory of least_square collocation,a modified statistical model for recovering bathymetry from altimeter data is proposed.The new model has been used for computing the ocean depth in the South China Sea from altimeter_derived gravity anomalies.Finally the predicted depths are compared with the ship_borne depth.It shows that they agree with each other very well. 展开更多
关键词 ALTIMETRY BATHYMETRY least-square collocation
Spatial distribution of penetration depth in Taihu Lake (China) during spring and autumn 被引量:1
作者 赵巧华 魏瀛珠 欧阳潇然 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期907-916,共10页
In the context of remote sensing, sunlight penetration depth is the depth above which 90% of the diffusely reflected irradiance from a water body surface originates. Model algorithms to simulate water quality variable... In the context of remote sensing, sunlight penetration depth is the depth above which 90% of the diffusely reflected irradiance from a water body surface originates. Model algorithms to simulate water quality variables such as chlorophyll a, dissolved organic matter, suspended matter, and Secchi depth are sensitive to the variations of this variable. The penetration depth for Taihu Lake in China, a shallow and turbid lake, was calculated by using a multiple scattering model, and in situ optical measurements were carried out during May and October 2010. The results show that:1) the penetration depth generally increased from west to east during spring and from southeast to northwest during autumn, reflecting the prevailing wind direction and; 2) there was strong dependence of the penetration depth on the concentration of suspended matter. 展开更多
关键词 penetration depth multiple scattering model spatial distribution remote sensing Taihu Lake
Relocation of Earthquakes in Shandong and Its Neighboring Areas,China and Its Relationship with Active Tectonics
作者 Li Xia Liu Xiqiang +2 位作者 Li Yajun Dong Xiaona Zhang Huifeng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2013年第4期512-526,共15页
Earthquakes taking place from 1975 to 2010 in and around Shandong Province are relocated using double-difference(HypoDD)and Hypoinvers 2000(Hypo2000)methods,after correction of the onset times of seismic phases.The re... Earthquakes taking place from 1975 to 2010 in and around Shandong Province are relocated using double-difference(HypoDD)and Hypoinvers 2000(Hypo2000)methods,after correction of the onset times of seismic phases.The results show that the relocated seismicity is clearly associated with regional tectonics in space,and is also in agreement with the existence of deep faults imaged by wide-angle and deep seismic reflection profiling;most of the focal depths are in the range of 5~25km,and there are clearly two predominant depths:10km and 16km,which are inferred to be on the bottom of the upper crust and in the middle crust,respectively.The pattern of seismic activity indicates that moderate and strong earthquakes are likely to occur in the brittle-ductile transition zone between the upper and the lower crust,as the outcome of the deep tectonic dynamic process and the movement and deformation of faults in the upper and shallow crust under the regional stress field. 展开更多
关键词 The double-difference algorithm SEISMOTECTONICS Focal depth Predominantdepth of earthquakes Brittle-ductile transition
Factors influencing the climatological mixed layer depth in the South China Sea:numerical simulations 被引量:1
作者 范聪慧 王娟娟 宋金宝 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期1112-1118,共7页
The mixed layer depth (MLD) in the upper ocean is an important physical parameter for describing the upper ocean mixed layer. We analyzed several major factors influencing the climatological mixed layer depth (CMLD... The mixed layer depth (MLD) in the upper ocean is an important physical parameter for describing the upper ocean mixed layer. We analyzed several major factors influencing the climatological mixed layer depth (CMLD), and established a numerical simulation in the South China Sea (SCS) using the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) with a high-resolution (1/12~x 1/12~) grid nesting method and 50 vertical layers. Several ideal numerical experiments were tested by modifying the existing sea surface boundary conditions. Especially, we analyzed the sensitivity of the results simulated for the CMLD with factors of sea surface wind stress (SSWS), sea surface net heat flux (SSNHF), and the difference between evaporation and precipitation (DEP). The result shows that of the three factors that change the depth of the CMLD, SSWS is in the first place, when ignoring the impact of SSWS, CMLD will change by 26% on average, and its effect is always to deepen the CMLD; the next comes SSNHF (13%) for deepening the CMLD in October to January and shallowing the CMLD in February to September; and the DEP comes in the third (only 2%). Moreover, we analyzed the temporal and spatial characteristics of CMLD and compared the simulation result with the ARGO observational data. The results indicate that ROMS is applicable for studying CMLD in the SCS area. 展开更多
关键词 mixed layer depth (MLD) South China Sea (SCS) wind stress net heat flux EVAPORATION precipitation regional ocean model system (ROMS)
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