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中国活动火山区甲烷的碳同位素研究 被引量:19
作者 上官志冠 赵慈平 高玲 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期1458-1464,共7页
中国长白山天池、腾冲、五大连池等主要活动火山区逸出气体中甲烷的碳同位素组成测试结果显示,腾冲、长白山(不包括天池火山口内湖滨)火山区岩浆来源气体中甲烷的δ^(13)C值的变化范围与国际上地热区甲烷大致相同,平均值分别为-19.0‰... 中国长白山天池、腾冲、五大连池等主要活动火山区逸出气体中甲烷的碳同位素组成测试结果显示,腾冲、长白山(不包括天池火山口内湖滨)火山区岩浆来源气体中甲烷的δ^(13)C值的变化范围与国际上地热区甲烷大致相同,平均值分别为-19.0‰、-32.6‰;五大连池火山区与天池火山口内湖滨强气体释放带逸出甲烷的δ^(13)C值较低,平均值分别为- 45.8‰和-47.9‰,类似于东非裂谷带基伍(Kivu)湖的甲烷。研究认为,这些低δ^(13)C值甲烷可能直接来自上地幔;岩浆来源甲烷在火山喷发过程中的动力学分馏导致了其δ^(13)C值的降低,岩浆源区越深,其δ^(13)C值越低;岩浆源区深度(d)与甲烷δ^(13)C值有如下关系:d(km)=0.0107(δ^(13)C_1)~2+1.14。岩浆来源CO_2和CH_4之间的碳同位素分馏温度可指示气体最后源区的深度。 展开更多
关键词 中国活动火山 甲烷 碳同位素组成
中国休眠火山区岩浆来源气体地球化学特征 被引量:25
作者 上官志冠 武成智 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期2638-2646,共9页
中国休眠火山区岩浆来源气体的最主要成分是 CO_2,含量占80%~99%;其它气体组分还有 CH_4、He、H_2、N_2、Ar、O_2、H_2S、SO_2、CO 等,其中 CH_4和 He 是 CO_2以外最值得重视的直接来自地幔岩浆体的气体组分。He 的同位素组成(~3He/~4H... 中国休眠火山区岩浆来源气体的最主要成分是 CO_2,含量占80%~99%;其它气体组分还有 CH_4、He、H_2、N_2、Ar、O_2、H_2S、SO_2、CO 等,其中 CH_4和 He 是 CO_2以外最值得重视的直接来自地幔岩浆体的气体组分。He 的同位素组成(~3He/~4He比值)是休眠火山区最可靠的幔源物质的指示性参数;岩浆来源的 CO_2和 CH_4也具有特征的区别于浅源气体的稳定同位素组成(δ^(13)C 值)。长白山火山区近期 CO_2和 CH_4的碳同位素分馏监测结果显示,2002年汪清7.2级深震虽然可能引发了深部岩浆的局部扰动,但是它可能并没有产生特别大量的、持续不断的上地幔岩浆物质流的上升迁移。这意味着,长白山天池火山区近期可能没有火山喷发活动的现实危险。 展开更多
关键词 中国休眠火山 岩浆来源气体 气体地球化学特征
中国东部中生代火山岩区地质文化村建设实践与思考——以福建杞溪为例 被引量:5
作者 张翔 段政 +5 位作者 董颖 陈荣 余明刚 宋庆伟 曹晓娟 钱迈平 《华东地质》 2022年第4期474-489,共16页
中国东部中生代火山岩区不仅拥有丰富而类型多样的地质遗迹资源,同时也是我国人口和城镇、乡村最密集的地区,且交通便利、产业齐全、经济发达,是利用地质遗迹资源推动经济发展,支撑乡村振兴的先行区和示范区。本文以福建省大田县杞溪村... 中国东部中生代火山岩区不仅拥有丰富而类型多样的地质遗迹资源,同时也是我国人口和城镇、乡村最密集的地区,且交通便利、产业齐全、经济发达,是利用地质遗迹资源推动经济发展,支撑乡村振兴的先行区和示范区。本文以福建省大田县杞溪村为例,通过开展地质遗迹资源和社会人文资源综合调查和分析融合,将其规划、设计并建设成为一个以火山文化为特色的地质文化村。基于杞溪地质文化村的建设经验,通过对比分析,提出我国在建设地质文化村时普遍存在单村资源和承载能力有限等问题,认为地质文化村建设方向应遵循以点带面,发挥区域联动作用,使业态趋于完善的发展路径,最终实现该模式的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 火山地质遗迹 地质文化村 乡村振兴 福建杞溪 中国东部火山岩带
2010年冰岛埃亚菲亚德拉火山喷发启示录——加强我国活动火山监测与研究刻不容缓 被引量:1
作者 许建东 魏海泉 李霓 《国际地震动态》 2010年第7期19-22,共4页
2010年3月开始的冰岛埃亚菲亚德拉火山喷发,火山灰肆虐欧洲,迫使很多机场关闭,航班取消,对世界的空中交通造成了极大的影响。本文分析了冰岛埃亚火山的喷发机制和灾害效应,回顾了近些年来我国在活动火山监测与研究领域取得的进展和存在... 2010年3月开始的冰岛埃亚菲亚德拉火山喷发,火山灰肆虐欧洲,迫使很多机场关闭,航班取消,对世界的空中交通造成了极大的影响。本文分析了冰岛埃亚火山的喷发机制和灾害效应,回顾了近些年来我国在活动火山监测与研究领域取得的进展和存在的不足,强调了迅速加大我国火山监测与研究工作力度的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 冰岛火山 中国火山 灾害效应
作者 夏军 王成善 李秀华 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 1993年第2期65-67,共3页
兴安岭群形成于中生代,主要分布于大兴安岭地区,是一套火山熔岩、火山碎屑岩、沉火山碎屑岩和少量正常沉积岩的岩石组合。构成大兴安岭中生代火山岩带的主体。该火山岩带纵向延伸超过一千多公里,和华北、华南中国东部中生代火山岩带相... 兴安岭群形成于中生代,主要分布于大兴安岭地区,是一套火山熔岩、火山碎屑岩、沉火山碎屑岩和少量正常沉积岩的岩石组合。构成大兴安岭中生代火山岩带的主体。该火山岩带纵向延伸超过一千多公里,和华北、华南中国东部中生代火山岩带相连。横向遍及整个东北地区. 展开更多
关键词 火山 边缘陆块型 兴安岭群 中国东部中生代火山
Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating for island arc volcanic rock of Fangniugou area in Yitong region of Jilin Province 被引量:2
作者 姜正龙 邱海峻 +2 位作者 彭玉鲸 张为民 梁爽 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2877-2884,共8页
Polymetallic iron ore sulphate deposits of marine volcanic rock have been developed in the Fangniugou area,Jilin Province,China,but the division of volcanic ore-bearing strata has not been specifically elucidated and ... Polymetallic iron ore sulphate deposits of marine volcanic rock have been developed in the Fangniugou area,Jilin Province,China,but the division of volcanic ore-bearing strata has not been specifically elucidated and there is disagreement about the division.The sampling and SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of volcanic rock for Daheishan in the Fangniugou area and the northeast slope of the Duanjiadian were described.The volcanic rock formation period and recorded the volcanic events in the Daheishan mountains were systematically researched.Two samples of high-precision U-Pb zircon dating were used to represent the volcanic rock fomation period of the Late Silurian.The measured data reflect that multiple volcanic activities occurred during the Middle Silurian,Early Silurian,Middle Ordovician and Silurian,and Late Ordovician,probably matching volcanic events in the Songnan Basin identified from zircon dating.At the same time,it is confirmed that a controversial "conglomerate of Daheishan" did in fact develop in the Late Silurian,and those sections of both the Dazigou and Xinlitun-Taoshan with graptolite had been reversed. 展开更多
关键词 Yitong Jilin Province Fangniugou volcanic rock U-Pb dating zircon SHRIMP dating volcanic event
Analysis of Tianchi volcano activity in Changbai Mountain,NE China 被引量:8
作者 LIU Guoming YANG Jingkui +1 位作者 WANG Lijuan SUN Jicai 《Global Geology》 2011年第1期44-53,共10页
Changbaishan volcano is the largest potential eruptive volcano in China.In this paper,seismic activity,horizontal displacement,vertical displacement and the fluid geochemistry data acquiring from Changbaishan Tianchi ... Changbaishan volcano is the largest potential eruptive volcano in China.In this paper,seismic activity,horizontal displacement,vertical displacement and the fluid geochemistry data acquiring from Changbaishan Tianchi Volcano Observatory(TVO) in recent years are analyzed.The authors discussed the ability for the Changbaishan volcanic seismic monitoring and active level of Changbaishan volcano in recent years based on the fundamental monitoring results.The results show that Changbaishan volcano has experienced an unrest episode from 2002 to 2005,but its active level recovers to the background now. 展开更多
关键词 VOLCANO volcanic event EARTHQUAKE Changbai Mountain
A Potential Flood Hazard Caused by Tianchi Volcano Eruption in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China
作者 BAO Kunshan WANG Guoping +1 位作者 LU Xianguo Neil B. McLaughlin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期677-681,共5页
Geohazards appear to be increasing in frequency globally. It is of necessity to actively manage these natural hazards to minimize loss of life and property. From an early warning perspective, this paper stresses the p... Geohazards appear to be increasing in frequency globally. It is of necessity to actively manage these natural hazards to minimize loss of life and property. From an early warning perspective, this paper stresses the potential fatal flood hazard represented by the huge volume of water in Tianchi Lake, the unique geography of Changbai Mountain, and the limited flood control ability in the upstream of the Songhua River. Northeast Asian countries should keep a watchful eye on the Changbai volcano cooperatively, and Chinese government especially needs to prepare plans for fighting a flood in advance. 展开更多
关键词 Volcano eruption Natural geohazards Flood disaster Active volcano Changbai Mountain Northeast China
Sources of dissolved inorganic carbon in rivers from the Changbaishan area, an active volcanic zone in North Eastern China 被引量:2
作者 Xue Bai Benjamin Chetelat Yilong Song 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期410-415,共6页
Major elements and carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)have been measured in the waters of Changbaishan mountain,a volcanic area in northeastern China,between June and September 2016 to decipher the orig... Major elements and carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)have been measured in the waters of Changbaishan mountain,a volcanic area in northeastern China,between June and September 2016 to decipher the origin of the CO_2 involved in chemical weathering reactions.Spatial variations of major elements ratios measured in water samples can be explained by a change of the chemical composition of the volcanic rocks between the volcanic cone(trachytes)and the basaltic shield as evidenced by the variations in the composition of these rocks.Hence,DIC results from the neutralization of CO_2 by silicate rocks.DIC concentrations vary from 0.3 to 2.5 mmol/L and carbon isotopic compositions of DIC measured in rivers vary from-14.2‰to 3.5‰.At a first order,the DIC transported by rivers is derived from the chemical weathering’s consumption of CO_2 with a magmatic origin,enriched in^(13)C(-5%)and biogenic soil CO_2 with lower isotopic compositions.The highest δ^(13)C values likely result from C isotopes fractionation during CO_2 degassing in rivers.A mass balance based on carbon isotopes suggest that the contribution of magmatic CO_2 varied from less than 20%to more than 70%.Uncertainties in this calculation associated with CO_2 degassing in rivers are difficult to quantify,and the consequence of CO_2 degassing would be an overestimation of the contribution of DIC derived from the neutralization of magmatic CO_2 by silicate rocks. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon isotopes Dissolved inorganic carbon RIVERS Chemical weathering CHANGBAISHAN Active volcanic zone
Geology and geochemistry of Huanggangliang stratabound skarn deposit in Inner Mongolia,China 被引量:2
作者 WANG Changming 《Global Geology》 2010年第2期61-69,共9页
Over the recent three decades, exploration of a large-size Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposit at the Huanggangliang, the Da Hinggan Mountains, Inner Mongolia, China, has been largely focused on the premise that the minera... Over the recent three decades, exploration of a large-size Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposit at the Huanggangliang, the Da Hinggan Mountains, Inner Mongolia, China, has been largely focused on the premise that the mineralization represents epigenetic magmatic hydrothermal ore deposit in genetic connection with the Mesozoic magmatism. The Huanggangliang Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposits occurred in Permian strata, with silt- stone/marble of the Zhesi Formation and spilite/andesite/tuff of the Dashizhai Formation. The characteristics of geological and geochemical data demonstrated that sedimentary hydrothermal mineralization occurred during the basin evolution at the Permian, rather than representing epigenetie magmatic hydrothermal genesis with the following evidences. The ore-bearing skarus are stratiform with underlying metasedimentary rocks and overlying volcanic sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary hydrothermal textures and structures are observed in the stratabound ore-bearing skarn such as bedded-laminated skarn and magnetite ores with small-size folding or soft deforma- tion, synsedimentary breccia of skarn and magnetite ores and concentric shell structure of magnetite ores. So the stratabound ore-bearing skarns associated with magnetite ore and micro-disseminated tin, are peculiar examples of exhalite. The REE contents of the stratabound ore-bearing skarns display ∑LREE-rich (36.91×10^-6) but EHREE-depletion (6. 42 ×10^-6) , with positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu * 1.28) and negative Ce anomaly (Ce/ Ce * 0.88 ) , which is totally different from REE pattern of the Huanggang magmatic rocks( with ∑REE 277.73 ×10^-6, ELREE 220.24 ×10^-6, ∑HREE 57.49 ×10^-6, Eu/Eu* 0.06, Ce/Ce* 1.52) , which is comparable with modern sea-floor hydrothermal fluid,sedimentary hydrothermal ore deposit and associated hydrothermal sedimentary rocks. Calcite samples with δ13CPDB from -5. 400 ‰ to -4. 397 ‰ and δ18SOSMOW from 9. 095 ‰ to 9. 364 ‰ in the stratabound ore-bearing skarns show sedimentary hydrothermal genesis of the Huanggangliang deposit. This proposition is useful not only for interpretation of the genesis of the Huanggangliang large Sn-Fe polymetallic ore deposit but also significant for mineral exploration in the area especially for finding large deposits caused by sedimentary exhalative mineralization processes. 展开更多
关键词 stratabound skarn exhalative genesis REE carbon isotope Huanggangliang ore deposit
A preliminary study on ore-forming environments of Xianglushan-type iron deposit and the weathering mineralization of Emeishan basalt in Guizhou Province, China
作者 Guofan Cheng Youping Liu +2 位作者 Hansheng Long Tao Cui Ning Yu 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期556-565,共10页
Xianglushan-type iron deposits are one of the new types of iron deposits found in the Weining Area of Western Guizhou. The iron-bearing rock system is a paleo-weathered crustal sedimentary(or accumulating) stratum bet... Xianglushan-type iron deposits are one of the new types of iron deposits found in the Weining Area of Western Guizhou. The iron-bearing rock system is a paleo-weathered crustal sedimentary(or accumulating) stratum between the top of the Middle-Late Permian Emeishan basalt formation and the Late Permian Xuanwei formation. Iron ore is hosted in the Lower-Middle part of the rock system. In terms of the genesis of mineral deposit, this type of deposit should be a basalt paleo-weathering crustal redeposit type, very different from marine sedimentary iron deposits or continental weathering crust iron deposits. Based on field work and the analytical results of XRD Powder Diffraction, Electron Probe, Scanner Electron Microscope, etc., the geological setting of the ore-forming processes and the deposit features are illustrated in this paper. The ore-forming environment of the deposit and the Emeishan basalt weathering mineralization are also discussed in order to enhance the knowledge of the universality and diversity of mineralization of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province(ELIP), which may be a considerable reference to further research for ELIP metallogenic theories, and geological research for iron deposits in the paleo-weathering crust areas of the Emeishan basalt,Southwestern, China. 展开更多
关键词 Emeishan basalt paleo-weathering crust Xianglushan-type iron deposit Ore-forming environment Weathering mineralization Western Guizhou Province
Division and correlation of Yixian Formation in western Liaoning,China
作者 ZHAO Liang XING Dehe' +9 位作者 SUN Chulin SUN Yuewu ZHANG Lidong GUO Shengzhe ZHANG Changjie PENG Yandong JIA Bin CHEN Shuwang DING Qiuhong ZHENG Yuejuan 《Global Geology》 2010年第3期119-127,共9页
The Yixian Formation is a series of volcanic-sedimentary rocks in Biepiao area of Liaoning Province. It is mainly composed of basic and intermediate-basic volcanic lava,pyroclasts and terrestrial sedimentary rocks. Ba... The Yixian Formation is a series of volcanic-sedimentary rocks in Biepiao area of Liaoning Province. It is mainly composed of basic and intermediate-basic volcanic lava,pyroclasts and terrestrial sedimentary rocks. Based on the regularity of volcanic activity,the Yixian Formation was divided by the present authors into four members in ascending order:the first member is of basal conglomerate,basic and intermediate-basic volcanic rocks; the second member is of lake phrase sedimentary rocks,or in another word,precious fossil-rich sedimentary beds; the third is of basic volcanic rocks; and the fourth is of upper conglomerate. Field mapping and comprehensive study also indicate that there are abundant vertebrate fossils (mainly of Psittacosaurus) in the first member of the Yixian Formation,and the Jehol Biota (including Sinosauropterxy,Confuciusorns sanctus,Archaefructus,etc.) is yielded in the second member of Yixian Formation. From west to east,the volcanic activity of Yixian Formation changed regularly from early to late,and from basic and intermediate-basic to acid (alkali). 展开更多
Geochemical characteristics and genesis of volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks from porphyrite-type iron deposits in Ningwu metallogenic province,eastern China:Constraints from elements
作者 刘震 黄德志 +4 位作者 刘毓菡 古黄玲 汪龙 HARTWIG E.Frimmel 戴塔根 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2866-2876,共11页
Ningwu porphyrite-type iron deposits are located in Ningwu Mesozoic volcanic basin,which belongs to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River metallogenic province.The volcanic rocks can be divided into Longwa... Ningwu porphyrite-type iron deposits are located in Ningwu Mesozoic volcanic basin,which belongs to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River metallogenic province.The volcanic rocks can be divided into Longwangshan,Dawangshan,Gushan and Niangniangshan Formations from early to late.All these volcanic rocks are rich in alkali,and show the similar patterns in rare earth element(REE) distribution.However,some differences can be found in the trace elements and REE patterns.The study of petrology and REE geochemical characteristics shows that these rocks are derived from the underplating of the lithospheric mantle and are contaminated by crustal materials,undergo AFC process during the magmatic evolution. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth elements porphyrite-type iron deposit Ningwu volcanic basin mantle-derived magma assimilation fractional crystallization
Field Geological Exploration of the Ashikule Volcano Group in Western Kunlun Mountains
作者 Xu Jiandong Zhao Bo +1 位作者 Zhang Liuyi Chen Zhengquan 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第2期I0003-I0003,153-159,共8页
From May 4 to May 30, 2011, a field exploration of the Ashikule basin in the Western Kunlun Mountains area was conducted by a research team from the Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration and Earthquake... From May 4 to May 30, 2011, a field exploration of the Ashikule basin in the Western Kunlun Mountains area was conducted by a research team from the Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration and Earthquake Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This work is financially supported by the special fund for China earthquake research project "The Comprehensive Scientific Exploration of the MS7.3 Yutian Earthquake in 2008 and the Ashikule Volcano Group". Through detailed field survey on geological and geomorphological features of the Ashikule volcano group, which is one of the highest altitude volcanic plateaus (about 5000m) in the world, we have determined the total number of volcanoes, the eruption type and structural parameters, and approximate active history of the volcano group. Our studies have provided field evidence for resolving past controversies such as the authenticity of the news report about the eruption event on May 27, 1951, the eruption pattern of the Daheishan volcano, and the reality of the Gaotaishan volcano. 展开更多
关键词 Ashikule volcano group Recent eruption Volcano cone LAVA
Geochronology and significance of volcanic rocks in the Ning-Wu Basin of China 被引量:34
作者 ZHOU TaoFa FAN Yu +5 位作者 YUAN Feng ZHANG LeJun QIAN Bin MA Liang YANG XiFei David R COOKE 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期185-196,共12页
The Ning-Wu(Nanjing-Wuhu) Basin is one of the most important volcanic basins in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Valley,eastern China.It consists of four volcanic units,i.e.,the Longwangshan,Dawangshan,Gushan,and Niangn... The Ning-Wu(Nanjing-Wuhu) Basin is one of the most important volcanic basins in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Valley,eastern China.It consists of four volcanic units,i.e.,the Longwangshan,Dawangshan,Gushan,and Niangniangshan Formations.Their LA-ICP MS U-Pb zircon ages are 134.8±1.8,132.2±1.6,129.5±0.8,and 126.8±0.6 Ma,respectively.Results of this study indicate that all volcanic rocks in the Ning-Wu Basin were formed in the Early Cretaceous from 135 to 127 Ma,lasting 8-10 m.y.No Jurassic volcanic activities occurred in any of the volcanic basins of the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Valley,including the Ning-Wu Basin.These new chronological results provide significant evidence for further study of this region to improve our understanding of Mesozoic tectonic,magmatic,and metallogenic processes of eastern China. 展开更多
关键词 zircon LA-ICP MS U-Pb dating volcanic rocks Ning-Wu Basin
Subaquatic volcanic eruptions in continental facies and their influence on high quality source rocks shown by the volcanic rocks of a faulted depression in Northeast China 被引量:7
作者 SHAN XuanLong LI JiYan +3 位作者 CHEN ShuMin RAN QingChang CHEN GuiBiao LIU Chao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期1926-1933,共8页
This paper reports the analysis on cores and rock slices, data on seismic and logging activities, characteristics of core samples, and the paleogeographic background of the Yingcheng Formation of the Xujiaweizi faulte... This paper reports the analysis on cores and rock slices, data on seismic and logging activities, characteristics of core samples, and the paleogeographic background of the Yingcheng Formation of the Xujiaweizi faulted depression in the Songliao Basin. The results show that some of the volcanic rocks were formed during subaquatic eruptions. These subaqueous volcanic rocks are further characterized by the interbedded black mudstone and tuffite, the presence of double-layer perlite enclosing aphyric or sparsely phyric rhyolite, the presence of a bentonite layer, and the coefficient of oxidation (Fe203/FeO). The types of rocks are volcanic breccia, lava breccias, perlite, rhyolite, tuff and sedimentary tuff. The subaquatic eruptions are distributed mainly in Wangjiatun, Shengping, Xuxi, Xuzhong, and Xudong. The XS-I area is the most typical. The organic abundance of over- burden mud rocks within the volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation indicates that these rocks represent high-quality source rocks. The analysis also shows that continental subaquatic volcanic eruptions provide a rich supply of minerals and en- ergies for the lake basin and increase the organic matter content in the water. Moreover, the water differentiation provides a good reducing environment for the conservation of organic matter, and is beneficial for the formation of high-quality source rocks. Finally, we propose a hypothesis to describe the mode of subaquatic eruptions and the formation of high-quality source rocks. 展开更多
关键词 subaquatic volcanic rocks in continental facies recognition marks high-quality source rocks Yingcheng Formation Xujiaweizi faulted depression
New SIMS U–Pb zircon age and its constraint on the beginning of the Nantuo glaciation 被引量:13
作者 刘鹏举 李献华 +4 位作者 陈寿铭 兰中伍 杨犇 尚晓东 尹崇玉 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期958-963,I0008,共7页
A new SIMS U-Pb zircon age of 654.2 ± 2.7 Ma was reported from the middle Datangpo Formation in Changyang County of Hubei Province, China. The age is identical with that of 654 ± 3.8 Ma from the top Datangpo... A new SIMS U-Pb zircon age of 654.2 ± 2.7 Ma was reported from the middle Datangpo Formation in Changyang County of Hubei Province, China. The age is identical with that of 654 ± 3.8 Ma from the top Datangpo Formation in western Hunan Province, revealing that the volcanic activities (- 654 Ma) may have occurred widely in South China. The occurrence of the tuff beds (-654 Ma) at different intervals of the Datangpo Formation indicates that the erosion process after the Datangpo deposition varied significantly in different areas. It is thus consequently suggested that the rift in South China was active until the Nantuo glaciation. In addition, the new age confirms that the Nantuo glaciation started much later than 654 Ma. 展开更多
关键词 South China Neoproterozoic - Datangpo Formation SIMS U-Pb zircon dating Nantuo glaciation
Initiation and recession of the fluvial knickpoints:A case study from the Yalu River-Wangtian'e volcanic region,northeastern China 被引量:13
作者 ZHANG HuiPing ZHANG PeiZhen FAN QiCheng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第11期1746-1753,共8页
Initiation and recession of the knickpoints are significant boundary condition for processes of fluvial system. The distribution and recession rates of knickpoints contain information that provides a fundamental under... Initiation and recession of the knickpoints are significant boundary condition for processes of fluvial system. The distribution and recession rates of knickpoints contain information that provides a fundamental understanding of geomorphic processes. In the Yalu River-Wangtian'e volcanic region of northeastern China, broadly distributed fiat lava terrain provides an ideal site to study the recession of fluvial knickpoints because knickpoints and waterfalls are well preserved here. Here we describe the distribution of knickpoints in the Yalu River-Wangtian'e volcanic region by combining DEM analysis and numerical modeling Furthermore, we present a knickpoint celerity model, derived from stream-power incision model, to relate knickpoint recession rate to drainage area. We calibrate important empirical coefficients with our knickpoint celerity model; the best fit erosion coefficient (K) is 1.32×10^-8, and the best fit drainage area exponent (m) is 0.69. Error analysis indicates a close correspondence between synthetic and real knickpoints. Finally, we show that knickpoint recession rates in the Yalu River-Wangtian'e volcanic region are -1-10 mm/a during the early stages of transient incision, and that the present rates are -1-6 mm/a. Our recession rate results are in good agreement with previous findings from the Aso Volcano and volcanoes near Boso Peninsula (Japan), which have a similar geologic history to the Yalu River-Wangtian'e volcanic region. Our present effort provides new insight into landscape evolution in the Yalu River-Wangtian'e volcanic region in northeastern China. 展开更多
关键词 Yalu River-Wangtian'e volcanic region KNICKPOINT knickpoint celerity model landscape evolution
The discovery of Palaeoproterozoic volcanic rocks in the Bulunkuoler Group from the Tianshuihai Massif in Xinjiang of Northwest China and its geological significance 被引量:33
作者 JI WenHua LI RongShe +6 位作者 CHEN ShouJian HE ShiPing ZHAO ZhenMing BIAN XiaoWei ZHU HaiPing CUI JiGang REN JuanGang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期61-72,共12页
In the Dabudaer region of the Tianshuihai Massif (Xinjiang, Northwest China), metavolcanic rocks within the mainly meta- sedimentary Bulunkuoler Group are basalt, basaltic andesite, and rhyolite. In situ zircon U-Pb... In the Dabudaer region of the Tianshuihai Massif (Xinjiang, Northwest China), metavolcanic rocks within the mainly meta- sedimentary Bulunkuoler Group are basalt, basaltic andesite, and rhyolite. In situ zircon U-Pb LA-ICP-MS dating on rhyolite magmatic zircons yielded an age of 2481±14 Ma, interpreted as the eruption age of the Bulunkuoler Group volcanic rocks. The basalt and basaltic andesite are low-A1 tholeiite series and the rhyolite is low-Al calc-alkaline series. All of rocks are charac- terized by enrichment of LREE and LILE (Rb, Th and Ba), depletion of P, Nb, Ta and Ti, and absence of Eu anomalies. The Cnd(t) of basalts ranges from 3.14 to 4.88 indicating a depleted mantle source. The trace element signatures show that these magmas experienced intense crustal contamination during their ascent. Direct evidence for crustal contamination is the xenocrystic zircons in the ryholite, with ages back to ca. 3300 Ma. The primitive-mantle normalized and Zr/Y-Zr diagrams for the basic volcanic rocks show that they formed in an intra-continental tectonic setting. Combined with the previous studies and compared with North China Craton Neoarchean basic volcanic rocks, it is supposed that the Bulunkuoler Group volcanic rocks reflect the Palaeoproterozoic mantle magma underplating and interaction with felsic crust. 展开更多
关键词 KARAKORUM Bulunkuoler Group zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating THOLEIITE UNDERPLATING
Formation mechanism of in-situ volcanic reservoirs in eastern China:A case study from Xushen gasfield in Songliao Basin 被引量:14
作者 FENG ZiHui YIN ChangHai +3 位作者 LIU JiaJun ZHU YingKang LU JiaMin LI JiangHai 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期2998-3014,共17页
A large number of in-situ volcanic reservoirs have been discovered from the Meso-Cenozoic rift basin group in eastern China.Based on drilling results in combination with geological and geophysical analysis,a case stud... A large number of in-situ volcanic reservoirs have been discovered from the Meso-Cenozoic rift basin group in eastern China.Based on drilling results in combination with geological and geophysical analysis,a case study from the Early Cretaceous Xujiaweizi fault-depression shows that the formation mechanism of in-situ volcanic reservoirs is characterized by"fault-controlled body,body-controlled facies,facies-controlled reservoir,and reservoir-controlled accumulation".In other words,deep faults control the volcanic eruption type,volcanic body,and gas reservoir distribution;the volcanic body determines the spatial distribution of volcanic facies and volcanic gas reservoir size;the volcanic facies control reservoir physical properties and effective thickness of gas formation;the volcanic reservoir properties control gas reservoir type and gas productivity.The result is useful to guiding the discovery of in-situ volcanic gas reservoirs in faulted basins in both theory and practice. 展开更多
关键词 Songliao Basin in-situ volcanic reservoir volcanic eruption type volcanic facies belt volcanic eruption cycle
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