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从头面部测量性状分析中国现代人群体质类型及其成因 被引量:15
作者 杜抱朴 杜靖 《解剖学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期805-815,共11页
目的 探讨中国现代人群的体质类型及地理环境因素对人群体质的影响。方法 选取中国134例现代人群中的14项头面部测量指标进行主成分聚类分析,同时分析上述指标与8项地理环境因素间的线性关系。结果 依据头面部测量指标可将中国现代人群... 目的 探讨中国现代人群的体质类型及地理环境因素对人群体质的影响。方法 选取中国134例现代人群中的14项头面部测量指标进行主成分聚类分析,同时分析上述指标与8项地理环境因素间的线性关系。结果 依据头面部测量指标可将中国现代人群分为南方组和北方组两个类群,其中北方组中汉族与其他少数民族混合聚类,而南方组中汉族和少数民族各自聚类而后汇聚一起。多数头面部测量性状与地理环境因素(平均风速除外)成中等程度或低度线性相关。其中容貌耳长和容貌耳宽与温度成中等程度负相关,表明艾伦法则可能并不适用于现代人耳部。结论 中国现代人群的南北体质差异可能源于气候驱动的适应性变化,以中国南北地理气候分界带(秦岭-淮河)作为分界线更为适宜。 展开更多
关键词 头面部测量指标 地理环境因素 南北分化 主成分分析 中国现代人
中国现代人群上、下肢形态与环境温度的相关性分析 被引量:2
作者 杜抱朴 杜靖 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期644-652,共9页
观察中国不同区域内现代人群四肢形态变化是否与艾伦法则相一致。本文搜集中国各区域102处地点的现代人群上、下肢测量性状中17项指标,探讨其与温度(年平均温度、年最高温度、年最低温度和气温年较差)间的线性关系。结果表明,随着环境... 观察中国不同区域内现代人群四肢形态变化是否与艾伦法则相一致。本文搜集中国各区域102处地点的现代人群上、下肢测量性状中17项指标,探讨其与温度(年平均温度、年最高温度、年最低温度和气温年较差)间的线性关系。结果表明,随着环境温度降低,中国现代人的上肢相对长度逐渐变短,前臂和手则逐渐增粗;下肢(下肢全长、大腿长和小腿长)逐渐变长,且下肢相对长度同样渐增。手长、手宽、上臂围和前臂围与气温年较差呈正相关,而身高上肢长指数与气温年较差呈负相关;下肢全长、大腿长、足长和小腿围与气温年较差呈正相关。环境温度作为一项选择性压力,作用于上肢发育或形态塑造过程的显著程度上要高于下肢。中国现代人群的四肢形态变化规律并不完全符合艾伦法则,可能与遗传、地理环境、功能性需求、生存策略和营养等因素共同影响现代人群的四肢发育密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 艾伦法则 中国现代人 温度 四肢 环境适应性
作者 贺雪飞 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1988年第4期25-32,19,共9页
生命的意义是什么?人生的价值在哪里?古今中外有多少人在探索、思考,寻求着这些问题的答案。“五四”以来,现代作家们更是自觉而执着地探求着人生的意义、目的和价值,这种探求成了现代散文的一大重要主题,我们把这一类散文称为“人生美... 生命的意义是什么?人生的价值在哪里?古今中外有多少人在探索、思考,寻求着这些问题的答案。“五四”以来,现代作家们更是自觉而执着地探求着人生的意义、目的和价值,这种探求成了现代散文的一大重要主题,我们把这一类散文称为“人生美文”。 展开更多
关键词 艺术特色 现代散文 现代作家 中国现代人 宇宙万物 李广田 苦乐 仰望星空 情与景 给你
作者 叶涛 《民间文化论坛》 2016年第3期11-14,共4页
学术史的建构是一门学科的基础性工作,也是学科走向成熟的标志。钟敬文先生在谈到民俗学的学科架构时,就曾把"民俗学史"作为民俗学学科的六大组成部分a,给予高度重视。关于学术史,有以下三点值得重视。首先,学术史的写作建基... 学术史的建构是一门学科的基础性工作,也是学科走向成熟的标志。钟敬文先生在谈到民俗学的学科架构时,就曾把"民俗学史"作为民俗学学科的六大组成部分a,给予高度重视。关于学术史,有以下三点值得重视。首先,学术史的写作建基于学科长期发展所取得的成果。抛开作为滥觞期的晚清时代,我们只是从"五四"新文学运动算起,作为中国现代人文学科重要组成部分的民间文学。 展开更多
关键词 刘锡诚 钟敬文先生 中国现代人 文学科 秃尾巴老李传说 牛郎织女传说 学史 教学研究 刘守华 贾芝
杭锦旗乌兰陶勒盖汉墓人骨鉴定报告 被引量:1
作者 陈德珍 《内蒙古文物考古》 1991年第1期51-53,共3页
内蒙杭锦旗乌兰陶勒盖汉代墓葬,其骨骼遗存保存较差,尤其是头骨,现就已收集的材料鉴定如下。一、材料根据现有头骨、牙齿及骨盆材料,可确认男性个体5个,女性个体4个。男性5个出自 M4、M7、M6、M3及M11。M4个体属于20岁左右。
关键词 乌兰陶勒盖 汉代墓葬 女性个体 鉴定报告 人骨 汉墓 男性个体 枕外隆突 中国现代人 下领骨
作者 吴小美 魏韶华 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第3期308-310,共3页
关键词 懒得离婚 谌容 《离婚》 生存处境 中国现代人 中间物 文化心态 灵与肉 活着 无路可走
作者 陈丙莹 《苏州科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 1986年第1期48-54,共7页
从十九世纪末维新派文人倡导“诗界革命”开始,中国诗歌史进入由传统旧诗向现代新诗发展的演变过程。革新派的诗人们在漫长的历史途程中连续不断,前后相继,为创造同已经发展了的中国现代人的生活、思想、感情及美学观念相适应的新的诗... 从十九世纪末维新派文人倡导“诗界革命”开始,中国诗歌史进入由传统旧诗向现代新诗发展的演变过程。革新派的诗人们在漫长的历史途程中连续不断,前后相继,为创造同已经发展了的中国现代人的生活、思想、感情及美学观念相适应的新的诗歌样式而进行了不懈的追求与实践。这种追求与实践不是单一的,而表现出各种不同的诗学观念,创作趋向的流动、交叉、竞争与累积,逐渐按新诗发展规律形成了各具自身功能而又互相联系、渗透的多元新诗艺术形态结构。这种不同的诗学观念,创作趋向即本文所述艺术潮流。潮流不一定必然产生流派,但流派总是比较集中地体现潮流的某些本质方面,甚至领起或推动某种潮流。 展开更多
关键词 诗学观念 中国诗歌史 艺术潮流 现代新诗 诗界革命 新诗发展 象征派 中国诗歌会 中国现代人 诗潮
《音乐世界》 1994年第12期28-28,共1页
一种成熟的悲凉和激昂的沧桑交织而起的男高音,猛烈地冲击你的灵魂,虏获你的情感,他那种类似美国西部音乐的哀号与东方音乐长散当哭的审美追求,煽诱着你,迫使你的胸腔腾起激昂的海啸。掀起这种海啸的便是沉默了好久的乐坛实力人物刘欢!... 一种成熟的悲凉和激昂的沧桑交织而起的男高音,猛烈地冲击你的灵魂,虏获你的情感,他那种类似美国西部音乐的哀号与东方音乐长散当哭的审美追求,煽诱着你,迫使你的胸腔腾起激昂的海啸。掀起这种海啸的便是沉默了好久的乐坛实力人物刘欢!作为一个文化大国,流行音乐的发展依然不尽如意。准确地讲,中国流行音乐,一直在为寻找自已的位置和价值而博杀于一种盲目之中。 展开更多
关键词 刘欢 流行歌曲创作 文化大国 美国西部 现代中国 主导动机 五度 中国现代人 精神情绪 社会结构转型
Mass Human Migration and the Urban Heat Island during the Chinese New Year Holiday: A Case Study in Harbin City, Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 WU Ling-Yun ZHANG Jing-Yong SHI Chun-Xiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2015年第2期63-66,共4页
Many Chinese people leave big cities for family reunions during the Chinese New Year (CNY), which is the most important public holiday in China. However, how modem mass human migration during the CNY holiday affects... Many Chinese people leave big cities for family reunions during the Chinese New Year (CNY), which is the most important public holiday in China. However, how modem mass human migration during the CNY holiday affects the urban heat island (UHI) is still un- known. Here, the authors investigate the role of modem human migration for the UHI effects during the CNY holiday for the period of 1992-2006 in Harbin City, Northeast China. The results show that during the CNY week, the UHI effects expressed as daily mean, maxi- mum, and minimum temperature differences between urban and rural stations averaged over the period of 1992-2006 are 0.65℃ (43%), 0.31℃ (48%), and 1.14℃ (71%) lower than during the background period (four weeks before and four weeks after the CNY week), re- spectively. Our findings identify previously unknown impacts of modem mass human migration on the UHI effects based on a case study in Harbin City. 展开更多
关键词 urban heat island Chinese New Year holiday mass human migration surface air temperature Harbin City
The Fault Line in Chinese Reflective Thinking 被引量:1
作者 Jim Platts 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第10期945-957,共13页
Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly... Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly present in the ancient Chinese philosophers. This is a loss felt by all Chinese as a psychological sense of hollowness, a loss of identity, made worse by the seeming inaccessibility of the ancient Chinese wisdom to the modern Chinese mind. It is clear that at some historical point China suffered an extreme psychological blow sufficient to traumatise it at the threshold of reflective thought, unable to look inwards any more. The paper identifies that point as the utter devastation wrought by Kublai Khan and the Mongols 750 years ago. What devastates reflective thought is wilfulness, the insistent focusing of all attention and energy on external, material things, and Kublai Khan was wilful in the extreme. What confirms this as the crippling point is that, in response to Kublai Khan's Mongol invasion the Chinese, over time, not only completely altered the geography of China itself, moving their capital to the North (Beijing), but have ever since fought to establish as "China" all the territory over which Kublai Khan ruled. China is clearly not free of Kublai Khan's shadow. But even more precisely, in the process of doing this--and showing their own wilfulness--in building the Forbidden City in Beijing they built it in the shape of the Chinese metaphysical model of the universe, the Chinese version of the Tree of Life metaphysical glyph But it has an error in it. And the error is precisely that in where it places things, it makes what would have been the attributes of reflective thought subservient to wilfulness. The model itself thus shows the hollowness of the Chinese mind from that moment on. The outer form--the "appearance"---of the ancient wisdom was still there. But the content--the "substance"--of it was not. And with no reflective thought, true creativity disappears. 展开更多
关键词 Needham's grand question Kublai Khan the Forbidden City the Tree of Life reflective thinking wilfulness psychological block
The Influences of American Deep Image on the Third-Generation Poets in China
作者 YIN Gen-de 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1251-1257,共7页
The Third-Generation Poetry of China (namely Post-misty Poetry too) initiated with the introduction of Western modernist poetry, especially sorts of American Post-modernist poetry schools into China. "The relation ... The Third-Generation Poetry of China (namely Post-misty Poetry too) initiated with the introduction of Western modernist poetry, especially sorts of American Post-modernist poetry schools into China. "The relation between American poetry and Chinese poetry has a long history, which lies in the influences on the creation of the Third-Generation poets. This influence is probably unprecedented in its depth and breadth." "Irrational association" and "leaping images" proposed by American Deep Image poets influenced by Freudian and Jungian unconscious perception gained an extraordinary appreciation among the Third-Generation poets who were in pursuit constantly of the experiments on poetic form and language. This paper mainly discusses the influences of American Deep Image on the Third-Generation poets of China through a case study of WANG Yin and CHEN Dongdong's poems. 展开更多
关键词 The Third-Generation Poetry Deep Image influence irrational association leaping image
A Historical Overview of China's Upgrading of Its Industrial Structure 被引量:1
作者 汪海波 《China Economist》 2014年第6期113-123,共11页
This paper investigates the history of upgrade of industrial structure in human society from a combined perspective of economic and philosophical history encompassing primitive society,ancient society and recent and m... This paper investigates the history of upgrade of industrial structure in human society from a combined perspective of economic and philosophical history encompassing primitive society,ancient society and recent and modern society.As far as recent and modern society is concerned,this paper divides the upgrade into two basic aspects:the shifting dominant position of primary,secondary and tertiary industries,and that of laborintensive,capital-intensive and knowledge-intensive industries.Moreover,this paper has examined the history of upgrade of industrial structure in China since 1949 and identified that the upgrade of China's industrial structure demonstrates not only the characteristics of middle and late stages of industrialization but characteristics of modernization as well.According to the general pattern of upgrade of industrial structure in recent and modern society and China's reality,great efforts must be made to improve China's indigenous innovation capacity,expedite agriculture modernization,increase competitiveness and qualitative development of manufacturing sector,and vigorously promote service sector(especially producers services),environmental protection industry,culture industry and maritime industry. 展开更多
关键词 upgrade of industrial structure combined perspective of economic and hical history upgrade of industrial structure in primitive ancient recent and modern society upgrade of industrial structure in China since 1949
The Origin of Chinese Modem Engineering Education: Fuzhou Shipping School's Engineering Education at Late Qing Dynasty
作者 Chen Jia 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第4期302-314,共13页
Engineering education is an important issue in engineering practice, and engineering practice and characteristics can be seen through examining the history of early Chinese engineering education. During the period ran... Engineering education is an important issue in engineering practice, and engineering practice and characteristics can be seen through examining the history of early Chinese engineering education. During the period ranging from the 1860s to the middle of the 1890s, the westernization group set up a series of modern industrial and mining enterprises for military and civil use, making the implementation of modern engineering education become possible and necessary. Thanks to their efforts, many schools and old-style private schools for teaching knowledge about western science and technology and training senior engineering managements and talents were gradually founded in China. These modern education organizations are the source and beginning of Chinese engineering education, which is also the origin of modernization of Chinese engineering education. This article takes Fuzhou Shipping School for case studies, using a cultural anthropology approach to examine the overall status, basic characteristics, and impact evaluation of engineering education during the Westernization Movement in China. It reiterates the idea of that "engineering education should be returned to engineering practice," and tries to explain the framework of the development of engineering education in China. Through conducting research, we find that the development of engineering education in modem China generally has the basic resources for realization of internationalization through "westernization" and localization through traditional culture and education and the general characteristics of diversification of social influence. During the development process, it has accumulated valuable experience for timely reform and gradual improvement of modernization: attaching importance to culture and cultivating qualified technical personnel; strictly requiring and building high-level schools and specialties; learning the advanced knowledge and bravely utilizing foreign educational resources; setting pragmatic and highly pertinent disciplines and specialties. It also left the society with thought-provoking lessons, namely, the lagging industrial production and social instability made the development severely restricted and obstructed; the unreasonable development layout resulted in the intensified imbalanced development in different regions; the bureaucracy nature imposed serious impact on efficiency and effectiveness of education; the negligence of innovation made the great-leap-forward development failed, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Engineering Education China Fuzhou Shipping School Late Qing
Leisure Sports Characteristics and Development Trend in China
作者 Ruidong WANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期54-56,共3页
The 21st century is the era of human recreation. What leisure and sport bring to people is bound to be a civilized, healthy, happy, and new life patterns. Throughout the development of sports and leisure history, we c... The 21st century is the era of human recreation. What leisure and sport bring to people is bound to be a civilized, healthy, happy, and new life patterns. Throughout the development of sports and leisure history, we can see that in the era of leisure sports agricultural, civilization reflects a more casual game. Strictly speaking, leisure sport is a product of the birth of modern industrial civilization. But today, it has become a recreational sport entirely necessities of life, recreation is the ultimate ownership of human beings, but also one of the best state of human existence, and therefore we have reason to believe that in the near future, leisure Sports will bring a self-liberation and ultimate human freedom. 展开更多
中国文学的人文永恒性及价值崇高性 被引量:1
作者 成中英 《探索与争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期60-63,共4页
我虽然一直从事哲学思考、哲学教学方面的工作,但是我非常关注中国文学的发展,尤其关注中国古典文学之于中国现代人之发展的基础问题。实际上,文化开始于文学,文学开始于"文",这是一个很根本的事实,不单在中国文学,在西方文... 我虽然一直从事哲学思考、哲学教学方面的工作,但是我非常关注中国文学的发展,尤其关注中国古典文学之于中国现代人之发展的基础问题。实际上,文化开始于文学,文学开始于"文",这是一个很根本的事实,不单在中国文学,在西方文化传统中也是如此。所以今天谈中国文学的文化自信问题,当然有它的时代意义,即我们对自己文化中的"文"的传统、文学传统到底有多少认知、多少把握、多少信念。 展开更多
关键词 中国现代人 西方文化传统 中国古典文学 崇高性 文化自信 哲学教学 文学的发展 永恒性
唯有热爱 矢志不渝——记“中国青年五四奖章”获得者付巧妹
作者 韩扬眉 《旗帜》 2021年第8期84-84,共1页
作为中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员,80后的付巧妹主要从事人类演化遗传的研究,希望通过古DNA,探究"我们是谁,我们从哪里来"这一永恒话题。在这个"冷门"且看似"无用"的基础研究中,付巧妹带领... 作为中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员,80后的付巧妹主要从事人类演化遗传的研究,希望通过古DNA,探究"我们是谁,我们从哪里来"这一永恒话题。在这个"冷门"且看似"无用"的基础研究中,付巧妹带领团队坚守执着坐着"冷板凳",在西方国家主导的古DNA研究版图中赢得了属于中国人的学术骄傲。从开发古核基因组捕获技术,到首次重建出最古老人类近乎完整的基因组序列、首次揭示东亚最古老的现代人基因组……付巧妹和团队成功推动中国现代人起源与演化研究从跟跑变为领跑。 展开更多
关键词 中国科学院 中国现代人 古人类研究所 五四奖章 古脊椎动物 古DNA 永恒话题 人类演化
作者 Leo & Ron 《中国广告》 2017年第10期59-60,共2页
中国还没有找到一个自己的合适的位置,也没有梳理出新时代自身独特的文化特征。戛纳印象——用创意去改变世界对戛纳的印象是各种体系很完善,比如说某一个讲座现场如果人太多,就会在隔壁安排一个直播间,所以总是能有机会听到自己喜欢的... 中国还没有找到一个自己的合适的位置,也没有梳理出新时代自身独特的文化特征。戛纳印象——用创意去改变世界对戛纳的印象是各种体系很完善,比如说某一个讲座现场如果人太多,就会在隔壁安排一个直播间,所以总是能有机会听到自己喜欢的讲座,安排都很科学。 展开更多
关键词 戛纳 广告公司 文化特征 广告领域 广告营销 舞台设计 广告教育 试错 中国原创 中国现代人
The Politics of a Vernacular Aesthetic: The Invention of Modern Chinese Essay in Zhou Zuo-ren in the 1930s
作者 Zhang Xu-dong 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2009年第3期60-93,共34页
This paper examines in detail how Zhou Zuo-ren, leading essayist and theoretician of the personal essay in the 1930s, turned the essay, the most free, independent, and informal of all the literary genres, into a vital... This paper examines in detail how Zhou Zuo-ren, leading essayist and theoretician of the personal essay in the 1930s, turned the essay, the most free, independent, and informal of all the literary genres, into a vital medium for the cultural and political self-assertion of the modern Chinese men of letters and for the making of a vernacular aesthetic by incorporating Western values with a rediscovered tradition of individualism and self--expression in classical Chinese literature, thus conforming to the tasks of the New Literature of breaking free from the prison-house of an over-coded cultural system into the refresh, raw experience of the mundane daily world and of transforming the language of the everyday into a refined mode of expression suitable for the expanded horizon of the enlightened individual. 展开更多
关键词 Zhou Zuo-ren ESSAY vernacular aesthetic POLITICS New Literature
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