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教育强国建设:教育经济学何为?——2023年中国教育经济学学术年会综述 被引量:1
作者 叶庆娜 《教育与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期91-96,共6页
党的二十大报告提出,要加快建设教育强国。如何助力教育强国建设,是当前我国教育经济学研究的核心命题。2023年中国教育经济学学术年会聚焦教育强国建设主题,围绕教育强国建设的内涵与路径、教育强国建设与教育资源优化配置、教育强国... 党的二十大报告提出,要加快建设教育强国。如何助力教育强国建设,是当前我国教育经济学研究的核心命题。2023年中国教育经济学学术年会聚焦教育强国建设主题,围绕教育强国建设的内涵与路径、教育强国建设与教育资源优化配置、教育强国建设与中国特色教育经济学学科发展等议题开展学术交流和思想碰撞。会议提出,教育强国兼具目标和手段的双重内涵,而实现共同富裕、加快推进教育现代化、进一步提升教育质量和人力资本水平是加快教育强国建设的有效路径。教育资源优化配置是教育强国建设的重要依托,提升教育资源优化配置水平,需对学龄人口规模及结构进行科学预测,重点解决好县域和特大超大城市高中教育资源配置和构建高质量课外服务体系问题,重视新型研究型大学的资源需求和资源配置方式。中国特色教育经济学是中国特色哲学社会科学的重要构成,着力构建中国特色教育经济学“三大”体系,探索中国特色教育经济思想,做面向田野、面向实践的真研究,是中国特色教育经济学发展的根本方向。 展开更多
关键词 教育强国建设 教育资源配置 中国特色教育经济学学科建设 会议综述
坚持马克思主义为指导,建设具有中国特色的经济学理论 被引量:12
作者 纪宝成 张宇 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第11期5-15,共11页
中国经济学的建设与发展不能走照搬照抄和全盘引进西方主流经济学的理论,片面追求所谓的“标准化”、“国际化”和“原汁原味”,进而自觉不自觉地成为西方经济学和意识形态的模仿者和消费者的道路。中国经济学的建设与发展应当以马列主... 中国经济学的建设与发展不能走照搬照抄和全盘引进西方主流经济学的理论,片面追求所谓的“标准化”、“国际化”和“原汁原味”,进而自觉不自觉地成为西方经济学和意识形态的模仿者和消费者的道路。中国经济学的建设与发展应当以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,广泛吸收和正确借鉴国外经济学和一切文明发展的优秀成果,深深扎根于中国改革和发展的实践的沃土之中,坚持面向广大人民群众的根本利益,努力在理论自主发展的道路上探索、开拓和创新,努力发展具有中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的经济学理论,为建设中国特色的社会主义和实现中华民族的伟大复兴服务。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义经济学 中国特色的经济理论 中国经济学建设与发展
中国“国有企业效率效益”问题的理论误区与认识论、方法论原因——四评“国有企业效率效益必然低下” 被引量:11
作者 王今朝 龙斧 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期35-44,共10页
国有企业在性质、目的、生产方式等方面与私有企业的差异性决定二者在效率效益上没有简单可比性。国有企业效率效益低下论是西方经济学封闭系统方法论的一般性产物。而在中国,它的产生与形成还具有近因效应、光环效应、代表性启发式思... 国有企业在性质、目的、生产方式等方面与私有企业的差异性决定二者在效率效益上没有简单可比性。国有企业效率效益低下论是西方经济学封闭系统方法论的一般性产物。而在中国,它的产生与形成还具有近因效应、光环效应、代表性启发式思维等唯心主义认识论影响,也是在事物(效率效益)分析上逻辑简单化、极端化、矫枉过正、用事物现象代替事物本质等方法论作用的结果。这些方法论的运用在企业效率效益衡量上形成了带有资本主义价值观与意识形态色彩的双重标准范式,其逻辑关系就是试图证明私有化才是唯一提高效率效益的手段。而整体主义、唯物主义的方法论分析则揭示出这种论点在经济学方法论上的伪科学性。 展开更多
关键词 国有企业效率效益 认识论 方法论 中国经济学建设 近因效应 光环效应 改革
The Driving Force and Direction of China’’s Industrial Transformation:A Perspective Based on New Structuralism 被引量:1
作者 巴曙松 郑军 《China Economist》 2013年第4期14-26,共13页
According to New Structural Economics, the ultimate direction of industrial transformation is determined by factor endowment structure and the relative price system of factors. In today's China, the predominant facto... According to New Structural Economics, the ultimate direction of industrial transformation is determined by factor endowment structure and the relative price system of factors. In today's China, the predominant factor in its labor endowment is shifting from population size to the regional movement of population and population quality, and its land endowment is changing from cheap, massive supply to expensive, limited supply, and the economy has potential of technological catch-up. Because of these three fundamental realities and the special situation that China is vast in territory and has a continuous industrial spectrum, its industrial transformation will be featured with "three unique regions within one country" and that the eastern region enters a new stage which focuses on the development of services, the six central provinces and the western triangle zone take over industries transferred from the east and the resource-rich western region becomes the "home front" as a major supplier of resources. However, this "three region differentiation" will not be automatically developed. Only in a competitive factor market, a flexible financial market and an elastic labor market can the persistent changes in endowment structure drive China's industrial structure towards its optimal form. To achieve this, we need to launch a series of necessary structural reforms. 展开更多
关键词 labor endowment endowment structure technological catch-up industrialtransformation
How Does Technological Progress Affect Employment and Wage Differences in China's Information Industry 被引量:2
作者 李春梅 杨蕙馨 《China Economist》 2013年第4期44-56,共13页
Combining the development status of information industry in China and based on theoretical discussions on labor demand and supply as well as the comprehensive analysis on endogenous technological progress and exogenou... Combining the development status of information industry in China and based on theoretical discussions on labor demand and supply as well as the comprehensive analysis on endogenous technological progress and exogenous educational quality, this paper concludes that the technological progress of information industry in China is skill- biased, i.e. technological progress of information industry increases the demand for skilled labor while decreases the demand for unskilled labor, and aggravates the wage difference between these two types of labor. Due to the effect of educational quality, the ratio of skilled labor employment to unskilled labor employment will reach a dynamic equilibrium and the wage difference between skilled labor and unskilled labor will not increase continuously. This paper then proves the foregoing conclusion with data of information industry in 26 provinces (autonomous region, municipality). Focusing on typical skill-intensive information industry, this paper mainly studies the influence of educational quality, which not only complements the theoretical analysis on dual effects of technological progress on employment, but also provides feasible and practical basis to policies promoting the development of technological progress and full employment in China. 展开更多
关键词 information industry skill-biased technological change EMPLOYMENT wage nce
An Empirical Study on Environmental Regulatory Costs &Environmental TFP 被引量:1
作者 李小胜 安庆贤 《China Economist》 2013年第4期96-108,共13页
This paper examines the cost of environmental regulation and the environmental total factor productivity (TFP) with directional distance function and the Malmquist-Luenberger (ALL) index respectively, using inputs... This paper examines the cost of environmental regulation and the environmental total factor productivity (TFP) with directional distance function and the Malmquist-Luenberger (ALL) index respectively, using inputs and output data of 36 two-digit industries over the period 1998- 2010. It finds that Chinese industries incur a relatively high environmental regulatory cost and that China has paid a high price fulfilling its promise to emissions mitigation. A comparison between conventional and environmental TFP shows that the two indicators for all industries declined on average, but a hypothesis test reveals insignificant difference between the two. In addition, the rise in environmental TFP is mainly due to technological progress, which is consistent with findings of many researches; analysis demonstrates signs of absolute convergence of environmental TFP. 展开更多
关键词 Directional distance function environmental regulatory costs environmentally sensitive productivity
A Comparative Study of the Two Global Financial Crises
作者 刘鹤 《China Economist》 2013年第4期58-69,共12页
This paper examines the differences and similarities of the two global financial crises to find out the fundamental reasons why these two crises have occurred and what we can learn from these two crises. In 2010, we l... This paper examines the differences and similarities of the two global financial crises to find out the fundamental reasons why these two crises have occurred and what we can learn from these two crises. In 2010, we launched a comparative study on the Great Depression of the 1930s and today's international financial crisis. This paper is the main summary of the project we have accomplished together. This research draws on the historical event and data to analyze the true reasons behind these two global crises. It concludes that the endogenous conflicts of capitalism, with the inability to self-adjust have caused these crises to take place. 展开更多
关键词 financial crises economic development GROWTH historical comparison
A Global Emissions Trading Scheme?Fantasy and Reality
作者 谢来辉 《China Economist》 2013年第4期70-81,共12页
Many have argued that the international community shouM establish a global emissions trading scheme (ETS) to reduce emissions and streamline efforts to mitigate climate change. This paper argues against establishing... Many have argued that the international community shouM establish a global emissions trading scheme (ETS) to reduce emissions and streamline efforts to mitigate climate change. This paper argues against establishing such global ETS for the following reasons: (1) a global ETS may assist developed countries in cutting emissions abatement cost, but it may also result in deterioration in the welfare of developing countries; (2) each nation participating in providing global public goods shall be dedicated to forming "Lindahl equilibrium" under the principle of common but differentiated responsibility, rather than the "Walrasian equilibrium ", which is represented in a global ETS," (3) the establishment of a global ETS has its driving forces as it is seen as a preferred regulatory form for industrial special interest groups in developed economies, since its benefits is biased rather than promoting global economic and environmental efficiency; and (4) the developing countries shouM be more cautious when designing tools of climate policies and need to avoid to be locked in emission trading systems. 展开更多
关键词 global emissions trading carbon tax developing countries political economy
Location Choice or Industrial Enterprises in China: Market Potential, Resource Endowment and Tax Burden
作者 叶素云 叶振宇 《China Economist》 2013年第4期82-95,共14页
Using a New Economic Geography OVEG) model, this paper investigates the effect of market potential, natural resource endowment and tax burden on the location distribution of industrial enterprises in China. By applyi... Using a New Economic Geography OVEG) model, this paper investigates the effect of market potential, natural resource endowment and tax burden on the location distribution of industrial enterprises in China. By applying data from 2000 to 2010 of 286 Chinese cities, this paper conducts an empirical analysis on the location of industrial enterprises of different time periods, regions and ownership systems. The results indicate that greater domestic market potential and international market demand are favorable to fostering or introduction of new enterprises. It also shows that coastal cities with better resource endowment are more attractive to corporate investment, while cities in interior regions have heavy and highly differentiated industrial tax burdens, which is unfavorable to the attraction of enterprises. In comparison, infrastructure and wage of cities have no obvious effect on enterprises' location choice. When it comes to enterprises of different ownership, domestic market potential and international market demand all have significant positive effects on the location distribution of foreign-funded enterprises, private enterprises and enterprises with investment from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, while the level of urban industrial tax burden has an opposite effect. We find that the NEG model has a relatively strong explanatory power to the location of industrial enterprises in China. 展开更多
关键词 Location choice natural resource endowments market potential tax burden
China’’s Macroeconomic Situation in 2013 with Predictions and Policy Recommendations for the Next Five Years
作者 李扬 张平 +1 位作者 张晓晶 汪红驹 《China Economist》 2013年第4期4-13,共10页
China's economy is currently on a modest recovery path, but its foundation still remains fragile. According to our projections, the rate of GDP growth in 2013 might be over 8% and higher than the rate of last year. I... China's economy is currently on a modest recovery path, but its foundation still remains fragile. According to our projections, the rate of GDP growth in 2013 might be over 8% and higher than the rate of last year. In the next 5-10 years, the accelerating growth trends seem to reach an end, and China's growth tends to step into a new phase characterized by a structural growth deceleration. We predict that the potential growth rate might fall into a range of 7%-8% per year. Moreover, according to the estimates on the non-agricultural employment elasticity and labor force supply, in 2013-2017, a 7% annual growth is sufficient to achieve the full employment of urban and rural people. It implies that instead of the rapid growth rate, China's macroeconomic objectives for the next 5-10 years should focus more on the development quality, which refers to the improvement in microeconomic efficiency, increasing competiveness and stimulating technological innovations. Accordingly, the policy concerns should shift from demand-side management to supply-side management. 展开更多
关键词 structural growth deceleration supply management stable growth of higherefficiency
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