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美联储加息对中国经济金融的负面影响及其应对 被引量:26
作者 谭小芬 《新视野》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期75-80,共6页
在就业和通胀逐步改善的条件下,美联储从量化宽松政策退出并进入加息轨道是必然趋势。美联储加息将造成中国短期资本外流压力加大、人民币汇率贬值压力上升、金融风险加大、宏观调控难度增加等负面影响。不过,由于中国外债占比较低、经... 在就业和通胀逐步改善的条件下,美联储从量化宽松政策退出并进入加息轨道是必然趋势。美联储加息将造成中国短期资本外流压力加大、人民币汇率贬值压力上升、金融风险加大、宏观调控难度增加等负面影响。不过,由于中国外债占比较低、经济基本面相对较好、外汇储备充足,美联储加息对中国经济金融的影响基本可控。中国应对美联储加息的可能政策组合:一是实施积极的财政政策,促进经济增长;二是创新货币政策工具,加强流动性管理;三是增强人民币汇率弹性,加强短期资本流动监测。 展开更多
关键词 美联储加息 中国经济金融 资本外流 人民币汇率贬值 货币政策
重整 重构 闯关 跨越 --中国经济金融热点问题讨论
作者 杨海平 《北方金融》 2022年第1期8-16,共9页
岁末年初,各家机构都在密集研判经济金融形势。就大家关注的中国经济金融热点问题,本刊编辑与中央财经大学证券期货研究所研究员、内蒙古银行战略研究部总经理杨海平博士进行了讨论。杨海平认为,中国经济正处于大重整、大重构、大闯关... 岁末年初,各家机构都在密集研判经济金融形势。就大家关注的中国经济金融热点问题,本刊编辑与中央财经大学证券期货研究所研究员、内蒙古银行战略研究部总经理杨海平博士进行了讨论。杨海平认为,中国经济正处于大重整、大重构、大闯关、大跨越的关键时期。本刊将对话内容整理编录,供读者参考。 展开更多
关键词 经济金融形势 证券期货 中国经济金融 中央财经大学 重整 闯关 内蒙古 热点问题
作者 谢双壕 《纳税》 2017年第18期108-108,共1页
随着全球经济快速、全面、持续的发展,我国与世界的经济贸易往来愈加频繁。而且与美国,即全球最大的经济体,在债务方面也存在着很密切的关系。以现在中国是美国最大的债权国的形势来看,美国在经济方面的政策变动则势必会影响着中国经济... 随着全球经济快速、全面、持续的发展,我国与世界的经济贸易往来愈加频繁。而且与美国,即全球最大的经济体,在债务方面也存在着很密切的关系。以现在中国是美国最大的债权国的形势来看,美国在经济方面的政策变动则势必会影响着中国经济金融的变动。就目前的现阶段的关系来分析,美联储加息这一政策的出台必然会对中国的经济产生了一些负面的影响。所以,本文首先对美联储加息对中国经济金融的负面影响进行了分析,然后就这些问题探讨了相关的措施,旨在为金融行业提供一些参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 美联储加息 中国经济金融 负面影响 对策
作者 吕唯一 《经贸实践》 2018年第23期124-125,共2页
就现如今的全球经济形势而言,发达经济体所面对的中期性停滞风险不断趋于显著化,基于此背景下,美联储加息周期极易导致全球金融市场的动荡程度加剧。本文主要对美联储加息对中国经济金融产生的负面影响实施了分析,并提出了一些有效的应... 就现如今的全球经济形势而言,发达经济体所面对的中期性停滞风险不断趋于显著化,基于此背景下,美联储加息周期极易导致全球金融市场的动荡程度加剧。本文主要对美联储加息对中国经济金融产生的负面影响实施了分析,并提出了一些有效的应对建议及措施,希望可以为有关部门的研究提供一些参考和帮助。 展开更多
关键词 美联储加息 中国经济金融 负面影响 应对措施
作者 李倩煜 《黑龙江金融》 2019年第4期45-47,共3页
自2018年3月以来,美联储续4次加息,而美国与中国的贸易摩擦,使得大家对2018年的加息尤为关注。由于美元具有世界货币的职能,美联储持续加息势必会对世界范围内的经济造成一定的影响,中国也不可避免的受到影响,因此有必要对美元加息对中... 自2018年3月以来,美联储续4次加息,而美国与中国的贸易摩擦,使得大家对2018年的加息尤为关注。由于美元具有世界货币的职能,美联储持续加息势必会对世界范围内的经济造成一定的影响,中国也不可避免的受到影响,因此有必要对美元加息对中国的经济金融影响进行分析,以减轻美元加息对中国经济金融产生的冲击。 展开更多
关键词 美联储加息 汇率 中国经济金融
关于中国西部经济金融发展的浅析 被引量:2
作者 何诗婕 《中国经贸》 2016年第22期82-82,共1页
关键词 中国西部经济金融 发展成就 发展方法
作者 程实 《商业观察》 2020年第6期11-13,共3页
"大雪压青松,青松挺且直"。2月末至今,随着海外疫情日趋严峻,全球市场接连遭遇"黑色一周""黑色星期一"等罕见的动荡。相较而言,中国市场调整幅度较小,并率先实现反弹企稳。这表明,中国经济金融的内生韧... "大雪压青松,青松挺且直"。2月末至今,随着海外疫情日趋严峻,全球市场接连遭遇"黑色一周""黑色星期一"等罕见的动荡。相较而言,中国市场调整幅度较小,并率先实现反弹企稳。这表明,中国经济金融的内生韧性正在被全球重新认知,投资者们已"用脚投票"。我们认为,这一韧性扎根于有效的政策组合、稳健的金融体系和勃发的新兴产业,不仅守住了短期的防风险底线,更有望开拓长远的发展空间。 展开更多
关键词 黑色星期一 用脚投票 新兴产业 政策组合 中国经济增长 金融体系 防风险 中国经济金融
我国区域金融发展问题分析 被引量:1
作者 张红伟 《时代金融》 2012年第12Z期29-29,31,共2页
金融业在我国的发展存在较大的区域差异,这既可在总体状况中体现也可从行业发展的方面体现。最突出的差异是在东部与西部以及东北部之间得到体现,而且西部本区域内部的差异也要大于中东部地区。本文就区域金融存在的基础、区域金融发展... 金融业在我国的发展存在较大的区域差异,这既可在总体状况中体现也可从行业发展的方面体现。最突出的差异是在东部与西部以及东北部之间得到体现,而且西部本区域内部的差异也要大于中东部地区。本文就区域金融存在的基础、区域金融发展的状况进行论述,并且对区域金融存在的问题进行因素分析,最后对以后的发展提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 中国区域经济金融 发展问题 分析
《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会金融争议仲裁规则》评述 被引量:2
作者 赵健 《仲裁与法律》 2003年第4期4-25,共22页
关键词 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会金融争议仲裁规则》 国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 仲裁制度 仲裁服务 金融仲裁规则 指导原则 内容 仲裁庭 法律适用 仲裁地点
作者 钟伟 管涛 +1 位作者 张明 赵庆明 《中国外汇》 2021年第23期18-23,共6页
关键词 中国金融体系 中国经济金融 人均GDP GDP增长 外汇储备 高水平
作者 勒川 《中关村》 2024年第10期18-23,共6页
在2024金融街论坛年会上,金融管理部门负责人、金融机构负责人、专家学者济济一堂,就推动中国经济金融高质量发展畅所欲言,聚焦金融“活水”,共同绘制了一幅高质量发展新蓝图。金融是国民经济的血脉,是现代经济的核心。习近平总书记高... 在2024金融街论坛年会上,金融管理部门负责人、金融机构负责人、专家学者济济一堂,就推动中国经济金融高质量发展畅所欲言,聚焦金融“活水”,共同绘制了一幅高质量发展新蓝图。金融是国民经济的血脉,是现代经济的核心。习近平总书记高度重视金融工作。 展开更多
关键词 金融管理部门 金融机构 高质量发展 中国经济金融 金融 现代经济的核心 活水 聚焦
How Chinese Financial Centers Integrate into Global Financial Center Networks:An Empirical Study Based on Overseas Expansion of Chinese Financial Service Firms 被引量:18
作者 PAN Fenghua HE Ziyun +2 位作者 Thomas SIGLER Kirsten MARTINUS Ben DERUDDER 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期217-230,共14页
The increasing globalization of the Chinese economy has been enabled by both Chinese financial institutions operating globally as well as international firms operating within China. In geographical terms, this has bee... The increasing globalization of the Chinese economy has been enabled by both Chinese financial institutions operating globally as well as international firms operating within China. In geographical terms, this has been organized through a number of strategic cities serving as gateways for the exchange of financial functions, products and practices between China and the global economy. Drawing on location data of financial service firms in China listed on stock exchanges in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hong Kong, this paper shows that Chinese financial firms are expanding globally and how Chinese financial centers are positioned and connected in the urban networks shaped by these financial service firms. It is found that Hong Kong, China, holds strategic positions in the integration of Chinese cities into global financial center networks, and that establishing a foothold in global financial centers such as New York and London has been a priority for Chinese financial institutions. The increasing capital flows directed by Chinese financial institutionssuggests a shifting global financial geography, with numerous Chinese cities playing increasingly important roles within global financial center networks. 展开更多
关键词 urban networks corporate networks financial service firms global financial centers China
作者 BAOHai-jun XUBao-gen +1 位作者 WUCi-fang ZHOUWang-yue 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第4期304-307,共4页
Sustainable farmland consolidation covers ecology, economy and society, which means, its only goal is to protect eco-environment, in accordance with public benefits and economic laws. China is still a developing count... Sustainable farmland consolidation covers ecology, economy and society, which means, its only goal is to protect eco-environment, in accordance with public benefits and economic laws. China is still a developing country, facing capital-lacking, an important but difficult problem, while sustainable farmland consolidation will need more money than common farmland consolidation. To solve the problem, this paper put forward and designed a new financing mode for farmland consolidation: BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer), which can effectively solve the financing problem and investment reclamation by the way of concession, and make sustainable farmland consolidation be realized in China. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable farmland consolidation financing mode
Roles of Financial Innovation and Information Technology:Lessons from US Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis and Its Implications for China 被引量:2
作者 James H LENZER JR Simon Xiaobin ZHAO 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期343-355,共13页
The mortgage loan has evolved from a local lending instrument into a major global security and its role is unparallel to other financial instruments in the process of financial globalization. This paper explains how t... The mortgage loan has evolved from a local lending instrument into a major global security and its role is unparallel to other financial instruments in the process of financial globalization. This paper explains how technology and financial innovation transformed the mortgage loan from a local security into a premier global security traded worldwide. It examines the fundamental flaws of this process and why it does not work in regards to mortgage lending and the re-securitization products that were created through financial innovation. The findings show that regulation was unable to keep pace with financial innovation, which created an environment where actors in the financial service sector were able to behave geographically irresponsibly by using information asymmetries to their advantage by par- ticipating in moral hazard activities and engaging in other immoral and unethical business practices that were centered around localized geography, which ultimately contributed to the global financial crisis. It also examines the roll of financial innovation in regard to the Lehman Brothers Mini-Bond in Hung and its role as a driving force behind China's newly emerging shadow banking sector. It concludes with a policy recommendation and its implication for China's continued economic development. 展开更多
关键词 shadow banking US sub-prime mortgage crisis financial tsunami global financial crisis wealth man- agement vehicle China asset bubble
Local Government Debt Management Solutions 被引量:1
作者 刘煜辉 《China Economist》 2014年第5期90-97,共8页
Two rounds of leveraging-up have led to a high debt ratio in the Chinese economy, triggered liquidity mismatch and increased systemic financial risks. The key causes of local government liabilities are soft budget con... Two rounds of leveraging-up have led to a high debt ratio in the Chinese economy, triggered liquidity mismatch and increased systemic financial risks. The key causes of local government liabilities are soft budget constraints and non-market-based factor allocation. Currently, the risks of local government liabilities are generally controllable. This paper concludes that the long-term solution to managing local government liabilities is to enhance budget constraint and institutional assurance and proposes countermeasures in the reform of urban construction investment and ftnancing mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 local government liabilities financial risk liquidity mismatch budget constraint
Addressing Economic Efficiency Deceleration:Inventory Reform and Policy Incentives
作者 张平 《China Economist》 2015年第6期16-27,共12页
Affter the eruption of the global financial crisis in 2008, China adopted proactive monetary expansion in an attempt to offset the economic slump. However, monetary expansion failed to bring the economy back to the st... Affter the eruption of the global financial crisis in 2008, China adopted proactive monetary expansion in an attempt to offset the economic slump. However, monetary expansion failed to bring the economy back to the state of the mean and instead caused tremendous negative output gaps that led to a negative producer price index (PPI) for three consecutive years. The impotence of monetary stimulation and investment seems to be caused by the emergence of the shocks of efficiency deceleration, i.e., a tremendous amount of supply proves ineffective, leading to accumulation of inventory due to lack of demand, lack of short term profitability or profitability being siphoning off by zombie firms. These inefficient firms, sectors of overcapacity and inefficient local infrastructure construction cannot be rescued by the infusion of money flow. Macroeconomic policy should stimulate the transformation of China's economy from rapid quantitative expansion to efficiency enhancement. For instance, tax credits should be offered for accelerated depreciation to clear up zombie firms and expedite mergers and acquisitions through capital markets. Institutional and inventory reform and adjustment must be carried out in order to complete the transition from quantitative expansion to high efficiency supply. 展开更多
关键词 efficiency deceleration inventory reform
Analysis on financing, investing and operating activities of Target Corporation
作者 SUN Wen-sheng JIN Guang-hua SUN Jie 《Chinese Business Review》 2007年第5期62-65,共4页
The paper analyzes the financing activity, investing activity and operating activity of Target Corporation by comparing with other companies in the same industry. The analysis shows that Target overall is better at me... The paper analyzes the financing activity, investing activity and operating activity of Target Corporation by comparing with other companies in the same industry. The analysis shows that Target overall is better at meeting it in short-term obligations as well as earning money for its investors. Target is a safe and consistent investment. The company should pay attention to interest rate changes because the company's majority of financing charges are based on floating-rate debt obligations. 展开更多
关键词 financing activity investing activity operating activity
Research on China's financial development mode on low- carbon econom7 background
作者 Wei LV 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第7期118-120,共3页
With China's rapid economic development, environmental issues and social development issues become increasingly prominent, global warming, fog and haze, urban environmental pollution is becoming a major obstacle to C... With China's rapid economic development, environmental issues and social development issues become increasingly prominent, global warming, fog and haze, urban environmental pollution is becoming a major obstacle to China's sustainable development. In this context, the development of low-carbon economy has become the focus of urban construction and economic development. Carbon finance, as a product of low-carbon economy in the context of financial innovation, combines the low-carbon industries and economic development together, and has significant effects on low-carbon economy development and low-carbon urban construction. To build financial support system under the low-carbon economy circumstance, to develop carbon finance, is the necessary way China has to go through to develop a low-carbon economy, and also is the inevitable reouirement to achieve sustainable economic development. 展开更多
关键词 Low-carbon economy carbon finance development model
The Study of Legal Issue of Policy Banks
作者 Xiaole WANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期80-82,共3页
China has built three policy banks since 1994, which are China Development Bank, China Export-import Bank and China Agricultural Development Bank. Policy banks, as an important financial instrument, have made great co... China has built three policy banks since 1994, which are China Development Bank, China Export-import Bank and China Agricultural Development Bank. Policy banks, as an important financial instrument, have made great contributions to the development of China' s economy. But there isn' t an official law fbr policy banks for a long time. They just operate based on some relevant documents and regulations of their own. However these documents and regulations are always indistinct in law, which is not good for the further development of policy banks and the accomplishment of our country' s financial system. As a result, in order to standardize the operation of China' s policy banks, it' s essential to position policy banks in law accurately, which is also the only way to legalize policy banks. Aiming at finding out the problems existing in policy banks of China in present, this paper analyzes the general theory of policy banks, some relevant international experience and the current situation of law position of china' s policy banks. In addition, through the analyses of possible solutions, this paper wishes to reconstruct the legal location of China ' s policy banks. 展开更多
关键词 Policy Banks Legal Issue Legal Position
International Disorder and China's Strategic Thoughts
作者 Yang Weidong 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第4期126-137,共12页
Since the 2008 international financial crisis, international political and economic disorder has become obvious. Major reasons are the decline of US-led Western developed economies' global influence; US and other ... Since the 2008 international financial crisis, international political and economic disorder has become obvious. Major reasons are the decline of US-led Western developed economies' global influence; US and other Western countries inaction or ineffective actions; power diffusion allowing non-state actors to intervene; a global governance short of needed rules; and mainstream economic theory's overemphasis on market roles. International disorder is a long-term process posing a potential threat to China's national interests. The situation challenges China to create an international economic and trade order, thereby shaping itself as prophet of global free trade, shaper of international economic and trade rules, and trendsetter for globalization. 展开更多
关键词 International disorder GLOBALIZATION international pattern China' s strategy
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