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国家治理现代化的“中国维度”及其对历史唯物主义国家观的创新发展 被引量:1
作者 唐鸿 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2017年第6期39-42,共4页
国家治理现代化是中共十八届三中全会提出的治国理政的新方略,蕴涵着现代国家治理的"中国维度"。国家治理现代化的提出,彰显了党对中国特色社会主义现代化建设的高度自信与理性把握,开拓了马克思主义与中国特色社会主义实践... 国家治理现代化是中共十八届三中全会提出的治国理政的新方略,蕴涵着现代国家治理的"中国维度"。国家治理现代化的提出,彰显了党对中国特色社会主义现代化建设的高度自信与理性把握,开拓了马克思主义与中国特色社会主义实践相结合的新路径,从国家本质、国家功能、国家与社会之间的关系等层面实现了对历史唯物主义国家观的创新与发展。 展开更多
关键词 国家治理现代化 中国维度 历史唯物主义国家观 中国特色社会主义 创新发展
研究生教育现代化的中国维度:内涵、特征与走向 被引量:12
作者 郭月兰 汪霞 《研究生教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期21-25,34,共6页
打造中国特色世界水平的现代高质量研究生教育是我国走向研究生教育强国的必由之路,新时代研究生教育的现代化需要凸显“中国维度”。具有世界一流水平的研究生培养单位、对质量的孜孜以求、多种学位类型平衡发展构成了研究生教育现代... 打造中国特色世界水平的现代高质量研究生教育是我国走向研究生教育强国的必由之路,新时代研究生教育的现代化需要凸显“中国维度”。具有世界一流水平的研究生培养单位、对质量的孜孜以求、多种学位类型平衡发展构成了研究生教育现代化的基本内涵。根植在中国社会土壤中的研究生教育具有引领性、高端性、研究性、实践性、开放性的典型特征。面向未来,遵循研究生教育发展规律、积极回应知识生产模式转型、提升研究生教育的国际影响力是研究生教育现代化建设的行动方向。 展开更多
关键词 新时代 研究生教育现代化 教育质量 中国维度
全球治理的中国维度 被引量:1
作者 缪文卿 《宁夏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期30-35,共6页
全球治理的中国维度问题是一个重要的研究课题,而"理念—规则—行动"分析框架可以用来省察和探究这一课题。其中,"中国理念"是核心和先导,"中国规则"承上启下,而"中国行动"则是"中国理念&... 全球治理的中国维度问题是一个重要的研究课题,而"理念—规则—行动"分析框架可以用来省察和探究这一课题。其中,"中国理念"是核心和先导,"中国规则"承上启下,而"中国行动"则是"中国理念"和"中国规则"得以贯彻实施的具体实践,三者融会贯通,共同构成全球治理的中国维度。在全球治理的"中国理念"中,"道义"理念、"和谐"理念以及"合作"理念尤为重要。所谓全球治理的"中国规则",是对中国主导制定的国际规则的统称,中国应当为主导制定国际规则做好准备。在全球治理的"中国行动"中,中国应该发展好"新型大国关系"、拓展"二十国集团"的全球治理功能、力所能及地提供全球公共产品。 展开更多
关键词 全球治理 中国维度 中国实践
创建世界一流大学的中国维度 被引量:4
作者 戚务念 《中国高教研究》 北大核心 2007年第7期9-12,31,共5页
我国创建世界一流大学,其理念不外乎两种:一是依附论(接轨论);一是本土主义。这两种针锋相对的观点都陷入了二元对立的思维陷阱。我们应当从中国传统哲学中寻找智慧,以"和而不同"的理念创建世界一流大学的中国维度,为世界一... 我国创建世界一流大学,其理念不外乎两种:一是依附论(接轨论);一是本土主义。这两种针锋相对的观点都陷入了二元对立的思维陷阱。我们应当从中国传统哲学中寻找智慧,以"和而不同"的理念创建世界一流大学的中国维度,为世界一流大学建设提供新视角,打破当今西方一统世界一流大学的国际格局,从而实现国际上世界一流大学的和谐发展。创建世界一流大学的中国维度,应从构建一流的符合国情的中国高等教育体系,建设有中国气派的现代大学制度,培育中国的大学核心竞争力,把握世界一流大学建设的文化导向等方面着手。 展开更多
关键词 世界一流大学 中国维度 和而不同
中国公共外交的内外维度:争论、概念、关系 被引量:2
作者 余金城 《观察与思考》 2015年第7期43-50,共8页
中国公共外交包括国内维度和国外维度两个方面。国内维度指本国政府与国内公众在对外政策或外交议题上的双向互动。国外维度不仅包括本国政府对外国公众的单向影响,还要包括本国公众对外国政府或外国公众的影响。当今的政府间外交因对... 中国公共外交包括国内维度和国外维度两个方面。国内维度指本国政府与国内公众在对外政策或外交议题上的双向互动。国外维度不仅包括本国政府对外国公众的单向影响,还要包括本国公众对外国政府或外国公众的影响。当今的政府间外交因对国内与国外公众舆论保持的高度敏感而不同于传统的政府间外交,往往也具有公共外交的性质。当前,中国公共外交国内外维度间的关联性在增强。本国公众和本国政府在参与国内外维度的公共外交时,还面临着难以克服的政治—文化困境。 展开更多
关键词 中国公共外交 政府 公众舆论
中国特色社会主义的四个维度 被引量:1
作者 韦加庆 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期5-8,共4页
中国特色社会主义作为一种理论体系,是马克思主义中国化的最新成果;作为一种道路,是适合中国国情、实现国家进步、人民幸福的唯一正确的选择;作为一种理想,是中国共产党领导中国人民实现中华民族伟大复兴的精神支柱;作为一种制度,是人... 中国特色社会主义作为一种理论体系,是马克思主义中国化的最新成果;作为一种道路,是适合中国国情、实现国家进步、人民幸福的唯一正确的选择;作为一种理想,是中国共产党领导中国人民实现中华民族伟大复兴的精神支柱;作为一种制度,是人类文明的特有形式。这四个维度共同统一于中国特色社会主义的伟大实践中。 展开更多
关键词 中国特色社会主义 理论 道路 理想
关于“全球史观”和世界史编纂的一些思考 被引量:5
作者 孙立新 廖礼莹 于晓华 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期31-36,共6页
在西方史学界,世界史编纂已有悠久的传统,但在这一传统中也存在着严重的“西方中心论”问题。西方中心论不仅是一种意识形态,而且也是一种学术规范,其最大的缺点就在于以西方的历史发展作为世界历史的主线,以西方的价值观评判世界其他... 在西方史学界,世界史编纂已有悠久的传统,但在这一传统中也存在着严重的“西方中心论”问题。西方中心论不仅是一种意识形态,而且也是一种学术规范,其最大的缺点就在于以西方的历史发展作为世界历史的主线,以西方的价值观评判世界其他国家和地区,并对其历史和文化造成遮蔽和误读。全球史家尽管对西方中心论进行了深刻反思,但在具体的世界史编纂中仍未做到彻底的“去中心”。中国的世界史研究和编纂同样存在着西方中心论倾向。要克服这一问题,中国学者必须对本国的历史进行深入研究,积极探索世界历史的“中国维度”。 展开更多
关键词 世界史编纂 西方中心论 全球史观 中国维度
新时代背景下的习近平幸福观研究 被引量:2
作者 李文静 《克拉玛依学刊》 2018年第4期13-17,共5页
习近平幸福观是对传统幸福观的扬弃,是对马克思主义幸福观的创造性转化,是在新时代背景下阐述和解决中国问题的有力尝试。文章认为习近平以人民为中心,对中国人民以及人类世界所面对的问题进行了回答。习近平幸福观内涵丰富,以人民导向... 习近平幸福观是对传统幸福观的扬弃,是对马克思主义幸福观的创造性转化,是在新时代背景下阐述和解决中国问题的有力尝试。文章认为习近平以人民为中心,对中国人民以及人类世界所面对的问题进行了回答。习近平幸福观内涵丰富,以人民导向为核心,以劳动创造的幸福成就观为重要内容,以幸福感的共同享有为落脚点,为我们在新时代审视现实人生幸福提供了一种新的思考方式与方向指引,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 幸福观 逻辑起点 中国 异化
Educational Opportunities and Dimensions in Rich and Poor Nations" Rethinking Global Access and the Inequity Question
作者 Elham Izeddin Yahia Sylvester L. D. Itanrin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第1期100-104,共5页
This paper presents some important facts about educational opportunities and students' access worldwide. Specific facts and scenarios are exhibited and provided to compare education opportunities in rich and poor are... This paper presents some important facts about educational opportunities and students' access worldwide. Specific facts and scenarios are exhibited and provided to compare education opportunities in rich and poor areas in developed and developing countries. Particularly, this paper surveys and compares forces on educational happening in Nigeria and United States. It argues that despite the much acclaimed democratization of access to education, glaring inequalities can be identified in the way educators and how our students are treated. In regards to quantities and quality of educational resources, education is not equally accessed by all students in our today's world. This paper, therefore, recommends that human beings should be given equal access and opportunities to education at all levels; and should be treated with respect and dignity in spite of color, religion, or race wherever they find themselves. This becomes an imperative if mankind is to achieve success in the task of propelling students and Educators to greater achievements. As well, this paper recommends that cultural, institutional, and political powers should be deployed to bring about a more equitable world order. 展开更多
关键词 education opportunities global access academic performance education equity social inequality
Four Dimensions to Construct China's Modem Discourse of Aesthetics Based on China's Aesthetic Development in 20th Century
作者 HU Jun 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第12期1152-1157,共6页
Contemporary Chinese scholars proposed that China should construct modem Chinese aesthetic discourse system, therefore, we should attach great importance to China's own aesthetic development in 20th century and learn... Contemporary Chinese scholars proposed that China should construct modem Chinese aesthetic discourse system, therefore, we should attach great importance to China's own aesthetic development in 20th century and learn experience from it. There are four dimensions of learning. First, we should seek the origin of methods from Marxism. Second, the study should deeply rooted in Chinese traditional culture. Third, we should refer to ancient and modem Western aesthetic theories. Last but not the least, all the scholars should be encouraged to express their views freely and equally. The four dimensions, which plays an important role in constructing China's modem discourse of aesthetics, derived from the conclusion and experience of China's modem aesthetic development in 20th century. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese aesthetic experience and conclusions modem discourse
A Study on the Artistic Dimension of Modem Chinese Popular Music
作者 WANG Jing 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1299-1306,共8页
Generally, criticism on popular music is of both political and artistic nature. This paper is intended to investigate modem Chinese popular music in the artistic dimension. On one hand, through analysis and differenti... Generally, criticism on popular music is of both political and artistic nature. This paper is intended to investigate modem Chinese popular music in the artistic dimension. On one hand, through analysis and differentiation in light of the two persistent (and biased) conceptions, it is necessary to acknowledge the inevitability of popular music as an art. On the other hand, this paper aims to analyze specifically the "voice" in popular music in hope of presenting its unique aesthetic characteristics. Above all, a more comprehensive view and more diverse approaches are needed in the study of popular music 展开更多
关键词 artistic quality aesthetic characteristics "voice"
Research on the Scientific Meaning of Rule of Law in China
作者 Zhen Liu 《Review of Global Academics》 2015年第2期525-527,共3页
Beyond the existing academic viewpoints, clarifying the scientific meaning of the rule of law in China in the binary interaction between subject and object is the prerequisite for reifying the rule of law in China fro... Beyond the existing academic viewpoints, clarifying the scientific meaning of the rule of law in China in the binary interaction between subject and object is the prerequisite for reifying the rule of law in China from an abstract symbol to a logic in action. The subject dimension of rule of law in China subsumes the legal consciousness, self confidence, independence and self-improvement of the subject. The object dimension of the rule of law in China focuses the relation mode and governance pattern between right and power. In the dimension of time, the rule of law in China is the unification of history and reality of China model. In the dimension of space, the rule of law in China is committed to seeking the right to speech, governance, management and development from the perspective of globalization. 展开更多
关键词 Rule of law in China GOVERNANCE PATTERN
Construction the Value Dimensions of"Chinese Dream" Take the Film American Dreams in China as an Example
作者 YIN Qing-hong 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第12期1123-1128,共6页
In recent years, the "China Dream" has become a popular topic in China's Mainland. To tell the stories of the "Chinese Dream" from different aspect in the field of literary and artistic creation have emerged a... In recent years, the "China Dream" has become a popular topic in China's Mainland. To tell the stories of the "Chinese Dream" from different aspect in the field of literary and artistic creation have emerged as a significant phenomenon. To some extent, these texts can be regarded as national allegory. This paper will take the film American Dreams in China as a case, to provide some thoughts on the value dimensions for the construction of the "Chinese Dreams". 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Dream National Allegory Value Dimensions
Cost-benefit timing for applying slurry seal on actual roadway tests in China 被引量:3
作者 支喜兰 王威娜 蔡宜长 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期2394-2402,共9页
Determining the optimal timing is the core of preventive maintenance. Highway agencies always face with the challenge of determining optimal timing for preventive maintenance, particularly in China where there are no ... Determining the optimal timing is the core of preventive maintenance. Highway agencies always face with the challenge of determining optimal timing for preventive maintenance, particularly in China where there are no condition indicators designed for determining adequate timing for applying preventive maintenance and little literature relating to the development of pavement performance. This work presented the indicators, including crack ratio (Rc), rutting depth (DR), international roughness index (IIR) and sideway force coefficient (CsF) to determine the adequate timing for preventive maintenance in China. The proper ranges of each indicator to apply to preventive maintenance were then recommended. They are 0.28%-1.4% for Rc, 10-15 mm for DR, 1.97-3.5 for lrR, 40--50 for CSF. Based on pavement condition survey data collected on the test roads in Hebei Province, China, on the application of slurry seal at different timings, the pavement performance was established and the adequate timings for applying slurry seal was studied. Based on benefit-cost analysis, it is suggested that the fourth year is the optimal timing for applying slurry seal based on the condition in China. A framework is established to determine the adequate timings of applying other preventive maintenance methods. 展开更多
关键词 preventive maintenance evaluation system cost-benefit timing slurry seal
中国电影的网众自娱时代——当前中国电影新力量观察 被引量:20
作者 王一川 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期14-21,共8页
中国电影新力量是进入21世纪第二个十年以来,成为中国大陆电影业主导势力的那些新兴元素,涉及编剧、导演、演员、投资、营销、影像及观众等几乎各方面,对它的美学考察需要历时态与共时态相结合的综合视野。中国电影在历时态上先后经历... 中国电影新力量是进入21世纪第二个十年以来,成为中国大陆电影业主导势力的那些新兴元素,涉及编剧、导演、演员、投资、营销、影像及观众等几乎各方面,对它的美学考察需要历时态与共时态相结合的综合视野。中国电影在历时态上先后经历模块位移、类型互渗和网众自娱三个时段,其支配力先后来自社会革命、全球文化工业转型和国际互联网及其相关社会关系。当前不再是专业影评家引导普通观众的时代,而是网民大众摆脱专家引导后自主娱乐的时代,即网众自娱时代。中国电影新力量呈现出以网众自娱为中心的共时态多层面构造,即影宣层的网舆引导、影销层的社交新媒体营销、影资层的网众筹资、影创层的新锐弄潮和网作热销、影众层的网众自娱、影像层的轻平喜剧性。认识以网众自娱为核心的中国电影新力量及其美学维度,需看到影院大众、影院小众和非影院观众这三类公众群体并存的现实性。影院大众看来已自主享受自由与民主权利,但其深层仍受到基于互联网的全球时尚风及其后更难测的国内国际社会关系网络之力量的无意识牵引。需认识网众自娱时代的分众各赏现象,探索电影分赏现实中的电影公赏力,《滚蛋吧!肿瘤君》可成为跨群分合的范例。 展开更多
关键词 网众自娱 中国电影新力量的美学 分众各赏 电影分赏 电影公赏力 跨群分合
作者 胡燕春 《时代文学(下半月)》 2015年第7期209-210,共2页
美国学者伊丽莎白·韦德与中国学者何成洲合编的《当代美国女性主义经典理论选和读》收录了有关美国女性主义的数篇经典理论文章,呈现了该国女性批评的发展脉络、流变历程、诸种特征及其未来趋势。鉴于此,本文不仅注重考察该选集中... 美国学者伊丽莎白·韦德与中国学者何成洲合编的《当代美国女性主义经典理论选和读》收录了有关美国女性主义的数篇经典理论文章,呈现了该国女性批评的发展脉络、流变历程、诸种特征及其未来趋势。鉴于此,本文不仅注重考察该选集中所呈现出的当代美国女性主义的发展谱系,而且揭示相关女性研究实践的跨国视角,进而剖析其国际视野及其对诸种相关中国问题的阐释。 展开更多
关键词 当代美国女性主义理论 发展趋势 多元视角 中国维度
Paleotemperature variations at Lake Caohai, southwestern China, during the past 500 years:Evidence from combined δ^(18)O analysis of cellulose and carbonates 被引量:4
作者 ZHU ZhengJie CHEN JingAn ZENG Yan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期1245-1253,共9页
The oxygen isotopic values of aquatic plant cellulose and carbonates in Lake Caohai sediments were measured using a continuous flow isotopic ratio mass spectrometer(CF-IRMS).Because of predictable oxygen isotopic frac... The oxygen isotopic values of aquatic plant cellulose and carbonates in Lake Caohai sediments were measured using a continuous flow isotopic ratio mass spectrometer(CF-IRMS).Because of predictable oxygen isotopic fractionation between cellulose and its source water,the oxygen isotopic composition of paleo-lake water has been established quantitatively.Combined oxygen isotopic values of cellulose and carbonates were used in the‘Craig’equation to determine paleotemperatures and their variation in the lake during the past 500 years.Results show that the paleotemperature trend correlates well with meteorological records from Weining.There are four notable cold intervals at Lake Caohai over the past 500 years,namely 1540–1570AD,1670–1715AD,1780–1870AD and 1900–1930AD,and the former three cold intervals have been observed in the conventional Little Ice Age(LIA).These cold periods at Lake Caohai correspond well with those recorded from tree ring,peat,and ice core data from adjacent regions,particularly temperature those inferred fromδ18O of peat cellulose from Hongyuan Southwestern China.The trend in paleotemperature variations at Lake Caohai are also consistent with both the change of Indian summer monsoon,derived fromδ18O values of a stalagmite in Dongge,and a recorded shift in solar activity.The findings of this study illustrate that coupled analysis ofδ18O values of cellulose and carbonates from lake sediments may be used as a paleotemperature proxy.These results also provide further evidence of the existence of LIA in southwestern China. 展开更多
关键词 temperature variations Little Ice Age(LIA) carbonate oxygen isotopic composition cellulose oxygen isotopic composition Lake Caohai
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