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作者 段从伟 《云南中医学院学报》 1993年第4期42-45,共4页
泌尿系结石的诊断和治疗,临床常有报道,治疗方法、治疗经验多种多样,如总攻疗法、中药排石、手术取石、激光碎石等。但验之临床,则有的获效不大,有的经济代价太高,有的术后反应较多,不少患者寄希望于中医中药。现就个人应用中药治疗泌... 泌尿系结石的诊断和治疗,临床常有报道,治疗方法、治疗经验多种多样,如总攻疗法、中药排石、手术取石、激光碎石等。但验之临床,则有的获效不大,有的经济代价太高,有的术后反应较多,不少患者寄希望于中医中药。现就个人应用中药治疗泌尿系结石69例结果总结报告如下。 展开更多
关键词 泌尿系结石 中国药疗法
作者 徐国惠 《吉林中医药》 1989年第5期18-18,共1页
踝部骨折比较常见,手法整复、局部外固定是治疗本病的主要手段。笔者综合各家理论,结合临床实践,提出踝部骨折整复六法即拉、翻、旋、压、合、伸。自1981年至1988年末整复踝部骨折计60例,复位成功率在90%以上,报道如下。一般资料本组... 踝部骨折比较常见,手法整复、局部外固定是治疗本病的主要手段。笔者综合各家理论,结合临床实践,提出踝部骨折整复六法即拉、翻、旋、压、合、伸。自1981年至1988年末整复踝部骨折计60例,复位成功率在90%以上,报道如下。一般资料本组计60例,其中男46例,女14例;左踝37例,右踝23例;年龄小于14岁5例,15~45岁38例,45岁以上17例。 展开更多
关键词 髁部骨折 整复 中国药疗法
作者 林安钟 《广州中医学院学报》 1990年第1期63-65,共3页
黄疸一症,许多疾病皆可出现。仲景治黄之法颇多,从《伤寒论》及《金匮要略》中就可见到仲景退黄有汗、吐、下、和、温、清、补、消八种不同之方法,各法均有其适应证,由于黄疸之病理特点不同,治黄之方也相应而变。“法者不定之方,方者一... 黄疸一症,许多疾病皆可出现。仲景治黄之法颇多,从《伤寒论》及《金匮要略》中就可见到仲景退黄有汗、吐、下、和、温、清、补、消八种不同之方法,各法均有其适应证,由于黄疸之病理特点不同,治黄之方也相应而变。“法者不定之方,方者一定之法。”仲景治黄八法,既可单用,也可合用,临证若能随机应变,黄疸之治自有左右逢源之妙。 展开更多
关键词 黄疸 中国药疗法
作者 邹碧云 《湖南中医杂志》 1994年第S2期9-10,共2页
辨证分型治疗脑血管意外52例临床分析湖南中医学院第二附属医院(410005)邹碧云主题词脑血管意外/中国药疗法,黄连温胆汤/治疗应用,天麻钩藤饮/治疗应用,补阳还五汤/治疗应用脑血管意外属于祖国医学“中风”范畴,是常... 辨证分型治疗脑血管意外52例临床分析湖南中医学院第二附属医院(410005)邹碧云主题词脑血管意外/中国药疗法,黄连温胆汤/治疗应用,天麻钩藤饮/治疗应用,补阳还五汤/治疗应用脑血管意外属于祖国医学“中风”范畴,是常见的内科急症。笔者采用辩证分型方法... 展开更多
关键词 脑血管意外/中国药疗法 黄连温胆汤/治疗应用 天麻钩藤饮/治疗应用 补阳还五汤/治疗应用
作者 于春英 刘秀芬 高濯风 《河北中医》 北大核心 1993年第6期5-5,共1页
关键词 系统性 红斑狼疮 中国药疗法
Phytotherapy in China and Its Prospects
作者 ZhouHJ LuYR 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1992年第1期3-12,共10页
Present status of phytotherapyPlant medicine is an important part oftraditional Chinese medicine.There are re-corded in the“Zhongyao Dacidian”(中药大辞典),5,767 kinds of traditional medicine,of which about a thousan... Present status of phytotherapyPlant medicine is an important part oftraditional Chinese medicine.There are re-corded in the“Zhongyao Dacidian”(中药大辞典),5,767 kinds of traditional medicine,of which about a thousand kinds are providedwith profile of pharmacological actions.Most of the traditional pharmaceuticalpreparations are in form of pills,powders,softextracts and others manufactured by tradi- 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOTHERAPY Chinese traditional medicine METHODOLOGY Quality control
Duration of viral shedding of Influenza A(H1N1) virus infection treated with oseltamivir and/or Traditional Chinese Medicine in China:A retrospective analysis 被引量:6
作者 王玉光 姜淼 +6 位作者 王融冰 査青林 张素娟 周桂琴 李兴旺 王永炎 吕爱平 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期148-155,共8页
OBJECTIVE:H1N1 was a new and potentially serious infectious disease,in human,the severity of influenza can vary from mild to severe,thus to find an effective and safety way to control the influenza pandemic is of cruc... OBJECTIVE:H1N1 was a new and potentially serious infectious disease,in human,the severity of influenza can vary from mild to severe,thus to find an effective and safety way to control the influenza pandemic is of crucial importance.This retrospective study describes the duration of viral shedding in H1N1 patients that were hospitalized and treated in China.METHODS:Clinical data were collected from May to July,2009 in China for 963 patients with influenza A(H1N1) virus infection.Patients were treated based on the guidelines issued by the Chinese Ministry of Health.The primary outcome was duration of viral shedding and statistical comparisons were performed.RESULTS:In the patients with body temperature greater than 38.0℃,there were no differences in virus shedding duration among the patients taking oseltamivir within two days,patients undergoing Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) therapy or those receiving no drug therapy.In patients with body temperature 338.1℃,TCM therapy reduced the viral shedding duration(P<0.05,vs.oseltamivir therapy).Furthermore,taking oseltamivir two days after onset of symptoms might prolong the virus shedding duration(P<0.05,vs.taking oseltamivir less than 2 days of onset).CONCLUSION:TCM therapy is effective for reducing the length of virus shedding in patients with body temperature 338.0℃.Oseltamivir used for reducing virus shedding duration should be taken within two days of onset. 展开更多
关键词 H1N1 Treatment of oseltamivir Treatment of TCM
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