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作者 杨红秀 《深圳信息职业技术学院学报》 2022年第4期6-11,共6页
在我国“一带一路”倡议的引领下,中国与泰国的职业教育合作取得了长足的进步,一定程度上促进了两国教育经济的发展。同时在两国职业教育磨合过程中也暴露出了合作之间的短板和不足。后疫情时代,中泰职业教育的深入合作将面临更多挑战... 在我国“一带一路”倡议的引领下,中国与泰国的职业教育合作取得了长足的进步,一定程度上促进了两国教育经济的发展。同时在两国职业教育磨合过程中也暴露出了合作之间的短板和不足。后疫情时代,中泰职业教育的深入合作将面临更多挑战和机遇。以交流互鉴、合作共赢为目标,构建一个政策支持、产教融合、机制完善、科学管理的中泰职业教育共同体,必将更好地促进中泰职业教育改革发展,推动两国教育、经济、政治、文化等各领域实现互利共赢。 展开更多
关键词 后疫情时代 中国-泰国 职业教育共同体
基于边缘城市理论的产业园区规划策略研究——以中国-泰国崇左产业园为例 被引量:10
作者 赵四东 李林 +3 位作者 钟源 陈春林 雷俊 李骏轲 《城市规划》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期84-93,共10页
边缘城市是美国郊区化的产物,产业园区是我国拉动经济和拓展城市空间最重要的载体,两者都是新形势下城市发展演进过程中最引人注目的现象。通过对美国边缘城市的现象观察及其与我国产业园区的比较研究,从城市、区域、网络三视角,提出产... 边缘城市是美国郊区化的产物,产业园区是我国拉动经济和拓展城市空间最重要的载体,两者都是新形势下城市发展演进过程中最引人注目的现象。通过对美国边缘城市的现象观察及其与我国产业园区的比较研究,从城市、区域、网络三视角,提出产城融合化、功能复合化、环境品质化、城镇体系化、数字智慧化等基于边缘城市理论的产业园区规划策略,并以中国-泰国崇左产业园规划进行了实证研究,将边缘城市理论运用于城乡规划实践。同时,立足"边缘城市=边缘+城市"解构,提出边缘城市的核心在于"城市"——立足职住平衡的城市功能中心化;活力在于"边缘"——立足网络协同的多中心城市区域形态格局建构,并指出边缘城市依托规模互借协同效应,促进城市形态沿单中心-多中心-城市群演替、空间结构沿等级化-(扁平化)网络化-一体化演化,已成为城市区域走向多中心网络一体化协同发展的新兴生长点或战略性支点。 展开更多
关键词 边缘城市 产业园区 规划策略 城融合 中国-泰国崇左产业园
CGWIC Subsidiary and Thailand Kasetsart University Signed MOU for HONGYAN-SAT Joint Development
作者 JIA Mu 《Aerospace China》 2017年第4期64-64,共1页
On November 27,2017,under the government cooperation framework of China and Thailand,Beijing Tengyuxinwei Technology Co.,Ltd.(BTTCL),affiliated to the China Great Wall Industry Corporation(CGWIC),signed a MOU of‘... On November 27,2017,under the government cooperation framework of China and Thailand,Beijing Tengyuxinwei Technology Co.,Ltd.(BTTCL),affiliated to the China Great Wall Industry Corporation(CGWIC),signed a MOU of‘Joint Construction of HONGYAN-SAT Constellation’with Thailand Kasetsart University(KU).Under this MOU, 展开更多
关键词 MOU CGWIC Subsidiary and Thailand Kasetsart University Signed MOU for HONGYAN-SAT Joint Development SAT
基于“一带一路”倡议的中泰渔业协作发展探索 被引量:1
作者 张成林 刘晃 张宇雷 《农业工程》 2019年第10期128-132,共5页
在渔业方面,贯彻落实“一带一路”倡议,实施渔业“走出去,引进来”战略,促进我国水产养殖业和周边国家地区的交流合作,共同推动区域传统渔业向现代渔业转型升级,是现代渔业发展的必然方向。泰国作为“一带一路”之东盟国家,从泰国的渔... 在渔业方面,贯彻落实“一带一路”倡议,实施渔业“走出去,引进来”战略,促进我国水产养殖业和周边国家地区的交流合作,共同推动区域传统渔业向现代渔业转型升级,是现代渔业发展的必然方向。泰国作为“一带一路”之东盟国家,从泰国的渔业资源现状、渔业产业发展、渔业现阶段存在的优势和不足以及中泰渔业协作发展探索等多个方面进行阐述,通过研究泰国渔业现状及探索中泰渔业协作发展之路,提出技术支撑、资源引进、取长补短、共同进步等相对应的策略与建议,为中国-东盟国家在基于“一带一路”倡议的渔业层面战略发展提供样本。 展开更多
关键词 一带一路 中国-泰国 东盟 渔业
Some new country records of five species of Glenea Newman(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae:Lamiinae:Saperdini) from the Oriental Region
作者 VIKTORA Petr 林美英 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期50-57,共8页
New country records for five species of Glenea Newman from the Oriental Region are reported. G. changchini Lin & Lin, 2011 is newly recorded from Vietnam; G. rondoni Breuning, 1963 is new from Thailand; G. subregular... New country records for five species of Glenea Newman from the Oriental Region are reported. G. changchini Lin & Lin, 2011 is newly recorded from Vietnam; G. rondoni Breuning, 1963 is new from Thailand; G. subregularis Pic, 1943 is new from Laos; G subviridescens Breuning, 1963 is new from China, Vietnam and Thailand; and G. viridescens Pic, 1927 is newly recorded from China and Laos. Photos of types and voucher specimens from new localities are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Glenea Newman new country record China Laos Thailand Vietnam
作者 俞庆华 《汽车零部件》 2019年第12期36-36,共1页
2019年12月3日,第十五届法兰克福上海国际汽车零配件、维修检测诊断设备及汽车用品展览会在上海国家会展中心盛大开幕,此次展会吸引了来自18个国家和地区的超过6000家参展企业,汇聚了大量汽配龙头企业和品牌。作为唯一参展的跨境出口电... 2019年12月3日,第十五届法兰克福上海国际汽车零配件、维修检测诊断设备及汽车用品展览会在上海国家会展中心盛大开幕,此次展会吸引了来自18个国家和地区的超过6000家参展企业,汇聚了大量汽配龙头企业和品牌。作为唯一参展的跨境出口电商平台,eBay召集优质卖家开启“灯塔计划”观展采购活动,不仅有来自中国的卖家,更有来自泰国、马来西亚的国外卖家加入eBay“灯塔计划”国际采购团。 展开更多
关键词 汽车用品 采购团 汽车零配件 采购活动 跨境出口电商 EBAY 法兰克福 龙头企业
A Comparative Study of Buddha Images Between the Dali Kingdom of China and the Ayutthaya Mural Paintings of Wat Khongkharam Thailand
作者 LI Li-Ping 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期618-629,共12页
This paper is based on the Indian Buddhism arts, especially Hinayana, and it gives a comparison between the mural paintings in Wat Khongkharam and the Buddha images in Dali Kingdom of China. This paper also aims at an... This paper is based on the Indian Buddhism arts, especially Hinayana, and it gives a comparison between the mural paintings in Wat Khongkharam and the Buddha images in Dali Kingdom of China. This paper also aims at analysing the origin, the development, and the major premises of artists in Buddhism Arts. Furthermore, I would like to collect related materials and give a recreation as well. 展开更多
关键词 mural paintings Buddhism arts Dali Kingdom Wat Khongkharam
The Effect of Training Package Development for Secondary School Students in Thailand Toward ASEAN Community
作者 Piyawan Srisuruk Ladda Silanoi Pongsakda Namprama 《Sociology Study》 2015年第4期262-268,共7页
The purposes of this research were: (1) to create a training package to prepare secondary school students in northeastern of Thailand toward ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Community; (2) to comp... The purposes of this research were: (1) to create a training package to prepare secondary school students in northeastern of Thailand toward ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Community; (2) to compare the knowledge of secondary school students toward ASEAN before and after use training package; and (3) the expectations of the students in the northeast of their own preparation for the ASEAN community. Experimental research was used in this research. The subject was including 2,000 students who were randomly divided into groups of seven provinces. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, average, standard deviation, and T-test. The research results showed that: (1) a training package to prepare secondary school students in northeastern of Thailand toward ASEAN Community, the effectiveness index (E.I.) was .57, according to the established criteria; (2) a comparison of pretest and post-test results found the use of cognitive training may vary, statistically significant at the .05 level; (3) an expectation of the secondary school students in the preparation of role into ASEAN Community found that the students who participated in a concept reflect that the knowledge and attitudes to prepare themselves for the ASEAN community. 展开更多
关键词 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Community training package students' readiness
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