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作者 张振国 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期145-150,共6页
关键词 张君励 国事会议宪法草案 治协商会议宪法草案 中央政 中国
作者 张振国 《淮北煤炭师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第2期15-18,共4页
《政治协商会议宪法草案》是张君劢依据“政协十二原则”起草而成,它在中央政制的设计上匠心独具,以“五权之名,行三权之实”,打破了“五五宪草”的制度架构,经过修改后,成为《中华民国宪法》的底本。本文将《政治协商会议宪法草案》与... 《政治协商会议宪法草案》是张君劢依据“政协十二原则”起草而成,它在中央政制的设计上匠心独具,以“五权之名,行三权之实”,打破了“五五宪草”的制度架构,经过修改后,成为《中华民国宪法》的底本。本文将《政治协商会议宪法草案》与“五五宪草”及《中华民国宪法》进行了对比分析。 展开更多
关键词 治协商会议宪法草案》 中央政 比较分析 《中华民国宪法》 “五五宪草” 宪法
提升党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略对研究生思政教育的实效性 被引量:2
作者 迟莹 张伯威 《吉林工商学院学报》 2017年第6期114-117,共4页
提升党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略对研究生思政教育的实效性,具有重大而深远的理论价值及意义。本文以提升党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略对研究生思政教育的实效性内涵为切入点,剖析了提升党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略对... 提升党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略对研究生思政教育的实效性,具有重大而深远的理论价值及意义。本文以提升党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略对研究生思政教育的实效性内涵为切入点,剖析了提升党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略对研究生思政教育的实效性的精神实质,并提出了提升党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略对研究生思政教育的实效性的基本思路。 展开更多
关键词 中央治国理新理念新思想新战略 研究生思教育 课教师 实效性
探索大思政格局下的“青马工程”实践新途径——以湖南商学院大学生“党中央治国理政新思想”学习社为例 被引量:4
作者 曾晶 《科教文汇》 2018年第27期18-19,共2页
"青马工程"实施以来取得了显著的成就,十年来"青马工程"的实施是一个不断完善优化的过程,是一个不断探索创新的过程,新时代赋予青年新的使命和责任,规划了新的目标和蓝图,提出了新的思想和战略,对"青马工程&qu... "青马工程"实施以来取得了显著的成就,十年来"青马工程"的实施是一个不断完善优化的过程,是一个不断探索创新的过程,新时代赋予青年新的使命和责任,规划了新的目标和蓝图,提出了新的思想和战略,对"青马工程"也提出了新的要求。为了让"青马工程"在新时代发挥更大作用,湖南商学院成立了大学生"党中央治国理政新思想学习社",在大思政格局下探索"青马工程"实践新途径。 展开更多
关键词 青马工程 中央治国理新思想 学习社
《江苏省人民政府公报》 2013年第2期25-27,共3页
苏政办发[2012]217号2012年12月25日各市、县(市)人民政府,省各委办厅局,省各直属单位:近期,财政部、水利部制定下发了《关于中央财政统筹部分从土地出让收益中计提农田水利建设资金有关问题的通知》(财综[2012]43号)。根据省政府领导... 苏政办发[2012]217号2012年12月25日各市、县(市)人民政府,省各委办厅局,省各直属单位:近期,财政部、水利部制定下发了《关于中央财政统筹部分从土地出让收益中计提农田水利建设资金有关问题的通知》(财综[2012]43号)。根据省政府领导同志意见,现将财政部、水利部文件转发各地执行,并就有关贯彻事项通知如下。一。 展开更多
关键词 水利建设资金 出让收益 中央 水利工作会议 水利现代化 水利建设投资 直属单位 文件转发 中央政
作者 程方 杨继枝 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第3期213-215,共3页
关键词 中央双轨辅体制 皇权 司礼监
作者 田兆阳 《北京行政学院学报》 2001年第6期1-4,共4页
宰相在中国古代作为“百官之长”,所谓“一人之下 ,万人之上”,是辅佐君主处理国家大政的最高行政长官。宰相制度是君主制度的调节机制和必要补充。本文介绍了与宰相制度相适应的行政中枢机构的萌发、形成、发展和转换过程 ,力图在动态... 宰相在中国古代作为“百官之长”,所谓“一人之下 ,万人之上”,是辅佐君主处理国家大政的最高行政长官。宰相制度是君主制度的调节机制和必要补充。本文介绍了与宰相制度相适应的行政中枢机构的萌发、形成、发展和转换过程 ,力图在动态描述中把握中央辅政体制的演变规律和发展态势 。 展开更多
关键词 古代 中枢机构 权力制衡机制 宰相制度 中国 中央体制
重评1946年《中华民国宪法》 被引量:22
作者 郑大华 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期62-67,120,共7页
1946年《中华民国宪法》是在政治协商会议已经召开、并通过了宪草修改十二条原则的背景下由非国民党人士起草的 ,因此 ,与此前国民党一党制定的“五五宪草”比较 ,存在着一些重大区别。这些重大区别表明 :与“五五宪草”不同 ,1946年《... 1946年《中华民国宪法》是在政治协商会议已经召开、并通过了宪草修改十二条原则的背景下由非国民党人士起草的 ,因此 ,与此前国民党一党制定的“五五宪草”比较 ,存在着一些重大区别。这些重大区别表明 :与“五五宪草”不同 ,1946年《中华民国宪法》多多少少带有一些民主性质或色彩。这些民主性质和色彩是中共。 展开更多
关键词 1946年《中华民国宪法》 “五五宪草” 国民党 共产党 国体 人民自由权利 中央政
作者 邓丽兰 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期156-156,共1页
历史学院邓丽兰发表《20世纪30年代南京政府的中央行政体制改革》《福建论坛》2014年第12期)一文,指出国民党人开府南京后的中央政制是依据总理遗教的精心之作,在施行过程中却陷于中政会“训政”鲜效、国民政府与五院制叠床架屋、委... 历史学院邓丽兰发表《20世纪30年代南京政府的中央行政体制改革》《福建论坛》2014年第12期)一文,指出国民党人开府南京后的中央政制是依据总理遗教的精心之作,在施行过程中却陷于中政会“训政”鲜效、国民政府与五院制叠床架屋、委员会泛滥成灾的制度陷阱,并成为舆论批判的对象。种种立法创制,夹杂着种种争权夺利,使新政权甚至丧失了维持有效行政运转的本能。 展开更多
关键词 体制改革 南京 中央政 30年代 20世纪 国民 制度陷阱
郑新立论“新常态” 被引量:2
《上海经济》 2014年第12期11-11,共1页
中央政策研究室原副主任、党组书记、中国国际经济交流中心常务副理事长郑新立日前表示,"新常态"下中国应保持适度增速(7%-8%),同时加大宏观调控力度应对经济下行压力、通货紧缩等问题。首届大公财经年会(2014)上周举行,郑新... 中央政策研究室原副主任、党组书记、中国国际经济交流中心常务副理事长郑新立日前表示,"新常态"下中国应保持适度增速(7%-8%),同时加大宏观调控力度应对经济下行压力、通货紧缩等问题。首届大公财经年会(2014)上周举行,郑新立在会上称,"新常态"内涵就是增速适度、结构优化、效益提高、民生改善。增速适度就是保持7%到8%的中高速增长;结构优化是第三产业发展明显滞后的局面不断改善,以劳动。 展开更多
关键词 郑新立 通货紧缩 经济下行压力 资源密集型产业 副主任 国际经济交流 策研究室 趋势性变化 中央政
Study on Development Process and Mechanism of Ecological Compensation in Beijing and Hebei Province 被引量:1
作者 Fu Chengwei Shi Zulin 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第4期69-76,共8页
The problem of water resources has become a bottleneck for the sustainable development of Beijing and Hebei Province (the two regions together are called "Jingji Region" for short).It is imperative to establ... The problem of water resources has become a bottleneck for the sustainable development of Beijing and Hebei Province (the two regions together are called "Jingji Region" for short).It is imperative to establish an effective and equitable water resources ecological compensation (eco-compensation) mechanism.The three stages of water resources eco-compensation are expatiated here namely the eco-compensation missing stage,ecocompensation start stage and the eco-compensation development stage.Through the establishment of eco-compensation game model based on the game theory,the reasons of the formation for the three stages were analyzed,as well as the conversion conditions from non-cooperative game to cooperative game among the related stakeholders including the central government,the water recipient government and the water source government.Furthermore,this study pointed out that the water resources eco-compensation in Jingji Region was not established based on the institution,but formed and developed in coping with the challenges of water crisis.However,institution construction is quite essential in game process for the water recipient government and the water source government.Finally recommendations in four areas including legalization of eco-compensation mechanism,setting up compensation standards,leading industrial upgrading and developing related incentives and constraints were concluded. 展开更多
关键词 water resources ecological compensation (eco-com- pensation) game analysis
Transfer payments from the central government to the local governments and the local governments' efforts on taxation: taking China as an example 被引量:1
作者 YANG Ming-hong TANG Yuan-yan 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第3期206-216,共11页
The influence of the transfer payments from the central government to the local governments on the local governments' efforts on taxation must be taken into consideration by every country for the design of the transf... The influence of the transfer payments from the central government to the local governments on the local governments' efforts on taxation must be taken into consideration by every country for the design of the transfer payments. Based on the theoretical analysis on the influence of the transfer payments from the central government to the local governments' on the local governments' payments', this paper indicates that the local governments' efforts on taxation depends on the demand elasticity of the district for public goods, It increases with the increase of the elasticity. Judge the degree of the local govet:nment's efforts on taxation by measure 2. After an empirical analysis on the transJer payments from the central government to the local governments'from 2000 to 2004, this paper gets the con- clusion that the local governments' effbrts on taxation ctbates with the increase of supporting payments or with the increase of the ratio of transfer payments to local wiliing public paymentS. Under speCific Circumstances, the higher the ratio of transfer payments to the local fiscal expenditure is. the smaller the local governments' efforts' on taxation is" under the central payments, whereas' the higher the local income is, the higher the efforts is under the central pav- ments. Based on this', this paper gives the meaning of its eOrresponding pofiCieS. " 展开更多
关键词 Transfer payment Local government: Efforts on taxation Demand elasticity for public goods
Shifting Ground - Changing Attitudes to the Green Revitalization of New Zealand's Existing Office Buildings
作者 John Bloomfield Storey 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第6期471-483,共13页
This paper explores the shift in the attitudes of building developer/owners to the incorporation of sustainability measures into office building renovations in New Zealand over the last 7 years, through a series of in... This paper explores the shift in the attitudes of building developer/owners to the incorporation of sustainability measures into office building renovations in New Zealand over the last 7 years, through a series of interviews with a wide range of key industry players and the study of three seminal case study examples. The interviewees uniformly considered that there had been a rapid increase in interest in the green renovation of existing buildings during the period under consideration, due mainly to strong leadership by central government. Significant differences in attitudes to green renovation emerged between the various groups as to whether, and on what terms such developments were likely to occur. The move to green building solutions seems to have continued in New Zealand, despite the world financial crisis and central government's abrogation of its leadership role being replaced by rising tenant expectations and the need for building owners to let their premises in a more competitive leasing environment. The change in attitudes demonstrated is profound. In the earliest of the case study buildings, started on site in 2004, no consideration is given by the developer, owner or design team to sustainability issues and there is no obvious user demand. In the second case, which started on site only one year later, sustainable design is very prominent, but is largely tenant driven, albeit with the active and enthusiastic support of the developer and design team. The final case study building started on site in 2007 is entirely developer/building owner driven and stems from a perception that "green" buildings represent value for money, that there is a real and persistent user demand and that sustainable design makes strong commercial sense. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable building offices green existing ATTITUDES RENOVATION revitalization.
Recovery Capacity of the Finance System of Italian Municipalities After the Currency Crisis of 1992
作者 Salvatore Villani 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2018年第3期121-135,共15页
This paper is a first pioneering attempt to apply the concept of resilience to the analysis of the public finance systems of local governments, a concept already used and "abused" in various disciplines and fields o... This paper is a first pioneering attempt to apply the concept of resilience to the analysis of the public finance systems of local governments, a concept already used and "abused" in various disciplines and fields of science. In particular, it proposes an attempt to estimate the recovery capacity of Italian Municipalities in a crucial period of our country's financial history, between 1992 and 2000, or between the currency crisis and the introduction of the Euro. However, the analysis also involved the subsequent trends, in order to demonstrate that the current vulnerability of the municipal public finance system, in particular of the Municipalities of Southern Italy, depends not only on the economic cycle but also on the continuous and incessant changes in the financing mechanisms of local governments established by the central government. The analysis showed a lower financial resilience of the Municipalities of the Mezzogiorno (island and continental) compared to those of the Center-North. The determinants of this phenomenon were found, for one part, through the analysis of the financial data of the Italian Municipalities - as presented by the SVIMEZ in its annual reports on the economy of the Mezzogiomo - and, for another part, through the critical synthesis of significant economic events which occurred during the period examined. 展开更多
关键词 governmental financial resilience financial management vulnerability and recovery capacity of local governments financial shocks currency crisis
The Maghrebian Scholarship and the Development of Muslim Intelligentsias in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of the Central Bilad al-Sudan
作者 Mukhtar Umar Bunza 《History Research》 2013年第5期342-352,共11页
Central Bilad al-Sudan refers to the areas of the ancient Hausa states, and the domains of the ancient Kanem Bornu. As a result of the aged long commercial, cultural, and religious linkages between North Africa and th... Central Bilad al-Sudan refers to the areas of the ancient Hausa states, and the domains of the ancient Kanem Bornu. As a result of the aged long commercial, cultural, and religious linkages between North Africa and the Central Sudan, one finds so many things in common among the two regions in dress, diets, cultural traits, as well as educational and religious practices. The extent of influence of the North African region on the individual and communal lives of the central Sudan has been extraordinarily great. The central Sudan is one of the most Islamized areas of West Africa, and Arabic language is second language to the Muslim communities in domestic and public spheres. And as a result of the entrenchment of Islam among the people due to the activities of North African scholars and traders the area became the hub of Islamic scholarship. The intellectual history of the Central Bilad al-Sudan cannot be complete without the mention of an Algerian scholar, Muhammad ibn Abd-A1-Kareem al-Maghili who in addition to his scholarly influence took appointment as Special Adviser in Kano in the 1460s. The same could be said of an Egyptian prolific writer, Jalal al-Deen al-Suyuti, who settled in Katsina and Gobir and also took the appointment of Grand Qadi in Katsina in the 15th century. Similarly, books of Sanhaja scholars, Shinqit Ulama'a, as well as Spanish-Andalusian scholars via Morocco were made available and widely studied in this part of Muslim world. The combination of the activities of such scholars, literature, and learning tradition were responsible lbr the growth and development of Muslim intelligentsia in the central Bilad al-Sudan since the earliest time, and the influence continues to date. Thus this paper aims at examining the phenomenon, primarily by assessing the influence of scholars, literature, and educational institutions from the Maghreb on the intellectual development and the emergence of native scholars and intelligentsia and on the general scholarly trend in the central Bilad al-Sudan. 展开更多
关键词 the Maghreb scholarship central Sudan Northern Nigeria indigenous intelligentsia
Logic and Trends behind Chinese Bovernment Reform
作者 李文钊 毛寿龙 《China Economist》 2011年第2期98-107,共10页
From the perspective of public administration, China's government re tbrm coincides with China's 30 years of reform and opening-up. Therefore, government reform, in particular central government reform, provides us ... From the perspective of public administration, China's government re tbrm coincides with China's 30 years of reform and opening-up. Therefore, government reform, in particular central government reform, provides us another perspective to look at the past 30 years of reform and opening-up. Although China's central government has gone through six rounds of reform over the past three decades, goverument reforms still face major challenges. Approached from the relationship between the transformation of the social order and government reform, this paper tries to understand the basic logic behind China's government reform. By reviewing the history of institutional reform and analyzing current restrictions that confront China's government reform, this paper points out the trends of China's government reform. In this paper, the authors try to study the micro and macro motivations of China's governmental reform by using public choice theory, and briefly comment on the "super ministry system." . 展开更多
关键词 Chinese central government institutional reform public choice theory development trend
Analysis of Affecting Factors to the Regional Growth and Poverty Rate in Indonesia: Applying the Heterogeneous Regression
作者 Dodik Siswantoro Tien Mulyanthi 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第7期620-626,共7页
Effective regional budget may significantly affect the development of province in Indonesia. Subsidy from central government heavily composed in regional budget. This shows low real regional income which means distric... Effective regional budget may significantly affect the development of province in Indonesia. Subsidy from central government heavily composed in regional budget. This shows low real regional income which means districts are still depending on budget from central government in general. This research aims to analyze some local factors that affect the regional growth and poverty in 28 provinces in Indonesia. Data panel and heterogeneous regression would be employed in the research. Real regional income, transfer revenue, and labor are the most significant factors to regional growth differently, but it has a different sign as well as the poverty rate. Heterogeneous regression may give better model analysis than the simple one. 展开更多
A Case Study of Affordable Housing in a Medium-Sized City in Central China
作者 Junzhe Wan Zongbo Tan 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第8期985-998,共14页
The main task of this paper is to explore the housing condition and housing policy in the vast but long-neglected middle-sized cities in China. Under the requirement of "Construction of 10 Million Units in 2011" fro... The main task of this paper is to explore the housing condition and housing policy in the vast but long-neglected middle-sized cities in China. Under the requirement of "Construction of 10 Million Units in 2011" from the central government, the affordable housing has started its nationwide building. Medium-sized cities are facing different developing periods but applying same housing policy as big cities. The paper examines the economic and social condition of the case city to find out the housing problems. It concludes that houses are affordable in these medium-sized cities, but housing policies are not implemented well. The paper proposed that housing affordability in medium-sized city is not about quantity but about quality. To keep houses affordable in these medium-sized cities, housing market, legislation, urban planning, public participation and intensive developments are all important. 展开更多
关键词 Affordable housing medium-sized city housing plan.
Informally Established Relations Between the Superior and the Subordinate: Turkey's Example
作者 Sinan Caya 《Sociology Study》 2015年第5期354-359,共6页
Turkish people display deep consideration for the concept of hierarchy. Historically, they had been always calculating and measuring the relative positions of authority symbols with respect to one another; because the... Turkish people display deep consideration for the concept of hierarchy. Historically, they had been always calculating and measuring the relative positions of authority symbols with respect to one another; because they had their own dealings with those who held political power. Should they render their young sons to the service of the feudal lords or the state? Should they consent to the say of the local forces or that of the central state power, when it comes to fixing the amounts and/or the kinds of taxes? Sometimes, the ordinary subjects of the Ottoman state were even openly torn apart in dilemmas whereby local powers were revolting against the central government of the Sultan placed at the capitol. Even the anoymous folk tales, which reflect people's opinions and mentalities in a manner very close to the truth, involve comparisons among the levels of power represented by certain officials/figures. When confronted with authority, the usual feeling contains a tint of respect, even though it is mainly a kind of resignition mixed with acceptance, leading to obedience in the end. A true, internalized respect itself is solely that which is directed toward the elderly people of the society. On the other hand, traditionally and conventionally, old age was closely associated with official or informal power and authority, anyhow. However, nowadays, in a very confusing manner, this former social understanding is undergoing rather fast changes with the advent of younger contemporary political figures. 展开更多
关键词 TURKEY HIERARCHY society informal (ways)
Families in Balance-Building the Future We Want——The World Family Summit +10 Opened
作者 Family Development Department, National Health and Family Planning Commission 《China Population Today》 2015年第2期6-7,共2页
On December 2,2014,the World Family Summit+10 was held in Zhuhai,Guangdong Province.It was jointly organized by National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)and World Family Organization,with the theme of"... On December 2,2014,the World Family Summit+10 was held in Zhuhai,Guangdong Province.It was jointly organized by National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)and World Family Organization,with the theme of"Families in BalanceBuilding the Future We Want".Liu Yandong,Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC and Vice Premier of the State Council delivered a keynote speech.Gu Xiulian, 展开更多
关键词 Family Opened Premier jointly delivered Guangdong organized Standing Bureau behalf
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