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作者 李育华 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第4期101-102,37,共3页
孙思邈是中国古代杰出的医药学家。他不仅为中国医学事业的发展作出了卓越的贡献,而且在医学中继承和发扬了中国古代文化的优良传统。本文拟对此谈几点看法。 第一,“人命至重”、“志存救济”、“普同一等”的道德伦理观念。 中国古代... 孙思邈是中国古代杰出的医药学家。他不仅为中国医学事业的发展作出了卓越的贡献,而且在医学中继承和发扬了中国古代文化的优良传统。本文拟对此谈几点看法。 第一,“人命至重”、“志存救济”、“普同一等”的道德伦理观念。 中国古代文化中,孔孟等儒学的仁义、人为贵和民本思想,道家的养生思想和佛学的人生之学等,都是重视人生的。孙思邈深受传统文化的熏陶,故他把“人命至重”作为从医的根本指导思想。他在《千金要方·序》中说:“人命至重,有贵千金,一方济之,德逾达于此。”他主张:“夫大医之体,欲得澄神内视,望之俨然,宽裕汪汪,不皎不昧,省病诊病,至意深心,祥察形侯,纤毫勿失,处判针药,无得参差,虽曰病宜速救,要须临事不惑,唯当审谛覃思,不得于性命之上,率尔自逞俊快,邀射名誉。”否则就是不仁。 展开更多
关键词 孙思邈 中对中 国古代文化 医学遗产 医道 普同一等 养生思想 备急千金要方 人质 审谛
作者 蒋培兰 《广西经贸》 1999年第4期34-36,共3页
关键词 小企业 中对中 大企业 大型企业 型企业 “抓大放小” 非国有企业 企业信息化 经济结构转型期 健全财产法律制度
作者 崔海军 《技术与市场》 2014年第9期42-43,共2页
伴随矿井采掘深化,机械化程度日益增加,对回采工作面的安装精度也要求极高。文章结合马兰矿南七采区10702工作面闭合成果进行一系列的计算及说明,简要介绍了矿山测量中回采工作面形成后,通过测量两巷道闭合导线,利用坐标偏中线解算实际... 伴随矿井采掘深化,机械化程度日益增加,对回采工作面的安装精度也要求极高。文章结合马兰矿南七采区10702工作面闭合成果进行一系列的计算及说明,简要介绍了矿山测量中回采工作面形成后,通过测量两巷道闭合导线,利用坐标偏中线解算实际工作面中对中的平距、高差、坡度及斜距,为矿井回采工作面安装提供准确无误的安装数据,避免安装过程中可能出现的偏差问题,以正确指导安装工作。 展开更多
关键词 回采工作面 线 中对中解算
作者 彭礼贤 《杭州师范学院学报》 1984年第4期72-74,共3页
鲁迅小说集《呐喊》与《彷徨》,不但在思想内容上充满了一以贯之的强烈的反封建性,而且表现了一种深沉的探索精神。用鲁迅自己的话来说,就是虽然辛亥革命、二次革命、袁世凯称帝、张勋复辟、北洋军阀横行,都曾使他十分失望,但“不过我... 鲁迅小说集《呐喊》与《彷徨》,不但在思想内容上充满了一以贯之的强烈的反封建性,而且表现了一种深沉的探索精神。用鲁迅自己的话来说,就是虽然辛亥革命、二次革命、袁世凯称帝、张勋复辟、北洋军阀横行,都曾使他十分失望,但“不过我却又怀疑于自己的失望,这想头,就给了我提笔的力量。”正因为哪怕在最恶劣的环境下也不失望,仍然是“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”,所以鲁迅的这些小说在思想内容上又都致力于中国革命道路和革命力量的探索。在这些方面,正显示着鲁迅小说的巨大思想力量和认识意义。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅小说 “呐喊” 《阿Q正传》 中对中 国革命道路 辛亥革命 革命力量 孤独者 革命党 知识分子
毛泽东在抗日战争中对中国现代化道路的探索 被引量:1
作者 唐连英 《党史文汇》 北大核心 1995年第12期4-9,共6页
打败日本帝国主义 ——开通中国现代化道路的基本前提 中国作为一个后现代化国家,在近代走上现代化道路,带有外来压力和挑战的明显特征。作为爱国主义者的毛泽东,他首先是从回应西方现代化浪潮的冲击和反抗日本帝国主义的侵略战争的视... 打败日本帝国主义 ——开通中国现代化道路的基本前提 中国作为一个后现代化国家,在近代走上现代化道路,带有外来压力和挑战的明显特征。作为爱国主义者的毛泽东,他首先是从回应西方现代化浪潮的冲击和反抗日本帝国主义的侵略战争的视角展开他的现代化思想,揭示了工业化、现代化是关系到中华民族存亡发展的历史主题。 从世界历史和地缘政治的双重因素来看,现代化浪潮是一个自西向东、由远而近的逼进过程和包围过程。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东 抗日战争 现代化道路 新民主主义社会 工业化发展 国工业化 日本帝国主义 现代化思想 国早期现代化 中对中
《古籍整理研究学刊》 1992年第6期50-50,共1页
本丛书选择古代著作的原则是,中国古代学术著作中对中国甚至世界科技文比作出过重大贡献,有重大影响,有很高地位,堪称一流的科技著作.以专著为主,也包括一些通论性的著作,如《梦溪笔谈》等.本丛书整理的方法是,先对原文校勘,然后据以译... 本丛书选择古代著作的原则是,中国古代学术著作中对中国甚至世界科技文比作出过重大贡献,有重大影响,有很高地位,堪称一流的科技著作.以专著为主,也包括一些通论性的著作,如《梦溪笔谈》等.本丛书整理的方法是,先对原文校勘,然后据以译为现代汉语,并加注释,注释重在名词、术语、概念、工艺技术等的讲解;不对原文作语词性、训诂性的解释. 展开更多
关键词 译注 国古代科技 古籍出版 语词性 中对中 科技史 重大贡献 郑金生 现代汉语 食疗本草
《农机市场》 1995年第5期18-18,共1页
日本通产省最近公布的日本中小企业对海外的投资项目为698项,其中对中国的投资项日达371项,占53.3%,超过一半以上。 日本中小企业对中国投资热,主要是从90年代以后才开始的。1988年时,日本中小企业对中国的投资项目。
关键词 对华投资 小企业 日本 投资项目 中对中 通产省 海外投资 国服装 服装行业 1992年
《中国外资》 1999年第5期20-20,共1页
不久前,卡特被勒公司董事长巴顿先生在和朱镕基总理的会见中对中国未来前景表示乐观,中国对卡特彼勒是一个重要的市场,卡特彼勒对中国充满信心,并计划增加公司在中国的投入。巴顿指出卡特彼勒公司有三个突出强项: 1.紧紧地围绕客户需求... 不久前,卡特被勒公司董事长巴顿先生在和朱镕基总理的会见中对中国未来前景表示乐观,中国对卡特彼勒是一个重要的市场,卡特彼勒对中国充满信心,并计划增加公司在中国的投入。巴顿指出卡特彼勒公司有三个突出强项: 1.紧紧地围绕客户需求,卡特被勒公司将投巨资用来引入新的产品,改善服务以满足客户对质量、性能和价值的期望。 展开更多
关键词 卡特彼勒公司 巴顿 资用 中对中 遇难者 未来前景 加八倍 收益记录 工程机械 使馆工作人员
Effects of Salinity and Dietary Chinese Herbal Medicine on Survival and Growth of Juvenile Fenneropenaeus chinensis 被引量:6
作者 王兴强 曹梅 +1 位作者 阎斌伦 马甡 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第6期117-120,共4页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to provide theoretical basis for the large-scale breeding of Fenneropenaeus chinensis as well as the promotion of Chinese herbal medicine.[Method] The experiment was conducted to ... [Objective] The aim of this study was to provide theoretical basis for the large-scale breeding of Fenneropenaeus chinensis as well as the promotion of Chinese herbal medicine.[Method] The experiment was conducted to determine the effects of salinity(12‰,20‰ and 28‰)and dietary Chinese herbal medicine(CHM:0%,1%,2% and 4%)on survival and growth of juvenile F.chinensis with the average initial wet body weight of 0.027±0.005 g.The experiment lasted for 5 weeks.[Result] The survival rate,specific growth rate,food consumption and apparent digestibility coefficient was increased with CHM level increasing;when attained the critical value,the survival rate,specific growth rate,food consumption and apparent digestibility coefficient decreased with CHM level increasing.Food conversion ratio decreased with CHM level increasing,and then it increased after attained the critical value.At each CHM level,the survival rate,specific growth rate,food consumption and apparent digestibility coefficient were highest at salinity of 20‰,while food conversion ratio was lowest at salinity 20‰.[Conclusion] Salinity and CHM had a significant effect on growth of F.chinensis,which should be paid more attention in the breeding. 展开更多
关键词 SALINITY Chinese herbal medicine Fenneropenaeus chinensis SURVIVAL GROWTH
作者 王友琴 《中州学刊》 1986年第3期74-74,共1页
当代文学应以现代文学中对中国社会、心理、文化的认识水准为起点,不断发展。现代文学和当代文学反映和表现的虽是两个不同的时代,但文化主潮趋向是一致的,这就是对文学的世界化及民族化方向的追求,对“现代化”的追求。当代文学除了应... 当代文学应以现代文学中对中国社会、心理、文化的认识水准为起点,不断发展。现代文学和当代文学反映和表现的虽是两个不同的时代,但文化主潮趋向是一致的,这就是对文学的世界化及民族化方向的追求,对“现代化”的追求。当代文学除了应继承五四的文学精神、文学观念之外,文学作品认识、把握描写对象的能力及深度,也是一个重要的层面。文学对人的生活的认识主要在社会关系及心理变化两大方面。在科学、民主的旗帜下,现代文学的社会意识及人的自我意识是比较发达的。当代文学在这两个方面可以从现代文学借鉴到不少东西。或者,更坦率地说,当代文学在某些地方,并未达到现代文学曾经达到的水准。 展开更多
关键词 当代文学 现代文学研究 文学作品 世界化 社会剖析小说 文学精神 中对中 茅盾 民族 文学观念
作者 宗爱智 《高校教育管理》 1991年第1期71-74,共4页
吸收外来词是语言发展的趋势,也是丰富本民族语的一种手段.随着世界文化交流的发展,语言之间相互借用现象越来越频繁.Pico Lyer在题为Making a Deal for 1997一文中对中英谈判期间香港局势,运用了外来词打了个比喻,作了有声有色的描写,... 吸收外来词是语言发展的趋势,也是丰富本民族语的一种手段.随着世界文化交流的发展,语言之间相互借用现象越来越频繁.Pico Lyer在题为Making a Deal for 1997一文中对中英谈判期间香港局势,运用了外来词打了个比喻,作了有声有色的描写,全句如下:That,of course,is of paramount importance to both countries.Whilethe Chinese dragon and the British lion have been warily circling eachother,the world’s third largest financial center has responded to every shiftin the bargaining like a sampan in a typhoon. 展开更多
关键词 英语外来词 民族语 希腊语 word 山姆大叔 世界文化交流 强硬派 卡斯特罗 中对中 互借
《中国金属通报》 2005年第22期13-14,19,共3页
关键词 铅锌市场 研究小组 新增项目 预测结果 中对中 10月份 库存 精铅 澳大利亚 西方国家
On the Centrosymmetric and Centroskewsymmetric Solutions to a Matrix Equation over a Central Algebra 被引量:2
作者 WANGQing-wen SUNJian-hua LIShang-zhi 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2003年第2期111-116,共6页
Let Ω be a finite dimensional central algebra and chart Ω≠2 .The matrix equation AXB-CXD=E over Ω is considered.Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of centro(skew)symmetric solutions of the matri... Let Ω be a finite dimensional central algebra and chart Ω≠2 .The matrix equation AXB-CXD=E over Ω is considered.Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of centro(skew)symmetric solutions of the matrix equation are given.As a particular case ,the matrix equation X-AXB=C over Ω is also considered. 展开更多
关键词 central algebra matrix equation centro( skew) symmetric matrix regular matrix quadruple
多工位环锻油压机液压系统设计 被引量:2
作者 郝铁文 殷文齐 +1 位作者 陈举庆 王建新 《一重技术》 2012年第3期4-6,共3页
关键词 带压充液系统 阀组内比例卸荷 过程对中与位置对中 气体爆破法
作者 蒙伟光 李江南 +3 位作者 王安宇 冯瑞权 古志明 闫敬华 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2005年第2期144-153,共10页
A sensitive numerical simulation study is carded out to investigate the effects of condensation heating and surface fluxes on the development of a South China MCS that occurred during 23 - 24 May 1998. The results rev... A sensitive numerical simulation study is carded out to investigate the effects of condensation heating and surface fluxes on the development of a South China MCS that occurred during 23 - 24 May 1998. The results reveal the following: (1) Condensation heating plays an important role in the development of MCS. In every different stage, without condensation heating, MCS precipitation is significantly reduced, and quickly dissipates. (2) Condensation heating demonstrates most importantly during the early development stages of MCS vortex; as the vortex develops stronger, the condensation heating effects reduces. (3) By affecting the MCS development processes, condensation heating also influences the formation of MCS mesoscale environment structure features such as low-level jet (mLLJ), upper-level divergence. (4) By changing the antecedent environmental circulation, the surface fluxes also play an important role in the development of MCS. Because of the surface heating, pressure declines over the heavy rainfall and MCS happening regions, which results in the intensification of southerly flows from the ocean along the South China coastline areas, and leads to the enhancement of horizontal convergence and increase of vapor amount in the lower layer. All of these make the atmosphere more unstable and more favorable for the convection. 展开更多
关键词 condensation heating surface fluxes mesoscale convective system (MCS) South China heavyrainfall numerical simulation
On the optimization of financial management of small and medium sized enterprises
作者 ZHA Xiaojing HU Xiaoli TONG Yuyao XIE Zhenkai 《International English Education Research》 2014年第6期44-45,共2页
financial management is an important part of enterprise management, plays a vital role in production, management, development of enterprises. However, the current financial management in our country the majority of sm... financial management is an important part of enterprise management, plays a vital role in production, management, development of enterprises. However, the current financial management in our country the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises has a lot of problems. This paper analyzes the small and medium-sized enterprise financial management problems, and puts forward the optimize the financial management. and suggestions to 展开更多
关键词 small and medium-sized enterprises Financial management COUNTERMEASURES
On the optimization of financial management of small and medium sized enterprises
作者 ZHA Xiaojing HU Xiaoli TONG Yuyao XI Zhenkai 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期7-8,共2页
financial management is an important part of enterprise management, plays a vital role in production, management, development of enterprises. However, the current financial management in our country the majority of sm... financial management is an important part of enterprise management, plays a vital role in production, management, development of enterprises. However, the current financial management in our country the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises has a lot of problems. This paper analyzes the small and medium-sized enterprise financial management problems, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the financial management. 展开更多
关键词 small and medium-sized enterprises Financial management COUNTERMEASURES
Phenomenology of Friedberg-Lee Texture in Left-Right Symmetric Model
作者 LUO Min-Jie LIU Qiu-Yu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第8期451-458,共8页
We consider that the Higgs triplet Yukawa coupling takes the Friedberg-Lee texture, and the Higgs doublet Yukawa coupling simply identifies with the diagonal Yutawa coupling of charged lepton in the context of left-ri... We consider that the Higgs triplet Yukawa coupling takes the Friedberg-Lee texture, and the Higgs doublet Yukawa coupling simply identifies with the diagonal Yutawa coupling of charged lepton in the context of left-right symmetric model. In this scenario, the phenomenology, including effective neutrino masses, mixings, and thermal flavor-dependent leptogenesis and lepton flavor violation decays are studied. We investigate the combined constrain of the parameters in this scenario and test its consistency with present data. 展开更多
关键词 neutrino mass neutrino mixing flavor-dependent leptogenesis lepton flavor violation Friedberg-Lee texture
Vertical patterns in plant diversity and their relations with environmental factors on the southern slope of the Tianshan Mountains(middle section)in Xinjiang(China) 被引量:16
作者 LIU Bin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期742-757,共16页
The investigation of distribution patterns of species diversity is significant for successful biodiversity conservation. The spatial patterns of vegetation and different life-forms species diversity along an elevation... The investigation of distribution patterns of species diversity is significant for successful biodiversity conservation. The spatial patterns of vegetation and different life-forms species diversity along an elevation gradient in the middle section of the southern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, China were explored, using the detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) and the generalized additive model (GAM) methods based on a field survey of 53 sampling plots. In this work 158 species of seed plants were recorded, including 141 herbaceous, 14 shrub, and 2 tree species, in which the woody plants are very limited. 53 sampling plots were classified into 9 major plant communities. The results indicate that the herb communities were the most sensitive to changes in elevation gradient. The diversity indices of the community as a whole presented bimodal patterns. The peak values for the species diversities were found in the transition region between mountain steppe desert and mountain desert steppe (2,200-2,300m), and in the alpine grassland region (2,900-3,100m), while maximum species diversities were in the areas of intermediate environmental gradient. The main environmental factors on the distribution patterns in plant diversity were the elevation, soft water, total nitroeen, available nitrogen, organic matter, and total salt. The response tendency of the four diversity indices for the whole community to the soil environment was the same as that of the herb layers. 展开更多
关键词 Species diversity Distribution pattern Plant community Soil properties Tianshan Mountains
FDI in China Grows 12% in First Half of 2007
《China's Foreign Trade》 2007年第14期28-28,共1页
China's foreign direct investment (FDI)grew 12% to 31.9billion U.S dollars in the first half of the year the Ministry of Commerce (MOC)said.
关键词 FDI the investment increase China Ministry of commence
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