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对山西隆起区中新生代构造演化的认识 被引量:19
作者 魏荣珠 李好斌 +2 位作者 徐朝雷 张兆琪 刘成如 《中国地质调查》 2017年第1期24-34,共11页
对山西隆起区中新生代构造演化的认识,是探讨华北陆块演化、破坏等科学问题的基础。在中新生代期间,不论是岩石圈的差异演化、构造体制转换、岩浆活动,还是地貌反转,位于华北陆块中心部位的山西地区总是处于过渡带的位置。该地理位置说... 对山西隆起区中新生代构造演化的认识,是探讨华北陆块演化、破坏等科学问题的基础。在中新生代期间,不论是岩石圈的差异演化、构造体制转换、岩浆活动,还是地貌反转,位于华北陆块中心部位的山西地区总是处于过渡带的位置。该地理位置说明了该区在华北陆块演化研究中的重要性。在近年1∶5万、1∶25万区域地质调查成果及以往研究资料的基础上,以中生代区域性断裂、新生代汾渭裂谷及山体隆升为主要研究内容,探讨山西隆起区中新生代岩石圈从增厚到减薄、构造体制从挤压到伸展转换,以及随华北陆块一起经历地貌格局从东高西低到西高东低转换的构造演化进程。研究认为,山西地区中新生代构造体系的发育从属统一的区域动力学环境,周边板块之间的相互作用引起深部软流圈变化:软流圈下沉,岩石圈则相对增厚,地壳垂向伸展,横向收缩;软流圈上涌,岩石圈相应减薄,地壳水平伸展。软流圈的变化对该地区中新生代构造变形、沉积格局、岩浆活动等方面起着控制作用。 展开更多
关键词 山西隆起区 离石断裂 太行山断裂 汾渭裂谷 中新生代构造演化
中新生代构造演化对砂岩型铀矿床成矿的制约——来自伊盟隆起磷灰石裂变径迹的证据 被引量:8
作者 王少轶 程银行 +4 位作者 吏成辉 李艳锋 张天福 程先钰 杨君 《大地构造与成矿学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期682-696,共15页
砂岩型铀矿床具有水成的、动态的、开放的特征,其形成及后期改造与盆地构造隆升关系密切。本文在热年代学研究的基础上,查明了伊盟隆起中生代以来具有四期构造抬升事件:150~126 Ma、110~100 Ma、100~75 Ma、50~35 Ma,且四期抬升事件隆... 砂岩型铀矿床具有水成的、动态的、开放的特征,其形成及后期改造与盆地构造隆升关系密切。本文在热年代学研究的基础上,查明了伊盟隆起中生代以来具有四期构造抬升事件:150~126 Ma、110~100 Ma、100~75 Ma、50~35 Ma,且四期抬升事件隆升强度逐渐降低。其中第一期(150~126 Ma)抬升事件以南北向的差异性抬升过程为特征,第二期(110~100 Ma)抬升事件表现为东隆西降的掀斜过程,第三、四期(100~75 Ma和50~35 Ma)抬升事件表现为整体抬升。通过与伊盟隆起周缘地区对比,发现伊盟隆起与贺兰山地区作为统一的整体共同经历了四期抬升事件,30 Ma以来贺兰山快速隆升与鄂尔多斯盆地分离,并伴随银川盆地形成。在系统统计研究区内砂岩型铀矿成矿年代学成果基础上,总结出伊盟隆起内三期砂岩型铀矿床成矿过程:第一期为早白垩世128.2±4.2 Ma^120±11 Ma;第二期为晚白垩世90±5.3 Ma^71±8 Ma;第三期为古近纪古新世‒新近纪中新世54.6±1.8 Ma^20±2 Ma。第一期成矿作用发生于第一期和第二期构造抬升转换期,第二期和第三期成矿作用分别与第三期和第四期抬升作用密切相关,构造隆升强度较大并不利于砂岩型铀矿床的沉淀和矿体就位。30 Ma以来发育于伊盟隆起的砂岩型铀矿床进入成矿后演化阶段。 展开更多
关键词 鄂尔多斯盆地 裂变径迹年代学 中新生代构造演化 砂岩型铀矿
Sedimentary fill history of the Huicheng Basin in the West Qinling Mountains and associated constraints on Mesozoic intracontinental tectonic evolution 被引量:11
作者 LI Wei DONG YunPeng +4 位作者 GUO AnLin LIU XiaoMing LIU YiQun ZHA XianFeng ZHANG KuaiLe 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第10期1639-1653,共15页
The Qinling Orogenic Belt is divided commonly by the Fengxian-Taibai strike-slip shear zone and the Huicheng Basin into the East and West Qinling mountains, which show significant geological differences after the Indo... The Qinling Orogenic Belt is divided commonly by the Fengxian-Taibai strike-slip shear zone and the Huicheng Basin into the East and West Qinling mountains, which show significant geological differences after the Indosinian orogeny. The Fengxian-Taibai fault zone and the Meso-Cenozoic Huicheng Basin, situated at the boundary of the East and West Qinling, provide a natural laboratory for tectonic analysis and sedimentological study of intracontinental tectonic evolution of the Qin- ling Orogenic Belt. In order to explain the dynamic development of the Huicheng Basin and elucidate its post-orogenic tecton- ic evolution at the junction of the East and West Qinling, we studied the geometry and kinematics of fault zones between the blocks of West Qinling, as well as the sedimentary fill history of the Huicheng Basin. First, we found that after the collisional orogeny in the Late Triassic, post-orogenic extensional collapse occurred in the Early and Middle Jurassic within the Qinling Orogenic Belt, resulting in a series of rift basins. Second, in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, a NE-SW compressive stress field caused large-scale sinistral strike-slip faults in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, causing intracontinental escape tectonics at the junction of the East and West Qinling, including eastward finite escape of the East Qinling micro-plate and southwest lateral escape of the Bikou Terrane. Meanwhile, the strike-slip-related Early Cretaceous sedimentary basin was formed with a fight-order echelon arrangement in sinistral shear zones along the southern margin of the Huicheng fault. Overall during the Mesozoic, the Huicheng Basin and surrounding areas experienced four tectonic evolutionary stages, including extensional rift basin development in the Early and Middle Jurassic, intense compressive uplift in the Late Jurassic, formation of a strike-slip extensional basin in the Early Cretaceous, and compressive uplift in the Late Cretaceous. 展开更多
关键词 the Qinling Orogenic Belt the West Qinling the Huicheng Basin sedimentary filling tectonic evolution escape tectonics
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