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温病寒温同施法临床应用 被引量:5
作者 张思超 《山东中医杂志》 2017年第5期355-357,共3页
温病以清热为正治,但通过佐以温性药物,寒温同施,可起到调畅气机、开通内外、迅速恢复脏腑生理功能等作用。结合临床实践,探讨了上焦温病温邪犯肺、中焦温病湿热阻滞及温病发热、温毒疮痈病证的寒温同施法意义和方药应用,并提出了使用... 温病以清热为正治,但通过佐以温性药物,寒温同施,可起到调畅气机、开通内外、迅速恢复脏腑生理功能等作用。结合临床实践,探讨了上焦温病温邪犯肺、中焦温病湿热阻滞及温病发热、温毒疮痈病证的寒温同施法意义和方药应用,并提出了使用本法的注意事项及在温病传染性疾病中的应用前瞻。 展开更多
关键词 寒温同施 中焦病 疮痈 发热
李泉云治疗湿阻中焦证验案举隅 被引量:1
作者 周云霞 李泉云 《甘肃中医》 2010年第8期8-9,共2页
关键词 中焦病 中医药疗法 不换金正气散 医案
平衡中焦法辨治反流性食管炎体会 被引量:1
作者 洪流 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期176-176,178,共2页
反流性食管炎属于胃食管反流病,系指由于胃和十二指肠内容物反流入食管,引起食管粘膜的炎症、糜烂、溃疡和纤维化等病变。中医学认为,本病由气、郁、寒、热、痰、食、瘀、虚等致中焦失衡以致升降失常或寒热不适或虚实错杂所致。临床中... 反流性食管炎属于胃食管反流病,系指由于胃和十二指肠内容物反流入食管,引起食管粘膜的炎症、糜烂、溃疡和纤维化等病变。中医学认为,本病由气、郁、寒、热、痰、食、瘀、虚等致中焦失衡以致升降失常或寒热不适或虚实错杂所致。临床中笔者常宗《温病条辨》“治中焦如衡,非平不安”之旨用平衡中焦法辨治而疗效显著,现将体会介绍如下。 展开更多
关键词 反流性食管炎 中医药疗法 中焦病
第八讲 吴鞠通《温病条辨》方药特点分析(二) 被引量:2
作者 张思超 宋咏梅 《山东中医杂志》 2007年第8期582-583,共2页
关键词 《温条辨》 方药特点 吴鞠通 中焦如衡 选方用药 升降平衡 脾胃气机 中焦病
作者 王艳阳 《中国中医药咨讯》 2011年第14期479-479,共1页
《温病条辨》中焦温病证治(17)条论述:“阳明温病,下之不通,其证有五,应下失下,正虚不能运药,不运药者死,新加黄龙汤下之。喘促不宁,痰涎壅滞,右寸实大,肺气不降者,宣白承气汤下之。左尺牢坚,小便赤痛,时烦渴甚,导赤承... 《温病条辨》中焦温病证治(17)条论述:“阳明温病,下之不通,其证有五,应下失下,正虚不能运药,不运药者死,新加黄龙汤下之。喘促不宁,痰涎壅滞,右寸实大,肺气不降者,宣白承气汤下之。左尺牢坚,小便赤痛,时烦渴甚,导赤承气汤下之。邪闭心包,神昏舌短,内窍不通,饮不解渴者,牛黄承气汤主之。津液不足,无水舟停者,间服增液,再不下者,增液承气汤下之。”《温病条辨》为清代吴鞠通钻研众家医籍, 展开更多
关键词 《温条辨》 宣白承气汤 下法 新加黄龙汤 牛黄承气汤 增液承气汤 阳明温 中焦
《光明中医》 2006年第1期65-65,共1页
《景岳全书》:“三消之病,三焦受病也。上消者,渴证也。大渴引饮,随饮随渴,以上焦之津液枯涸,古云其病在肺,而不知心脾阳明之火,皆能熏炙而然,故又谓之膈消也。中消者,中焦病也。多食善饥,不为肌肉,而日加消瘦,其病在脾胃... 《景岳全书》:“三消之病,三焦受病也。上消者,渴证也。大渴引饮,随饮随渴,以上焦之津液枯涸,古云其病在肺,而不知心脾阳明之火,皆能熏炙而然,故又谓之膈消也。中消者,中焦病也。多食善饥,不为肌肉,而日加消瘦,其病在脾胃,又谓之消中也。下消者,下焦病也。小便黄赤,为淋为浊,如膏如脂,面黑耳焦,日渐消瘦,其病在肾,又名肾消也。此三消者,古人悉认为火证,然有实火者,以邪热有余也;有虚火者,以真阴不足也。使治消症而不辨虚实,则未有不误者也。” 展开更多
关键词 文献资料 《景岳全书》 多食善饥 真阴不足 中焦病 辨虚实 谓之 消瘦 肾消
吴鞠通养阴保津学术思想探要 被引量:4
作者 张晓光 《实用中医内科杂志》 2003年第4期261-261,共1页
吴鞠通深研张仲景《伤寒论》及叶天士《温热论》 ,创《温病条辨》。分析其三焦不同阶段辨证论治的过程 ,无不体现着养阴保津的思想。在临床上灵活正确地运用 ,对提高温病的治疗 ,具有指导意义。
关键词 养阴保津 三焦论治 上焦温 中焦 下焦温 吴鞠通
Prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders in Chinese gastroenterological outpatients 被引量:12
作者 Xiao-Jing Li Yan-Ling He +4 位作者 Hong Ma Zhe-Ning Liu Fu-Jun Jia Ling Zhang Lan Zhang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第20期2561-2568,共8页
AIM:To investigate the prevalence and physicians' detection rate of depressive and anxiety disorders in gastrointestinal(GI)outpatients across China. METHODS:A hospital-based cross-sectional survey was conducted i... AIM:To investigate the prevalence and physicians' detection rate of depressive and anxiety disorders in gastrointestinal(GI)outpatients across China. METHODS:A hospital-based cross-sectional survey was conducted in the GI outpatient departments of 13 general hospitals.A total of 1995 GI outpatients were recruited and screened with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HADS).The physicians of the GI departments performed routine clinical diagnosis and management without knowing the HADS score results.Subjects with HADS scores≥8 were subsequently interviewed by psychiatrists using the Mini International Neuropsy-chiatric Interview(MINI)to make further diagnoses. RESULTS:There were 1059 patients with HADS score ≥8 and 674(63.64%)of them undertook the MINI interview by psychiatrists.Based on the criteria of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition),the adjusted current prevalence for depressive disorders,anxiety disorders,and comorbidity of both disorders in the GI outpatients was 14.39%, 9.42%and 4.66%,respectively.Prevalence of depressive disorders with suicidal problems[suicide attempt or suicide-related ideation prior or current;module C (suicide)of MINI score≥1]was 5.84%in women and 1.64%in men.The GI physicians'detection rate of depressive and anxiety disorders accounted for 4.14%. CONCLUSION:While the prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders is high in Chinese GI outpatients, the detection rate of depressive and anxiety disorders by physicians is low. 展开更多
关键词 Depression ANXIETY PREVALENCE Gastrointestinal outpatients Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview
Excision of a large abdominal wall lipoma improved bowel passage in a Proteus syndrome patient 被引量:1
作者 Yoshifumi Nakayama Shinichi Kusuda +1 位作者 Naoki Nagata Koji Yamaguchi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第26期3312-3314,共3页
Proteus syndrome is an extremely rare congenital disorder that produces multifocal overgrowth of tissue. This report presents a surgical case of a large lipoma in the abdominal wall of a patient with Proteus syndrome.... Proteus syndrome is an extremely rare congenital disorder that produces multifocal overgrowth of tissue. This report presents a surgical case of a large lipoma in the abdominal wall of a patient with Proteus syndrome. She was diagnosed with Proteus syndrome based on certain diagnostic criteria. The neoplasm increased in size gradually, producing hemihypertrophy of her left lower extremity and trunk, and spread to her retroperitoneum and her left abdominal wall. She experienced gradually progressive constipation, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen demonstrated a large mass in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of the left lower abdominal wall which measured 12 cm×8 cm×6 cm in diameter and encased the left colon. This mass in the abdominal wall was excised. The weight of the excised mass was 1550 g. The histopathological diagnosis of this mass was lipoma. After surgery, the encasement of the left colon was improved, and the patient was able to move her bowels twice per day. The excision of the large lipoma in the abdominal wall contributed to the improved bowel passage in this patient with Proteus syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 Proteus syndrome LIPOMA Bowel obstruction Abdominal wall Bowel passage
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