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自拟中药方治疗恶性胸腔积液22例临床观察 被引量:5
作者 郝晶 刘松江 《长春中医药大学学报》 2009年第3期378-378,共1页
关键词 自拟中药方/治疗应用 恶性胸腔积液 恶性肿瘤 本虚标实
作者 刘淑丽 《中国医药指南》 2013年第2期272-273,共2页
消化性溃疡属于中医学之"胃脘痛"范畴,是一种常见病和多发病。中医古籍中有很多方剂或辨证加减用以治疗消化性溃疡,如《伤寒杂病论》中的大建中汤、附子梗米汤、芍药甘草汤、吴茱萸汤、小建中汤、黄芪建中汤,《兰宝秘藏卷二》之"胃... 消化性溃疡属于中医学之"胃脘痛"范畴,是一种常见病和多发病。中医古籍中有很多方剂或辨证加减用以治疗消化性溃疡,如《伤寒杂病论》中的大建中汤、附子梗米汤、芍药甘草汤、吴茱萸汤、小建中汤、黄芪建中汤,《兰宝秘藏卷二》之"胃脘痛"门的和草豆蔻丸、神圣复气汤、麻黄豆蔻丸,《顾氏医镜胃脘痛》篇中的芍药甘草汤加减、四磨汤、失笑汤、保和丸、黄芩汤、竹石石膏汤等[1]。笔者应用自拟中药方联合呋喃唑酮治疗78例消化性溃疡患者,获得较为满意的效果。兹将结果介绍如下。 展开更多
关键词 消化性溃疡 中药方治疗 疗效观察
作者 邹尧坤 《中兽医学杂志》 2001年第3期31-32,共2页
关键词 杂症 黄疸病 脱肛 泻痢便血 中药方治疗 病例
作者 胡玉芳 赵淑霞 +1 位作者 赵晓宁 董学会 《实用妇科内分泌电子杂志》 2019年第8期73-73,75,共2页
目的探讨治疗未破损期异位妊娠患者时,使用自拟宫外孕中药方治疗的效果。方法选取自2017年09月至2018年10月入住本医院的未破损期异位妊娠患者100例,随即分成两组,对照组实施常规药物治疗,观察组常规治疗基础上实施中药方治疗,比较疗效... 目的探讨治疗未破损期异位妊娠患者时,使用自拟宫外孕中药方治疗的效果。方法选取自2017年09月至2018年10月入住本医院的未破损期异位妊娠患者100例,随即分成两组,对照组实施常规药物治疗,观察组常规治疗基础上实施中药方治疗,比较疗效。结果与对照组相比,观察组的总有效率显著较高(P<0.05),包块消失时间和β-HCG恢复正常时间均明显短于对照组。结论自拟宫外孕中药方治疗在治疗未破损期异位妊娠患者时疗效显著。 展开更多
关键词 宫外孕 中药方治疗 未破损期异位妊娠 治疗效果
抗癌中药方联合西药治疗中晚期肝癌89例 被引量:4
作者 杜一江 苟金平 《中医研究》 2014年第12期23-25,共3页
目的:观察抗癌中药方联合西药治疗中晚期肝癌的临床疗效。方法:89例中晚期原发性肝癌患者均采用中西医结合治疗。中医给予抗癌中药方(生薏苡仁、猫人参、半枝莲、石见穿、党参、生黄芪、茯苓皮、炒白术、鸡内金、杜仲、郁金、枳壳、... 目的:观察抗癌中药方联合西药治疗中晚期肝癌的临床疗效。方法:89例中晚期原发性肝癌患者均采用中西医结合治疗。中医给予抗癌中药方(生薏苡仁、猫人参、半枝莲、石见穿、党参、生黄芪、茯苓皮、炒白术、鸡内金、杜仲、郁金、枳壳、焦山楂、神曲、沙参、炒白扁豆),每日1剂,水煎服。西医采用经导丝导引导管至靶血管动脉序贯灌注化疗药物,给予注射用奥沙利铂,每次100 mg/m2;根据肿瘤大小、供血情况、肝功能情况等,将注射用盐酸吡柔比星60-80 mg和超液化碘油10-20 mL混合制备成乳剂或造影剂,稀释后用明胶海绵行肿瘤靶动脉栓塞TACE;同时给予抗菌、制酸、保肝等常规支持治疗。以2周为1个疗程,治疗6个疗程后判定疗效。结果:完全缓解8例,部分缓解55例,病情稳定21例,病情进展5例,有效率为94.38%。结论:抗癌中药方联合西药治疗中晚期肝癌,近期疗效好,不良反应较轻,且可耐受。 展开更多
关键词 抗癌中药方/治疗应用 中晚期肝癌/中西医结合疗法 TACE 奥沙利铂 吡柔比星 临床观察
自拟中药方配合灌肠治疗慢性盆腔炎60例 被引量:1
作者 张媛 何荣荣 《长春中医药大学学报》 2008年第5期530-531,共2页
目的:观察自拟中药方配合灌肠治疗慢性盆腔炎的疗效。方法:将60例患者采用同一自拟中药方配合灌肠治疗,随症做相关调整,采用自身前后对照。结果:痊愈15例,显效30例,有效11例,无效4例,总有效率93%。结论:自拟中药方配合灌肠治疗慢性盆腔... 目的:观察自拟中药方配合灌肠治疗慢性盆腔炎的疗效。方法:将60例患者采用同一自拟中药方配合灌肠治疗,随症做相关调整,采用自身前后对照。结果:痊愈15例,显效30例,有效11例,无效4例,总有效率93%。结论:自拟中药方配合灌肠治疗慢性盆腔炎有显著疗效。 展开更多
关键词 @自拟中药方/治疗应用 灌肠/临床应用 慢性盆腔炎/中医药疗法
作者 古毅娜 《中医研究》 2019年第7期26-27,共2页
目的:观察中药热熨联合中医常规疗法治疗肩关节炎的临床疗效。方法:将102例三门峡市中医院骨伤科二病区收治的肩关节炎患者采用随机数字表法随机分为两组。对照组50例采用中医常规治疗;治疗组52例在对照组治疗基础上加用中药(透骨草、... 目的:观察中药热熨联合中医常规疗法治疗肩关节炎的临床疗效。方法:将102例三门峡市中医院骨伤科二病区收治的肩关节炎患者采用随机数字表法随机分为两组。对照组50例采用中医常规治疗;治疗组52例在对照组治疗基础上加用中药(透骨草、伸筋草、艾叶、花椒、荆芥、桂枝、川乌、威灵仙、独活、川芎、川续断、木香、防风、鸡血藤、醋乳香、醋没药)热熨治疗,每次30min,每日2~3次,3~4d换药1次。两组均以10d为1个疗程,治疗2个疗程后判定疗效。结果:治疗组治愈47例,显效3例,有效2例,无效0例,有效率为100.00%;对照组治愈38例,显效3例,有效2例,无效7例,有效率为86.00%。两组对比,差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:中药热熨联合中医常规治疗肩关节炎有较好疗效,易被患者接受。 展开更多
关键词 肩关节炎/中医药疗法 中药方/治疗应用 热熨/治疗 疗效观察
冠心病心绞痛中西医结合治疗疗效分析 被引量:2
作者 王翔 《中国处方药》 2015年第3期56-56,共1页
目的对冠心病合并心绞痛患者的临床诊治疗效进行观察,对比分析不同的方法治疗冠心病合并心绞痛的治疗效果。方法选取冠心病合并心绞痛的患者80例,将其随机平均分为观察组和对照组,对照组40例,使用阿托伐他汀治疗;观察组40例,在对照组基... 目的对冠心病合并心绞痛患者的临床诊治疗效进行观察,对比分析不同的方法治疗冠心病合并心绞痛的治疗效果。方法选取冠心病合并心绞痛的患者80例,将其随机平均分为观察组和对照组,对照组40例,使用阿托伐他汀治疗;观察组40例,在对照组基础上加上益气通脉汤进行治疗,对两组患者的治疗效果和心功能的改善情况进行对比分析。结果连续治疗2周后进行两组患者的总有效率对比,观察组明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论益气通脉汤配合他汀类治疗冠心病患者,能够有效地缓解心绞痛症状。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病合并心绞痛 阿托伐他汀 益气通脉汤 中药方治疗
冠心病合并心绞痛患者临床诊治分析 被引量:10
作者 张桂英 《吉林医学》 CAS 2014年第16期3493-3494,共2页
目的:观察冠心病合并心绞痛患者临床诊治的疗效,比较分析不同方法治疗冠心病合并心绞痛的治疗效果。方法:选取收治的冠心病合并心绞痛患者100例,并将所有患者随机分为观察组与对照组各50例,其中观察组患者采用阿托伐他汀进行单纯西药治... 目的:观察冠心病合并心绞痛患者临床诊治的疗效,比较分析不同方法治疗冠心病合并心绞痛的治疗效果。方法:选取收治的冠心病合并心绞痛患者100例,并将所有患者随机分为观察组与对照组各50例,其中观察组患者采用阿托伐他汀进行单纯西药治疗,对照组患者在观察组治疗方法的基础上加用益气通脉汤进行治疗,并对两组患者的治疗效果及心功能改善情况等进行比较分析。结果:连续治疗一个月后,两组患者疗效的总有效率比较,对照组明显高于观察组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组患者治疗后心功能改善情况相比,对照组患者的总有效率也明显高于观察组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:中药方益气通脉汤联合阿托伐他汀治疗冠心病合并心绞痛患者的治疗效果明显高于单纯西药治疗方法,具有显著疗效,值得在临床上推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病 心绞痛 益气通脉汤 中药方治疗
作者 徐兆美 《实用妇科内分泌电子杂志》 2020年第4期82-82,85,共2页
目的探索剖宫产术后盆腔血肿的临床分析。方法选择28例剖宫产术后盆腔血肿患者为试验对象,以简单随机化法进行分组,14例剖宫产术后盆腔血肿患者命名为对照组,将另外14例剖宫产术后盆腔血肿患者命名为实验组,收治纳入时间为2017年1月至2... 目的探索剖宫产术后盆腔血肿的临床分析。方法选择28例剖宫产术后盆腔血肿患者为试验对象,以简单随机化法进行分组,14例剖宫产术后盆腔血肿患者命名为对照组,将另外14例剖宫产术后盆腔血肿患者命名为实验组,收治纳入时间为2017年1月至2020年1月;对照组应用常规治疗方法,实验组应用头孢呋辛钠联合盆腔炎中药方治疗方法。比较两组的治疗效果。结果实验组的临床治疗总有效率高于对照组(P<0.05);实验组的血肿消失时间、小腹疼痛时间、带下量多时间以及舌质红舌苔发黄时间均短于对照组(P<0.05);实验组的治疗后视觉模拟评分法(VisualAnalogueScale/Score,VAS)评分低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论剖宫产术后盆腔血肿实施头孢呋辛钠联合盆腔炎中药方治疗方法的临床疗效显著,可以有效缩短血肿消失时间,而且有效减轻疼痛感,整体治疗效果明显,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 剖宫产 术后 盆腔血肿 头孢呋辛钠 盆腔炎中药方治疗方法 临床分析
Assessment of drug-induced hepatotoxicity in clinical practice: A challenge for gastroenterologists 被引量:19
作者 Raúl J Andrade Mercedes Robles +3 位作者 Alejandra Fernández-Castaer Susana López-Ortega M Carmen López-Vega M Isabel Lucena 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期329-340,共12页
Currently, pharmaceutical preparations are serious contributors to liver disease; hepatotoxicity ranking as the most frequent cause for acute liver failure and post-commercialization regulatory decisions. The diagnosi... Currently, pharmaceutical preparations are serious contributors to liver disease; hepatotoxicity ranking as the most frequent cause for acute liver failure and post-commercialization regulatory decisions. The diagnosis of hepatotoxicity remains a difficult task because of the lack of reliable markers for use in general clinical practice. To incriminate any given drug in an episode of liver dysfunction is a step-by-step process that requires a high degree of suspicion, compatible chronology, awareness of the drug’s hepatotoxic potential, the exclusion of alternative causes of liver damage and the ability to detect the presence of subtle data that favors a toxic etiology. This process is time-consuming and the final result is frequently inaccurate. Diagnostic algorithms may add consistency to the diagnostic process by translating the suspicion into a quantitative score. Such scales are useful since they provide a framework that emphasizes the features that merit attention in cases of suspected hepatic adverse reaction as well. Current efforts in collecting bona fide cases of drug-induced hepatotoxicity will make refinements of existing scales feasible. It is now relatively easy to accommodate relevant data within the scoring system and to delete low-impact items. Efforts should also be directed toward the development of an abridged instrument for use in evaluating suspected drug-induced hepatotoxicity at the very beginning of the diagnosis and treatment process when clinical decisions need to be made. The instrument chosen would enable a confident diagnosis to be made on admission of the patient and treatment to be fine-tuned as further information is collected. 展开更多
关键词 Drug-induced hepatotoxicity Causality assessment Diagnostic algorithms Clinical scales
Toxicological study of the hepatotherapeutic herbal formula,Chunggan extract,in beagle dogs 被引量:1
作者 Woo-Jin Choi Jang-Woo Shin +9 位作者 Jin-Young Son Dong-Seok Seo Hark-Soo Park Seung-Hyun Han Ha-lung Sung Jung-Hyo Cho Chong-Kwan Cho Hwa-Seung Yoo Yeon-Weol Lee Chang-Gue Son 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第46期7497-7502,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the pharmaceutical safety of a Chinese herbal formula, Chunggan extract (CGX), traditionally prescribed as a hepatotherapeutic drug via systemic acute and subacute toxicological study. METHODS: Twenty... AIM: To evaluate the pharmaceutical safety of a Chinese herbal formula, Chunggan extract (CGX), traditionally prescribed as a hepatotherapeutic drug via systemic acute and subacute toxicological study. METHODS: Twenty male dogs and 20 female dogs were fed doses 50 times and 4 times greater than the clinically-recommended drug dosages in an acute and a subacute toxicological study, respectively. Adverse effects were examined by comparing the differences between normal and drug-administered groups using clinical signs, necropsies, histopathologic findings, haematology, urinalysis, and biochemical analysis. RESULTS: In the acute study no change in the body weight, diarrhoea, apetite, mortality rate and histopa- thology of major organs was observed in male or female dogs with a single administration of CGX at 5 g/kg. No drug-induced abnormalities at analysis of histopathology, haematology, urinalysis, and biochemistry were found with any dose of this drug. CONCLUSION: CGX is supposed to be very safe when used in a clinical application with a wide therapeutic index. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatotherapeutics Herbal remedy Chung-gan extract SAFETY Toxicological study
Study on alantolactone-induced differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells intovascular cells 被引量:1
作者 Yan-Jiao Lu Qiong Lu +2 位作者 Ruo-Ke Su GangWang Rui Tan 《Traditional Medicine Research》 2018年第4期181-190,共10页
To promote efficient screening of active angiogenic drugs from traditional medicines, we constructed a humanembryonic kidney-293 cell model using vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene promoter as the drug t... To promote efficient screening of active angiogenic drugs from traditional medicines, we constructed a humanembryonic kidney-293 cell model using vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene promoter as the drug target. Inthis model, VEGF gene promoter may regulate the expression of the luciferase reporter gene by responding to thestimulation of drug molecules. This cell model allows rapid and efficient screening of vascular-inducing activecomponents from several drug monomer molecules. Furthermore, we used rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(rMSCs) to conduct a preliminary study on the activity of alantolactone. Using simvastatin as a positive control, weinvestigated the effects of alantolactone on the expression of vascular-related cell marker molecules such as VEGF andα-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) in rMSCs. According to our results, 0.1, 1, 3 and 5 μM of alantolactone upregulated thetranscriptional luciferase gene activity of VEGF promoter, and a significant difference from that in the control group wasobserved. Among them, 3μM of alantolactone showed the better effect than that of 3 μM of simvastatin (P = 0.036) andother concentrations of alantolactone and simvastatin showed similar effects. Compared with that in the control group,rMSCs induced with 1μM alantolactone for 3 days showed a significant increase in the relative mRNA expressions ofVEGF and α-SMA genes. However, these effect of 5 μM alantolactone were weaker than those of 5 μM simvastatin (P 〈0.05); rMSCs treated with 1 μM alantolactone for 3 days showed brighter green fluorescence (FITC marker) of α-SMAand VEGF in situ expression than that observed in the control group and similar fluorescence intensity than that ofsimvastatin group in an immunoradiometric assay. The above results demonstrate the reliability of the highly efficientsystem for screening of active drug molecules and confirmed the vascular induction function of alantolactone at the geneand protein levels. 展开更多
关键词 Alanlactone ANGIOGENESIS Stably transformed cell line rMSCs VEGF Α-SMA
Therapeutic effect of different treatment methods on functional anorectal pain 被引量:1
作者 Hua-JuanLi Zhi-JunWei Xi-HuaWu 《TMR Non-Drug Therapy》 2018年第4期131-137,共7页
Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of oral traditional Chinese medicine (Jiaweitiaoqi decoction), electroacupuncture, biofeedback, and combined treatment on functional anorectal pain (FAP). Methods: A ... Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of oral traditional Chinese medicine (Jiaweitiaoqi decoction), electroacupuncture, biofeedback, and combined treatment on functional anorectal pain (FAP). Methods: A total of 200 patients with FAP were randomly divided into 4 groups, with 50 patients in each group. Group 1 was given oral Jiaweitiaoqi decoction; group 2 was given electroacupuncture at the lumbosacral acupoints; group 3 was given biofeedback training; and group 4 was given combined treatment. The numeric rating scale (NRS), Short Form-36 (SF-36) quality of life scale, static pressure of the anal canal, and maximum systolic pressure were observed in the 4 groups. Results: The observation indices of the 4 groups were all improved after treatment compared with those before treatment, and the fourth group showed the most obvious improvement. Regarding NRS scores, the static pressure of the anal canal, and maximum systolic pressure, group 4 had lower values than the other 3 groups (P 〈 0.05 for all). In the SF-36 quality of life score, group 4 showed a higher value than the other 3 groups (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: Non-drug therapy including acupuncture and physical exercise can enhance the clinical efficacy of single Chinese medicine in the treatment of FAP . 展开更多
关键词 Jiaweitiaoqi decoction ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Biofeedback training Functional anorectal pain
TCM Treatment of Renal Amyloidosis—A Report of One Case
作者 占永力 刘煜 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期10-13,共4页
Case HistoryMr.Pang,aged 70 years,case number for in-patient:063593.
关键词 PHYTOTHERAPY Aged AMYLOIDOSIS Diagnosis Differential Drugs Chinese Herbal Humans Kidney Diseases MALE Medicine Chinese Traditional
Whole process control and precision therapy in lung cancer 被引量:2
作者 Zhaozhe Liu Xiaodong Xie 《Oncology and Translational Medicine》 2017年第3期91-92,共2页
Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in the world. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately 80% of lung cancer cases, and approximately 75% of patients are diagnosed in the mid... Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in the world. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately 80% of lung cancer cases, and approximately 75% of patients are diagnosed in the middle and late stages. The treatment methods mainly include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, molecular targeted therapy, traditional Chinese medicine therapy, and immune therapy. We summarize the current status of lung cancer-related treatment options and targets. 展开更多
关键词 Cisplatin administration radiotherapy chemotherapy emetic thalidomide maintenance satisfactory Thalidomide sequencing
Chinese medicine in the treatment of intracranial vascular stenosis in 1 case
作者 Di Wu Wei-Ying Dai 《TMR Modern Herbal Medicine》 2018年第2期28-34,共7页
Intracranial vascular stenosis is closely related to transient ischemic attack (TIA) and cerebral infarction, early prevention and treatment of intracranial vascular stenosis can prevent cerebral infarction and im... Intracranial vascular stenosis is closely related to transient ischemic attack (TIA) and cerebral infarction, early prevention and treatment of intracranial vascular stenosis can prevent cerebral infarction and improve the prognosis of stroke. Western medicine employs interventional surgery or vasodilator, antiplatelet drugs, lipid lowering drugs, plaque-stabilizing agents and other drugs for treating intracranial vascular stenosis. No corresponding disease name with “intracranial vascular stenosis” is found in Chinese medicine literature. Based on the characteristics of syndromes, symptoms and diseases, “intracranial vascular stenosis” is summarized as weakened body resistance and prevailed pathogenic factors, phlegm with blood stasis and “obstruction (Bi) syndrome” in the brain. The self-made Chinese herbal “Naomaitong” prescription treating for bilateral middle cerebral artery stenosis in 1 case got satisfactory efficacy by transcranial doppler (TCD) and computed tomography angiography (CTA) examination. 展开更多
关键词 Intracranial vascular stenosis "Naomaitong" prescription Chinese medicine treatment
A review on pharmacological effects of Rhizoma Coptidis(Huang lian)
作者 Gu Chengjuan Pang Bing +1 位作者 Wang Han and Tong Xiaolin 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2016年第2期1-5,共5页
Huang Lian(Rhizoma coptidis, RC), which has effects on clearing damp-heat, quenching fie, and counteracting poison, is a herb frequently used in many traditional formulas. At present, there are many researches on the ... Huang Lian(Rhizoma coptidis, RC), which has effects on clearing damp-heat, quenching fie, and counteracting poison, is a herb frequently used in many traditional formulas. At present, there are many researches on the pharmacological effects of RC. In this review, we summarize the research progress on pharmacological effects of RC from four main aspects, in order to guide clinical application and explore the prospects of the application of RC. 展开更多
关键词 Rhizoma Coptidis PHARMACOLOGY Research progress
作者 钟鸿 武哲丽 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2004年第4期16-19,共4页
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of clinical treatment of acute urticaria chiefly by electroacupuncture (EA). Methods: A total of 180 outpatients with acute urticaria were randomized into treatment group a... Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of clinical treatment of acute urticaria chiefly by electroacupuncture (EA). Methods: A total of 180 outpatients with acute urticaria were randomized into treatment group and control group. 100 cases in the treatment group were treated with EA at Quchi (曲池 LI 11) and Xuehai (血海 SP 10) as the main points which were supplemented with Dazhui (大椎 GV 14), Fengchi (风池 GB 20), Geshu (膈俞 BL 17), Pishu (脾俞 BL 20), etc. 80 cases in the control group were managed by chlorpheniramine maleate and Vitamin C. Results: After 3 days’ treatment, of the 100 and 80 cases in treatment and control groups, 79 and 53 were cured, 10 and 6 markedly effective, 5 and 8 effective, and 6 and 13 failed, with the effective rates being 94.00% and 83.75% respectively. The therapeutic effect of electroacupunture was significantly superior to that of medication(P<0.05). Conclusion: The method of electroacupuncture at Quchi (曲池 LI 11), Xuehai (血海 SP 10),etc. was a more effective therapy for acute urticaria. 展开更多
关键词 Urticaria Electroacupuncture Medication
Zhao Xuemin:A Celebrated Doctor of Folk Medicine
作者 Fang Hui Zhang Chun Xiao Dangsheng 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2016年第4期1-4,共4页
Traditional Chinese Medicine originated from the application of herbs and other natural materials. Since Tang Dynasty, there are two mainstreams during the development of TCM: folk TCM and classic TCM. Without any sup... Traditional Chinese Medicine originated from the application of herbs and other natural materials. Since Tang Dynasty, there are two mainstreams during the development of TCM: folk TCM and classic TCM. Without any support from the government, folk TCM got fade away. However, during Qing Dynasty, Zhao Xuemin collected a large amount of folk prescriptions which were called zoufang and edited into Chuanya Neibian and Chuanya Waibian. Zhou Xuemin was respected as a celebrated medical scientist of Qing Dynasty due to his great contribution. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal medicine folk medicine
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