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降脂中药片降脂及抗脂质过氧化损伤的临床研究及机制探讨 被引量:36
作者 梁晓春 郭赛珊 +7 位作者 王香定 张孟仁 徐慧媛 陈玉碧 张延华 史泽 张宏 孙仁宇 《中国中西医结合杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期139-141,共3页
采用随机分组双盲给药方法观察了降脂中药片的降脂疗效及对高脂血症患者胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、动脉硬化指数(AI)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、血清丙二醛(MDA)的影响。结果,... 采用随机分组双盲给药方法观察了降脂中药片的降脂疗效及对高脂血症患者胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、动脉硬化指数(AI)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、血清丙二醛(MDA)的影响。结果,该药的总有效率为TC68.8%,TG83.9%:治疗后TC、TG、AI、MDA下降,HDL-C升高,与对照组比较P<0.05~0.01。提示该药可能具有调节脂代谢和清除自由基的作用。 展开更多
关键词 降脂中药片 抗氧化作用 高血脂病
补肾中药片对围绝经期妇女骨质疏松代谢的影响 被引量:32
作者 黄艳红 叶雪清 《中国中西医结合杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第9期522-524,共3页
为探讨围绝经期骨质疏松的发生及中西药物的防治作用,对48例围绝经期妇女测定了血清雌酮(E_o)、雌二醇(E_2)、钙(Ca)、磷(P)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)和空腹尿Ca/肌酐(Cr)比值,以及右侧桡骨骨密度(DMD)值。又将绝经后妇女随机分为补肾中药片治... 为探讨围绝经期骨质疏松的发生及中西药物的防治作用,对48例围绝经期妇女测定了血清雌酮(E_o)、雌二醇(E_2)、钙(Ca)、磷(P)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)和空腹尿Ca/肌酐(Cr)比值,以及右侧桡骨骨密度(DMD)值。又将绝经后妇女随机分为补肾中药片治疗组和己烯雌酚治疗组,进行治疗前后自身对照研究。结果表明:绝经后血清E_o、E_2及桡骨BMD值显著降低,血清Ca、ALP及空腹尿Ca/Cr比值升高。补肾中药片治疗组使血清E_o下降E_2升高,己烯雌酚治疗组使血清ALP及空腹尿Ca/Cr比值下降。提示:雌激素缺乏是引起绝经后妇女骨质疏松的主要原因,补肾中药片具有预防和治疗骨质疏松的作用,己烯雌酚具有预防作用,而无治疗作用。 展开更多
关键词 绝经 骨质疏松 雌酮 补肾中药片
降糖中药片治疗气阴两虚型糖尿病60例临床观察 被引量:5
作者 郭赛珊 梁晓春 +4 位作者 王香定 张孟仁 史泽 张延华 祝鎔 《中国中西医结合杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第5期294-295,共2页
我院糖尿病专科门诊,经过临床反复实践,在祝谌予教授益气养阴活血方的基础上加以改进,制成降糖中药片,观察其对气阴两虚型糖尿病患者血糖、血脂及血粘度的影响。现报告如下。资料与方法一、观察对象根据WHO糖尿病诊断标准,祝谌予等对糖... 我院糖尿病专科门诊,经过临床反复实践,在祝谌予教授益气养阴活血方的基础上加以改进,制成降糖中药片,观察其对气阴两虚型糖尿病患者血糖、血脂及血粘度的影响。现报告如下。资料与方法一、观察对象根据WHO糖尿病诊断标准,祝谌予等对糖尿病辨证分型标准,在糖尿病专科门诊选择气阴两虚非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病患者共90例,按照2:1比例随机将患者分为两组。治疗组60例,男性16例,女性44例;对照组30例,男性13例,女性17例。治疗、对照组年龄分别为56.4±7.5(x±S,下同)、 展开更多
关键词 降糖中药片 气阴两虚型 糖尿病
中药片松片的解决新方法 被引量:1
作者 陈桂祥 《中国药业》 CAS 2002年第11期51-52,共2页
采用U5(5)4优选设计试验法,以多指标试验综合评分法测评中药片心质量的粘合剂及其配方与用量。经回归分析、优化,得出最佳配方及工艺条件为:Ⅲ号丙烯酸树脂0.5g,HPM-C2.0g,85%乙醇100mL,混合喷雾于颗粒中再压片。可使片心硬度>3kg/cm... 采用U5(5)4优选设计试验法,以多指标试验综合评分法测评中药片心质量的粘合剂及其配方与用量。经回归分析、优化,得出最佳配方及工艺条件为:Ⅲ号丙烯酸树脂0.5g,HPM-C2.0g,85%乙醇100mL,混合喷雾于颗粒中再压片。可使片心硬度>3kg/cm2、崩解时限<20min,片面光亮平滑无缺,解决了中药松片、裂片及麻面等质量问题,达到了包衣的质量要求。 展开更多
关键词 松片 优选设计 中药片心质量 中药片
作者 张燕平 刘萍 《解放军药学学报》 CAS 2007年第1期66-67,共2页
目的考察用白及、卡波姆和淀粉为辅料试制的3种中药片剂对大鼠离体肠组织的黏附力,用以研制一种中药黏附片剂。方法分别测定并比较用白及、卡波姆和淀粉为辅料试制的3种中药饮片与大鼠离体肠组织的黏附力。结果用白及、卡波姆为辅料制... 目的考察用白及、卡波姆和淀粉为辅料试制的3种中药片剂对大鼠离体肠组织的黏附力,用以研制一种中药黏附片剂。方法分别测定并比较用白及、卡波姆和淀粉为辅料试制的3种中药饮片与大鼠离体肠组织的黏附力。结果用白及、卡波姆为辅料制备的两种中药片对大鼠离体肠组织的黏附力明显大于淀粉为辅料制成的中药片(P<0.01)。结论用白及和卡波姆为辅料生产的中药片对于肠组织均具有较强的黏附作用。 展开更多
关键词 白及 卡泊姆 中药片 组织黏附力测定
作者 王国栋 李郁 《新疆中医药》 2002年第5期51-52,共2页
关键词 中药片 质量控制 片剂
作者 王博妍 刘天宇 王博华 《黑龙江医药》 CAS 2014年第2期350-352,共3页
粘片是材料粘附到药片冲头的表面,是药品生产中持续的和昂贵的问题,是药物产品配方设计师面临的一个重要问题。分析方法可以用来解决粘附问题和开发筛选方法。专家们也在寻求增加粘附的根本原因的基本认识和开发预测模型,更迅速地找... 粘片是材料粘附到药片冲头的表面,是药品生产中持续的和昂贵的问题,是药物产品配方设计师面临的一个重要问题。分析方法可以用来解决粘附问题和开发筛选方法。专家们也在寻求增加粘附的根本原因的基本认识和开发预测模型,更迅速地找到特定的粘附问题的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 中药片 粘附 生产工艺 应用 题解 制药 世界 药品生产
降脂中药片对高脂血症患者胆固醇、甘油三酯、6-keto-PGF_(1α)、TXB_2的影响 被引量:5
作者 梁晓春 郭赛珊 +6 位作者 张孟仁 王香定 徐惠媛 张延华 肖殿模 王小鲁 张俊宝 《中西医结合杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第1期20-22,共3页
本文报道用降脂中药片对高脂血症患者 TC、TG、6-keto-PGF_(1α)、TXB_2的影响,并与月见草油胶囊组对照。结果对 TC 的总有效率治疗组为82.4%,对照组为45.5%(P<0.05);对 TG 的总有效率治疗组为66.7%,对照组为50.05(P>0.05)。高脂... 本文报道用降脂中药片对高脂血症患者 TC、TG、6-keto-PGF_(1α)、TXB_2的影响,并与月见草油胶囊组对照。结果对 TC 的总有效率治疗组为82.4%,对照组为45.5%(P<0.05);对 TG 的总有效率治疗组为66.7%,对照组为50.05(P>0.05)。高脂血症患者血浆 TXB_2、6-keto-PGF_(1α)水平显著高于健康人(P<0.05),疗后治疗组 TXB_2水平显著下降(P<0.05),6-keto-PGF_(1α)下降不明显(P>0.05);对照组对两者均无明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 高血脂病 降脂中药片 胆固醇 TXB2
薄膜包衣提高含浸膏中药片剂稳定性研究 被引量:2
作者 胡崇茂 陈佩英 胡晓晓 《首都医药》 2012年第12期55-56,共2页
目的通过薄膜包衣片、糖衣片和素片的对比试验,研究分析薄膜包衣对提高含浸膏中药片剂稳定性的作用。方法取一种含浸膏的中药片剂的素片、糖衣片、薄膜衣片,在一定条件下进行加速试验,并对试验结果进行统计分析。结果薄膜包衣的片剂无... 目的通过薄膜包衣片、糖衣片和素片的对比试验,研究分析薄膜包衣对提高含浸膏中药片剂稳定性的作用。方法取一种含浸膏的中药片剂的素片、糖衣片、薄膜衣片,在一定条件下进行加速试验,并对试验结果进行统计分析。结果薄膜包衣的片剂无论是在外观还是引湿等方面的变化均比糖衣片和素片小。结论薄膜包衣技术能显著提高含浸膏中药片剂的稳定性,值得在该领域推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 薄膜包衣预混剂 中药片 防潮 含浸膏 研究 稳定性
《医院中药饮片管理规范》在执行中存在的问题探讨 被引量:1
作者 夏杰 尹蔚萍 《中医药管理杂志》 2009年第9期831-832,共2页
为完善、修订《医院中药饮片管理规范》,适宜临床用药需求提供参考依据。文章探讨了《医院中药饮片管理规范》在执行中存在问题的原因。提出中医师开方、药师审方的依据不明确,部分规定不适宜临床用药需要,应完善、修订有关规定,明确开... 为完善、修订《医院中药饮片管理规范》,适宜临床用药需求提供参考依据。文章探讨了《医院中药饮片管理规范》在执行中存在问题的原因。提出中医师开方、药师审方的依据不明确,部分规定不适宜临床用药需要,应完善、修订有关规定,明确开方、审方的依据是其对策。 展开更多
关键词 医院 中药片 管理规范 问题 探讨
作者 金慰鄂 《保健医苑》 2007年第5期43-45,共3页
服中药丸(片)有讲究 如果有人问你,用什么水送服中药丸、中药片?你肯定会说,用温开水呗!这个答案并不全对,其实用什么水送服中药丸是很有讲究的,用不同的汤汁送不同的中药丸,不仅有增强疗效之功,而且还能矫味,减少毒副作用。
关键词 药丸 温开水 毒副作用 中药片 送服
作者 字锦珍 《云南中医中药杂志》 1996年第2期19-20,共2页
红外热中药离子导入治疗乳腺增生病50例大理市第一人民医院(671000)字锦珍乳腺增生病为妇女多发病之一,好发于21~46岁的妇女。据不完全统计,约有1/3的患者因无自觉症状而被漏诊和延误治疗,从而增加了乳癌的发病机... 红外热中药离子导入治疗乳腺增生病50例大理市第一人民医院(671000)字锦珍乳腺增生病为妇女多发病之一,好发于21~46岁的妇女。据不完全统计,约有1/3的患者因无自觉症状而被漏诊和延误治疗,从而增加了乳癌的发病机会。目前,对本病因采取手术治疗效果... 展开更多
关键词 乳腺增生 中药片 离子导入 红外热疗法
Clinical Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Ji De Sheng She Yao Tablet on 16 Cases with AIDS Complicated by Herpes Zoster 被引量:2
作者 黄尧洲 张莅峡 +4 位作者 刘国 黄卫平 贾晓元 Naomi Mpemba 刘煜 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期34-36,共3页
The Ji De Sheng She Yao tablet (季德胜蛇药片)is a drug for snake-bites and insect bites. According to recent reports, this drug has been used to treat herpes zoster, hepatitis B, parotitis, nephrotic syndrome, acute ... The Ji De Sheng She Yao tablet (季德胜蛇药片)is a drug for snake-bites and insect bites. According to recent reports, this drug has been used to treat herpes zoster, hepatitis B, parotitis, nephrotic syndrome, acute conjunctivitis, recurrent aphtha, urticaria, etc.1 with good therapeutic effects. More than half of the AIDS patients suffered from herpes zoster. The area of skin lesion in AIDS patients is larger than that of the patients without AIDS and the pain lasts longer. Many cases have keloids and depigmentation for months, even severe pain till their death. Routine therapeutic methods are not satisfactory in therapeutic effects. The expert group of traditional Chinese medicine for cooperative research on AIDS used Ji De Sheng She Yao tablets (季德胜蛇药片) to treat AIDS complicated by herpes zoster for the first time and the results are reported as follows. 展开更多
关键词 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ADULT Drugs Chinese Herbal Female Herpes Zoster Humans Male Middle Aged TABLETS
作者 刘元亮 方剑桥 +4 位作者 孙德利 金小明 吴引青 王月芳 宋如垓 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第1期59-64,共6页
Frequency following response(FFR)and auditory brain stem evoked potential response(ABR)were used to determine the auditory acuity in evaluating the effect of electro-acupuncture treatment of kanamycin-induced auditory... Frequency following response(FFR)and auditory brain stem evoked potential response(ABR)were used to determine the auditory acuity in evaluating the effect of electro-acupuncture treatment of kanamycin-induced auditory impairment in guinea pigs.Thesuccinate dehydrogenase(SDH)activity and morphological changes of the inner earreceptors were examined under the light and scanning electron microscope in cochlearspread preparations.The results showed that 1)electro-acupuncture was effective but nosignificant differences were found among the stimulating wave forms;2)Tinggong(SI19),Yifeng(SJ 17),Shenshu(UB 23),Sanyinjiao(Sp 6),Zhubin(K 9)and Waiguan(SJ 5)are all effective acupoints,especially the combination of Tinggong(SI 19),Sanyinjiao(Sp6)and Zhubin(K 9)acupoints;3)improvement in the cochlear function and excitabilityof the cortical and lower auditory center and increase of the mitochondrial SDH activityand energy supply in hair cells might contribute to the mechanism of the treatment. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Evoked Potentials Auditory Brain Stem Animals Anti-Bacterial Agents Cochlea DEAFNESS Guinea Pigs KANAMYCIN Succinate Dehydrogenase
作者 石玉山 张宏 +11 位作者 杜秀兰 张鸣鹤 尹玉茹 周翠英 宋绍亮 傅新利 李素萍 刘英 李恒敏 李秀琴 吴晓青 朱玉梅 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第3期166-172,共7页
The therapeutic effects of the Tong Luo Kai Bi Tablets [symbol: see text] in 120 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were observed in this clinical trial by the randomized double blind method. Both the observed group a... The therapeutic effects of the Tong Luo Kai Bi Tablets [symbol: see text] in 120 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were observed in this clinical trial by the randomized double blind method. Both the observed group and the control group each had 60 patients. In the observed group treated with the Tong Luo Kai Bi Tablets, 1 case (1.7%) was cured clinically, 27 cases (45.0%) improved markedly, 26 cases (43.3%) improved, with a total effective rate of 90.0%. In the control group treated with Rheumatic Semen Strychni Tablets [symbol: see text], no case was cured, 16 cases (26.7%) improved markedly, 33 cases (55.0%) improved, with a total effective rate of 81.7%. Statistical data showed the Tong Luo Kai Bi Tablets had much better therapeutic effectiveness clinically than the Rheumatic Semen Strychni Tablets (P 展开更多
关键词 ADULT Aged Arthritis Rheumatoid Double-Blind Method Drugs Chinese Herbal Female Humans Male Middle Aged
Effect of Gan Fu Le on24 Cases of Primary Hepatocarcinoma
作者 赵洪涛 吴希红 刘遵昌 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第2期134-135,共2页
Since 1994 we have treated 24 cases of primary hepatocarcinoma with a novel preparation Gan Fu Le (肝复乐). The effect was definite as reported in the following.Subjects and methodA total of 24 cases of primary hepato... Since 1994 we have treated 24 cases of primary hepatocarcinoma with a novel preparation Gan Fu Le (肝复乐). The effect was definite as reported in the following.Subjects and methodA total of 24 cases of primary hepatocarcinoma (21 males and 3 females) aged 42-73 (mean 57) years old were enrolled in the treatment group and treated only with Gan Fu Le, 10 tablets, t.i.d. for 2 months as one therapeutic course. 展开更多
关键词 Abdominal Pain ADULT Aged Carcinoma Hepatocellular Drugs Chinese Herbal Female Humans Liver Neoplasms Male Middle Aged Palliative Care TABLETS
Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Shu Feng Huo Luo Pian for Treatment of Osseous Arthritis
作者 吴晓松 周毅 王新中 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期12-14,共3页
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Chinese patent drug Shu Feng Huo Luo Pian ([symbol: see text] Pill for Dispelling Wind and Activating Collaterals) for the treatment of osseous arthritis. METHOD: 50 ca... OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Chinese patent drug Shu Feng Huo Luo Pian ([symbol: see text] Pill for Dispelling Wind and Activating Collaterals) for the treatment of osseous arthritis. METHOD: 50 cases of osseous arthritis were divided randomly into two groups, the Shu Feng Huo Luo Pian group (the experimental group), including 30 cases (aged 63.5 +/- 4 years), treated with 2 such pills, p.o., bid; and the control group, including 19 cases (aged 63 +/- 5 years), treated with Sulindac 0.2 g, p.o., bid. The two groups were all supplemented by medication of calcium Caltrate D 0.6 g, p.o., qd. The above-mentioned medications were administered for 2 courses, 2 weeks constituting a course. RESULT: The total effective rate of the experimental group evaluated by the doctors was 83.3%, and that evaluated by the patients was 90%, with mild side effects. CONCLUSION: Shu Feng Huo Luo Pian is an effective Chinese patent drug for treating osseous arthritis, with less and mild side effects. 展开更多
关键词 Aged Calcium Drug Combinations Drug Therapy Combination Drugs Chinese Herbal Female Humans Male Middle Aged OSTEOARTHRITIS SULINDAC TABLETS Vitamin D
Bioassay-based dissolution test of Shuanghuanglian tablet
作者 肖珑 韩晋 +3 位作者 黄雪 张媛媛 袁海龙 肖小河 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2011年第1期77-82,共6页
It has been difficult to perform dissolution test on solid preparations of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs). TCMs are different from chemical drugs in that their chemical compositions are complicated. The measur... It has been difficult to perform dissolution test on solid preparations of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs). TCMs are different from chemical drugs in that their chemical compositions are complicated. The measurement method based on chemical approach alone is incomplete. In order to solve this problem, in this study a bioassay-based dissolution test was developed. Microcalorimetry was used to obtain growth power-time curves and biothermodynamic parameters of Staphylococcus aureus inhibited by the solution of ShuangHuangLian (SHL) tablet, which was dissolved in phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) for different times. The results of the bioassay-based dissolution test of SHL tablet demonstrated that the bioassay method might be a promising alternative for its quality control. 展开更多
关键词 Dissolution test Shuanghuanglian tablet BIOASSAY Traditional Chinese medicines
Analyzing the risk of drug abuse for morphine-containing Chinese patent medicines in China 被引量:1
作者 Jieying Lin Jingjing Liu +1 位作者 Yaning Qi Chunming Wang 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2017年第2期139-146,共8页
Chinese patent medicines(CPMs) are widely used across China, and they are differently administrated from chemical drugs. For traditional reasons, CPMs may contain opium-derived compounds, such as morphine, which may... Chinese patent medicines(CPMs) are widely used across China, and they are differently administrated from chemical drugs. For traditional reasons, CPMs may contain opium-derived compounds, such as morphine, which may pose the issues of drug abuse and addiction. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the present risk of morphine-containing CPMs in causing drug abuse and addiction, based on a questionnaire-based approach and from a medicinal administrative perspective. We chose 76 CPMs containing morphine from government document and set them as the study group, and 10 chemical drugs containing morphine were set as the control group. Because there is no ready-made method, we created an evaluation sheet consisting of five questions to evaluate each drug and generate a risk-value score. Crosstabs analysis using SPSS 15.0 was conducted to obtain the influencing factors. We found that the study group obtained a mean score of 2.04 for the risk value, which was five times of that of the control group. Specifically, no maximum limit of morphine or codeine was set in product quality standards for more than four-fifth of the drugs. Moreover, 46.0% of package inserts failed to show any warning about addiction or prohibition over the long-term use of the drugs. The number of ingredients, as well as the functions of the drugs, was found to correlate with the risk value. Our findings suggested that CPMs were more risky in causing drug abuse and addiction than chemical drugs. Approaches, such as i) controlling the number of ingredients, ii) setting up maximum limit of morphine or codeine in quality standard, iii) providing more information on the package insert of drugs and iv) monitoring the drug containing both morphine and ephedrine, will be effective in reducing the risk of drug abuse and addiction. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese patent medicines MORPHINE Opium poppy Risk of drug addiction and abuse
Effect of Zuogui pill and Yougui pill on osteoporosis: a randomized controlled trial 被引量:5
作者 Li Wenxiong Zhang Kuaiqiang +5 位作者 Liu Zhu Liu Li Cheng Yan Yin Jichao Sun Yindi Yang Feng 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期33-42,共10页
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect and safety of Zuogui pill and Yougui pill, classic Y/n and Yang tonic formula (CYYTF), in the treatment of osteoporosis and the underlying mechanism. METHODS: Participants aged 55... OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect and safety of Zuogui pill and Yougui pill, classic Y/n and Yang tonic formula (CYYTF), in the treatment of osteoporosis and the underlying mechanism. METHODS: Participants aged 55 to 75 with osteoporosis and Kidney deficiency in Traditional Chi-nese Medicine (TCM) will be included and randomly allocated into two groups: treatment group and control group. Participants in the treatment group were treated with Zuogui pill or Yougui pill TCM formula granule, while the control group received pla- cebo. Primary outcomes are the lumbar spine on bone mineral density (BMD) (L1-4) and femoral BMD. Secondary outcomes include pain intensity, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), bone turn- over markers and safety. RESULTS: Totally 200 patients were enrolled from December 2014 to April 2016 from four hospitals. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups at baseline (P 〉 0.05) and it was good to comparability. Statistically signifi- cant differences between the two groups were ob- served for the lumbar BMD (L1-4), pain VAS scores and HRQoL at six months and twelve months and femoral BMD at twelve months (P 〈 0.05), but no significant differences for femoral BMD and bone turnover markers at six months (P 〉 0.05). More- over, significant difference was observed at differ- ent time before and after treatment in terms of lum- bar spine (L1-4) BMD, femoral BMD, pain VAS scores and health-related quality of life, and there was an crossover effect between the time and groups be- fore and after treatment. In additional, in the treat- ment group, 8 patients lost to follow-up and 3 patients had adverse events (AEs) and in the control group, 10 patients lost to follow-up and 2 patients had AEs. No remarkable differences were observed between the two groups with regard to AEs, lost rate and safety (P 〉 0.05). CONCLUSION: Zuogui pill or Yougui pill could improve BMD, ease pain, relieve Kidney deficiencysyndrome, improve the quality of life osteoporosis patients, inhibit bone conversion and regulate the coupling balance of bone formation and bone resorption, but long-term efficacy should be confirmed by a longer term follow-up and larger of samples clinical randomized controlled trials. 展开更多
关键词 Bone resorption OSTEOPOROSIS Zuo Gui Wan You Gui Wan Treatment outcome Quality of life
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