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中部农业崛起的现实基础与路径分析 被引量:1
作者 李莉 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2006年第10期34-35,共2页
实现中部地区农业崛起具有重大战略意义。在促进中部农业崛起时,应从中部的现实出发,既要分析其面临的挑战和存在的问题,同时也应认识到中部地区农业发展所具有的客观优势。在此基础上,加强现代农业和重要商品粮基地建设,实行农业产业... 实现中部地区农业崛起具有重大战略意义。在促进中部农业崛起时,应从中部的现实出发,既要分析其面临的挑战和存在的问题,同时也应认识到中部地区农业发展所具有的客观优势。在此基础上,加强现代农业和重要商品粮基地建设,实行农业产业化经营,加快农村人力资本的开发,建立直接补贴农民的农业支持保护制度,发挥区域优势,建立系统化的现代物流网络,以促进中部农业迅速崛起。 展开更多
关键词 中部农业崛起 制约因素 优势 政策建议
作者 肖淑兰 姜太军 《全国商情》 2008年第B06期3-4,共2页
实现中部崛起的战略目标,必须加快现代农业的发展。发展现代农业必须依靠现代科技,充分发挥现代科技的引领和支撑作用。通过建立中部农业科技合作共同体,加快中部区域科技一体化进程,构建高效的农业科技推广服务体系、农业信息化服务体... 实现中部崛起的战略目标,必须加快现代农业的发展。发展现代农业必须依靠现代科技,充分发挥现代科技的引领和支撑作用。通过建立中部农业科技合作共同体,加快中部区域科技一体化进程,构建高效的农业科技推广服务体系、农业信息化服务体系,从而全面构建起中部地区农业科技创新体系。 展开更多
关键词 中部农业 科技创新 思考
中部农业区城乡互动发展路径研究——以河南省漯河市为例 被引量:4
作者 唐永伟 唐将伟 陈怀录 《地域研究与开发》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期149-153,170,共6页
以地处中部农业区的河南省漯河市为案例,研究城乡互动发展路径,解析城乡互动载体和互动作用机制。漯河市实现城乡互动发展的核心在于构建食品产业链作为互动载体、建立城乡互动的要素通道、推动城乡产业互动、以产业互动促进空间关联,... 以地处中部农业区的河南省漯河市为案例,研究城乡互动发展路径,解析城乡互动载体和互动作用机制。漯河市实现城乡互动发展的核心在于构建食品产业链作为互动载体、建立城乡互动的要素通道、推动城乡产业互动、以产业互动促进空间关联,通过产业互动与空间关联的相互协调,在城乡地域形成地域生产综合体,进而形成城乡互动发展格局和良性的城乡关系。漯河城乡互动的运行机制包括市场机制、协调机制和保障机制。漯河的城乡互动发展路径可为中西部传统农业区及具有类似资源条件的地区发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 中部农业 城乡互动 发展路径 漯河市
“十二五”时期中部传统农业大省外围区与中心区经济协调发展研究 被引量:2
作者 彭荣胜 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2011年第3期41-44,共4页
文章提出了在保障国家粮食安全、不牺牲中心区发展速度等约束条件下,促进中部传统农业大省外围区与中心区经济协调发展的总体方案,即加快外围区农村综合改革,培育与壮大外围区区域性中心城市,推进省级边界区域的开放与合作。在这一方案... 文章提出了在保障国家粮食安全、不牺牲中心区发展速度等约束条件下,促进中部传统农业大省外围区与中心区经济协调发展的总体方案,即加快外围区农村综合改革,培育与壮大外围区区域性中心城市,推进省级边界区域的开放与合作。在这一方案的贯彻实施中,应当注重农民专业合作组织的建设,强化外围区中心城市的产业支撑作用,推动边界区域一体化合作组织的成立。 展开更多
关键词 区域经济协调发展 外围区 中心区 中部传统农业大省 “十二五”时期
作者 梁娜娜 《品牌》 2014年第5期15-15,17,共2页
中部农业的发展是实现中部崛起、构建和谐社会的保障。中部农业的发展有很好的自然条件和社会条件,但由于立法上的滞后,使中部农业在发展的过程中遇到了很多法律障碍,如农业产业化发展的法律障碍、生态农业发展的法律障碍以及农业保险... 中部农业的发展是实现中部崛起、构建和谐社会的保障。中部农业的发展有很好的自然条件和社会条件,但由于立法上的滞后,使中部农业在发展的过程中遇到了很多法律障碍,如农业产业化发展的法律障碍、生态农业发展的法律障碍以及农业保险的法律障碍。针对这些障碍,本文最后提出了推动中部农业和谐发展的法律对策。 展开更多
关键词 中部农业 现实基础 法律障碍 对策
作者 陈文喆 唐国华 黄新建 《价格月刊》 北大核心 2014年第3期78-82,共5页
中部地区是我国农业发展的优势区域,具有良好的产业基础,但由于省域间农业资源禀赋及投入的不同,农业发展水平存在一定差异。运用层次分析法确定评价指标权重,以系统综合目标的评价模型对中部六省农业外贸竞争力做出评价,通过分析找出... 中部地区是我国农业发展的优势区域,具有良好的产业基础,但由于省域间农业资源禀赋及投入的不同,农业发展水平存在一定差异。运用层次分析法确定评价指标权重,以系统综合目标的评价模型对中部六省农业外贸竞争力做出评价,通过分析找出中部六省农业发展中的问题,进而有针对性地提出中部六省提升农业外贸竞争力的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 中部省域农业外贸竞争力 比较研究
作者 许玉龙 秦援晋 《中国农业银行长春管理干部学院学报》 1989年第2期1-6,共6页
近几年来,政府和学术界对我国东部和西部倾注的关心很多,而中部的问题谈的人很少,似乎是个被忽略了的区域。中部的农村经济不是不存在尖锐的明显的问题,实际上中部的问题大多是显而且藏。它一旦暴发出来,就会给整个国民经济带来巨大的... 近几年来,政府和学术界对我国东部和西部倾注的关心很多,而中部的问题谈的人很少,似乎是个被忽略了的区域。中部的农村经济不是不存在尖锐的明显的问题,实际上中部的问题大多是显而且藏。它一旦暴发出来,就会给整个国民经济带来巨大的祸患。其中最主要的问题是中部农业的停滞和衰退。以及由此引起的粮农贫困的加剧。打开地图就可以很清楚地看出,包括十余个省的中部地区要以农业作经济支柱。在这片土地上生养着全国三分之一左右的人口。由于种种原因,这一地区的农业出现了可怕的衰退征象,这需要各部门尽早着手调查研究,尽早提出和实施综合治理的办法。我们写作本文,就是想初步谈一谈中部农业衰退的表现、原因、后果与对策,以广视听,切望引起政府和学术界对这一问题的重视。 展开更多
关键词 贫困的表现 中部农业 农业衰退 贫困区 我国农业 农民 “双轨制” 农用生产资料 实物投入 农家肥
Analysis on Characters and Growth Factors of academicians of Agriculture Faculty of Chinese Academy of Engineering 被引量:2
作者 邓文 单杨 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2664-2669,共6页
The research analyzed birthplace, work site and Work unit, discipline, agri- cultural product variety, current age, and selected age, as well as internal and exter- nal factors for growth, which providers references f... The research analyzed birthplace, work site and Work unit, discipline, agri- cultural product variety, current age, and selected age, as well as internal and exter- nal factors for growth, which providers references for exploring development of high- level agricultural S&T talents and formulation of relevant policies. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Academy of Engineering Faculty of Agriculture Group charac- teristics Growth factors
《麦类文摘》 1996年第6期42-43,共2页
W963421 在综合土地改良剂中使用非传统矿质成分以改良盐渍土壤特性和提高肥力:Ⅱ.改良盐渍土壤上植株吸收矿质营养元素的若干特点[刊,保]/-1995,30(1~6).-117~118[1996,(4),129]W963422 凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)用作改良土壤的... W963421 在综合土地改良剂中使用非传统矿质成分以改良盐渍土壤特性和提高肥力:Ⅱ.改良盐渍土壤上植株吸收矿质营养元素的若干特点[刊,保]/-1995,30(1~6).-117~118[1996,(4),129]W963422 凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)用作改良土壤的有机肥[刊,英]/Rabie,M.H.…//EgyptianJournal of Soil Science.-1995,35(1).-105~116[WB-TA,1996,13(2),1531]W963423 俄罗斯中部农业群落中灰色森林土的储备钾[刊,英]/Nikitishen,V.I.…//Eurasian Soil Sci- 展开更多
关键词 矿质营养元素 大麦 土壤特性 非传统 灰色森林土 盐渍土壤 凤眼莲 中部农业 改良剂 改良土壤
《决策咨询》 1994年第3期55-56,共2页
甘肃省委书记阎海旺、省长张吾乐最近指出:投资10亿元的甘肃引水入秦工程已经基本建成。这个工程将改变甘肃中部农业落后的面貌,对甘肃省的经济、社会发展产生重大的影响。引水入秦工程是将大通河水跨流域引至兰州以北的秦王川地区。工... 甘肃省委书记阎海旺、省长张吾乐最近指出:投资10亿元的甘肃引水入秦工程已经基本建成。这个工程将改变甘肃中部农业落后的面貌,对甘肃省的经济、社会发展产生重大的影响。引水入秦工程是将大通河水跨流域引至兰州以北的秦王川地区。工程投资中,包括世界银行贷款1.23亿美元,这是世行对华贷款的重点项目。该工程难度大、跨度大,其中的盘道岭隧洞长达15.7公里,是亚洲第一长、世界第七长输水隧洞。承包引水工程的中、日、意工程公司,使用了世界最先进的设备与技术,在六年内基本建成了这一宏伟的水利工程,获得世界银行与以色列专家的高度评价。 展开更多
关键词 走出困境 甘肃省 国有企业 粮食自给 世界银行贷款 省委书记 盘道岭隧洞 输水隧洞 中部农业 引水工程
Characteristics and Mechanism of Agricultural Transformation in Typical Rural Areas of Eastern China:A Case Study of Yucheng City,Shandong Province 被引量:11
作者 CHEN Yangfen LIU Yansui XU Keshuai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期545-553,共9页
Rural off-farm employment,rapid loss of agricultural land,and advanced technology popularization had led agricultural production in Chinese typical rural areas come at a critical transformation and upgrade stage.Based... Rural off-farm employment,rapid loss of agricultural land,and advanced technology popularization had led agricultural production in Chinese typical rural areas come at a critical transformation and upgrade stage.Based on sample survey data gathered from 401 households in Yucheng City,Shandong Province,this paper focuses on the characteristics and mechanism of agricultural transformation in typical rural areas of the eastern China.It was found that 74.3% of households surveyed kept at least one member engaging in off-farm employment,and 57.1% looked forward to expanding the operational scale of arable land,while just 13.7% had actually transferred their agricultural land.Since growing off-farm employment does not result in the collapse of traditional subsistence agriculture,therefore,agricultural production in Yucheng City is at an incomplete transformation phase from traditional small-holder farming to modern scale economy.It is caused by both macro environments and family characteristics,while urban-rural dual structure,imperfect rural development policy and agricultural technology popularization make peasant economy strengthen upon maintenance,and small-holder farming becomes peasant's natural response owing to pluriactivity,local off-farm employment,reverse elimination,etc.In order to achieve smooth agricultural transformation of typical rural areas in the eastern China,it needs to promote professional differentiation among peasants,under clear policies adopted by central government.Providing comprehensive services for agricultural production and improving production skills and knowledge of farmers who are still living in the countryside will effectively stimulate the process of agricultural transformation. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural transformation off-farm employment arable land management Yucheng City China
Comprehensive Evaluation on Agricultural Environment in Western China 被引量:1
作者 TU Jianjun DENG Yulin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第3期244-254,共11页
Taking provinces as study cases, 15 comprehensive factors, involving natural geography, agricultural production, economic and social information, were formulated to evaluate the agricultural environment in western Chi... Taking provinces as study cases, 15 comprehensive factors, involving natural geography, agricultural production, economic and social information, were formulated to evaluate the agricultural environment in western China by factor analysis method. The results showed that comprehensive scores were distinct among different cases. The score of Sichuan was the highest, that of Chongqing second and that of Guangxi the third. Qinghai got the lowest score, ranking the twelfth. The general environment quality was better in moist southern regions than that in frigid northern regions in the provinces of western China. Therefore, the appropriate eco-environmental construction measures at provincial level should be proposed to increase vegetation coverage, control water and soil loss, and prevent desertification and wind erosion. To develop eco-agriculture is an inevitable selection for environment construction and improvement in western China. 展开更多
关键词 Western China agricultural environment quantitative evaluation factor analysis STRATEGY
Spatio-temporal Pattern and Spatial Heterogeneity of Ecotones Based on Land Use Types of Southeastern Da Hinggan Mountains in China 被引量:4
作者 YU Lingxue ZHANG Shuwen +3 位作者 LIU Tingxiang TANG Junmei BU Kun YANG Jiuchun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期184-197,共14页
Ecotones have received great attention due to its critical function in energy flux, species harbor, global carbon sequestration, and land-atmosphere interaction. This study investigated land use pattern and spatial he... Ecotones have received great attention due to its critical function in energy flux, species harbor, global carbon sequestration, and land-atmosphere interaction. This study investigated land use pattern and spatial heterogeneity of the ecotones among agricultural land, forest land, and grassland of the southeastern Da Hinggan Mountains in the northeastern China. The change of these delineated ecotones under different slopes and aridity conditions was analyzed by two landscape indices, edge density(ED) and core area percentage of landscape(CPL), to explore the inter-linkage between spatial structure of ecotones and socioeconomic development and land management. Specifically, the ecotones such as agriculture-forest(AF) ecotone, forest-grassland(FG) ecotone, and agriculture-forestgrassland(AFG) ecotone moved from the arid southeast to the humid northwest. The flat area with small slope is more edge-fragmented than the steep area since the ED decreases as the slope increases. The AF ecotone mostly found in the humid region is moving to more humid areas while the agriculture-grassland(AG) ecotone mostly found in the dry region is moving towards the drier region. 展开更多
关键词 ecotones core area percentage of landscape(CPL) edge density(ED) modified moving split window land use pattern spatial heterogeneity
Has China Become A Dual-Sector Economy? An Empirical Analysis on Whether China Has Reached the Lewis Turning Point
作者 姚万军 《China Economist》 2012年第3期82-88,共7页
Both the labor shortage that began in 2000 and the wave of migrant workers returning to the countryside in 2009 sparked intense debates among scholars about whether China had reached the Lewis turning point. Based on ... Both the labor shortage that began in 2000 and the wave of migrant workers returning to the countryside in 2009 sparked intense debates among scholars about whether China had reached the Lewis turning point. Based on agricultural economics and the dual-sector model the author conducted an empirical analysis and arrived at the followingfive conclusions. First, the dual economy is structured differently among agricultural industrial sectors and regions. Second, surplus labor still exists in the backyard stockbreeding sector (hogs, beef cattle, sheep, and dairy cattle), implying that it has still not passed the first turning point. Third, the sector of production of staple food grains and minor cereals has passed the shortage point, but is still far from the commercialization point. Fourth, cash crop production has passed out of the subsistence sector into the capitalist sector. Fifth, regional differences are stark. the majority of China's eastern region is either approaching or has surpassed the commercialization point, whereas the central and western regions have not. 展开更多
关键词 dual economy dualistic structure coefficient unbalanced regionaldevelopment agricultural sector
Changes in Land Use and Agricultural Production Structure Before and After the Implementation of Grain for Green Program in Western China–Taking Two Typical Counties as Examples 被引量:6
作者 ZHOU Ping WEN An-bang +4 位作者 YAN Dong-chun SHI Zhong-lin GUO Jin JU Zhan-sheng ZHANG Yi-lan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期526-534,共9页
Soil erosion becomes a serious environmental problem in the world, especially in western China. An effective management practice called the Grain for Green Program(GGP), which was launched in 1999, aims to reduce soil... Soil erosion becomes a serious environmental problem in the world, especially in western China. An effective management practice called the Grain for Green Program(GGP), which was launched in 1999, aims to reduce soil and water loss and alleviate the ecological environment problem in western China. Two typical counties in western China, the Zhongxian(in Chongqing Municipality) and Ansai(in Shaanxi Province) were chosen to evaluate the dynamic changes of land use and agricultural production structure before and after the implementation of the Program in this paper. The results showed that the cultivated land area was reduced by 7.08% from 1989 to 2003. The cultivated land per person was decreased by 8.42% during 1999-2003. Moreover, the stability index of the secondary sector of the economy was increased from 0.91 in the period 1990-1999 to 0.94 in the following ten years. In addition, the stability index of tertiary economic sector increased from 0.88 to 0.92 in Zhongxian county. Meanwhile, the cultivated land area was reduced by 15.48% from 1990 to 1999. The soil erosion modulus was decreased by 33.33% from 1999 to 2006. Also, the stability index of secondary and tertiary economic sectors was 0.86 in the period 1998-2002. However, it decreased by 77% during 2002 to 2007 in Ansai County. These results imply that the Grain for Green Program had different impact on the two regions. Several effective strategies of soil and water conservation have been carried out to ameliorate the sustainable development of ecological environment and economy in these two counties of western China. 展开更多
关键词 Cultivated land Stability index Agricultural production structure Grain for Green Program (GGP) Three Gorges Reservoir region Loess Plateau
Agricultural Structure in Western China by Comparing with before and after CFFG Based on Shift-share Method
作者 Sun Nengli Huang Wenqing +1 位作者 Qu Xiang Zhang Junbiao 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第3期72-78,共7页
Based on shift-share method,this article employs regional share,structural shift and competitive shift to analyze the structural benefit and competitive position of agricultural structure in western China by comparing... Based on shift-share method,this article employs regional share,structural shift and competitive shift to analyze the structural benefit and competitive position of agricultural structure in western China by comparing with agriculture,foresting,stockbreeding and fishing before and after Conversion of Farmland to Forest and Grassland(CFFG) .Then authors draw following conclusion:while CFFG program has been put in practice,the agricultural structure in western China has some typical characteristics,such as growth faster,structural predominance obvious and more competitive.But the contributiveness from the competition is not too much yet,and the structural benefit of forest estate and stockbreeding are restrained. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural structure shift-share method CFFG western China
Analysis on the Causes of Existing Problems of Professional Knowledge of Western Rural Teachers Under the Urban and Rural Educational Planning Background
作者 Qin Bo 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期20-22,共3页
This paper adopts the self-designed questionnaire to make investigations and interviews with the rural middle and primary school teachers in Chengdu and Chongqing districts about the professional development problems ... This paper adopts the self-designed questionnaire to make investigations and interviews with the rural middle and primary school teachers in Chengdu and Chongqing districts about the professional development problems of western rural teachers, and refers to the educational literature materials in western rural areas. Through a comprehensive analysis, it is known that the professional knowledge status of western rural teachers is worrying, and the reason is mainly caused by the location, policy, economy, society, continuing education and teachers' own factors. 展开更多
关键词 urban and rural educational planning western rural area the professional knowledge of teachers problems and causes
Responding to common questions on the conservation of agricultural heritage systems in China 被引量:12
作者 闵庆文 张永勋 +1 位作者 焦雯珺 孙雪萍 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期969-982,共14页
Although the urgency of their conservation has been recognized, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) since 2002 and China Nationally Importan... Although the urgency of their conservation has been recognized, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) since 2002 and China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(ChinaNIAHS) certified by the Ministry of Agriculture(MOA) of China since 2012 are faced with questions as to why to conserve them, what is to be conserved, who should conserve them, and how? This paper attempts to clarify and respond to such questions focusing on the conservation of agricultural heritage systems in China based on a review of both theoretical and practical progress. Agricultural heritage systems exhibit a multitude of values for sustainable and equitable development and therefore should be conserved for both present and future generations. Unlike most conventional heritages, the conservation of agricultural heritage systems is a complex, systematic "engineering" in which both physical and biological components and associated socio-cultural processes should be conserved in a dynamic way. Farmers and heritage sites must benefit from the continuance of traditional agricultural production under the premise of ecological functions being sustained and traditional culture being inherited. For a more effective conservation, a multi- stakeholder process should be established involving governments at different levels, multi-disciplinary scientists, communities and farmers, and business enterprises as well as social organizations. As has been demonstrated, the conservation of agricultural heritage systems aims to promote the regional sustainable development, to improve the livelihood, food security and well-being of farm people, and to provide references for the development of modern agriculture in China. 展开更多
关键词 Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(China-NIAHS) dynamic conservation sustainable development China
Two centuries of April-July temperature change in southeastern China and its influence on grain productivity 被引量:9
作者 Jiangfeng Shi Jinbao Li +7 位作者 David D.Zhang Jingyun Zheng Shiyuan Shi Quansheng Ge Harry F.Lee Yesi Zhao Jie Zhang Huayu Lu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期40-45,共6页
China is a traditional agriculture based country and one main region for crop production is southeastern China where temperature is a dominant climate variable affecting agriculture. Temperature and social disturbance... China is a traditional agriculture based country and one main region for crop production is southeastern China where temperature is a dominant climate variable affecting agriculture. Temperature and social disturbances both influence crop production, yet distinguishing their relative impacts is difficult due to a lack of reliable, high-resolution historical climatic records before the very recent period. Here we present the first tree-ring based warm-season temperature reconstruction for southeastern China, a core region of the East Asian monsoon, for the past 227 years. The reconstruction target was April-July mean temperature, and our model explained 60.6% of the observed temperature variance during 1953–2012.Spatial correlation analysis showed that the reconstruction is representative of April-July temperature change over most of eastern China. The reconstructed temperature series agrees well with China-scale(heavily weighted in eastern China) agricultural production index values quite well at decadal timescales.The impacts of social upheavals on food production, such as those in the period 1920–1949, were confirmed after climatic influences were excluded. Our study should help distinguish the influence of social disturbance and warm-season temperature on grain productivity in the core agricultural region of China during the past two centuries. 展开更多
关键词 Temperature Grain productivity Social disturbance China Tree-rings
Strategic transformation of regionalization for the agricultural comprehensive development: The example of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China 被引量:2
作者 史文娇 胡云锋 +9 位作者 石晓丽 王宗 闫慧敏 徐自为 任博 匡文慧 徐新良 程维明 陈延 武东波 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第12期1675-1688,共14页
Strategic transformation of regionalization for agricultural comprehensive development(ACD) was presented by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China(MOF) in 2014. The regionalization is the premi... Strategic transformation of regionalization for agricultural comprehensive development(ACD) was presented by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China(MOF) in 2014. The regionalization is the premise and basis of the sustainable development and improved competitiveness for agriculture. Based on the environmental resources related to agriculture, such as cropland, climate, water resources, terrain, geomorphology, patterns of the ACD projects, distribution of ecological planning, etc., we devised 13 indices using the geographic comprehensive regionalization method. The indices took into account a combination of dynamic and static, qualitative and quantitative, as well as agricultural and ecological factors. The strategic transformation of regionalization for the ACD in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China was performed; seven types were included: prioritized regions, prioritized and restricted regions, protected regions, protected and restricted regions, restricted and prioritized regions, restricted and protected regions, and restricted regions. A further 24 subtypes were used based on locations and ecological zones. The regionalization results showed that prioritized regions were mainly in northern Ningxia, the most suitable area for agriculture. The protected and restricted regions were in central and southern Ningxia. In the central part, drought was the limiting factor for agriculture, and water conservation projects there should be supported. The ecological environment is fragile in southern Ningxia, so there is a need for ecologically sound agriculture to be developed in this region. Such regionaliza-tion could achieve two goals, namely agricultural conservation and eco-environmental protection. It was performed following the requirement for scientific regionalization to include three types of regions(prioritized regions, protected regions, and restricted regions), and was applied at the township scale in a provincial or autonomous region for the first time. The results provide both guidance for the strategic transformation of the ACD in Ningxia, and a reference for similar work in other provinces. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural comprehensive development (ACD) REGIONALIZATION sustainable development indices Ningxia
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