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浅谈中间状氧化铝对电解生产的影响 被引量:2
作者 王洪永 张鹏东 《轻金属》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期20-21,32,共3页
关键词 铝电解槽 氧化铝 影响 中间状 性能
作者 迈克.罗兰 赵秀云 《民族学刊》 2014年第3期1-3,共3页
本文的框架源于莫斯(Marcel Mauss)关于身体技术的论文。其在文中提出,"技术行为、身体行为、巫术-宗教行为作为作用力混合在一起"。换句话说,莫斯认为我们无法在一单一的技术行为中把这些层面分离出来,由此产生的产品反而是... 本文的框架源于莫斯(Marcel Mauss)关于身体技术的论文。其在文中提出,"技术行为、身体行为、巫术-宗教行为作为作用力混合在一起"。换句话说,莫斯认为我们无法在一单一的技术行为中把这些层面分离出来,由此产生的产品反而是那些原本被视为独立行为的一种现实化或者物质化。莫斯写到技术是对包括宗教和巫术在内的某种东西的一个"传统和灵效的行为"。他把技术看成是对主体的身体和思维具有物质性影响的实践。他与休伯特(Hubert)在其关于祭祀的论著中,对此进行了强调。莫斯的灵感主要来自他的朋友葛兰言(Marcel Granet)对道教呼吸术所做的描述,由此提出了一个基于技术上灵效行为的社会-心理学-生物学研究。祭祀作为身体的一个技术似乎显然就是一个灵效方面的例子,至少从"吉拉德的受害者"(Girardian victim)或"替罪羊"的观点来看是这样的。但是如果灵效的传统行为仅仅是为了某事而进行的一项制造行为,那么我认为莫斯的论断还没有得到充分运用。祭祀作为技术当然可以等同于灵效行为,即治愈、治疗、转变等,但是在某种意义上来说其也是物质的。作为一个实践,其具有物质效应,例如,把人作为物进行生产。不像通常所强调的仪式行为的非物质性,祭祀的目的是激发所发现的或制作的东西的生命力。祭祀是吸引和固化一个灵怪(a spirit),其或者已经以一个看不见的形式存在,或者通常是在一个物质领域里通过激活而存在。这个物质领域可以是一个固定的场所,一个神龛,或者是像一个木偶、一个鼓、一个葫芦等一样可以移动的物体。祭祀激活生命就如同说作为技术,其创造出了可以被引导到特定的终极点的一个主体,一个具有生命力的实体。大约在莫斯写身体技术的同时期,奥本海默(Assyriologist Leo Oppenheim)在其有关古美索不达米亚对神灵的关心和喂养(feeding)的著作中也有类似的观点。他批评艺术史学家在研究美索不达米亚古代神像时把这些神像看作是一种代表作而没有把它们看作一种生命体。他把那些史学家们不愿把这些实物看作生命体的原因归咎于受到了西方世界宗教发展中"释放事件"(releasing events)的影响。奥本海默展示了在古美索不达米亚城市里,国王是如何对这个城市的神像表达关心并进行喂养来履行其义务的。神的物质形象是由工匠在该城神庙的特别作坊里制作和修缮的,而在夜间的特殊仪式里,这些神灵将被给予"生命",也就是说,他们的眼睛和嘴将被"打开"以便这些神像可以"看"和"吃"。这些神像是由人类的手制造出来的,他们自己不是一开始就有一个神圣而神奇的渊源,而祭祀解决了这个问题,其作为一种给予生命的行为,使得人工制造品转变成了神圣的生命体。塞琉古帝国时期乌鲁克(Uruk)庙宇中的神像一天会得到两次喂养,即在开庙和关庙的时候。无论是怎样的食物,不管是流质、肉类、面包或者水果,只有在得到神像手指的触摸之后才能送给国王和他的朝廷成员享用。关于必须吃该城神祗的食物以表明身体上对这座城市的归属这一点在古埃及更加明显,在那里通常会有盛大的宴席,有时候"剩饭"(left overs)将会被一个城市的所有居民所享用。在这里,剩饭的享用非常重要,其意味着国王以及城市的祭司都没有与该城神祗共同坐在一张餐桌旁,神灵被认为是远离其依赖者的,而吃剩饭是人们对自己从属于神灵的认知。而在古希腊以及环地中海地区,祭祀行为中的喂养通常是一个集体行为:宴会中,人和神通常会坐在一起。祭祀作为给予生命的一种行为,通过吃、喂养以及对主体所依赖的创造力来源的认知创造出了一个人。这可以作为与葬礼仪式进行对比的基础,在葬礼仪式中死亡和尸体被设想成是献给神灵进行某种形式的喂养的牺牲。威尔南(Vernant)关于荷马时代葬礼中对肉体的火化和骨灰的收集的描述是基于《伊利亚特》中对阿基里斯(Achilles)为普特洛克勒斯(Patroclus)所举办的葬礼的描述:把普特洛克勒斯的肉体作为献给神灵的祭品放在火葬柴堆上进行焚烧......古美索不达米亚和地中海东部地区的例子给了我们生命制造的本质性启示。激活具有生命力的主体的潜能不仅需要大量的关心和关注,而且也需要在什么样的物体和物质可以被设想成具有实现生命孕育的潜能上做出选择。在喀麦隆的草原地区(Grassfields region),血被视为输血,通常用来激活实物和物质。但是作为物质的血的灵效性对所涉及的仪式和实物是不同的。贝克(Vivien Baeke)曾经就非洲的乌力人(Wuli)写过一本很好的民族志。在那里,祖先是被回避的,也就是说,死者的亡灵被认为是一个好坏参半的矛盾体。男人,作为封闭的男性组织的成员,并具有通达强大的对抗巫术物体/物质的途径,在他们死后会变成到处游荡的恶鬼,但是如果能够得到合理的对待,就可以通过劝说让他们栖居于一个与特殊神龛上特定组织相关的物体之上。如果被冒犯,死者的恶灵则会走向荒野/森林/灌木之中,与灌木中的灵怪为伍并转向巫术。如果通过劝说与活着的人待在一起,那么他们所栖居的物体或神龛将会容纳由姻亲派生出来的"水灵",也就是说水灵是男人虚构的姻亲,而死者/鬼魂是男系亲属的后代。但是属于特定的祭仪组织的物体如果没有得到适当的喂养,尤其是先前提到的具有输血"隐喻"的血的喂养,就没有什么意义。每个物体在治疗以及灾难原因的寻找上都具有特殊的力量,也就是说,同样的一个物体可以控制巫术,可以治疗/治愈,因为原因都是一样的。那么这些物体是什么呢?在当前大力强调物的物质性的潮流中,为什么这些神龛通常看起来像是杂乱无序地垒在一起的东西?表面上看在它们之间缺乏任何关联性,但是很清楚,欧洲整洁的思维观所看见的杂乱无序恰恰就是与这些组织相关的神龛以及物体的权力来源。如我先前所述,祭祀中的血是被当作一种输血,对它所泼到的物体或者场地进行喂养。活祭的重要性在于把物体与如何通过繁殖/活血的威力化解由死者游荡的亡魂所带来的死亡以及潜在的伤害联系在一起。在很多古老的文明中,个体的皮肤是被看成是装有各种东西的容器。祭祀在很多情况下是为了找到造成死亡的原因,而这需要一个技术性的行为。而乌力人为了确定死亡的原因,他们的验尸行为是公开进行的。在这些案例中,对待尸体几乎就如对待动物牺牲。在那些曾经有验尸或者现在还有验尸习俗的地方,尸体被看成是一种牺牲,这是更广意义的技术中的一部分,这种技术是为了找到疾病或者死亡的原因,是一个激活物体和物质来进行探测并对造祸者进行惩罚的一个过程。我先前谈到乌力人的"水灵"通过婚姻进入到一个群体。从历史上寻求其根源,这很像是与奴隶贸易以及通过与白人之间的买卖货物/枪支获取财富等有关。以正确的方向指引亡灵,使其栖居于灌木之中或者一个有水的地方,与灌木或荒野中的灵怪为伍,以防止"巫术"。这同样也是对来自外界的包括国家权力、殖民规则以及流行病等各种"恶"的一种隐喻。过去,死者埋葬之后紧接着的是"哭丧"(cry die)或者死亡庆典以便确认亡灵已经被送走并得到纪念。"哭丧"的中心层面是表演与死者亡灵有关的乐舞,另一中心点是喂养和愉悦生者和死者。要阐述死亡庆典中的吃与乐舞的重要性,我们可以引入另一事实,即多数非洲语言以及所有的班图语中,对各种不同类型的"吃"在词汇的运用上有着区分,尤其是在吞咽软的碎末状食物与咀嚼撕咬食物的"吃"是非常不同的。比如喀麦隆的两个与吃相关的词汇"dzie"和"kfuru"中的情绪内涵就非常不同。"dzie"是"好的吃",是一种滋养的,统一的。而"kfuru"则很大程度上与巫术联系在一起,其强调的是破坏性地享用他者的生命。我们可以把"吃"的区别看成是非洲语言和思维模式的一种普遍特征。总之,祭祀作为给予生命的一个行为,通过吃与喂养以及对这个主体的创造力源泉的依赖的认知,创造了一个主体。这是将之与葬礼仪式进行对比的基础,在葬礼中死亡和尸体被设想成是牺牲,这个牺牲就某种形式而言是用于"喂养"神灵的。但是在"活祭"的行为中也存在很多不同,其融入到了包括食物、吃以及创造力的一个更广泛的实践之中。我对生命制造的关注点不是为了简单地把牺牲(sacrifice)看成是一种杀戮行为,因为在我所谈到第五卷情况下,并不清楚"杀戮"是被理解成祭祀的结果,还是必要的调解。"杀戮"并不被认为是一个令人难过的行为或者是与神灵之间的交易,而是被作为一个传递的过程,在这个过程中一种象征性的能量存储从一个人传递给另一个人,或者从一个地方或者一个物体传到另一个地方或物体上。看来焦点更多在于一个可移动能量的流动性和连通性并鼓励其"固定下来"以期该能量能够尽可能长地保留在一个地方,产生理想的效果或者传递一种非常具体的具有保护性或疗效的功能。就字面意义而言,沃纳(Warner)关于把身体看作一个里外间可以相互渗透的容器的观点在这一点上可以作为把祭祀理解成可能就是一种简单的释放和流动的行为的一个较好的办法。所有生命都是通过类似的行为构成的这个事实意味着"祭祀"仅仅是更广地理解生命制造的一个层面。真正的问题来自面对干涉和打断那种行为的过程以及排除参与它们的那些技术行为。在这里,不是暴力使得祭祀产生灵效,而是在祭祀看起来要失败的情况下产生了暴力。 展开更多
关键词 祭祀 物化 喂养 中间状
单侧梨状脑中间区内微量注射生理盐水对大鼠杏仁核电点燃癫痫大发作的影响 被引量:3
作者 朱媛媛 诸葛正兵 +2 位作者 王爽 杨丽霞 陈忠 《浙江大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期141-145,共5页
目的:探讨在大鼠梨状脑中间区微量注射生理盐水对杏仁核电点燃癫痫大发作的影响。方法:大鼠每日进行杏仁核电点燃直至达到大发作状态,随后在单侧梨状脑中间区内注射不同体积的生理盐水,并在注射后10min、30min、1d、4d、7d、10d观察大... 目的:探讨在大鼠梨状脑中间区微量注射生理盐水对杏仁核电点燃癫痫大发作的影响。方法:大鼠每日进行杏仁核电点燃直至达到大发作状态,随后在单侧梨状脑中间区内注射不同体积的生理盐水,并在注射后10min、30min、1d、4d、7d、10d观察大发作的发生率和阈值变化,以及持续时间的变化。结果:在同侧或对侧梨状脑中间区内注射0.1μl和0.25μl及1μl的生理盐水,均能剂量依赖性地降低癫痫大发作发生率,同时显著缩短大发作持续时间(P<0.05),而且这种作用可持续10d。同侧组在注射各个剂量生理盐水10min后即可显著升高GST(P<0.05),持续10d,而对侧组在注射剂量为0.1μl的生理盐水30min后才显著升高GST(P<0.05)。结论:单侧梨状脑中间区内注射生理盐水能够抑制大鼠杏仁核电点燃癫痫大发作,提示可能成为一种对颞叶癫痫有效的治疗手段。 展开更多
关键词 癫痫/药物疗法 杏仁核电点燃 中间 生理盐水 动物 实验
《有色设备》 1993年第3期44-44,共1页
由沈阳铝镁设计研究院、青海铝厂、沈阳矿冶研究所共同承担的青海铝厂160kA中间加料预焙阳极电解槽及阳极焙烧炉烟气干法净化回收系统消化吸收项目取得成果。该成果包括五个方面内容: 160kA中间加料预焙阳极电解槽是在消化吸收引进技术... 由沈阳铝镁设计研究院、青海铝厂、沈阳矿冶研究所共同承担的青海铝厂160kA中间加料预焙阳极电解槽及阳极焙烧炉烟气干法净化回收系统消化吸收项目取得成果。该成果包括五个方面内容: 160kA中间加料预焙阳极电解槽是在消化吸收引进技术基础上作了重大的改进。 展开更多
关键词 预焙阳极 阳极焙烧炉 电解槽系列 干法净化 消化吸收 沈阳矿冶研究所 回收系统 引进技术 中间状氧化铝 槽电压
作者 刘坦柱 吴永 《船舶标准化工程师》 2013年第4期23-25,共3页
关键词 船用低速柴油机 水力测功器 连接原理 连接方式 5RT-flex58T-D机型 “饼中间轴结构
国产氧化铝在铝电解生产中的应用实践 被引量:1
作者 谭湘宁 武明祖 王进录 《云南冶金》 2009年第4期42-44,共3页
关键词 氧化铝 电解槽 国产 进口 中间状
作者 顾生旺 《国外医学(流行病学.传染病学分册)》 1999年第4期155-158,共4页
关键词 细胞角蛋白 中间蛋白 祖代肝细胞 肝病
一种精确提取三维脑图像对称面的方法 被引量:1
作者 张宝贵 刘露 +1 位作者 宋明 蒋田仔 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1698-1702,共5页
在脑图像的结构和功能研究中,提取三维脑图像中间矢状位对称面(MSP)起着很重要的作用。本文提出一种自动分步精确优化的计算方法,通过结合子空间粗略定位及原始空间小范围精确优化计算,提高计算精度,可有效简化初始对称面的选择,并使用P... 在脑图像的结构和功能研究中,提取三维脑图像中间矢状位对称面(MSP)起着很重要的作用。本文提出一种自动分步精确优化的计算方法,通过结合子空间粗略定位及原始空间小范围精确优化计算,提高计算精度,可有效简化初始对称面的选择,并使用Powell优化算法高效计算出对称面。采用本算法对多种条件的模拟数据和真实数据进行性能测试,对于不同模态、噪声水平和不均匀场等数据均获得了较其他代表性方法更好的提取结果。 展开更多
关键词 中间位对称面 脑图像 优化
Influence of medium components on elastase production using crude sources by Bacillus sp.EL31410 被引量:3
作者 何国庆 陈启和 +1 位作者 张丽 刘小杰 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第2期142-151,共10页
A newly isolated strain EL31410, producing elastase (E.C3.4.4.7) with h igh elastolytic activity was identified as Bacillus sp. In the medium opt imizat ion, it was found that wheat bran and soybean flour hydrosate we... A newly isolated strain EL31410, producing elastase (E.C3.4.4.7) with h igh elastolytic activity was identified as Bacillus sp. In the medium opt imizat ion, it was found that wheat bran and soybean flour hydrosate were the best crud e carbon and nitrogen source for enzyme production, respectively. Addition of co rn steep flour can affect the bacterium growth and elastase production. A fracti onal factorial design was applied to study the main factors that affect the enzy me production, and central composite experimental design and response surface me thodology were adopted to derive a statistical model for the effect of wheat bra n and soybean flour hydrosate on elastase production. The experimental results s howed that wheat bran had positive effect but soybean flour hydrosate had neg ative effect, on enzyme production. An initial concentration of 3.4%(w/v) wh eat b ran and 9.4%(v/v) soybean flour hydrosate were found to be optimal for enzyme pr oduction in batch culture. The time course of elastase production in the optimiz ed medium composition was also described. 展开更多
关键词 ELASTASE Bacillus sp. EL31410 Crude sources Medium o ptimization Fractional factorial design (FFD) Central composite design (CCD) Response surface methodology (RSM) Batch cultivation
Remote Monitoring System of Ship Running State under Wireless Network
作者 LI Ning 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2017年第5期181-185,共5页
In order to improve the stability and safety of ship operation, real-time monitoring to running state of the ship, a ship remote monitoring system, the running state of the design of wireless network system, including... In order to improve the stability and safety of ship operation, real-time monitoring to running state of the ship, a ship remote monitoring system, the running state of the design of wireless network system, including ship running state feature acquisition module, AD conversion module, bus transmission module, wireless network communication module, integrated control module and human-computer interaction module, ship communication network uses remote satellite communications and wireless sensor networking technology, SIP session initiation protocol H. 23 protocol based on IETF and wireless network communication for ship design. To focus on the implementation of the multi thread control method for ship running state monitoring instruction, monitoring system application development and integration in cross compiler GCC compiler environment, design software platform monitoring system using heterogeneous and hierarchical middleware technology, network access services and real-time monitoring service ship monitoring system, the system test results show that the designed remote monitoring system of ship running state can monitor the running state characteristics of ship in real time, and the system has good adaptability and reliability. 展开更多
关键词 Wireless network SHIP condition monitoring system design MIDDLEWARE software.
A Development Study on the Ordering Distribution of Temporal Adverbial Clauses by Chinese EFL Learners Based on Dependency Treebank
作者 Wenwen LI Yijun LONG 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第4期551-565,612,613,共17页
Temporal adverbial clause is an important language structure and exhibits different features in English and Chinese,which brings about difficulties for Chinese EFL learners.Based on the theory of Dependency Grammar,th... Temporal adverbial clause is an important language structure and exhibits different features in English and Chinese,which brings about difficulties for Chinese EFL learners.Based on the theory of Dependency Grammar,the study attempts to investigate the ordering distribution of temporal adverbial clauses by Chinese EFL learners at the beginning,intermediate and advanced levels.The results show that:1)Chinese EFL learners at different proficiencies tend to precede temporal adverbial clause to main clause.With the increase of proficiency,the postposition of temporal adverbial clauses by learners increases and is approaching to the ordering preference of target language.2)The ordering distribution of subordinators for temporal adverbial clauses by Chinese EFL learners is consistent with native English,showing a tendency of 100%preposition,which ascribes to the high frequency and salience of subordinators in English.3)MDD is one of the significant motivations that cause the preference of prepositional temporal adverbial clauses by Chinese EFL learners.As a kind of natural language,interlanguage has a unique cognitive mechanism which distinguishes from both native and target language.This study provides a more comprehensive theoretical reference for learners at different proficiencies to understand and learn temporal adverbial clauses,as well as data support from empirical research for language teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese EFL learners temporal adverbial clauses ordering distribution dependency treebank MDD
Effects of coal prices on merchandise prices in China 被引量:4
作者 Ding Zhihua Zhou Meihua Liu Yan 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第5期651-654,共4页
Coal is the principal form of energy used in China. Hence, coal price variations are expected to have some influence on merchandise prices. Monthly data from January, 2002, to October, 2010, were used to construct a v... Coal is the principal form of energy used in China. Hence, coal price variations are expected to have some influence on merchandise prices. Monthly data from January, 2002, to October, 2010, were used to construct a varying-parameter state space model, and an error correction model, to estimate the influence of coat prices on Chinese merchandise prices. The time lag and the dynamic relationship were determined from the data. A long term equilibrium relationship between coal price and the PPI, and the CPI, can be observed. The long term influence of coal price fluctuations on the PPI is 0.263%. The corresponding value for the CPI is 0.157%. The PPI shows an influence from coal price change in the first period of observation: by eight periods the influence is obvious, after which it diminishes. The effect of coal price change on the CPI is rather weak and has no long term memory. Analysis of variance shows a similar situation. The elas- ticity coefficient of coal prices on the CPI, or the PPI, fluctuates over the 2002-2004 period. From 2002 to 2007 the influence elasticity on the CPI declined and subsequently levelled off after 2009. 展开更多
关键词 Coal priceState space modelMerchandise pricePrice fluctuation
Effect of intermediate principal stress on strength of soft rock under complex stress states 被引量:1
作者 马宗源 廖红建 党发宁 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期1583-1593,共11页
A series of numerical simulations of conventional and true triaxial tests for soft rock materials using the three-dimensional finite difference code FLAC3D were presented. A hexahedral element and a strain hardening/s... A series of numerical simulations of conventional and true triaxial tests for soft rock materials using the three-dimensional finite difference code FLAC3D were presented. A hexahedral element and a strain hardening/softening constitutive model based on the unified strength theory(UST) were used to simulate both the consolidated-undrained(CU) triaxial and the consolidated-drained(CD) true triaxial tests. Based on the results of the true triaxial tests simulation, the effect of the intermediate principal stress on the strength of soft rock was investigated. Finally, an example of an axial compression test for a hard rock pillar with a soft rock interlayer was analyzed using the two-dimensional finite difference code FLAC. The CD true triaxial test simulations for diatomaceous soft rock suggest the peak and residual strengths increase by 30% when the effect of the intermediate principal stress is taken into account. The axial compression for a rock pillar indicated the peak and residual strengths increase six-fold when the soft rock interlayer approached the vertical and the effect of the intermediate principal stress is taken into account. 展开更多
关键词 soft rock strength strain-softening complex stress state effect of intermediate principal stress
Analysis and Prototyping of Multicellular DC-DC Transformer for Environmentally Friendly Data Centers
作者 Yusuke Hayashi Tamotsu Ninomiya 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第5期313-323,共11页
A multicellular DCX (dc-dc transformer) using unregulated cell converters has been proposed for the environmentally friendly data centers. The high speed cell converter with the switching frequency over MHz behaves ... A multicellular DCX (dc-dc transformer) using unregulated cell converters has been proposed for the environmentally friendly data centers. The high speed cell converter with the switching frequency over MHz behaves as an ideal transformer, and this behavior solves the voltage imbalance issue in the multicellular converter topology. The analysis of the unregulated cell converter is conducted by using the state space averaging method, and the operation condition for the ideal transformer is specified. The behavior of the multicellular DCX using the high speed cell converters has been also analyzed, and the voltage imbalance issue among cell converters is discussed quantitatively. A prototype of a 19.2 kW 384 V-384 V multicellular DCX using sixty-four unregulated cell converters is fabricated and the validity of the analyses is verified. 展开更多
关键词 DCX (dc-dc transformer) high frequency dc-dc converter ISOP (input series output parallel) IPOS (input parallel output series) state space averaging method.
High-entropy perovskite oxides: A versatile class of materials for nitrogen reduction reactions
作者 Kaibin Chu Jingjing Qin +9 位作者 Haiyan Zhu Michiel De Ras Chuang Wang Lei Xiong Longsheng Zhang Nan Zhang Johan A.Martens Johan Hofkens Feili Lai Tianxi Liu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第10期2711-2720,共10页
Despite the intense research efforts directed to electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction(eNRR),the NH_(3) yield and selectivity are still not up to the standard of practical application.Here,high-entropy perovski... Despite the intense research efforts directed to electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction(eNRR),the NH_(3) yield and selectivity are still not up to the standard of practical application.Here,high-entropy perovskite oxides with composition Bax(FeCoNiZrY)_(0.2)O_(3−δ)(Bx(FCNZY)_(0.2)(x=0.9,1)are reported as eNRR catalysts.The eNRR activity of high-entropy perovskite oxide is enhanced by changing the nonstoichiometric metal elements at the A-site,thus generating additional oxygen vacancies.The NH_(3) yield and Faraday efficiency for B_(0.9)(FCNZY)_(0.2) are 1.51 and 1.95 times higher than those for B(FCNZY)_(0.2),respectively.The d-band center theory is used to theoretically predict the catalytically active center at the B-site,and as a result,nickel was identified as the catalytic site.The free energy values of the intermediate states in the optimal distal pathway show that the third protonation step(*NNH_(2)→*NNH_(3))is the rate-determining step and that the increase in oxygen vacancies in the high-entropy perovskite contributes to nitrogen adsorption and reduction.This work provides a framework for applying high-entropy structures with active site diversity for electrocatalytic nitrogen fixation. 展开更多
关键词 high entropy PEROVSKITE nitrogen reduction reaction catalytic activity center
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